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What Is Tourism?

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Learning Objectives

•To know what Tourism is.

•To know the meaning of tourist

•To inform you the importance of Tourism

•To know the elements of Travel

Definition of Tourism


Although many of us have been “tourists” at some point in our lives, defining
what tourism actually is can be difficult. When your hear the word tourism what
comes in your mind?

But do you know that there are different definitions of tourism? The reasons are
they have different interpretations or definitions about tourism. In order to
prevent the disaccords to define "Tourism", UNWTO defined it as indicated

"Tourism is the activities of people traveling to and staying in places outside their
usual environment for leisure, business or other purposes for not more than one
consecutive year."

Tourism is a dynamic and competitive industry that requires the ability to adapt
constantly to customers’ changing needs and desires, as the customer’s
satisfaction, safety and enjoyment are particularly the focus of tourism
Forms of tourism

The UN/WTO standards distinguish three basic forms of tourism:

Domestic tourism, involving residents of the given country travelling only within
this country;

Inbound tourism, involving non-residents travelling in the given country;

Outbound tourism, involving residents travelling in another country.

Meaning of Tourist
A tourist is a person who is visiting a place for pleasure and
interest, especially when they are on vacation.

How do we know if a person is a tourist?

First duration.
“Tourist” is a person who travels to destinations outside his/her residence and
working place, and stays for at least 24 hours but not more than a year, for the
purpose of leisure or business.

Second distance
Anyone who travels 50 miles (80.5 kilometers) away from his or her residence is
called a tourist , this is the definition of the World Tourism Organization (a body
of the United Nations ).

Third purpose of travel

Relaxation, recreation, or other purposes

The Importance of Tourism
Tourism is a huge industry, and it has been an integral contributor to the growth of many countries. This
booming sector is something that the whole world celebrates.

It doesn’t matter which country you live in, there is always a group of people who are interested in
visiting your homeland. It’s because of this that tourism has become such an important part of every
country’s economy and global standing.

A country can gain so much from its tourism sector, making it vital to the wellbeing of a nation’s
foundation. This sector, when thriving, brings in an abundance of wealth, growth, exposure and
employment opportunities.

Whether a tourist is ordering margaritas on the beach, taking a local food tour, or locking up their skis to
enjoy some apres-ski drinks, they’re contributing to the country’s well-being. We are going to discuss
the many facets of tourism that make it the powerful spearhead that it is, and why it is important for
every country to embrace it and built it up.

7 reasons why tourism is important.

Let’s break down some of the key factors that make tourism the vital component that it is to a country’s
wellbeing. We will share with you the top things that make this industry so powerful, and then touch on
how these advantages of tourism positively impact countries all around the world.

1. Brings in an Influx of Wealth

One of, if not the biggest benefit that tourism has for every country is that it provides a way for the
economy to receive an influx of wealth. This becomes a very important factor for countries that have
newer, weaker economies and need the boost.

There are plenty of countries within Africa that are especially in need of this, and therefore they rely
heavily on their tourism sector.

The tourists that travel from first-world countries provide foreign cash that is much stronger than the
local economies of third world countries. This, in turn, means that they are willing to spend much more,
due to the strength of their money in a particular area. Of course, this has many advantages for a

Not only is this money spent on popular tourist attractions and activities that help to fund local tour
operators, small businesses and vendors, but it also goes towards their general stay.

Tourists can spend a massive amount on their accommodation, dining, and more, allowing money to
flow towards hotels, food and transport. So a broad range of local businesses gets to maximize on this
and benefit.

2. A Source of Diverse Income.

There are a handful of industries that make up the backbone of most countries, and when these
industries fall short, the entire economy becomes strained. Tourism is one of the industries that is
reasonably reliable, and offers a constant flow of income into the country.

This means that tourism can sometimes be a country’s main industry. As others change with the
seasons, tourism remains heavy. Tourism assists to ease the strain caused from suffering industries, and
helps minimize the massive effect this has on the country’s economy.
Tourism can, in some cases, even be considered somewhat of a safety net. It has an incredible
economical benefit, and it is especially wonderful for new and developing economies.

3. Job Opportunities
One of the best advantages to tourism, is the way it creates a multitude of job opportunities for locals.
Job creation is perhaps the most obvious benefit of tourism within every country.

This can spread throughout all fields, from the pilots who fly the planes connecting to other countries, to
the people who are washing dishes in the restaurant kitchens. The rise in customers within a wide range
of business fields during a tourist peak season is enormously beneficial.

Tourism also provides new jobs for the local people within countries, opening up doors for many new
locally-run businesses to be started. The tourist industry allows for jobs to be created from these new
businesses within the travel and tourism sector.
Even the produce farmers will benefit from the increased want for whatever it is that they buy or sell,
and more jobs may open up on the farm due to the increased demand.

4. Building Infrastructure
An undoubted, very important benefit of tourism is that the construction and improvement of a
country’s infrastructure are supported by this industry. Due to the flow of wealth gained from tourists,
local communities can afford to upkeep and build upon their roads, community areas, schools, hospitals,
and parks.

A booming tourism industry will not be sustained in a country that does not have the correct
infrastructure, as it will be difficult for tourists to get around and there will not be many activities
available. Say, for example, a country’s roads are severely damaged and cannot be driven on – this will
mean tourists cannot get to where they want or need to be.

Therefore, a country puts money into its infrastructure and maintenance, helping to increase the overall
wellness of the nation.
5. Social Advantages
Tourism can enhance the feeling of pride that local tribes and villages feel towards their communities
and traditions. Tourists will travel to a country to learn about these ancient customs, and immerse
themselves in the culture.

As most tourists want an authentic experience, this means that the locals can showcase and celebrate
their traditions and culture, keeping the fire burning on sacred customs that might have died out

In this way, tourism also allows for the expansion of local heritage sites and structures. The spots
become tourist destinations, and can, therefore, pump money into the economy, meaning the sites will
be well kept and preserved over time.
This means that sacred sites become protected and maintained, as opposed to being destroyed or
weathered by time. The traditions originated within these sites are secured in the process.

6. Environmental Protection
The entire world is starting to take environmental health more seriously. With this, there is a demand
for places to be more environmentally friendly. Tourist operators and businesses are now making
themselves stand out by being more aware of the environment and providing eco-tours.

What these businesses then impact is the wellness of the environment, improving upon the ways in
which massive habitats are treated. Important natural areas now remain protected and preserved
because of their value to the tourism industry.

The practice of environmentally friendly tours and accommodation encourages tourists to respect the
untouched lands they visit, meaning that these places and their inhabitants remain unharmed.
7. Business Opportunities
When it comes to the massive amount of opportunities that tourism offers, the best of them is the
opportunity for local businesses. This is an especially important plus for third world countries that are
developing their economies.

Entrepreneurs get the chance to start up their own new businesses or sell their own unique products to
tourists. This is something that comes only with a booming tourism industry, as more often than not, the
businesses would not be able to sustain themselves without the flow of tourists.

The money that the tourists bring in gives local businesses a fantastic boost that helpsr them to grow
quickly. This is a major advantage and is a vital key for businesses that sell products or services that are
customized for tourists’ needs. In this way, tourism plays a huge role in the growth and support of the
economies in developing countries.

It is because of this amazing benefit that some countries depend entirely on their tourism sector to fund
their economies. This is one of the main reasons why tourism has become needed all across the planet,
and plays such an important role for countries.
Last Words on The Importance of Tourism

Tourism has become the legs which many countries use to walk forward, and it is something that brings
joy to many people all across the globe. The simple fact that people of all nationalities can get together
and appreciate one another by visiting certain countries is a true blessing.

Along with the pride and enjoyment that tourism evokes, it is also a huge industry that supports the
lives of millions of people. Countries that would otherwise be devastated, find their means to grow from

It is because of these various points that tourism will remain a very important part of our world!

Elements of Travel
Four basic elements have been used as criteria for defining travelers and/or tourists. These are:
distance, length of stay at the destination, residence of the traveler and purpose of travel.


A measure that has been used to distinguish travel away from home is the distance traveled on a trip. A
trip is defined as “each time a persons goes to a place3 at least 100 miles away from home returns.”
Travelers on this basis are individuals who travel at least 100 miles in one direction from home. This
definition may be applied in measuring travel by the residents of country.

Tourist are temporarily visitors who make at least one overnight stay while exercunists are temporary
visitors who do not stay overnight in the country that they visit.


The residence or origin of the traveler is the third basic element of travel. For business and research
purposes, it is important to know where people live.


The fourth basic element is the purpose of travel. It can be divided into seven;

1. Visiting friends and relatives.

2. Conventions, seminars and meetings

3. Business

4. Odor recreation- hunting, fishing, boating and camping.

5. Entertainment- sightseeing, theater, sports

6. Personal, family-medical, funeral, wedding

7. Others









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