RT Why Human Rights Matter en
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Why human
rights matter
About Rio Tinto
We are committed to delivering value at each We are also determined to minimise the
stage of metal and mineral production. Our environmental effects of our activities and
businesses include open pit and underground ensure that local communities benefit as
mines, mills, refineries and smelters as well as much as possible from our operations.
a number of research and service facilities.
Our values – accountability, respect, teamwork
The majority of our operations are in Australia and integrity – are expressed through our
and North America, but we also have businesses business principles, policies and standards and
in South America, Europe, southern Africa underpin the way we manage the economic,
and Asia. social and environmental effects of our
operations and how we govern our business.
Wherever we operate, health and safety is our
first priority. We put sustainable development Our approach, coupled with our diverse portfolio
at the heart of all our Group businesses, working of quality assets, positions us to deliver superior
as closely as possible with host countries and returns to our shareholders over time and
communities and respecting local laws continue to grow on a global scale.
and customs.
Rio Tinto Exploration,
Mozambique: local people
observing a drill rig in
between drilling locations.
Photographed by
Grant Lee Nuerenberg.
Why human January 2013
rights matter
1. Introduction
Foreword 06
Contributors to this guide 08
Introduction 11
2. How to guide
2.1 At the centre – inclusive engagement 20
2.2 Know and understand 34
2.3 Plan and implement 53
2.4 Monitor, evaluate and improve 71
2.5 Report and communicate 84
4. References
Appendices 89
Rio Tinto’s policies, standards and guidances 91
Key websites 92
List of acronyms 93
References 95
A local woman carrying
water in a village near
Rio Tinto Diamonds’
Bunder camp near Madhya
Pradesh, India.
Why human January 2013
rights matter
Case studies
Why human January 2013
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The world is paying more attention to our human This guide focuses on what due diligence, risk
rights performance. Investors, governments, non- assessment and community engagement mean in
government organisations, the media and industry a human rights context, examines why human rights
associations are scrutinising the policies and matter in Communities and Social Performance
processes we have in place to respect human rights, (CSP) work, and illustrates how our processes and
and are watching closely how we deal with adverse systems align with international standards and
impacts if things go wrong. We are also moving into expectations, using real-life examples we have
more challenging regions where there is a greater encountered in our business.
risk of human rights exposures through business
relationships. We want to ensure that all field The guide is written primarily for our CSP
workers respect, can recognise and if necessary practitioners who interact daily with our host
help remedy any human rights impacts. communities and want to ‘do the right thing’ in the
face of the dilemmas they encounter. But we hope
We know that our decisions and actions, whether that it will be of use to all Rio Tinto employees,
inadvertent or deliberate, can result in adverse and of interest to our stakeholders who want to
human impacts. We also recognise that respecting understand how we meet our ‘responsibility to
human rights is a continual process which we will respect human rights’.
always strive to improve. We are determined to
be proactive. While it is tempting to believe that
simple human decency can be our compass, the
complexity of our interaction with local communities,
and the human rights issues which arise as a result,
requires a systematic approach and expert guidance.
Bruce Harvey
Global practice leader, Communities and Social Performance
Vicky Bowman
Global practice leader, External Affairs
Why human January 2013
rights matter
To capture international experiences of human rights issues and concerns and to promote good
practice concepts, approaches and experiences, this guide has been reviewed by an Internal Working
Group, consisting of Rio Tinto representatives from different departments and geographical locations,
and by an External Review Panel of experts in human rights.
The panel was asked to advise and to challenge Rio Tinto’s thinking, to suggest key resources and
literature and to provide criticism. While it was not possible to incorporate all of the feedback, the
panel’s input has been invaluable. The listing of External Review Panel members does not imply their
full endorsement of the content.
The Background reader was written by experienced professionals from the Business and Human Rights
Department at the Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR). It is intended to provide more information
on current international human rights standards as they affect businesses in general. It was not
prepared by Rio Tinto and does not necessarily represent its views.
This guide has been developed in partnership with the Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining (CSRM),
part of the Sustainable Minerals Institute at The University of Queensland.
Why human January 2013
rights matter
Principal authors:
Julie Kim
Research assistant, Centre for
Social Responsibility in Mining
Key contributors:
Why human January 2013
rights matter
Other acknowledgements
Rio Tinto would like to thank Carolyn Lidgerwood Centre for Social Responsibility
all those who reviewed and Senior advisor/counsel, Privacy in Mining
commented on the various
drafts of this guide, including: Tanya Martin Professor David Brereton
Principal advisor, Local Centre director
Rio Tinto and Sustainable, Rio Tinto
Procurement Nora Götzmann
Josie Caird Former research assistant
Chief counsel, Melanie Wilson
People and Organisation Senior advisor, Communities Nina Collins
and Social Performance Research assistant
Skye Crawford
Group advisor, Graduate Talent Nadia Younes
Global advisor,
Tara Hopkins Diversity and Inclusion
Chief adviser, External Affairs
Why human January 2013
rights matter
1. Introduction
Rio Tinto has updated its human rights policy to reflect recent developments
in business and human rights, such as the revision of the OECD Guidelines on
Multinational Enterprises and the 2011 endorsement of the UN Guiding Principles
on Business and Human Rights. Our policy affirms that we support human rights
in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and respect those
rights in conducting the Group’s operations throughout the world. This guide has
been prepared to assist our Communities and Social Performance (CSP) practitioners
and other Rio Tinto employees across the organisation to integrate human rights
considerations into their work.
Respecting human rights helps to underpin our This guide consists of:
1. International Council
on Mining and Metals business success. – i nformation on ‘How to’ integrate human rights
(2012). Human rights considerations into our CSP work;
in the mining and Rio Tinto understands that not doing so poses – a Background reader prepared by the Danish
metals industry: very real risks to the company such as operational Institute for Human Rights (DIHR) with more
Integrating human delays, legal disputes, reputational harm, investor
rights due diligence detailed information on international human
into corporate challenges, loss of social licence to operate and rights instruments, their relevance to the
risk management employee dissatisfaction. On the other hand, the business context, current debates and external
processes, March actions we take in support of human rights help us resources; and
2012. p64.
to build enduring and positive relationships across – appendices on Rio Tinto’s Human rights
the community and the world. policy and voluntary commitments relating
Our Human Rights Framework, which aligns with to human rights.
our commitments under the OECD Guidelines This guide is written primarily for Rio Tinto
for Multinational Enterprises and reflects the UN employees and managers who encounter human
Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, rights issues when engaging with communities.
has its foundations in human rights due diligence, Those employees may be employed in CSP roles
carried out as part of our corporate processes. We but may also work in health and safety, environment,
recognise that certain rights may be more ‘at risk’ human resources, procurement, security or be
than others in our day-to-day operations. involved in projects or other work that relate to
The International Council on Mining and Metals communities. This guide also includes a number of
(ICMM) has recently identified some prevailing tools, checklists and case studies. These have been
human rights issues for the mining and metals included as examples of good practice and are for
sector1. Many of these issues such as resettlement, the purposes of guidance only. This guide does not
water services, and security are more likely to affect attempt to cover all aspects of Rio Tinto’s interface
the human rights of communities where mining with human rights; these are outlined in the Human
and metals companies operate than those of other rights guidance and issue-specific guidances.
businesses. It is important that our CSP practitioners Why human rights matter is the third in a series of
and other employees working with local communities guides for CSP practitioners following Why gender
understand our human rights approach and the matters and Why cultural heritage matters.
processes available to protect these communities’
human rights. This document provides guidance
and should be read in conjunction with the Group-
wide Human rights policy and guidance, and other
relevant tools (see appendices A and B).
Why human January 2013
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Why human January 2013
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Why human January 2013
rights matter
3. T
his table provides Table 13: Examples of human rights related issues mining and metal companies might face
hypothetical examples
of negative impacts Right to housing A mine relocates people from their homes and land. The resettlement process occurs without
on human rights that
mining, metals and
adequate consultation and results in poorer housing conditions post-relocation.
associated operations
may face. The list is
Population influx resulting from a mining project drives up the price of local housing,
not exhaustive and forcing poorer members of a community to move into substandard dwellings.
is not intended as a
hierarchy. It is also Right to health A mining operation exposes local communities to hazardous materials.
recognised that some
risks may arise from Influx of construction workers contributes to the spread of STIs (sexually transmitted
the cumulative impact infections) in the local community.
of multiple operations
and may not be solely Population influx from a mining project places pressure on existing local health facilities
attributable to
Rio Tinto.
and negatively impacts local access to services.
Right to A mine development causes the relocation or destruction of a local school, or entails
education resettlement of communities to a location without adequate educational facilities.
Local teachers seek higher paying jobs in mining and local schools are left under staffed.
Right to an Mining activities restrict or prevent people’s access to land used for subsistence livelihoods,
adequate affecting their food security.
standard of
living Disruption of natural water flows means that people are no longer able to irrigate crops or
grow enough food for their needs.
Artisanal small-scale mining is prohibited by a company or government affecting local
traditional livelihoods.
Right to Mining activities lead to the destruction or loss of access to a significant cultural heritage.
participate in
cultural life Mining operations significantly impede traditional or cultural ways of living.
Unplanned in-migration leads to the decline of important cultural heritage practices.
Right to security Public or private security personnel use excessive force while evicting illegal small-scale
of person miners from the site or in breaking up community protests.
Unplanned in-migration leads to law and order issues in the community.
Influx of contract workers causes an increase in crime and risk of violence against women
and children.
Right to freedom Government representatives and/or security forces present at company-held consultation
of opinion and meetings inhibit free expression by the community.
A company discourages local media from publishing an unfavourable article regarding
mining impacts.
Contractor security forces quell a peaceful community protest.
Right to non- A company only consults with male decision-makers in the community, excluding women
discrimination and youth.
A company only hires non-Indigenous men locally for labour positions and excludes local
women and Indigenous people from employment opportunities.
Right to potable Mining activities pollute a stream which local people rely on for drinking water.
water and
sanitation Mining impacts an aquifer, causing community wells used for drinking water to run dry.
Right to work Contractors do not pay their local workers in line with prevailing local economic conditions.
including right
to safe working Suppliers providing products such as food do not ensure safe working conditions for their
conditions employees in community-based enterprises.
Why human January 2013
rights matter
Our corporate human rights framework –d eveloping CSP multi-year plans that consider
Rio Tinto operates across the world in places all social performance issues (refer to Rio Tinto’s
with widely different social, economic, political CSP multi-year planning guidance);
and cultural norms. Notwithstanding this diversity –d esigning and implementing site-based policies,
of circumstance we are committed to respecting procedures and plans that have implications for
human rights wherever we operate, whether the local communities, including:
country is developed or developing, and high risk – workforce recruitment and management
or low risk for human rights impacts, and through (eg human resource plans and procedures);
all stages of the life of the operation. – procurement of goods and services
(eg use of contractors, local sourcing
Rio Tinto’s human rights framework is established by: policies and procedures, local business
– The way we work. Rio Tinto’s global code of development programmes);
business conduct provides that we actively seek – security arrangements (see Rio Tinto’s
to ensure we are not complicit in human rights guidance, Implementing security and human
abuses and avoid situations that could be rights principles and Providing support to
interpreted as tolerating human rights abuses. public security forces);
– Our Human rights policy. This highlights Rio Tinto’s – community health and safety; and
commitment to respect human rights around the – training of our CSP practitioners in human rights.
world and emphasises the voluntary commitments –d esigning and implementing community
we have made to international instruments and programmes and initiatives;
initiatives with explicit reference to human rights –d esigning and implementing project-level
(see Appendices). It also confirms that Rio Tinto’s complaints, disputes and grievance processes
human rights framework is founded on human (refer to the Community complaints, disputes
rights due diligence carried out as part of our and grievance guidance);
corporate processes. – designing and implementing monitoring, evaluation
Our human rights framework is implemented and reporting frameworks;
through a number of existing internal controls –a ssurance through CSP site managed assessments
and tools including those developed for CSP work. (SMAs), Technical Evaluation Group (TEG) and
It is also supported by training, communication closure plan reviews; and
and governance processes including escalation –p lanning for operational closure and post-closure.
and awareness-raising networks.
Why human January 2013
rights matter
Due diligence enables us to ‘know and show’ that 1. Know and understand
we respect human rights. Box 5 explains the core Build context-specific human rights knowledge and
elements of a due diligence approach. understanding, informed by our CSP assessments.
Good practice in CSP work is consistent with Identify and understand the impacts of our mining,
implementing human rights due diligence. associated operations and contractors, and the
However there may be gaps that we need to risks they pose to human rights throughout a
address at particular sites to explicitly and business’s lifecycle.
comprehensively consider human rights in all
aspects of our business activities. Identify and understand how government and public
institutions engage with human rights issues.
This may include making human rights more explicit
in our knowledge base studies and risk processes, Identify human rights and rights-holders who may
helping employees to understand our responsibilities be adversely impacted by our activities or our
in this area and/or responding better when issues business relationships, for instance with contractors.
that relate to human rights arise. Identify strategies to prevent our involvement in
Four phases of integrating human rights into adverse human rights impacts.
CSP work Identify opportunities to enhance the ability of local
The four phases of Rio Tinto’s CSP management communities to enjoy their human rights.
system, based on the principle of inclusive
engagement, align with the human rights due 2. Plan and implement
diligence approach set out in the UN Follow through on our human rights commitments.
Guiding Principles.
Integrate our human rights knowledge and
Rio Tinto’s approach to integrating human rights understanding into existing control and oversight
into CSP work is shown in the following simplified systems, including: policies at the business unit
conceptual framework (page 18). It has four phases, level; operational management plans; CSP strategies
with inclusive engagement as a cross-cutting theme and multi-year plans; goals; objectives; targets and
relating to all phases. indicators; action plans; project level complaints,
disputes and grievance process; and site-specific
Inclusive engagement standard operating procedures and protocols.
Ensure that our engagement practices respect
human rights. Take action wherever we identify a human rights
risk and/or impact in which we may be involved.
Ensure that diverse voices of both women and men
are heard and that vulnerable and ‘at risk’ groups Influence our suppliers and contractors to improve
can participate in engagement processes. their human rights performance where we may be
directly linked to adverse human rights impacts by
those partners.
Why human January 2013
rights matter
Human rights due diligence can sit within a company’s broader risk management systems. However, beyond
consideration of material risks to the company, it needs to include consideration of risks to, or impact on,
external rights-holders.
Establishing project-level complaints, disputes and grievance procedures for employees and communities plays
an important supporting role, as do statements of policy articulating the company’s commitment to respect
human rights.
Why human January 2013
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1 2
Know and understand Plan and implement
Inclusive engagement
4 3
Report and communicate Monitor, evaluate and improve
Why human January 2013
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How to guide
2. How to guide
Why human January 2013
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How to guide
Our goal is to engage inclusively through all phases of our CSP work and all stages
of a business’s lifecycle. At Rio Tinto, engagement means the active exchange of
information, listening to community concerns and suggestions, and developing
an agreed improvement plan together. Inclusive engagement helps us to understand
the complex and diverse human rights contexts in which we operate and enables us
to identify opportunities to assist communities to enjoy their human rights.
Why human January 2013
rights matter
How to guide
In the context of human rights, a rights-holder is a person whose human rights are potentially ‘at risk’,
both individually and in some cases collectively. All human beings are rights-holders in a personal context.
A person can be both a rights-holder and stakeholder. However, when discussing human rights impacts, the
language of ‘rights-holder’ is often employed to identify those people whose rights are (or may be) personally
impacted. By definition, all stakeholders are rights-holders somewhere, but not all stakeholders will have their
human rights ‘at risk’ in the context of our activities.
When conducting stakeholder identification, sites and projects should ensure all potentially affected rights-
holders are given equal opportunity to participate in engagement processes, including special measures to
include vulnerable groups, such as women, children, Indigenous groups and others.
(Adapted from Boesen, J.K. and Martin, T. (2007) Applying a Rights-based Approach, DIHR)
Why human January 2013
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How to guide
Why human January 2013
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How to guide
Why human January 2013
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How to guide
4. I FC PS7 GN26: Box 11: Respecting cultural norms to achieve inclusive engagement
“States have the right
to make decisions on Societies sometimes encompass a degree of discrimination by giving preference to people of a particular gender
the development of
or social standing and excluding other members of the community. Where traditional structures exclude the
resources pursuant
to applicable participation of certain groups in company-community engagement processes, it may be necessary to obtain input
national law, by less direct means so that we do not perpetuate existing patterns of discrimination and exclusion and in so
including those laws doing adversely impact on human rights.
implementing host
country obligations
Engaging directly with particular groups may, in some instances, place them ‘at risk’. In situations where direct
under international
law. Performance consultation is risky, or simply not possible, alternatives for engagement should be explored. These alternatives
Standard 7 does not may involve consulting third-party experts, NGOs, or others who work closely with these groups.
contradict the State’s
right to develop its (Rio Tinto’s Community consultation and engagement guidance and ICMM 2010 Good Practice Guide: Indigenous
resources. A State
Peoples and Mining)
may have obligations
or commitments
to ensure that
Indigenous peoples ILO Convention 169, also supported by Rio Tinto, Right to non-discrimination
provide their free, stresses the importance of safeguarding the rights of In accordance with international standards, we have
prior, and informed Indigenous peoples concerning the natural resources a responsibility to avoid discrimination on the basis
consent for matters
pertaining to the
of their lands. This includes the right to participate of race, gender, national origin, religion, age, sexual
overall development in the use, management and conservation of these orientation, politics, or on the basis of any personal
of Indigenous resources (Article 15). characteristic protected by law. Our engagement
territories.” must be inclusive to ensure that all individuals,
We recognise that every Indigenous community communities, employees and other relevant
is unique. Accordingly, we seek to reach agreement stakeholders have equal opportunity to voice their
with each community on how it wants to engage opinion and be listened to in relation to policies and
with us in the development and performance of our activities that may affect them. Special measures
operations in their social landscape. This includes may be needed to ensure the inclusion of people
setting out how each community may express whose human rights may be ‘at risk’ (see Box 11).
its support and concerns over our activities. We Operations are sometime located on lands that
recognise that this sometimes means we cannot hold particular significance for Indigenous peoples.
explore certain lands or develop some projects, Recognising their perspective and the need to
even if legally permitted to do so (see Rio Tinto’s actively engage with them is an important aspect
Community agreements guidance including of community engagement, securing land access
Appendix 1). and social licence, as well as ensuring that we
Rio Tinto seeks to operate in a manner that is respect their human rights. The following case
consistent with the UNDRIP. In particular, we study from Western Australia illustrates how our
strive to achieve the Free, Prior, and Informed operations can recognise and honour the rights
Consent (FPIC) of affected Indigenous communities of Indigenous peoples.
as defined in International Finance Corporation
Performance Standard 7 (IFC PS 7) and its
supporting guidance (see Box 10 and refer
to Rio Tinto’s Community consultation and
engagement guidance).
Why human January 2013
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Case study 1
East Kimberley
Why human January 2013
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Case study 1
The agreement has two parts. The first part Training and employment programmes aim
governs formal compensation payment details to ensure greater direct participation by local
and other benefits, including employment and Aboriginal people in the economic life of the
business opportunities for local Aboriginal people. mine. For example, recruitment policies favour
The second part contains eight management the employment of local traditional owners where
plans that detail a range of day-to-day activities applicants have the same skill level. The mine also
at the site and facilitate implementation of the runs an apprenticeship programme specifically
agreement. The management plans, some of targeted at local Aboriginal communities.
which are outlined below, support the respect
of Indigenous and women’s rights and encourage Cross-cultural training is compulsory for all mine
inclusive and transparent engagement. employees and long-term contractors. Cross-
cultural training is conducted by male and female
The Aboriginal site protection management plan traditional owners and complements other activities
includes a heritage clearance process whereby that encourage cross-cultural understanding and
mine management will submit a work programme respect. For instance, female traditional owners
to traditional owners before any ground-disturbing perform regular ceremonies at key milestones in
work is conducted. It also facilitates discussion the development of the underground mine and on
in the field so that continual and transparent other occasions. A traditional welcome ceremony
communication between the mine and traditional called Manthe is conducted for new employees
owners ensures proposed work does not interfere by both the Miriwoong and Gija people to welcome
with Aboriginal cultural heritage sites. This heritage them to the country and keep them safe while on
clearance process recognises that cultural and Miriwoong and Gija land.
spiritual concerns will not always be the same for
men and women, but ensures the rights of both
are respected.
Why human January 2013
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How to guide
Why human January 2013
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How to guide
Table 2 outlines factors that may hinder inclusive engagement at our sites.
Misconceptions / A lack of awareness or understanding of human rights and the breadth of relevant human
lack of rights issues among our stakeholders as well as our own employees. For example, site-level
awareness of employees in a developed country may not realise that issues relating to discrimination or
human rights cultural heritage are also human rights issues.
Access to Existing legislation or social norms may mandate consultation with particular decision-makers.
individuals However, this may hinder engagement with the broader community. Some vulnerable and
marginalised groups may be hard to reach for various reasons. Work demands or other
commitments may prevent some people from engaging with the company, for example
domestic responsibilities and childcare may prevent women from participating.
Cultural Social and cultural protocols may prevent women or young people from participating in
protocols meetings where men or elders are present. Non-participation in formal meetings does not
necessarily mean these groups do not influence the process, or feel that their interests are
not represented. It is important to understand these social dynamics and make every effort
to ensure inclusivity.
Access to Knowledge and information about human rights is often context sensitive. Direct
information engagement may place individuals ‘at risk’ for disclosing certain information or for
being seen as participating in the engagement process. It may be restricted by gender,
age, ethnicity, caste or affiliation.
Logistical Remoteness, rugged terrain preventing easy travel, power imbalance (knowledge
constraints and education, language and procedural understanding), history of inadequate
engagement by other organisations, cost, distance, information flow and other factors
can hinder engagement.
Sensitivity Experiences relating to human rights can be highly sensitive and difficult to share.
This requires skilled practitioners with adequate training to engage with the community.
For example, it may be more appropriate for a female, rather than a male, to engage female
stakeholders, or vice versa. Special provisions may be needed when consulting with children.
Why human January 2013
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Case study 2
Why human January 2013
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Case study 2
Why human January 2013
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How to guide
In order to strengthen Rio Tinto’s human rights Engaging through the project lifecycle
performance when interacting with communities, It is important for CSP practitioners and other
it is important to discuss the topic of human rights employees working with communities to be aware
as part of our day-to-day business and integrate it of all aspects of a project that could impact on
into all operational areas. Managers are encouraged human rights. They should share this with other
to raise human rights-related issues and topics in areas of the business in order to assess any impacts
project planning and briefing meetings, in the same that may arise throughout the project lifecycle from
way they would for safety and the environment. exploration to operations to final mine closure.
Our aim is to foster an organisational culture that
is aware and respectful of human rights. Engaging Human rights risks can emerge and evolve over time
internally is critical to ensuring consistency in and so continual reassessment is important. Mine
human rights matters across the business. design can significantly influence the level of human
rights exposure and so it is important to integrate
Better communication and knowledge transfer human rights considerations early in project design.
between departments will help to resolve human The table below illustrates how human rights due
rights issues that may arise in future. Rio Tinto diligence can be integrated throughout the project
has several cross-functional and product group lifecycle, recognising that inclusive engagement of
mechanisms for dealing with specific and systemic our stakeholders is an integral aspect of each stage.
human rights issues. These mechanisms aim to build It is not intended as a definitive roadmap and there
a stronger network of human rights ‘champions’ to is no ‘one size fits all’ template.
share best practice, compile case studies and act
as a forum for raising and discussing dilemmas.
Why human January 2013
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How to guide
Table 3: Integrating human rights due diligence through the project lifecycle
Concept / New country entry – Identify key human rights exposures based on the political, cultural
exploration identifying terrains and social context.
with geological
potential. Identify all vulnerable and ‘at risk’ groups. Engage with them
inclusively at all stages.
Use the project risk analysis process to consider the need for a
comprehensive human rights risk analysis.
Order of Develop early Review knowledge base on human rights-related country risk and
magnitude stage business apply recommendations.
case; complete
initial social and In carrying out social risk analysis, consider the need for a dedicated
environmental human rights risk analysis.
characterisation; Review and update assessments and refine activities as needed.
identify major issues;
develop indicative Ensure the project is compliant with the VPSHR and other relevant
permitting voluntary commitments including those relating to resettlement
timelines. plans and free, prior and informed consent of Indigenous peoples.
Pre-feasibility Study project Monitor any human rights exposures that emerge during
development pre-feasibility.
options; weigh
cost, environment, Review and update assessments and refine activities as needed.
communities risk Audit the project’s compliance with the VPSHR and other relevant
and benefits; study voluntary commitments, including those relating to resettlement
infrastructure plans and free, prior and informed consent of Indigenous peoples.
options; preserve
optionality until final
recommendation to
arrive at proposed
Why human January 2013
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How to guide
Feasibility Investigate Monitor any human rights exposures that emerge during feasibility.
chosen option in
detail; undertake Review and update assessments, including considering human
SEIA; execute rights in the Social and Environmental Impact Assessment (SEIA)
requirements and refine.
for permits Audit the project’s compliance with the VPSHR. Include impacts
associated with the VPSHR in the SEIA process. Global Security may
also decide that a separate security and human rights assistance
visit is appropriate.
Construction / Implementation Monitor any human rights exposures that emerge during
implementation of construction construction and operations.
designs; EPCM
on site. Review and update assessments and refine activities as needed
(including country risk assessment, considerations for a
comprehensive human rights risk analysis, etc.)
Ensure that the project and the EPCMs comply with all national
laws and international standards.
Closure Site remediation, Identify and monitor any potential human rights exposures
asset transfer etc. resulting from an operation’s closure.
Why human January 2013
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How to guide
From Rio Tinto’s first entry into an area through to our exit, we need to invest
time and effort in building our knowledge base of the communities in that area.
This includes understanding the possible human rights impacts associated with
our activities, including what local people may perceive as actual or potential
adverse impacts. Continually building our knowledge and understanding is
essential to our commitment to respect human rights.
Why human January 2013
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How to guide
Our Communities standard requires that we develop implications from existing knowledge base studies
and regularly update a ‘fit for purpose’ knowledge will not only improve our overall understanding of
base. ‘Fit for purpose’ means that the project or our host communities, but will also help to identify
operation has sound understanding of the social, human rights risks well in advance. (Box 13 lists
cultural, environmental, economic and legal context some points for consideration in the initial desktop
within which it operates, including the conditions, review. There is a wide variety of resources available
trends, and social interactions, and likely social from CSP and External Affairs to help understand
and human rights impacts. This includes identifying the context of human rights in specific countries.
stakeholders and rights-holders that may be directly These include country guides on the Danish Institute
affected by our operations, and the nature of the for Human Rights portal, which are available through
impact. (See Box 12 for examples of human rights External Affairs. They are generally not prepared
topics to include in knowledge base studies. For specifically for Rio Tinto, but can be on request.)
guidance on knowledge base studies see Rio Tinto’s
Socioeconomic knowledge base guidance.) Studies should be updated throughout the project
lifecycle and when any significant operational
Building knowledge of local human rights exposures change is likely to take place, such as a project delay,
typically starts with a desktop review of existing extension or decommissioning. Analysis should also
studies, information and data. These studies are be updated if there is a major change to the human
often referred to by different names, such as rights operating context, such as new legislation or
baseline community assessments, socioeconomic policy change either by the government or within
situational analyses, social risk analyses and Rio Tinto. Studies should also be undertaken
social impact assessments. The studies variously (or updated) when we acquire new assets,
describe the affected communities, detail key social, including entry into joint venture partnerships.
environmental and economic factors and analyse
the level of social risk. Identifying human rights
Box 12: Possible human rights topics to include in knowledge base studies
Much of the information collected in knowledge base studies is relevant to human rights. The following
topics can explicitly address them:
– g eneral national, regional and provincial human rights context;
– s tatus of alleged past and current violations, including those relating to potential business partners;
–p olitical and social history of the community, region, and/or state; and
– i ssues specific to the local area, such as known challenges relating to security or child labour.
Why human January 2013
rights matter
How to guide
Overall human egal and regulatory frameworks, including gaps or conflicts in national legislation
rights framework relating to human rights protection and human rights expectations of third parties,
eg investors, lenders, NGOs.
Operating uman rights challenges particular to the context. For example, is the project in a weak
context governance zone, or on the lands of Indigenous peoples? Which groups or individuals are
most ‘at risk’, eg women, children, Indigenous or tribal groups?
Weak or disproportionate enforcement of local laws and regulations by host government.
Range of usiness relationships, including local supply chain, joint venture partners, government
business or contractors.
easures that seek to ensure human rights compliance by these parties, eg contractual
requirements, training, performance monitoring, codes of conduct.
Key milestones uman rights challenges particular to the stage of operation, eg land use and access patterns
in the project’s at pre-feasibility, security forces employed during operation, implications of operation’s
lifecycle closure on community livelihoods and living standards.
Local context ender and cultural context eg roles and relationships between men and women, cultural
systems, and social and cultural hierarchies.
Adapted from IBLF,
IFC, UNGC (2010). I nterests and priorities of a diverse range of groups, including women and men, the vulnerable
Guide to Human Rights and ‘at risk’ groups.
Impact Assessment
and Management. Local history of human rights violations, community tensions and conflicts.
Why human January 2013
rights matter
How to guide
We need to consider the broader human rights While we strive to respect human rights, we also
context when assessing the social impacts of mining, acknowledge that we have our own human rights
metals and associated operations. This includes legacy. This continues to affect our reputation
understanding how governments, other industries and our ability to engage with host communities
and companies and our own business have handled today. The case study on page 82 explains how
human rights in the past. Knowing which human we responded to past allegations of human rights
rights issues are important within a particular abuses at one of our operations.
context, enhances our ability to identify, predict
and avoid adverse human rights impacts. Cumulative impacts
Cumulative impacts are increasingly considered from
An analysis of the human rights context should also an environmental perspective, but they also apply
identify whether people have access to judicial and/ to social impacts that build up in a particular place
or non-judicial complaints and grievance processes. over time. Taken individually, a particular human
This will assist us in establishing a project-level rights impact may not pose a risk, and may appear
complaints, disputes and grievance process (see minor, but a series of minor impacts may add up to
section 2.4.3). an ‘abuse’. It is important to consider the cumulative
impact of the actions of host governments, other
The broader human rights context can be understood industries, institutions and our own activities when
via desktop analysis, but is best accomplished by developing a human rights knowledge base. For
engaging directly with the rights-holders who may example, a community may raise a concern about
be impacted. While this may not always be possible, health impacts from dust, which affects the right
engagement enables our projects and operations to a clean environment and the right to health.
to better understand actual and potential impacts. Environmental monitoring may indicate that dust
Legacy issues levels from our operations are well within legal
Mining often takes place amid pre-existing social, limits. However, if there are several companies or
cultural and political tensions. In many places, industries operating nearby, the combined levels
colonisation, war, ethnic conflict, natural disasters of dust could pose a serious health risk or severely
and other social disruptions have led to human affect quality of life. Community perceptions
rights violations and abuse. This can make it of excessive dust levels may also indicate poor
difficult for companies to understand their own communication and engagement generally. In
specific human rights responsibilities. For example, such situations a collaborative, multi-stakeholder
if a host government has committed human rights approach involving other companies, affected
violations this may increase the risk of actual or communities, NGOs and government authorities
perceived corporate involvement in an adverse may help to identify and resolve cumulative dust-
human rights impact and pose reputational, legal related impacts.
and other risks. Local community distrust of existing
state institutions may also compromise company-
community engagement from the outset. In these
situations, we must work hard to understand how
our actions will impact human rights and work
to build trust through engagement and dialogue
with community representatives. The case study
on page 39 illustrates how pre-existing tensions
can be factored into our assessments processes.
Why human January 2013
rights matter
How to guide
Why human January 2013
rights matter
Case study 3
La Granja
Why human January 2013
rights matter
Case study 3
Processes and tools used for the security and Conflict assessment
5. A
vailable at: http://
www.international- communities assessment International Alert’s Conflict-Sensitive Business
alert.org/pdf/conflict_ The Rio Tinto Minera Peru assessment team included Practice matrix was used to assess actual and
sensitive_business_ employees from both site and corporate office and potential conflicts in the project area. The matrix
6. Available at: www.
a variety of functional areas, including CSP, Security includes topics such as: identification of structural/
voluntaryprinciples.org. and the general manager. This approach built root causes, proximate causes, conflict issues, actual
7. A
vailable at: http:// understanding in a range of functional areas. or potential sources of conflicts, impacts and current
www.international- and potential controls. The analysis focused primarily
alert.org/pdf/ The assessment team carried out: on directly impacted communities as well as regional
1. interviews with key stakeholders; and national issues.
Human_Rights.pdf 2. conflict assessment using International Alert’s
Conflict-Sensitive Business Practice: Guidance Independent human rights assessment
for Extractive Industries5 ; An independent human rights expert was
3. independent human rights assessment, including commissioned to review human rights issues that
security analysis; and might arise around mining projects in Peru. Many
4. assessment against the Voluntary Principles on of the findings mirrored the critical issues identified
Security and Human Rights6 using International through the interviews, including: the history of
Alert’s Voluntary Principles on Security and conflict in the project area; the overlapping public
Human Rights: Performance Indicators7. security roles of local community groups and the
National Police; local culture; behaviours related
Stakeholder interviews to small firearms and conflict; the state of public
Interviews were undertaken with a wide range of security in the project area; and both real and
stakeholders, including local community leaders, perceived economic inequities associated with
police, government representatives, Peruvian mining. The independent assessment helped to
experts on security and human rights, and Peruvian consolidate insights gained from stakeholder
anthropologists and economists with experience in interviews.
the project’s area of influence. The interviews helped
identify and understand existing social conflicts and Assessment against the Voluntary Principles
the potential for Rio Tinto Minera Peru to exacerbate on Security and Human Rights
them or contribute to new ones. The interviews An assessment of the project’s security programme
helped clarify links between socioeconomic and was undertaken using International Alert’s
security impacts. Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights:
Performance Indicators. The assessment identified
opportunities to improve Rio Tinto Minera Peru’s
management of private security contractors.
Why human January 2013
rights matter
Case study 3
Panoramic view of
La Granja, Cajamarca
region, Peru.
Finally, an adapted version of the conflict assessment The assessment also prompted Rio Tinto Minera
matrix from the International Alert Guide was used Peru to review its local employment, social
to structure the information gathered from all investment and community engagement activities
four lines of inquiry to generate the Security and to better understand and anticipate socioeconomic
Communities Assessment. impacts and strengthen the integration of project
activities into the local economic and social context.
Findings and next steps The project is also considering how to diversify its
The assessment concluded that potential human interactions with the Rondas, rather than continuing
rights issues that are related to security are not engagement solely on a bilateral basis. For example,
the sole responsibility of the company’s security the Mesa (roundtable) was established to regularly
function. Instead of merely ‘protecting the perimeter’, bring the Rondas together with various other
the company’s security strategy should take a stakeholders to discuss issues, including security.
preventive approach that seeks to avoid all forms
of conflict that might lead to security and human 3
rights risks. This required a thorough understanding
of existing community tensions and conflicts, and
the potential for the mine’s socioeconomic impacts
to exacerbate such conflicts or ignite new ones.
Why human January 2013
rights matter
How to guide
Rio Tinto expects its businesses to undertake Integrating human rights into social risk analysis
social risk analysis (SRA) and social impact Rio Tinto’s business risk management processes
assessment (SIA). SRA focuses on risks (threats and Communities standard requires us to undertake
and opportunities) and potential consequences social risk analysis regularly and at critical project
to the company arising from its interaction with gateways. As Figure 1 highlights, the aim is to
the host society. This can include operational delays, consider human rights risk as part of social risk
community distrust and reputational damage. It analysis, either integrated into this analysis or
takes place at all critical gateways in a project’s and via a dedicated human rights risk analysis where
operation’s lifecycle. Conversely, SIA focuses on the appropriate. The Social risk analysis guidance
risk to communities arising from the activities of explains what types of risks need to be considered
the proposed project and is generally carried out at and how to assess human rights-related risks
feasibility stage, often as a regulatory requirement. through likelihood and consequence determinations.
Rio Tinto’s Human rights guidance explains the
As set out in Figure 1, human rights considerations human rights risk framework more generally,
should be integrated into both SRA and SIA. In including factors to consider when carrying out
some cases, dedicated human rights risk analysis a dedicated human rights risk analysis, for example
and impact assessment should be carried out. where we are operating in countries with a high
Integrated processes avoid duplication and isolating incidence of human rights exposures and there
human rights from mainstream processes, however is a high risk of our inadvertent involvement in
a dedicated process may be necessary in high-risk abuse perpetrated by others (see Box 14 for some
situations where focused attention to human rights key questions to consider). Rio Tinto’s Global
needs to be demonstrated. Practice Leaders External Affairs and CSP should
The relationship between SRA and SIA is iterative, be contacted for further guidance including which
they inform each other. For instance, it is impossible internal or external human rights experts might
to carry out effective SRA, including what risks the be invited to participate in social risk analysis or
company might face from involvement in a human to carry out a dedicated human rights risk analysis.
rights breach, without properly understanding the
types of potential human rights impacts that might
arise in the specific context under consideration.
Why human January 2013
rights matter
How to guide
Figure 1: Example of site-based human rights risk management process at Rio Tinto
External assurance
Sustainability committee
Social risk
Decision Social risk analysis Individual risk owners
Adequate /
Human rights rights risk
risk analysis Individual risk
Knowledge base
eg Security assessment, human rights
assessment, as appropriate.
Why human January 2013
rights matter
How to guide
Box 14: Questions that may be asked when considering human rights in a social risk analysis
Operation: Context:
– What stage of operation are we at – what projects –W
hat does the record of human rights in the country
are in place or in development? tell us about existing violations/abuses?
– What is the scale of our project? –D
oes the country context present any ‘red flags’?
– What are our business relationships? –W
ho are the most vulnerable/’at risk’ and/or most likely
victims of human rights abuse?
– What are the perceived impacts of company
operations on people? –W
hat are likely to be our most significant human
rights issues?
ho are the most likely perpetrators of abuse?
– I s there a gap between local law and international
human rights standards?
– I s local law enforced effectively?
Involvement: Analysis / methodology:
– What company activities or relationships might –H
ave we included human rights in our risk analysis?
result in company involvement in a human rights
violations or abuse? – I s there sufficient internal expertise to understand
our human rights risk, including through engaging
– Have we considered the potential or actual with affected stakeholders as part of developing our
human rights risks or complicity associated with knowledge base?
our business relationships such as operating
partners, security providers, government agencies, –H
ave we allocated responsibility for addressing any
contractors or suppliers? risks identified?
Adapted from Taylor, Zandvliet and Forouhar (2009). Due Diligence for Human Rights: A Risk-Based Approach 9
Integrating human rights into impact assessments When conducting impact assessments, we should be
Mapping and analysing potential human rights aware of the full range of our business involvement,
impacts is essential for determining how to avoid described in Box 16. Questions of ‘complicity’ may
identified risks and develop effective mitigation arise when a business contributes to, or is seen
strategies. Human rights impact exposure mapping as contributing to, adverse human rights impacts
is also useful to understand the relationships caused by other parties. Complicity has both non-
between several human rights impact exposures. legal and legal meanings including a specific and
technical meaning in criminal law which is akin to
Our social impact assessments may already ‘aiding and abetting’. For more information about
cover many human rights topics, such as gender, complicity, see page 15 in the Background reader.
resettlement, cultural heritage, Indigenous
communities, employment and vulnerable groups.
However, they may not consider these topics from
a human rights perspective. There may also be
other human rights exposures that we have not
considered. Accordingly we should take care
to identify and address gaps in existing studies
(see Box 15).
Why human January 2013
rights matter
How to guide
[ √ ] Has your operation considered Rio Tinto’s Human rights policy and Group-wide guidance (including
function specific guidance such as Global Security guidance notes), relevant international human rights
standards, national and local laws and regulations, and any human rights-related requirements of third
parties, such as financiers?
[ √ ] Does the operation’s impact assessment draw on the human rights information gained through initial
scoping, baseline studies and risk analyses?
[ √ ] Are your impact assessment processes respectful of human rights in terms of non-discrimination
in consultation, accessibility etc?
[ √ ] Are vulnerable and ‘at risk’ groups included in impact assessment processes?
Adapted from Lenzen,
O. and d’Engelbronner,
[ √ ] Are impact assessment processes with local communities gender sensitive and culturally appropriate?
M. (2009) Human rights
in business: Guide to [ √ ] Does the assessment make practical recommendations to address the human rights risks and potential
corporate human rights impacts identified?
impact assessment
tools. Aim for Human
Rights. p. 9-10 and [ √ ] Are the findings and recommendations of the impact assessment integrated into management plans
Ruggie, J. (2007) and systems?
Human rights impact
assessments – resolving
key methodological
[ √ ] Has your operation shared key findings from your impact assessment with communities and other
questions. relevant stakeholders?
A conventional social impact assessment might only consider human rights issues in an implicit way, but not
address them comprehensively. It can thus overlook human rights violations that are embedded in a society,
for example where freedom of association is discouraged or denied, or where gender discrimination is a socially
accepted norm. Instead, we need to consider how a project may interact with each human right (Ruggie 2007
Human rights impact assessments – resolving key methodological questions).
By using international human rights standards as the reference point, rather than just focusing on potential
changes from the current socioeconomic baseline, important human rights issues can be more clearly defined.
Explicit consideration of human rights may also highlight challenges within the broader operating context that
could affect our ability to build trust with local communities, such as state restrictions on freedom of expression
(ICMM 2012 Human rights in the mining and metals industry: Integrating human rights due diligence into corporate risk
management processes).
In any impact assessment, the methodology should respect human rights, in particular, the rights which
specifically relate to the operation’s context (see Box 2 for a description of these rights).
In particular circumstances, it may be more appropriate to do a dedicated human rights impact assessment.
See section 2.3.3 for more information, as well as Rio Tinto’s Human rights guidance.
Why human January 2013
rights matter
How to guide
Box 16: Business involvement in adverse human rights impacts according to the UN Guiding Principles
Causes: Business causes Business should avoid No, the business has A mining company
adverse human rights causing this harm and caused the harm itself. engages in discriminatory
impacts through its redress it if it occurs. recruitment practices
own activities. against women, such
as refusing to hire
female drivers.
Contributes to: Business Business should take the Potential for criminal or A mining company asks a
contributes to adverse necessary steps to cease civil complicity actions private security company
human rights impact or prevent its contribution as well as more general to protect its site at all
through its own activities. and use its leverage to allegations of complicity costs from community
mitigate any remaining even if not based in protests. Upon claims of
impact to the greatest legal terms. unreasonable force being
extent possible. Business used, as well as disregard
should provide for or for other human rights,
cooperate in remediation. it does nothing.
Directly linked to: Business should seek to Potential for more general A mining company
Adverse human rights prevent or mitigate harm, allegations of complicity contracts an apparel
impact is directly linked including by using its based on non-legal terms. company to provide its
to business’ operations, leverage over suppliers. uniforms. The apparel
products or services via its company has second tier
business relationships. suppliers in which there
is child labour.
Issue-specific or dedicated human rights Case study 5 (page 49) in Sarawak, Malaysia,
impact assessment demonstrates how mapping and analysing human
While our aim is to integrate human rights into rights risks can assist businesses to plan effective
existing processes, in some circumstances it will mitigation strategies. By working with other
be more appropriate to undertake a dedicated stakeholders and promoting international best
human rights impact assessment (HRIA) especially practice, Rio Tinto Alcan assisted in building the
where it concerns a human rights-specific issue such local and regional capacity to implement human
as resettlement. An HRIA may be necessary, for rights-compatible processes and ensure that a
example, when operating in high-risk environments potential project would not result in adverse
or where a human rights topic that warrants particular human rights impacts in the future.
attention has emerged. It may also be the case that
a review of our social impact assessment highlights
the need to better understand the human rights
context of an operation and a dedicated assessment
is required to fill that gap. In either case – dedicated
or integrated – human rights need to be considered
explicitly. See the Human rights guidance for
more detail.
Why human January 2013
rights matter
Case study 4
Why human January 2013
rights matter
Case study 4
Health programme
in a village in Guinea.
Children in a village in
Guinea where Rio Tinto
is conducting baseline
and impact assessments
focusing on health as
part of its Simandou
Iron Ore project.
Why human January 2013
rights matter
Case study 5
3. T
he company advised consultants that were The future
engaged by the state to carry out the social While resettlements for the Bakun and Murum
and environmental impact assessment (SEIA) dams remain complex and challenging, there are
for Murum. Rio Tinto Alcan also connected the signs that the government is taking active steps to
government and its consultants to third party improve its processes and accountability. Recently,
experts who further contributed to the process. Sarawak laws governing social and environmental
performance have been redrafted with greater
4. R
io Tinto Alcan assisted the Natural Resources emphasis on public disclosure and consultation.
and Environment Board (NREB), the state In 2010 the Sarawak State Government made a
regulator responsible for SEIAs. The company public commitment to apply international standards
helped organise workshops to discuss the for future resettlements within the Sarawak Corridor
application of international best practice in of Renewable Energy (SCORE), an area dedicated to
HEP and other infrastructure development in the development of hydroelectric power, plantations
Sarawak. NREB has since run its own workshops and heavy industries. Communication and
that included speakers from NGOs, investing engagement between the Government and NGOs
stakeholders and banks that apply the Equator has improved and other stakeholders have also been
Principles. brought into the dialogue including SUHAKAM, the
5. R
io Tinto Alcan published joint papers with Malaysian Human Rights Commission.
the State Planning Unit on the application of 5
international standards and facilitated dialogue
between Sarawak state leaders, the World
Bank, the Asian Development Bank and other
international institutions.
Data for risk analyses and social impact assessments Secondary data is derived from the analysis,
that incorporate human rights considerations can be synthesis and interpretation of original
drawn from primary or secondary sources. information (primary sources). These include:
– documents and reports such as official
Primary sources are original information or first- census statistics and public health data;
hand testimony about a topic of study. Primary – previous social impact assessments
data can be collected through interviews, surveys and baseline studies;
and consultations with relevant stakeholders. – government or NGO reports or surveys;
In some contexts, the collection of primary data – university studies; and
can be sensitive or may put vulnerable groups – human rights reports by international
at further risk. It should be made clear why data organisations such as the United Nations.
is being collected, how it will be used, how it will
be stored and who has access to it. Provision of The Background reader provides information on
data is voluntary and consent should always be a range of useful resources, including the Danish
obtained prior to data collection. Rio Tinto must Institute for Human Rights (DIHR) Human Rights
always respect the right to privacy and create a safe and Business Portal and the Business and Human
environment for discussing human rights. Great care Rights Resource Centre, that may assist companies
must be taken to consider the risks to individuals to identify, assess and address human rights risks in
and their families and to proceed with caution. their operations (see also Key websites and Business
and human rights organisations on page 92).
The interests of different stakeholder groups relating
to human rights will vary and present different types It is difficult to reduce a human rights issue to
of information and perspectives. Stakeholder groups isolated data sets, numbers and figures. Primary
that should be considered in primary data collection and secondary data often complement each other.
should include: When collecting data, it is important to have a mix
– diverse groups within the local communities, of primary and secondary sources from different
including ‘at-risk’ and vulnerable groups; perspectives to build a more robust understanding
– employees and contractors; of the issues. Data should be both quantitative and
– different levels of government; qualitative (see Box 19 in section 2.4.2). Table 4
– local human rights organisations, development provides examples of data and information that can
agencies, union representatives and NGOs; and be used to integrate human rights in our knowledge
– local universities or other research groups. base studies.
Community consultation
near the La Granja copper
project in Peru.
Why human January 2013
rights matter
How to guide
Country he level of implementation of human rights obligations by the state at the time
and local of the assessment.
performance on Human rights violations or tensions that exist locally and nationally.
human rights
Access to basic Current level of access to public services such as health care and education.
public services
Adapted from IBLF,
IFC, UNGC (2010). Security services he record of local public and private security organisations in addressing security
Guide to Human Rights
Impact Assessment and
situations and interacting with communities, and any protestors and detainees.
Management: p.33-34. Level of crime, including incidence of violence, protests, sexual harassment and abuse, etc.
Why human January 2013
rights matter
How to guide
Why human January 2013
rights matter
How to guide
Annual updates of our multi-year plans provide an oes the plan link to other operational plans such
opportunity to reflect on, learn from and respond as procurement and workforce or recruitment and
to any changes in the human rights context as the development plans that may impact on the human
project progresses through its lifecycle. rights enjoyment of communities?
Box 17 lists questions to help determine whether oes the plan clearly allocate responsibility for
a multi-year plan has adequately captured human implementation, monitoring and reporting on
rights priorities. initiatives and programmes?
The following case study from Australia demonstrates I f the operation is nearing closure, does the plan
how human rights can be incorporated into human adequately address human rights implications
resources planning and decision making to implement associated with operational closure, plant
programmes that address the human rights principles decommissioning and site rehabilitation?
of non-discrimination and equality. It illustrates
the importance of thorough planning to identify
challenges, develop a strategy and implement
programmes that achieve meaningful results. Rio
Tinto Iron Ore in Western Australia identified barriers
to employment faced by Aboriginal people and used
the findings to inform its Aboriginal employment
strategy. The strategy promotes employment
through education and training, and ensuring fair
and equal employee opportunity.
Why human January 2013
rights matter
Case study 6
The context
Operator at Rio Tinto’s
Rio Tinto Iron Ore (Iron Ore) operates in the Pilbara
Mesa A iron ore mine in region of Western Australia. In 2005 a study
Western Australia’s commissioned by Iron Ore identified persistent levels
Pilbara region. of economic exclusion of Aboriginal people from
employment. This exclusion may translate to an
adverse impact on the right to non-discrimination,
various labour rights and the right to an adequate
standard of living. Based on the study, Iron Ore
determined that a ‘business as usual’ approach
might perpetuate or even worsen the barriers
to participation experienced by the Aboriginal
population. In order to address these potential
impacts, Iron Ore made new commitments to
increasing Indigenous employment opportunities
across the business.
Why human January 2013
rights matter
Case study 6
Rio Tinto’s Cape Lambert
iron ore operations
in Western Australia’s
Pilbara region.
Trainee at Rio Tinto’s Iron
Ore operations in Western
Australia’s Pilbara region.
Rio Tinto is committed to playing its part as a private Community programmes, projects and initiatives
enterprise in the achievement of the United Nations Rio Tinto acknowledges it has a responsibility
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). In October to avoid and alleviate any adverse human rights
2009, the Rio Tinto Board Sustainability committee impacts that occur through our presence, own
approved a global Communities target that meets activities or business relationships. For example,
stakeholder expectations. This target requires that we can support agricultural training for resettled
Rio Tinto demonstrates how our businesses contribute communities whose livelihoods may have been
to the economic development and wellbeing of the negatively impacted. Additionally if knowledge
communities and regions where we operate (see base studies are indicating a decline in traditional
Rio Tinto’s Communities and social performance practices and livelihoods due to job opportunities
target guidance). in mining, we can support programs that help to
safeguard traditional cultural practices. Our CSP
The Global Communities target states: programmes should also support the enjoyment
“All operations will have locally appropriate, publicly of human rights generally. For example, in an area
reported social performance indicators that demonstrate where there are not enough schools, the right to
a positive contribution to the economic development of education is generally unfulfilled. While not causing
the communities and regions where we work, consistent this situation, we might be able to collaborate
with the Millennium Development Goals, by 2013.” with local government or an NGO to provide better
school facilities and improve the right to education.
Human rights and the MDGs are closely related This also aligns with our MDG-related global
and share the objective of promoting the Communities target.
wellbeing and dignity of all people. However,
there are several distinctions. Human rights are It is important our community priorities are
mandatory requirements and universal in scope mutually agreed with local people. Working
and application, whereas the MDGs are voluntary inclusively with communities and encouraging
objectives for developing regions. Despite this their participation in planning and implementing
difference, contributions to the MDGs often align community programmes helps to ensure that our
with our responsibility to respect and enhance work is responsive to local priorities and that the
the enjoyment of human rights. Reporting on the communities retain a level of ownership and
Communities target is not a substitute for human control over the development process.
rights due diligence. The development of local social All community programmes should be carried out
performance indicators should be embedded in the in ways that respect human rights – for example
CSP multi-year planning process. These indicators education programmes should be designed to
measure the level of achievement that businesses ensure that they do not perpetuate discrimination
have made towards the economic development of or other human rights issues.
local communities.
The following case study describes how community
programmes and activities can be designed to
address broad human rights issues and improve
the local communities’ enjoyment of these rights.
Rio Tinto in Bunder, India, has engaged in several
activities that focus on women and gender equality.
Why human January 2013
rights matter
How to guide
Table 5: Checklist to consider when integrating human rights considerations into community initiatives
Goals o the goals of the initiative help to mitigate actual or potential adverse human rights
impacts or risks?
Do the goals take into account the long-term human rights enjoyment of communities?
ill the initiative be carried out in such a way as to avoid any adverse impacts on
human rights?
Beneficiaries Have vulnerable and ‘at risk’ groups been identified and prioritised within the target group?
Have the rights of women, children and Indigenous peoples been considered?
Objectives and o programme objectives and targets align with the priority human rights identified through
targets assessments and community engagement?
re objectives and targets clear, specific, time-bound and able to be measured
and monitored?
Indicators Do we have indicators to monitor and measure programme objectives and targets for
human rights performance?
Do the indicators reflect relevant human rights standards and principles?
Are gender indicators included?
Monitoring and o we monitor and evaluate our community programmes and initiatives to assess how they
evaluation affect people’s enjoyment of their human rights?
Do we have an accessible and effective complaints, disputes, and grievance process in place?
Impact ave we fully considered all the risks and unintended consequences? Have we developed
assessment contingencies for mitigation should they occur? For example, human rights awareness
training may put some community members ‘at risk’ in certain contexts.
Budget Do financial inputs reach and benefit ‘at risk’ groups?
Communication Do communication strategies meet the community’s needs and preferences for
information sharing?
Adapted from Rio Tinto I s information about programmes, initiatives and projects shared proactively with
(2009), Why gender
communities in a timely manner and in accessible formats?
matters, which draws on
UNDP (2007), Gender
mainstreaming in practice:
Do communication strategies enable participation, dialogue and engagement on an
a toolkit. ongoing basis?
Why human January 2013
rights matter
Case study 7
Maternal and child
health programme run in
partnership with UNICEF
at Rio Tinto Diamonds,
Women learning to drive
as part of the women’s
empowerment programme.
Why human January 2013
rights matter
How to guide
Rio Tinto believes that all employees should be – an updated web-based human rights learning tool;
aware of its human rights commitments and how – tailored action-learning for high risk sites; and
they relate to their work. Those who deal with human – function-specific training for employees with high
rights exposures more directly and regularly, such as exposure to human rights issues, including CSP,
CSP employees, require more detailed training. Risk procurement and security employees.
analysis should also identify other employees that
will benefit from human rights training and related Human rights will also be incorporated into other
issues, such as local cultural awareness. For example, Rio Tinto leadership training and learning academies,
security personnel and those working in procurement where appropriate.
may need specific training. The following case studies demonstrate how human
In April 2012 a revised Group-wide human rights rights training with external human rights expertise
training approach was approved to address operating can help build the awareness of employees and
contexts with the greatest human rights exposures. contractors and improve our overall social performance.
It has the following elements:
– training on The way we work for all employees
now includes a human rights section;
– human rights is included in Rio Tinto’s induction
training particularly for managers and above;
Why human January 2013
rights matter
Case study 8
Oyu Tolgoi
The project
10. T
he Government
of Mongolia owns Located in southern Mongolia, Oyu Tolgoi is a world-
a 34 per cent stake class copper-gold project that is being developed
in Oyu Tolgoi LLC. in conjunction with Turquoise Hill Resources
Turquoise Hill
Resources (formerly (formerly Ivanhoe Mines) and the Government of
Ivanhoe Mines), in Mongolia. First commercial production is forecast
which Rio Tinto now to commence in 2013. Oyu Tolgoi is one of several
holds a majority
interest, owns the
mines in the region, and rapid development in the
remaining 66 per region is accompanied by a range of social, economic
cent of Oyu Tolgoi and environmental impacts and changes. Local
LLC. Rio Tinto is the residents are keen to benefit from the opportunities
manager of the Oyu
Tolgoi project. but also want to ensure that their concerns regarding
traditional culture, environmental degradation and
social mobility are addressed and their human rights
Why human January 2013
rights matter
Case study 8
Why human January 2013
rights matter
Case study 9
Democratic Republic of Congo
Why human January 2013
rights matter
Case study 9
Human Rights and
Communities training
sessions with Rio Tinto
Exploration employees,
Orientale Project,
Democratic Republic
of Congo.
Rio Tinto Exploration’s
Dimitrios Kastis and Kelly
Nazambe return to camp
after a day of mapping in
the Democratic Republic
of Congo.
Why human January 2013
rights matter
How to guide
It is important that we understand how our business Contractual arrangements, such as the engineering
relationships with suppliers, including contractors, procurement construction and management (EPCM)
may impact on the human rights of community contract for the construction phase, can be used to
members and ensure that these partners, and other ensure that suppliers are aware of our expectations
third parties acting on Rio Tinto’s behalf, align with on human rights. This can include provisions around
our standards. At the site or project level, suppliers training, incident reporting and complaints handling,
include construction contractors, local providers of as well a code of conduct outlining the expected
food or equipment as well as recruitment agencies, behaviour of the supplier’s employees towards the
cleaning companies and security services. local community, including consequences for
Suppliers may affect human rights in many ways.
For example, a security provider may use excessive Rio Tinto’s Procurement principles explicitly note
force when dealing with community members and that we support and respect human rights consistent
people may think they have been instructed to do so. with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
A catering company may discriminate against certain and actively seek to ensure we are not complicit
community members when hiring employees or fail in human rights abuses committed by others. In
to provide local workers with safe and healthy work addition, the principles state that we expect our
conditions. A construction contractor could impact suppliers to maintain policies that respect basic
on the right to health and to an adequate standard human rights and dignity, without distinction on
of living through harmful waste disposal practices. any basis. Suppliers are expected to have a process
to assure compliance. The Procurement principles
Involvement by Rio Tinto in adverse impacts by also affirm that we require our suppliers to adhere
our suppliers may mean we fail to meet our own to applicable laws, standards and regulations and
responsibilities and standards in respecting human that we oppose and prohibit employment of forced,
rights. As with situations where we cause harm bonded or child labour.
ourselves, this indirect involvement can adversely
affect our business through legal, reputational and In working with suppliers, it is important to know
other risks. about their past practice and whether it is likely
that they will satisfy the Procurement Principles.
A Group-wide approach is required to address these This may necessitate preliminary screening as part
indirect contractor exposures – key departments of the pre-qualification process, embedding certain
are Rio Tinto Procurement, Global Security, protections into agreements, monitoring of the
Communities and Social Performance and Human suppliers’ human rights performance throughout
Resources. Sites often handle small procurement the relationship, and if necessary, working with
contracts themselves and they need to ensure that suppliers to improve their performance.
suppliers follow our standards. This will generally
involve speaking directly with suppliers to ensure Table 6 provides a checklist, which are examples
that they have adequate processes in place to to assist and guide CSP practitioners and others
prevent potential human rights impacts. Local on how to work with suppliers. Further guidance
situations can often be complex and may necessitate is available from Rio Tinto Procurement. There are
dialogue between site and supplier to improve specific guidance notes for dealing with security
the supplier’s response to any actual or perceived providers and Global Security should be contacted
exposure or impacts. An example is child labour, with any questions.
which Rio Tinto opposes. Site-level employees need
to analyse and understand local contexts where,
for instance, children may be working in family
businesses. We then need to understand whether
children are ‘at risk’ – including whether they are
engaged in hazardous or other work harmful to
their health or safety, or missing school. Mitigation
is not necessarily as simple as a unilateral ban on
children working. For example, a supportive family
environment and complementary access to formal
education can be important considerations.
Why human January 2013
rights matter
How to guide
Table 6: Basic human rights that may be considered for supply chains
Screening Human rights standards and performance are considered in initial screening of new
suppliers. For example:
— check private security providers’ history on the appropriate use of force, past criminal
offences or misconduct;
— screen suppliers to ensure their employees have adequate working conditions and that
they do not employ child labour; and
— check records of suppliers’ prior human rights performance on the company’s other
major capital projects.
Why human January 2013
rights matter
Case study 10
Why human January 2013
rights matter
Case study 10
Why human January 2013
rights matter
How to guide
Why human January 2013
rights matter
How to guide
Monitoring and evaluation are essential learning processes for integrating human
rights considerations into our CSP work. They allow us to see both the successes and
shortcomings of our work so that we can adjust and improve.
This section provides an overview of monitoring and evaluation as it relates to human rights. It also provides
guidance that may assist when tracking human rights impacts.
[ √ ] Does your operation have indicators for tracking performance against key human rights risks that have
been identified, including indicators for gender?
[ √ ] Are these indicators underpinned by credible data, and are they updated regularly?
[ √ ] Do the indicators align with the Millennium Development Goals where appropriate?
[ √ ] Does monitoring of the human rights performance of your operation take place in a planned way and
on a regular basis?
[ √ ] Do human rights monitoring and evaluation processes at your operation involve communities wherever
possible including, in particular, vulnerable and ‘at risk’ groups?
[ √ ] Do monitoring and evaluation processes at your operation include requirements for reporting back
to communities on findings?
[ √ ] Do management systems include procedures for highlighting and responding to any emerging human
Adapted from Rio Tinto rights issues, including serious allegations, regardless of whether or not they are well-founded?
(2009), Why gender
matters, and IBLF, [ √ ] Are changes and adjustments made to programmes and activities based on the results of monitoring?
IFC, UNGC (2010),
Guide to Human Rights
Impact Assessment and
[ √ ] Does the monitoring and evaluation framework use information from your operation’s complaints,
Management, p.58-59. disputes and grievance processes?
Why human January 2013
rights matter
How to guide
The Rio Tinto Communities standard requires us Monitoring and evaluation of human rights impacts
to monitor and evaluate our social performance. and performance is essential in order to:
As part of this we aim to integrate human rights – measure progress against our commitments
monitoring and evaluation into existing processes. to human rights, including the rights of women
and Indigenous peoples;
Box 18 explains the difference between monitoring – measure compliance with internal and external
and evaluation. policies, standards, and commitments;
Monitoring involves tracking, in a systematic way, – assess whether human rights issues and impacts
how operational activities affect communities and have occurred on a one-off or systemic basis,
other stakeholders, both positively and negatively. including gender and cultural considerations;
Lessons from monitoring and evaluation, including – identify whether project management procedures
from our complaints, disputes and grievance and plans are being implemented and are achieving
processes, should be integrated into revised plans, their objectives;
objectives and targets. Corrective action should be – identify whether impact and risk mitigation
taken where needed. measures are effective;
– determine the cause, and provide a basis for
Evaluation usually takes place once the work or corrective actions if our procedures, plans and
programme has been completed and asks the activities are ineffective;
question: “How did we do?”. While monitoring – identify any unanticipated human rights issues
measures ongoing progress against indicators and and impacts that have occurred, their
targets, evaluation centres mostly on outcomes consequences, and the response taken; and
and impacts with the aim of identifying factors that – identify whether management is receiving effective
have contributed to – or detracted from – achieving ‘early warnings’ of new human rights challenges,
success. Evaluation is important to ensure our including appropriate advice on how to resolve
responses to our involvement in adverse human these challenges.
rights impacts are effective and appropriate and
that we are effectively integrating human rights (Based on Rio Tinto (2009) Why gender matters
due diligence into our work. and IBLF, IFC, UNGC (2010), Guide to Human Rights
Impact Assessment and Management, p.58-59)
In addition to internal controls, we may also face
particular monitoring and evaluation requirements In addition to CSP-specific monitoring and evaluation
as signatory to a number of human rights-related tools, several Group-wide procedures exist which
voluntary commitments (see Appendix B). may assist CSP practitioners, and others working
Additional requirements may be required by local with communities, to monitor our human rights
laws, contractual provisions or funding conditions. performance in affected communities.
Why human January 2013
rights matter
How to guide
These include Speak-OUT, the Rio Tinto business CSP site managed assessment
solution (RTBS) Incident Reporting system, which CSP site managed assessments (SMA) ensure our
includes a category for community incidents and a businesses comply with our Communities standard
sub-category for human rights incidents. Assurance and legislative requirements. The process evaluates
also includes Technical Evaluation Group (TEG) the performance of a site against a number of
reviews and the monitoring undertaken through key performance areas (see Rio Tinto’s CSP site
annual compliance reports and compliance audit managed assessment guidance). It is an evaluation
forums. Other functions may also conduct relevant owned by the site and is intended to identify any
monitoring such as the security and human rights actual or potential issues and areas for improvement.
assistance visits carried out by Global Security. It is conducted regularly, usually every three years,
(See section 2.5.1 and the Human rights guidance and/or at key phases of the project cycle. It may also
for more advice on how these internal processes can be initiated by special circumstances such as an
assist us to monitor and evaluate our human rights allegation of a serious human rights abuse.
performance comprehensively.)
SMAs include a structured diagnostic with a specific
key performance area on human rights. A SMA
Box 18: Distinguishing ‘monitoring’ from ‘evaluation’ can also, where deemed appropriate, take a more
in-depth review of human rights exposures and
Monitoring is the ongoing measurement of change
assess whether proper prevention and mitigation
(positive or negative) against defined indicators.
strategies are in place. The findings of each SMA
Evaluation is the systematic assessment of the are owned by the business unit concerned and the
effectiveness of management strategies and recommendations go to the CEO of that business.
programmes. Evaluations can focus either on process Aggregate results are shared throughout Rio Tinto
(how well has the initiative been implemented?) or to ensure all businesses and divisions are aware of
outcomes (have the desired impacts been achieved?). and learn from them.
Why human January 2013
rights matter
How to guide
Credible data are essential for effective monitoring. Both quantitative and qualitative indicators can be
While it is difficult to measure human rights impacts used to build a full picture (see Box 19 for definitions
and risks precisely, monitoring systems should and Table 7 for examples). Quantitative indicators
be robust enough to enable operations to assess provide mainly numerical evidence whereas
whether they are making progress towards key qualitative measures add context in the form of
targets and objectives, and to identify issues that description, opinions and experiences. When dealing
require attention. with human rights issues, qualitative indicators are
often essential to obtain a thorough understanding
Indicators provide a valuable reference point for of an issue. They allow us to capture people’s
assessing and monitoring human rights impacts individual perspectives and experiences. For this
and performance over time and against targets. They reason, it is critical that human rights performance
help us to understand where we are, where we are tracking include appropriate qualitative and
going and how far we are from our goal or objective. quantitative metrics and include sex-disaggregated
Indicators that measure human rights performance data, as men and women sometimes hold different
need to be based on human rights standards views of a situation.
and findings from previous knowledge base
assessments. In line with our global Communities
target, indicators should also be consistent with
Box 19: Types of indicators
the Millennium Development Goals.
Quantitative indicators refer to attributes of a
Some of our social performance indicators already
situation, process, or activity to which we can attach
reflect human rights considerations. For example, all
a number, percentage, ratio or other statistical
operations are required to report data on workforce
descriptor. They can be drawn from data systems and
composition, such as sex-disaggregated data.
records that already exist or are specifically collected.
Health and safety data, such as lost time injury
frequency rates (LTIFRs), relate to the right to just Qualitative indicators refer to attributes of a situation,
and favourable working conditions and the right process or activity whose status or condition is
to health, liberty and security. Therefore, as a first determined by opinions, perceptions, or personal
step we should check how well existing indicators judgements, or by quality of an experience expressed
align with human rights, identify any gaps and make as a story, not as numbers.
necessary adjustments. Our knowledge base studies
and complaints, disputes and grievance processes Indicators can often be developed in consultation
are good sources of human rights data. with community groups.
Input $$$ spent; number of hours Employee and community satisfaction survey.
of employee-time.
Outcome Number of people whose lives Nature of change in skills, knowledge, behaviour
have been changed /improved. or practices (eg on-the-ground performance or
policy changes).
Impact Number of human rights threats Personal and community views on the changing
averted. Number of human status of human rights in the region.
rights impacted (positive
and negative).
Why human January 2013
rights matter
How to guide
Table 8 provides examples of human rights performance indicators. The table is not intended to be
exhaustive or a blueprint for a monitoring system but instead to provide suggestions on possible indicators.
The indicators listed may not apply to every context and are intended to encourage thinking about how to
include different perspectives when developing indicators.
Indicators of incidents – these reflect the frequency The number of ‘significant’ Communities incidents.
with which the activities of a company result in a
problem or abuse of human rights. These indicators The number of security-related complaints received
have the benefit of being able to define a trend from the community.
over time. The number of fatigue-related accidents.
The number of formal complaints by employees.
Indicators of other dimensions of human rights Workers’ representatives and employees confirm
performance – these generally relate to measurable that the work environment is culturally sensitive
changes in the quality of life of stakeholder groups and non-discriminatory.
in areas of relevance to human rights.
Records show that the company systematically
and objectively reviews any complaints filed and
implements corrective action if necessary.
Why human January 2013
rights matter
How to guide
As part of our responsibility to respect human rights Complaints, disputes and grievance processes
we actively engage and cooperate in remediating any provide data for management decision-making.
adverse impacts that we have caused or contributed The scope and scale of the process will vary
to. Rio Tinto may do this alone or in conjunction according to the community context; nevertheless,
with others. they should all include consultation with stakeholder
groups to ensure that it meets their needs and that
Complaints and disputes are common in community they will use it in practice. This includes facilitating
life, whether from external or intra-community community participation in resolution processes,
causes. Inevitably, many communities will complain where appropriate.
about unintended impacts of mining, metals and
associated operations, such as dust, noise and Women may sometimes be reluctant to voice
increased traffic flows. For definitions of complaints, gender-sensitive complaints, so it is important to
disputes and grievances see Box 20. establish more than one contact point. For example,
appointing a female complaints officer may increase
In major new developments, particularly in remote access for women in lodging issues such as sexual
and/or developing contexts, the disruption to harassment or gender discrimination. Similarly,
existing community life can be great. The key to complaints, disputes and grievance processes
successfully managing community complaints is should be culturally appropriate and designed to
to act immediately. Proactively resolving complaints suit the needs of local and Indigenous communities.
and disputes avoids community issues escalating The ability or willingness of all ‘at risk’ or vulnerable
into a grievance. Most complaints can be resolved groups to participate in such processes should be
quickly and satisfactorily by: taken into account.
– dealing with complaints in person;
– apologising for inadvertent breaches; The performance of complaints, disputes and
– identifying and rectifying root causes; and grievance processes should be reviewed regularly
–a ssuring complainants of future to ensure that processes are working effectively.
preventative action. Regular analysis of the patterns of complaints
(including frequency and contributing factors)
Sometimes, however, complaints will still escalate. can provide continuous learning as well as publicly
To maintain good relationships with communities, reportable data. For details of Rio Tinto’s policy and
it is vital that the site has formal processes for procedures see the Community complaints, disputes
managing and, where necessary, escalating and grievance guidance as well as the Human rights
complaints to disputes and grievances. These guidance. Also note that other Group-wide grievance
processes need to be easily understood, transparent processes intended for employees, such as Speak-
and accessible to the community. The company’s OUT, may be used by community members. CSP
internal processes should not undermine legal employees can help in raising awareness of these
processes nor attempt to supplant criminal law, processes.
labour law or commercial matters.
This case study from Rio Tinto Alcan’s Weipa
The UN Guiding Principles identify operational or operation in north Queensland, Australia shows
project-level complaints, disputes and grievance how community complaints, disputes and grievance
processes as an effective means of remediation for processes can be used to engage inclusively with
those potentially impacted by a company’s activities. communities and continually improve business
Importantly, site-level processes also form part of activity and social performance.
broader ‘early warning’ monitoring by identifying
systemic issues. The Guiding Principles require site-
level complaints, disputes and grievance processes
to be: legitimate, accessible, predictable, equitable,
transparent, rights-compatible, a source of continual
learning, and based on engagement and dialogue
(see Box 21). A site-level process must not inhibit
any individual or group’s access to judicial recourse,
nor put them at undue risk.
Why human January 2013
rights matter
How to guide
A community complaint is a notification provided by a community member, group or institution to the business
that they have suffered some form of offence, detriment, impairment or loss as a result of business activity and/or
employee or contractor behaviour.
A community dispute is a complaint that has not been accepted as valid by one party or the other and has
escalated into disagreement between the parties.
A community grievance is a complaint or dispute that has escalated to the point where it requires third party
intervention or adjudication to resolve. Typically grievances involve more than one community member or family
and relate to disputes that have remained unresolved for some time.
Based on the UN Guiding Principles, the six overarching principles for non-judicial grievance processes
articulated in Rio Tinto’s Complaints, disputes and grievance guidance are:
Legitimate – The process should be transparent and sufficiently independent to ensure no party can interfere
with fair conduct.
Accessible – The process should be publicised in such a way that all community members can understand
and have access to it, including groups who may face barriers to access.
Predictable – The process should be consistent, have a time frame for each stage and be clear on the types
of process and remedy that are available.
Equitable – Aggrieved parties must have reasonable access to sources of information, advice and expertise
to engage in the process on fair and equitable terms.
Transparent – Process and outcomes should be sufficiently transparent to meet public interest concerns without
jeopardising the identity of individuals. Parties to a complaint, dispute or grievance should be regularly informed
about its progress to resolution.
Rights-compatible – Process and remedies must accord with internationally recognised human rights.
A source of continuous learning – Drawing on relevant measures to identify lessons for improving the
mechanism and preventing future grievances and harms.
Project-level complaints, disputes and grievance processes should also be based on engagement and dialogue,
consulting with stakeholder groups on its design and performance.
(Adapted from Rio Tinto’s Complaints, disputes and grievance guidance and UN Guiding Principles)
Why human January 2013
rights matter
How to guide
Children carrying
water in rural village
in Mozambique.
Links to other complaints and grievance processes By responding to stakeholders at an early stage
In addition to project-level procedures, external through our own complaints, disputes and
non-judicial and/or customary processes are grievances procedures, we can avoid situations
also available, such as national human rights where stakeholders feel it necessary to pursue
commissions, national ombudsman offices and/ action through legal or other external processes.
or a council of elders (or similar) in Indigenous However, we should not impede or discourage
communities. It is important to be aware of how stakeholders from accessing other judicial and non-
these other processes may influence or complement judicial processes, if they so wish. If this occurs, the
site-level processes. A useful way of achieving this is legal department or Rio Tinto Global External Affairs
to map existing external processes as part of human can work with the team concerned on a response.
rights due diligence.
Why human January 2013
rights matter
Case study 11
Why human January 2013
rights matter
Case study 11
Consultation with
traditional owners from
local community in Weipa.
Why human January 2013
rights matter
How to guide
Wherever possible, we seek to involve communities The outcomes of monitoring and evaluation provide
and other relevant stakeholders in monitoring a firm basis for reviewing and updating plans and
and evaluating our human rights performance. systems and taking corrective action. Reflecting
This helps to ensure that these processes are co- on lessons learnt is a valuable source of information
managed, rather than solely driven by the operation. for continual improvement and should be recorded
For example, we try to involve communities in as case studies wherever possible.
developing indicators, collecting data, or resolving
community complaints. This helps to ensure that our The following case study on community compensation
response addresses their needs and is appropriate claims at Kelian in Indonesia illustrates how a
to the context. Collaborative and participatory challenging human rights situation produced
monitoring can build rapport with communities and valuable organisational lessons.
stakeholders by sharing lessons and improving self-
management. We always seek to share monitoring
and evaluation information and results transparently.
Why human January 2013
rights matter
Case study 12
Why human January 2013
rights matter
Case study 12
Why human January 2013
rights matter
How to guide
Regular and open reporting, both internal and external, enables dialogue around
our human rights commitments and performance. This increases our accountability,
guides our decision-making and helps to improve our human rights performance.
The following checklist includes examples that may assist and guide in reporting on human rights.
[ √ ] Do public reports, including site websites, contain information about actions taken to address human
rights impacts in communities as well as the outcomes of these actions?
[ √ ] Does your site include human rights considerations in internal reporting requirements?
[ √ ] Does your site report human rights performance to local communities in user-friendly ways?
[ √ ] Does reporting include disaggregation of information, especially in relation to vulnerable and ‘at risk’ groups?
[ √ ] Does reporting include activities and outcomes, both positive and negative?
Why human January 2013
rights matter
How to guide
Rio Tinto has a number of key internal reporting category for human rights related complaints.
requirements that include a human rights dimension. Records of feedback should be used to inform
Individual business units need to report on: management decisions and be shared across
– implementation of our Human rights policy and departments within the business unit to improve
Communities standard as part of regular updates overall performance and address complaints. In
on multi-year Communities plans; cases of any actual, potential and alleged breaches
– recent or emerging human rights issues in internal of human rights that involve community members,
HSEC reports; we must report immediately to the relevant product
– compliance-related human rights issues as part group chief executive and the global practice leader
of annual compliance reports; – CSP, as required by Rio Tinto’s Communities standard.
– human rights compatible performance indicators
as part of the annual community workbook data In addition to these formal processes, it is important
collection process; and that we also report on our human rights performance
– human rights-related incidents into Rio in informal ways. This helps us to maximise learning
Tinto business solution (RTBS) which, above within and across projects. For example, human
a significance threshold, escalate to the Rio rights can be a regular agenda item at forums such
Tinto Executive Committee (ExCo) and Board. as team meetings, toolbox talks, or other work area
unit meetings, enabling it to be discussed as part of
Rio Tinto’s RTBS enables community incidents to everyday business. This will help to develop a rights-
be logged in seven impact areas: safety, health, aware corporate culture (see the Human rights
environment, community, quality, security and guidance for further information.)
process. Within the ‘community’ area, there is a
Why human January 2013
rights matter
How to guide
The UN Guiding Principles call for businesses other stakeholders looking to better understand
12. T
he UN Global
Compact consists to communicate publicly about how they have our human rights performance. It is therefore
of ten core principles responded to actual and potential adverse human important that this information is included on our
in the areas of rights impacts, particularly those with severe or websites at corporate and individual business unit
human rights,
labour, environment
irremediable consequences, such as a breach of levels and that the information is easy to find.
and anti-corruption. the right to life.
For more information Information reported by sites may also be
see http://www. Our reporting needs to be clear and easily accessible included in external reports at the corporate level.
unglobalcompact.org/. to local communities, our workforce, our investors Any significant issues around human rights may
and other interested stakeholders, recognising that be covered in the Rio Tinto Group Annual Report.
these require different methods of communication. The annual, corporate Sustainable Development
For human rights issues and allegations at site-level, Report also includes a human rights section http://
the focus should be on local-level communication www.riotinto.com/sustainabledevelopment2011/
with stakeholders. Human rights performance can governance/human_rights.html. We work to
be reported through the ‘social management and continually improve this reporting. We also
performance’ section of our local, business unit report in line with the International Council on
and corporate sustainable development reports. Mining and Metals (ICMM) Sustainable
It may also be appropriate to include it in newsletters Development Framework.
or at community meetings. Reporting on human rights
risk management processes as well as incidents As a signatory to the UN Global Compact (UNGC) ,
and performance is important for transparent Rio Tinto Global External Affairs reports annually
communication with our stakeholders and to build at a corporate level through our Communication
trust (see Box 22). of Progress (COP), a public disclosure to our
stakeholders on our progress in implementing
The Guiding Principles require external reporting the UN Global Compact principles (two of the
to be accessible and provide sufficient information ten principles refer explicitly to human rights).
for our stakeholders to evaluate our human rights As a member of the UNGC’s Human Rights Working
performance. Where we are reporting on our Group and various local networks for the UN Global
performance at a specific project or site, efforts Compact, we also contribute case studies for wider
should be made to write documents in local learning (see our Human rights guidance for further
languages and communicate them through various information on our external reporting framework).
means to ensure all stakeholders have equal access
to the information. For instance, plain language
summaries or oral presentations can be used in
communities where there is limited literacy. All
reporting and communication strategies should
be culturally appropriate, gender sensitive and Box 22: Types of reporting
not pose risks to affected parties or to legitimate
commercial confidentiality. Process reporting: Reporting on our management
processes provides our stakeholders with an
Websites are another valuable way of communicating understanding of our capacity and willingness to
with external stakeholders about our human rights respect human rights by explaining the steps we take
processes and performance. This is particularly to integrate them into our systems and procedures.
true where there is strong media interest, and/
or the site considers an issue to be a material risk. Incident reporting: Reporting on our performance
Such information, together with the more general and specific incidents demonstrates the effectiveness
information we make available through our corporate of our processes in mitigating human rights risks or
reporting and website, may be used by investors, contributing towards a community’s ability to enjoy
investor indexes such as FTSE4Good, as well as and exercise their human rights.
Why human January 2013
rights matter
4. References
Key websites 92
List of acronyms 93
Reference list 95
Why human January 2013
rights matter
We seek to ensure that Rio Tinto’s presence fosters The Group’s security procedures draw on, and are
sound relationships and avoids civil conflict wherever consistent with, our commitment to, and active
we are. Rio Tinto respects and supports the dignity, participation in, the Voluntary Principles on Security
wellbeing and human rights of Group employees, and Human Rights. These procedures include
our families and the communities in which we live, guidelines and restrictions on the use of force, and
as well as others affected by the Group’s operations. are reinforced by security and human rights risk
assessments for high risk sites, incident reporting,
Our Human Rights Framework, which is in line and training for Group employees and contract
with our commitments under the OECD Guidelines security personnel. We also actively encourage
for Multinational Enterprises and reflects the UN human rights training for public security where
Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, we identify a gap, and help to facilitate this training
has its foundations in human rights due diligence, in certain circumstances.
carried out as part of our corporate processes.
We respect the diversity of Indigenous peoples,
Where human rights are threatened, we seek to acknowledging the unique and important interests
have international standards upheld and to avoid that they have in land, water and environment as
any involvement in human rights abuses, including well as their history, culture and traditional ways.
through the misuse of our equipment and facilities.
Through appropriate contractual arrangements Wherever we operate, we engage with communities
and Procurement principles, we expect that our and seek to understand the social, cultural,
consultants, agents, contractors and suppliers environmental and economic implications of
will be made aware of, and comply with, The way our activities, so that we can respond to concerns
we work in all their dealings with or on behalf and work to optimise benefits and reduce negative
of the Group. In our dealings with joint venture impacts, both for the local community and for the
partners and non-controlled companies in which overall economy. We believe that this contribution
we participate, we will make every effort to ensure to development, together with our community
that the standards of conduct in The way we work engagement programmes (which may include
are respected at all times. enterprise development, training, employment,
community-based health and social and cultural
heritage initiatives), can further contribute to the
upholding of human rights.
Health education in
rural village near Rio
Tinto Iron Ore Project,
Simandou, Guinea.
Why human January 2013
rights matter
It is mandatory for all business units to comply with a freely available website that helps businesses
Group voluntary commitments. identify, assess and address human rights risks
in specific countries. As noted above, Rio Tinto is
Rio Tinto is committed to playing our part in the a member of the UNGC’s Human Rights Working
achievement of the Millennium Development Goals Group (http://www.unglobalcompact.org/issues/
(MDGs). Since 2009 our communities global target human_rights/Human_Rights_Working_Group.html)
states: ‘All operations to have locally appropriate, and also provides input into human rights initiatives
publicly reported social performance indicators that led by the International Council on Mining and Metals
demonstrate a positive contribution to the economic (http://www.icmm.com/page/225/business-and-
development of the communities and regions human-rights).
where we work, consistent with the Millennium
Development Goals, by 2013’.
Rio Tinto has also publicly expressed support for the: The Millennium Development Goals
– Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are eight
– International Labour Organization Convention 169:
international development goals, adopted
Concerning Indigenous and Tribal Peoples
by all 193 UN members in 2000, which recognise
in Independent Countries.
explicitly the relationships between growth, poverty
–E xtractive Industries Transparency Initiative.
and sustainable development. Signatories have
– Global Sullivan Principles of Social Responsibility.
agreed to endeavour to achieve these goals by 2015:
(See http://compliance.riotinto.org/
Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger.
voluntarycommitments.asp for a full list of Rio
Goal 2: Achieve universal primary education.
Tinto’s voluntary commitments and supported
Goal 3: P
romote gender equality and
empower women.
Rio Tinto has also entered into partnerships to Goal 4: Reduce child mortality.
promote and contribute to the broader business and Goal 5: Improve maternal health.
human rights discourse. In 2011, Rio Tinto and the Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases.
Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR) signed a Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability.
three-year agreement to collaborate on developing Goal 8: Develop a Global Partnership
and promoting human rights tools for international for Development.
businesses and on further enhancing Rio Tinto’s
Read more about Rio Tinto’s commitment to the
global human rights policies. Under the agreement,
MDGs at http://www.riotinto.com/ourapproach/
Rio Tinto provides support for the expansion of the
DIHR’s Human Rights and Business Country Portal,
Why human January 2013
rights matter
Why human January 2013
rights matter
Key websites
BASESWiki: Business and Society Exploring Solutions, A dispute resolution community
SRSG Portal
IFC, UN Global Compact, IBLF – Online Guide to Human Rights Impact Assessment and Management
UN Global Compact, and OHCHR - Human Rights and Business Learning Tool
Danish Institute for Human Rights: Human Rights and Business Department
Why human January 2013
rights matter
List of acronyms
ADB Asian Development Bank
mW Megawatts
Why human January 2013
rights matter
RTBS / SEART Rio Tinto Business Solution / Social and Environmental Assurance Reporting Tool
UN United Nations
Why human January 2013
rights matter
Reference list
Abrahams, D. and Wyss, Y. (2010) Guide to Human Rights Impact Assessment and Management.
International Business Leaders Forum, International Finance Corporation, and UN Global Compact.
Baab, M. and Jungk, M. (2009) The Arc of Human Rights Priorities: A New Model for Managing Business
Risks. Danish Institute for Human Rights/ United Nations Global Compact, p.24
Boesen, J.K. and Martin, T. (2007) Applying a Rights-based Approach: An Inspirational Guide for Civil
Society. Danish Institute for Human Rights.
Bradshaw, E., Bryant, K. et. al. (2011) Why cultural heritage matters: A resource guide for integrating
cultural heritage management into Communities work at Rio Tinto. The Centre for Social Responsibility
in Mining and Rio Tinto. Available at: http://www.riotinto.com.au/documents/Rio_Tinto_Cultural_
BSR and CSR Europe (2001) Measuring and Reporting on Corporate Performance on Human Rights.
Business for Social Responsibility Educational Fund.
Business & Human Rights Initiative (2010) How to Do Business with Respect for Human Rights:
A Guidance Tool for Companies. The Hague. Global Compact Network Netherlands.
Castan Centre for Human Rights Law, International Business Leaders Forum, and Office of the High
Commissioner for Human Rights (2008) Human Rights Translated: A Business Reference Guide. UN
Global Compact.
Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (2008) Advisory Note: A Guide to Designing and Implementing
Grievance Mechanisms for Development Projects. International Finance Corporation. Washington D.C., 88.
Available at: http://www.cao-ombudsman.org/howwework/advisor/documents/implemgrieveng.pdf
Danish Institute for Human Rights (2006) Human Rights Compliance Assessment (HRCA): Quick Check.
Available at: http://www.humanrightsbusiness.org/?f=compliance_assessment
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Broome: Backroom Press.
Global Reporting Initiative, Realizing Rights, and UN Global Compact (2009) A Resource Guide to
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Institute for Human Rights and Business (2011) The ‘State of Play’ of Human Rights Due Diligence:
Anticipating the Next Five Years. Volume 1: General Overview. London.
International Alert (2005) Conflict-sensitive Business Practice: Guidance for Extractive Industries.
Available at: http://www.iisd.org/pdf/2005/security_conflict_sensitive_business.pdf.
International Council on Mining and Metals (2008) Position Statement on Indigenous peoples. P.4.
International Council on Mining and Metals (2009) Human Rights in the Mining & Metals Industry:
Overview, Management Approaches and Issues, May 2009. p.36.
International Council on Mining and Metals (2009) Human Rights in the Mining & Metals Industry:
Handling and Resolving Local Level Concerns and Grievances, October 2009. p.28.
International Council on Mining and Metals (2010) Good Practice Guide: Indigenous peoples and Mining.
London, ICMM.
International Council on Mining and Metals (2012) Human rights in the mining and metals industry:
Integrating human rights due diligence into corporate risk management processes, March 2012. p64.
Why human January 2013
rights matter
Kemp, D. and Keenan, J. (2009) Why gender matters: a resource guide for integrating gender considerations
into Communities work at Rio Tinto. The Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining and Rio Tinto: 104.
Available at: http://www.riotinto.com/documents/ReportsPublications/Rio_Tinto_gender_guide.pdf
Lehr, A. K. and Smith, G. A. (2010) Implementing a Free, Prior and Informed Consent Policy: Benefits and
Challenges. Foley Hoag LLP.
Lenzen, O. and d’Engelbronner, M. (2009) Human rights in business: Guide to corporate human rights impact
assessment tools. Aim for Human Rights. p. 9-10.
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (2012) The Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human
Rights: An Interpretive Guide. United Nations. New York and Geneva. Available at: http://www.ohchr.org/
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (2006) Frequently Asked Questions on
a Human Rights-Based Approach to Development Cooperation. New York and Geneva: United Nations.
Organisation for the Economic Co-operation and Development (2011) OECD Guidelines on Multinational
Enterprises (2011 Update). 25 May 2011. Available at: http://www.oecd.org/document/28/0,3343,
Rights and Democracy (2008) Getting It Right: A Step by Step Guide to Assess the Impact of Foreign
Investments on Human Rights. International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development.
Ruggie, J. (2007) Human rights impact assessments – resolving key methodological questions.
Implementation of General Assembly Resolution 60/251 of 15 March 2006 Entitled “Human Rights Council”.
4th Session: 4-8.
Ruggie. J. (2008) Protect, Respect and Remedy: a Framework for Business and Human Rights. Human Rights
Council. 8th Session, Agenda item 3. 7 April 2008. Available at: http://www.reports-and-materials.org/
Ruggie, J. (2011) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implementing the United Nations
“Protect, Respect and Remedy” Framework. Human Rights Council. 17th Session. Available at: http://www.
Taylor, M., Zandvliet L., et. al. (2009) Due Diligence for Human Rights: A Risk-Based Approach.
Working Paper No. 53. Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative. Harvard University: p.9.
Tripathi, S., Godnick, W., et. al. (2008) Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights: Performance
Indicators. International Alert.
United Nations (2010) 64/292. The human right to water and sanitation. Resolution Adopted by the
General Assembly. 64th Session.
United Nations Development Programme (2007) Gender Mainstreaming in Practice: A Toolkit. Regional
Programme of the United Nations Development Programme’s Regional Bureau for Europe and the CIS.
United Nations Development Programme (2007) Human Rights and the Millennium Development Goals:
Making the Link.
Major operations and projects
United Kingdom
United States Serbia
Oman India
Guinea Ghana
Chile South Africa
New Zealand