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Writing Assessment Criteria: CEFR B2

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Writing assessment criteria: CEFR B2

Task Achievement Appropriacy Coherence Cohesion Grammatical Range Lexical Range &
and Accuracy Accuracy
1.0 Task well achieved at a high Style & Format: Structure: Ideas Grammatical Grammatical Wide range of lexis
level Appropriate to sequenced logically Structures: Structures: Complex to complete the task,
Intention: Entirely clear genre, no irrelevant and accurately Complex Spelling: Very good some original lexical
Instructions: Completely information Purpose: Clear Spelling: Very good Word order: Correct solutions Lexis used
followed Register: Good Information: Well Word order: Punctuation: Used appropriately with
Effect: A positive effect on the awareness of organised into a Correct properly throughout isolated misuse
target reader register and coherent text Punctuation: Used Errors: Very few,
Outcome: Sure to achieve a formality level properly throughout none of them
successful outcome appropriate to Errors:Very few, impedes meaning,
Content: All relevant details genre none of them message
included. Some original ideas impedes meaning,
or presentation message
0.8 Performance shares features Performance Performance shares Performance shares Performance shares Performance shares
of bands 2 and 3 shares features of features of bands 2 features of bands 2 features of bands 2 features of bands 2
bands 2 and 3 and 3 and 3 and 3 and 3
0.6 Task achieved, some gaps Style & Format: Structure: Some Grammatical Grammatical Sufficient range of
Intention: Clear in most areas Usually appropriate confusion in logical Structures: Simple structures: Simple lexis to complete the
Instructions: All important to genre with little and accurate but mostly correct, but mostly correct, task Lexis used
ones followed or no irrelevant sequencing Purpose: some attempts at some attempts at mostly appropriately
Effect: A generally positive information Mostly clear complex structures complex structures with some
effect on the reader. Register: Limited Information: with some mistakes with some mistakes occasional misuse
Outcome: Likely to achieve a exponents but Adequately organised that do not impede that do not impede
successful outcome awareness of into a mostly coherent comprehension comprehension
Content: Many relevant register is shown text Spelling: Some Spelling: Some
details included mistakes that do not mistakes that do not
impede impede
comprehension comprehension
Word order: Mostly Word order: Mostly
correct Punctuation: correct. Punctuation:
Mostly effective Mostly effective
Errors: Some, but Errors: Some, but do
do not significantly not significantly
impede meaning impede meaning.
0.4 Performance shares features Performance Performance shares Performance shares Performance shares Performance shares
of bands 1 and 2 shares features of features of bands 1 features of bands 1 features of bands 1 features of bands 1
bands 1 and 2 and 2 and 2 and 2 and 2
0.2 Task unachieved Style & Format: Structure: Muddled Grammatical Grammatical Poor range of lexis to
Intention: Very unclear. Inappropriate to Purpose: Unclear Structures: Very Structures: Very complete the task
Instructions: Many not genre, or minimal Information: Very simple with frequent simple with frequent Lexis used
followed evidence Register: confused and serious and serious mistakes inappropriately in
Effect: Negative Minimal mistakes Spelling: Very poor most cases
Outcome: Will not achieve a Spelling: Very poor Word order: Often
successful outcome Word order: Often wrong
Content: Omission, wrong Punctuation: Often
irrelevance. Punctuation: Often wrong
0.0 Task unattempted / partially
attempted Not enough
language to make an
assessment (under 60 words).
Adapted from: http://www.euroexam.com/sites/network/files/file/download/Marking_Criteria/EuroB2WritingScalesLevelDescriptorsE.pdf

Writing assessment criteria: CEFR C1

Task Achievement Appropriacy Coherence Cohesion Grammatical Lexical Range &
Range and Accuracy
1.0 Task achieved at a high Style & Format: Structure: Ideas Grammatical Grammatical Wide range of lexis
level Intention Appropriate to genre, no sequenced logically Structures: A wide Structures: to complete the task,
Intention: Entirely clear irrelevant information and accurately range of cohesive Complex Spelling: some original lexical
Instructions: Completely Register: Good Purpose: Clear devices used Very good solutions Lexis used
followed awareness of register and Information: Well naturally, efficiently Word order: Correct appropriately with
Effect: A positive effect on formality level appropriate organised into a and appropriately Punctuation: Used isolated misuse
the target reader to genre coherent text to link words, properly throughout
Outcome: Sure to achieve clauses, sentences Errors: Very few,
a successful outcome and paragraphs none of them
Content: All relevant Reference: Skilled impedes meaning,
details included. Some use message
original ideas or
0.8 Performance shares Performance shares Performance Performance Performance shares Performance shares
features of bands 2 and 3 features of bands 2 and 3 shares features of shares features of features of bands 2 features of bands 2
bands 2 and 3 bands 2 and 3 and 3 and 3
0.6 Task achieved, some gaps Style & Format: Usually Structure: Some Grammatical Grammatical Sufficient range of
Intention: Clear in most appropriate to genre with confusion in logical Structures: structures: lexis to complete the
areas little or no irrelevant and accurate Adequate amount Adequately complex task Lexis used
Instructions: All important information sequencing of devices used to structures with rare mostly appropriately
ones followed Purpose: Mostly link words, mistakes that do not with some occasional
Effect: A generally positive Register: Limited clear Information: clauses, sentences impede misuse
effect on the reader. exponents but awareness Adequately mostly comprehension
Outcome: Likely to of register is shown organised into a appropriately Spelling: Some
achieve a successful mostly coherent Reference: mistakes that do not
outcome text Limited and impede
Content: Many relevant inaccurate use comprehension
details included Word order: Mostly
correct. Punctuation:
Mostly effective
Errors: Some, but
do not significantly
impede meaning.
0.4 Performance shares Performance shares Performance Performance Performance shares Performance shares
features of bands 1 and 2 features of bands 1 and 2 shares features of shares features of features of bands 1 features of bands 1
bands 1 and 2 bands 1 and 2 and 2 and 2
0.2 Task unachieved Intention: Style & Format: Structure: Grammatical Grammatical Poor range of lexis to
Very unclear. Inappropriate to genre, or Muddled Structures: Structures: Very complete the task
Instructions: Many not minimal evidence Purpose: Unclear Minimal simple with frequent Lexis used
followed Register: Minimal Information: Very Reference: Simple and serious inappropriately in
Effect: Negative confused / none mistakes Spelling: most cases
Outcome: Will not achieve Very poor Word
a successful outcome order: Often wrong
Content: Omission, Punctuation: Often
irrelevance. wrong
0.0 Task unattempted / partially Not enough language to No meaning or the No effective use of Little or no evidence No relevant lexis
attempted Not enough make an assessment, or meaning conveyed cohesive devices of grammatical organized into
language to make an under 70 words is irrelevant, or and reference, or knowledge of simple sentences, or under
assessment, or under 70 under 70 words under 70 words structures, or under 70 words
words. 70 words.
Adapted from: http://www.euroexam.com/sites/network/files/file/download/Marking_Criteria/EuroC1WritingScalesLevelDescriptorsE.pdf

Speaking Assessment Criteria: CEFR A1

Range and Accuracy Fluency and Coherence, Pronunciation

1.0 Sufficient range of grammar and lexis to adequately complete the Can link ideas into very simple sentences although with noticeable jumpiness.
tasks. Errors, although they may be frequent even when using Pronunciation is intelligible in spite of evident foreign accent. Occasional
very simple language, do not significantly hinder communication. mispronunciations put some strain on the listener but rarely impede
0.8 Performance shares features of bands 2 and 3 Performance shares features of bands 2 and 3
0.6 Range of grammar and lexis sufficient to adequately complete the Can communicate in very simple sentences in spite of considerable jumpiness.
tasks. Repeated errors even in very simple sentences but they do Pronunciation is intelligible, although mispronunciations and inability to produce
not generally hinder communication. certain sounds may sometimes impede communication of the message.
0.4 Performance shares features of bands 1 and 2 Performance shares features of bands 1 and 2
0.2 Range of grammar and lexis insufficient to adequately complete Frequent hesitation and inability to link ideas causes great strain on the listener.
the tasks. Too many errors in simple sentences significantly Cannot produce simple sentences. Places strain on the listener.
hinder communication.
0.0 Insufficient language for assessment Insufficient language for assessment
Adapted from: http://www.euroexam.com/sites/network/files/file/download/Marking_Criteria/mc_level_a1_speaking.pdf
Speaking Assessment Criteria: CEFR A2

Range and Accuracy Fluency and Coherence, Pronunciation

1.0 Sufficient range of grammar, lexis and cohesive devices to Can link ideas into clear, cohesive sentences although with noticeable jumpiness
adequately complete the tasks. Errors, although they may be even in simple sentences. Pronunciation is intelligible in spite of evident foreign
frequent even when using simple language, do not significantly accent. Occasional mispronunciations put some strain on the listener but rarely
hinder communication. impede communication.
0.8 Performance shares features of bands 2 and 3 Performance shares features of bands 2 and 3
0.6 Range of grammar, lexis and cohesive devices sufficient to Can communicate in simple sentences in spite of considerable jumpiness.
adequately complete the tasks. Repeated errors even in simple Pronunciation is intelligible, although mispronunciations and inability to produce
sentences but they do not generally hinder communication. certain sounds may sometimes impede communication of the message.
0.4 Performance shares features of bands 1 and 2 Performance shares features of bands 1 and 2
0.2 Range of grammar, lexis and cohesive devices insufficient to Frequent hesitation and inability to link ideas coherently causes great strain on
adequately complete the tasks. Too many errors in simple the listener. Cannot produce simple sentences. Places strain on the listener.
sentences significantly hinder communication.
0.0 Insufficient language for assessment Insufficient language for assessment
Adapted from: http://www.euroexam.com/sites/network/files/file/download/Marking_Criteria/mc_level_a2_speaking.pdf
Speaking Assessment Criteria: CEFR B1
Range and Accuracy Fluency and Coherence Pronunciation Communication Strategies
1.0 A wide range of grammar, lexis and Some hesitation while formulating Pronunciation is clearly Initiates maintains and ends turns
cohesive devices attempted to in completing language, but can effectively intelligible in spite of evident satisfactorily although not always
the tasks although circumlocution may be maintain flow of speech. Can link foreign accent. Occasional smoothly. Uses basic repair
necessary. Few errors in simple sentences. ideas into clear, coherent mispronunciations put some strategies (clarification,
Errors when attempting more complex discourse although with strain on the listener but circumlocution) where necessary.
structures and lexis do not generally hinder noticeable jumpiness in especially rarely impede Uses appropriate register.
communication. in extended contributions. communication.
0.8 Performance shares features of bands 2 and Performance shares features of Performance shares features Performance shares features of
3 bands 2 and 3 of bands 2 and 3 bands 2 and 3
0.6 Sufficient range of grammar, lexis and Keeps going comprehensibly in Pronunciation is clearly Attempts made to initiate
cohesive devices to adequately complete the spite of frequent hesitation when intelligible, although maintain and end turns using
tasks although circumlocution is common formulating language and mispronunciations and basic language. Evidence of
and avoidance strategies may be necessary. considerable jumpiness and inability to produce certain ability to use repair strategies
Errors, although they may be frequent even reformulation during longer turns. sounds may sometimes (clarification, circumlocution)
when using simple language, do not Requires a patient listener. impede communication of the although not always applied.
significantly hinder communication. message.
0.4 Performance shares features of bands 1 and Performance shares features of Performance shares features Performance shares features of
2 bands 1 and 2 of bands 1 and 2 bands 1 and 2
0.2 Range of grammar, lexis and cohesive Frequent hesitation and inability Mispronunciations and Generally, fails to initiate maintain
devices insufficient to adequately complete to link ideas coherently causes inability to produce certain and end turns satisfactorily. Does
the tasks. Repeated errors even in simple great strain on the listener. sounds significantly impedes not use repair strategies
sentences significantly hinder communication of the (clarification, circumlocution).
communication. message.
0.0 Insufficient language for assessment
Adapted from: http://www.euroexam.com/sites/network/files/file/download/Marking_Criteria/mc_level_b1_speaking.pdf

Speaking Assessment Criteria: CEFR B2

Range and Accuracy Fluency and Coherence Pronunciation Communication Strategies
1.0 Wide range of grammar, lexis and Maintains a smooth flow of language Although there may still be an Initiates maintains and ends
cohesive devices used to complete the with hesitation mainly to formulate evident foreign accent, turns. Uses repair strategies
tasks, circumlocution only occasionally ideas, not language. Links ideas into pronunciation is natural and (clarification, circumlocution)
necessary. Comfortable with more clear coherent discourse with little or places little strain on the where necessary. Uses
complex structures and lexis although no jumpiness even in extended listener. The candidate often appropriate register and
errors still occur. contributions. utilises features of connected intonation.
speech and English intonation
0.8 Performance shares features of bands 2 Performance shares features of Performance shares features Performance shares features of
and 3 bands 2 and 3 of bands 2 and 3 bands 2 and 3
0.6 Sufficient range of grammar, lexis and Some hesitation while formulating Pronunciation is clearly Initiates maintains and ends
cohesive devices to adequately language, but can effectively intelligible in spite of evident turns satisfactorily although not
complete the tasks although maintain flow of speech. Can link foreign accent and occasional always smoothly. Evidence of
circumlocution may be necessary. Few ideas into clear, coherent discourse mispronunciations putting ability to use repair strategies
errors in simple sentences. Errors when although with noticeable jumpiness some strain on the listener. (clarification, circumlocution)
attempting more complex structures and in especially in extended although not always applied.
lexis do not generally hinder contributions. Uses appropriate register.
0.4 Performance shares features of bands 1 Performance shares features of Performance shares features Performance shares features of
and 2 bands 1 and 2 of bands 1 and 2 bands 1 and 2
0.2 Range of grammar, lexis and cohesive Frequent hesitation and inability to Mispronunciations and Generally, fails to initiate
devices insufficient to adequately link ideas coherently causes great inability to produce certain maintain and end turns
complete the tasks. Repeated errors strain on the listener. sounds frequently impedes co satisfactorily. Does not use
even in simple sentences. repair strategies (clarification,
circumlocution). Uses
inappropriate register.
0.0 Insufficient language for assessment
Adapted from: http://www.euroexam.com/sites/network/files/file/download/Marking_Criteria/mc_level_b2_speaking.pdf

Speaking Assessment Criteria: CEFR C1

Range and Accuracy Fluency and Coherence Pronunciation Communication Strategies
1.0 Wide range of grammar, lexis and Maintains a seamless flow of Although there may still be an Initiates maintains and ends turns very
cohesive devices used to complete language with occasional evident foreign accent, naturally. Uses repair strategies
the tasks, with no real need to use hesitation only to formulate ideas, pronunciation is natural and (clarification, circumlocution) where
circumlocution. Very few errors, not language. Links ideas naturally places no strain on the listener. necessary. Uses appropriate register,
mainly slips even when using into clear coherent discourse with The candidate naturally demonstrating a sophisticated
complex language. no jumpiness even in extended incorporates features of awareness of different levels of
contributions. connected speech and English formality.
intonation patterns.
0.8 Performance shares features of Performance shares features of Performance shares features of Performance shares features of bands
bands 2 and 3 bands 2 and 3 bands 2 and 3 2 and 3
0.6 Sufficient range of grammar, lexis Maintains a smooth flow of Although there may still be an Initiates maintains and ends turns
and cohesive devices to complete language with hesitation mainly to evident foreign accent, comfortably. Uses repair strategies
the tasks although circumlocution formulate ideas, only occasionally pronunciation places little strain (clarification, circumlocution) where
may occasionally be necessary. language. Links ideas into clear on the listener. The candidate necessary. Uses appropriate register,
Occasional slips in simple coherent discourse with little or no often utilises features of demonstrating an ability to use
sentences. Comfortable with more jumpiness even in extended connected speech and English different levels of formality in different
complex structures and lexis contributions. intonation patterns. situations.
although errors still occur.
0.4 Performance shares features of Performance shares features of Performance shares features of Performance shares features of bands
bands 1 and 2 bands 1 and 2 bands 1 and 2 1 and 2
0.2 Range of grammar, lexis and Noticeable hesitation while Although pronunciation may be Initiates maintains and ends turns
cohesive devices insufficient to formulating language. Can link intelligible, mispronunciations although not always smoothly.
adequately complete the tasks. ideas into clear, coherent and lack of features of Evidence of ability to use repair
Errors in simple sentences. Few discourse although with noticeable connected speech put some strategies (clarification,
attempts at complex structures or jumpiness especially in extended strain on the listener. circumlocution) although not always
lexis with errors where attempted. contributions applied. Attempts to use appropriate
register not always successful.
0.0 Insufficient language for
Adapted from: http://www.euroexam.com/sites/network/files/file/download/Marking_Criteria/mc_level_c1_speaking.pdf

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