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List of Questions

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1. What are the essential elements of a valid contract? (Section 10) (Interview)
2. Is consideration necessary for a contract? (Interview)
3. What is the difference between an agreement and a contract? (Interview)
4. What is the difference between a void and voidable contract?
5. Is a contract with a minor valid? (Interview)
6. Difference between rescind, repudiate and revocation
7. What is anticipatory breach of contract?
8. Modes of discharging a contract
9. Difference between damage and damages (Interview)
10. Difference between loss and losses (Interview)
11. Different forms of compensation
12. Difference between contract of service and contract for service
13. What is a promissory estoppel.


14. Difference between guarantee and indemnity (Interview) (Both interviews)

15. How do you enforce a guarantee or indemnity (Interview)
16. What is a bank guarantee?
17. Is the liability of a surety coextensive with the judgment debtor? (S128; yes. It means that
upon breach, both guarantee and surety will become co – judgment debtors)


18. What is bailment?

19. Different forms of bailment (See wiki page of Coggs v Bernard)
20. Is a contract necessary for bailment?
21. Difference between bailment and sale
22. What is the duty of care imposed on a bailee
23. What is lien (general lien and particular lien)
24. What are the requirements to impose a particular lien
25. What is a pledge, pledgee, pawnbroker, pledgor?
26. Rights of a pledge –(special right- more than lien but less than mortgage. General rights
still vest with owner. Check this)
27. Difference between lien and pledge, pledge and mortgage
28. Difference between pledge and mortgage

29. Who is a mercantile agent
30. Will the principle be responsible for a sub agent
31. What is agent’s lien
32. Difference between agent and servant


33. What is a partnership

34. What is the nature of liabilities of partners
35. Does a partnership have to be in writing? (I think yes)
36. What is the nature of liabilities in an LLP (Trilegal Test)
37. What is holding out under the Partnership Act (S28) Also, can a retired partner be liable
38. Can a minor be a partner (S30)
39. What is partnership at will (S7 I think) (Interview)
40. How does a partner in a partnership at will resign (Interview)

41. What is difference between hire purchase agreements and sale
42. Difference between conditions and warranties (S12)
43. Difference between sale and service
44. What is the principle of caveat emptor (Hasenbhoy Jetha, Bombay v New India
Corporation Ltd. – case brief or internet will do ) (There is a diff between Indian law and
common law on this matter) (Trilegal test)

45. What is the difference between a public company and private company (Interview)
46. Difference between company ad partnership
47. When does it become an illegal associating of person
48. What is a prospectus and a statement in lieu of prospectus?
49. Certificate of registration or certificate of commencement.
50. What are MOU and AOA (what do they contain)
51. How do you alter the same (special or general resolution and who alters directors,
52. What type of resolution do you need to increase the capital in the capital clause in the
AOA (Interview)
53. What are the different types of shares (Interview)
54. What are the different types of preference shares and what is the difference between them
55. What is- statutory meeting, general meeting and EGM
56. Different types of directors? Can a managing director be a director of more than one
company? (Not sure of this question. See taxxmann. It talks about managing director,
independent director, full time director etc etc)
57. What is the procedure for merger of company (Interview)
58. What is the procedure to be followed for hiving off (Interview)
59. What is demerger
60. What type of resolution do you need for merger (Interview) (I’m not sure if there is a
difference between 2/3rd majority and special resolution – find out. Also keep in mind if
the voting is b/w directors or shareholders) (Interview)
61. Difference between special resolution and ordinary resolution (Interview)


62. What is the difference between simple mortgage and English mortgage (S 57) (Interview)
63. You are given a MOA and AOA. The name of the company is blacked out. Is it a pvt co
or public co
64. There is a company with 30 members and 5 crores as share capital. Is it a pvt co or public
65. When a foreign entity wants to invest in India does it buy shares or bonds or what (not
sure of this question)

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