AHA Guidelines On Neonatal Resuscitation
AHA Guidelines On Neonatal Resuscitation
AHA Guidelines On Neonatal Resuscitation
Newborn Resuscitation Algorithm.
C. Chest compressions assessment of 2 vital characteristics: estimate of the pulse and is more accu-
D. Administration of epinephrine and/ respirations (apnea, gasping, or labored rate than palpation at other sites.4,5
or volume expansion or unlabored breathing) and heart rate A pulse oximeter can provide a contin-
Approximately 60 seconds (“the Golden (whether greater than or less than 100 uous assessment of the pulse without
Minute”) are allotted for completing the beats per minute). Assessment of heart interruption of other resuscitation
initial steps, reevaluating, and beginning rate should be done by intermittently measures, but the device takes 1 to 2
ventilation if required (see Figure). The auscultating the precordial pulse. When minutes to apply, and it may not func-
decision to progress beyond the initial a pulse is detectable, palpation of the tion during states of very poor cardiac
steps is determined by simultaneous umbilical pulse can also provide a rapid output or perfusion. Once positive
When Meconium is Present bin saturation may normally remain in can be anticipated,2 when positive
Aspiration of meconium before deliv- the 70% to 80% range for several min- pressure is administered for more
ery, during birth, or during resuscita- utes following birth, thus resulting in than a few breaths, when cyanosis is
tion can cause severe meconium aspi- the appearance of cyanosis during persistent, or when supplementary ox-
ration syndrome (MAS). Historically a that time. Other studies have shown ygen is administered (Class I, LOE B).
variety of techniques have been rec- that clinical assessment of skin color To appropriately compare oxygen sat-
ommended to reduce the incidence of is a very poor indicator of oxyhemoglo- urations to similar published data, the
MAS. Suctioning of the oropharynx be- bin saturation during the immediate probe should be attached to a preduc-
fore delivery of the shoulders was con- neonatal period and that lack of cyano- tal location (ie, the right upper extrem-
sidered routine until a randomized sis appears to be a very poor indicator ity, usually the wrist or medial surface
controlled trial demonstrated it to be of the state of oxygenation of an un- of the palm).43 There is some evidence
of no value.26 Elective and routine en- compromised baby following birth. that attaching the probe to the baby
dotracheal intubation and direct suc- Optimal management of oxygen during before connecting the probe to the in-
tioning of the trachea were initially neonatal resuscitation becomes par- strument facilitates the most rapid ac-
recommended for all meconium-stained
ticularly important because of the evi- quisition of signal (Class IIb, LOE C).42
newborns until a randomized con-
dence that either insufficient or exces-
trolled trial demonstrated that there Administration of
sive oxygenation can be harmful to the
was no value in performing this pro- Supplementary Oxygen
newborn infant. Hypoxia and ischemia
cedure in babies who were vigorous Two meta-analyses of several random-
are known to result in injury to multi-
at birth.27 Although depressed infants ized controlled trials comparing neo-
ple organs. Conversely there is grow-
born to mothers with meconium-stained natal resuscitation initiated with room
ing experimental evidence, as well as
amniotic fluid (MSAF) are at increased
evidence from studies of babies receiv- air versus 100% oxygen showed in-
risk to develop MAS,28,29 tracheal suction-
ing resuscitation, that adverse out- creased survival when resuscitation
ing has not been associated with reduc-
comes may result from even brief ex- was initiated with air.44,45 There are no
tion in the incidence of MAS or mortality
posure to excessive oxygen during and studies in term infants comparing out-
in these infants.30,31 The only evidence
following resuscitation. comes when resuscitations are initi-
that direct tracheal suctioning of meco-
ated with different concentrations of
nium may be of value was based on com-
Pulse Oximetry oxygen other than 100% or room air.
parison of suctioned babies with historic
Numerous studies have defined the One study in preterm infants showed
controls, and there was apparent selec-
percentiles of oxygen saturation as a that initiation of resuscitation with a
tion bias in the group of intubated babies
function of time from birth in uncom- blend of oxygen and air resulted in less
included in those studies.32–34
promised babies born at term (see hypoxemia or hyperoxemia, as defined
In the absence of randomized, con- table in Figure). This includes satura- by the investigators, than when resus-
trolled trials, there is insufficient evi- tions measured from both preductal citation was initiated with either air
dence to recommend a change in the and postductal sites, following both or 100% oxygen followed by titration
current practice of performing endo- operative and vaginal deliveries, and with an adjustable blend of air and
tracheal suctioning of nonvigorous those occurring at sea level and at oxygen.46
babies with meconium-stained amni- altitude.35– 40
otic fluid (Class IIb, LOE C). However, if In the absence of studies comparing
attempted intubation is prolonged Newer pulse oximeters, which employ outcomes of neonatal resuscitation
and unsuccessful, bag-mask ventila- probes designed specifically for neo- initiated with other oxygen concentra-
tion should be considered, particularly nates, have been shown to provide re- tions or targeted at various oxyhemo-
if there is persistent bradycardia. liable readings within 1 to 2 minutes globin saturations, it is recommended
following birth.41– 43 These oximeters that the goal in babies being resusci-
Assessment of Oxygen Need are reliable in the large majority of tated at birth, whether born at term or
and Administration of Oxygen newborns, both term and preterm, and preterm, should be an oxygen satura-
There is a large body of evidence that requiring resuscitation or not, as long tion value in the interquartile range of
blood oxygen levels in uncompromised as there is sufficient cardiac output preductal saturations (see table in Fig-
babies generally do not reach extra- and skin blood flow for the oximeter to ure) measured in healthy term babies
uterine values until approximately 10 detect a pulse. It is recommended that following vaginal birth at sea level
minutes following birth. Oxyhemoglo- oximetry be used when resuscitation (Class IIb, LOE B). These targets may be
Laryngeal Mask Airways diac output confirms placement of the higher peak systolic and coronary
Laryngeal mask airways that fit over endotracheal tube within the trachea, perfusion pressure than the 2-finger
the laryngeal inlet have been shown to whereas a negative test result (ie, no CO2 technique,76 – 80 the 2 thumb– encircling
be effective for ventilating newborns detected) strongly suggests esophageal hands technique is recommended for
weighing more than 2000 g or deliv- intubation.68 –72 Exhaled CO2 detection is performing chest compressions in
ered ⱖ34 weeks gestation (Class IIb, the recommended method of confir- newly born infants (Class IIb, LOE C).
LOE B65– 67). There are limited data on mation of endotracheal tube place- The 2-finger technique may be prefer-
the use of these devices in small pre- ment (Class IIa, LOE B). However, it able when access to the umbilicus is
term infants, ie, ⬍ 2000 g or ⬍34 should be noted that poor or absent required during insertion of an umbil-
weeks (Class IIb, LOE C65– 67). A laryn- pulmonary blood flow may give false- ical catheter, although it is possible
geal mask should be considered dur- negative results (ie, no CO2 detected to administer the 2 thumb– encircling
ing resuscitation if facemask ventila- despite tube placement in the tra- hands technique in intubated infants
tion is unsuccessful and tracheal chea). A false-negative result may thus with the rescuer standing at the baby’s
intubation is unsuccessful or not feasi- lead to unnecessary extubation and re- head, thus permitting adequate access
ble (Class IIa, LOE B). The laryngeal intubation of critically ill infants with to the umbilicus (Class IIb, LOE C).
mask has not been evaluated in cases poor cardiac output. Compressions and ventilations should
of meconium-stained fluid, during be coordinated to avoid simultaneous
Other clinical indicators of correct en-
chest compressions, or for adminis- delivery.81 The chest should be per-
dotracheal tube placement are con-
tration of emergency intratracheal mitted to reexpand fully during relax-
densation in the endotracheal tube,
medications. ation, but the rescuer’s thumbs should
chest movement, and presence of
Endotracheal Tube Placement equal breath sounds bilaterally, but not leave the chest (Class IIb, LOE C).
Endotracheal intubation may be indi- these indicators have not been system- There should be a 3:1 ratio of com-
cated at several points during neona- atically evaluated in neonates (Class pressions to ventilations with 90 com-
tal resuscitation: 11b, LOE C). pressions and 30 breaths to achieve
approximately 120 events per minute
● Initial endotracheal suctioning of non-
Chest Compressions to maximize ventilation at an achiev-
vigorous meconium-stained newborns
Chest compressions are indicated for able rate. Thus each event will be allot-
● If bag-mask ventilation is ineffective
a heart rate that is ⬍60 per minute ted approximately 1/2 second, with
or prolonged exhalation occurring during the first
despite adequate ventilation with sup-
● When chest compressions are plementary oxygen for 30 seconds. Be- compression after each ventilation
performed cause ventilation is the most effective (Class IIb, LOE C).
● For special resuscitation circum- action in neonatal resuscitation and There is evidence from animals and
stances, such as congenital dia- because chest compressions are likely non-neonatal studies that sustained
phragmatic hernia or extremely low to compete with effective ventilation, compressions or a compression ratio
birth weight rescuers should ensure that assisted of 15:2 or even 30:2 may be more effec-
The timing of endotracheal intubation ventilation is being delivered optimally tive when the arrest is of primary car-
may also depend on the skill and expe- before starting chest compressions. diac etiology. One study in children
rience of the available providers. Compressions should be delivered on suggests that CPR with rescue breath-
After endotracheal intubation and ad- the lower third of the sternum to a ing is preferable to chest compres-
ministration of intermittent positive depth of approximately one third of the sions alone when the arrest is of non-
pressure, a prompt increase in heart anterior-posterior diameter of the cardiac etiology.82 It is recommended
rate is the best indicator that the tube chest (Class IIb, LOE C73–75). Two tech- that a 3:1 compression to ventilation
is in the tracheobronchial tree and niques have been described: compres- ratio be used for neonatal resuscita-
providing effective ventilation.53 Ex- sion with 2 thumbs with fingers encir- tion where compromise of ventilation
haled CO2 detection is effective for con- cling the chest and supporting the is nearly always the primary cause, but
firmation of endotracheal tube place- back (the 2 thumb– encircling hands rescuers should consider using higher
ment in infants, including very low- technique) or compression with 2 fin- ratios (eg, 15:2) if the arrest is believed
birth-weight infants (Class IIa, LOE B68 –71). gers with a second hand supporting to be of cardiac origin (Class IIb, LOE C).
A positive test result (detection of ex- the back. Because the 2 thumb– encir- Respirations, heart rate, and oxygena-
haled CO2) in patients with adequate car- cling hands technique may generate tion should be reassessed periodically,
offered therapeutic hypothermia. The functional survival is highly unlikely.103 birth-weight babies born in a network
treatment should be implemented ac- The following guidelines must be inter- of regional perinatal centers may be
cording to the studied protocols, which preted according to current regional found at that site. However, unless con-
currently include commencement within outcomes: ception occurred via in vitro fertiliza-
6 hours following birth, continuation for ● When gestation, birth weight, or tion, techniques used for obstetric dat-
72 hours, and slow rewarming over at congenital anomalies are associ- ing are accurate to only ⫾3 to 4 days if
least 4 hours. Therapeutic hypothermia ated with almost certain early death applied in the first trimester and to
should be administered under clearly and when unacceptably high mor- only ⫾1 to 2 weeks subsequently. Esti-
defined protocols similar to those used bidity is likely among the rare survi- mates of fetal weight are accurate to
in published clinical trials and in facili- vors, resuscitation is not indicated. only ⫾15% to 20%. Even small discrep-
ties with the capabilities for multidisci- ancies of 1 or 2 weeks between esti-
Examples include extreme prematu-
plinary care and longitudinal follow-up mated and actual gestational age or a
rity (gestational age ⬍23 weeks or
(Class IIa, LOE A). Studies suggest that 100- to 200-g difference in birth weight
birth weight ⬍400 g), anencephaly,
there may be some associated adverse may have implications for survival and
and some major chromosomal ab-
effects, such as thrombocytopenia and long-term morbidity. Also, fetal weight
normalities, such as trisomy 13
increased need for inotropic support. can be misleading if there has been
(Class IIb, LOE C).
intrauterine growth restriction, and
GUIDELINES FOR WITHHOLDING ● In conditions associated with a high outcomes may be less predictable.
AND DISCONTINUING rate of survival and acceptable mor- These uncertainties underscore the
RESUSCITATION bidity, resuscitation is nearly al- importance of not making firm com-
For neonates at the margins of viability ways indicated. This will generally mitments about withholding or provid-
or those with conditions which predict include babies with gestational age ing resuscitation until you have the op-
a high risk of mortality or morbidity, ⱖ25 weeks and those with most portunity to examine the baby after
attitudes and practice vary according congenital malformations (Class IIb, birth.
to region and availability of resources. LOE C).
Studies indicate that parents desire a ● In conditions associated with uncer- Discontinuing Resuscitative Efforts
larger role in decisions to initiate re- tain prognosis in which survival is In a newly born baby with no detect-
suscitation and continue life support borderline, the morbidity rate is rel- able heart rate, it is appropriate to
of severely compromised newborns. atively high, and the anticipated consider stopping resuscitation if the
Opinions among neonatal providers burden to the child is high, parental heart rate remains undetectable for 10
vary widely regarding the benefits and desires concerning initiation of re- minutes (Class IIb, LOE C104 –106). The de-
disadvantages of aggressive therapies suscitation should be supported cision to continue resuscitation efforts
in such newborns. (Class IIb, LOE C). beyond 10 minutes with no heart rate
should take into consideration factors
Withholding Resuscitation Assessment of morbidity and mortality
such as the presumed etiology of the
It is possible to identify conditions as- risks should take into consideration
arrest, the gestation of the baby, the
sociated with high mortality and poor available data, and may be augmented
presence or absence of complications,
outcome in which withholding resusci- by use of published tools based on
the potential role of therapeutic hypo-
tative efforts may be considered rea- data from specific populations. Deci-
thermia, and the parents’ previously
sonable, particularly when there has sions should also take into account
expressed feelings about acceptable
been the opportunity for parental changes in medical practice that may
risk of morbidity.
agreement (Class IIb, LOE C101,102). occur over time.
A consistent and coordinated ap- Mortality and morbidity data by gesta- STRUCTURE OF EDUCATIONAL
proach to individual cases by the ob- tional age compiled from data col- PROGRAMS TO TEACH
stetric and neonatal teams and the lected by perinatal centers in the US NEONATAL RESUSCITATION
parents is an important goal. Nonini- and several other countries may be Studies have demonstrated that use of
tiation of resuscitation and discontinu- found on the Neonatal Resuscitation simulation-based learning methodolo-
ation of life-sustaining treatment dur- Program (NRP) website (www.aap. gies enhances performance in both
ing or after resuscitation are ethically org/nrp). A link to a computerized tool real-life clinical situations and simu-
equivalent, and clinicians should not to estimate mortality and morbidity lated resuscitations,107–110 although a
hesitate to withdraw support when from a population of extremely low- few studies have found no differences
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Neonatal Resuscitation: 2010 American Heart Association Guidelines for
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care
John Kattwinkel, Jeffrey M. Perlman, Khalid Aziz, Christopher Colby, Karen
Fairchild, John Gallagher, Mary Fran Hazinski, Louis P. Halamek, Praveen Kumar,
George Little, Jane E. McGowan, Barbara Nightengale, Mildred M. Ramirez, Steven
Ringer, Wendy M. Simon, Gary M. Weiner, Myra Wyckoff and Jeanette Zaichkin
Pediatrics 2010;126;e1400; originally published online October 18, 2010;
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2010-2972E
The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is
located on the World Wide Web at: