Stability Matrices For Lateral Buckling Analysis of Beams: Dr. Peter Nyityo Jiki
Stability Matrices For Lateral Buckling Analysis of Beams: Dr. Peter Nyityo Jiki
Stability Matrices For Lateral Buckling Analysis of Beams: Dr. Peter Nyityo Jiki
In the present work, a new formulation for lateral buckling of beams comprising bi-
symmetric sections has been proposed. The formulation employs a coupled lateral buckling
functional to investigate the lateral buckling behaviour of a class of beams comprising bi-
symmetric sections. While retaining the coupled modes of displacements at buckling, the
formulation focuses attention on the need to reduce the number of degrees of freedom per
element so that the solution process can be carried out on small microcomputers. This effort
will be of interest to design offices, which have investments in microcomputers to ease their
routine designs. The results obtained from the present formulation compare well with those
published in the literature. There is also a gain in the fact that the formulation can be
programmed either in basic or FORTRAN and with efficient programming, a saving in
computer time can be made.
One of the most recent works on lateral 6 Uniform bending of beams and
buckling of beams by the finite element cantilevers is assumed.
method has been reported by Attard [12] in
which he investigated the behaviour of a 3.0 TOTAL POTENTIAL ENERGY
general thin-walled section in the derivation FUNCTIONAL
of his stability matrices. However, such The total potential Energy of a bi- symmetric
stability matrices need not be used directly thin-walled element shown in fig. 1 is given
to solve bi-symmetric problems because as: e U W (1)
both monosymmetric and asymmetric In which U is the strain energy of the
parameters have already been included in the element and W is the work done by the
integration of elements of the matrices. loads. For a thin-walled beam element
Another recent work on lateral buckling of considered herein, the strain energy is given
beams employing the use of the finite as:
element method has come from Kitipornchai
1 d
L 2
d 2v d 2u
2 0
and Chan [13]. However, they too have U X 2
employed mono symmetric and asymmetric dz dz 2 dz
parameters to derive elements of their (2)
stability matrices. Therefore use of their In which E and G= Youngs modulus
stability matrices directly to solve bi- and shear modulus respectively, Ix and IY
symmetric problems would introduce errors =.The second moments of area about the
due to inclusion of above-mentioned principal X and Y axes. J is St. Venant
parameters. torsion constant. Equation (2) gives rise to
It can be seen from the above review that element elastic stiffness matrix [14].
although bi-symmetric beams are among the The work done W by the applied loads
most widely used beams in Engineering during deformation of the element is given
construction, stability matrices employing as: W W1 W2 (3)
the finite element method and the concept of In which WI is due to linear nodal
two equilibrium states to study the behaviour deformations and W2 is the nonlinear part
of such beams using micro-computers are arising from changes of geometry.
lacking. Thus the purpose of the present For the present work, there is no axial
effort is to provide such matrices effect and loads are applied in the y-z
plane only (assumptions: Loads and shears
2.0 ASSUMPTIONS are applied in the y-z plane only, prismatic
The following assumptions are made sections are used and we assume that
in the present effort warping torsion is zero i.e. EIW = 0).
1 The beams used for the present work Therefore the product of applied loads
are prismatic gives W1 with their respective
2 Loads are applied at the vertical axis displacements as:
plane and at the top flange of the W1 [ Fy1U1 M z1 z1 M y1 y1
beam element only. (4)
Fy 2U 2 M z 2 z 2 M y 2 y 2 ]T
3 Effect of load height on lateral
buckling is not considered. In which F, M, are shears and
4 Only beams of bi-symmetric sections moments and u, are lateral displacements
are considered. and rotations respectively at the end nodes.
5 Uniform torsion of the beam element The subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the near and
has been assumed. far nodes. M, is torsional moment and the
Nigerian Journal of Technology, Vol. 25, No. 1, March 2006 Jiki 38
zz 2l yz yz dv
W2 z
zz (6) 2 (15)
vol L
For any arbitrary applied. loads in the yz The shear force in the horizontal plane Fy is
plane the stresses c and t are given as: obtained by simple statics
zz z Y (7) Consider the deformations to be small
J Iy
and finite; we have vi and ui in terms of
yz (8) angle of twist z as:
Vi v z X (16)
In which M, is twisting moment along
the element. My is moment causing ui u z y (17)
lateral (out of plane) bending, F is Substitution of equations (12)-(17) into
shear force and A is area of section. equation (11) and simplifying gives:
Also for a bi-symmetric section, X and du d
W2 M z1 1 M z 2 2 2 . z dz
Yare distances from the extreme fibres 2L dz dz
to the centroidal axes of the section. 1
M x 1 M x 2 2
2 L
The corresponding quadratic strain
tensor is given as:
dv d z du
1 dvi du i 2 . dz Fy z
2 2
dz (18)
zz (9) dz dz L
2 dz dz
A set of displacement functions id
1 du du dv dv now proposed as:
zz i . i i . i (10)
2 dy dx dy dx 1
v a1 a 2 a 3 a 4 (19)
In which vi and ui= the displacement of an u b1b2 b3 b4 2
c c c b z
arbitrary point on the cross section in the y z 1 2 3 4 3
and x directions respectively Substitution of
The displacement functions in equations
equations (7),(8),(9) and (10) into equation
(19)are usually transformed to element nodal
(6), the continuum work done by W2 in
variables r. Therefore in terms of the nodal
deforming the element is given
displacement variables, W2 is written as:
1 M zy M yx dvi 2 du i 2
W2 vol W2 r T K G r
I dz dz (20)
2 x Iy 2
In which [KG]=element geometric stiffness
matrix, r is nodal displacement vector and is
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