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VCVS Band Pass

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Band-Pass Filters

The basic circuit of the 2nd order VCVS band-pass filter is shown in Figure 22. Nodal analysis
yields the equations:

R1 C2
a b


C1 R3 R4

Figure 1 – 2nd Order Band-Pass Filter

( ( )) …………… (80)

( ) …………… (81)

…………… (82)

…………… (83)
This gives

( ) …………… (84)
[ ( ) ]

The general form for a band-pass function is given by

( ) …………… (85)

In the design of a band-pass filter, three (3) design parameters must be specified: centre
frequency gain, G, centre frequency, ω0 (of f0) and the quality factor of the circuit, Q. Q and are
f0 related by

where f1 and f2 are 3dB points and B is the bandwidth.

Comparing (84) and (85) yields

…………… (86)

…………… (87)

[ ( ) ]…………… (88)

Let C1=C2=C and R1=R2=R3=R. Then (86), (87) and (88) become

…………… (89)

…………… (90)

…………… (91)

From (90), the centre frequency, f0 and a chosen value of C determine R. Since from (91),
…………… (92)

varying bandwidths for a fixed centre frequency can be obtained by varying k. Finally, from
(92), as Q becomes larger, the value of 4-k becomes smaller which means that k approaches 4
(k<4). Thus, as Q increases, the circuit gain changes and hence the circuit is quite sensitive to
changes in R4 and R5. It is useful for low frequency work with small gain requirements.


Design a second-order band-pass filter with a centre frequency of 2 kHz and a Q of 5.


We select a capacitor value of 1F for convenience in the normalized case (ω0=1). Then, using
(90) for C=1 and ω0=1,

From (12), we now find k: substitute √ gives

√ √

Find R4 and R5 such that e.g. R4=1 and R5=2.7172.

Denormalize and scale the circuit on the example above.

In this design, from (89), (90) and (91),

…………… (93)


…………… (94)
…………… (95)
Thus, while (93) and (94) determine R and C for a given ω0 and Q, (95) finds G for a given k.


1. Develop design equations for R1, R2 and R3 if C1=C2=C and k=2. Such equations will enable
a band-pass filter design for given ω0, Q and G. design for f0=20 kHz, Q=5 and G=10.
2. Derive the T.F. for the filter in Figure 23.

R1 C

Figure 2 – 2nd Order Band-Pass Filter

High Order Band-pass Active Filters

The active filter designer may obtain a higher order band-pass filter by cascading low-pass filter
sections with high-pass filter sections. If the designer requires a 4th order band-pass active filter,
he could cascade a low-pass second-order filter with cut-off point f0U with a high-pass second-
order filter with cut-off point f0L for f0U>f0L. The results is a band-pass active filter with a centre
frequency approximately equal to f0  f0 L  f0U (exact for Butterworth) with approximate

bandwidth f0U-f0L. Sharper cut-off features may be obtained by cascading fourth order low-pass
and high-pass filters, but this requires more components and op-amps.
A much sharper band-pass filter may be obtained by cascading two or more identical band-pass
second order filters. If Q1 is the quality factor of a single stage and there are n stages, the Q of
the filter is expressed by


Table 1 – Bn and Qn Values for an N-Stage Band-Pass Filter
No of Stages Bandwidth Selectivity Q

1 B1 Q1

2 B2 = 0.644B1 Q2 = 1.55Q1

3 B3 = 0.501B1 Q3 = 1.96Q1

4 B4 = 0.435B1 Q4 = 2.30Q1

5 B5 = 0.386B1 Q5 = 2.60Q1


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