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1. TO_INF + BE + ADJ...
→ IT + BE + ADJ + TO -Vo
To sit here with you is so nice. → It’s so nice to sit here with you.
2. IT + BE + ADJ + Ving
→ HOW + ADJ + (IT + BE) + TO_INF
It’s so nice sitting here with you. → How nice (it is) to sit here with you.
(Ngồi đây với bạn thật tuyệt)
3. TO_INF ...+ BE + ADJ/N
→ S + V + IT + ADJ/N + TO -Vo
To be there on time is important. → I find it important to be there on time.
(Tôi nhận thấy có mặt ở đó đúng giờ thì rất quan trọng)
That we should keep calm is important → I think it important that we should keep calm.
(Quan trọng là chúng ta phải giữ bình tĩnh)
5. TOO + ADJ + FOR(O)...+ TO_INF
→ ...SO + ADJ + THAT/IT+BE+SUCH + (A/AN+ ADJ) + N + THAT
The tea was too hot for me to drink. (Trà nóng quá tôi không thể uống)
→ The tea was so hot that I couldn’t drink it. (Trà nóng đến nỗi tôi không thể uống được)
→ It was such hot tea that I couldn’t drink it. (Đõ là một tách trà nóng đến nỗi tôi k thể uống đc)
→...SO + ADJ + THAT/ IT+BE+SUCH + (A/AN + ADJ) + N + THAT
This song is simple enough for all of us to sing.
(Bài hát này đủ đơn giản để tất cả chúng ta hát)
→ This song is so simple that all of us can sing it.
(Bài hát này đơn giản đến nỗi tất cả chúng ta đều hát được)
→ It is such a simple song that all of us can sing it.
7. ...SO + ADJ + THAT(phủ định)
→ IT+BE+SUCH + (A /AN+ ADJ) + N + THAT ……
→ TOO + ADJ + FOR (O)..+ TO_INF
The jacket is so small that I can’t wear it.
→ It is such a small jacket that I can’t wear it.
→ The jacket is too small for me to wear.
→ The jacket is not big enough for me to wear .
8. TOO + ADJ + FOR...+ TO_INF
The tea was too hot for her to drink. ↔ The tea was not cold enough for her to drink.
9. .... SO + ADJ + THAT ……
↔ IT+BE+SUCH + (A/AN + ADJ) + N + THAT ……
It is such lovely weather that we spend the whole day in the garden.
→ The weather is so lovely that we spend the whole day in the garden.
10. Clauses and phrases:
A.Clauses and phrases of reason:bởi vì
Because/ Since/As + Clause ( S+V )
Because of/ Due to/ Thanks to /Owing to+ Phrase ( N phrase/ V-ing phrase )

B.Clauses and phrases of concession:mặc dù

Although/ Though/ Even though + Clause ( S+V ) =In spite of the fact that +S+V
 In spite of/ Despite + Phrase ( N phrase/ V-ing phrase )

*LƯU Ý: không dùng but sau Although/ Though/ Even though ,In spite of / Despite( không đi với of)
 Cách đổi : S+V  Noun Phrase
1. S(noun)+be+Adj  Adj+Noun
2. S+be+Adj  my,his,your,our,her,their,its +Noun(Noun’s Noun)
Adj  Noun
ill illness
sick sickness Ex : He was ill  His illness
noisy noise
sad sadness
happy happiness
3. V + Adv  Adj+ Noun
Verb  Noun
behave behavior Ex: He behaves wellHis good hehavior
rain rain
work work
Adv Adj
very  great
well  good
heavily  heavy
4. Verb  Ving
1. Because the weather is hot, I open the window.
 Because of the hot weather, I open the window.
2.Although the weather was hot, we went out.
In spite of the hot weather, we went out.
3. Because he is lazy , he often gets bad marks .
 Because of his laziness , he often gets bad marks .
4. Because the husbands were absent ,women went to work in factories.
Because of the absent husbands ,women went to work in factories.
Because of the husbands’ absence , women went to work in factories.
5. Although she didn’t ask him , he helped her.
 In spite of her not asking him , he helped her.
6. It was raining heavily , but the boys were playing football.
Although/though It was raining heavily,the boys were playing football.
10. IF..................NOT.......... = UNLESS+S+V=WITHOUT+N.............(Nếu không.....thì/ Trừ phi.........)

He’ll die if nobody brings him to hospital.

↔ Unless somebody brings him to hosital, he’ll die.
(Anh ấy sẽ chết nếu không có ai đưa tới bệnh viện/
Trừ phi có người đưa anh ấy đến bệnh viện, anh ấy sẽ chết)

11. *Lưu ý: Viết lại câu với mệnh đề If

1.Thì hiện tại  if loại 2

2.Thì quá khứ  if loại 3
3. loại 2 và 3 có thể kết hợp
4 Sau “so” là mệnh đề chính
5.Sau “because” là mệnh đề If
6.Nguyên nhân là mệnh đề If, kết quả là mệnh đề chính.
7. câu phủ định  câu xác định và ngược lại xác định  câu phủ định
EX ;
1. I am not a teacher,so I can’t teach children.
↔ If I were a teacher, I could teach children.
2. We didn’t go on holiday because we didn’t have enough money.
↔ If we had had enough money, we would/could have gone on holiday.
3. I’m having a lot of trouble now because I lost my passport last week.
If I had not lost my passport last week, I would not have a lot of trouble now

Hiện tại: S + wish + S + V2/ed(BE WERE)
If only + S + V2/ed(BE WERE)
I am poor now.  I wish / If only I were rich.
Quá khứ: S + wish + S + HAD +V3/ed
If only + S + HAD +V3/ed
I didn’t meet her .  I wish / if only I had met her.
Tương lai: S + wish + S + would / could + Vo
If only + S + would / could + Vo
I can attend your wedding next week.  I wish I could attend your wedding next week.
Lưu ý:khi viết lại câu với wish :câu phủ định  câu xác định và ngược lại xác định  câu phủ định

13. S + HAVE/HAS+V3/ed+FOR + ( Period of time )

↔ SINCE+( a point of past time ) ↔ IT IS + TIME+SINCE + V2/ed
I haven’t seen her for three weeks. ↔ It’s three weeks since I last saw her.
I haven’t seen that man here before. ↔ It’s the first time I have seen that man here.
15. S + V2/ED +TIME +AGO.
I started working for the company a year ago.
↔ I’ve been working for the company for a year.
↔ I’ve been working for the company since last year.
↔ S + LAST + V2/ED+WHEN... ↔THE LAST TIME +S+ V2/ED+WAS.....
Laurence hasn’t seen her sister since she left for Japan.
(Laurence đã không gặp chị cô ấy từ khi đi học ở Nhật Bản)
↔ Laurence last saw her sister when she left for Japan.
(Laurence gặp chị cô ấy lần cuối cùng khi cô ấy đi học ở Nhật Bản)
Lucy hasn’t worn that dress since Barbara’s wedding.
(Kể từ khi Barbara cưới, Lucy đã không mặc chiếc áo đó nữa)
↔ The last time Lucy wore that dress was Barbara’s wedding.
(Lần cuối cùng khi Lucy mặc chiếc áo đó là khi cưới Barbara)
17. S + Spend / spent + TIME + Doing (Sth)
I spend thirty minutes a day studying/ to study English.
(Mỗi ngày tôi dành 30 phút học Tiếng Anh)
↔ It takes me 30 minutes a day to study English.
We wrote a letter in two hours. ↔ It took us two hours to write a letter.
( Mãi cho đến................mới..............)
He couldn’t speak French well until the second year.
↔ It was not until the second year that he could speak French well.
(Mãi đến năm thứ 2 anh ấy mới nói tiếng Pháp giỏi)
19. S + V + O ↔ HAVE + O(sb) + Vo↔ HAVE + O(st) + V3/ed
The garage is going to repair the car for us next week.
(Garage sẽ sửa xe cho chúng tôi vào tuần sau)
↔ We are going to have our car repaired next week.
(Tuần sau chúng tôi sẽ nhờ người sửa xe)
↔ IT + BE + V3/ED + THAT........ = S2 + BE + V3/ED + TO_Vo/ TO HAVE + V3/ED
They say that he speaks English well.
↔ It is said that he speaks English well.
↔ He is said to speak English well.
People rumoured that he (had) died in the battle.
↔ It was rumoured that he (had) died in battle.
↔ He was rumoured to have died in battle.
21. NOT SO/AS + ADJ/ ADV + AS...
I can’t cook as well as my mother does. ↔ My mother cooks better than I do/I can/me
(Tôi không nấu ăn giỏi như mẹ tôi). (Mẹ tôi nấu ăn giỏi hơn tôi)
I don’t know so much about it as she does. ↔ She knows a lot more about it than I do.
This novel is more interesting than any other novel that I have ever read.
(Quyển tiểu thuyết này hay hơn bất cứ cuốn tiểu thuyết nào mà tôi đã từng đọc)
↔ This is the most interesting novel I have ever read.
(Đây là quyển tiểu thuyết hay nhất tôi đã từng đọc)
Have you got a cheaper carpet than this? ↔ Is this the cheapest carpet you’ve got?
23. Clause 1 , Clause 2
(So sánh kép 2 mệnh đề: càng…… càng…..)
I feel miserable when it is hot. ↔ The hotter it is , the more miserableI feel .
24. NO SOONER+ HAD + S + V3 +THAN + S + V2
↔ ...HARDLY/ONLY JUST/ SCARELY...WHEN.... (ngay khi … thì……)
He had hardly left the office when the phone rang.
↔ No sooner had he left the office than the phone rang.
I had only just put the phone down when the boss rang back.
↔ Hardly had I put the phone down when the boss rang back.
25. V + NOT...+ V + NOT.....(EITHER) ↔ NEITHER....NOR... (...Không....cũng không...)
My sister is not very in telligent. I am not very intelligent.
(Chị tôi không thông minh lắm. Tôi không thông minh lắm)
↔ Neither my sister nor I am very intelligent./ Neither I nor my sister is very intelligent.
(Cả chị tôi và tôi đều không thông minh lắm)
The moon doesn’t have an atmosphere; the planet Mars doesn’t either.
↔ Neither the moon nor the planet Mars has an atmosphere.
He didn’t know where John was and I didn’t either.
↔ Neither he nor I knew where John was. ↔ Neither of us knew where John was.
26.“WHY DON’T YOU + Vo...?”
↔ S + SUGGESTED THAT+S+(SHOULD) Vo (Gợi ý ai làm gì?)
“Why don’t you put a better lock on the door, John?” Jane said.
↔ Jane suggested that John (should) put a better lock on the door.
27. S + V2/ed ↔ V_ing...
(Rút gọn thành cụm hiện tại phân từ khi 2 câu có cùng chủ từ,2 hành động cùng xảy ra)
The mother smiled happily. She took the baby in her arms.
↔ Smiling hapily, the mother took the baby in her arms.
28. DIDN’T+Vo ↔ NOT + V_ing...
Because he didn’t know the language, he found it hard to get work.
↔ Not knowing the language, he found it hard to get work.
29. HAD + V3/ed ↔HAVING + V3/ed
(Rút gọn thành cụm hiện tại hoàn thành phân từ khi 2 câu có cùng chủ từ, nhấn mạnh hành động xảy
ra trước hành động kia trong quá khứ)
Mr. Brown had failed twice, so he didn’t want to try again.
↔ Having failed twice, Mr. Brown didn’t want to try again.
30. V3/ed (Rút gọn dùng quá khứ phân từ cho mệnh đề bị động khi 2 câu có cùng chủ từ)
He lived alone. He had been forgotten by everybody.
 He lived alone, forgotten by everybody.
He was waken by a strange noise. He couldn’t sleep any more.
 Waken by a strange noise, he couldn’t sleep any more.
31. ...CAN /COULDN’T+ NOT + INF...
↔ S + PREVENT(ED) + O + FROM + V+ing...
We couldn’t drive because of the fog.
↔ The fog prevented us from driving.


It isn’t necessary for you to finish by Saturday.
↔ You needn’t finish/ don’t need to fiish by Saturday.
(Bạn không cần hoàn thành trước thứ 7)
It is impossible for roses to be grown in such poor ground.
↔ Roses can’t posibly grow in such poor ground.
(Không thể trồng hoa ở đất cằn cỗi này
He decided to leave home. ↔ He made a decision to leave home.
(Anh ấy quyết định đi khỏi nhà)
I didn’t intend to stay here. ↔ I had no intention of staying here.
(Tôi không định ở đây)
The patient recovered more rapidly than expected.
↔ The patient made a more rapid recovery than expected.
(Bệnh nhân phục hồi nhanh chóng hơn mong đợi)
The two girls exchanged English lessons.
↔ There was an exchange of English lessons between two girls.
(Mệnh đề --> cụm danh động từ)
She laughed but she did not reply. ↔ She laughed without replying.
(Cô ấy cười nhưng không đáp lại). (Cô ấy cười mà không đáp lại)
She didn’t say a word as she left the room. ↔ She left the room without saying a word.
(Cô ấy khôn nói lời nào khi rời khỏi phòng). (Cô ấy rời khỏi phòng mà không nói câu nào)
(Câu đơn --> Câu phức)
The owners of newspapers are usually very rich.
↔ The people who owns newspapers are usually very rich.
Alice eats very little so as not to put on weight.
↔ Alice eats very little because she wants to lose weight.
After four years abroad, Mr. Brown returned home as an excellent engineer.
↔ After Mr. Brown had studied/ lived 4 years abroad, he returned home as an excellent engineer.
36. Clauses and phrases of purpose:(để chỉ mục đích)

 Clause: S - V + so that / in order that + S + can / will(not)+ V o (present)

Ex:They save money so that they can build a big house .
2.Clause: S - V + so that / in order that + S would/ could + V o (past)
Ex:They saved money in order that they could build a big house .

3. Phrase:  : S - V + to/ so as to/ in order to + Vo

S - V + in order for+ some one +to + Vo
Ex:We study hard to pass the exam.
 : S - V + so as not to/ in order not to + not to +Vo
Ex:We got up early so as not to be late for school
37. Rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ
-------noun + who / which / that + V ( chủ động ) …

=> noun + V-ing …..

Ex : The man who is smoking over there is my brother .

 The man smoking over there is my brother.
-------noun + who / which / that + be + V 3/ed …
=> noun + V3/-ed ….

Ex : The letter which was sent to our customers yesterday was full of mistakes .
 The letter sent to our customers yesterday was full of mistakes
3.To -Vo
The only/first/second/last+noun + who / which / that + V ( chủ động) OR is/am/was…+ V 3/ed(bị động)
=>The only,first,second,last+noun +to-Vo ….. ( chủ động) / to+be+ V3/ed ….(bị động)

Ex:He was the first man that passed the exam.

-> He was the first man to pass the exam.
Ex:She is the last woman who is interviewed by Mr.Brown.
-> She is the last woman to be interviewed by Mr.Brown.
38. S + often + V = S + be used to +Ving /N
> Nana often cried when she meets difficulties.
↔Nana is used to crying when she meets difficulties
39. S+V2/ED ↔ S+USED TO +Vo
I usually went swimming when I was young.
↔I used to go swimming when I was young

1. Mr. Minh often spends fifteen minutes leading the buffalo to the field.
 It often takes ____________________________________________________________
2. Quan always walk to school.
 Quan always goes ________________________________________________________
3. I found it a bit difficult to get into work this morning.
 Getting _________________________________________________________________
4. Their game of badminton is always on Tuesday.
 They __________________________________________________________________
5. I started to play the piano when I was six.
 I have __________________________________________________________________
6. I’m in England for the first time in my life.
 This ___________________________________________________________________
7. The children are too young to see horror films.
 The children aren’t _______________________________________________________
8. The children couldn’t go swimming because the sea was rough.
 The sea was too __________________________________________________________
9. My father said I could use his car.
 My father allowed ________________________________________________________
10. Why don’t you put your luggage under the seat ?
 He suggested ____________________________________________________________
11. I’ll finish the work tonight if you like.
 Would you like __________________________________________________________
12. The teacher didn’t allow the class to leave before 4:30.
 The teacher made ________________________________________________________
13. We haven’t seen him for over twenty years.
 It’s ____________________________________________________________________
14. We couldn’t drive because of the fog.
 The fog ________________________________________________________________
15. It is the most interesting novel I’ve ever read.
 I have __________________________________________________________________
16. Although she lived in difficult countries, she worked very hard.
 In spite of ______________________________________________________________
17. We haven’t met since 1981.
 It was in 1981 that ________________________________________________________
18. I came to London ten years ago.
 I have __________________________________________________________________
19. They haven’t seen their uncle for ten years.
 It’s ____________________________________________________________________
20. Steve started learning the violin a month ago.
 Steve __________________________________________________________________
21. I haven’t been to a Chinese restaurant for ages.
 It’s age _________________________________________________________________
22. The last time Nancy came here was in 1986.
 Nancy hasn’t ____________________________________________________________
23. It’s a long time since our last conversation.
 We ____________________________________________________________________
24. “I think you should go by train.” He told us.
 He advised ______________________________________________________________
25. Julia cleaned the house. Then she went shopping.
 After __________________________________________________________________
26. Jim was travelling in Paris. He met his old friends there.
 While __________________________________________________________________
27. First Jane checked all the prices. Then she bought a new car.
 Jane bought _____________________________________________________________
28. Jack went to Vietnam in 2002. He returned home in 2005.
 Jack ___________________________________________________________________
29. They finished work and then left the office.
 They __________________________________________________________________
30. We started learning English about 5 years ago.
 We’ve _________________________________________________________________
31. How much do you pay for this computer ?
 How much does __________________________________________________________
32. The last time Joe heard from his family was in June.
 Joe hasn’t ______________________________________________________________
33. How long have you been living in this new house ?
 When __________________________________________________________________
34. This is my third visit to Hồ Chí Minh City.
 I have __________________________________________________________________
35. Jack wants to drive to work, but he doesn’t have a car.
 If Jack _________________________________________________________________
36. We were late because of the heavy traffic.
 If it ____________________________________________________________________
37. Why don’t you ask your teacher for advice ?
 If I were ________________________________________________________________
38. I’ll never see you again if you don’t tell the truth.
 Unless _________________________________________________________________
39. This is James. He helped me solve that problem.
 James is ________________________________________________________________
40. The tea is so hot that I can’t drink it.
 The tea is _______________________________________________________________
41. Mexico City is more densely populated than Tokyo.
 Tokyo is not ____________________________________________________________
42. Sydney is larger than any other city in Australia.
 Sydney is _______________________________________________________________
43. China has the largest population in the world.
 There are _______________________________________________________________
44. The book really interests me.
 I ______________________________________________________________________
45. They didn’t go fishing because it was too cold.
 If _____________________________________________________________________
46. When did you start learning English ?
 How long _______________________________________________________________
47. I’m sorry I was so rude to you yesterday.
 I apologize ______________________________________________________________
48. People say she is an honest and reliable person.
 It is ___________________________________________________________________
49. It took me two hours to do my homework.
 I ______________________________________________________________________
50. He left school and then joined the army.
 After he ________________________________________________________________
51. What is your date of birth ?
 When __________________________________________________________________
52. When Minh was small, he usually slept with his brother.
 Minh used ______________________________________________________________
53. It’s three years since I started using this bicycle.
 I have __________________________________________________________________
54. No one has ever answered the questions.
 These questions __________________________________________________________
55. Julia is talking with a dump man.
 The man who ____________________________________________________________
56. I’ve arranged to meet Mr.Trung tomorrow evening.
 I’m ____________________________________________________________________
57. He was in the habit of getting up very late.
 He used ________________________________________________________________
58. He is talking to the girl with long hair.
 The girl whom ___________________________________________________________
59. “You’d better go to see the doctor immediately.”
 She advised _____________________________________________________________
60. They want to buy a bigger house but they don’t have enough money.
 If they _________________________________________________________________
61. She is exhausted today because she didn’t get any sleep last night.
 She wouldn’t ____________________________________________________________
62. The fire destroyed the forest completely.
 The forest ______________________________________________________________
63. I didn’t go to school on time this morning because the bus was late.
 If the bus _______________________________________________________________
64. You can’t visit the USA unless you get a visa.
 If _____________________________________________________________________
65. “Can I borrow your typewriter, Janet ?” asked Peter.
 Peter asked if ____________________________________________________________
66. She started working as a secretary five years ago.
 She has ________________________________________________________________
67. My French friend finds driving on the left difficult.
 My French friend ________________________________________________________
68. We didn’t go on holiday because we didn’t have enough money.
 If we __________________________________________________________________
69. The children couldn’t go swimming because of the rough sea.
 The sea was too __________________________________________________________
70. I’m always nervous when I travel by car.
 Travelling ______________________________________________________________
71. Although he had a good salary, he was unhappy in his job.
 In spite of ______________________________________________________________
72. They haven’t cleaned the streets this week.
 The streets ______________________________________________________________
73. Apples are usually cheaper than oranges.
 Apples are not ___________________________________________________________
74. I advised you to put your money in the bank.
 You’d _________________________________________________________________
75. The restaurant is so dirty that no one wants to eat there.
 It was such ______________________________________________________________
76. John only understood very little of what the teacher said.
 John could hardly ________________________________________________________
77. I haven’t been to Bristol for 3 years.
 The last time ____________________________________________________________
78. Jim will be eighteen next week.
 It’s Jim’s _______________________________________________________________
79. How long is it since they bought the house ?
 When __________________________________________________________________
80. He couldn’t repair the broken vase.
 The ___________________________________________________________________
81. I’ve never met such a famous person before.
 It’s ____________________________________________________________________
82. It was so late that nothing could be done.
 It was too _______________________________________________________________
83. The garage is going to repair the car for us next week.
 We ____________________________________________________________________
84. The bus takes longer than the train.
 The train _______________________________________________________________
85. The train couldn’t run because of the snow.
 The snow _______________________________________________________________
86. I haven’t seen that man here before.
 It’s ____________________________________________________________________
87. The furniture was so expensive that I didn’t buy it.
 The furniture ____________________________________________________________
88. He learned to drive when he was eighteen.
 He has _________________________________________________________________
89. Although his leg was broken, he managed to get out of the car.
 In spite of ______________________________________________________________
90. The cake was so hard that I couldn’t eat it.
 It was __________________________________________________________________
91. The water was so cold that the children could not swim in it.
 The water was not ________________________________________________________
92. Somebody repaired her car yesterday.
 She ____________________________________________________________________
93. They will catch all the prisoners again by tonight.
 All the prisoners _________________________________________________________
94. I started to work for the company a year ago.
 I have __________________________________________________________________
95. Susan felt sick because she ate four cream cakes.
 If Susan ________________________________________________________________
96. Although he didn’t speak Dutch, Bob decided to settle in Amsterdam.
 In spite of ______________________________________________________________
97. How long have Catherine and Henry been engaged ?
 When __________________________________________________________________
98. In spite of his age, Mr. Benson runs 7 miles before breakfast.
 Although _______________________________________________________________
99. The bread is so stale that we can’t eat it.
 The bread isn’t __________________________________________________________
100. The zoo keeper feed lions at 3 p.m every day.
 The lions _______________________________________________________________
161. We got lost because we didn’t have a map.
 If _____________________________________________________________________
162. The bridge was so low that the bus couldn’t go under it.
 It was __________________________________________________________________
163. I last saw him when I was a student.
 I haven’t _______________________________________________________________
164. It’s a six–hour drive from London to Edinburgh.
 It takes _________________________________________________________________
165. It’s ages since Alan visited his parents.
 Alan ___________________________________________________________________
166. Mr. Will lost his job because he was late every day.
 If _____________________________________________________________________
167. The police made the youth empty his pocket.
 The youth ______________________________________________________________
168. Lawrence hasn’t seen his sister since she left for Japan.
 Lawrence last ___________________________________________________________
169. John is fat because he eats so many chips.
 If _____________________________________________________________________
170. If Joe doesn’t change his way, he will end up in prison.
 Unless _________________________________________________________________
171. Having a vacation abroad is interesting.
 It’s ____________________________________________________________________
172. The water was so cold that the children could not take a swim.
 The water wasn’t _________________________________________________________
173. It’s two months since I last spoke to her.
 I haven’t _______________________________________________________________
174. “Turn down the radio, Nam.” , his father said.
 Nam’s father ____________________________________________________________
175. Lan will be seventeen next week.
 It’s ____________________________________________________________________
176. How long is it since you bought the car ?
 When __________________________________________________________________
177. Nam began to collect stamps in 2000.
 Nam has _______________________________________________________________
178. We have lived here for 15 years.
 We started ______________________________________________________________
179. English and French are spoken in Canada.
 People _________________________________________________________________
180. They are going to invite Nam to dinner.
 Nam ___________________________________________________________________
181. I can’t cook as well as my mother does.
 My mother ______________________________________________________________
186. He wrote the letter in two hours.
 It _____________________________________________________________________
187. It was such hot tea that I couldn’t drink it.
 The tea _________________________________________________________________
188. Because she behaves well, everybody loves her.
 Because of ______________________________________________________________
189. Unless you water the flowers everyday, they will die.
 If _____________________________________________________________________
190. I have studied English for 3 years.
 I began _________________________________________________________________
191. She didn’t take your advice, so she failed in the exam.
 If _____________________________________________________________________
192. We spend our childhood in that beautiful mountain resort and we always remember.
 We always remember _____________________________________________________
193. The cake was so bad that I couldn’t eat it.
 It’s ____________________________________________________________________
194. Without a passport, she couldn’t have left the country.
 If _____________________________________________________________________
195. The weather was so bad that we couldn’t go sailing.
 The weather wasn’t _______________________________________________________
196. The plane took off before we arrived at the airport.
 By the time _____________________________________________________________
197. I don’t live in a big city, so I can’t go to the cinema very often.
 If _____________________________________________________________________
198. She never seems to succeed even though she works hard.
 In spite of ______________________________________________________________
199. Jeanie is the tallest girl in her class.
 No one _________________________________________________________________
200. You didn’t plan things at the start, so we are in this mess now.
 If _____________________________________________________________________
201. My father bought a car with a sun roof.
 The car ________________________________________________________________
202. It’s said that English people are quiet and severed.
 English people ___________________________________________________________
203. Fiona had to get on the plane though she was afraid of flying.
 Despite ________________________________________________________________
204. Foxes can use their noses to find their dinners because they have a keen sense of smell.
 Because of ______________________________________________________________
205. He was very old, but he walked ten miles everyday.
 Despite ________________________________________________________________
206. Jenny ran fast but she didn’t win the race.
 Despite ________________________________________________________________
207. He is too young to appreciate such a film.
 He’s not ________________________________________________________________
225. If you run a lot, you will get fitter.
 The more _______________________________________________________________
226. That’s the best meal I’ve ever eaten
 I’ve ___________________________________________________________________
227. “I’m sorry I gave you the wrong number” said Paula to Susan.
 Paula apologised _________________________________________________________
228. I didn’t know you were coming, so I didn’t wait for you.
 If _____________________________________________________________________
229. People say that prevention is better than cure.
 Prevention ______________________________________________________________
230. She likes learning Chemistry best.
 Chemistry ______________________________________________________________
231. Nobody has invited her to the party.
 She ____________________________________________________________________
232. Getting to know a person is always time–consuming.
 It takes _________________________________________________________________
233. To find a house in this country is difficult.
 It’s ____________________________________________________________________
234. Tom and Jane have been married for 5 years.
 It’s ____________________________________________________________________
235. This room is too small for 5 people to live in.
 This room ______________________________________________________________
236. They made me study hard when I was at school.
 I ______________________________________________________________________
237. “Please don’t leave me on my own.”
 Martin begged us _________________________________________________________
238. Parking is not permitted here
 You aren’t ______________________________________________________________
261. I haven’t seen my cousin for 2 years.
 It’s 2 years since _________________________________________________________
262. I haven’t seen that film before.
 It’s ____________________________________________________________________
263. Despite her dislike for coffee, she drank it to keep herself warm.
 Although _______________________________________________________________
264. Mary booked at before we got to her house.
 By the time we __________________________________________________________
265. It started to rain at 2 o’clock and it is still raining.
 It _____________________________________________________________________
266. They made her hand over her passport.
 She ____________________________________________________________________
267. I tried to eat that cake but it was too sweet.
 It was __________________________________________________________________
268. My brother and I went to that school.
 I went to _______________________________________________________________
269. I often get up early in the morning.
 I ______________________________________________________________________
270. Getting a good job doesn’t interest him.
 He ____________________________________________________________________
271. The garden is too small to play football in.
 The garden _____________________________________________________________
272. Be he rich or poor, she will marry him.
 She will ________________________________________________________________
273. We haven’t been to the movies for a year.
 It’s ____________________________________________________________________
274. John used to smoke.
 John didn’t _____________________________________________________________
275. Lock the door carefully before going to bed.
 The door _______________________________________________________________
283. People used to think that he was selfish.
 He ____________________________________________________________________
287. The day was so cold that we stayed indoor.
 It _____________________________________________________________________
288. I’ve never read a more romantic story before.
 It’s ____________________________________________________________________
289. She likes to travel around the world but she doesn’t have a lot of money.
 She wishes ______________________________________________________________
290. I haven’t met her for 3 months.
 I ______________________________________________________________________
291. She usually wore uniform when she was a student.
 She ____________________________________________________________________
292. There are many beautiful places in Hồ Chí Minh City.
 Hồ Chí Minh City ________________________________________________________
293. I don’t have time to help you do this work.
 I wish I ________________________________________________________________
294. The film is more interesting than the one I last saw.
 The film I last saw was ____________________________________________________
295. Lan used to walk pass the mosque in the past.
 Lan ___________________________________________________________________
296. We spent a whole day looking for these old pictures.
 It took _________________________________________________________________
297. Learning a foreign language is interesting.
 It _____________________________________________________________________
298. Although Tom took a taxi, he was still late for the party.
 In spite of ______________________________________________________________
299. They will build a new market near my house.
 A new market ___________________________________________________________
300. I haven’t visited my parents for three months.
 I ______________________________________________________________________
301. It’s very convenient to wear jeans at work.
 Wearing jeans ___________________________________________________________
302. I haven’t seen her at this club before.
 This is _________________________________________________________________
303. How much is this book ?
 What does ______________________________________________________________
304. People built this cathedral nearly 200 years ago.
 This cathedral ___________________________________________________________
305. Take my advice and don’t drink so much whisky.
 If I ____________________________________________________________________
306. I last went there when I was a child.
 I have __________________________________________________________________
307. Hurry or you will late for the train.
 If you __________________________________________________________________
308. “Did you go out with your brother last night ?” said John to me.
 John asked me ___________________________________________________________
309. She last wrote to me 3 months ago.
 She hasn’t ______________________________________________________________
310. It is very useful to speak English fluently.
 Speaking English ________________________________________________________
311. “I’ll complete the work only if you pay me 10$ extra” said Tom.
 “Unless ________________________________________________________________
312. The architect has drawn plans for an extension to the house.
 Plans __________________________________________________________________
313. We didn’t go on holiday because we didn’t have enough money.
 If _____________________________________________________________________
314. Unless he phones immediately, he won’t get any information.
 If _____________________________________________________________________
315. The child will die if nobody sends for a doctor.
 Unless _________________________________________________________________
316. The weather was so cold that children could not swim in it.
 The weather was not ______________________________________________________
317. “You’d better not lend him anymore money, Elizabeth” said John.
 John advised Elizabeth ____________________________________________________
318. I started to work for the company a year ago.
 I ______________________________________________________________________
319. Because of the rough sea, the ferry couldn’t sail.
 The rough sea ___________________________________________________________
320. This furniture is so old that it’s not worth keeping.
 It is ___________________________________________________________________
321. “Where is the station car park ?” Mrs. Smith asked.
 Mrs. Smith asked ________________________________________________________
322. Miss Taylor doesn’t like living in such a small house.
 Miss Taylor wishes _______________________________________________________
344. He didn’t hurry, so he missed the train.
 If _____________________________________________________________________
345. The fire has destroyed many houses.
 Many houses ___________________________________________________________
346. I have studied English for 3 years.
 I began _________________________________________________________________
347. They are building a new school in that village.
 A new school ____________________________________________________________
348. Unless you water those flowers regularly, they will wither.
 If you __________________________________________________________________
349. The driver said : “Don’t get off the bus while it’s moving !”.
 The driver asked the passengers _____________________________________________
350. The robbers made the bank manager hand over the money.
 The bank manager ________________________________________________________
351. “Why don’t you put a better lock on the door, Barny ?” said John.
 John suggested __________________________________________________________
352. I haven’t eaten this kind of food before.
 This is the ______________________________________________________________
353. “Can I borrow your bicycle ?” asked Peter.
 Peter asked if __________________________________________________________

--------- THE END --------


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