EXPOMAR Project: Export Marketing Plan
EXPOMAR Project: Export Marketing Plan
EXPOMAR Project: Export Marketing Plan
Here is the outline for Export Marketing Plan project. The first stage in the planning process is a
preliminary country analysis. The marketer needs basic information to evaluate a country market’s
potential, identify problems that would eliminate a country from further consideration, identify aspects of
the country’s environment that need further study, evaluate the components of the marketing mix for
possible adaptation, and develop a strategic marketing plan.
Adapt products (from PRINMAR or EXPRMGT projects or new products) and provide the following
information for each product:
As a group, select your top 2 choices and be able to make a one-page report justifying your selection.
Note: Faculty in charge will choose and approve the product to focus on for the succeeding phases of this plan.
FIRST PART: This is to be done by group.
Using GMID (Global Market Information Database of EUROMONITOR INTERNATIONAL) and/or other
references, identify a SPECIFIC COUNTRY MARKET. The objective of this of this part is to match the
aforementioned product with particular need of specific country market.
Using some components of the EXPORT MARKETING PLAN FORMAT, provide the necessary
information and analyze each to justify the market feasibility of the chosen country market. Outline is
as follows:
I. Country Profiling
1. Geographic (please include the map)
2. Political-legal: Include trade requirements and products not allowed to be exported in the
chosen country market. This is to ensure that your chosen product is acceptable in your chosen
3. Demographic (referring to population and similar context)
4. Socio-cultural
5. Economics (which includes the data on exports and imports of target country market in US
dollars, lifestyle indicators, market size of the product in the target country market)
6. Technological
7. Conclusion
SECOND PART: This requirement is for the group. The group should decide the best country market and
target market profile that matches the product. A one-page summary of findings/analyses as to what
country market and target market profile best suits the product. Be able to highlight at least 5 major
characteristics of the chosen market.
1. Conclusions and analyses should be done in paragraph form.
2. Italicize your analyses.
3. Provide sources of information/ references to every significant study highlighted in the requirement.
4. Students are highly encouraged to be resourceful in looking for other research materials [e.g.
Euromonitor, journals, books, periodicals, etc.], which will assist the completion of the study. Let it be
the goal of the students to exhaustively explore other research materials that will contribute to the
completeness of the data gathering.
Submitted by:
Group Name
Group Members (In alphabetical order)
EXPOMAR [Section]
Submitted to:
Dr. Dave Vincent A. Mangilet, CPM