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An Analysis of Factors Affecting Reliability of Financial Report

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Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, Vol. 6, no. 2, pp.

375-392, April 2017 375

An Analysis of Factors Affecting Reliability of

Financial Report

Einde Evana*
Universitas Lampung, Indonesia

Liana Dewi
Universitas Lampung, Indonesia

This study aims to test the effect of institutional ownership, managerial ownership, audit
committee, and independent commissioners on financial report reliability of manufacturing
companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). Population in this study is
manufacturing companies listed on IDX in 2012-2014. The number of study sample is 171
companies obtained through purposive sampling method. Data sources are obtained from
financial report and annual report of companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange in
2012-2014. Dana analysis method uses multiple linear regression analysis by using a
software application of SPSS 21. Based on the analysis result, it shows that audit
committee positively and significantly affects financial report reliability, while variables of
institutional ownership, managerial ownership, and independent commissioner do not
affect financial report reliability.

Keywords: Financial report reliability, accounting conservatism, institutional ownership,

managerial ownership, audit committee, and independent commissioner

Financial report is a structured presentation form on financial position and financial
performance of an entity. The objective of financial report, according to Financial
Accounting Standard, is to give information about financial position, financial
performance, and entity cash that is useful for most of report users in economic decision
making. Information in financial report that is reliable, meets the reliable criteria and is
qualified is the financial report that is free of modification, illegal transaction, intentional
misstatement, intentional fraud, and material calculation error. Disclosing information as
the fact is the importance for many parties especially its users. Therefore, the challenge for
corporate internal party is how company is able to report its business outcome through
financial report to stakeholder including shareholder (investor) honestly and trustworthy in
order not to mislead its users.
Financial report information that cannot fulfill the characteristic of accounting
quality, one of them is reliability that can be the cause of the fall of companies involving in
manipulation case of financial report, for example what happened to Enron Corp, TYCO,
Worlcom, Olympus Corp, and some other big companies. Other cases often are found in
some public companies in Indonesia. Some of them are what happened to PT. Kimia
Farma, PT. Katarina Utama, and PT. Inovisi Infracom. As it is released in detikfinance, in
the article entitled “Shares are suspended for 4 months, Inovisi is suspected manipulating
financial report”, states that IDX has found around eight mistakes in financial report of
investment companies in the third quarter in 2014 (finance.detik.com). Some of financial

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Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, Vol. 6, no. 2, pp.375-392, April 2017 376

data misstatements found are in fixed assets value, net income per share, business segment
report, financial instrument category, and total of liability in business segment information
A various manipulation cases in financial data show that there is still a lack of
reliability value in financial report presented by company. It causes financial information
presentation not able to show the real corporate economic condition. Addressing to the
case, public community tends to doubt report system and financial management that have
been done by company. The doubt appears especially for go public companies that their
share ownership widely to public. In preventing the existence of financial report
manipulating action, a control mechanism in corporate management is considered to be
able to overcome it by reducing agency conflict as the result of interest difference between
manager (agent) and shareholder (principal). Jensen and Meckling (1976) argued that
supervisory action done by institutional investors such as financial institution, legal entity,
government or other institutions can limit opportunistic behavior of manager in controlling
and decision making. It can boost the level of supervision to be more optimal toward
management performance in order to be able to increase financial report reliability.
Structure of managerial ownership is also viewed as mechanism of good corporate
(CG) that can affect financial report information that is presented by management in order
to be relied by concerned parties. Manager in a company that has managerial ownership
percentage will tend to have bigger responsibility in running the company which is by
making the best decision for the welfare of the company, as well as reporting financial
report with the right and honest information so it has high reliability value. Moreover,
there are important role and responsibility in audit committee in a company. Audit
committee is able to increase supervision toward opportunistic action of management that
affects reliability value of financial report, which is by monitoring and supervising
financial report audit as well as ensuring financial standards and policies that are applied to
be fulfilled. Beside control mechanism from share ownership and audit committee, there is
independent commissioner in a company that also affects by giving protection toward
minority shareholder and other parties that are related to the company and balancing
decision making by management. If company has independent commissioner, then,
financial report presented by management tends to be more relied, because in the company,
there is agency that controls and protects the rights of external parties of corporate
management (Susiana and Arleen, 2007).
Study on factors that affect reliability of financial report has been done by Rachman
and Wien (2013). The result of study shows that internal audit and audit committee
simultaneously and partially have positive effect that is significant on financial report
reliability. Zakari and Ahmad (2014) study about the role of audit evidence source in
enhancing the quality and reliability of libyan auditor's report. Using questionnaire that was
personally distributed, they found the audit evidence source effects on the reliability and
quality of Auditor's report in Libya. Their study indicates that the audit evidence to support
the reliability of the audit report which will ultimately result in the reliability of the
financial statements.
Beside the study, so far, there has been no study with similar title. Some studies that
become references in this study which are studies with almost similar topic which is
financial report integrity one of them is the study from Nicolin (2013) showing that
independent commissioner and audit committee positively and significantly affect financial
report integrity while managerial ownership and institutional ownership do not affect
financial report integrity. However, Wulandari and Budiartha (2014), their study result

Copyright  2017 GMP Press and Printing (http://buscompress.com/journal-home.html)

ISSN: 2304-1013 (Online); 2304-1269 (CDROM); 2414-6722 (Print)
Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, Vol. 6, no. 2, pp.375-392, April 2017 377

shows that institutional ownership affects financial report integrity, while variables audit
committee and independent commissioner do not affect financial report integrity. The
study of Hardiningsih (2010), has shown that managerial ownership significantly affects
financial report integrity, while audit committee, independent commissioner, and
institutional ownership do not affect financial report integrity. Moreover, different result is
also found in the study from Rozania et al. (2013), that independent commissioner and
audit committee significantly affect financial report integrity. Based on the comparison
between some previous studies, it seems that there have been no consistencies in the study
results of some variables that affect financial repot integrity. Therefore, this study is done
in order to review study variables to support the study result that has been done.


2.1 Grand Theory
Agency theory is a theory that explains on the relationship between two parties which
are owner (principal) and management (agent). In agency theory, the agency relation
appears when one person or more (principal) employs others (agent) to give a service and
delegates decision making authority to the agent, so principal is the party that give a
mandate to agent to act on behalf of principal, while agent is the party that is given to run
the company (Jensen and Meckling, 1976). Information can be said reliable when it is free
from material error and deviation and causes users depend on the honest information and
presentation. Some parties also view that measurement that can be relied is the
measurement that can be verified. In reliability, there are some elements or sub-
characteristics that can reflect the reliability of financial report information, which are
Representational Faithfulness, Substance Over Form, Neutrality, Prudence, and
Basu (1987) stated conservatism as a tendency of an accountant who needs a higher
level of verification to admit good news as profitable matter compared to admitting bad
news as matters of disadvantages. Godfrey et al. (2010:165) stated conservatism is by
recording load, loss, and liability as soon as possible, while income should not be admitted
until a big possibility or high probability is known that the income can be received.
Conservatism tries to ensure that uncertainty and risk attached are considered appropriately
based on the completeness of suitable evidence. The carefully report is expected can bring
good benefit for the users of financial report users, among others are increased information
quality and to reduce the tendency of earnings management occurrence (Mohammadi et al.,

Corporate Governance
Corporate governance is a system that arranges the relationship between board of
commissioner, director, and management in order to create the balance in corporate
management. Mechanism of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) emphasizes on two
concepts which are the importance of shareholder rights in obtaining the right information
on time as well as the obligation for company to conduct disclosure accurately, transparent,
and on time in all financial information and corporate performance. The implementation of
good corporate governance affects financial report produced.

Institutional Ownership

Copyright  2017 GMP Press and Printing (http://buscompress.com/journal-home.html)

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Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, Vol. 6, no. 2, pp.375-392, April 2017 378

Institutional ownership is the percentage of voting rights owned by institution or

other companies, both inside and outside the country as well as governmental share inside
or outside the country (Susiana and Herawaty, 2007). Supervisory act of company by
institutional investor party can encourage manager to focus his/her attention on corporate
performance so that it will reduce opportunistic behavior (Astria, 2011).

Managerial Ownership
Managerial ownership is the percentage of shares owned by management including
the percentage of shares owned by management personally or owned by the branch of the
related company as well as its affiliation (Susiana and Herawaty, 2007). Share ownership
by management is viewed as an effective mechanism in order to harmonize interests
between shareholder and management. Manager in companies that have the percentage of
managerial ownership will tend to have greater responsibility in running the company, so
he/she always takes the best decision for the welfare of company by reporting financial
report with the right and honest information in order to have high financial report integrity.

Audit Committee
Audit committee is in charge to monitor and supervise the financial report audit,
ensure the applied standards and policies are fulfilled, recheck financial report whether or
not is in accordance with the standards and policies as well as with other information, and
evaluate the quality of service and cost fairness proposed by external auditor (Putra and
Muid, 2012). Therefore, audit committee has contribution to financial reporting such as the
less measuring action and accounting disclosure that is incorrect, and the less management
fraud action and illegal action done by the company.

Independent Commissioner
Independent commissioner is an agency in a company that usually consists of
independent board of commissioners and is from outside the company functioning for
evaluating corporate performance entirely (Emirzon, 2007 in Nicolin, 2013). The existence
of independent commissioner in the company can increase the reliability of financial report
that is presented by management. Independent commissioner plays a role in conducting
supervisory function toward manager behavior in order to be able to protect the rights of
external shareholders (Jama’an, 2008).

2.2. Hypothesis Development

2.2.1 The Effect of Institutional Ownership on the Reliability of Financial Report
Institutional ownership is the percentage of voting rights owned by institution such as
financial institution, legal entity, government and other institutions, both inside and outside
the country. High institutional ownership in company can increase monitoring toward
manager behavior especially when conducting corporate income management. It means
that institutional ownership in company can anticipate the existence of manipulating action
that might be done by manager in order to increase the reliability of financial report. Based
on the explanation, the hypothesis proposed in this study is as the following:
H 1 : Institutional ownership positively affects reliability of financial report

2.2.2 The Effect of Managerial Ownership on Reliability of Financial Report

Managerial ownership is the percentage of shares owned by management including
the percentage of shares owned by management personally or owned by branch of related

Copyright  2017 GMP Press and Printing (http://buscompress.com/journal-home.html)

ISSN: 2304-1013 (Online); 2304-1269 (CDROM); 2414-6722 (Print)
Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, Vol. 6, no. 2, pp.375-392, April 2017 379

company as well as its affiliation (Susiana & Herawaty, 2007). Manager in companies that
have percentage of managerial ownership will tend to have bigger responsibility in running
the company so that always makes the best decision for the welfare of the company by
reporting financial report in the right and honest information in order to have high
reliability value of financial report. Based on the explanation, the second hypothesis
proposed in this study is:
H 2 : Managerial ownership positively affects reliability of financial report

2.2.3 The Effect of Audit Committee on Reliability of Financial Report

Audit Committee is in charge to monitor and supervise the audit of financial report,
adjust financial report with policy, standard, regulation, and the actual financial report.
Audit committee that consists of independent commissioner is expected to be able to
conduct its duties especially the ones related to corporate accounting policy, internal
supervision, and financial reporting system. Audit committee in a company can be one of
efforts to reduce fraud in financial report presentation so that audit committee is expected
to be able to increase supervision toward management action that enables to conduct
manipulation on financial report that affects reliability of financial report so that it is able to
be relied by financial report users. Thus, the third hypothesis proposed in this study is:
H 3 : Audit committee positively affects reliability of financial report

2.2.4 The Effect of Independent Commissioner on Reliability of Financial Report

Independent commissioner is an agency in a company that generally has independent
members from outside the company and functions to evaluate corporate performance
externally and entirely. The existence of independent commissioner in a company can
equalize decision making, especially for protection from minority shareholders and other
related parties. Moreover, it also can be mediator when conflict occurs between internal
managers and to supervise manager policies as well as to give suggestions to management.
If company has independent commissioner, financial report presented by management
tends to be trusted and can be relied. Based on the explanation, hypothesis proposed in this
study is as the following:
H 4 : Independent commissioner positively affects reliability of financial report

Framework of Study
H1 +
Institutional Ownership (INST)

H2 +
Managerial Ownership (MNJ) Reliability of
H3 +
Financial Report
Audit Committee (KA)
H4 +

Independent Commissioner (KI)

Figure 1. Framework of Study

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Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, Vol. 6, no. 2, pp.375-392, April 2017 380

3.1. Population and Sample
Population in this study is manufacturing companies listed on Indonesia Stock
Exchange (IDX) in 2012-2014. Sample of study is selected with purposive sampling
approach, so there are some criteria to select sample data, among others are:
1. Companies that are listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2012-2014 in the group of
manufacturing industry.
2. Companies that publish financial report with last period of 31st December in related
year and it has been audited.
3. Companies that have financial data related to study variables completely, such as data
appearing on financial position report, income report, number of institutional shares
ownership and managerial shares ownership, have independent commissioner board
and have formed audit committee.

3.2. Type and Source of Data

Type of data used in this study is secondary data that is in the form of financial report
along with profile and annual report of manufacturing companies listed on Indonesia Stock
Exchange. Secondary data that have been published are obtained through the website of

Data Collecting Method

Data collecting of this study is documentary method by collecting, processing, and
analyzing secondary data in the form of annual financial report and annual report of the
company. Moreover, it is with the literature review which is by procession literature,
article, journal, result of previous study, and other written media that are related to the topic
of this study (Indriantoro, 2014). Sampling method applied is purposive sampling method.

Variable of Study and Operational Definition

Independent variable is a variable that affects or is the cause of change and the
appearance of dependent variable (Sugiyono, 2012 in Fajaryani, 2015). This study uses
four independent variables which are institutional ownership (INST), managerial
ownership (MNJ), audit committee (KA), and independent commissioner (KI), as shown in
Table 1. Dependent variable is proxied by conservatism index because conservatism has
similar characteristics of reliability elements which are prudence, faithful, substance,
neutral, and complete. Conservatism illustrates the consideration of information
presentation in the matter of carefulness to face uncertainty business world, one of the ways
is by not immediately admitting the existence of income and business rights before being
really realized compared to the disclosure of loss/cost or liability that are needed to be
admitted immediately.

Copyright  2017 GMP Press and Printing (http://buscompress.com/journal-home.html)

ISSN: 2304-1013 (Online); 2304-1269 (CDROM); 2414-6722 (Print)
Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, Vol. 6, no. 2, pp.375-392, April 2017 381

Table 1
Summary of Variable Operational Definition
Variable Measurement
Ownership (INST) Institutional Ownership = Number of shares owned by institution
Number of circulated shares
Ownership (MNJ) Managerial Ownership = Number of shares owned by management
Number of circulated shares
Audit Committee Audit committee is measured by number of audit committees in
(KA) company:
KA = Ʃ member of audit committee
Commissioner (KI) KI = Number of independent commissioner members
Number of all members of company commissioner board

Reliability of
Financial Report
(RLK) RLK is proxied by Consv accrual = Non-operating accrual
Total assets
Non operating accrual = Operating accrual - ∆account receivable -
∆inventories -∆prepaid expense + ∆accounts
payable + ∆taxes payable
Operating accrual = Net income + depreciation – cash flow from
(Zhang, 2007)


4.1. Description of Study Object
This study uses population of manufacturing companies listed on Indonesia Stock
Exchange in 2012-2014 as the object of study shown at Table 2. This study obtained 147
manufacturing companies during 2012-2014 that then are processed by purposive sampling
method. The data are obtained from the official site of Indonesia Stock Exchange
(www.idx.co. id) and some are from official website of each company.

Analysis of Descriptive Statistics

Table 2
Analysis of Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
RLK 171 ,0001050 ,8511630 ,051944245 ,0953890422
INST 171 ,0005770 ,9885170 ,673535065 ,2456578401
MNJ 171 ,000011 ,875033 ,06723987 ,130699788
KA 171 2,0 4,0 3,058 ,3711
KI 171 ,2500000 ,7500000 ,373440581 ,0760077435
Valid N 171
Source: Data is processed with SPSS, 2016

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Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, Vol. 6, no. 2, pp.375-392, April 2017 382

Based on the table of descriptive statistics can be known as the following:

a. Reliability of Financial Report
The value amount of Financial Report Reliability shown on Table 4.5 comes from the
calculation of consv_accrual from the model of Zhang (2007) which is non-operating
accrual is divided by total assets. The value amount of corporate financial report
reliability is between 0.000105 and 0.851 with average value as much as 0.052 and
standard of deviation as much as 0,095389. The company that has the highest
Reliability of Financial Report is PT Kabelindo Murni Tbk which is 0.851, while the
company with the lowest reliability value of financial report is PT Tifico Fiber
Indonesia Tbk as much as 0,000105.

b. Institutional Ownership (INST)

The ratio size of share ownership by institution is counted by number of shares owned
by institution divided by number of shares divided by number of shares involve in the
company. Minimum and maximum values of institutional ownership are 0.00058 dan
0.988, with average value of 0,6735 and standard deviation of 0.24566. It means that
the average of company sample, share ownership composition by institution is 67,/35%
from number of circulated numbers. The company with the lowest institutional share
ownership percentage is PT Tificor Finer Indonesia Tbk in 2014 as much as 98,8%
shares owned by institution.

c. Managerial Ownership (MNJ)

The ratio size of share ownership by management is calculated by number of shares
owned by management divided by number of circulated share. Minimum and maximum
values of managerial ownership are 0.00001 and 0.875 with the average value of 0.067
and standard deviation of 0.13069. It means that the average of company sample, its
composition of managerial share ownership is 6.7% from the number of circulated
shares. Company with the lowest percentage of managerial share ownership is PT
Merck Tbk as much as 0.001%, while the company with the highest percentage of
managerial share ownership is PT Sat Nusa Persada Tbk as much as 87.5%.

d. Audit Committee (KA)

Number of audit committee is number of audit committee with all members. The size
of audit committee number of a company is between 2 to 4 members with the average
value of 3.058 with standard deviation of 0,3711. Thus, it can be concluded that in this
study, company has the average of audit committee number as many as 3 persons,
consisting of 1 chairman and 2 members of audit committee.

e. Independent Commissioner (KI)

The size of proportion of corporate independent commissioner comes from the
calculation of number of corporate independent commissioner divided by number of all
commissioner board. Minimum and maximum values of independent commissioner are
0.25 and 0.75 with the average value of 0.373 and standard deviation of 0.076. It means
that the average of sampling company has composition of independent commissioner as
much as 37.3% from the number of commissioner board. Company that has the biggest
composition of independent commissioner is PT Tempo Scan Tbk in 2014 as many as 3
to 4 persons of commissioner board number.

Copyright  2017 GMP Press and Printing (http://buscompress.com/journal-home.html)

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Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, Vol. 6, no. 2, pp.375-392, April 2017 383

4.2. Classic Assumption Test

a. Data Normality Test

Table 3
The Result of Data Normality Test with Kolmogorov-Smirnov

Unstandardized Residual

N 171
Mean ,0000000
Normal Parametersa,b
Std. Deviation ,08623366
Absolute ,234
Most Extreme Differences Positive ,234
Negative -,220
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 3,066
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,000

a. Test distribution is Normal.

b. Calculated from data.
Source: Data are processed with SPSS, 2016

Table 3 show that significance value (Asymp.Sig 2-tailed) from regression model is 0.000.
It can be concluded that residual value is not distributed normally because the significance
value from each regression model is less than 0.05. Thus, the data normality test is done by
trying transformation and outlier on study data (see Table 4).

Table 4
The Result of Normality Test after Transformation and Outlier
Unstandardized Residual
N 155
Mean ,0000000
Normal Parametersa,b
Std. Deviation ,08490926
Absolute ,069
Most Extreme
Positive ,069
Negative -,058
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z ,857
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,454
a. Test distribution is Normal.
b. Calculated from data.
Source: Data are processed with SPPSS, 2016

After undergoing data transforming process and outlier process, as many as 16 data have
been eliminated from sample of study and result of normality test show that value of
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) has been greater than significance of 0.05, then, data can be said
distributed normally.

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Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, Vol. 6, no. 2, pp.375-392, April 2017 384

b. Multicollinearity Test

Table 5
The Result of Multicollinearity Test

Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig. Collinearity

Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Beta Tolerance VIF
(Constant) -,265 ,067 -3,956 ,000
INST ,026 ,030 ,068 ,871 ,385 ,808 1,238
1 MNJ -,007 ,057 -,009 -,116 ,908 ,819 1,222
KA ,109 ,018 ,423 6,013 ,000 ,995 1,005
KI -,089 ,089 -,071 -1,001 ,318 ,979 1,021
a. Dependent Variable: RLK
Source: Data are processed with SPSS, 2016

In Table 5, Tolerance value of all independent variables from regression model is more
than 0.10 and VIF of independent variable from regression model is also less than 10. It
can be concluded that multicollinearity does not occur between dependent variables in
regression model in this study.

c. Autocorrelation Test
Table 6
Result of Autocorrelation Test
Unstandardized Residual
a -,01720
Test Value
Cases < Test Value 85
Cases >= Test Value 86
Total Cases 171
Number of Runs 85
Z -,230
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,818
a. Median
Source: Data are processed with SPSS, 2016

Based on the testing result of Run Test (Table 6), it can be found that the value Asymp.
Sig. (2-tailed) is as much as 0.818. Value limit of Asymp. Sig. to be freed from
autocorrelation is 0.05. Therefore, 0,818>0,05 and it can be concluded that regression
model is not affected by autocorrelation.

d. Heteroscedasticity Test

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Table 7
Result of Park Test

Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig.

B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) -9,222 2,089 -4,415 ,000
LnINST ,213 ,172 ,097 1,234 ,219
1 LnMNJ ,028 ,069 ,031 ,399 ,690
LnKA 1,243 1,523 ,064 ,816 ,416
LnKI -,839 1,014 -,065 -,827 ,409
a. Dependent Variable: LnU2i
Source: Data are processed with SPSS, 2016

In evaluating, heteroscedasticity can be shown by regression coefficient from Ln of

each independent variable toward Ln squared residual (LnU2 i). The output result shows
that each independent variable has probability that is more than significance value of 0.05,
then, it can be known that heteroscedasticity does not occur in regression model and it can
be measured that from the value of output t-count, all independent variables have values
that are less than t-table (1.9741). The value of t-table can be obtained by including a
formulation into excel which is =TINV(prob,df) or =TINV(0.05,169).

Determination Coefficient Test (R2)

Table 8
Result of Determination Coefficient of Regression Model I
Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of the Durbin-Watson
Square Estimate
1 ,427a ,183 ,163 ,0872664367 1,745
a. Predictors: (Constant), KI, KA, MNJ, INST
b. Dependent Variable: RLK
Source: Data are processed with SPSS, 2016

From the feature of SPSS model summary result that is presented above, value of
adjusted R2 is 0.163. It shows that the ability of independent variable in explaining variants
of dependent variable is only as much as 16.3%. There are still 83.7% of dependent
variable variants that cannot be explained by the four independent variables in this study.
It is because the existence of other factors that also affect, such as commissioner board, size
of company, independency, leverage, internal auditor as well as independency or other
factors that are not studied in this study.

Model Feasibility Test (F Statistic Test)

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Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, Vol. 6, no. 2, pp.375-392, April 2017 386

Table 9
Result of F Statistic Test
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression ,283 4 ,071 9,280 ,000b
1 Residual 1,264 166 ,008
Total 1,547 170
a. Dependent Variable: RLK
b. Predictors: (Constant), KI, KA, MNJ, INST
Source: Data are processed with SPSS, 2016

From ANOVA test or F Test, the value of F-count is obtained as much as 9.280 with
probability of 0.000. Because the probability is much smaller than 0.05, the regression
model is can be used to predict reliability value of financial report or it can be said that
institutional ownership, managerial ownership, audit committee, and independent
commissioner simultaneously affect reliability of financial report.
Significance Test of Individual Parameter (T Statistic Test)

Table 10
Result of T Statistic Test
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) -,265 ,067 -3,956 ,000
INST ,026 ,030 ,068 ,871 ,385
1 MNJ -,007 ,057 -,009 -,116 ,908
KA ,109 ,018 ,423 6,013 ,000
KI -,089 ,089 -,071 -1,001 ,318
a. Dependent Variable: RLK
Source: Data are processed with SPSS, 2016

Based on the result in Table 10 of individual parameter significance (t statistic test)

that is presented on the table above, it can be known that variable audit committee has
significance value of < 0.05 and t-count of > 1.9741 (t-table value) meaning that
individually audit committee significantly affects reliability of financial report.
Meanwhile, institutional ownership, managerial ownership, and independent commissioner
have significance value of > 0.05 and t-count of < 1.9741 (value of t-table) meaning that
institutional ownership, audit committee, and independent commissioner significantly do
not affect reliability of financial report.

Table 11
Summary of Regression Model Hypothesis Result
Hypothesis Statement t count t table Sig. Conclusion
H1 Institutional ownership 0.871 1.9741 0.385 Value of t count <t
positively affects reliability table and value of
of financial report significance >
0.05. Then,
hypothesis is
stated not

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ISSN: 2304-1013 (Online); 2304-1269 (CDROM); 2414-6722 (Print)
Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, Vol. 6, no. 2, pp.375-392, April 2017 387

H2 Managerial ownership -0.116 1.9741 0.908 Value of t count <t
positively affects reliability table and value of
of financial report significance >
0.05. Then,
hypothesis is
stated not
H3 Audit Committee positively 6.013 1.9741 0.000 Value of t count >t table
affects reliability of and value of
significance < 0.05.
financial report Then, hypothesis is
stated supported
H4 Independent commissioner -1.001 1.9741 0.318 Value of t count <t
positively affects reliability table and value of
of financial report significance >
0.05. Then,
hypothesis is
stated not

The Effect of Institutional Ownership on Reliability of Financial Report

The result of hypothesis test presented on Table 4.11 shows t significance value of
0.385 > 0.05. The value means that significantly institutional ownership does not effect
reliability of financial report. Value of t-count is 0.871 < 1.9741 (value of t-table) showing
that positive value of t-count means that institutional ownership has linear relationship with
reliability of financial report. Therefore, H1 stating that institutional ownership positively
affects reliability of financial report is stated not supported.
The result of this study is consistent with the study done by H Hardiningsih (2010) as
well as Putra and Dul (2012), where the size of institutional ownership percentage does not
affect reliability of financial report. This condition happens because institutional
ownership plays role outside corporate management such as prioritizing entity business
performance of his/her own business, so management policy in keeping the advantage of
financial report is less supervised by institutional investor. According to the theory,
institutional ownership should have the ability to control management party through
monitoring process effectively, including reliability of financial report. Percentage of
certain shares owned by institution can affect the process of financial report making that
cannot cover the possibility of accrualization existence as the importance of management
party (Putra and Dul, 2012).

The Effect of Managerial Ownership on Reliability of Financial Report

The result of hypothesis test presented on table 4.11 shows t significance value of
0.908. The value is > 0.05 meaning that significantly managerial ownership does not affect
reliability of financial report. Managerial ownership has t-count of -0.116 with t-table of
1.9741 so t-count < t-table. Negative t value shows that managerial ownership has
relationship that is contrary with reliability of financial report. Therefore, H2 stating that
managerial ownership positively affects reliability of financial report is stated not

Copyright  2017 GMP Press and Printing (http://buscompress.com/journal-home.html)

ISSN: 2304-1013 (Online); 2304-1269 (CDROM); 2414-6722 (Print)
Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, Vol. 6, no. 2, pp.375-392, April 2017 388

The result shows that bigger percentage of shares ownership owned by management
as corporate management, then, there is the tendency that reliability value of financial
report will decrease. Management generally has self-interest characteristic so that a
manager wants to show financial report as well as possible in front of stakeholders, so
corporate performance appears better than the real condition, so from the assumption of
human basic personality, a manager as human will act opportunistic, which prioritizing
his/her personal importance (Haris, 2004 in Hardiningsih, 2010). Opportunistic inside
manager’s personality tends to cause the existence of earning management practice in
financial report because as a corporate management, a manager will know internal
information and corporate prospect in the future better than owner or shareholders.

The Effect of Audit Committee on Reliability of Financial Report

The result of hypothesis test presented on Table 4.11 shows t significance value of
0.000< 0.05. The value means that significantly audit committee affects reliability of
financial report. Value of t-count is 6.013 > 1.9741 (value of t-table) showing positive t-
count value meaning that audit committee has linear relationship with reliability of
financial report. Therefore, H3 stating that audit committee positively affects reliability of
financial report is stated supported.
The result of this hypothesis test is in line with the study from Jama3an (2008) and
Gayatri (2013), where in its study shows the existence of significant effect between audit
committee on integrity of financial report. Integrity in financial report illustrates that
financial report presents true and honest information, so it can be relied to make economic
decision which is principally it has the same meaning that integrity in a financial report
includes reliability value which is the reliability of financial report. The direction of
positive regression coefficient shows the more number of audit committee, the smaller
deviations will be done by management because audit committee is in charge in
supervising management action that may conduct manipulation of financial report, so it
affects the reliability of financial report. Therefore, it can reduce the tendency of fraud
occurrence in financial report presentation. Moreover, the existence of audit committee can
ensure and check whether financial report is in line with the financial standards and policy
and keep public accountant independency that examines the company.
In its duty implementation, audit committee conducts formal communication between
management board, management, external auditor and internal auditor, where will
guarantee that internal and external audit processes are done well. Good internal and
external audit processes will increase the accuracy of financial report, and then increase the
belief toward financial report. Moreover, Klein (2002) in Jama’an (2008) has given
evidence empirically that company forming independent audit committee reports profit
with smaller discretionary accrual content compared to company that does not form
independent audit committee.

The Effect of Independent Commissioner on Reliability of Financial Report

The result of hypothesis test presented on Table 4.11 shows t significance value of
0.318>0.05. The value means significantly independent commissioner does not affect
reliability of financial report. T-count value of -1.001 < 1.9741 (value of t-table) shows
that the value of t-count is negative meaning that independent commissioner has
contradicting reliability of financial report. Therefore, H4 stating that independent
commissioner positively affects reliability of financial report is stated not supported.

Copyright  2017 GMP Press and Printing (http://buscompress.com/journal-home.html)

ISSN: 2304-1013 (Online); 2304-1269 (CDROM); 2414-6722 (Print)
Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, Vol. 6, no. 2, pp.375-392, April 2017 389

The result of this study is consistent with the study from Putra and Dul (2012) as well
as Hardiningsih (2010) showing that there is no significant effect between proportion of
independent commissioner and integrity of financial report. It might be because the
proportion average of independent commissioner board in this study is relatively small,
which is 37.3% from the number of all commissioner board so it is less able to give
supervision that is too big on management action including financial report presentation
than can be relied.
Sylvia and Siddharta (2005) stating that the existence and appointment of
independent commissioner board by company may be as regulation fulfillment only, but it
is not meant to enforce Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in the company. This reality is
not in line with the function of independent commissioner considering that its true function
is to evaluate corporate performance widely and entirely by monitoring management
performance so that good corporate governance in company will be created and to create
more objective and independent climate. This condition is also confirmed from the survey
result of Asian Development Bank that the strength of control from corporate founder and
majority shares ownership make commissioner board not independent and the supervising
function that should be its responsibility becomes ineffective (Sylvia and Siddharta, 2005).
If independent commissioner is the party that is quite majority compared to the total
of commissioner board (>50%), then it might be more effective in running monitoring role
in the company. However, if its appointment has not been based on the needs of the
company, but only as regulation fulfillment, the proportion of commissioner board might
not need to be multiplied, still as the requirement being applied (minimum of 30%) and the
effectiveness of audit board and committee is observed in longer period of time (Sylvia and
Siddharta, 2005). To overcome the problems, it is necessary the existence of government
regulation enforcement that is firmer in order to create corporate climate that is really able
to be good corporate governance.


5.1. Conclusions
Based on the result of analysis and discussion that has been explained in the previous
chapter, the conclusion that can be drawn is as the following:
1. Institutional Ownership (INST) does not affect reliability of financial report. It is
because institutional investor much involves outside corporate management so that
management policy such as reliability of financial report is not affected by
institutional ownership.
2. Managerial ownership (MNJ) does not affect reliability of financial report. The
management generally has self-interest personality, so he/she wants to present a
financial report as well as possible to stakeholders so that corporate performance
appears better than the real condition, and management tends to be opportunistic by
obtaining profit from it. Theoretically, when management ownership is low, then
incentive toward the possibility of the occurrence of manager opportunistic action
will increase, so it reduce the reliability of financial report.
3. Audit Committee (KA) positively and significantly affects reliability of financial
report. Audit committee is able to increase the supervision on management action
that might conduct manipulation of financial report, so it affects the reliability of
financial report, as well as in charge to ensure and check whether financial report has
been in line with financial standards and policies.

Copyright  2017 GMP Press and Printing (http://buscompress.com/journal-home.html)

ISSN: 2304-1013 (Online); 2304-1269 (CDROM); 2414-6722 (Print)
Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, Vol. 6, no. 2, pp.375-392, April 2017 390

4. Independent Commissioner (KI) does not affect reliability of financial report. It is

because the existence and appointment of independent commissioner board by the
company may be conducted to only fulfill the regulation, but not to enforce Good
Corporate Governance (GCG) correctly and in accordance with its duty.

5.2. Suggestion
Some suggestions that can be considerations for the next study:
1. The next study needs to add more samples so that more companies that can be
sample, so it can be used to predict more and the result of the next study will be
2. Using the period of study with longer range of time in order to get better result of
3. Adding or using other independent variables that affect reliability of financial report
such as financial ratio, internal auditor, independency, or other different factors from
the previous study in order to be new information sources for the next study.
4. The next study is expected to use different proxy to measure reliability of financial
report such as by measuring conservatism index of other model or by using other
proxy that can describe reliability value of financial report.
5. Independent variable of internal controlling system is necessary to be added as
intervening variable.

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ISSN: 2304-1013 (Online); 2304-1269 (CDROM); 2414-6722 (Print)

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