Physical Processes Resulting in Geysers in Rapidly Filling Storm-Water Tunnels
Physical Processes Resulting in Geysers in Rapidly Filling Storm-Water Tunnels
Physical Processes Resulting in Geysers in Rapidly Filling Storm-Water Tunnels
29 1,074
6 authors, including:
Jose G. Vasconcelos
Auburn University
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
All content following this page was uploaded by Steven J. Wright on 06 June 2016.
scale of large natural systems. Other studies that discuss the phenomenon of
geysering are curiously quiet on this issue. For example, Guo (1989) and Guo and
Song (1990) discuss geyser formation but then present simple hydraulic analyses
that don’t consider air interactions. In Guo and Song (1991), the following
discussion is presented “…If the water level rises above ground surface, the geyser
occurs. It has been ascertained that if the dropshaft is ventilated, as most are, the
cover could not be blown off by air pressure alone. That is, most blowoffs are
caused by the impact force of the rising water. Therefore, it is sufficient to study
the hydrodynamics alone.” Although it is true that adequate ventilation will prevent
buildup of air pressures sufficient to displace manhole covers, a simple calculation
will show that air pressures as small as 3 kPa can be sufficient to lift a typical
manhole cover on the order of 0.8 m diameter. The first writer was involved in an
application where providing additional ventilation at an appropriate location
eliminated a recurring problem with manhole cover displacements in a 1.8 m
diameter combined sewer system. However, the above statement does not address
the fundamental question of whether geyser formation involves an air-water
interaction. This question is of critical importance to design issues since a
numerical model that requires the hydraulic grade line to rise to the ground surface
in order for a geyser to occur would entirely miss an occurrence that is associated
with an air-water interaction. Fortunately, data has been collected on one large
scale system that allows this issue to be addressed.
water depths in the tunnel exceeded 1.46 m. Data was collected every five seconds
for water depths (as determined by the velocity meter) between 1.46 and 2.93 m and
every second for indicated depths greater than 2.93 m;
• Velocities were recorded at five minute intervals with an American Sigma
area-velocity meter.
The particular data presented below were collected on July 11, 2004 at
approximately 5:30 AM. Nine independent geysers were observed in the video
record of the event; there is some variability in strength as some of the geysers were
not explosive, each geyser lasted for about 10-25 seconds with about 75-90 seconds
between separating the onset of each one. The velocity record indicates that the
velocity was relatively constant at about one meter per second between about 5:30
and 8:50 AM with no indication of fluctuations that might be indicative of inertial
oscillations in the pipeline. Figures 2 and 3 present the pressure and velocity
records, respectively, for a time period spanning the occurrence of the geyser
events. The pressure record is from the lower pressure transducer and converted to
a pressure head relative to the tunnel invert. Superimposed on the figures are the
visual observations of the geyser occurrences indicated in the video record. This is
indicated by the vertical rise and fall in the line; the height of the line has no
relationship to the pressures indicated on the vertical axis.
Pressure Head (m.)
5:28:19 AM 5:38:19 AM 5:48:19 AM
Pressure Geyser Observation
Velocity (m/s)
5:28:19 AM 5:38:19 AM 5:48:19 AM
Velocity Geyser Observation
migration upstream against the water flow. Therefore, there is a total lack of
evidence to support the concept that geysers are created by water column rise in a
vertical shaft to above grade. A different explanation must be invoked to explain
the geyser formation in these particular events. While the data is only applicable to
the particular physical setting and the particular event, it is felt that the observations
can be more generally applied to understand geyser formation.
A more careful inspection of the pressure records provides additional insight.
Assuming that the tunnel becomes pressurized when the pressure height exceeds the
diameter, this occurs about six minutes prior to the commencement of the first
geyser event. The last geyser event finished about two minutes before the system
transferred back to a free surface state. Figure 4 is an expansion of the pressure
record to examine the pressure variation during the sequence of geyser events. It is
seen that each geyser lasted for about 10-25 seconds with about 75-90 seconds
separating the onset of the next one. The pressure tends to rise gradually between
geyser events and then drop abruptly at the onset of the geyser. This behavior is
inconsistent with a “hydraulic” or water flow only explanation of geyser formation
but would be consistent with the arrival of discrete air pockets at the dropshaft with
a pressure drop as the air releases into the vertical shaft. Although this is not
conclusive proof, the data are far more consistent with an air-water interaction,
specifically with the expulsion of discrete air pockets through vertical shafts than
other explanations considered. It is also noted that the apparent regularity of the
geyser events displayed in Figure 4 is not necessarily consistent with observations
during other events and the time intervals between individual occurrences is also
inconsistent between events. The writers believe that the geometry of the particular
system results in the propagation of discrete air pockets from the downstream
direction, but are awaiting further investigation to confirm this hypothesis.
An adaptation of the experimental setup described by Vasconcelos (2005) was
used to measure pressures during laboratory events that were interpreted as geysers.
Figure 5 indicates the experimental setup. A 0.038 m diameter, 2.5 m tall
ventilation shaft was installed on the top of the horizontal pipeline at about its
midpoint. Experiments were performed with the pipe initially partially full of
stagnant water. The two-way valve indicated in Figure 5 was opened in two steps.
The first step produced a free surface hydraulic bore that propagated to the
downstream end and reflected off the closed end of the pipe, with a higher free
surface bore propagating back towards the inlet. An additional partial valve
opening increased the upstream flow rate and produced a pressurized condition with
a significant amount of air trapped between the two fronts. The timing of the
second inflow increase was selected to result in the two bores interacting near the
ventilation shaft so that water rose a few cm into the shaft prior to the arrival of the
discrete entrapped air pockets. The flow was switched off once the water level
began to rise in the inflow shaft so that the pressure head within the pipeline never
exceeded about 1.2 m. Regardless of this, water was expelled out the top of the 2.5
m high ventilation shaft at a height far above the hydrostatic pressure level. Each
arriving air pocket lifted the water successively higher in the shaft. Although there
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2009: Great Rivers © 2009 ASCE 5386
was no attempt to reproduce the unknown inflow conditions associated with the
field event described above, the height of the laboratory ventilation shaft, when
scaled by the pipe diameter, is greater than the 28.6 m for the Minneapolis
stormwater tunnel and it appears reasonable to conclude that air can indeed lift
water to the heights observed in the video.
Pressure Head (m.)
5:35:00 AM 5:36:00 AM 5:37:00 AM 5:38:00 AM 5:39:00 AM
Lower Probe Geyser Observation
Pipe Crown
Pressure (m)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (seconds)
velocities do not support the presence of large scale inertial oscillations within the
tunnel such as might be required to lift the water to the ground surface in a series of
short duration events. The patterns of water pressure drop during air expulsion
through the ventilation shaft are similar in the field and laboratory measurements,
suggesting that in spite of possible limitations due to the small laboratory scale,
there are similarities between the mechanisms for water rise in the vertical shaft in
both situations.
There are several implications associated with these findings. The process of
geyser formation is apparently not directly connected with surging in the tunnel
system as suggested by the previous literature on the subject. Numerical models
that are currently applied to simulate transients in rapidly filling tunnel systems do
not account for the air phase. The predicted results of these models should be
interpreted with caution with respect to the issue of geyser formation. Predictions
that transient hydraulic grade lines remain below grade should not be interpreted to
suggest that geyser formation will not occur. Model capability to predict the
location of air entrapment within a system is useful, even if the subsequent motion
of the air cannot be predicted with a single phase flow model. This information can
be used judiciously to make design decisions about the location and capacity of air
ventilation required in a system.
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World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2009: Great Rivers © 2009 ASCE 5389
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S.J. Wright, C.T. Creech, J.M. Lewis and J. G. Vasconcelos, “Mechanisms of
Flow Regime Transition in Rapidly Filling Stormwater Storage Tunnels,” Journal
of Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 2008, 8, 605-616.