Understanding of Different Types of Numerical Integration
Understanding of Different Types of Numerical Integration
Understanding of Different Types of Numerical Integration
Deep Vyawahare
IIST Department of Aerospace Engineering
(Dated: September 9, 2021)
Numerical analysis is the area of mathematics and computer science that creates, analyzes, and
implements algorithms for solving numerically the problems of continuous mathematics. Such prob-
lems originate generally from real-world applications of algebra, geometry, and calculus, and they
involve variables which vary continuously. For this report our focus will be on Numerical Integration
Methods that are used for solving the different types of ordinary differential equations. We will also
take a look at the different solution techniques used by different commercial packages.
X Adams method is most commonly used linear muli-
ki = f (t0 + ci 4t, yo + 4t aij kj ) (1) tistep method. It is use for solving ordinary differen-
j=1 tial equation . The Adams method approximate the
solution by referring to previously obtained solutions.
The Explicit Adams Methods is the The Adams Bash-
Similarly if we did for 4 Order Runge Kutta we would forth methods since these methods are explicit in nature,
get: whereas the Adams-Moulton methods are also called Im-
plicit Adams Methods, owing to the fact that they are
xi+1 = xi + h implicit in nature.
V.3.1. Adams-Bashforth Methods numerical solutions when compared to the Adams Bash-
forth methods. But the main problem is that the extra
These are the most commonly used linear multiple-step term which we have in Adam-Moulton equation will in-
methods used for solving non-stiff equations. Adams- crease the computational time and will have give more
Bashforth method is an Explicit method. In Adams efforts for solving using Adams-Moulton equation. Also
Bashforth methood we assume a uniform discretization Adams-Moulton equation is an Implicit equation.
in the x-domain,
Where the expression of h is (N are some positive in- Le us assume that f : [a, b] → R is our function, which
teger N) : we want to integrate. In the case of midpoint rule, we
use value the value in eqn 1 as an approximation for the
b−a value in the sub interval.
x1 + x2
Let the given differential equation is of the form: f( ) (5)
y = f (x, y) So we get,
(b − a)5
error = − M (14)
Where M is maximum of the second derivative.
SUNDIALS is a SUite of Nonlinear and DIfferen-
Ansys Mechanical finite element analysis software is tial/ALgebraic equation Solvers. It consists of the fol-
used to simulate computer models of structures, elec- lowing six solvers: CVODE, CVODES, ARKODE, IDA,
tronics, or machine components for analyzing strength, IDAS and KINSOL. SUNDIALS is implemented with the
toughness, elasticity, temperature distribution, electro- goal of providing robust time integrators and nonlinear
magnetism, fluid flow, and other attributes. Ansys has solvers that can easily be incorporated into existing sim-
trapezoidal method and RK 45 methods. They also have ulation codes
various other solver packages. They also have LSDYNA
VII.3. Python
Package Purpose
solves initial value problems for ordinary
differential equation (ODE) systems.
solves ODE systems and includes sensitivity
analysis capabilities (forward and adjoint).
solves initial value ODE problems with additive
ARKODE Runge-Kutta methods, including
support for IMEX methods.
solves initial value problems for differential-
algebraic equation (DAE) systems.
solves DAE systems and includes sensitivity
analysis capabilities (forward and adjoint).
KINSOL Solves nonlinear algebraic systems.