Improving Pumping System Performance
Improving Pumping System Performance
Improving Pumping System Performance
Pumping System
A Sourcebook for Industry
Second Edition
This second edition of Improving Pumping System Performance: A Sourcebook for Industry was developed
by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Industrial Technologies Program (ITP) and the Hydraulic Institute (HI).
ITP undertook this project as part of a series of sourcebook publications on industrial equipment. Other topics
in this series include compressed air systems, fan and blower systems, motors and drives, steam systems, and
process heating systems. For more information about ITP and HI, see Section 4, “Where to Find Help.”
The Department of Energy, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, the Alliance to Save Energy, and Resource
Dynamics Corporation wish to thank staff at the many organizations that so generously assisted in the collection
of data for this sourcebook. In addition, we would like to particularly recognize the following for their input and
reviews of the first and second editions of this sourcebook:
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Berkeley, California
Appendices 93
Appendix A: Glossary of Basic Pumping System Terms 95
Appendix B: Pumping System Assessment Tool (PSAT) 99
Appendix C: Pumping Systems Tip Sheets 101
Appendix D: Guidelines for Comments 117
A Sourcebook for Industry
List of Figures 91
Figure 1. Typical Pumping System Components 4
Figure 2. Key to the Fact Sheets 12
Figure 3. Illustration of the Sensitivity of Flow to
Changes in Backpressure 15
Figure 4. Drooping Performance Curve 15
Figure 5. Cavitation in a Centrifugal Pump 20
Figure 6. Two Types of Sealing Methods:
Packing and Mechanical Seals 21
Figure 7. Common Pipe Configuration Problems
and How To Correct Them 30
Figure 8. Flow Straighteners 31
Figure 9. Proper Support of Suction and Discharge Piping 31
Figure 10. Centrifugal Pump Performance Curves 37
Figure 11. Family of Pump Performance Curves 38
Figure 12. Performance Curves for Different Impeller Sizes 38
Figure 13. Performance Curves for a 4x1.5-6 Pump
Used for Water Service 39
Figure 14. Multiple Pump Operation 44
Figure 15. Multiple-Speed Pump Performance Curves 45
Figure 16. Typical Tank Level Control 48
Figure 17. Effect of Impeller Trimming on Pump Performance 49
Figure 18. Effects of Reducing Speed on a Pump’s
Operating Characteristics 52
Figure 19. Power Lost through a Bypass Line 52
Figure 20. Fluid Power Lost across a Throttle Valve 52
Figure 21. Using a Pump Performance Curve
To Determine Power Draw 60
Improving Pumping System Performance
Quick Start Guide
This sourcebook is designed to provide pumping ■ Determine the most technically and
system users with a reference that outlines oppor- economically sound options, taking into
tunities for improving system performance. It is consideration all of the subsystems
not meant to be a comprehensive technical text ■ Implement the best option
on pumping systems; rather, it provides practical
guidelines and information to make users aware ■ Assess energy consumption with respect
of potential performance improvements. Guidance to performance
on how to find more information and assistance is ■ Continue to monitor and optimize the system
also included.
■ Continue to operate and maintain the system
Throughout this sourcebook, performance and for peak performance.
efficiency improvements are described in terms
To use a systems approach effectively, a pumping
of a “systems approach.” For cost-effective
system designer needs to understand system
operation and maintenance of pumping systems,
fundamentals, know where opportunities for
attention must be paid not just to individual pieces
improvements are commonly found, and have a
of equipment but to the system as a whole. A
list of key resources that can help to identify and
systems approach to optimizing a pumping system
implement successful projects. Therefore, this
analyzes both the supply and demand sides of the
sourcebook is divided into four main sections,
system and how they interact, shifting the focus
as outlined below.
from individual components to total system
Section 1. Pumping System Basics
If you are not familiar with the basics of pumping
Often, operators are so focused on the immediate
systems, the first section provides a brief
demands of equipment that they overlook the
discussion of terms, relationships, and important
broader question: How do the system’s param-
system design considerations. It describes key
eters affect this equipment? For example,
factors involved in pump selection and system
frequently replacing pump seals and bearings
design; it also provides an overview of different
can keep a maintenance crew so busy that they
types of pumps and their general applications.
overlook the system operating conditions that are
Key terms and parameters used in selecting
causing most (or all) of the problems.
pumps, designing systems, and controlling fluid
flow are discussed. If you are already familiar
A systems approach involves the following types
with pumping systems, you might want to skip
of interrelated actions:
this section and go straight to the next one.
■ Establish current conditions and operating
parameters Section 2. Performance Improvement
■ Determine present and estimate future process Opportunity Roadmap
production needs This section describes the key components of a
pumping system and opportunities to improve
■ Gather and analyze operating data and develop the system’s performance. Also provided is a
load duty cycles figurative system diagram identifying pumping
■ Assess alternative system designs and system components and performance improve-
improvements ment opportunities. A set of fact sheets describing
A Sourcebook for Industry
Quick Start Guide
Improving Pumping System Performance
Section 1: Pumping System Basics
A Sourcebook for Industry
Section 1: Pumping System Basics
A Pump
B Level Indicators
C Tank, Liquid Supply
D Pump Motor
E Motor Controller
F Throttle Valve
G Bypass Valve
H Heat Exchangers
(End-Use Equipment)
I Instrumentation Line
J Pump Discharge Piping
K Pump Suction Piping
Improving Pumping System Performance
Section 1: Pumping System Basics
■ The working fluid is highly viscous which is endorsed by the Hydraulic Institute; the
program defines premium efficiency motors with
■ The system requires high-pressure,
higher efficiency levels than those established by
low-flow pump performance
EPAct. In high-run-time applications, improved
■ The pump must be self-priming motor efficiencies can significantly reduce
operating costs. However, it is often more
■ The working fluid must not experience effective to take a systems approach that uses
high shear forces proper component sizing and effective mainten-
■ The flow must be metered or precisely ance practices to avoid unnecessary energy
controlled consumption.
■ Pump efficiency is highly valued. A subcomponent of a pump motor is the motor
A disadvantage is that positive displacement controller. The motor controller is the switchgear
pumps typically require more system safeguards, that receives signals from low-power circuits,
such as relief valves. A positive displacement such as an on-off switch, and connects or dis-
pump can potentially overpressurize system piping connects the high-power circuits to the primary
and components. For example, if all the valves power supply from the motor. In dc motors, the
downstream of a pump are closed—a condition motor controller also contains a sequence of
known as deadheading—system pressure will switches that gradually builds up the motor
build until a relief valve lifts, a pipe or fitting current during start-ups.
ruptures, or the pump motor stalls. Although
relief valves are installed to protect against such In special applications, such as emergency
damage, relying on these devices adds an element lubricating oil pumps for large machinery, some
of risk. In addition, relief valves often relieve pumps are driven by an air system or directly
pressure by venting system fluid, which may be from the shaft of the machine. In the event of a
a problem for systems with harmful or dangerous power failure, these pumps can still supply oil
system fluids. For more information on this type to the bearings long enough for the machine to
of pump, see the fact sheet in Section 2 titled coast to a stop. For this same reason, many fire
Positive Displacement Pump Applications. service pumps are driven by diesel engines to
allow them to operate during a power outage.
Prime Movers
Most pumps are driven by electric motors. Piping
Although some pumps are driven by direct current Piping is used to contain the fluid and carry it
(dc) motors, the low cost and high reliability of from the pump to the point of use. The critical
alternating current (ac) motors make them the aspects of piping are its dimensions, material type,
most common type of pump prime mover. In and cost. Since all three aspects are interrelated,
recent years, partly as a result of DOE’s efforts, pipe sizing is an iterative process. The flow resist-
the efficiencies of many types of ac motors have ance at a specified flow rate of a pipe decreases
improved. A section of the Energy Policy Act as the pipe diameter gets larger; however, larger
(EPAct) of 1992 that set minimum efficiency pipes are heavier, take up more floor space, and
standards for most common types of industrial cost more than smaller pipe. Similarly, in systems
motors went into effect in October 1997. EPAct has that operate at high pressures (for example,
provided industrial end users with greater selection hydraulic systems), small-diameter pipes can have
and availability of energy-efficient motors. thinner walls than large-diameter pipes and are
easier to route and install.
In addition, the National Electrical Manufacturers
Association (NEMA) has established the NEMA Small-diameter pipes restrict flow, however, and
PremiumTM energy efficiency motors program, this can be especially problematic in systems with
A Sourcebook for Industry
Section 1: Pumping System Basics
surging flow characteristics. Smaller pipes also machinery, pressure is the key system need.
operate at higher liquid velocity, increasing Pumps and pumping system components must
erosion effects, wear, and friction head. Increased be sized and configured according to the needs
friction head affects the energy required for of the end-use processes.
Pumping System Principles
The flow in a pumping system may be controlled Design Practices
by valves. Some valves have distinct positions, Fluid system designs are usually developed to
either shut or open, while others can be used to support the needs of other systems. For example,
throttle flow. There are many different types of in cooling system applications, the heat transfer
valves; selecting the correct valve for an appli- requirements determine how many heat exchan-
cation depends on a number of factors, such as gers are needed, how large each heat exchanger
ease of maintenance, reliability, leakage tenden- should be, and how much flow is required. Pump
cies, cost, and the frequency with which the capabilities are then calculated based on the
valve will be open and shut. system layout and equipment characteristics. In
other applications, such as municipal wastewater
Valves can be used to isolate equipment or regu- removal, pump capabilities are determined by the
late flow. Isolation valves are designed to seal off amount of water that must be moved and the
a part of a system for operating purposes or main- height and pressure to which it must be pumped.
tenance. Flow-regulating valves either restrict flow The pumps are sized and configured according to
through a system branch (throttle valve) or allow the flow rate and pressure requirements of the
flow around it (bypass valve). A throttle valve system or service.
controls flow by increasing or decreasing the flow
resistance across it. In contrast, a bypass valve After the service needs of a pumping system are
allows flow to go around a system component by identified, the pump/motor combination, layout,
increasing or decreasing the flow resistance in a and valve requirements must be engineered.
bypass line. A check valve allows fluid to move Selecting the appropriate type of pump and its
in only one direction, thus protecting equipment speed and power characteristics requires an
from being pressurized from the wrong direction understanding of its operating principles.
and helping to keep fluids flowing in the right
direction. Check valves are used at the discharge The most challenging aspect of the design process
of many pumps to prevent flow reversal when the is cost-effectively matching the pump and motor
pump is stopped. characteristics to the needs of the system. This
process is often complicated by wide variations
End-Use Equipment (Heat Exchangers, in flow and pressure requirements. Ensuring that
Tanks, and Hydraulic Equipment) system needs are met during worst-case con-
The essential purpose of a pumping system may ditions can cause designers to specify equipment
be to provide cooling, to supply or drain a tank that is oversized for normal operation. In addition,
or reservoir, or to provide hydraulic power to specifying larger than necessary pumps increases
a machine. Therefore, the nature of the end- material, installation, and operating costs. Design-
use equipment is a key design consideration in ing a system with larger piping diameters might
determining how the piping and valves should reduce pumping energy costs, however. See the
be configured. There are many different types fact sheet titled Piping Configurations To Improve
of end-use equipment; the fluid pressurization Pumping System Efficiency in Section 2 and the tip
needs and pressure drops across this equipment sheet in Appendix C titled Reduce Pumping Costs
vary widely. For heat exchangers, flow is the Through Optimum Pipe Sizing.
critical performance characteristic; for hydraulic
Improving Pumping System Performance
Section 1: Pumping System Basics
Fluid Energy reduction will read lower than one upstream of the
For practical pump applications, the energy of a reduction, although the distance may only be
fluid is commonly measured in terms of head. a few inches.
Head is usually expressed in feet or meters,
which refers to the height of a column of system Fluid Properties
fluid that has an equivalent amount of potential In addition to being determined by the type of
energy. This term is convenient because it system being serviced, pump requirements are
incorporates density and pressure, which allows influenced greatly by fluid characteristics such as
centrifugal pumps to be evaluated over a range viscosity, density, particulate content, and vapor
of system fluids. For example, at a given flow pressure. Viscosity is a property that measures the
rate, a centrifugal pump will generate two shear resistance of a fluid. A highly viscous liquid
different discharge pressures for two different- consumes more energy during flow because its
density fluids, but the corresponding head for shear resistance creates heat. Some fluids, such
these two conditions is the same. as cold lubricating oil (at less than 60°F), are
sufficiently viscous that centrifugal pumps cannot
The total head of a fluid system consists of move them effectively. As a result, the range of
three terms or measurements: static pressure fluid viscosities over the operating temperatures of
(gauge pressure), height (or potential energy), a system is a key system design factor. A pump/
and velocity head (or kinetic energy). motor combination that is appropriately sized for
oil at a temperature of 80°F may be undersized for
Static pressure, as the name indicates, is the operation at 60°F.
pressure of the fluid in the system. It is the
quantity measured by conventional pressure The quantities and properties of particulates in a
gauges. The height of the fluid level has a system fluid also affect pump design and selection.
substantial impact on the static pressure in a Some pumps cannot tolerate much debris. And the
system, but it is itself a distinct measurement of performance of some multistage centrifugal pumps
fluid energy. For example, a pressure gauge on a degrades significantly if seals between stages
vented tank reads atmospheric pressure. If this become eroded. Other pumps are designed for use
tank is located 50 feet (ft) above the pump, with high-particulate-content fluids. Because of the
however, the pump would have to generate at way they operate, centrifugal pumps are often used
least 50 ft of static pressure (for tap water, the to move fluids with high particulate content, such
gauge would have to read 21.7 pounds per as coal slurries.
square inch [psi]) to push water into the tank.
The difference between the vapor pressure of a
Velocity head (also known as “dynamic head”) fluid and the system pressure is another funda-
is a measure of a fluid’s kinetic energy. In most mental factor in pump design and selection.
systems, the velocity head is small in com- Accelerating a fluid to high velocities—a
parison to the static head. For example, the flow characteristic of centrifugal pumps—creates a
velocity in cooling systems does not typically drop in static pressure. This drop can lower the
exceed 15 ft per second, which is roughly fluid pressure to the fluid’s vapor pressure or
equivalent to 3.5 ft of head (if the system fluid below. At this point, the fluid “boils,” changing
is water, this velocity head translates to about from a liquid to a vapor. Known as cavitation,
1.5 psi gauge [psig]). The velocity head of a this effect can severely impact a pump’s
fluid must be considered when siting pressure performance. As the fluid changes phase during
gauges, when designing a system, and when cavitation, tiny bubbles form. Since vapor takes
evaluating a reading from a pressure gauge, up considerably more volume than fluid, these
especially when the system has varying pipe bubbles decrease flow through the pump.
sizes. A pressure gauge downstream of a pipe
A Sourcebook for Industry
Section 1: Pumping System Basics
The damaging aspect of cavitation occurs when cooled and that tanks are drained or filled quickly.
these vapor bubbles return to liquid phase in a Sufficient pressure and flow must be guaranteed
violent collapse. During this collapse, high- to satisfy system requirements; this creates a
velocity water jets impinge onto surrounding tendency to oversize pumps and the motors that
surfaces. The force of this impingement often run them. Because systems are designed with flow
exceeds the mechanical strength of the impacted control devices to regulate temperature and protect
surface, which leads to material loss. Over time, equipment from overpressurization, oversizing
cavitation can create severe erosion problems in system pumps can burden these flow control
pumps, valves, and pipes. devices with high energy dissipation loads.
Other problems that cause similar damage are There are four primary methods for controlling
suction and discharge recirculation. Suction flow through a system or its branches: throttle
recirculation is the formation of damaging flow valves, bypass valves, pump speed control, and
patterns that result in cavitation-like damage in the multiple pump arrangements. The appropriate
suction region of an impeller. Similarly, discharge flow control method depends on the system size
recirculation is the formation of damaging flow and layout, fluid properties, the shape of the pump
patterns in the outer region of an impeller. These power curve, the system load, and the system’s
recirculation effects usually result from operating sensitivity to flow rate changes.
a pump at a flow rate that is too low. To avoid this
type of damage, many pumps are listed with a A throttle valve chokes fluid flow so that less fluid
minimum flow rating. can move through the valve, creating a pressure
drop across it. Throttle valves are usually more
System Types efficient than bypass valves, because as they are
Like pumps, pumping system characteristics and shut, they maintain upstream pressure that can help
needs range widely, but they can be classified in push fluid through parallel branches of the system.
general as either closed-loop or open-loop
systems. A closed-loop system recirculates fluid Bypass lines allow fluid to flow around a system
around a path with common beginning and end component. A major drawback of bypass valves is
points. An open-loop system has an input and an their detrimental impact on system efficiency. The
output, as fluid is transferred from one point to power used to pump the bypassed fluid is wasted.
another. Pumps that serve closed-loop systems, In static-head-dominated systems, however, bypass
such as a cooling water system, typically do not valves could be more efficient than throttle valves
have to contend with static head loads unless there or systems with adjustable speed drives (ASDs).
are vented tanks at different elevations. In closed-
loop systems, the frictional losses of system piping Pump speed control includes both mechanical and
and equipment are the predominant pump load. electrical methods of matching the speed of the
pump to the flow/pressure demands of the system.
In contrast, open-loop systems often require ASDs, multiple-speed pumps, and multiple pump
pumps to overcome static head requirements as a configurations are usually the most efficient flow
result of elevation and tank pressurization needs. control options, especially in systems that are
A mine dewatering system is one example; it uses dominated by friction head, because the amount
pumps to move water from the bottom of a mine of fluid energy added by the pumps is determined
up to the surface. In this case, static head is often directly from the system demand. Pump speed
the dominant pump load. control is especially appropriate for systems in
which friction head predominates.
Principles of Flow Control
Flow control is essential to system performance. Both ASDs and multiple-speed motors provide
Sufficient flow ensures that equipment is properly efficient system operation by driving pumps at
Improving Pumping System Performance
Section 1: Pumping System Basics
different speeds according to system needs. During selected, each pump can operate closer to its
a period of low system demand, the pump is highest efficiency point. An added flow control
operated at low speeds. The primary functional benefit of parallel pumps is that a system curve
difference between ASDs and multiple-speed remains the same whether one or several pumps
motors is the degree of speed control available. are operating; what changes is the operating point
ASDs typically modify the speed of a single-speed along this system curve.
motor through mechanical or electrical methods,
while multiple-speed motors contain a different set Multiple pumps in parallel are well suited for
of windings for each speed. ASDs are practical for systems with high static head. Another advantage
applications in which flow demands change is system redundancy; one pump can fail or be
continuously. For more information, see the fact taken off line for maintenance while the other
sheet in Section 2 titled Controlling Pumps with pumps support system operation. When identical
Adjustable Speed Drives. parallel pumps are used, the pump curves should
remain matched; therefore, operating hours should
Multiple-speed motors are practical for systems in be the same for each pump, and reconditioning
which the flow demands change between distinct, should be done at the same time for all of them.
discrete levels that feature lengthy periods of For more information on this configuration, see
operation. One of the drawbacks to multiple-speed the fact sheet in Section 2 titled Multiple Pump
motors is the added cost of equipment. Since each Arrangements.
speed has its own set of motor windings, multiple-
speed motors are more expensive than single- System Operating Costs
speed motors. Also, multiple-speed motors are The amount of fluid power that a system consumes
slightly less efficient than single-speed ones. is a product of head and flow, according to this
Multiple pump arrangements typically consist
of pumps placed in parallel in one of two basic Fluid power = HQ (s.g.)
configurations: a large pump/small pump config-
uration, or a series of identical pumps placed in
H = head (ft)
parallel. In the large pump/small pump case,
Q = flow rate (gallons per minute [gpm])
the small pump, often called the “pony pump,”
s.g. = specific gravity of the fluid
operates during normal conditions. The large
3,960 is a units conversion to state fluid
pump is used during periods of high demand.
power in terms of horsepower.
Because the pony pump is sized for normal system
operation, this configuration operates more
The motor power required to generate these head
efficiently than a system would that relies on the
and flow conditions is somewhat higher, because
large pump to handle loads far below its optimum
of motor and pump inefficiencies. The efficiency
capacity. For more information on this type of
of a pump is measured by dividing the fluid
pump, see the Section 2 fact sheet titled Pony
power by the pump shaft power; for directly
coupled pump/motor combinations, this is the
brake horsepower (bhp) of the motor.
With a series of identical pumps placed in parallel,
the number of operating pumps can be changed
Pumps have varying efficiency levels. The
according to system demands. Because the pumps
operating point of centrifugal pumps at which
are the same size they can operate together,
their efficiency is highest is known as the best
serving the same discharge header. If the pumps
efficiency point (BEP). Efficiencies range widely,
were different sizes, the larger pumps would tend
from 35% to more than 90%, and they are a
to dominate the smaller pumps and could cause
function of many design characteristics. Operating
them to be inefficient. If the proper pumps are
a pump at or near its BEP not only minimizes
A Sourcebook for Industry
Section 1: Pumping System Basics
Improving Pumping System Performance
Section 2: Performance Improvement Opportunity Roadmap
A Sourcebook for Industry
Section 2: Performance Improvement Opportunity Roadmap
A, C,
D, E
Pony Pumps
Alternative Pump
Multiple Pump
A - Piping Configurations to Improve Pumping System Efficiency
Improving Pumping System Performance
1. Assessing Pumping System Needs
A Sourcebook for Industry
1. Assessing Pumping System Needs
However, there are many exceptions to these Inefficient Operation. Inefficient system operation
guidelines. For more information on the factors can be caused by a number of problems, such as
that govern the use of positive displacement and improper pump selection, poor system design,
centrifugal pumps, see Section 1 and the fact excessive wear-ring clearances, and wasteful flow
sheets in this section titled Centrifugal Pumps control practices. Indications of inefficient system
and Positive Displacement Pump Applications. operation include high energy costs, excessive
noise in the pipes and across valves, and high
Pumps are usually selected on a “best fit” basis maintenance requirements.
rather than designed specifically for a particular
application. A pump is chosen from a wide range Each centrifugal pump has a best efficiency point
of types and models, based on its ability to meet (BEP) at which its operating efficiency is highest
the anticipated demands of a system. Pumps have and its radial bearing loads are lowest (except for
two mutually dependent outputs: flow rate and pumps with concentric case designs). At its BEP,
head. The variability of these outputs and other a pump operates most cost-effectively in terms of
factors—such as efficiency, suction inlet both energy efficiency and maintenance. In reality,
conditions, operating life, and maintenance— continuously operating a pump at its BEP is
complicate the pump selection process. difficult because systems usually have changing
demands. However, selecting a pump with a BEP
Centrifugal pumps are by far the most popular that is close to the system’s normal operating
type of pump because they are typically low in range can result in significant operating cost
cost and have low maintenance requirements and savings.
long operating lives. Despite their extensive use,
selecting a centrifugal pump is complex, and this Cavitation. Centrifugal pumps are susceptible to
creates a tendency to oversize it. To try to a damaging and performance-degrading effect
accommodate uncertainties in system design, known as cavitation. Cavitation occurs when the
fouling effects, or future capacity increases, static pressure in the pump drops below the vapor
designers often select larger-than-necessary pressure of a fluid. The liquid vaporizes in the
pump/motor assemblies. Designers also tend to form of tiny bubbles; then, when the surrounding
oversize a pump to prevent being responsible pressure increases, the fluid returns to liquid as
for inadequate system performance. these tiny bubbles collapse violently. The
collapse of the bubbles sends high-velocity water
Unfortunately, oversizing a pump increases the jets into surrounding surfaces, which can damage
cost of operating and maintaining a pumping the impeller and erode the pump casing and
system and creates a different set of operating piping surfaces. When a pump experiences
problems—including excess flow noise, inefficient cavitation, the result is accelerated bearing and
pump operation, and pipe vibrations. The energy seal wear and poor system performance.
cost alone of using an oversized pump is substan-
tial. For more information on this problem, see Cavitation usually occurs at high flow rates, when
the fact sheet in this section titled Indications of a pump is operating at the far right portion of its
performance curve. However, cavitation-like
Oversized Pumps.
damage can also occur at low flow rates, when
damaging vortices develop in the pump. Cavita-
Troubleshooting a System Problem tion is indicated by crackling and popping noises,
Some pumping system problems are sufficiently similar to the sound of marbles flowing through
expensive to justify a system assessment. a pipe. If uncorrected, cavitation can lead to
Examples of these problems include inefficient expensive repairs. For more information on
operation, cavitation, poor flow control, and cavitation, see the fact sheet in this section titled
high maintenance. Common Pumping System Problems.
Improving Pumping System Performance
1. Assessing Pumping System Needs
Head/Flow Curve
response to a small decrease in backpressure is a
200 large increase in flow. This sensitivity can lead to
180 system instability, especially in systems that have
160 substantial changes in throttle or bypass valve
140 positions. For example, in the pump curve of
Head 120 Figure 3, at 160 feet (ft) of head and 250 gallons
(ft) 100
per minute (gpm) flow, a 10-ft increase in system
60 backpressure results in a 100-gpm drop-off in
40 pump flow.
50 100 150 200 250 The performance curves of some pumps droop
at low flow rates. This characteristic applies
Flow (gpm)
primarily to pumps with low specific speeds. As
Figure 3. Illustration of the Sensitivity of Flow to Changes shown in Figure 4 (which is illustrative and does
in Backpressure not represent an actual pump curve), the perfor-
mance curves of these pumps point upward at
low flow rates. Since system curves also point
Internal Recirculation. Internal recirculation is upward, the system curve and the pump curve
another performance-degrading effect that can intersect at more than one point, occasionally
damages pumps in much the same way that leading to instability. In some cases, a pump
cavitation does. Internal recirculation tends to operating in this range will “hunt,” that is,
occur at low flow rates when fluid leaving the repeatedly adjust its output as it searches for a
impeller forms damaging vortices. To avoid this stable operating point. Although most manu-
problem, manufacturers list the minimum flow facturers publish a minimum flow requirement
rates for their pumps. Operators should be aware to prevent a design engineer from specifying a
of this minimum flow requirement and avoid pump that operates in this region, pumps can
overly restricting pump output. wear out, allowing their operating points to drift
into this region. Operators should be aware that
Poor Flow Control. Poor flow control can result surging pump operation may be the combined
from several conditions, including improper result of a deteriorating pump and a drooping
pump selection and poor system design. The head curve. On the positive side, pumps with
performance curve characteristics of some pumps drooping head curves tend to be more efficient.
indicate the need for careful consideration of
the variability in operating requirements. Perfor- 200
mance curves that are relatively flat, or curves 180
that “droop” at low flow rates, mean that the 160
Pump Curve
A Sourcebook for Industry
1. Assessing Pumping System Needs
Excessive Maintenance. All pumping systems problematic. Mechanical seals, used in the
require some maintenance; however, systems majority of pumps sold today, are more effective
with unusually high maintenance requirements at sealing fluid, but they are more expensive and
are often the result of improper design and require additional maintenance.
operation. Problems such as cavitation, frequent
energizing and de-energizing of a pump motor, Packing squeezes against the pump shaft and
and valve seat leakage can decrease the length requires frequent adjustment to maintain the
of time between repairs. proper amount of cooling and lubrication leak-
age. Packing life depends on service conditions,
A system’s maintenance requirements can be the quality of the packing material, and on the
measured by the mean time between failure care with which it is installed and adjusted.
(MTBF) for its components. Since systems
operate in a broad range of service environments, Assessing and troubleshooting the performance
it is difficult to characterize the MTBF for each of mechanical seals is complicated by the wide
system component; however, seal and bearing range of factors that impact the function and
manufacturers often provide an estimated MTBF operating life of these seals. Since there are many
for a particular product. If the actual time to different types of mechanical seals for many
failure is much less than the manufacturer’s different applications, it is difficult to state how
recommended interval, the cause of the failure long a seal should last. Common causes of seal
should be assessed. problems include contamination of the seal faces,
overheating due to inadequate lubrication, and
Bearing Replacement. There are two principal improper installation. For more information on
types of bearings in centrifugal pumps: thrust and mechanical seal and packing problems, see the
radial. Operating conditions have a large impact fact sheet in this section titled Common Pumping
on the amount of load each type of bearing sees System Problems.
and the rate at which the bearings wear. To assess
whether bearings are holding up comparatively Wear-Ring Clearances. Wear rings are used
well, the histories of other pumps in similar in centrifugal pumps to establish clearances
environments should be evaluated. If bearings between impellers and pump casings or other
need to be replaced every few months, then the impellers. As pumps operate over time, erosion
system operating conditions or the design criteria caused by abrasive particles or fluid squeezing
for the bearings should be evaluated. through gaps can increase these clearances. The
consequence is greater leakage within the pump.
Factors that accelerate bearing wear are high That is, more fluid passes from the high-pressure
loads, poor lubrication, high operating temper- side of an impeller to its low-pressure side, which
ature, and vibration. Preventive maintenance reduces the pump’s efficiency.
techniques—such as vibration analysis,
temperature checks, and oil analysis—can The gaps in the wear ring should be set in
improve the effectiveness of scheduling bearing accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions
replacements. For more information, see the fact during the initial installation. Note that the design
sheet in this section titled Common Pumping of the wear rings will determine the way in which
System Problems. clearances are set. Some pump designs require
the impeller to be positioned axially to provide
Packing/Mechanical Seal Replacement. Packing proper clearance. The engineer can consult the
and mechanical seals are methods of sealing product instruction manual for the proper setting
around the area where the pump shaft penetrates of the wear ring clearance. The gaps need to be
into the pump casing, to stop or prevent leaks. reset properly during major pump overhauls or
Packing is less expensive; it is used when leak- if the pump’s performance declines.
age from the pump is not costly or otherwise
Improving Pumping System Performance
1. Assessing Pumping System Needs
Electrical System Wear. The stress on a motor In some cases, a large pump capable of handling
and its supporting electrical equipment is mini- the highest system demand can be equipped with
mized when a motor is started under its lowest an adjustable speed drive (ASD) to ensure that it
mechanical load. For a radial centrifugal pump, operates efficiently over a wide range of system
the brake horsepower (bhp) curve is typically a conditions (depending on the system curve).
constantly increasing line on the performance ASDs are especially practical for systems that
curve, indicating that the motor current increases are dominated by frictional resistance; however,
as the flow rate goes up. they must be evaluated carefully for use in
systems that have high static head. In high-
A practical implication of a constantly rising bhp static-head systems, reducing the pump speed
line on the performance curve is that the pump’s can cause a pump to operate close to shut-off
mechanical load is smallest at zero flow, that is, head conditions; this generally leads to poor
when all valves downstream of the pump are performance or, in severe cases, damage. For
closed. Consequently, starting a centrifugal pump more information, see the fact sheet in this
while it is deadheaded and then opening the section titled Controlling Pumps with Adjustable
valves soon after the pump comes up to speed can Speed Drives.
reduce electrical stresses on the motor and the
motor controller. Alternatively, expanding pumping system
capacity can be accomplished using multiple
For an axial pump, this relationship between pump arrangements. Multiple pump arrangements
flow and power is reversed. In an axial pump, allow several pumps to be available to serve a
power decreases as flow increases. Consequently, system. System flow requirements dictate the
when soft-starting axial pumps, the operator must number of pumps energized at any particular
ensure that downstream valves are open until the time. The principal benefit of this alternative is
pump is up to speed. to keep each pump operating closer to its BEP,
rather than requiring one large pump to operate
In some pumping systems, the effect of pump over a wide range of conditions.
starts on the fluid system itself is a larger concern
than their impact on the electrical system. For Multiple pump arrangements are well suited
example, rapid acceleration of large volumes of for systems that have high static heads and low
fluid can create damaging water hammers. How- friction losses. Unlike alternatives that reduce
ever, as far as the electrical system is concerned, pump speed, the use of multiple pumps in
start-up practices and, in some cases, special soft- parallel avoids the danger of operating a pump
starting switchgears that minimize electrical near shut-off head if the pumps are properly
surges and high starting currents can extend the matched, and this can allow each pump to
operating life of the system and improve overall operate more efficiently. For more information,
system reliability. see the fact sheet in this section titled Multiple
Pump Arrangements.
System Capacity Increases
When a system needs to be modified or upgraded, Another multiple pump application is the use
the available pumping capacity should also be of two different-sized pumps: a small one, known
assessed. Unless the existing pump is consid- as the pony pump, to handle normal loads, and
erably overdesigned, adding a branch to a system a large one to handle worst-case loads. The
or increasing the flow to an existing component advantage of using a pony pump is that the
means that a larger pump or an additional pump smaller pump can be sized for efficient operation
must be installed. Usually, the same type of pump during normal conditions, which then results in
can be installed as the existing pump. However, lower operating and maintenance costs. For more
the size of the new pump or pumps can vary information, see the fact sheet in this section
according to service needs. titled Pony Pumps.
A Sourcebook for Industry
1. Assessing Pumping System Needs
Improving Pumping System Performance
2. Common Pumping System Problems
A Sourcebook for Industry
2. Common Pumping System Problems
Centrifugal Pump Problems Crackling and popping noises that often sound
Some of the benefits of centrifugal pumps are that like marbles passing through the pump are
they are simple to operate, reliable, and long- indications of cavitation. Not selecting the right
lasting. In order to realize these benefits, however, pump—or operating the system at either higher-
certain problems must be prevented, such as
than-design temperatures or lower-than-design
suction pressure—can be a cause of cavitation.
cavitation, internal recirculation, seal or packing
Cavitation usually occurs at high flow rates,
wear, poor material selection, and improper shaft
when a pump is operating far to the right along
its performance curve; however, under certain
conditions, cavitation damage can occur at low
Cavitation and Internal Recirculation. Cavitation flow rates as well.
is a damaging condition that erodes pump
impellers, shortening their operating lives and Cavitation damage can also result when the pump
accelerating the wear rate of bearings and seals in suction is starved because of the formation of air
the process. As illustrated in Figure 5, cavitation pockets or fouling of pipes. The most important
is both a problem itself and an indication of poor effects of sustained cavitation are reductions in
system performance. pump performance and erosion of the pump
impeller. Cavitation degrades pump performance
Cavitation occurs when the fluid’s static pressure because the vapor in the pump restricts flow and
at a given flow rate falls below the fluid’s vapor lowers the generated head.
Improving Pumping System Performance
2. Common Pumping System Problems
If cavitation causes enough loss of material in the To prevent cavitation, centrifugal pumps must
impellers, they can become unbalanced, creating operate with a certain amount of pressure at the
alternating bearing loads that accelerate bearing inlet. This pressure is known as the net positive
wear. Because it dramatically shortens pump life, suction head, or NPSH, which is discussed in the
cavitation is a serious threat to system reliability. fact sheet in this section titled Centrifugal Pumps.
Cavitation also increases other maintenance
requirements by inducing vibrations that stress Seal and Packing Problems
pump foundations and connected piping. The point at which the shaft penetrates the pump
casing, known as the stuffing box, provides a leak
Cavitation-like damage can also occur as a result path that must be sealed. This area is normally
of internal recirculation. Operating the system at sealed using packing or mechanical seals (see
low flow rates can establish damaging flow Figure 6). For systems in which fluid leakage is
patterns in either the suction or discharge regions not a significant concern, packing is usually used
of an impeller. because it is much less expensive and requires less
sophisticated maintenance skills. Mechanical seals
For applications in which cavitation is to some provide superior sealing, but they are typically
extent unavoidable, high-tensile-strength more expensive and harder to repair or replace.
materials should be specified for the impeller. Most pumps sold today are provided with
Tougher materials can withstand higher energy mechanical seals.
cavitation. However, use caution when sourcing
materials to ensure that they are compatible with Packing. There are two basic types of packing
the system fluid. problems: overtightening and improper install-
Packing Gland
Seal Stationary Seal Face
Seal Housing or Gland
Pump Shaft
A Sourcebook for Industry
2. Common Pumping System Problems
ation. Packing typically requires some leakage in Seal faces are held together by a force that is
order to remain lubricated and cooled. If packing usually provided by springs or bellows. However,
rings are overtightened, friction between the compressive properties are often lost because of
packing and shaft will generate excessive heat, fatigue, fouling, and/or corrosive environments,
which can destroy the packing and possibly which degrade spring and bellows materials.
damage the shaft. To minimize fatigue loads on mechanical seals,
the seal must be precisely aligned so that spring
Since packing comes in direct contact with the movement is minimal during each shaft
pump shaft, it wears over time, increasing the revolution. In systems with highly corrosive
leakage rate. Consequently, the packing gland fluids, mechanical seals with external springs
must be periodically tightened to squeeze the are recommended.
packing against the shaft and keep leakage to an
acceptable level. Improper packing installation The face materials require alignment, with
leads to uneven compression of the packing rings tolerances on the order of microns (one-millionth
(overtightening of one, insufficient tightening of of a meter). The precise flatness and proper align-
others) or an overly loose fit between the packing ment of the seals are important because these
and shaft. This often results in excessive leakage, faces must remain in constant contact as the pump
which in turn can cause housekeeping problems shaft spins. Since pumps often rotate at 1,800 or
(such as wet floors), high ambient moisture 3,600 revolutions per minute (rpm), even slight
levels, and, if the fluid is toxic, contamination variations in the contact between two seal faces
problems. If the fluid is expensive, leakage also can quickly destroy a seal’s effectiveness.
has a direct economic cost.
Shaft Deflection. Shaft deflection is a problem
If the fluid pressure at the stuffing box is below among long-shafted centrifugal pumps. Shaft
atmospheric pressure, then improperly installing deflection is caused by the force resulting from
the packing seal can allow air to enter the system. an unequal pressure distribution around an
Pulling air into the suction region can degrade impeller. The side of the impeller that is nearest
pump performance 3% or more. Also, for systems the pump discharge connection sees a higher
that require precise fluid chemistries, especially pressure than the other side of the impeller,
those that are sensitive to oxygen content, pulling creating a radial force on the shaft. Some pumps
in air can contaminate the system. Excess air are equipped with multiple volutes to minimize
leakage can keep pumps from staying primed and this imbalance.
prevent self-priming pumps from repriming on
start-up. In general, shaft deflection is most problematic
when a pump is operated at low flow conditions.
Mechanical Seals. Mechanical seals are typically The consequences of severe shaft deflection
used in applications that call for superior sealing. include high wear rate on bearings, shaft seal
The effectiveness of mechanical seals is highly leakage, and fatigue bending of the pump shaft.
dependent on correct installation and a contin- Although pump shafts are typically designed to
uously clean operating environment. Mechanical last the life of the pump, severe shaft deflections
seals have two primary failure mechanisms: can load shafts in ways that they were not
degradation of the face material and loss of designed to handle. If they are sustained for
spring or bellows tension, which allows the faces extended periods, severe shaft deflections can
to separate more easily. Degradation of the seal result in catastrophic failure of a pump shaft.
face is usually caused by debris that wedges into Pump shaft failure is costly; at times, it requires
a seal face and causes damage. To minimize the the replacement of the entire pump. The risk of
risk of this type of damage, mechanical seals are shaft failure is particularly prevalent in pumps
often serviced by special flushing lines that have with relatively long distances and small shaft
filters to catch debris. diameters between shaft bearings. Operating
Improving Pumping System Performance
2. Common Pumping System Problems
A Sourcebook for Industry
2. Common Pumping System Problems
Improving Pumping System Performance
3. Indications of Oversized Pumps
Improving Pumping System Performance
3. Indications of Oversized Pumps
A Sourcebook for Industry
3. Indications of Oversized Pumps
Improving Pumping System Performance
4. Piping Configurations To Improve Pumping System Efficiency
A Sourcebook for Industry
4. Piping Configurations To Improve Pumping System Efficiency
Size or fit the pipe so that
no air pocket can form.
Constant slope
Use an eccentric
reducer to eliminate
the air pocket.
Improving Pumping System Performance
4. Piping Configurations To Improve Pumping System Efficiency
Poor Flow Profile. Piping configurations often as a baffle plate or a set of turning vanes, should
promote uneven flow. Elbows and valves that are be installed with an elbow to correct any disrup-
placed just before the pump disrupt fluid flow and tion in flow (see Figure 8). By smoothing out
degrade pump performance. This problem is the flow, a flow straightener creates a more even
particularly significant when the flow velocity is velocity profile. Care must be taken, however,
high and the suction pressure is low. Under these to ensure that the pressure drop across the
conditions, a dramatic redirection in flow— straightener does not cause cavitation.
commonly created by a small-radius elbow or a
globe valve—results in a highly turbulent flow
that diminishes pump performance.
A Sourcebook for Industry
4. Piping Configurations To Improve Pumping System Efficiency
Improving Pumping System Performance
5. Basic Pump Maintenance
A Sourcebook for Industry
5. Basic Pump Maintenance
Improving Pumping System Performance
5. Basic Pump Maintenance
Packing typically comes in rolls; it must be cut into For motor replacements, high-efficiency motors
sections that are then wrapped around the shaft. should be considered. High-efficiency motors are
Cutting packing rings accurately is difficult, but generally 3% to 8% more efficient than standard
it is essential to ensure proper sealing. Many ones. In high-use applications, this efficiency
mechanics facilitate this job by using a piece of advantage often provides an attractive payback
pipe or bar stock that is machined to the precise period. The Energy Policy Act (EPAct) of 1992
diameter of the pump shaft. Using this mockup set minimum efficiency standards that went into
shaft allows the mechanic to cut the rings to fit effect in 1997 for most general-purpose motors
directly without having to measure the packing first from 1 to 200 hp. In addition, the National
and then cut it. Since packing is usually stretchy, Electrical Manufacturers Association’s NEMA
the measure/cut method often leads to a poor fit-up. PremiumTM energy efficiency motors program
describes premium efficiency motors as those
Replace Wear Rings. Wear rings are fastened with even higher efficiencies than the levels
to an impeller or a casing (or both) to act as the established by EPAct. Premium efficiency motors
wear surface between different impeller stages can be cost effective for pumps having high
or between an impeller and a pump casing. Wear hours of operation.
rings are sized to establish a certain gap between
the high- and low-pressure sides of an impeller. DOE’s MotorMaster+ software tool can be
If this gap becomes too large, fluid slips back into a valuable tool in selecting energy-efficient
the suction side of the pump, creating an effi- motors. The program also allows users to
ciency loss. Some wear rings have an axial gap compare motors and estimate energy costs
that could compensate for wear, and some pump and savings along with life-cycle costs. It is
designs use adjustable wear plates. A key indica- available through the EERE Information Center
tion that wear rings need to be replaced is a and can be downloaded from the Web site at
substantial decline in the pump’s performance.
Unfortunately, pumps must be disassembled in Additional information can be found in the
order to replace wear rings. Energy-Efficient Motor Selection Handbook,
which is available from the EERE Information
Replace Motors. Even properly maintained Center.
motors have a finite life. Over time, winding
insulation breaks down. When a motor’s winding Replace Impellers. Impellers often last the life of
temperatures exceed rated values for long periods the pump. However, severe cavitation or erosion
of time, its insulation tends to break down more can degrade an impeller, reducing pump perfor-
quickly. In motor applications below 50 mance and efficiency. Impeller replacement is
horsepower (hp), the most common option is similar to wear-ring replacement in that the pump
simply to replace the motor with a new one; must first be disassembled.
however, in larger applications, it is often more
economical to rewind an existing motor. Predictive Maintenance
Although motor rewinds are typically a cost- In many applications, pump maintenance is
effective alternative, rewound motors can lose reactive. For example, bearing noises indicate the
even more efficiency during subsequent rewinds. need for lubrication or replacement, excessive
packing or seal leakage indicates the need for
For motor rewinds, operators should ensure that repair or replacement, and poor pump performance
the repair facility has a proper quality assurance may indicate excessive wear ring degradation.
program, since poor quality motor rewinds can Fortunately, recent improvements in instrumen-
compromise motor efficiency. For more infor- tation and signal analysis software have increased
mation on motor repair, see the availability of vibration testing equipment; this
industry/bestpractices or contact the EERE has helped to improve the planning of pump/motor
Information Center at 877-337-3463. maintenance. Vibration analysis equipment is
A Sourcebook for Industry
5. Basic Pump Maintenance
essentially a refined extension of the human ear. In addition, thermography, or infrared (IR)
By “listening” to the vibrations of a motor or scanning, can be used. IR scans provide early
similar piece of machinery, the instrumentation detection of a hot spot and can help avoid an
can detect the beginnings of bearing problems, unexpected shutdown. With pump motors, IR
motor winding problems, or other dynamic scans offer a means of identifying developing
imbalances. problems—for example, a hot-running bearing
or deteriorating winding insulation.
Vibration analysis equipment uses accelerometers
to measure the vibration response of machinery
during operation and records the data on an
amplitude/frequency graph. These measured
vibrations are compared with a baseline set of
data, usually taken when the machinery was
first operated. Identifying problems before they
become larger allows operators to schedule the
needed repairs and significantly reduce the risk
of catastrophic failure.
Improving Pumping System Performance
6. Centrifugal Pumps
Centrifugal Pumps
Centrifugal pumps (also known as rotodynamic
pumps) have variable flow rates even when Related Tip Sheet
rotating at a constant speed—unlike positive A summary of key issues presented in this
displacement pumps, which push a certain volume fact sheet is available in an ITP BestPractices
of fluid with each stroke or rotation. Centrifugal
Tip Sheet titled Select an Energy-Efficient
pumps use an impeller, which is basically a
rotating wheel, to add energy to a fluid. The high- Centrifugal Pump. Tip sheets can be found
velocity fluid coming off the impeller tip is sent in Appendix C, accessed on the Web at
into a diffuser—a chamber that feeds directly,
into discharge piping. The fluid slows as it enters or obtained by contacting the EERE Information
the diffuser, and the kinetic energy of the fluid Center at 877-337-3463.
converts to higher pressure.
100 60 16
The amount of fluid that a centrifugal pump 80 12
40 bhp
moves depends on pump differential pressure. 60
30 8
A Sourcebook for Industry
6. Centrifugal Pumps
Figure 11. Family of Pump Performance Curves Figure 12. Performance Curves for Different Impeller Sizes
Figure 12.
Figure 11. Family of Pump Performance Curves
Pump Curves for Multiple Impeller Sizes. Excessive cavitation affects pump efficiency
Once a pump has been selected as roughly and can potentially damage the pump.
meeting the needs of the system, the specific
performance curve for that pump must be As defined by the Hydraulic Institute, NPSHR
evaluated. Often, impellers of several different is determined and plotted when the pump total
sizes can be installed with it, and each impeller head (or the first-stage head of a multistage
has a separate, unique performance curve. pump) is reduced by 3% as a result of cavitation.
Figure 12 displays performance curves for each Recently, the Hydraulic Institute has adopted
size of impeller. Also illustrated are iso-efficiency the term NPSH3 to define the NPSHR qualified
lines, which indicate how efficient the various by this criterion. Further information can be
impellers are at different flow conditions. found in ANSI/HI 1.6-2000–Centrifugal Tests
(see Section 4). Most pumps can operate
Sizing the impeller and the pump motor is an satisfactorily with a minimum margin above
iterative process that uses the curves shown in the NPSH3 value when operating near the BEP.
Figure 12 to determine pump efficiency and But they will require a much higher NPSH
performance over its anticipated operating range. margin to suppress all cavitation when operated
For more information, see the fact sheet in this at flow rates away from the BEP.
section titled Impeller Trimming.
For satisfactory operation, the NPSHA margin
Net Positive Suction Head over NPSHR must be provided by the system.
To prevent cavitation, centrifugal pumps must A common rule in system design is to ensure
operate with a certain amount of pressure at the that NPSHA is 25% higher than NPSHR for all
inlet. This pressure is defined as the net positive expected flow rates. When oversized pumps
suction head (NPSH). There are two principal operate in regions far to the right of their design
references to NPSH: (1) the available system points, the difference between NPSHA and
pressure (NPSHA) at the inlet, which is a NPSHR can become dangerously small.
function of the system and the flow rate, and
(2) the required pressure (NPSHR), which is a Pump Speed Selection
function of the pump and the flow rate. NPSHR Pump speed is usually an important consideration
is typically included on pump performance in system design. The pump speed is perhaps best
curves. If the NPSHA is sufficiently above the determined by evaluating the effectiveness of
NPSHR, then the pump should not cavitate. similar pumps in other applications. In the absence
Improving Pumping System Performance
6. Centrifugal Pumps
A Sourcebook for Industry
6. Centrifugal Pumps
Improving Pumping System Performance
7. Positive Displacement Pump Applications
Although positive displacement pumps have
with entrained gases in the suction line. This
higher maintenance requirements than other
feature allows system designers to place these
types, they are inherently better suited for certain
pumps above the fluid level, which can simplify
applications. These applications include the
the system layout. Centrifugal pumps often require
special system equipment to remove gases and
prime the impeller. Although some centrifugal
■ High-Pressure/Low-Flow Applications. Positive
pumps are designed to be self-priming, they are
displacement pumps are usually more effective
also expensive, less reliable, and less efficient—
in generating high pressures in low-flow appli-
and gas must still be removed.
cations. Although centrifugal pumps can be
designed to generate high pressures—usually
Certain positive displacement pumps—such as
through the use of multiple stages—these
diaphragm and peristaltic types—do not require
special pumps tend to be comparatively
seals and thus do not leak. In systems that handle
corrosive or hazardous fluids, eliminating the
■ High-Fluid-Viscosity Applications. Positive need for seal maintenance can yield substantial
displacement pumps are more effective than cost savings.
centrifugal pumps in moving viscous fluids.
By directly pressurizing the fluids, positive Special Considerations
displacement pumps lose less energy to the Positive displacement pumps are usually installed
high shear stresses that are inherent in viscous with pressure relief valves. In fact, in many of
fluids. these pumps, relief valves are internal to the
pump. This protection is needed because the
■ Accurately Controlled Flow Applications. Since
pumps push fluid into the discharge line
each stroke or revolution generates a certain
irrespective of backpressure. Consequently, if the
amount of flow, positive displacement pumps
system flow becomes completely obstructed
are typically used in applications requiring
downstream of the pump, fluid pressure builds
precise flow control. By controlling the number
until the motor torque reaches an overload
of pump cycles, positive displacement pumps
condition or until the piping or other equipment
are well suited for metered-flow applications.
ruptures. Although relief valves are designed
In addition, many positive displacement pumps to protect against such damage, they require
have certain unique characteristics that make them periodic testing and maintenance. A relief valve
attractive. For example, positive displacement that fails to operate properly can cause costly
pumps are usually self-priming and can operate system damage.
A Sourcebook for Industry
7. Positive Displacement Pump Applications
Improving Pumping System Performance
8. Multiple Pump Arrangements
Operating Flexibility. As shown in Figure 14, through the bypass lines is wasted. Variable
using several pumps in parallel broadens the speed drives can also be an efficient solution.
range of flow that can be delivered to the system.
(Note that Figure 14 is illustrative and does not Efficiency. A potential advantage of using multiple
represent actual pump curves.) In addition, pumps is higher overall efficiency, since each
energizing and de-energizing pumps keeps the pump can operate close to its BEP (for systems
operating point of each one closer to its BEP with flat curves). Energizing or de-energizing
(for systems with flat curves). Operators should pumps as needed to meet changes in system
use caution when operating parallel pumps, demand allows each pump to operate over a
however, to ensure that the minimum flow smaller region of its performance curve—ideally,
requirement is met for each pump. around the BEP. A single pump would have to
operate over a larger range, and thus farther away
from its BEP at times.
180 At a given head and flow, high-speed pumps
160 tend to be more efficient than low-speed pumps.
140 Pump Curves Pumps with specific speed values greater than
Head 120 System Curve 3,000 are the exception; they tend to be less
efficient at higher speeds. However, this is not
80 Three Pumps Running
typical of most pumps. Since smaller pumps
require smaller motors, the use of multiple high-
One Pump Running
Two Pumps Running
speed pumps can provide an efficiency advantage
over a single, low-speed pump. However, this
0 50 100 150 200 250
efficiency advantage should be balanced against
Flow (gpm) the tendency of high-speed machines to require
more maintenance.
Figure 14. Multiple Pump Operation
Other Options
Other system designs that can be used to handle
Redundancy. With a multiple pump arrangement, widely varying operating conditions include pony
one pump can be repaired while others continue pumps, multiple-speed pumps, and variable
to serve the system. Thus, the failure of one unit frequency drives (VFDs). For more information
does not shut down the entire system. on pony pumps, see the fact sheet titled Pony
Pumps. Information on VFDs is found in the fact
Maintenance. Multiple pump configurations sheet in this section titled Controlling Pumps with
allow each pump to be operated close to its BEP Adjustable Speed Drives.
(for systems with flat curves), which reduces
bearing wear and permits the pumps to run more Multiple-speed pumps can be used in similar ways,
smoothly. Other benefits include less reliance on in that the fluid power generated can be matched
energy-dissipating flow control options such as to the demands of the system. Shifting a pump to
bypass lines and throttle valves. The use of a higher or lower speeds moves the entire perform-
single, large pump during low-flow demand ance curve up or down, respectively, as shown in
conditions forces the excess flow to be throttled Figure 15. (Note that Figure 15 is illustrative and
or bypassed. Throttling the flow wears the does not represent an actual pump curve.)
throttle valves and creates energy losses. Simi-
larly, bypassing the flow is highly inefficient, Although multiple-speed pumps tend to perform
since all the energy used to push the excess flow less efficiently at any given operating point than
Improving Pumping System Performance
8. Multiple Pump Arrangements
180 System Curve
High Speed
Head 140
(ft) 120
100 Medium Speed
60 Pump Curves
Low Speed
0 50 100 150 200 250
Flow (gpm)
A Sourcebook for Industry
8. Multiple Pump Arrangements
Improving Pumping System Performance
9. Pony Pumps
Pony Pumps
Pumping systems have a wide range of flow needs.
In many applications, there is a large difference Related Tip Sheet
between the flow required during normal system Related information is available in an ITP
operation and that required during peak load BestPractices Tip Sheet titled Optimize Parallel
conditions. For example, some cooling system and
Pumping Systems. Tip sheets can be found in
rainwater collection applications require a relative-
ly low flow rate. Occasionally, however, a heavy
Appendix C, accessed on the Web at www.
storm or a large heat load caused by a sudden, or
increase in production demand creates a need for obtained by contacting the EERE Information
greater pumping capacity. Center at 877-337-3463.
A Sourcebook for Industry
9. Pony Pumps
Improving Pumping System Performance
10. Impeller Trimming
Impeller Trimming
Impeller trimming refers to the process of
machining the diameter of an impeller to reduce Related Tip Sheet
the energy added to the system fluid. Impeller A summary of key issues presented in this
trimming can be a useful correction to pumps that, fact sheet is available in an ITP BestPractices
through overly conservative design practices or
Tip Sheet titled Trim or Replace Impellers on
changes in system loads, are oversized for their
Oversized Pumps. Tip sheets can be found in
Appendix C, accessed on the Web at www.
Trimming an impeller represents a level of correc-,
tion slightly less effective than buying a smaller or obtained by contacting the EERE Information
impeller from the pump manufacturer. In many Center at 877-337-3463.
cases, an impeller at the next smaller size than the
original would be too small for the pump load.
And in some cases, smaller impellers might not be Why Impeller Trimming Works
available for the pump size in the application, so Impeller trimming reduces tip speed, which in turn
impeller trimming is the only practical alternative directly reduces the amount of energy imparted to
short of replacing the entire pump/motor assembly. the system fluid and lowers both the flow and
pressure generated by the pump (see Figure 17;
When To Consider Impeller Trimming note that this figure is illustrative and does not
End users should consider trimming an impeller represent an actual pump curve). The affinity laws,
when any of the following conditions occur: which describe a centrifugal pump’s performance,
provide a theoretical relationship between impeller
■ Many system bypass valves are open, size and pump output (assuming constant pump
indicating that excess flow is available speed):
to system equipment
Q2 = Q
■ Excessive throttling is needed to control D1 1
flow through the system or process
[ DD ] H
■ High levels of noise or vibration indicate H2 = 1
excessive flow 1
bhp = [ ] bhp
■ A pump is operating far from its design point. D 2
2 1
D 1
The pump originally
Pump performance using serves at this point where
180 on the system curve.
the original impeller
Q = flow
H = head
120 Pump performance after bhp = brake horsepower of the pump motor
Head impeller trimming
(ft) 100 (bhp1 refers to the original pump,
80 After trimming, bhp2 to the pump after impeller
the pump serves
60 System Curve
at this point. trimming)
Desired Flow D = diameter.
0 50 100 150 200 250
In practice, these relationships are not strictly
Flow (gpm) accurate because of nonlinearities in flow;
Figure 17. Effect of Impeller Trimming on Pump however, the fundamental effect of impeller
Performance trimming on flow, head, and bhp holds. For
A Sourcebook for Industry
10. Impeller Trimming
Improving Pumping System Performance
11. Controlling Pumps with Adjustable Speed Drives
Throttle Valves
Throttle valves provide flow control in two ways: subtle speed-changing capabilities within discrete
by increasing the upstream backpressure, which speeds.
reduces pump flow, and by directly dissipating fluid
energy. By increasing the backpressure on a pump, In contrast, ASDs allow pump speed adjustments
throttle valves make a pumping system less effi- to be made over a continuous range, avoiding the
cient. In low-static-head systems, variable speed need to jump from speed to speed. ASDs control
operation allows the pump to run near its best pump speeds using several different types of
efficiency point (BEP) for a given head or flow. mechanical and electrical systems. Mechanical
ASDs include hydraulic clutches, fluid couplings,
Pump Speed Adjustments and adjustable belts and pulleys. Electrical ASDs
Pump speed adjustments are the most efficient include eddy current clutches, wound-rotor motor
means of controlling pump flow. Reducing the controllers, and variable frequency drives (VFDs).
pump speed means less energy is imparted to the VFDs adjust the electrical frequency of the power
fluid and less energy needs to be throttled or by- supplied to a motor to change the motor’s ro-
passed. There are two primary ways of reducing tational speed. VFDs are by far the most popular
the pump speed: using multiple-speed pump type of ASD.
motors and using adjustable speed drives (ASDs).
Although both directly control the pump’s output, Pump speed adjustments are not appropriate for
multiple-speed motors and ASDs serve entirely all systems, however. In applications with high
separate applications. static head, slowing a pump could induce
vibrations and create performance problems that
Multiple-speed motors contain a different set of are similar to those found when a pump operates
windings for each motor speed; consequently, they against its shutoff head. For systems in which the
are more expensive and less efficient than single- static head represents a large portion of the total
speed motors. Multiple-speed motors also lack head, however, operators should use caution in
A Sourcebook for Industry
11. Controlling Pumps with Adjustable Speed Drives
Reduced Speed
often reveals opportunities for reducing operating
Direction of the Shift as costs. For example, in many systems, increasing
Speed Decreases
flow through bypass lines does not have a
BEP Efficiency (%)
noticeable impact on the backpressure on a pump.
Head 120 Efficiency
Consequently, in these applications, pump
100 60
efficiency does not necessarily decline during
bhp 40
periods of low flow demand. However, analyzing
60 30 8 the entire system allows operators to identify the
40 20
bhp energy lost in pushing fluid through bypass lines
20 10
0 0
and across throttle valves. Figure 19 depicts
0 energy losses attributable to bypass valve
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 operation; Figure 20 depicts energy losses
Flow (gpm) attributable to throttling. (Note that Figures 19
and 20 are illustrative and do not represent actual
Figure 18. Effects of Reducing Speed on a Pump’s pump curves.)
Operating Characteristics
deciding whether to use ASDs. Operators should Original System
180 Curve
review the performance of ASDs in similar 160 System Curve with
applications and consult ASD manufacturers to 140
Open Bypass Line
operating conditions. The effect of slowing pump 0 50 100 150 200 250
speed on pump operation is illustrated by the three Flow (gpm)
curves in Figure 18. When a VFD slows a pump,
its head/flow and brake horsepower (bhp) curves Figure 19. Power Lost through a Bypass Line
drop down and to the left, and its efficiency curve
shifts to the left. This efficiency response provides
an essential cost advantage; keeping the operating 200
pumps. 100
System Curve
80 after Throttling Required Flow
Improving Pumping System Performance
11. Controlling Pumps with Adjustable Speed Drives
One major benefit of VFDs is that they can reduce lessen system wear. For more information on
energy losses by lowering the overall system flow indications of excessive system flow and ways
or head. By slowing down the pump and reducing to correct it, see the fact sheet in this section
the amount of fluid energy imparted to the system titled Indications of Oversized Pumps.
when it is not needed, VFDs offer substantial
savings with respect to the cost per gallon of Limitations of VFDs
liquid pumped. Another system-related benefit is Although using VFDs can help to reduce
that VFDs provide a soft-start capability. During operating and maintenance costs, they are not
start-up, most motors experience in-rush currents appropriate for all applications. As a pump’s
that are 5 to 6 times higher than normal operating speed decreases, it generates less pressure. In
currents. This high current fades when the motor high-static-head applications, the use of VFDs
achieves normal speed. can slow a pump down so that it operates at or
near shut-off head conditions. The pump thus
VFDs allow the motor to be started with a lower experiences the same harsh conditions that the
start-up current—usually only about 1.5 times the manufacturer attempts to guard against when
normal operating current. This reduces wear on setting a minimum flow rate, which usually
the motor and its controller. corresponds to the pump’s rated speed. The
consequences include greater shaft deflection,
Maintenance Requirements high vibration levels, and high bearing loads.
As added system equipment, VFDs require
maintenance and repairs. However, in many Power quality can also be a concern. VFDs
applications, VFDs lower the maintenance operate by rectifying the alternating current (ac)
requirements for the pump, system piping, and line power into a direct current (dc) signal, then
components. The principal factors behind these inverting and regulating this signal into ac power
maintenance savings are the reduced load on the that is sent to the motor. Often, the inverter
pump and the lower static and dynamic fluid creates harmonics in the power supplied to the
forces imparted to the system. motor. These harmonics can cause motor
windings to operate at higher temperatures, which
By reducing a pump’s operating speed, a VFD accelerates wear in insulation. To account for the
often shifts the BEP to the left of the BEP added winding heat, motors are typically derated
corresponding to the pump’s normal operating 5% to 10% when used with VFDs. A classi-
speed. In these cases, since the bearing loads on a fication of motors known as “inverter-duty”
pump are lowest when the pump is operating at its has been developed to better match VFDs with
BEP, this shift of the BEP during periods of low motors.
flow allows the pump to operate with lower
bearing loads and less shaft deflection. Most pump In some electrical systems, the harmonics creat-
bearings are roller- or ball-type; their design ed by the inverter can be picked up by other
operating life is a function of the cube of the load. electrical lines that have common connections
Consequently, using a VFD can extend the interval with the VFD. Systems that are sensitive to minor
between bearing maintenance tasks. disturbances in power supply should be served
separately from the VFD power supply.
In addition, VFDs reduce stress on pipes and
piping supports. When the system flow far In some applications, VFDs contribute to reduced
exceeds equipment demands, excess fluid energy bearing life. The interaction between the three
is dissipated in the form of noise and vibration. phases of the power supply from a VFD inverter
Vibrations help to loosen mechanical joints and sometimes induces a small voltage across the
cause cracks in the welds in pipes and pipe motor bearings. As a result, these bearings can
hangers. By reducing the fluid energy, VFDs experience pitting and accelerated wear. VFD
A Sourcebook for Industry
11. Controlling Pumps with Adjustable Speed Drives
Improving Pumping System Performance
Section 3. The Economics of Improving Pumping Systems
■ Analyze life-cycle costs before making Pumping System Assessment Tool (PSAT)
a decision DOE studies show that almost two-thirds of the
■ Sell your projects to management. potential energy savings for motor systems
United States Industrial Electric Motor Systems Market Opportunities Assessment, DOE/GO-102000-959, U.S. Department of Energy,
1998; see
A Sourcebook for Industry
Section 3. The Economics of Improving Pumping Systems
involve system optimization. Therefore, DOE’s (flow rate, head, and fluid specific weight) are
Industrial Technologies Program has developed known, pump efficiency can also be determined.
prescreening guidance documents and assisted in
developing a computer-based Pumping System Performance Characteristics of Motors. DOE’s
Assessment Tool (PSAT). It is intended to help Industrial Technologies Program distributes
end users, consultants, and equipment distributors MotorMaster+ software4 free of charge. Part
recognize, both qualitatively and quantitatively, of the underlying supporting structure for
opportunities to improve pumping system MotorMaster+ is an extensive database of motors.
efficiency. PSAT software can be used to estimate The database, constructed using data supplied by
the efficiency of a system based on specific input; motor manufacturers, includes a fairly compre-
accurate field measurements are required. hensive list of parameters such as motor rated
power, efficiency, power factor, speed, full-load
For example, the usefulness of the input for current, enclosure style, NEMA design type, rated
pressure depends on taking an exact reading along voltage, and price.
a section of pipe; it also depends on whether the
pressure is measured upstream or downstream After it was filtered to ensure a homogeneous,
of a throttling valve. Users must therefore representative motor population, this database was
understand their system or process demands used to develop the algorithms used in PSAT. The
to make reasonable use of PSAT. The software database was first limited to include only 460-V,
relies on all of the following: NEMA Design B motors, the design type used on
most pumps. Next, the database was sorted and
■ Fundamental electrical, mechanical,
classed according to rated power and number of
and fluid power relationships
poles, and filtered to exclude inconsistent entries.
■ Typical performance characteristics from The motors were then classified as either standard
industry standards and databases or energy efficient, based on the efficiency
standards of NEMA MG 1-2003.5
■ Field measurements of fluid and electrical
parameters. After the developers categorized the motor
PSAT estimates the efficiency of an existing motor population by size, speed, and efficiency class,
and pump using field measurements and nameplate they established average performance
information. It also estimates achievable efficiencies characteristics (current, power factor, and
if the motor and pump were optimally selected efficiency versus load). Using these average
to meet specified flow and head requirements. values, they created curve fits of the performance
The software then compares the two results and characteristics.
determines potential power savings. Finally, PSAT
estimates potential cost and energy savings, based Motor performance can, of course, vary within
on user-specified utility rates and operating times. a given power, speed, and efficiency class.
But relative to other uncertainties surrounding
Fundamental Power Relationships. Motor input pumping system field measurements, variability
power can be measured in the field on low-voltage in the motor data is relatively small. There are,
(e.g., 480-V) busses. With directly coupled equip- however, many interdependencies in motor
ment, the motor shaft power and the pump shaft performance characteristics. For example,
power are equal, practically speaking. Pump efficiency and current are functions of motor
efficiency is then the ratio of fluid power to shaft size, number of poles (speed), load, and voltage,
power. So, if the parameters that define fluid power among others.
Improving Pumping System Performance
Section 3. The Economics of Improving Pumping Systems
MotorMaster+ allows motor efficiency to be PSAT software uses curve fits of the graphical
estimated based on the motor’s size, speed, and data included in the HI standard to estimate
either motor input power or current measurements. achievable efficiency. However, it automatically
If power is measured, PSAT determines the shaft completes the three-step series of actions
power and efficiency that is consistent with the described earlier.
specified motor size and speed. If current is
measured, power is estimated from current versus Based on the input data, PSAT first estimates the
load profiles in PSAT. A full set of motor charac- existing shaft power from the motor data measure-
teristics (shaft power, current, power factor, and ments. It then calculates fluid power from the
electrical power) can be established, regardless specified flow rate, head, and specific gravity. At
of whether current or power is measured. this point, the motor input power, the shaft power,
and the fluid power are known, as are the existing
Although the motor characteristics used in PSAT motor and pump efficiencies. Given the fraction of
were derived exclusively from 460-V motors, the time the pump is operated and the electricity cost
user can select from other nominal voltages, such rate, PSAT also calculates annual energy use and
as 230, 2300, 4160, and 6900 V. The current data energy costs.
is linearly adjusted for nominal voltage. The user
also selects from one of three motor efficiency Field Measurements of Fluid and Electrical
classes: energy-efficient, standard efficiency, and Parameters. Individual motor input power is not
average. If the user selects average, PSAT simply usually monitored by permanently installed instru-
calculates motor performance characteristics based ments. Individual motor current is sometimes
on the average of the standard efficiency and the monitored and displayed at the motor control
energy-efficient motor values. Most motors center or remotely, but usually only for larger
used on pump systems are NEMA Design B. motors. Motor input power and/or current can be
measured on low-voltage (e.g., 480-V) busses
Performance Characteristics of Pumps. Many with portable test equipment.
different pump designs can be applied to the broad
spectrum of pumping applications. For certain Generally speaking, the fluid viscosity and specific
applications, such as sewage or stock pumping, gravity are either essentially constant or they can
service reliability considerations prevent the use be readily determined. This determination is made
of more efficient designs that are used in clean either by direct measurement or from their relation-
water pumping. For example, the narrow channels ship to some other easily measured parameter,
used in some high-efficiency impellers might clog such as temperature.
if used to pump sewage.
Most pump applications include suction and
The Hydraulic Institute (HI) has published a discharge connections for pressure measurement—
standard6 that provides guidance on achievable the most important parameters in pump head
efficiencies. The standard addresses the effects calculation. Static head can be readily determined
of general pump style, capacity, specific speed, from system drawings, linear measurements, and/
and variability in achievable efficiency from or pressure/level gauges.
miscellaneous other factors such as surface rough-
ness and internal clearances. The HI standard Permanently installed instrumentation is used
walks the user through a series of steps, starting to measure the flow rate in some applications,
with reading a graph to determine efficiency at an but it is less commonly available than pressure.
optimum specific speed for the selected pump When permanent flow rate instruments are not
style and flow rate. available, temporary test devices can be employed.
6 Hydraulic Institute, ANSI/HI 1.3-2000. For this and other HI standards, see
A Sourcebook for Industry
Section 3. The Economics of Improving Pumping Systems
Alternatively, flow rate can be estimated using the Calculating Electricity Costs
measured differential pressure and pump perform- Electricity costs can be determined by several
ance curves. This method of estimating the flow methods, including any of the following:
rate is not the preferred approach, but in some
cases it is the only one available. In many cases,
■ The use of motor nameplate data
other sources of data can help corroborate or ■ Direct measurement of motor current
refine flow rate estimates. When using pump
performance curves, be sure to measure actual ■ The use of performance curve data.
speed. If it is significantly different from the speed
at which the curve was developed, adjust the With any of these methods, the usefulness of the
curve using pump affinity laws. data is limited by the extent to which it represents
average system operating conditions. In systems
Pumping System Energy Costs with widely varying operating conditions, taking
To properly evaluate pumping system projects, data just once will probably not provide a true
system operating costs must be quantified; these indication of pumping system energy consumption.
costs generally include several fixed and variable
components. Of these costs, energy is often the Nameplate Data. A quick way to determine
largest component. Tools such as PSAT can energy costs is to use the pump motor nameplate
provide guidance in estimating energy costs and data. In many applications, the pump/motor
the potential to reduce them. However, other assembly is oversized, which means the motor
methods can be used to help the user estimate the operates below its full-load nameplate data.
amount of energy used and the associated cost of Estimating the load factor allows the pump’s
this energy. The following sections describe some annual operating costs to be calculated.
of these alternative methods.
Simple Calculation
Load Factor
A pump’s economics is largely determined by the Annual electricity costs =
amount of time that a pump operates and the (motor full-load brake horsepower [bhp]) x
percentage of full capacity at which it operates. (0.746 kW/hp) / (motor efficiency) x (annual hours
Regardless of how pumping system energy use is of operation) x (unit electricity cost) x (load factor)
measured at any point in time, this “snapshot”
data must be translated to a representative Use the following data to illustrate this calculation:
indication of energy use over time. Then, the · Motor full-load brake horsepower = 100 bhp
pumping system’s average load factor can be · Annual hours of operation = 8,760 hours
estimated. The term load factor refers to the (3-shift, continuous operation)
average percentage of full-load power at which · Unit electricity cost = $0.05/kWh
the pump operates over a period of time. · Load factor = 65%
Load factor = ∑ (Actual load x number of operating hours at this load) · Motor efficiency = 95%
(Rated full load x number of operating hours in the period) Annual electricity costs =
(100 hp) x (0.746 kW/hp) x (1/0.95) x (8,760 hours)
Unless operators maintain comprehensive records x ($0.05/kWh) x 0.65
or are highly familiar with pump operating data, Annual electricity costs = $22,356
however, it might be difficult to determine the
load factor accurately; instead, it might be
necessary to rely on a reasonable estimate. If Other data needed include annual hours of
the pump is at full load whenever it is operating, operation (hours/year) and the unit cost of
the load factor is just the percentage of time the electricity ($/kWh). The unit cost of electricity is
pump operates within the time period. an average value that includes both consumption
Improving Pumping System Performance
Section 3. The Economics of Improving Pumping Systems
A Sourcebook for Industry
Section 3. The Economics of Improving Pumping Systems
Improving Pumping System Performance
Section 3. The Economics of Improving Pumping Systems
an estimate of the velocity, or dynamic, head. Alternatively, a pump discharge line that already
Fluid density is typically determined by measuring has a flowmeter provides an ideal opportunity to
the temperature of the fluid and using a table of determine the flow rate; the flow rate, in turn, can
properties for that fluid to find the corresponding be used to determine the pump’s operating point
density. along its performance curve. Also, portable
flowmeters that clamp onto the pipe can be used
The velocity head is more difficult to determine, to measure flow rate. In general, portable flow-
because it requires knowing the pump flow rate; meters work relatively well on systems that have
in turn, knowing the flow rate requires knowing homogeneous fluids and long straight runs of
the pump head. However, since velocity head is pipe. However, the accuracy of these instruments
typically much smaller than the static head, by deteriorates if the fluid contains particulates or
making a reasonable assumption of the fluid vapor, or if the flow profile is not uniform.
velocity, the engineer can determine the approx-
imate velocity head. For example, in some cooling Energy and Demand Charges—
systems, to minimize flow noise, a maximum flow Understanding Your Electricity Bill
velocity of 10 feet (ft) per second is used as a The calculations shown earlier use simplified
design guideline. This flow speed corresponds to electricity rate approximations stated in terms
a velocity head of 1.55 ft. The value of the error of dollars per kilowatt-hour ($/kWh). However,
associated with this number is probably minor electric utilities use more complicated rate struc-
in comparison to other errors associated with tures to bill industrial customers. These typically
estimated annual energy consumption. include both energy ($/kWh) and demand charges
($/kW), and they have different rates depending
on the level of consumption and the time of year.
Using a Pump Performance Curve To Demand charges are based on the peak demand for
a given month or season and can have significant
Determine Annual Electricity Costs
impacts on some customers’ electricity costs. When
the economic impacts of efficiency measures are
Annual electricity costs = (pump bhp)/(motor
calculated, the marginal cost of the electricity needs
efficiency) x (hours in a year) x (unit electricity cost)
to be considered, taking into account energy and
x (% of time operating) demand charges, seasonal rates, and different rates
Assumptions: for different levels of consumption.
· Either total pump head or pump flow
rate is known (must be fairly constant Maintenance Considerations
throughout the year) An important aspect of any system improvement
· Motor efficiency = 95% is ensuring that its benefits continue well beyond
· Percentage of time running = 65% the payback period. To help prevent the system
(operating 65% of the year at the load from performing poorly again, proper operating
measured) and maintenance practices need to be followed.
· Unit electricity cost = $0.05/kWh
A continuous improvement approach can help to
For example: ensure that cost and performance benefits remain
· Total head = 155 feet in effect over the long term. An important part of
· Pump bhp (reading from the bhp line) = 11 hp this approach is increasing operators’ awareness of
Annual electricity costs = (11 bhp) x operating costs and the performance implications
(0.746 kW/hp) x (1/0.95) x (8,760 hrs) x (0.05$/kWh) of improper operation or maintenance.
x 0.65
Annual electricity costs = $2,459 Preventive maintenance (PM) is intended to
improve system reliability, reduce the risk of
A Sourcebook for Industry
Section 3. The Economics of Improving Pumping Systems
unplanned downtime, and avoid expensive Plant and corporate managers are often bound by a
failures. In general, PM is less costly than repair. concern for a company’s profits when considering
A well-designed PM schedule minimizes the need the investment of capital funds. Decision makers
for repairs by detecting and resolving a problem are usually attuned to activities that translate
before it develops into something more serious. directly to the bottom line, such as projects that
increase productivity. Fortunately, many (if not
most) energy efficiency projects provide other
Analyze Life-Cycle Costs benefits in addition to energy cost savings, such
Before Making a Decision as the following:
In much the same way that a PM schedule ■ Increased productivity
minimizes expensive repairs, a well-designed ■ Lower maintenance costs
system can avoid higher-than-necessary operating
costs. Using a life-cycle cost perspective during ■ Reduced costs of environmental compliance
initial system design, or while planning system ■ Lower production costs
upgrades and modifications, can reduce operating
costs and improve system reliability. The ■ Reduced waste disposal costs
components of life-cycle costs include the cost
■ Better product quality
of initial equipment, energy consumption,
maintenance, and decommissioning; these are ■ Improved capacity utilization
discussed in more detail later in this section.
■ Better reliability
The life-cycle costs of pumps are difficult to ■ Improved worker safety.
summarize because, even among pumps of the
same size, initial costs vary widely. Other costs— Any potential efficiency improvement project
such as maintenance and disposal or decom- stands a better chance of being funded if it takes
missioning—can be difficult to quantify. Several into account all these costs and benefits over the
industry stakeholders have participated in efforts project’s anticipated lifespan. Understanding all
to encourage greater consideration of life-cycle the components that make up the total cost of
costs in pumping system specification and owning and operating a pumping system helps
operation. For example, the Hydraulic Institute, decision makers more easily recognize oppor-
a U.S. pump manufacturers trade association, has tunities to significantly reduce energy, operating,
developed a life-cycle costing guidebook7 to and maintenance costs.
increase industry experts’ awareness of the
subject. Life-cycle cost (LCC) analysis is a management
tool that can help companies realize these oppor-
A highly efficient pumping system is not merely tunities. The analysis takes into consideration the
a system with an energy-efficient motor. Overall cost of purchasing, installing, operating,
system efficiency is the key to maximum cost maintaining, and disposing of all the system’s
savings. Often, users are concerned only with components. Determining the LCC of a system
initial costs, and they accept the lowest bid for a involves using a methodology to identify and
component while ignoring system efficiency. To quantify all of the components of the LCC
achieve optimum pumping system economics, equation. As stated in the Hydraulic Institute’s
users should select equipment based on life-cycle LCC guidebook, the equation is as follows:
economics and operate and maintain the
equipment for peak performance. LCC = Cic + Cin + Ce + Co + Cm + Cs + Cenv + Cd
Pump Life Cycle Costs: A Guide to LCC Analysis for Pumping Systems, Europump and Hydraulic Institute, 2001,
Improving Pumping System Performance
Section 3. The Economics of Improving Pumping Systems
These elements should also include the costs When used as a tool for comparing alternative
associated with loans, depreciation, and taxes. solutions, the LCC process will indicate the most
cost-effective one within the limits of available
The cost of the energy consumed by pumps is data. When applying the evaluation process, or
always a significant factor in pump life-cycle selecting pumps and other equipment, the best
costs. But many end users are already stretched information concerning the output and operation
of the plant must be obtained. Using bad or
thin in carrying out day-to-day facility operations.
imprecise information results in a bad or imprecise
They lack the time and resources needed to
assessment. The LCC process does not guarantee
perform a methodical engineering study of the
a particular result, but it does allow plant
pumps (sometimes hundreds of them) in their personnel to make a reasonable comparison
facilities that will show their energy costs as well between several alternatives.
as opportunities for savings.
LCC analysis is concerned with assessments in
For most facilities, lifetime energy costs or which the details of the system design are being
maintenance costs (or both) dominate life-cycle reviewed. To make a fair comparison, the plant
costs. It is thus important to determine as designer or manager should consider the unit of
accurately as possible the current cost of energy measure used. For example, if two items being
and the expected annual escalation in energy evaluated do not reflect the same volume of
prices over the system’s estimated life, along with output, it might be appropriate to express them in
expected labor and material costs for maintenance. terms of cost per unit of output (e.g., $/ton). The
Other elements, such as the lifetime costs of analysis should take into account all significant
downtime, decommissioning, and environmental differences between the solutions being evaluated.
protection (including disposal costs), can often be Finally, the plant designer or manager should
estimated using historical data for the facility. consider maintenance or servicing costs, for
Depending on the process, downtime costs can be example, when they will be subcontracted or when
more important than the energy or maintenance spare parts will be provided with the initial supply
elements of the equation. Careful consideration of equipment. Everything should be considered on
should thus be given to productivity losses caused a comparable basis. In other words, if the plant
by downtime. designer or manager decides to subcontract
maintenance or inventory spare parts strictly for
Pumping systems often have a lifespan of 15 to the sake of convenience, this criterion must be
20 years. Thus, some costs will be incurred at the used for all the systems assessed. However, if
outset and others will be incurred at different maintenance of a particular component can be
times during the lifetimes of the different solutions carried out only by a subcontracted specialist, or
A Sourcebook for Industry
Section 3. The Economics of Improving Pumping Systems
certain spare parts must be inventoried to prevent Dividing the annual earnings attributable to the
downtime, then it is acceptable to include the cost sale of goods produced by these assets by the
of these measures by themselves. value of the assets themselves yields the rate of
return on assets. This is a key measure for which
For additional information on life-cycle cost anal- corporate decision makers are held accountable.
ysis for pumping systems, refer to the Hydraulic
Institute’s Pump Life Cycle Costs: A Guide to LCC Finance officers seek investments that are most apt
Analysis for Pumping Systems. This guide also to demonstrate a favorable return on assets. When
provides substantial technical guidance on design- faced with multiple investment opportunities,
ing new pumping systems as well as assessing these officers will favor options that lead to the
improvements to existing systems. It includes largest and fastest returns.
examples of manual calculations of LCC and a
software tool to assist in LCC calculation. The This corporate attitude can impose (sometimes
guide and accompanying LCC calculation tool are unwanted) priorities on the facility manager:
available through the Hydraulic Institute’s Web assure reliability in production, avoid surprises by
site ( sticking with familiar technologies and practices,
and contribute to immediate cost control by, for
Sell Your Projects to Management example, cutting a few corners in maintenance
and upkeep. These priorities might lead industrial
Often, industrial facility managers must convince decision makers to conclude that pumping system
upper management that an investment in pumping efficiency is a luxury that they cannot afford.
system efficiency is worth making. Communi-
cating this message can be more difficult than the Fortunately, the story does not end here. The
actual engineering behind the concept, however. A following discussion describes the ways that
corporate audience usually responds more readily industrial pumping system efficiency can save
to dollars-and-cents impacts than to a discussion money and contribute to corporate goals while
of best efficiency points. By adopting a financial effectively reducing energy consumption. Facility
approach, the facility manager can relate pumping managers can use these facts to form a persuasive
system performance and efficiency to corporate case for corporate support of pumping system
goals. Finance personnel can help facility managers improvements.
create the kind of proposal that can “win over” the
corporate officers who make the final decision on Many organizations consider only the initial
capital investments in pumping system upgrades. purchase and installation costs of a system.
However, plant designers and managers will
Before providing some recommendations to justify benefit from evaluating the LCC of different
pumping system improvement projects, it is useful solutions before installing major new equipment
to gain some insight into corporate priorities. or carrying out a major overhaul, to identify the
most financially attractive alternative. As national
Understanding Corporate Priorities and global markets continue to become more
Corporate officers are accountable to a chief competitive, organizations continually seek cost
executive, a board of directors, and an owner (or savings to improve the profitability of their
shareholders, if the firm is publicly held). These operations. Plant operations can be a significant
officers must create and grow the equity value of source of savings, especially because energy-
the firm. The corporation’s industrial facilities do efficient equipment can minimize energy
so by generating revenue that exceeds the cost of consumption and plant downtime.
owning and operating the facility. Plant equip-
ment—including pumping system components— For new pumping system procurements, note
are assets that must generate an economic return. that new piping system design technology uses
Improving Pumping System Performance
Section 3. The Economics of Improving Pumping Systems
numerical optimization techniques, which provide A simple (and widely used) measure of project
a practical way to treat the pipe system as a economics is the payback period. This is the
variable at the design stage. A well-designed period of time required for a project to “break
system will last longer than other types, and this even” in terms of costs—the time needed for the
should be taken into account in an LCC analysis. net benefits of an investment to accrue to the point
where they equal the cost of the initial outlay. For
The LCC analysis is also a valuable tool to use a project that returns benefits in consistent, annual
when comparing alternative retrofit designs for increments, the simple payback equals the initial
existing pumping systems. Opportunities for investment divided by the annual benefit.
upgrading existing systems can be found in the
inefficiencies that develop over time—such as The simple payback does not take into account the
changing system requirements, routine wear and time value of money; in other words, it makes no
tear, and poorly optimized controls. Furthermore, distinction between a dollar earned today and a
the installed base of pumping systems exceeds the dollar of future (and thus uncertain) earnings. Still,
number of new pumps built each year by a factor the measure is easy to use and understand, and
of about 20. many companies use simple payback in making a
quick “go/no-go” decision on a project. Here are
Measuring the Dollar Impact of Pumping five important factors to remember when calcu
System Efficiency lating a simple payback:
Pumping system efficiency and performance ■ It is an approximation, not an exact economic
improvement projects can move to the top of the
list of corporate priorities if proposals respond to
corporate needs. Corporate challenges are many ■ All benefits are measured without considering
and varied, and this in turn opens up more their timing
opportunities to “sell” pumping system efficiency ■ All economic consequences beyond the payback
as a solution. Many pumping system opportunities
are ignored
for improvement are discussed in this sourcebook.
Once selections are made, the task becomes one of ■ Payback calculations will not always identify
communicating the proposals in corporate the best solution (because of the two factors
(dollars-and-cents) language. listed before this one) among several project
The first step is to identify and evaluate the total
■ Paybacks do not take into consideration the
dollar impact of a pumping system efficiency
time value of money or tax consequences.
measure. One proven way to do this is through
an LCC analysis, as discussed earlier. The result—
More sophisticated analyses take into account
a net gain or loss on balance—can be compared
factors such as discount rates, tax impacts, and the
with other investment options or with the
cost of capital. One approach involves calculating
anticipated outcome of doing nothing.
the net present value of a project, which is defined
in this equation:
Presenting the Finances of Pumping
System Improvements Net present value = present worth of benefits –
As with any corporate investment, there are many present worth of costs.
ways to measure the financial impact of a
pumping system investment. Some methods are Another commonly used calculation for determin-
more complex than others, and presenters might ing the economic feasibility of a project is internal
want to use several of them side by side. That rate of return. This is defined as the discount rate
choice will depend on the sophistication of the that equates future net benefits (cash) to an initial
presenter and the audience. investment outlay. This discount rate can be
A Sourcebook for Industry
Section 3. The Economics of Improving Pumping Systems
compared to the interest rate at which a cor- proposal will generate. Multiplying that earnings
poration borrows capital. increment by the P/E ratio yields the total new
shareholder value attributable to the pumping
Many companies set a threshold (or “hurdle”) system efficiency improvement.
rate for projects, which is the minimum required
internal rate of return needed for a project to be Improved reliability and capacity utilization.
considered viable. Future benefits are discounted Another benefit of a pumping system improve-
at the threshold rate, and the net present worth ment project is the more productive use of
of the project must be positive in order for the pumping system assets. The efforts required to
project to be a “go.” achieve and maintain energy efficiency will
largely contribute to operating efficiency. By
improving pumping system performance, the
Relating Pumping System Efficiency
facility manager can improve the reliability of
to Corporate Priorities
plant operations. The flip side, from the corporate
Saving money in itself should be a strong incen-
perspective, is a greater rate of return on assets
tive for implementing a pumping system project.
employed in the plant.
Still, that may not be enough for some corporate
decision makers. The facility manager’s case can
Call to Action
be strengthened by relating a positive life-cycle
A proposal for a pumping system improvement
cost outcome to specific corporate needs. Some
project can be made attractive to corporate
suggestions for interpreting the benefits of energy
decision makers if the facility manager does
cost savings include the following (finance staff
the following:
can suggest which of these approaches are best,
given the current corporate climate): ■ Identifies opportunities for improving pumping
system efficiency
A new source of permanent capital. Reduced
energy expenditures—the direct benefit of pump-
■ Determines the life-cycle cost of attaining
ing system efficiency—can be thought of as a new each option
source of capital to the corporation. The invest- ■ Identifies the option(s) with the greatest net
ment that makes this efficiency possible will yield benefits
annual savings each year over the economic life of
the improved pumping system. Regardless of how ■ Collaborates with financial staff to identify
the investment is financed—borrowing, retained current corporate priorities (for example, added
earnings, or third-party financing—the annual shareholder value and improved capacity
savings will be a continuing source of funds. utilization)
■ Generates a proposal that demonstrates how the
Added shareholder value. Publicly held corpor- pumping system project’s benefits will directly
ations usually embrace opportunities to enhance respond to current corporate needs.
shareholder value. Pumping system efficiency can
be an effective way to capture new value. Share- Developing successful energy projects begins with
holder value is the product of two variables: laying the groundwork to support the project.
annual earnings and the price-to-earnings (P/E) Ideally, it starts with a facility reward program that
ratio. The P/E ratio describes the corporation’s has a system for pursuing cost savings projects and
stock value as the current stock price divided by compensates employees for their efforts. However,
the most recent annual earnings per share. To take most of the time the groundwork is done by a
advantage of this measure, a pumping system motivated individual who takes pride in the job
efficiency proposal should first identify annual and is inspired by what other facilities have done.
savings (or rather, addition to earnings) that the To overcome the obstacles often encountered and
Improving Pumping System Performance
Section 3. The Economics of Improving Pumping Systems
A Sourcebook for Industry
Section 3. The Economics of Improving Pumping Systems
Improving Pumping System Performance
Section 4. Where To Find Help
A Sourcebook for Industry
Section 4. Where To Find Help
systems, ITP BestPractices delivers energy solutions cost savings. ITP offers software tools and training
for industry that result in significant energy and in a variety of system areas to help industry
cost savings, waste reduction, pollution prevention, become more energy- and process-efficient while
and enhanced environmental performance. reducing waste and improving environmental
Plant Assessments
Depending on the industry, energy costs can be Allied Partnerships
10% or more of a plant’s total operating costs. Allied Partners are manufacturers, associations,
Energy assessments identify opportunities for industrial service and equipment providers,
implementing new technologies and system utilities, and other organizations that work
improvements. Many recommendations from voluntarily with ITP. Allied Partners seek to
energy assessments have payback periods of less increase energy efficiency and productivity for
than 18 months and can result in significant energy industries that participate in endorsing and
savings. promoting ITP programs, products, and services.
Plant-wide assessments help manufacturers develop Allied Partnerships help ITP achieve the program’s
comprehensive plant strategies to increase efficiency, industrial energy efficiency goals by extending
reduce emissions, and boost productivity. Annual delivery channels through the partners’ existing
competitive solicitations offer matching funds. In networks. In turn, the partners benefit by achieving
addition, small- to medium-sized manufacturers can their own corporate, institutional, or plant goals
qualify for free assessments from the university-based and objectives and by expanding services to
Industrial Assessment Centers. customers and suppliers. Allied Partners also gain
access to such technical resources as software,
Emerging Technologies technical publications, and training, and they can
Emerging technologies are those that result from gain recognition as leaders in implementing
R&D and are ready for full-scale demonstration in energy-efficient technologies and practices. For
actual applications. ITP recognizes that companies more on Allied Partnerships, contact the EERE
may be reluctant to invest capital in new technol- Information Center at 877-337-3463.
ogies, even though they can provide significant
energy savings and process improvements. Technical Resources
However, through technology implementation ITP offers a variety of resources to help industry
solicitations, ITP helps to mitigate the risk increase energy and process efficiency, improve
associated with using new technologies that are productivity, and enhance competitiveness.
supported by industry partnerships. Shared
implementation and third-party validation and EERE Information Center. The EERE Infor-
verification of performance data allow energy, mation Center fields questions on EERE products
economic, and environmental benefits to be and services, including those focused on industrial
assessed so that new technologies can be accepted energy efficiency. Staff can also answer questions
more rapidly. about such industrial systems as compressed air,
motors, process heating, and steam. The EERE
Energy Management Information Center can be the first stop in finding
ITP encourages manufacturers to adopt a compre- out what’s available from EERE and ITP. Contact
hensive approach to energy use that includes the EERE Information Center at 877-337-3463 or
assessing industrial systems and evaluating see
potential improvement opportunities. Efficiency
gains in compressed air, motor, process heating, ITP and ITP BestPractices Web Sites. The ITP
pumping, and steam systems can be significant, and ITP BestPractices Web pages offer a large
and they usually result in immediate energy and array of information, products, and resources
Improving Pumping System Performance
Section 4. Where To Find Help
to assist manufacturers who are interested in selection and management software tool; it
increasing the efficiency of their industrial includes a catalog of more than 20,000 ac
operations. You can learn about upcoming events, motors. The software also features motor
solicitations, and much more by visiting the inventory management tools, maintenance log
ITP site at The tracking, efficiency analysis, savings evaluation,
BestPractices site provides case studies of energy accounting, and environmental reporting
companies that have successfully implemented capabilities.
energy-efficient technologies and practices,
■ MotorMaster+ International includes many of
software tools, tip sheets, training events, and
the capabilities and features of MotorMaster+
solicitations for plant assessments. You can view
but allows users to evaluate repair/replacement
these and other resources at
options on a broader range of motors. The user
can conduct analyses in different currencies,
calculate efficiency benefits for various utility
Industrial Energy Savers Web Site. Manufac-
rate schedules with demand charges, edit and
turers will find a number of resources on this site
modify motor rewind efficiency loss defaults,
to implement industrial energy efficiency projects
and determine “best available” motors. This
and see immediate savings. See
tool can be operated in English, Spanish, and
Training ■ The Pumping System Assessment Tool
Training sessions in industrial system improve- (PSAT) helps industrial users assess the
ments using DOE software tools are offered efficiency of pumping system operations. PSAT
periodically through Allied Partners. A particularly uses achievable pump performance data from
useful training session involves the Pumping Hydraulic Institute standards as well as motor
System Assessment Tool (PSAT). See the performance data from the MotorMaster+
discussion on the PSAT tool in Appendix B. More database to calculate potential savings in
information on PSAT training and other training energy and associated costs.
offerings can be found on the BestPractices Web
■ The Steam System Scoping Tool is designed
to help steam system energy managers and
operations personnel for large industrial plants.
Software Tools
This spreadsheet program will profile and grade
ITP and its partners have developed several
steam system operations and management.
software tools to help plant managers make good
It will help you evaluate your steam system
decisions about implementing efficient practices in
operations against identified best practices.
their manufacturing facilities.
■ The Steam System Assessment Tool (SSAT)
■ AirMaster+ is a software tool developed by
uses a graphical model of a generic steam
EERE BestPractices and jointly sponsored by
system for up to three steam pressure headers
the Compressed Air ChallengeTM. AIRMaster+
(high, medium, and low). You can enter data
helps end users assess the potential for
for your own plant conditions, including fuel
efficiency and productivity improvements in
type and cost, electricity, water costs, initial
compressed air systems without bias to any
boiler efficiency, header pressures, and turbine
particular technology, organization, or product.
The software allows users to run a number of
“what-if” scenarios to determine which energy ■ 3E-Plus Insulation Appraisal Software.
efficiency measures have the greatest savings Because insulation is used in many process
potential for their facility. heating systems and almost all steam systems,
restoration, replacement, and/or installation of
■ MotorMaster+ is an energy-efficient motor
missing insulation are common improvement
A Sourcebook for Industry
Section 4. Where To Find Help
Pump-Specific Resources
Software: The Pumping System Assessment Tool (PSAT) Tip Sheets: To increase industry’s awareness about
software helps industrial users assess the efficiency of the wealth of opportunities that exist to improve many
pumping system operations. PSAT uses achievable pump different kinds of industrial systems, the Industrial
performance data from Hydraulic Institute standards as well Technologies Program develops Pumping Tip Sheets
as motor performance data from the MotorMaster+ database through its BestPractices activity.
to calculate potential energy and associated cost savings. Tip sheets currently available:
For more information on PSAT, see Appendix B. 1. Conduct an In-Plant Pumping System Survey
2. Pump Selection Considerations
Training: Pumping System Assessment. This one-day 3. Select an Energy-Efficient Centrifugal Pump
training session provides an in-depth discussion of energy 4. Test for Pumping System Efficiency
efficiency factors for pumping systems, emphasizing the 5. Maintain Pumping Systems Effectively
system as a whole rather than just components. Indicators 6. Match Pumps to System Requirements
and symptoms of potential energy reduction opportunities are 9. Reduce Pumping Costs Through Optimum Pipe Sizing
discussed. Application and use of the PSAT software is also
covered. This training was developed to introduce users to Tip sheets in development:
the software (a CD with the PSAT software is provided) and to 7. Trim or Replace Impellers on Oversized Pumps
provide guidance on field measurement considerations. For 8. Optimize Parallel Pumping Systems
more on the PSAT, see Appendix B. 10. Reduce Energy Losses Across Control Valves
11. Adjustable Speed Pumping Applications
Qualified Pump System Specialist Training. This two- 12. Control Strategies for Centrifugal Pumps with
day training session covers the energy efficiency factors Variable Flow Rates
addressed in the one-day Pumping System Assessment Tip sheets contain concise descriptions of common
training session and provides case studies and additional opportunities for improving industrial energy and process
instruction on the use of the PSAT software. It concludes with efficiency. To access the tip sheets, including the newest
a written exam, and those successfully completing the exam ones, see
are recognized as Qualified Pump System Specialists.
Improving Pumping System Performance
Section 4. Where To Find Help
motor, steam, and compressed air systems. HI maintains the secretariat for the International
To subscribe online, go to Standards Organization (ISO)/TC-115 U.S. Tech-
industry/bestpractices/energy_matters.html, and nical Advisory Group and votes on behalf of U.S.
click on “subscribe today.” pump manufacturers on ISO pump standards. HI is
also the secretariat to ISO/TC-115 Subcommittee
■ Steaming Ahead is a bimonthly e-mail news- 3(SC3) and thus plays an influential role in the
letter published by the Alliance to Save Energy, development of international pump standards.
which coordinates BestPractices Steam out-
reach and promotion. The newsletter describes Education
the activities and information products of the HI programs include many educational opportu
BestPractices Steam effort, and it promotes best- nities for members. Suppliers to the pump industry,
in-class practices and technology applications eligible to join as associate members, make
in steam system design and management. technical presentations on pump systems and the
Additional information on Steaming Ahead use of a variety of products, including seals,
can be found at couplings, drivers, housing, controls and
instrumentation, and pump-specific software.
Hydraulic Institute Systems integrators are also eligible to join HI.
The Hydraulic Institute (HI) is the largest
In cooperation with DOE, HI developed a video-
association of pump producers and suppliers in based education program titled “Energy Reduction
North America. The Institute’s vision is to be a in Pumps and Pumping Systems.” HI’s e-learning
global authority on pumps and pumping systems. portal,, includes the
Its mission is to be a value-adding resource to Institute’s first online course: “Centrifugal Pumps:
member companies and pump users worldwide by Fundamentals, Design and Applications.” HI
■ Developing and delivering comprehensive welcomes ideas and outlines for future courses and
industry standards seeks relationships with other organizations
interested in offering or funding future course
■ Expanding knowledge by providing education development under a sponsorship arrangement.
and tools for the effective application, testing,
installation, operation, and maintenance of
pumps and pumping systems HI conducts a comprehensive statistics program
■ Serving as a forum for the exchange of industry exclusively for U.S. pump manufacturers who are
information. members. Up to nine different surveys are
published that track monthly bookings, quarterly
Standards shipments by product and market, quarterly rebuild
HI develops and publishes pump standards and is and overhaul, semiannual market reports of export
certified by the American National Standards bookings by geographic region and market, and
Institute (ANSI). Currently, 25 different standards annual shipments by discharge size (exclusively
are in print, covering centrifugal, vertical, rotary, for HI members). HI has developed a “load
factoring” program for estimating, on a monthly
reciprocating, and air-operated pumps. Additional
and quarterly basis, pump bookings and shipments
ones in development include new standards for
for the entire U.S. industry. Two human resources
viscosity correction, slurry pumps, and controlled
surveys and one operating ratio survey are
volume metering pumps. ANSI/HI pump test
conducted annually. Working closely with the
standards are also referenced in other pump
Bureau of the Census in the U.S. Department of
standards, such as ANSI B-73, API 610, and ISO
Commerce, HI has been instrumental in refining
13709. More than 80% of pump tests performed in the Pumps and Compressors Current Industrial
the United States are conducted in accordance with Report (MA333P) to better serve the needs of
HI pump test standards. the industry.
A Sourcebook for Industry
Section 4. Where To Find Help
Improving Pumping System Performance
Section 4. Where To Find Help
A Sourcebook for Industry
Section 4. Where To Find Help
Improving Pumping System Performance
Section 4. Where To Find Help
Alignment; Rolling Element Bearings & design, piping layout, instrumentation, heating
Lubrication; and Mechanical Seal Reliability. and ventilating, and noise control.
Published: May 1992 Published: February 2001
ISBN: 087201200X ISBN: 0750694831
A Sourcebook for Industry
Section 4. Where To Find Help
user needs. The book includes information on The Practical Pumping Handbook
the historical background, recent trends and Author: Ross Mackay
developments, and actual field trouble-shooting Description: This practical handbook covers the
cases in which the causes for each problem are basics of all types of pumping systems. Mechanics,
traced back to pump fundamentals. hydraulics, and cavitation are discussed, as well as
Published: March 1999 pump selection, installation and troubleshooting.
ISBN: 0849307015 Materials, friction losses, and fluid properties are
also covered.
Elsevier Science Published: June 2004
P.O. Box 945 ISBN: 1856174107
New York, NY 10159
Phone: 800-545-2522 Pump Users Handbook, 4th Edition Author: R. Rayner
Description: This book assists users in ordering
Centrifugal Pumps and Allied Machinery, 4th Edition pump equipment and recognizing fundamental
Author: Harold Anderson operating problems. The principles of pumping,
Description: This book is designed for engineers hydraulics, and fluids are discussed, as are the
and designers concerned with centrifugal pumps various criteria necessary for pump and ancillary
and turbines and includes statistical information equipment selection.
derived from 20,000 pumps and 700 turbines with Published: December 1995
capacities ranging from 5 gpm to 5,000,000 gpm. ISBN: 1856172163
The statistical analyses suggest practical methods
of increasing pump performance and provide Pumping Manual, 9 th Edition
valuable data for new design aspects. Author: Christopher Dickenson
Published: December 1994 Description: This resource provides information
ISBN: 1856172317 and data on the selection, installation, operation,
and maintenance of industrial pumps for most
Know and Understand Centrifugal Pumps applications. The contents follow a sequence of
Authors: Larry Bachus and Angel Custodio pump evolution, performance and characteristics,
Description: This book is intended for operational pump types, practice and operation, and much
technicians and process engineers who must more.
extract the most from their process pumps and Published: January 1995
keep them running with minimal problems and ISBN: 1856172155
downtime. It includes basic information which
will aid in understanding the rules and laws that Submersible Pumps and Their Applications
govern pumps. It will lead to a more intuitive Author: Harold Anderson
knowledge of pumps and their problems and will Description: In this comprehensive manual, the
assist anyone who must make decisions with characteristics and applications of submersible
limited information. It is geared to maintenance pumps are described in detail. The reader is
mechanics and engineers, pump operators, process provided with necessary information for the
engineers, purchasing agents, equipment specifiers, selection, operation, and maintenance of all
and storeroom and maintenance management submersible pumps.
professionals. Published: December 1986
Published: August 2003 ISBN: 0854610987
ISBN: 1856174093
Improving Pumping System Performance
Section 4. Where To Find Help
A Sourcebook for Industry
Section 4. Where To Find Help
mizing pumping system lifetime cost savings. Description: This handbook is designed for meter-
The design, operation, maintenance, energy, ing pump designers and engineers working in all
piping, controls, flows, and fluid dynamics of industries. It presents the basic principles of the
pump systems can be optimized to minimize total positive displacement pump; develops in-depth
life-cycle costs. analysis of the design of reciprocating metering
Published: 2001 pumps and their piping systems; and demonstrates
ISBN: 1880952580 the practical implementation of these concepts
through examples of actual pump applications.
Pump Standards Easily accessible information includes fundamentals
Author: Hydraulic Institute of metering pump operation, principles of pump
Description: This set of standards is designed to and piping system design, guidelines for selection
facilitate communication and understanding of pump construction materials, procedures for the
between manufacturers, purchasers, and users. installation, operation, and maintenance of meter-
These standards also assist the purchaser in ing pumps, and general formulas, tables, charts, and
selecting the proper product for a particular pumping system layouts.
application. Available in hard copy, CD-ROM, Published: June 1984
or online at ISBN: 0831111577
Published: 2002
Kluwer Academic Publishers
Variable Speed Pumping: A Guide 233 Spring St Fl 7
to Successful Applications New York, NY 10013-1522
Authors: Europump and the Hydraulic Institute Phone: 212-620-8000
Description: This educationally oriented guide
helps users focus on cost savings and performance
optimization of pumping systems with variable Centrifugal Pump User’s Guidebook:
speed drive technology. Compiled and written by Problems and Solutions
motor and drive experts in industry and academia, Author: Shmariahu Yedidiah
the guide is applicable to both new and retrofit Description: Written for designers, manufacturers,
installations. System and performance curves, and researchers, this reference text provides
control principles, selection process, financial complete up-to-date information on how to attain
justification, tables, illustrations, color photographs, and maintain optimum performance from centri-
case studies, and flow charts are included to help fugal pumps. It offers a hands-on approach to
clarify the appropriate specification methodology. diagnosing and solving problems that will help all
Published: 2004 pump users, from the novice to the experienced. It
ISBN: 1856174492 includes the cause and effect of recirculation as
well as its function, specific aspects of cavitation,
problems encountered during tests, and more.
Industrial Press Published: 1996
200 Madison Avenue ISBN: 041299111X
New York, NY 10016
Phone: 212-889-6330 Centrifugal Pumps, Second Edition Authors: Igor J. Karassik and J. Terry McGuire
Description: This reference book includes practical
Metering Pump Handbook information on all aspects of centrifugal pumps.
Authors: Robert E. McCabe, Philip G. Lanckton, With classifications of various forms of centrifugal
and William V. Dwyer, Pulafeed Division/ pumps and the essential features of pump construc-
CLEVEPAK Corporation tion, application, installation, operation, and
maintenance, the second edition provides owners,
Improving Pumping System Performance
Section 4. Where To Find Help
A Sourcebook for Industry
Section 4. Where To Find Help
Improving Pumping System Performance
Section 4. Where To Find Help
A Sourcebook for Industry
Section 4. Where To Find Help
and motor-driven systems and (2) encourage formula with Bernoulli’s theorem for liquids and
movement from a “component-focused” to a the differential form of Bernoulli’s theorem with
“systems-oriented” market. Sections of the report numerical integration techniques for gases.
include the following discussions of Process
Pump Systems: “Equipment and Market Animated Software Company
Overview,” “Energy Savings Potential–
625 East Bunker Court
Equipment,” “Efficiency Data, Standards, and
Potential Leverage Points,” “Specifying Practices
Vernon Hills, IL 60061
and Behavior,” “System-Level Energy Savings Phone: 800-323-4340
Potential,” and “Strategy Options.”
Improving Pumping System Performance
Section 4. Where To Find Help
A Sourcebook for Industry
Section 4. Where To Find Help
Engineered Software Inc.
This software is a hydraulic system design tool
4531 Intelco Loop SE
that substantially reduces the time involved in
Lacey, WA 98584-5941
designing systems that convey a fluid from point
Phone: 360-412-0702
to point. Up to nine parallels (10 pumps) can be modeled with a drag-and-drop system. In a matter
of minutes an engineer can lay out, analyze,
FLO-SERIES and present a number of design alternatives for
FLO-SERIES software consists of these four gravity, pump station, and forced-flow systems.
programs: (1) PIPE-FLO: piping system design HYDROFLO can launch PumpBase and transfer
and hydraulic system analysis containing a graphic operating point, project information, and liquid
flowsheet user interface; (2) PUMP-FLO: centri- property data with a single click. Detailed reports,
fugal pump selection and evaluation capable of diagrams and graphs of system data are available
containing over 50 manufacturer’s catalog curves; for output to screen, printer, or file.
(3) ORI-FLO: flow meters and orifice sizing; and
(4) CON-FLO: control valves. These programs are PumpBase
available individually or as a package. They share This program is an advanced pump specification
and exchange data for complete system analysis software package for Windows. Fluid-handling
but are not interdependent. specialists and hydraulic system designers can
specify up to 40 different selection criteria and
view graphs of the most efficient pump curves that
SYSTEK Technologies, Inc. meet their needs. The software includes a database
Phone: 928-453-9587 of thousands of curves from dozens of manu-
Fax: 630-214-6951 facturers as well as an extensive database of liquid properties. It creates a detailed report that can be
submitted to pump manufacturers or sales
PUMPCALC Centrifugal Pump Analysis representatives for further application verification
Using affinity laws, PUMPCALC analyzes the and price quotes. Custom selection software for
performance of a centrifugal pump at different specific product lines is available.
impeller sizes, speeds, and stages from the pump
manufacturer’s data. The speed or diameter
required to meet a specific design condition can Unicade, Inc.
be calculated. Performance of pumps in series and P.O. Box 70405
in parallel can be predicted. For high-viscosity Bellevue, WA 98015, USA
liquids, the water performance curve is corrected Phone/Fax: 425-702-0700
for viscosity using the Hydraulic Institute Method.
PUMPCALC, a Web-based program, performs the
viscosity correction calculations quickly and C-MAX Pump Software
accurately using built-in charts. The resulting The software performs energy and performance
performance curves can be plotted on the screen as calculations for various pump/compressor systems.
well as on the connected printer. Economic analyses are also performed and energy
savings for different scenarios can be calculated.
The program allows the user to set up a pump/
Tahoe Design Software compressor system, including choices for different
P.O. Box 187 pipe fittings, valves, and geometries. Energy and
Nevada City, CA 95959 performance calculations are then performed. The
Phone: 530-470-8413 software readily converts the results to any system of units.
Improving Pumping System Performance
Section 4. Where To Find Help
A Sourcebook for Industry
Section 4. Where To Find Help
Improving Pumping System Performance
Section 4. Where To Find Help
A Sourcebook for Industry
Section 4. Where To Find Help
Improving Pumping System Performance
Section 4. Where To Find Help
A Sourcebook for Industry
Section 4. Where To Find Help
Improving Pumping System Performance
A Sourcebook for Industry
Improving Pumping System Performance
Appendix A: Glossary of Basic Pumping System Terms
absolute pressure – Total force per unit area in a centrifugal pump – A pump that relies on a
system (includes vapor pressure and atmospheric rotating, vaned disk attached to a driven shaft.
pressure). The disk increases fluid velocity, which
translates to increased pressure.
adjustable speed drives (ASDs) – Devices that
allow control of a pump’s rotational speed. check valve – A valve that allows fluid to flow
ASDs include mechanical devices such as in one direction only; it is generally used to
hydraulic clutches and electronic devices such maintain header pressure and protect equipment
as eddy current clutches and variable frequency from reverse flow.
deadhead – A condition in which all the discharge
affinity laws – A set of relationships that tie from a pump is closed off.
together pump performance characteristics such
as pressure, flow, and pump speed. dynamic head – The component of the total head
that is attributable to fluid motion (also known
allowable operating region – The precise limits as velocity head).
for minimum and maximum flow in a pump.
gauge pressure – A measure of the force per unit
axial pump – Sometimes called a propeller pump, area using atmospheric pressure as the zero
this type of pump has a single-inlet impeller; the reference.
flow enters axially and discharges nearly axially.
head – A measure of pressure (expressed in feet)
backpressure – The pressure on the discharge indicating the height of a column of system
side of the pump. fluid that has an equivalent amount of potential
bearing – A device that supports a rotating shaft,
allowing it to spin while keeping it from header – A run of pipe that either supplies fluid
translating in the radial direction. A thrust to (supply header) or returns fluid from (return
bearing keeps a shaft from translating in the header) a number of system branches.
axial direction.
heat exchanger – A device that transfers heat
best efficiency point (BEP) – Commonly used to from one fluid to another.
describe the point at which a centrifugal pump
is operating at its highest efficiency, transferring horsepower (hp) – A measure of the work or
energy from the prime mover to the system energy flux per unit time; the rate at which
fluid with the least amount of losses. energy is consumed or generated.
brake horsepower (bhp) – The amount of power impeller – A centrifugal pump component that
(measured in units of horsepower) delivered to rotates on the pump shaft and increases the
the shaft of a motor-driven piece of equipment. pressure on a fluid by adding kinetic energy.
cavitation – A phenomenon commonly found in kinetic energy – The component of energy that
centrifugal pumps in which the system pressure is due to fluid motion.
is less than the vapor pressure of the fluid, load factor – A ratio of the average capacity to
causing the formation and violent collapse of the rated full capacity (in terms of power),
tiny vapor bubbles. determined by the following relationship:
A Sourcebook for Industry
Appendix A: Glossary of Basic Pumping System Terms
Load factor = ∑ (Actual load x number of operating hours at this load) positive displacement pump – A pump that pres-
(Rated full load x number of operating hours in the period) surizes a fluid using a collapsing volume action.
Examples include piston pumps, rotary screw
mechanical seal – A mechanical device for sealing pumps, and diaphragm pumps.
the pump/shaft interface (as opposed to packing).
pressure – Force per unit area; commonly used as
minimum flow requirement – A manufacturer- an indicator of fluid energy in a pumping system
specified limit that represents the lowest flow (expressed in pounds per square inch).
rate at which the pump can operate without
risking damage from suction or discharge prime mover – A machine, usually an electric
recirculation. motor, that provides the motive force driving a
motor – An electric machine that uses either
alternating current (ac) or direct current (dc) radial pump – In this type of pump, the liquid
electricity to spin a shaft. Typically, this shaft is enters the impeller at the hub and flows radially
coupled to a pump. Occasionally, however, to the periphery.
mechanisms such as a slider/crank convert this recirculation – A flow condition which occurs
rotation to axial movement to power piston during periods of low flow, usually below the
pumps. minimum flow requirement of a pump. This
motor controller – An electric switchbox that condition causes cavitation-like damage, usually
energizes and de-energizes an electric motor. to the pressure side of an impeller vane.
packing – A form of a pump seal that prevents or relief valve – A valve that prevents excessive pres-
minimizes leakage from the pump stuffing box. sure buildup. Often used on the discharge side
Packing is usually a flexible, self-lubricated of a positive displacement pump and in applica-
material that fits around the pump shaft, allowing tions where thermal expansion of a system fluid
it to spin while minimizing the escape of system can damage system equipment.
fluid between the shaft and the pump housing. specific gravity – The ratio of the density of a
preferred operating region – The region on a fluid to the density of water at standard
pump curve where flow remains well controlled conditions.
within a range of capacities. Within this region specific speed – An index used to measure the
hydraulic loads, vibration, or flow separation performance of an impeller; it represents the
will not significantly affect the service life of the speed required for an impeller to pump one
pump. gallon per minute against one foot of head and
performance curve – A curve that plots the is defined by the equation:
relationship between flow and head for a —
centrifugal pump. The vertical axis contains the Ns = n √ Q
values of head while the horizontal axis contains H 3/4
flow rates. Since flow rate varies with head in a static head – The head component attributable to
centrifugal pump, performance curves are used the static pressure of the fluid.
to select pumps that meet the needs of a system.
stiction – Static friction (frictional resistance to
pony pump – A pump that is usually associated initial motion).
with a larger pump in a multiple-pump config-
uration. The pony pump typically handles stuffing box – The part of a pump where the shaft
normal system requirements, while the larger penetrates the pump casing.
pump is used during high demand periods.
Improving Pumping System Performance
Appendix A: Glossary of Basic Pumping System Terms
A Sourcebook for Industry
Appendix A: Glossary of Basic Pumping System Terms
Improving Pumping System Performance
Appendix B: Pumping System Assessment Tool
The Pumping System Assessment Tool (PSAT) is a (flow and head) required by the application. It
software program developed by the Department of estimates a system’s achievable efficiency based
Energy’s (DOE) Industrial Technologies Program on pump efficiencies (from Hydraulic Institute
(ITP) to assist engineers and facility operators in standards) and performance characteristics of
performing assessments of pumping system energy pumps and motors (based on the MotorMaster+
usage. PSAT is also well suited for performing database).
plant energy usage surveys by consultants or plant
engineers. End users in the field will find PSAT PSAT can be used to perform the following
easy to use because it was carefully designed to key functions:
require only the minimum essential operation data
(or requirements) to perform an analysis. ■ Establish system efficiency
■ Quantify potential energy savings
For many industrial facilities, the energy
consumed in pumping fluids comprises a large ■ Examine the economic and energy impacts
fraction of the total energy consumption of the of different operating scenarios
facility. However, operators are often not aware ■ Provide data for trending system performance
of how effectively energy is being consumed in
pumping systems. The PSAT tool provides a ■ Clarify impacts of operational changes on
relatively simple and fast means of determining demand charges
system efficiency and potential alternatives. In
■ Identify degraded or poorly performing pumps.
addition, the PSAT prescreening filter can identify
areas that are likely to offer the greatest savings.
Additional information on PSAT is provided in
Section 3.
PSAT identifies energy savings opportunities
in pumping systems and quantifies those oppor-
Qualification Program
tunities in both dollars and electrical energy
The U.S. Department of Energy offers a quali-
savings. Although PSAT does not tell how to
fication training program for pumping system
improve systems, it does prioritize attractive
specialists in the use of its PSAT software.
opportunities and supports broader or narrower
Attendees who successfully complete a PSAT
searches for improving efficiency.
qualification workshop will be recognized as
Qualified Pump System Specialists and will
PSAT requires three fundamental field measured
receive a certificate from DOE with this
parameters: flow rate, head, and motor power (or
current). Using this data, along with some general
design and nameplate information, such as pump How to Obtain PSAT
style (selected from a list), motor size (hp), rated The PSAT and its User Manual can be down-
speed, and fluid density, generally achievable loaded from the ITP BestPractices Web site,
pump and motor efficiencies and optimal power
requirements are estimated. The user can also obtain a version by contacting
the EERE Information Center at 877-337-3463.
PSAT assesses current pump system operating
efficiency by comparing field measurements of the
power delivered to the motor with the fluid work
A Sourcebook for Industry
Appendix B: Pumping System Assessment Tool
Improving Pumping System Performance
Appendix C: Pumping Systems Tip Sheets
A series of tip sheets has been developed to highlight the performance benefits and energy savings
that are available in pumping systems. Tip sheet topics include the following:
Conduct an In-Plant Pumping System Survey
Pump Selection Considerations
Select an Energy-Efficient Centrifugal Pump
Test for Pumping System Efficiency
Maintain Pumping Systems Effectively
Match Pumps to System Requirements
Trim or Replace Impellers on Oversized Pumps
Optimize Parallel Pumping Systems
Reduce Pumping Costs Through Optimum Pipe Sizing
Reduce Energy Losses Across Control Valves
Adjustable Speed Pumping Applications
Control Strategies for Centrifugal Pumps with Variable Flow Rates
Several of these tip sheets are included here. The rest are in development and will be available
soon from the EERE Information Center and on the ITP BestPracticies Web site,
A Sourcebook for Industry
Appendix C: Pumping Systems Tip Sheets
Improving Pumping System Performance
Appendix C: Pumping Systems Tip Sheet Number 1
The survey team should gather pump and drive motor nameplate information and
document operating schedules to develop load profiles, then obtain head/capacity
curves (if available) from the pump manufacturers to document the pumping system
design and operating points. The team should also note the system flow rate and
pressure requirements, pump style, operating speed, number of stages, and specific
gravity of the fluid being pumped. If possible, the team should also measure and note
the flow rate and the suction and discharge pressures and note conditions that are
associated with inefficient pump operation, including indicators such as:
■ Pumps with high maintenance requirements
■ Oversized pumps that operate in a throttled condition
■ Cavitating or badly worn pumps
■ Misapplied pumps
■ Pumping systems with large flow rate or pressure variations
■ Pumping systems with bypass flow
■ Throttled control valves to provide fixed or variable flow rates
■ Noisy pumps or valves
■ Clogged pipelines or pumps
■ Wear on pump impellers and casings that increase clearances between fixed and
moving parts
A Sourcebook for Industry
Appendix C: Pumping Systems Tip Sheet Number 1
Suggested Actions
• Prescreen the pumps in your facility.
• Survey the systems identified as priorities.
Improving Pumping System Performance
Appendix C: Pumping Systems Tip Sheet Number 2
Fluid Properties
The properties of the fluids being pumped can significantly affect the choice of pump.
Key considerations include:
■ Acidity/alkalinity (pH) and chemical composition. Corrosive and acidic fluids
can degrade pumps, and should be considered when selecting pump materials.
■ Operating temperature. Pump materials and expansion, mechanical seal
components, and packing materials need to be considered with pumped fluids that are
hotter than 200°F.
Centrifugal/Vertical NPSH Margin
■ Solids concentrations/particle sizes. When pumping abrasive liquids such as (ANSI/HI 9.6.1-1998), www.pumps.
industrial slurries, selecting a pump that will not clog or fail prematurely depends org, Hydraulic Institute, 1998.
on particle size, hardness, and the volumetric percentage of solids.
■ Specific gravity. The fluid specific gravity is the ratio of the fluid density to that
of water under specified conditions. Specific gravity affects the energy required to
lift and move the fluid, and must be considered when determining pump power
■ Vapor pressure. A fluid’s vapor pressure is the force per unit area that a fluid exerts
in an effort to change phase from a liquid to a vapor, and depends on the fluid’s
chemical and physical properties. Proper consideration of the fluid’s vapor pressure
will help to minimize the risk of cavitation.
■ Viscosity. The viscosity of a fluid is a measure of its resistance to motion. Since
kinematic viscosity normally varies directly with temperature, the pumping system
designer must know the viscosity of the fluid at the lowest anticipated pumping
temperature. High viscosity fluids result in reduced centrifugal pump performance
and increased power requirements. It is particularly important to consider pump
suction-side line losses when pumping viscous fluids.
A Sourcebook for Industry
Appendix C: Pumping Systems Tip Sheet Number 2
The total system head has three components: static head, elevation (potential energy), and velocity (or dynamic) head.
Static head is the pressure of the fluid in the system, and is the quantity measured by conventional pressure gauges.
The height of the fluid level can have a substantial impact on system head. The dynamic head is the pressure required by
the system to overcome head losses caused by flow rate resistance in pipes, valves, fittings, and mechanical equipment.
Dynamic head losses are approximately proportional to the square of the fluid flow velocity, or flow rate. If the flow rate
doubles, dynamic losses increase fourfold.
For many pumping systems, total system head requirements vary. For example, in wet well or reservoir applications,
suction and static lift requirements may vary as the water surface elevations fluctuate. For return systems such as HVAC
circulating water pumps, the values for the static and elevation heads equal zero. You also need to be aware of a pump’s
net positive suction head requirements. Centrifugal pumps require a certain amount of fluid pressure at the inlet to avoid
cavitation. A rule of thumb is to ensure that the suction head available exceeds that required by the pump by at least
25% over the range of expected flow rates.
Environmental Considerations
Important environmental considerations include ambient temperature and humidity, elevation above sea level, and whether
the pump is to be installed indoors or outdoors.
Software Tools
Most pump manufacturers have developed software or Web-based tools to assist in the pump selection process. Pump
purchasers enter their fluid properties and system requirements to obtain a listing of suitable pumps. Software tools that
allow you to evaluate and compare operating costs are available from private vendors.
Suggested Actions
• Accurately identify process flow rate and pressure requirements.
• Measure actual head and flow rate.
• Develop a system curve.
• Select a pump with high efficiency over the expected range of operating conditions.
• Specify electric motors that meet the NEMA Premium™ full-load efficiency standards.
• Use life cycle costing techniques to justify acquiring high efficiency pumps and designing efficient systems.
Improving Pumping System Performance
Appendix C: Pumping Systems Tip Sheet Number 3
Before you select a pump model, examine its performance curve, which is indicated by
its head-flow rate or operating curve. The curve shows the pump’s capacity (in gallons
Centrifugal Applications (ANSI/HI
per minute [gpm]) plotted against total developed head (in feet). It also shows efficiency 1.3-2000), Hydraulic Institute, 2000.
(percentage), required power input (in brake-horsepower [bhp]), and suction head
requirements (net positive suction head requirement in feet) over a range of flow rates.
Pump curves also indicate pump size and type, operating speed (in revolutions per
minute), and impeller size (in inches). It also shows the pump’s best efficiency point
(BEP). The pump operates most cost effectively when the operating point is close
to the BEP.
Pumps can generally Figure 1. End Suction Centrifugal Pump Performance Curve
be ordered with a
variety of impeller
sizes. Each impeller
has a separate
performance curve
(see Figure 1). To
minimize pumping
system energy
consumption, select a
pump so the system
curve intersects the
pump curve within
20% of its BEP, and
select a midrange
impeller that can be
trimmed or replaced
to meet higher or
lower flow rate requirements. Select a pump with high efficiency contours over your
range of expected operating points. A few points of efficiency improvement can save
significant energy over the life of the pump.
A Sourcebook for Industry
Appendix C: Pumping Systems Tip Sheet Number 3
A process requires 15,000 gpm at a total operating head of 150 feet. Assume the centrifugal pump will be powered by a
700-hp motor, operate for 8,000 hours annually, and transport fluid with a specific gravity of 1.0. One candidate pump
has an efficiency (η1) of 81% at the operating point; a second is expected to operate at 78% efficiency (η2). What are the
energy savings given selection of the first pump?
Reduced Power Requirements (bhp) = {(Head x Flow x SG) / 3,960} x (100/η1 – 100/η2)
Head = head at operating point in feet
Flow = pump discharge at operating point
SG = fluid specific gravity
bhp Reduction = {(150 feet x 15,000 gpm x 1.0) / 3,960} x (1/0.81 – 1/0.78) = 27 bhp
Assuming an efficiency of 96% for the pump drive motor, the annual energy savings are:
Energy Savings = 27 bhp x 0.746 kW/bhp x 8,000 hours/year / 0.96 = 167,850 kWh/year
These savings are valued at $8,393 per year at an energy price of 5¢ per kWh. Assuming a 15-year pump life, total
energy savings are $125,888. With an assumed cost differential between the two pumps of $5,000, the simple payback
for purchasing the first pump will be approximately 7 months.
Suggested Actions
• Develop an accurate system curve (see tip sheet “Pump Selection Considerations”).
• Select a correctly sized pump and drive motor.
• Select the pump with the highest efficiency over the range of expected system operating points.
• Develop an index. A useful index for comparing pumps in the same application involves calculating the gallons of fluid pumped
per kilowatt-hour of electrical energy used (gal/kWh). This index illustrates the fluid transported per unit of energy expended.
Calculating the inverse—kWh/gal—is equally useful, and provides the basis for an energy cost comparison.
Improving Pumping System Performance
Appendix C: Pumping Systems Tip Sheet Number 4
Flow rates can be obtained with reliable instruments installed in the system or prefer-
ably with stand-alone tools such as a sonic (Doppler-type) or “transit time” flow meter
or a Pitot tube and manometer. Turbulence can be avoided by measuring the flow rate on
a pipe section without fittings at a point where there is still a straight run of pipe ahead.
A Sourcebook for Industry
Appendix C: Pumping Systems Tip Sheet Number 4
Potential energy savings can be determined by using the difference between actual system operating efficiency (ηa) and the
design (or optimal) operating efficiency (ηo), or by consulting published pump curves, as available, for design efficiency
Software tools like DOE’s Pumping System Assessment Tool (PSAT) also provide estimates of optimal efficiency. When
the required head and flow rate, as well as actual electrical data, are input into the software, PSAT will account for artifi-
cial head and flow losses. The equation for calculating potential energy savings is as follows:
Efficiency testing and analysis indicate that a 300-horsepower centrifugal pump has an operating efficiency of 55%.
However, the manufacturer’s pump curve indicates that it should operate at 78% efficiency. The pump draws 235 kW and
operates 6,000 hours per year. Assuming that the pump can be restored to its original or design performance conditions,
estimated energy savings are as follows:
At an energy cost of 5¢ per kWh, the estimated savings would be $20,786 per year.
Suggested Actions
Survey the priority pumps in your plant and conduct efficiency tests on them.
• Identify misapplied, oversized, or throttled pumps, or those that have bypass lines.
• Identify pumps with operating points below the manufacturer’s pump curve (if available); estimate energy savings of restoring
the system to its original efficiency.
• Identify pumps with flow rates of 30% or more from the BEP flow rates, or with system imbalances greater than 20%.
• Determine the cost effectiveness of each improvement.
Improving Pumping System Performance
Appendix C: Pumping Systems Tip Sheet Number 5
Preventive Actions
Preventive maintenance activities include coupling alignment, lubrication, and seal
maintenance and replacement. Mechanical seals must be inspected periodically to
ensure that either there is no leakage or that leakage is within specifications. Mechan-
ical seals that leak excessively usually must be replaced. A certain amount of leakage
Extend Your Motor’s Operating Life,
is required, however, to lubricate and cool the packing seals. But the packing gland
DOE Motor Systems Tip Sheet, 2005.
needs to be adjusted if the leakage exceeds the manufacturer’s specifications. The
Test for Pumping System Efficiency,
packing gland must be replaced if it has to be tightened excessively to control leakage. DOE Pumping Systems Tip Sheet,
Overtightening causes unnecessary wear on the shaft or its wear sleeve and increases 2005.
electric power use. Routine maintenance of pump motors, such as proper lubrication
and cleaning, is also vital.
Predictive Actions
Predictive maintenance helps minimize unplanned equipment outages. Sometimes called
“condition assessment” or “condition monitoring,” it has become easier with modern
testing methods and equipment. The following methods apply to pumping systems:
Motor current signature analysis. Sometimes called “dynamic analysis,” this reveals
deteriorating insulation, rotor bar damage, electrical system unbalance, and harmonics.
It can also pick up system problems such as malfunctioning control valves that cause
flow rate disturbances. Tracking the signature over time is more valuable than a single
Lubrication oil analysis. This applies only to large, oil-lubricated pumps, and is an
expensive procedure. Oil analysis can detect bearing problems caused by metal
particles or chemical changes that result from overheating, and seal problems caused
by pumped fluid in the oil. It also provides guidance on proper oil-change intervals.
A Sourcebook for Industry
Appendix C: Pumping Systems Tip Sheet Number 5
Periodic efficiency testing. Testing the wire-to-water efficiency and keeping records to spot trends is useful. Finally, see
the checklist of maintenance items below, which can be tailored for many kinds of systems, applications, and facilities.
Suggested Actions
Establish a pumping system maintenance program that includes the following:
• Preventive actions
• Predictive actions
• Periodic efficiency testing.
Improving Pumping System Performance
Appendix C: Pumping Systems Tip Sheet Number 6
Conduct quick reviews like this periodically. Especially for multipump systems, this can
be a convenient way to identify opportunities to optimize a system at little or no cost.
This example shows the energy savings that can be obtained by not using an oversized
pump. Assume that a process requires 1,500 tons of refrigeration during the three
summer months, but only 425 tons for the remaining nine months. The process uses
two chilled water pumps operating at 3,500 gpm and requiring 200 brake horsepower
(bhp) each. Both are used in summer, but two-thirds of the flow rate is bypassed
during the remaining months.
A Sourcebook for Industry
Appendix C: Pumping Systems Tip Sheet Number 6
One 3,500-gpm pump is therefore replaced with a new 1,250-gpm pump designed to have the same discharge head
as the original unit. Although the new pump requires only 50 bhp, it meets the plant’s chilled water requirements
most of the year (in all but the summer months). The older pump now operates only in the summer. Assuming
continuous operation with an efficiency (ηm) of 93% for both motors, we can calculate the energy savings from
operating the smaller pump as follows:
At an average energy cost of 5¢ per kWh, annual savings would be about $39,525.
Suggested Actions
• Survey your facility’s pumps.
• Identify flow rates that vary 30% or more from the BEP and systems imbalances greater than 20%.
• Identify misapplied, oversized, or throttled pumps and those with bypass lines.
• Assess opportunities to improve system efficiency.
• Consult with suppliers on the cost of trimming or replacing impellers and replacing pumps.
• Determine the cost-effectiveness of each improvement.
Improving Pumping System Performance
Appendix C: Pumping Systems Tip Sheet Number 9
The frictional power required depends on flow rate, pipe size (diameter), overall pipe
length, pipe characteristics (surface roughness, material, etc.), and properties of the
fluid being pumped. Figure 1 shows the annual water pumping cost (frictional power
only) for 1,000 feet of pipe length for different pipe sizes and flow rates.
Figure 1. Annual water pumping cost for 1,000 feet of pipe of different sizes
Xenergy Inc., United States Industrial
Motor Systems Market Opportunities
Assessment, prepared for DOE,
December 1998.
Piping Handbook, Mohinder K.
Nayyar, McGraw-Hill Publications,
New York, 1998.
Engineering Data Book, Hydraulic
Institute, Second Edition, New Jersey,
Based on 1,000 ft for clean iron and steel pipes (schedule 40) for pumping 70°F water. Electricity rate—5¢ per kWh and
8,760 operating hours annually. Combined pump and motor efficiency—70%.
A pumping facility has 10,000 feet of piping to carry 600 gallons per minute (gpm) of
water continuously to storage tanks. Determine the annual pumping costs associated
with different pipe sizes.
After the energy costs are calculated, the installation and maintenance costs should be
calculated for each pipe size. Although the up-front cost of a larger pipe may be
higher, it may still provide the most cost-effective solution because it will greatly
reduce the initial pump and operating costs.
A Sourcebook for Industry
Appendix C: Pumping Systems Tip Sheet Number 9
____ (Flow in gpm)3 (Pipe length in feet)
_____________________________ (# of hours) ($/kWh)
Cost ($) = (Friction factor)
1706 (Pipe inner diameter in inches)5 (Combined pump and motor efficiency as a percent)
where the friction factor, based on the pipe roughness, pipe diameter, and the Reynolds number, can be obtained
from engineering handbooks. For most applications, the value of this friction factor will be 0.015 to 0.0225.
Suggested Actions
• Compute annual and life-cycle cost for systems before making an engineering design decision.
• In systems dominated by friction head, evaluate pumping costs for at least two pipe sizes and try to accommodate pipe size with
the lowest life-cycle cost.
• Look for ways to reduce friction factor. If your application permits, epoxy-coated steel or plastic pipes can reduce friction factor
by more than 40%, proportionately reducing your pumping costs.
Improving Pumping System Performance
Appendix D: Guidelines for Comments
Comments that can correct and improve this sourcebook are appreciated. Please copy this page and
provide suggestions to the address listed below.
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Mail to:
U.S. Department of Energy
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A Sourcebook for Industry
About the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
May 2006
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