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Experimental Setup Result: Discussion Application

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The main objective of this experiment was to verify the validity of Bernoulli’s theorem. Bernoulli's apparatus is designed to
demonstrate visually the interchange between pressure head and velocity head as water flows through a tube of variable cross sectional
area in a horizontal plane. In this experiment the total head of water in six different points were observed and found that the point
where the pressure head was larger, the velocity head was smaller. Though the summation of the heads did not remain constant, rather
gradually decreasing as the flow proceeds, but the values were nearly equal.

Introduction Experimental Setup Result

Bernoulli's theorem states that for a
The graph drawn for each
steady, incompressible and ideal
observation in each tapping
fluid flow in isothermal condition the
position and total head were
total mechanical energy of the fluid
analyzed than we can easily
remains constant, if there is no loss
compare our result and its
or addition of energy to the flow
deviation. The ranges of
system. So,
measured head for first, second
p/γ + v2/ 2g + z = constant
and third observation at different
tapping position were 241, 276,
and 290 respectively and
Methodology similarly calculated total head
The apparatus used for this were 240.4-241.8, 258-280, 284-
experiment consists of a venturi 295.4. The deviation of
tube, piezometer and pitot tube. measured total head and
Total head at different tapping calculated total head were shown
positions was calculated from static clearly in the graphs and the
head and velocity head and was Graphs reasons behind this deviation
compared with pitot tube reading. were discussed in discussion
Total Head Vs Tapping position section.

Total Head

Air flight 260 Observation 1

Bernoulli’s theorem is applicable
Observation 2
Observation 3
under certain assumptions. They are
240 • Ideal fluid(Incompressible &
Sailing Draft Frictionless)
• No heat transfer from system
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
• Work along a steam line
Tapping position In experimental condition the
assumption are not correct
Theorem Velocity Head VS Tapping Position
(1st observation)
Velocity Head VS Tapping Position
 Working fluid (water) was viscid
(2nd observation)

Measured Head Calculated Head Measured Head Calculated Head

&has friction loss
 The system was not adiabatic
Velocity Head,v2/2g

20 150
Velocity Head,v2/2g

 There was some loss due to
Lift Bunsen 10 contraction
Burner 5 For these reason our experimental&
Spray-gun 0 0 theoretical total head were not same
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
Taping Position
Taping Position

It is demonstrated earlier in the experiment that total heads from experimental & theoretical calculation are nearly equal. So Bernoulli’s
Theorem is another form of the equation of conservation of energy.

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