Brick Masonry
Brick Masonry
Brick Masonry
Brick Masonry
Bricks are laid in mortar in a proper systematic manner, they form a
homogeneous mass, which can withstand forces without disintegration. This
mass of the structure, so made by the use of bricks is called "Brick Masonry" or
simply "Brick work".
1. Brick
3. Positions of Bricks
The position of brick, when laid with its Frog upward in the horizontal plane,
is termed as "Brick on bed".
The position of the brick when laid on its side "9 in x 3 in", with frog in the
vertical plane is called "Brick on edge".
The position of brick when laid on its side "4 1/2 in x 3 in", with frog in the
vertical plane is called " Brick on end".
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Brick Masonry – Technical terms
4. Course
Each horizontal layer of bricks laid in mortar in a brick work is called a "course".
5. Stretcher
Brick, laid with its length horizontal and parallel with the face of the wall is
called a "Stretcher" and a course, in which, all the bricks are laid as Stretchers
is called a “Stretching course" or "Stretcher course".
6. Header
A brick laid, so that only its end shows on the face of a wall is called a "Header"
and a course, in which all the bricks are laid as headers, is known as "Heading
Course" or "Header course".
7. Quoin brick
The brick, which forms the external corner of a wall is known as " Quoin brick".
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Brick Masonry – Technical terms
8. Bond
Objectives of Bonds
The primary objective of providing a bond is to break the continuity of the
vertical joints in the successive courses both in the length and thickness of
masonry structure. As a result, the structure will act as a bounded mass and its
load will be transmitted uniformly to the foundations.
9. Types of Bonds
English Bond
The bond, in which headers and stretchers are laid in alternate courses, is
called "English bond".
Flemish Bond
The bond, in which headers and stretchers are laid alternately in the same
course, is called "Flemish bond".
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Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use
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Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use
Brick Masonry
The Brick work shall consist of the specified class.
Brick work shall be done with the specified mortar viz. cement, lime- cement,
mixed in the specified proportions. Only freshly prepared shall be used. And
this should be as per IS 2250- 1965.
The soaked bricks shall be stacked on wooden planks to avoid earth being
smeared on them. The best shaped and most uniform colour planks shall be
picked out and used for face work.
Laying of Bricks
The brick work shall be in prescribed bond and shall follow the type bond
junctions, unless specified otherwise. Half bricks or brick shall not be used
except where necessary to complete the bond. Closers in such cases shall
be cut to the required size and used near the end of the wall only.
Bricks shall be laid with frogs upwards and set home by gentle tapping with
handle of the trowel or wooded hammer.
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Brick Masonry
Laying of Bricks
No portion of the work shall be left more than 1 meter lower than the other.
Where the masonry of one part has to be delayed the work shall be raked
back according to bind (and not toothed) at an angle not exceeding 40°.
All iron fixtures, pipes outlets of water etc, shall be built in cement mortar in
their correct position as far as possible as the work proceeds.
Thickness of joints shall not exceed 6mm in first class brick work and
10mm in second brick work. In case of first class brick work, the
thickness of four courses with four horizontal mortar joints shall be
kept as 30 cms.
Green work shall be protected from the effects of sun, rain etc
by suitable covering. All masonry work except masonry in mud
mortar shall be kept constantly moist on all the faces for a period
of at least seven days.
𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔ⅇ ⅈ𝑛 𝑤𝑡.
% age water absorption = X 100
𝑂𝑟ⅈ𝑔ⅈ𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑤𝑡.
Fifty pieces shall be taken from a lot of 50,000 or part thereof.
The sampling shall be done at random during loading or
unloading of the bricks or from different parts of the stack.
Water Absorption
Average water absorption should not be more than 20% by weight for
bricks of class 35 to 125 Kg/ Compressive strength.
Compressive Strength
Bricks are required to be immersed in water for 24 hours. The specimen
should be removed and the surplus water should be drained out at room
temperature. After this, the frog in the brick should be filled with cement
mortar 1:3 and brick stored in damp jute for 24 hours followed by
immersion in water for 3 days. Thereafter, the specimen brick should be
wiped and subjected to compressive strength in flat position at uniform rate
of 140 kg/ Sqcm per minute till failure occurs.
The end of the bricks are placed in the dish, such that the depth of
immersion in water is 25mm. The entire arrangement is placed in a warm
well ventilated room until all the water is absorbed by the specimens and
the surplus water evaporates.
Again water is added and the bricks are observed for efflorescence after
second evaporation and observation are noted as ʽnilʼ, ʽslightʼ, ʽmoderateʼ,
ʽheavyʼ or ʽseriousʼ.
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