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Homeopathic Proving of Titanium Metallicum: Materials and Methods

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● Hemianopsia noted by William Boericke

● Horizontal hemianopsia noted by John

Homeopathic Proving

● Vertical hemianopsia noted by O. Boe-
ricke and Jan Scholten

of Titanium metallicum ●

Precocious ejaculation noted by J. T.
Kent and G. Vithoulkas
Involuntary ejaculation noted by O.
M. F. Spada1, G. Arena1, R. Nocifora1, M. Matera2 Boericke
● Lupus cancer disease noted by W. Boe-
Associazione culturale l’Albero della vita ricke
(L’Albero della vita Cultural Association), Catania
2 These few symptoms that were recorded
Dipartimento di Farmacologia Sperimentale e clinica, Facoltà di Medicina
led the “L’Albero della Vita” cultural associ-
e Chirurgia, Università di Catania (Department of Experimental and Clini- ation in Catania to conduct a clinical trial,
cal Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Catania) in collaboration with Prof. Mario Matera,
1st. Chair of Pharmacology II of the Depart-
ment of Experimental and Clinical Pharma-
cology, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of
Introduction the thirties, after the metallurgist W. J. the University of Catania.
Kroll invented the process. The difficulties
derive from its affinity for elements that

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Titanium is a transition element in the pe- are greatly diffused in the air, such as hy- Materials and Methods
riodic table; its symbol is Ti and its atomic drogen, oxygen and nitrogen, which give
number is 22. It is a silver-coloured metal, origin to solid and very stable solutions For an extensive description of the meth-
used principally in the production of light that are characterized by great hardness odology of this proving and the prepara-
and resistant alloys. It was identified as and fragility. Modern technologies today tion of the remedy please contact the au-
one of the constituents of rutile (TiO2) by enable the extensive use of titanium in the thors.
the German chemist Martin Heinrich Kal- aerospace sector, and in the medical field,
proth in 1795, but it was only isolated five in particular in orthopaedics, vascular sur- The substance Titanium metallicum was
years later. It is a part of the composition gery and odontology (see implantology). In supplied by the pharmaceutical company
of many other minerals, and is mainly metallurgy, titanium alloys are used as de- Carlo Erba Italia and potentised by the ho-
found in Ilmenite (FeO-TiO2) and Titanite oxidizers and denitrifiers, due to their af- meopathic company IMO in Trezzano Rosa
(sphene) (CaO-TiO2-SiO2). The pure metal finity for oxygen and nitrogen. Titanium di- (MI).
is generally obtained through a compli- oxide is a white pigment (known as tita-
cated and costly preparation method, nium white) used in the production of Participating staff
starting from titanium tetrachloride, by paints, plastic materials, fabrics, paper and Monitor: Prof. Mario Matera (Department
making titanium dioxide react with chlo- rubber. of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacol-
rine in an atmosphere of argon, and the re- ogy, University of Catania)
sulting product, a pure metal in a spongy At present (time of writing this article) no Study doctor: Dr. Maria Francesca Spada
state, is melted and stored in bars. Tita- homeopathic trials have been conducted (Nutritionist and Homoeopathist – l’Albero
nium is considered one of the noblest met- on titanium, with the exception of eight della vita Association, Catania)
als due to its excellent qualities. Compared symptoms present in the materia medica, Investigators: Dr. Gaetano Arena (Geriatri-
to other materials, it is highly resistant to noted by different homoeopaths, probably cian and Homoeopath – l’Albero della vita,
corrosion, its elasticity module value is in different periods from their clinical ex- Catania ) & Dr. Riccardo Nocifora (Cardiolo-
very low, as is the linear thermal expansion perience: gist and Homoeopath, Palermo)
coefficient. It has a low density (about ● Vertigo noted by Timothy F. Allen Pharmaceutical management and sponsor-
4.5 kg/cm3, with minor variations, depend- ● Decreased field of vision noted by Fa- ing: Company IMO (Trezzano Rosa – MI)
ing on the type of alloy, equal to 58 % of the rokh J. Master
density of stainless steel) and a very high
melting point, equal to 1700 8C. It dissolves
exclusively in concentrated hydrochloric S U M M A R Y
acid and sulphuric acid, and mainly in hy-
drofluoric acid, which is its best solvent. It The proving of Titanium metallicum discussed in this article clearly extends
is widely present in nature in the form of and completes the eight symptoms that are present in the materia medica,
oxides, and is contained in a number of and makes the use of Titanium metallicum clearer and more applicable,
minerals. Titanium is the ninth most com- adding 145 symptoms (compared to the placebo control group which had
mon element, and is the fourth most abun- only 20 symptoms). The lupus carcinomatous affection symptom, added by
dant metal. It is preceded only by alumin- Oscar Boericke, was not noted in the trial.
ium, iron and magnesium. However its ex-
traction, which is quite complex and costly, K E Y WO RD S Titanium, Proving, Pathogenesis
became possible only towards the end of

M. F. Spada et al., Titanium metallicum – Homœopathic Links Autumn 2005, Vol.18: 153 – 155 © Sonntag Verlag in MVS Medizinverlage Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG 153
Trial protocol tension in the solar plexus, without any entire research study, which healed and
The proving was blinded. Eight volunteers plausible reason, and a crowding of formed again on the mucosa of the mouth,

received verum in a 30CH, eight in a 200K thoughts regarding unimportant situations particularly localised on the tip of the
and eight received placebo. (O. S.). Prover 020 (E. D. C.) noted a physical, tongue.
and especially a mental, improvement
after the menstrual cycle, which continued Back
Titanium metallicum for at least one week. She wrote: “I feel
more serene in facing daily problems, with
Four provers reported marked pain in the
cervical region, with irradiation of the pain
Pathogenesis a greater self-control and assurance”. This to the occipital area, and heaviness in the
symptom was also noted in the following whole head from the 10th to the 14th day
The subjects who took placebo (072) cycle. Prover 021 (G. A.), noted from the (O. S.).
pointed out mild diffused symptoms, 10th to the 14th day a decrease in the hurry
which did not last long, which the patients and anxiety which characterized his na- Abdomen and rectum
had already noticed during the self-obser- ture, with a kind of mental peace, he wrote About eleven provers out of sixteen noted
vation period, and which could be correlat- “I had the feeling of being less hard in vari- marked abdominal disorders, such as dif-
ed to daily conditions, such as a sense of ous attitudes, specially with my wife and fused abdominal swelling, diarrhoea with
occlusion in the ears and nose, dry throat, with those who were closer to me”, this liquid stools, especially after meals, even
dry cough, feeling of heaviness in the head sensation remained for at least twenty though particularly irritating foodstuffs
and eyes, diarrhoea, liquid stools, urgent days after discontinuing administration of had not been taken (002 [L. G.], 010 [P. G.],
need to urinate, mild heaviness in the low- the remedy (O. S.), and this was also asso- 013 [R. G.], etc.). Two subjects reported
er limbs, mild aerophagia 001 (F. L.) – 005 ciated with an improvement in remember- haemorrhoidal symptoms with bright red
(S. G.) – 015 (A. P.) – 023 (S. C.) – 024 (S. P.). ing the names of people. We may observe blood in the stools.

Downloaded by: University of Florida. Copyrighted material.

Only prover 012 (L. L.) experienced wide- that mental symptoms were noted only in
spread itching, between the 5th and 8th the case of 200 K. Extremities (upper and lower limbs)
day, to the extent that he withdrew from Almost all the provers, those who took
the research study. The other provers who Eyesight and vertigo 30 CH and those who took 200 K, described
took placebo did not note any symptoms Most of the provers, ten out of sixteen, who a sense of marked heaviness in the lower
worthy of mention. took 30 CH and 200 K experienced prob- and upper limbs, with tiredness that lim-
lems focusing on objects, and had a feeling ited their daily actions, often associated
The effects among the volunteers who took of disorientation. Some wrote that they with articular pain, especially in the hips
verum were noted as significant with the had the feeling of being on a boat. The and the left glenohumeral joint. For exam-
200 K dilution (071) and as less significant symptom was associated with eyesight ple, prover 006 (R. N.) wrote that from the
with the 30 CH dilution (070), on the ner- disorders and disorientation. Two provers, 5th to the 9th day she felt her arms and
vous system, head, mouth, vertigo, eye- after discontinuation of the remedy, expe- legs heavy, as if they were of stone, with a
sight, abdomen, with variations in the al- rienced the same disorders when starting feeling of swelling, even if in the physical
vus, sexual activity and libido, the extrem- taking the remedy again. check everything appeared normal; she
ities, upper and lower limbs, skin and sleep further described a marked heaviness in
(Fig. 1). The symptoms of the 16 verum Head the left ankle and right hand (4th finger)
30 CH and 200 K subjects, were classified From the 10th to the 12th day, Prover 017 (N. S.). Prover 013 (R. G.) reported that be-
into the following groups: (G. P.) reported very severe left frontal tween the 7th and the 14th day he had a
New symptom (N. S.) cephalea which then disappeared on the feeling of heat, heaviness in the feet and
Old symptom (O. S.) 16th day. Prover 010 (P. R.) reported moder- restlessness at night when he went to bed.
Modified symptom (M. S.) ate cephalea in the front part of the head,
Cured Symptom (C. S.) from the 8th to the 12th day. Prover 020 Male genital apparatus
(E. D. C.) pointed out frontal cephalea, more Three male provers, two taking 200 K, 017
It was noted that at least ten provers expe- towards the left, from the 4th to the 8th day, (G. P) and 021 (G. A.) and one taking 30 CH,
rienced symptoms caused by the remedy with a state of mental confusion (O. S.). 007 (M. S.), reported decreased libido and
which continued for at least seven days premature ejaculation, noted on more than
after the remedy was discontinued. Mouth one occasion. Two of them had experi-
Prover 002 (L. G.) complained of a bitter enced decreased libido only rarely in their
Mind taste in the mouth from the 7th to the life, but the more serious aspect was the
In four subjects who took 200 K (071), very 12th day, and dryness of the mucosae with premature ejaculation which they had
clear mental symptoms were noted. Prover a burning sensation and the desire for re- never had previously (N. S.); this symptom
010 (G. R.) experienced a panic attack in a freshing drinks such as lemonade or fresh disappeared only one month after discon-
closed environment (N. S.), from the 10th water. Prover 008 (P. G.) suffered from aph- tinuing the remedy. Prover 021 (G. A.)
to the 13th day, a symptom that was noted thae in the mouth from the 6th to the 12th stated that premature ejaculation im-
once again in a parking lot (claustropho- day, with a severe burning pain, which dis- proved in the two months following ad-
bia), with a sense of oppression in the appeared and appeared newly in different ministration of the remedy (C. S.), while
chest, suffocation, and great agitation. areas of the mouth. The most common lo- the other two subjects confirmed that the
Prover 017 (G. P.) noted a marked irritabil- cation was on the mucosa of the upper lip, symptoms of decreased libido and preco-
ity in the morning, from the 7th to the to the left (N. S.). Furthermore, prover 018 cious ejaculation were noted for at least
10th day, and restlessness accompanied by (T. T.) reported burning aphthae during the 40 days after administration of the remedy.

154 M. F. Spada et al., Titanium metallicum – Homœopathic Links Autumn 2005, Vol.18: 153 – 155 © Sonntag Verlag in MVS Medizinverlage Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG
Dr. Maria Francesca Spada: graduated in
Medicine and Surgery, Catania 1986, Dieti-

45 cian Specialisation 1990 Padova, Homeo-
40 pathic Diploma in Rome 1983 (L.U.I.M.O.).
Mind Attended the Paschero, Ortega, Candegabe
35 and Vithoulkas courses (1983/87). Teaches
30 in the homeophatic courses for doctors and

Abdomen and rectum

chemists of CISDO and SMB. Fellow and co-
25 Eyesight and vertigo director of the Cultural Association “Albero
20 della Vita” (Homeophatic school for train-
M: ing of homeopathic doctors 1996/2000).
Took part as investigative doctor in re-
10 sexuality
Head Mouth Back search into Etna Lava, Opuntia Ficus Indica
Sleep Dreams
5 Skin in collaboration with Pharmacology Cata-
0 nia Department. From September 2001
member of Alternative Medicine for Ho-
Areas meopathy nearby Medical Order of Cata-
nia. She is Dr Arena ‘s wife.
Fig. 1 Frequency of symptoms per area.
Prof. Mario Matera: graduated in Phar-
macy, Medicine and Surgery. Professor of
Skin 5
Arena G et al. Ricerca Omeopatica speri- Pharmacology and Professor of 14 Special-

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Prover 003 (A. A.) reported that one week mentale on Etna Lava. Omeopatia Oggi ised schools of Pharmacology in Catania
after administration of remedy 30 CH he 2002; 27 (April): 19 – 24 University; director of Toxicology. Approxi-
experienced a rash with itchy weals (urti- 6
Arena G, Spada MF, Nocifora R, Matera mately 250 scientific publications (neuro-
caria) which started in the evening after M. Ricerca Omeopatica sperimentale on pharmacology, chemotherapy etc.). He is
sunset, accompanied by swelling in the Opuntia Ficus Indica. Omeopatia Oggi in collaboration with CNRS of Montpellier
concerned location, migrating, accompa- 2003; 30 (August): 8 – 13 (France), Institute of Neurology (London)
nied by much itching, and soothed with 7
Timothy A. Enciclopedia della Materia and the Department of Health and Human
cold water. Diarrhoea, 2 – 4 bowel move- Medica Pura. New Delhi: B. Jain Services National Institute of Health, Be-
ments a day, relieved the itching symptom. Publishers, 1982 thesda (Maryland, USA). Author of various
The symptom was present for four days. 8
Boericke W, William O. Materia Medica. books for doctors on different Pharmacol-
Brussels: Archibel, 2002/2003 ogy studies.
Two other provers, 008 (G. P.) and 011
(A. F.), noted diffused itching towards the Dr. Riccardo Nocifora: graduated in Medi-
end of the research study (from the 12th Vita cine and Surgery, Palermo University 1978,
to the15th day). Cardiology Specialisation 1982, Palermo.
Dr. Gaetano Arena: graduated in Medicine Attended the Prof. Masi Elizalde course
Sleep and Surgery, Catania University 1981, Geri- 1992/94 in Palermo. From 1998 didactic di-
Two provers, who took 200 K, 006 (R. N.) atric Specialisation in Catania 1985, Home- rector of homeophatic course at Integrated
and 010 (P. R.), reported agitated sleep with opathic Diploma In Rome 1983 (L.U.I.M.O.). school of Palermo. Took part in Apis Mellif-
restless dreams, from the 7th to the 9th Attended the Paschero, Ortega, Candega- ica, Etna lava, Opuntia Ficus Indica and Ti-
day, which according to both was not at- be,Masi Elizalde and Vithoulkas courses tanium met. experimentation as a investi-
tributable to specific causes. (1981/87). Taught in homeophatic courses gative doctor. Collaborates with national
for doctors and chemists of CISDO (boiron) homeopathic schools (CISDO) and regional
and SMB (dolisos) and refresher course in schools (Accademia omeopatica Siciliana,
References Catania University (1989/92), as S.I.M.O. Laboratorio di Epistemologia Tradizionale,
teacher (Italian Society of Homeopathtic Associazione omeopatica Albero della Vi-
1 Medicine). Fellow and co-director of the ta). From May 2000 a member of Alterna-
Hahnemann S. Organon dell’arte del
guarire, translation of the 6th Edition. Cultural Association “Albero della vita” tive Medicine for Homeopathy associated
Naples: Ed. Cemon, 1987 (homeophatic school for training of home- to the Medical order of Palermo.
2 ophatics doctors) 1993/2000. Works in col-
Hahnemann S. Dottrina e trattamento
omeopatico delle malattie croniche. Na- laboration with the Pharmacology Catania
ples: Arte topografica, 1987 Department doing research into pure ex- Dr. Gaetano Arena
3 perimentation (2002/2003 experimenta-
Kent JT. Lezioni di omeopatia. Milano: Associazione Culturale L’Albero della Vita
Edium, 1991 tion publication on Etna Lava and Opuntia Via Quieta # 6
4 Ficus indica). From September 2001 mem-
Yaakov Sherr J. Le dinamiche e la meto- 95128 Catania
dologia della sperimentazione omeopa- ber of Alternative Medicine for Homeopa- Italy
tica. (transl. Dr. L. Gonella). Padova: Ed. thy associated to the Medical order of Cata- E-mail: arena.gaetano@tiscalinet.it
Salus Infirmorum, 2001 nia.

M. F. Spada et al., Titanium metallicum – Homœopathic Links Autumn 2005, Vol.18: 153 – 155 © Sonntag Verlag in MVS Medizinverlage Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG 155

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