Endorsement PX G
Endorsement PX G
Endorsement PX G
Medical Center
Department of Pediatrics
General Data
● C.L.G
● 11yr old female
● filipino, Roman Catholic
● born on december 08, 2009
● Tuba,Dalaguete Cebu.
● Admitted for the first time in our institution
History of Present Illness
Two months prior to consultation, patient noted palpable fixed non-painful
abdominal mass at the level of umbilicus area, approximately fist-size of a newborn as
stated by the patient. No consultation done. Patient tolerated the condition.
One month prior to consultation, there is increased in abdominal girth
approximately fist-size of an adult associated with abdominal pain especially at
night, with a pain scale of 4/10, non-radiating to the lumbosacral area. No
urinary or bowel changes noted. No vaginal discharges. Undocumented weight
loss was noted. The patient sought consultation at Bogo Hospital and seen by
a GP and diagnostic work up done with cbc, urinalysis, HBsAg & blood chem
test, SGPT, SGOT, Creatinine and whole abdomen ultrasound.
Ultrasound Result:
● Huge complex cystic abdominopelvic mass.
● Mild pelvocaliectasia, Right kidney likely
secondary to extrinsic compression on the
right ureter by the mass
● Gallbladder, pancreas and uterus not
Parameter Result Ref.range
Lymph% 12.9 20-60
Mid% 9.8 3-15
HGB 79 115-135
Hct 25 34-40
BCG At brith
Postnatal History:
Skin: No rashes, lumps, sores, dryness noted on the skin and nails. No unusual changes
in color and size of the moles. Pale palms and soles noted.
HEENT: Pale palpebral. Moist tongue, dry lips. No hearing changes and ear infection
noted. No sore throat noted. No lumps/lymphadenopathy noted.
Abdomen: (+) pelvo abdominal mass, cystic, approximately 29x21cm with superior
border of 1 cm above the umbilicus.
Anthropometric Data:
<5th percentile
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Breast: Tanner stage2 (palpable breast
tissue under the nipple, (+) breast
Skin: No rashes, Warm to touch
Abdomen: +pelvoabdominal mass,
HEENT: normocephalic head, Anicteric prominent viens, visible viens,
sclera, pale palpebral conjuction, pupil increasing abd girth
equally round, reactive to light and
accommodation. Dry lips noted. No
● Age ● Vomiting
● Asian ● Changes in bowel movements
● Abdominal mass ● Night sweat
● Abdominal pain ● Vision problems
● Elevated AFP
Juvenile Granulosa cell Tumor
VS: PR- 111bpm, RR- 35cpm, Temp-38.3, A. Ovarian Growth Malignant Germ
O2Sat- 95% cell tumor, severe anemi
● NPO by 12n
3 hrs S/P Exploratory laparotomy, peritoneal fluid cytology, adhesiolysis, right salphingo-oophorectomy with frozen section,
omentectomy, appendectomy under general anesthesia
GUT: with fooley catheter attached to urobag with urine level of 50cc
Ext: no edema, elastic bandage wrapped at both lower ext, Bounding pulses(strong) noted both upper and lower ext, CRT <2sec
On going IVF of PLR 600cc level at 70cc/hr. Done with post op blood transfusion@9pm. Repeat cbc taken at 9:15pm.
Due pain relievers given: Paracetamol 480mg IVTT, Ketorolac 21mg IVTT
O: awake, concious, coherent to time and place, Ext: no edema ( still wearing elastic bandage in both
afebrile, not in respiratory distress legs, CRT <2sec
VS: 100/70mmhg, RR: 20cpm PR:67bpm, temp:36.2, A: post op Dx: Immature teratoma, ® ovary with frozen
02sat: 99% weight: 24kg, abd girth: 62cm section, Intraop stage 1C, severe anemia partially
corrected, clinically stable 18hrs post op
Skin: good turgor, warm to touch, no cyanosis, no lesion
● Plan: inc IVP (D5LR) to 30cc/hr,
HEENT: anicteric sclerae, slightly pale conjunctiva, ● Continue medication: paracetamol PO
edema over the eyelid (esp. At right) no alar flaring no 250mg/50ml, 6mL q6hrs
Day 4
S: Pain at the incision site (9/10) during dressing, no A: Post-op Dx: Immature teratoma, right ovary with
nausea, no vomiting, (-) bowel movement/defecate, frozen section
voided Intra-op stage 1C, Severe anemia (partially corrected),
Clinically stable
O: awake, not in respiratory distress
V/S; PR: 94bpm, RR:23cpm, Temp:35.7, abdominal girth: P: High protein diet (2eggwhites with pedia sure milk)
59cm Every morning Dressing of the incision site.
BP: 100/70, albumin result: 1.76g/dL from 1.79g/dL Monitor the IV site
Refer any unusuality
Skin: no cyanosis, warm to touch, good turgor
HEENT: anicteric sclera, slightly pink conjunctiva, no eye
C/L: symmetric chest expansion, clear breath sounds
Heart: distinct heart sounds with normal rate and rythm,
no murmur
Abdomen: dry and intact dressing with abd girth of
Ext: no edema, strong pulses CRT <2sec
Day 6
S. No abdominal pain, no nausea, voided, defecate (-) Present IVF: D5LR 1L + 20mEq kCL @65mL/hr
IVTF: D5LR 1L + 20mEq kCL @ 65ml/hr
O: awake, not in respiratory distress IVTF D5LR 1L + 18 mEq kCL @ 65mL/hr
Vs: HR- 132bpm RR- 21cpm T-36c 02sat-99% Repeat K after a bottle of kCL is consumed
TFI: 2260ml TFO: 950 TFB: 1310 AUO; 1649cc/kg/hr
Serum Albumin: 2.6g/dL Assessment: Post op Dx: Immature Teratoma Right
ovary with frozen section
Skin: warm to touch, ood turgor, no lesion. Intra-Op Stage 1C, Severe anemia Partially corrected,
HEENT: anicteric sclerae, pale conjunctiva, no nasoaural Clinically stable
and eye discharges
C/L: clear breath sounds, no murmurs P: Monitor surgical site every time which changing
Heart: distinct heart sound dressing for inflammation
Abdomen: dry and intact dressingat surgical site, - Monitor VS q 2hr
normoactive bowel sound - Monitor intake and output everyshift
Extremities: no gross deformities, strong peripheral - Encourage ambilation and deep breathing
pulse CRT <2sec exercise
- Encourage to heat High protien diet
Medication: Cefuroxime 250mg/mL-give 7mL BID PO - Monitor IV site for inflammation
Alb Drip 20%: 1bottle (50mL) over 4hrs via I.D (2am)
Furosemide 16mg slow IVTT
Mefenamic Acid: 50mg/mL 16mL PO TID after ketorolac
Day 7
Ext: no gross deformities, no edema, CRT
S: no nausea & vomiting, no sign of infection
no tachypnea, no tachycardia
Assessment: Clinically stable
O: asleep, not in respiratory distress, afebrile
V/S: HR-95cpm, RR-20bpm, AG- 55cm, Temp-
Plan: MGH
36.1, BP- 100/60mmhg, 02sat-98%
- encourage ambulation & deep
TFI: 800cc, TFO: 950cc, TFB: -150cc,
breathing exercise
- High protein diet (atleast 2 eggs/meal)
- Continue intake of multivitamins
Skin: warm to touch, no rashes, no jaundice,
(Clusivol) syrup 10mL OD for 3mos
warm to touch, good turgor
- Continue intake of K-lyte tab 1tab TID 3-
HEENT: anicteric sclerae, no
5days @ 8am-1pm-6pm
lymphadenopathy, no eye & nasal discharge
- Continue intake of Cefuroxime
150mg/mL give 7mL BID for 5 days
C/L: equal chest expansion, clear breath
- Continue to drink pediasure
3glasses/day in between meals
Heart: distinct heart sound
- Monitor VS q4hr
- Refer for any unusualities
Abd: dry and clean intact wound dressing,
- Follow up at RHU after 1-2weeks with
normoactive bowel soun, non-tender
final biopsy result