Applied Energy: Nan Li, Xunwen Zhao, Xunpeng Shi, Zhenwei Pei, Hailin Mu, Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary
Applied Energy: Nan Li, Xunwen Zhao, Xunpeng Shi, Zhenwei Pei, Hailin Mu, Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary
Applied Energy: Nan Li, Xunwen Zhao, Xunpeng Shi, Zhenwei Pei, Hailin Mu, Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary
Applied Energy
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Integrated energy systems with CCHP and hydrogen supply: A new outlet
for curtailed wind power
Nan Li a, b, Xunwen Zhao a, Xunpeng Shi b, *, Zhenwei Pei a, Hailin Mu a,
Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary c
Key Laboratory of Ocean Energy Utilization and Energy Conservation of Ministry of Education, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China
Australia-China Relations Institute, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Tokai University, Japan
• Propose a new energy system integrating CCHP, wind power and PEM hydrogen electrolysis system.
• The new energy system can stable electricity supply and decarbonize transporation.
• The new energy system achieves primary energy saving, emission reduction and cost reduction.
• It meets the daily demand of hydrogen refuelling station in winter and transition season.
• An innovative energy system design save curtailed renewables and advance hydrogen development.
Keywords: The present energy system faces at least two challenges. For one thing, the power system’s stability is challenged
Hydrogen production by the increasing penetration of variable renewable energies, especially wind power, due to its fluctuation and
CCHP system intermittency. For the other, the transport sector is facing enormous difficulty to decarbonize. This paper pro
Wind power utilization
poses a new energy system that integrates the hydrogen production and distribution system to the combined
Integrated energy systems
cooling, heating and power (CCHP) system with significant wind power to solve these two challenges simulta
neously. The new energy system can meet the energy needs of the building. At the same time, the wind power
utilization rate reaches 92.6%, and the typical daily hydrogen production capacity in winter, transition season
and summer is 500 kg, 500 kg and 266 kg, respectively. The system’s energy efficiency is 72%, and the energy of
the system is utilized efficiently. By comparison, the new system can reduce costs and carbon dioxide emissions,
save primary energy, and effectively improve energy efficiency.
1. Introduction local government has restricted the integration of some wind turbines
into the national grid, which would waste all the power they generate.
Under China’s commitment to peaking carbon emission by 2030 and With the increasing pressure of energy saving and emission reduction,
neutralizing emission by 2060, two challenges in the energy systems are distributed energy system has attracted more and more attention. As a
outstanding. The first challenge is on the electricity supply system. With highly efficient and clean energy generation system, the distributed
the increasing penetration of variable renewable energies (VREs), the energy system can minimize environmental pollution and reduce
power system stability has frequently become a challenge and such a greenhouse gas emissions to achieve energy structure adjustment [1].
challenge is especially significant in a distributed energy system. In Combined cooling, heating and power (CCHP) system is the main form
recent years, the installed capacity of wind power generating units in of distributed energy system [2]. The CCHP system uses the recovered
some provinces in China has increased rapidly, but the rate of wind heat for heating or cooling to improve energy efficiency. In the energy
power curtailment has also increased. To reduce curtailment rates, the production and supply industry, the CCHP technology has the
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (X. Shi).
Received 12 April 2021; Received in revised form 15 July 2021; Accepted 20 July 2021
Available online 25 August 2021
0306-2619/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N. Li et al. Applied Energy 303 (2021) 117619
advantages of high reliability, high energy efficiency and environmental nonlinear programming (MINLP) model based on a renewable energy
friendliness [3]. However, distributed energy systems often have limited CCHP system (namely RCCHP system), which was applied to five
resources to mitigate their intermittence shocks. different buildings to evaluate the economic and environmental per
The other challenge is the decarbonization of the transportation formance under two optimization modes. Liu et al. [14] proposed a
sector. Hydrogen and battery are the two technologies considered with CCHP system based on liquefied natural gas (LNG) gasification and CO2
the most potential to decarbonize the transport sector [4]. The Inter capture, which could effectively utilize LNG’s cold and residual heat
national Energy Agency [5] projected that a self-sustaining market for through polygeneration.
fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) could be achieved in 15–20 years after The effective utilization of curtailed electricity has become a big
introducing the first 10,000 FCEVs due to technological progress, challenge for wind power utilization and stimulates many studies. Wind
economies of scale and benefit from the learning curve. However, energy is a promising renewable energy source due to its low cost and
hydrogen is not competitive with fossil fuels due to its high costs than relatively advanced technology [15], but it poses challenges to the safe
petroleum products. In the 14th Five-Year Development Plan of China and stable operation of the power system due to its volatility and
and its provinces, it is mentioned to support the development of the intermittency [16]. To solve this problem, it is necessary to convert and
hydrogen industry. Hydrogen refuelling stations have been established utilize the curtailed power. Siddiqui et al. [17] developed a new inte
in many cities, and hydrogen-fueled buses and special operating vehicles grated renewable energy system to store excess solar and wind power in
have been gradually applied. Hydrogen industry in Yunfu, Dalian, the form of ammonia. Pu et al. [18] proposed a new method of electric
Foshan and other places has been initially developed, among which heating at night by utilizing the surplus wind resources in the Beijing
Dalian has built the first on-site hydrogen station in China. area. Safari et al. [19] considered an integrated wind power system
Through power-to-gas (P2G) technology, hydrogen could store consisting of a wind turbine, a proton exchange membrane (PEM)
power generated from VREs that would otherwise be curtailed [6]. This electrolyzer, and a methanation unit for thermal analysis.
curtailed electricity can reduce the cost of hydrogen production. In a Producing hydrogen from excess VREs has increasingly been studied.
distributed energy system, such hydrogen production can be placed in Hydrogen as an alternative energy carrier is a favourable choice for
demand centers. Thus, the cost of transportation, which is equivalent to sustainable development in many industrial and household applications.
about half of the production cost, can be avoided and thus further in In particular, hydrogen energy will play an important role in new energy
creases the competitiveness of hydrogen against fossil fuels. Combined consumption and carbon emission reduction in the field of trans
distributed energy systems with hydrogen supply could stabilize the portation [20]. PEM electrolyzer provides a sustainable solution for the
electricity system and produce more economical hydrogen. However, clean production of high purity hydrogen in the future [21]. Ayodele
the feasibility and benefits of such a hybrid system have not been et al. [22] studied the feasibility of producing hydrogen from South
investigated in the literature. African wind resources. Menia et al. [23] used a PV electrolyzer system
To fill these gaps, this paper innovatively proposes a new system of to evaluate the renewable hydrogen production capacity of an aqueous
coupling wind power system, hydrogen production and distribution methanol electrolyzer. Tebibel et al. [24] studied PV electrolytic systems
system, and CCHP system. The effective coupling of the three systems for hydrogen production and conducted case studies to show the impact
will solve the defect of unreasonable thermoelectric structure in the of each type of electrolyzer on the size of system components and to
traditional CCHP system. While making full use of wind power to ensure assess the potential for hydrogen production.
a stable energy supply for residential buildings, the system also gener Using hydrogen as energy storage for renewable energy generation
ates a large amount of green hydrogen for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. To could ease the current energy crisis and has been under investigation.
evaluate the wind-hydrogen-CCHP (W-H-CCHP) system, we introduce Lara Welder and others [25], who studied Germany’s hydrogen con
three other reference systems. Using a case study in Dalian City, version potential by 2050, see the hydrogen infrastructure as a com
Liaoning Province, we calculate the total annual cost, emissions and plement to the grid infrastructure that could promote a safe supply of
energy consumption of all four systems. By comparison among the four renewable energy. Mehdi Jahangiri et al. [26] modeled and evaluated
systems, the W-H-CCHP system has significant advantages in all three the generation potential and used hydrogen energy as an energy storage
aspects. system. They analyzed several hybrid options for energy production and
The rest of the paper is processed as follows. The next section briefly storage and discussed options for electricity and hydrogen energy
presents a review of relevant studies. Section 3 describes the proposed economy. Martin Eypasch et al. [27] argues that wind and photovoltaic
energy system. Section 4 compares the advantages of this system with a power can be converted by electrolyzer into hydrogen and reconverted
case study. The last section concludes the paper. by a thermal converter to be stored in a liquid organic hydrogen carrier
(LOHC). Peng Hou et al. [28] discussed the investment potential of
2. Literature review coupled offshore wind farms through the optimization strategy of
hydrogen energy to improve wind farm investment. Dan Gao et al. [29]
There are many studies in the literature on CCHP system optimiza proposed an integrated energy storage system (ESS) based on the
tion, including solar energy, biomass energy, environmental impact, hydrogen storage and hydrogen–oxygen combined cycle, and believed
energy management, storage technology, operation strategy, and other that the integrated ESS could be used to alleviate the bottleneck of
renewable technologies [7], but no of them considers hydrogen. Wu renewable energy development.
et al. [8] proposed a new CCHP st-orc system operation strategy, which With the increasing development of FCEVs, the economies of
was applied in residential buildings. Zhang et al. [9] proposed a new hydrogen as transportation fuels are frequently studied. As an important
combined cold, heat, and electricity production system with biomass direction of technological innovation, hydrogen fuel cell vehicle is
and geothermal energy as auxiliary materials, which is mainly gradually becoming an important field of large-scale commercial
composed of biomass gasification, compressed air energy storage application of hydrogen energy. Apostolou et al. [30] predict an expo
(CAES) and biogas. Mohammadkhani et al. [10] proposed a multi- nential increase in the number of hydrogenation stations in the future.
objective optimization algorithm to minimize the energy consumption The hydrogen station model proposed by Riedl [31] reduced the design
and emissions of residential communities in consideration of beth and cost and accelerated the development of hydrogen facilities. Apostolou
TES. Jing et al. [11] developed a SOFC based CCHP system design and et al. [32] investigated the potential for on-site production of small
operation optimization model using the mixed-integer nonlinear pro autonomous hydrogenation stations using alkaline electrolyzer powered
gramming (MINLP) method. Li et al. [12] proposed an optimal sched by small wind turbines. Fabian Gruger et al. [33] proposed and applied
uling strategy for industrial systems with cogeneration of heat and an optimization method to optimize the scale of hydrogenation stations.
power and wind power. Zhu et al. [13] developed a mixed-integer Mihaela Iordache et al. [34] contributed to a preliminary indicative
N. Li et al. Applied Energy 303 (2021) 117619
N. Li et al. Applied Energy 303 (2021) 117619
When the heat generated by the PGU is not enough to meet the heat H2 production and distribution system consists of AC/DC rectifier,
demand, the boiler is a heating device used to provide heat load. The electrolyzer, and an HRS that collects, stores and distributes hydrogen.
heat supply is calculated as follows: AC/DC rectifier converts the electricity generated by wind power or gas
internal combustion engine from AC to DC, and then water is electro
Qb = Fb ⋅ηb (3)
lyzed by electrolyzer to produce hydrogen. The hydrogen is pressurized
where Qb refers to the heat generated by the gas boiler, and Fb refers to and stored in the hydrogen storage tank of the HRS through the
compressor. When the electrolyzer produces less than the daily demand
the natural gas energy consumed by the boiler.
of the HRS, the hydrogen will be purchased as a supplement and
transported to the HRS by pipeline trailers.
• The heat exchanger
The electrolyzer is the core equipment of hydrogen production by
water electrolysis. There are approximately three types of electrolyzers:
The heat exchanger diverts heat from the heat recovery unit and
boiler to residential buildings to meet the residential heat load. The heat alkaline electrolyzer, PEM electrolyzer, and solid oxide electrolyzer
(SOE). The PEM electrolyzer has many advantages, such as small size
is calculated as follows:
and lightweight, no lye corrosion [41]. In particular, it can operate at
Qh = Qhe0 ⋅ηhe (4) 0–160% of its rated power, so it can adapt to fluctuating electrical
conditions. Therefore, we use a PEM electrolyzer in the W-H-CCHP
where Qh is the heat load of residential buildings, and Qhe0 is the heat systems to absorb large fluctuations of electricity.
generated from the boiler or transferred from the heat recovery unit. The electrolyzer is composed of parallel plates connected in series.
The control and regulation system is designed so that the electrolyzer
• The chiller and the whole hydrogen production unit can operate normally in the
change of power supply. The electrolyzer uses direct current electricity
The distributed energy system can be cooled by either an absorption to produce hydrogen, while wind power and electricity from PGU are
chiller with low energy efficiency or an electric chiller with high energy alternating currents. So the system sets up a rectifier to convert the
efficiency. Under this combination, chillers can adjust the output ther current before producing hydrogen. The hydrogen production is calcu
moelectric ratio of the distributed energy system in a certain range [40]. lated as follows:
The cooling capacity provided by the two types of cooling equipment is:
Hp = Ep ⋅ηp (11)
Qac = Qac0 ⋅COPac (5)
Ec = Hp ⋅ηc (12)
Qec = Eec ⋅COPec (6)
where Hp is the amount of hydrogen produced by the system.
Qac + Qec ⩾Qc (7) The HRS is a special place to replenish hydrogen for hydrogen fuel
cell vehicles. The three core pieces of equipment of the HRS include a
where Qac0 is the heat from the boilers or the heat recovery unit and
hydrogen compressor, high-pressure hydrogen storage container, and
obtained by the absorption chiller, Qac refers to the cold produced by
dispenser. After obtaining hydrogen that meets the quality requirements
the absorption chiller, Qec refers to the cold produced by the electric
through external hydrogen supply or internal hydrogen production in
the high-pressure gas hydrogenation station, it is pressurized into the
high-pressure hydrogen storage container through hydrogen compres
• The power constraint
sion plant, and finally refuelling for hydrogen vehicles through the
dispenser. The price of purchased hydrogen is calculated according to
Wind power and PGU jointly meet the electric load of residential
the market price, and the primary energy consumption and carbon di
buildings, the power required by the electric chiller, and the electricity
oxide emissions of purchased hydrogen are calculated according to the
used to produce hydrogen.
production of hydrogen from methane.
Ew + EPGU ⩾E + Eec + Ep + Ec (8)
3.3. Wind power system
where Ew is the electricity generated by the wind turbine set, E is the
electric load of residential buildings, Ec is the electricity that compresses Set up 1500 kW wind turbine, and the installation height of the land
the hydrogen, Ep is the electricity used to produce hydrogen. fan is 60 m. The obtained data is the wind speed detection of the land
elevation of 10 m. Based on the longitude and latitude of the wind farm,
• The thermodynamic constraint the conversion wind speed formula is finally determined as follows:
ln(60/z0 )
The heat demand of the building and the cold demand of the ab W60 = W10 × (13)
sorption chiller is supplied by the boiler and the heat recovery unit. The ln(10/z0 )
thermodynamic constraint is as follows:
where W60 is the land wind speed at the height of 60 m, W10 is the land
Qb + Qhr ⩾Qac0 + Qhe0 (9) wind speed at an altitude of 10 m, and z0 is the rough length, 0.03 m.
The power output of the wind farm is closely related to the wind
speed, and its power generation is:
• System fossil energy consumption
⎪ w2 − w2i
The sum of gas consumption of the PGU and the gas boiler is the gas ⎪ Pr w2 − w2
⎨ r i wi < w < wr
consumption of the distributed energy system. Ew = wr < w < wf (14)
⎪ Pr
⎪ Otherwise
F = Fb + Fpgu (10) ⎪
where F is the total amount of natural gas consumed by the system.
N. Li et al. Applied Energy 303 (2021) 117619
where Pr is the rated power of the wind turbine, wi is the wind speed of ∑
CDEH = HP × EFH,C (25)
the fan cut in, wr is the rated wind speed of the fan, and wf is the wind
speed of the fan cut out. ∑
CDEgrid = Egrid × EFgrid,C (26)
3.4. Mathematical model
CDES1 = CDEng + CDEH (27)
• The optimization goal
CDESi = CDEng Si
+ CDEcoal Si
+ CDEgrid + CDEHSi (28)
The optimization model takes the economic optimum of the system,
that is, the lowest annual total cost as the optimization target. The total where CDE is the carbon dioxide emission from the system or energy
yearly cost includes the annual equipment equivalent cost, operation consumption, EFi, C is the emission factor of carbon dioxide.
and maintenance costs, and the annual energy consumption cost. The Through Gurobipy programming, the W-H-CCHP system model is
annual equipment equivalent cost is calculated by the annuity method, written into the program to optimize the total annual cost, and the
and the operation and maintenance costs are converted to 5% of the appropriate equipment model, energy consumption, system output can
equipment cost. be obtained.
CS1 = Capi ⋅Ci ⋅A⋅1.05 + Cng + CH (15) 3.5. Reference systems
r⋅(1 + r)
(16) For a more comprehensive evaluation of the proposed system, we
(1 + r)y − 1 added three reference systems, which are the FTL-CCHP system, GB-C
∑ system and CB-C system. CB-C system is a widely used energy system
Cng = F⋅CCng (17) in China at present, but it has a great impact on the environment and is
∑ gradually replaced by GB-C system, which is strongly supported by the
CH = (N − HP )⋅CCH (18) Chinese government. The FTL-CCHP system is one of the traditional
CCHP systems, and it has high energy efficiency. By comparing the W-H-
where CS1 is the total annual cost of the W-H-CCHP system, Capi is the CCHP system with the three reference systems, the differences of the
capacity of each piece of equipment, Ci is the unit capacity cost of each four systems in terms of economy, emission reduction and energy saving
piece of equipment, A is the capital recovery factor of equipment in could be explored, and the advantages, disadvantages and feasibility of
vestment, Cng is the annual natural gas purchase cost of the system, CH is the W-H-CCHP system could be identified.
the annual hydrogen purchase cost of the system, r is the bank loan These reference systems supply the cooling, heating and electricity
interest rate, which is taken as 5% in this paper [42], y is the service life demands for the same building in the W-H-CCHP system and operate at
of all the equipment, which is taken as 20 [1], N is the daily hydrogen the same scale as an HRS. Hydrogen produced by SMR is purchased to
demand of the HRS, CCng is the market price of natural gas per unit, CCH replenish and transported by pipeline trailers in the reference system.
is the market price of hydrogen per unit. The building energy supply methods of the three systems are shown
• The evaluation standard FTL-CCHP system (Fig. 2): The system is a CCHP system equipped
with an off-site HRS under the following thermal load (FTL) operation
To evaluate the economic, energy and emission performance of each strategy. The system is powered by natural gas and grid electricity.
seystem, the annual total cost, the primary energy consumption and the GB-C system (Fig. 3): The system is a concentrated energy system
carbon dioxide emission (CDE) for all four systems were calculated. equipped with an off-site HRS. The electricity, heating, and cooling
∑ demands in the system are met by the power grid, the gas boiler, and the
CSi = Capi ⋅Ci ⋅A⋅1.05 + Cng + CH + Cgrid (19) electric chiller, respectively.
∑ CB-C system (Fig. 4): The system is a concentrated energy system
Cgrid = E⋅CCgrid (20) equipped with an off-site HRS. The electricity, heating, and cooling
demands in the system are met by the power grid, coal-fired boiler, and
where Cgrid is the annual electricity purchase cost of each reference electric chiller, respectively.
system, CCgrid is the market price of electricity per unit, CSi is the annual The similarities and differences of the four systems are shown in
total cost of each reference system. CDEsi is the total annual carbon di Table 1.
oxide emissions from each system.
∑( H S1
) 4. Case study
FS1 = F + Ew + P (21)
4.1. Parameter setting
( )
∑ Si
Egrid HPSi
FSi = Si Si
Fgas + Fcoal + + (22) Dalian City from China’s Liaoning province is chosen as the case
ηSi ηgrid ηSMR
study. According to the model of the W-H-CCHP system, the system is
more suitable for the regions that support the hydrogen energy industry
where Fs1 is the total annual primary energy consumption of the W-H- and are rich in wind resources. Dalian municipal government attaches
CCHP system, Fsi is the total annual primary energy consumption of each great importance to the development of the hydrogen energy industry
reference system, ηSi is thermal power generation efficiency, ηgrid is grid and has issued many policies to encourage the development of the
transmission efficiency, ηSMR is the efficiency of hydrogen production hydrogen energy industry in recent years. Dalian is rich in wind power,
from SMR, FgasSi and FcoalSi are the gas and coal consumption in the but policy constraints have hampered the integration of wind turbines
reference system, respectively. into the national grid. These factors make the system suitable for the
CDEng = Fng × EFng,C (23) Dalian area, so Dalian is chosen as the research object.
The four system takes 5 × 105 m2 residential buildings in Dalian,
∑ Liaoning province as the simulation object. Dalian city is located in
CDEcoal = Fcoal × EFcoal,C (24)
northeast China, the southwest corner of the Liaodong Peninsula. It has a
N. Li et al. Applied Energy 303 (2021) 117619
warm temperate semi-humid monsoon climate. DeST software was used respectively.
to simulate the cold demand, heat demand and power demand of the Energy prices, energy conversion rates and carbon dioxide emission
buildings and to obtain wind speed data. Typical days are selected as the factors are shown in Table 4.
representative of this season, including 156 days in winter, 119 days in a
transition season (including spring and autumn), and 90 days in 4.2. Results and discussions
The wind power system is equipped with four fans with a rated The optimization results show that the W-H-CCHP system can meet
power of 1500 kW, and its rated wind speed, the wind speed of the fan the energy needs of the building and the wind power utilization rate
cut in, and the wind speed of the fan cut out are 11 m/s, 3.5 m/s and 25 reaches 92.6%. And the typical daily hydrogen production capacity in
m/s respectively. The wind speed data in this paper are from the DeST winter, transition season and summer is 500 kg, 500 kg and 266 kg
software climate database. respectively. The rated power of the main equipment of the W-H-CCHP
According to the construction scale, we set the HRS as a medium one system is shown in Table 5.
with a daily hydrogenation capacity of 500 kg. The power production and consumption of the W-H-CCHP system in
The economic parameters and technical parameters of the main three typical days are shown in Fig. 5, and the heating production and
types of equipment for the systems are described in Table 2 and Table 3, consumption are shown in Fig. 6. In Fig. 5, the upper half of the X-axis
N. Li et al. Applied Energy 303 (2021) 117619
Table 1 Table 4
Comparison of the four systems. Energy prices, energy conversion rates and carbon dioxide emission factors.
System Type Operation Hydrogen Heating Parameter Value Unit Reference
strategy source form
The unit price of electricity in a residential 0.5 CNY/ [1]
W-H- Distributed energy FHL Self-produced\ PGU\ Gas building kWh
CCHP system Purchased boiler The unit price of natural gas 3.5 CNY/ [47]
system Nm3
FTL-CCHP Distributed energy FTL Purchased PGU\ Gas The unit price of coal 800 CNY/t [48]
system system boiler The unit price of purchased hydrogen 39 CNY/kg [49]
GB-C Concentrated / Purchased Gas boiler Primary energy ratio in purchased hydrogen 15.45 % [50]
system energy system production
CB-C Concentrated / Purchased Coal-fired Thermal power generation efficiency 35 % [1]
system energy system boiler Transmission efficiency of the power grid 92 % [1]
Grid power carbon dioxide emission factor 1.2 kg/kWh [1]
Natural gas carbon dioxide emission factor 2.2 kg/Nm3 [1]
Coal carbon dioxide emission factor 2.6 kg/t [51]
Table 2 Emission factor in purchased hydrogen 257.32 g/GJ [50]
Technical parameters of equipment for the systems. production
N. Li et al. Applied Energy 303 (2021) 117619
wind power generation in some moments can meet the needs of resi In winter, there is a high demand for heat, which requires gas boilers
dents’ power consumption and electrolytic power consumption, and to operate at a higher load. An unusual phenomenon occurred at 23o
even the phenomenon of power abandonment exists in some moments. ‘clock on a typical winter day when the PGU is still operating while there
Hydrogen production is mostly done at night due to strong winds and is power redundancy. This is because the gas boiler is not enough to
low electricity demand from residents. Typical days in winter and supply the required heat despite full load operation, so the PGU opera
transition seasons can generate up to 500 kg of power without the need tion is needed to provide the residual heat.
to buy additional hydrogen. Wind power generation is low in summer, so the PGU needs to
N. Li et al. Applied Energy 303 (2021) 117619
operate all day to provide power and heat. The PGU runs for the most turbines, electrolyzer and PGU makes the equipment cost of the W-H-
time at full capacity in summer. In summer, the cooling capacity of the CCHP system higher than that of the three reference systems, but the full
electric chiller is larger than that of the absorption chiller, because the use of energy by these equipment saves the total annual cost of the
efficiency of the electric chiller is higher and the cost of wind power system.
generation is lower, which leads to the lower cost of electric chiller when
the same amount of cooling is generated. In the absence of sufficient 4.2.2. Comparison of primary energy consumption
waste heat, the electric chiller will be given priority for refrigeration Fig. 9 shows the annual primary energy consumption of the four
during optimal operation because the electric chiller has high refriger systems. It can be seen from the figure that the total energy consumption
ation efficiency. Therefore, the gas boiler was only opened at 20o ‘clock of the four systems gradually increases. As the energy demand of each
when the heat demand is the highest in summer, and the waste heat of system is the same, the energy utilization rate of the four systems
PGU is sufficient to supply residents with heat for daily use at other gradually decreases. The energy utilization efficiency of the W-H-CCHP
times. The hydrogen production capacity in summer is about 266 kg, system is as high as 72%. The total amount of primary energy of grid
and an additional 234 kg of hydrogen needs to be purchased to sup power and natural gas in the FTL-CCHP system is lower than that in the
plement it. GB-C system, which indicates that the distributed system has a higher
In winter, residents have a great demand for heat. Boilers operate at energy utilization efficiency than the centralized energy system, and the
full load most of the time to provide heat, and all the waste heat energy cascade utilization of distributed energy system has significant
recovered by PGU is also supplied to residents. The heat for residential advantages in energy conservation. In the W-H-CCHP system, the
use is special in the transition season, which only operates at high load in coupling of the wind power generation system, CCHP system, and
a small part of the time, and operates at low load in other periods. In hydrogen production and distribution system makes the primary energy
summer, PGU needs to be operated all day, and the running time and fully utilized. The annual primary energy consumption is significantly
total output are higher than those in winter and transition season. reduced.
In the W-H-CCHP system, the annual utilization rate of wind power
generation is 92.6%, which indicates that wind power generation has 4.2.3. Carbon dioxide emission comparison
been fully applied in the W-H-CCHP system. The annual equivalent full- Fig. 10 shows the annual carbon dioxide emissions of the four sys
load generating hours of the fan are about 2300 h, which is consistent tems. As can be seen from the figure, the carbon dioxide emission of the
with the annual average data of Liaoning Province. W-H-CCHP system is significantly lower than that of other systems. The
W-H-CCHP system only has CO2 emissions from the combustion of
4.2.1. Cost comparison natural gas and the source of hydrogen purchased. The application of
Fig. 7 shows the annual cost for each of the four systems. Among the wind power reduces the CO2 emissions of the system by a large amount.
systems, the fuel cost accounts for a large proportion of the total cost, The GB-C system and the CB-C system are only different in the type of
among which the fuel cost of the W-H-CCHP system is the highest, heating fuel, but the carbon dioxide emission of the CB-C system is much
reaching 32.1 million CNY. higher than that of the GB-C system, so it can be seen that the carbon
The annual total cost of the W-H-CCHP system is lower than that of dioxide emission of coal is much higher than that of natural gas.
the FTL-CCHP system and the GB-C system, but higher than that of the
CB-C system. This is mainly due to the lower cost of coal used in the CB-C 4.2.4. Summary of comparisons
system. Since 500 kg of hydrogen is required to be purchased every day The proposed system (W-H-CCHP system) adopts wind power gen
of the year for the reference system, hydrogen is purchased at the same eration coupling to make cascade utilization of energy and coordinate
cost for all three reference systems. The W-H-CCHP system uses wind with hydrogen electrolysis, which not only greatly improves the energy
power generation and PGU to generate power, which saves the cost of utilization rate of the system, but also produces a large amount of
the system without the additional purchase of grid power. hydrogen energy that is beneficial to road emission reduction. In terms
The equipment investment in the W-H-CCHP system is higher than of primary energy consumption and carbon dioxide emission, the W-H-
that in all three reference systems. Fig. 8 shows the cost ratio of each CCHP system has great advantages over the three reference systems. In
piece of equipment in the W-H-CCHP system. It can be seen from the terms of cost, the annual total cost of the W-H-CCHP system is lower
figure that HRS, wind turbines, electrolyzer and PGU account for the than that of the FTL-CCHP system and the GB-C system and higher than
main part of the system cost, while hydrogen production and distribu that of the CB-C system. However, the CB-C system is not practical in
tion system cost accounts for a large part. The existence of wind China because of the government’s “coal-to-gas” policy in recent years
to reduce the number of small-scale coal-fired boilers.
5. Conclusions
N. Li et al. Applied Energy 303 (2021) 117619
Fig. 8. The cost ratio of each piece of equipment in the W-H-CCHP system.
total cost reduction than the reference systems. In addition, the system
produces a large amount of hydrogen energy to supply the daily demand
of hydrogen refuelling stations in winter and transition seasons. These
cost and emission mitigation advantages indicate that the new system
has a low cost and dramatically reduces carbon dioxide emissions and
plays a role in energy conservation and emission reduction. This study
demonstrates that a properly designed energy system can reduce both
emissions and costs.
The study could draw the following policy implications: first, energy
transition should be promoted systematically and innovatively. As this
paper demonstrated, by combining different technologies, low carbon
energy can be produced with much lower costs, which then can facilitate
the energy transition. Second, the integration of decentral hydrogen
production in a distributed energy system could advance hydrogen
development and achieve triple benefits of lowing cost, reducing emis
sions and recovering curtailed power. Last, hydrogen can be used
simultaneously as transportation fuel and energy storage in a distributed
Fig. 9. The annual primary energy consumption of the systems.
system with VREs.
In the system, there is power redundancy part of the time, which
needs to be further studied and solved.
N. Li et al. Applied Energy 303 (2021) 117619
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