ST Edward The Confessor Catholic Church Dana Point, CA: April 17, 2011 Palm Sunday of The Lord's Passion
ST Edward The Confessor Catholic Church Dana Point, CA: April 17, 2011 Palm Sunday of The Lord's Passion
ST Edward The Confessor Catholic Church Dana Point, CA: April 17, 2011 Palm Sunday of The Lord's Passion
Catholic Church
Dana Point, CA
April 17, 2011 † Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion
St Edward the Confessor
Catholic Church
Phone: 496-1307 ~ Fax: 496-1557
Monday-Friday 8 am - 8 pm (949) 496-1307
Saturday 8 am - 5 pm
Sunday 8 am - 5 pm 33926 Calle La Primavera
8:15 am & 5:30 pm (Vigil)
7:30, 9:00, & 11:00 am
Dana Point, California 92629
Mon– Friday
12:30 & 5:30 pm
8:15 am & 5:30 pm
Eve of Holy Day 5:30 pm
Holy Day 8:15 am, 5:30 & 7:30 pm
Wednesday 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Sacrament of the Sick
Saturday 4:00 – 5:00 pm In the event of serious illness or medical emergency, Anointing
(and by appointment) of the Sick and Eucharist may be arranged by contacting the Par-
PASTORAL MINISTERS ish Office. Call (949) 257-8017 for a medical emergency
Rev. Steve Sallot - Pastor after 8 p.m.
Extension 2880 Sacrament of Baptism
Rev. Chris Heath—Parochial Vicar
Parents of infants requesting information about Baptism may
Extension 2109
Rev. Loc Tran - Parochial Vicar contact the Office of Religious Education. Infant Baptisms are
Extension 2206 celebrated on the first and third Sunday of each month following
Rev. Mario Juarez – Parochial Vicar catechesis for parents and godparents of candidates.
Extension 2870
Celebration of Christian Funerals
Deacon Ron Tiberi Extension 2505
At the time of death, a family member should contact the parish
Business Office—429-2874 office, as soon as possible, to arrange the date and time for the
Accounting—429-2873 Funeral Liturgy.
Christian Service—496-1572
Mary Baur, Director Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Adults requesting information about full initiation and commun-
Laurie Saine, Assistant to the Pastor ion with the Roman Catholic Church (the sacraments of Bap-
tism, Eucharist and Confirmation) may contact the Office of Reli-
Music – 496-1307, extension 2872
Rick Dellefield, Director
gious Education.
Parish School – 496-1241 Sacrament of Matrimony
Sharon Rands, Principal The Sacrament presumes active sacramental participation on the
Preschool – 240-8485 part of one or both persons. Couples must begin preparation
Cheryl Pickrel, Principal for their Sacrament at least six months prior to their proposed
Faith Formation – 496-6011 wedding date. Please call the Parish Office for more information.
Office of Religious Education Eucharistic Adoration
Donna Couch, Director
Gloria Fetta, Director of Family Ministries On the first and third Monday of each month we gather in
Neil Sampson, Confirmation Coordinator prayer and praise before the Blessed Sacrament. The Diocesan
Aimee Martinez, Coordinator Sunday intention is that of an increase of vocations to the priesthood
Children’s Ministry and religious life.
Youth Ministry – 496-9719
Gary Foote-Coordinator Please visit our website,, for more
Parish Ministries — 496-1307
Neil Sampson, Coordinator, Extension 2229
April 17, 2011 † Palm Sunday
Traces of Grace
Dear Fellow Parishioners; Queridos Feligreses:
Our time of Lenten preparation is ending. We now Nuestro tiempo de preparación para la cuaresma se
begin the march with Jesus into this most holy of esta terminando. Ahora empezamos nuestra marcha
weeks. It is not only the great moments of His Passion, con Jesús hacia la más santa de todas las semanas.
Death and Resurrection, but it is also our journey with No son solamente los momentos mas importantes de
Him and His journey with us. You may find this has su Pasión, Muerte y Resurrección, sino también nues-
been a most difficult year for you. Come and lay your tro viaje con El, y de El con nosotros. Si ustedes créen
burden down at the foot of His cross on Good Friday. que este año ha sido muy difícil para ustedes; vengan
Your heart may have been lifted up in loving service and el Viernes Santo y dejen sus penas al pie de la Cruz.
your awareness of belonging to a larger community has Si sus corazones se han enriquecido sirviendo a otros
heightened. Then come and join us on Holy Thursday y reconociendo que pertenecen a una comunidad más
when the great command of loving service was given to grande; entonces, vengan a unirse a nosotros el Jueves
us in the action of the Master washing his disciples’ feet. Santo, que fue cuando Nuestro Señor nos demostró
If your spirit has been moved by your struggles or the el gran mandamiento de servicio, lavándoles los pies a
suffering of others, join us on Friday evening for a sus discípulos. Si su espíritu se ha conmovido por las
movement in prayer in Lamentations. Find a place for penas y sufrimientos de otros, vengan el viernes en la
your being to be in silence and meditation upon the real noche para rezar las oraciones de Lamentaciones. En-
power of Easter; as Jesus has gone, so we will follow. cuentren un lugar donde puedan estar en silencio y
Happy Holy Week! May you and your family find a meditación para encontrar el verdadero poder de Pas-
place at the banquet of the Lord! cuas; como Jesús se ha ido, lo seguiremos.
Together in Christ; Feliz Semana Santa. Deseo que Ustedes y sus familias
encuentren un lugar en el gran banquete del Señor.
Juntos en Cristo
Fr. Steve
Pbro. Steve
St. Edward The Confessor Catholic Church
Parish Office HOLY WEEK and
Will be closed
Mass of Chrism St. Columban Church
Friday April 22, 2011 in Garden Grove – Monday April 18, 5:30 PM
Individual Confessions
Easter Sunday April 24, 2011 Tuesday, April 19- 9:00 to 10:30 AM
—————–——————— Wednesday, April 20 – 7 PM
MEMORIAL WALL No scheduled confessions during the Triduum
The 2010 names of deceased members of
our parish have been engraved and the *******
plaque installed on the memorial wall Triduum Liturgies
located in front of the grotto on the bluff. Holy Thursday, April 21
—————–——————— Liturgy of the Hours (Chant) – 8:15 AM
MARY'S CORNER GIFT SHOP Mass of the Lord’s Supper – 7:30 PM (Bilingual)
OPEN SUNDAYS 8:15 - 12:30
STATUES, BOOKS Liturgy of the Hours (Chant) – 8:15 AM
GIFTS FOR BAPTISM, Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion– 12:00 PM
FIRST COMMUNION, Lamentations– 7:00 PM
CONFIRMATION, Holy Saturday, April 23
AND WEDDINGS Liturgy of the Hours (Chant) - 8:15 AM
LENDING LIBRARY AND Easter Vigil (and Celebration of the Sacraments of
VIDEO RENTALS . Initiation) –8:00 PM
April 17, 2011 † Palm Sunday
Parish Events
April 18, 2011
Due to Mass of Chrism
There will not be a 5:30 pm Mass
Coming this summer… St. Edward the Confessor There will be a Communion Service
Vacation Bible School 2011
Join us for a week of Panda Mania and Bible Fun!
Happening the week of July 11th to July 15th
from 8:30am – 12pm (M-F)
For children entering Grades K – 5
Applications will be accepted on April 17th
Before and after the following masses:
9:00am, 11:00am, 12:30 and 5:30pm.
Download your application by going to the
Church blog-site…
Cost per child is $60
Spaces are limited. If VBS spaces are full,
then children will be put on a waitlist.
Christian Service Hours are available for
Middle through High School Students and
Youth Ministry Participants.
Questions about VBS enrollment or volunteering,
please email
Weekly Calendar
Monday April 18
Your Contributions … 5:30 p.m. Communion Service, Deacon Ron
Last week/ month Tuesday April 19
Last week ………To be reported next week 6:00 p.m. Blue Army, Church
Parish Pay (monthly)—March..…... $ 75,330 Wednesday April 20
8:45 a.m. Circle of Praise, Church Cry Rm.
6:00 p.m. Cursillo, Copy Room
Last year—same week/month
Thursday April 21-Holy Thursday
Same week 2010. ………………….. $ 18,840 8:15 a.m. Liturgy of the Hours (Chant), Church
Last Year’s Parish Pay —March...…. $ 66,883 7:30 p.m. Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Thank you for your generosity! Friday April 22-Good Friday
12 Noon The Lord’s Passion, Church
7:00 p.m. Lamentations, Church
2011 Annual PSA Saturday
8:15 a.m.
April 23-Holy Saturday
Liturgy of the Hours (Chant), Church
St. Edward the Confessor and
San Felipe de Jesus
Combined PSA Goal $211,000 Wedding Banns
Pledges: 397
Michael Orts & Sondra Halabi, April 30, 2011
Amount pledged: $ 154,019 Victor Noriega & Sue Martinez, April 30, 2011
Amount paid: $ 104,999 Raymundo Santamaria & Jaquelin Lopez, May 7, 2011
St. Edward The Confessor Catholic Church
Sunday April 17th –Palm Sunday
9:00am - Children’s Religious Education
2:00pm - Infant Baptisms in the Church GOOD FRIDAY April 22nd
7:00pm - Confirmation II class at 7:00 pm in the Church
Monday April 18h What is lamentation? It is a human response
4:30pm - Children’s Religious Education to pain, a crying out to God in faith until
Tuesday April 19th help arrives. Lamentation is found
4:30pm - Children’s Religious Education throughout Scripture and is focused on
7:30pm - RCIA in Knight Hall. human suffering and injustice as a
continuation of Christ’s suffering.
Wednesday April 20th
7:00pm - Insight in Knight Hall. We come together to lament with anyone
who is suffering from pain or loss,
anyone who stands with others who are
suffering, anyone who feels the pain and
suffering of the world.
“spiritual guidance or companionship) - We have Our purest response is hope, love and
a number of qualified spiritual directors in our compassion which in turn empower us to
midst who are willing to engage in a process of be agents of change for Christ in the
listening generously to the movement of the Holy transformation of the world. This will be a
Spirit in your life. Call the Faith Formation Office truly memorable evening, full of music,
for a referral. 496-6011 readings, images and places to weep over
the injustices and absurdities of life.
Please join us.
if you like the convenience of using your
computer, iphone or other technology….
WEBSITES that will help you enter into the spirit WORD SERENITY
of on-going conversion and faith formation are DAY INVITATION
listed on our website. Go to Everyone is invited to our
and click on Faith Formation. last Serenity Day on
Tuesday, May 3rd, begin-
ALSO: ning with Mass at 8:15. For reserva-
Read our weekly blog “Holy Interruptions” tions and more information please call
about how to get more out of Lent, understanding Elizabeth Smith at 949-837-2141, or check
the RCIA journey, and other inspiring words about the Church web-site or display case for
spirituality also on the Faith Formation page. more information.
April 17, 2011 † Palm Sunday