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Multiple Tenses Activities

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Multiple Tenses Activities

A. Choose the correct auxiliary

1. Tell me, you coming to the party?
2. They finished the job.
3. What you do every Sunday?
w ould
4. I like to watch TV. There is a good film on.
5. She not want to stay at home. She wants to go out with her
6. He called me twice this morning.
7. What she do in her free time?
w ere
8. Where they go yesterday?
9. She always wanted to meet him.
w ere
10. What they doing when you came in?

B. Put the verbs into the simple past:

w ent
1. Last year I (go) to England on holiday.
w as
2. It (be) fantastic.
visited w as
3. I (visit) lots of interesting places. I (be) with two
friends of mine .
w alked
4. In the mornings we (walk) in the streets of London.
w ent
5. In the evenings we (go) to pubs.
w as
6. The weather (be) strangely fine.
did not rain
7. It (not / rain) a lot.
8. But we (see) some beautiful rainbows.
did you spend
9. Where (spend / you) your last holiday?
C. Write the past forms of the irregular verbs.

Infinitive Simple Past

1. meet met

2. drive drove

3. speak spoke

4. put put

5. write w rote

6. sing sang

7. do did

8. sit sat

9. stand stood

10. run ran


D. Complete the table in simple past.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

He wrote a book. He didn't w rite a book did he w rite a book?

He sang. He did not sing did he sing.?

She w as pretty she w asn't pretty Was she pretty?

E. Put the sentences into simple past.

w e moved to a new hause

1. We move to a new house. →
They brought a sandw ich
2. They bring a sandwich. →
he didn't do the homew ork.
3. He doesn't do the homework. →
they sold cars.
4. They sell cars. →
did he visit his friends?
5. Does he visit his friends? →
F. Write sentences in simple past.

Janet missed the bus.

1. Janet / miss / the bus →
she tidied her room.
2. she / tidy / her room →
Nancy didn't w atch television
3. Nancy / watch / not / television→
she read a book
4. she / read / a book →

G. Choose "Was“ or "Were“:

w as
1. The teacher nice.
w ere
2. The students very clever.
w as
3. But one student in trouble.
w ere
4. We sorry for him.
w as
5. He nice though.

Grammar Exercise - Future Plan (Near Future)

H. Choose the right form of the verbs:

am flying
1. I (fly) by plane tomorrow.
is the train pulling out
2. Hi, what time ( the train/pull out) this evening?
Are you traveling
3. ( you/travel) to Paris tomorrow?
am going
4. I to the cinema tonight.
5. They always (have) breakfast at 07.30
are going
6. We (go) out this weekend.
do they start
7. What time (they/star) work?
opens closes
8. The library (open) at 8.30 and (close) at
are having
9. The parents (have) a meeting on Saturday

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