HOERBIGER Explosion Relief Valves: Reliable Protection Against The Effects of Dust Explosions
HOERBIGER Explosion Relief Valves: Reliable Protection Against The Effects of Dust Explosions
HOERBIGER Explosion Relief Valves: Reliable Protection Against The Effects of Dust Explosions
Challenges in the process industry HOERBIGER explosion relief valves – HOERBIGER explosion relief valves offer
how they work superior protection and economy
■ Active systems utilising high speed In the event of a dust ignition the ■ The valve recloses immediately after
electronics can cause false alarms, HOERBIGER explosion relief valve opens an explosion and does not require
which result in system activation quickly. This reduces explosion over repair or refurbishment. As a result,
and plant shut-down. This is due to pressure inside the equipment to a safe the process does not have to be
pressure fluctuations in the process. level without any flame transmission to stopped immediately.
■ Highly complex explosion protection the surrounding area. After the explo- ■ HOERBIGER explosion relief valves
equipment often includes high sion pressure subsides, the valve reseals, can be installed to discharge into
maintenance and repair costs. thus preventing the inrush of air, which confined compartments. They operate
Regular inspection, testing and reduces the risk of subsequent explosions reliably in any position. This provides
component replacement may be and fire. significant savings, when the valves
required. are applied to new plant designs or
■ Traditional explosion venting with The HOERBIGER explosion relief valve is retro-fitted to existing equipment.
bursting panels is not suitable for the only approved, multi-event and flame- ■ Suitable for multiple explosion
internal applications without vent less explosion relief device of its type in events, HOERBIGER explosion relief
ducts. These cause inefficiency and the world. It is a simple mechanical device, valves are virtually maintenance free
additional expense. which addresses the safety issues posed by and offer reliable explosion protection
■ Other flameless explosion venting dust ignitions in the process industry. for the life of the equipment.
devices provide protection by add- ■ The optimal design and the compact
ing a flame quenching device to a size make installation simple and
traditional burst disc or panel. cost effective.
This integration of two devices often
results in complications in appli
cation and installation.
HOERBIGER explosion relief valves:
Safe, reliable, fast and efficient
■ The large relief area allows the ex-
plosion wave to disperse freely and
HOERBIGER explosion relief valves – Safety for personnel and equipment
HOERBIGER Compression Technology is a business unit of HOERBIGER Holding AG, Zug / Switzerland. HOERBIGER is active
throughout the world as a leading player in the fields of compression technology, automation technology and drive technology.
Its 6,400 employees achieve sales of around 1 billion Euros. The focal points of its business activities include key components
and services for compressors, gas engines and turbo machines, hydraulic systems and piezo technology for vehicles and machine
tools, as well as components and systems for shift and clutch operations in vehicle drive trains of all kinds. Through innovations in
attractive technological niche markets, the HOERBIGER Group sets standards and delivers cutting-edge solutions for the benefit
of its customers.