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LLVIP A Visible-Infrared Paired Dataset For Low-Light Vision

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LLVIP: A Visible-infrared Paired Dataset for Low-light Vision

Xinyu Jia, Chuang Zhu*, Minzhen Li, Wenqi Tang, Wenli Zhou
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Beijing 100876, China
{jiaxinyubupt, czhu, 2020140111lmz, tangwenqi, zwl}@bupt.edu.cn
arXiv:2108.10831v1 [cs.CV] 24 Aug 2021

Figure 1. Samples of the LLVIP. Top: infrared images. Bottom: visible images. Each column represents a visible-infrared image pair.

Abstract 1. Introduction
It is very challenging for various visual tasks on visible
It is very challenging for various visual tasks such as im- image with limited quality, for example, in low light con-
age fusion, pedestrian detection and image-to-image trans- ditions due to the loss of effective target areas. Infrared
lation in low light conditions due to the loss of effective tar- images, which are not limited by light conditions, can play
get areas. In this case, infrared and visible images can be a role of supplementary information. Visible images con-
used together to provide both rich detail information and tain a great deal of texture information and details, but it
effective target areas. In this paper, we present LLVIP, a is difficult to distinguish objects under low-light condition.
visible-infrared paired dataset for low-light vision. This Infrared images are imaged through the temperature field
dataset contains 33672 images, or 16836 pairs, most of of the object surface, so they can highlight targets such as
which were taken at very dark scenes, and all of the im- pedestrians, but the texture information is missing. Visible
ages are strictly aligned in time and space. Pedestrians in and infrared image fusion can generate a single complemen-
the dataset are labeled. We compare the dataset with other tary image that has both rich detail information and effective
visible-infrared datasets and evaluate the performance of target areas. Then the fused image can be applied to human
some popular visual algorithms including image fusion, visual perception, object detection and video surveillance.
pedestrian detection and image-to-image translation on the The target of image fusion is to extract salient features
dataset. The experimental results demonstrate the comple- from source images and integrate them into a single image
mentary effect of fusion on image information, and find the by appropriate fusion method. Image fusion task has been
deficiency of existing algorithms of the three visual tasks in developed with many different methods. Deep learning al-
very low-light conditions. We believe the LLVIP dataset will gorithms [12, 10, 23] have achieved great success in the im-
contribute to the community of computer vision by promot- age fusion field. Data is an essential part of building an ac-
ing image fusion, pedestrian detection and image-to-image curate deep learning system, so visible and infrared paired
translation in very low-light applications. The dataset is be- datasets are required. TNO [21], KAIST Multispectral
ing released in https://bupt-ai-cz.github.io/ Dataset [7], OTCBVS OSU Color-Thermal Database [3],
LLVIP/. etc. are all very practical datasets. However, they are not
simultaneously aimed at image fusion and low-light pedes-
trian detection, that is, they cannot simultaneously satisfy
the conditions of large scale, image alignment, low-light
scene and a lot of pedestrians. Therefore, it is necessary to
* the corresponding author: Chuang Zhu (czhu@bupt.edu.cn) propose a visible-infrared paired dataset containing many

Figure 2. Three low-light vision tasks our LLVIP dataset can apply to. Task 1: Image fusion. Task 2: Low-light pedestrian detection. Task
3: Image-to-image translation.

pedestrians under low-light condition. and image-to-image translation on LLVIP, and find that the
We build LLVIP, a visible-infrared paired dataset for dataset is a huge challenge for all the tasks.
low-light vision. We collect images with a binocular cam-
era which consists of a visible light camera and an infrared 2. Related Datasets
camera. Such a binocular camera can ensure the consis-
tency of image pairs in time and space. Each pair of images There are now datasets for visible and infrared pairs im-
are registered and cropped so that they have the same field ages for a variety of visual tasks, such as TNO Image Fusion
of view and size. Images are strictly aligned in time and Dataset [21], INO Videos Analytics Dataset and OTCBVS
space, which makes the dataset useful in image fusion and OSU Color-Thermal Database [3], CVC-14 [4], KAIST
image-to-image translation. Different fusion algorithms are Multispectral Dataset [7] and FLIR Thermal Dataset.
evaluated on our LLVIP dataset, and we analyze the results The TNO Image Fusion Dataset [21] posted on 2014 by
subjectively and objectively. We evaluate the fusion algo- Alexander Toet is the most commonly used public dataset
rithms in many aspects and find that LLVIP is challenging for visible and infrared image fusion. TNO contains multi-
to the existing fusion methods. Fusion algorithms cannot spectral (enhanced visual, near-infrared, and long-wave in-
capture details in low-light visible images. We also evalu- frared or thermal) nighttime imagery of different military
ate the typical image-to-image translation algorithm on the scenes, and is recorded in different multi-band camera sys-
dataset, and it performs very poorly. tems. Fig. 3(a)(b) shows two pairs of images commonly
The dataset contains a large number of different pedes- used in TNO.
trians under low-light condition, which makes it useful for
low-light pedestrian detection. One of the difficulties in this
detection task is image labeling, because human eyes can
hardly distinguish pedestrians, let alone mark the bounding
boxes accurately. We propose a method to label low-light
visible images by aligned infrared images reverse mapping (a) TNO: Kaptein 1123 (b) TNO: Nato camp 1819
and labeled all the images in the dataset. The low-light
pedestrian detection experiment is also carried out on our
dataset, which demonstrates that there is still a lot of room
for improvement in the performance of the task.
The main contributions of this paper are as follows: 1) (c) OSU : Sequence 1 (d) OSU: Sequence 4
We propose LLVIP, the first visible-infrared paired dataset
for various low-light visual tasks. 2) We propose a method Figure 3. Some pairs of images in TNO dataset (a)(b) and
to label low-light visible images by aligned infrared im- OTCBVS OSU Color-Thermal Database (c)(d). In each pair of
ages, and label pedestrians in LLVIP. 3) We evaluate the images, the image on the left is visible and the image on the right
experimental results of image fusion, pedestrian detection is infrared.
TNO plays a huge role in image fusion research. How- ous regular traffic scenes at day and night time to consider
ever, it is not suitable for image fusion algorithms based on changes in light conditions. KAIST Multispectral Dataset
deep learning, for the following reasons: 1) TNO contains is also a data set for autonomous driving.
only 261 pairs of images, including many sequences of con- The FLIR starter thermal dataset enables developers to
secutive similar images. 2) TNO contains few objects such start training convolutional neural networks (CNN), em-
as pedestrian, so it is difficult to be used for object detection powering the automotive community to create the next
after fusion. generation of safer and more efficient ADAS and driver-
INO Videos Analytics Dataset is provided by the Na- less vehicle systems using cost-effective thermal cameras
tional Optics Institute of Canada, and contains several pairs from FLIR. However, the visible and infrared images in the
of visible and infrared videos representing different scenar- dataset are not registered, so they cannot be used for image
ios captured under different weather conditions. Over the fusion.
years, INO has developed a strong expertise in using mul-
tiple sensor types for video analytics applications in uncon- 3. The LLVIP Dataset
trolled environment. INO Videos Analytics Dataset con-
tains very rich scenes and environments, but few pedestrian We propose LLVIP, a visible-infrared paired dataset for
and few low-light images. low-light Vision. In this section, we will talk about how
The OTCBVS Benchmark Dataset [3] Collection initi- we collect, select, register and annotate images, and then
ated by Dr. Riad I. Hammoud in 2004 contains very rich analyze the advantages, disadvantages and application sce-
infrared datasets, the OSU Color-Thermal Database [2] is a narios of the dataset.
visible-infrared paired dataset for fusion of color and ther- Image capture. The camera equipment we use is HIKVI-
mal imagery and fusion-based object detection. The images SION DS-2TD8166BJZFY-75H2F/V2, a binocular camera
were taken at a busy pathway intersection on the Ohio State platform that consist of a visible light camera and a infrared
University Campus, cameras mounted to each other on tri- camera. We capture images containing many pedestrians
pod at two locations approximately 3 stories above ground. and cyclists from different locations on the street between 6
The images contain a large number of pedestrians. How- and 10 o’clock in the evening.
ever, all images are collected in the daytime, so the pedes- After time alignment and manual filtering, time-
trians in visible images are already very clear. In such cases, synchronized and high-quality image pairs containing
the advantages of infrared images are not prominent. Some pedestrians are selected. So far, we have collected 16836
pairs of images are shown in Fig. 3(c)(d). pairs of visible-infrared images from 26 different locations.
CVC-14 [4] is a visible and infrared images dataset aim- Each of the 16836 pairs of images contains pedestrians.
ing at automatic pedestrian detection task. CVC-14 dataset
contains four sequences: day/FIR, night/FIR, day/visible
and night/visible. It is used to study automatic driving, so
images are not suitable for video surveillance, as shown
in Fig. 4. Moreover, the images in CVC-14 are not dark
enough, and the human eye can easily identify the objects.
Note that CVC-14 can not be used for image fusion task be-
cause the visible and infrared images are not strictly aligned (a) dual-spectrum camera (b) different field of views
in time, as shown in the yellow box of Fig. 4(b).

(a) 2014 05 04 23 14 48 447000 (b) 2014 05 04 23 19 42 899000

(c) images after registration
Figure 4. Some pairs of images in CVC-14 dataset. The name of
the image pair is its name in CVC-14 dataset. The images are Figure 5. Image capture and image registration. Dual-spectrum
all from the driving perspective, and the visible light image and camera captures images of different field of views (a)(b), and the
infrared image are not strictly corresponding in time (b). image pairs are aligned after registration (c).

KAIST Multispectral Dataset [7] provides well aligned Registration. Although visible light images and infrared
color-thermal image pairs, captured by beam splitter-based images are shot by a binocular camera, they are not aligned
special hardware. With this hardware, they captured vari- due to the different field sizes of different sensor cameras.
We clipped and registered visible-infrared image pairs so Applications. LLVIP dataset can be used to study the fol-
that they have exactly the same field of vision and the same lowing visual task: 1) Visible and infrared image fusion.
image size. For this multi-modal image registration task, 2) Low-light pedestrian detection. 3)Visible-to-infrared
it is difficult to just apply automatic detection registration image-to-image translation. 4) Others, such as multimodel
methods, so we chose a semi-manual method. We first man- image registration.
ually select several pairs of points that need to be aligned
between the two images, then calculate the projection trans- 4. Tasks
formation to deform the infrared image, and finally cut out
to get the registered image pairs. Fig. 5(b)(c) shows the In this section, we will detail the visual tasks to which
comparison of visible-infrared images before and after reg- the dataset can be applied as mentioned in Section 3. As
istration. We also provide unregistered image pairs for re- shown in Fig. 6, they are image fusion, low-light pedestrian
searchers to study visible and infrared image registration. detection and image-to-image translation.

4.1. Image Fusion and Metrics

Annotations. One of the difficulties in low-light pedes-
Image Fusion attempts to extract salient features from
trian detection is image labeling, because human eyes can
source images, then these features are integrated into a sin-
hardly distinguish human bodies and mark the bounding
gle image by appropriate fusion method. The fusion of vis-
boxes accurately in images. We propose a method to la-
ible and infrared images can obtain both the rich details of
bel low-light visible images by using of infrared images.
visible images and the prominence of heat source targets in
Firstly, we label pedestrians on infrared images where
infrared images.
pedestrians are obvious. Then because the visible image
and the infrared image are aligned, the annotations can be
copied directly to the visible image. We labeled all the im- 4.1.1 Fusion methods
age pairs of our dataset in this way.
In recent years, many fusion methods have been proposed.
Advantages. Table 1 shows comparison of LLVIP and ex- In contrast to traditional manual methods, we focus on deep
isting datasets mentioned in Section 2. Our LLVIP dataset learning methods including convolutional neural network
has the following advantages: and generative adversarial network. Deep learning methods
have achieved the best performance of existing methods.
• Visible-infrared images are synchronous in time and Hui Li and Xiao-Jun Wu proposed DenseFuse [10],
space. Thus the image pair can be used for image fu- which incorporated the dense block in the encoder, that is,
sion and supervised image-to-image translation. the outputs of each convoluted layer were connected to each
other. In this way, the network can get more features from
• The dataset is under low-light conditions. Infrared the source images during the encoding process. Besides,
images bring abundant supplementary information to DenseFuse also designed two different fusion strategies, ad-
low-light visible images. Therefore, the dataset is suit- dition and l1 -norm.
able for the study of image fusion and can be used for Jiayi Ma et al. proposed FusionGAN [12], which is a
low-light pedestrian detection. method to fuse visible and infrared images using a gener-
ative adversarial network. The generator makes the fused
• The dataset contain a large number of pedestrian with image contain the pixel intensity of infrared image and the
annotations. Visible and infrared image fusion has gradient information of visible image. The discriminator is
more obvious effect and significance in pedestrian de- designed to distinguish the fused image from the visible im-
tection. age after extracting the feature, so that the fused image can
contain more texture information of the visible image.
• The quality of the images is very high. The resolution
of the original visible images is 1920 × 1080 and that
of the infrared images is 1280 × 720. The dataset is 4.1.2 Fusion metrics
a high quality visible-infrared paired dataset compared
Many fusion metrics have been proposed, but it is hard to
to others.
say which one is better, so it is necessary to select multi-
ple metrics to evaluate the fusion methods. We objectively
Disadvantages. Most of the images in the dataset are col- evaluate the performances of different fusion methods us-
lected from a medium distance, and the pedestrians in the ing entropy (EN), mutual information (MI) [16, 17] series,
images are of a medium size. Therefore, this dataset is not structural similarity (SSIM) [22], Qabf [14] and visual in-
suitable for the study of long-distance small-target pedes- formation fidelity for fusion (VIFF) [6]. Detailed defini-
trian detection.
Number of image pairs
Resolution Aligned Camera angle Low-light Pedestrian
(1 frame selected per second)

TNO 261 768 × 576 √ shot on the ground few
√ few
INO 2100 328 × 254 √ surveillance few

OSU 285 320 × 240 surveillance ×
√ √
CVC-14 849 640 × 512 ×
√ driving √ √
KAIST 4750 640 × 480 driving √ √
FILR 5258 640 × 512 × driving
√ √ √
LLVIP 16836 1080 × 720 surveillance

Table 1. Comparison of LLVIP and existing datasets including TNO, INO Videos Analytics Dataset, OSU Color-Thermal Database, CVC-
14, KAIST Multispectral Dataset and FLIR Thermal Dataset. Resolution refers to the average when it is different in a dataset.

Figure 6. Three low-light vision tasks our LLVIP dataset can apply to. Task 1: Image fusion. Task 2: Low-light pedestrian detection. Task
3: Image-to-image translation.

tions and calculation formulas are provided in the supple- formance of pedestrian detection methods remains limited
mentary materials. in poor light conditions, and there are few methods and
EN is defined based on information theory, which mea- datasets for low light conditions. One reason for the lack
sures the amount of information the fused image contains. of low-light visible pedestrian datasets is that it is difficult
MI [16] is the most commonly used objective metric for to label them accurately. We annotate low-light visible im-
image fusion. Fusion factor (FF) [17] is concepts based on ages by labeling aligned infrared images, which overcomes
MI. Normalize mutual information QM I is defined based this difficulty.
on entropy and mutual information. SSIM [22] is a percep- The Yolo [18, 19, 20, 1, 9] series are the most commonly
tual metric that quantifies image quality degradation caused used one stage algorithms for object detection. As com-
by processing such as data compression or by losses in data puter vision technology evolves, the series continues to in-
transmission. Qabf [14] is a quality index which gives an corporate new technologies and updates. In Section 5.2, we
indication of how much of the salient information contained select Yolov3 [20] and Yolov5 [9] for pedestrian detection
in each of the input images has been transferred into the experiments on our LLVIP dataset, and the experimental re-
fused image without introducing distortions. VIFF [6] uti- sults demonstrate that the existing pedestrian detection al-
lizes the models in VIF to capture visual information from gorithms do not perform well in low light conditions.
the two source fused pairs.
4.3. Image-to-image Translation
4.2. Low-light Pedestrian Detection
Image-to-image translation is a technique that converts
Pedestrian detection has made great progress over the images from one domain to another. It has made great
past few years due to its multiple applications in automatic progress with the development of conditional generative ad-
drive, video surveillance and people counting. The per- versarial networks (cGANs) [13]. And it has been used
in many scenarios such as transformation of semantic la- Judging from the subjective perception of human eyes,
bel map and photo [8], black-and-white picture and color we believe that densefuse l1 and IFCNN are the most suit-
picture, sketch and photo, daytime picture and nighttime able ones for image fusion at night. Because the fused im-
picture, etc. Compared with visible images, infrared images ages obtained by these two methods retain more informa-
are difficult to capture due to the expensive facility and strict tion from visible and infrared images, i.e., they are not only
shooting conditions. To overcome these restrictions, image- more detailed, but also highlight the human body.
to-image translation methods are used to construct infrared In order to get a clearer view of the details of the visible
data from easily obtained visible images. image retained in fused image, we enhance the low-light
Existing visible-to-infrared translation methods can be visible image. We compare the details in the fused image
mainly divided into two categories, one is the use of phys- and the enhanced visible image in Fig. 8. Details that are
ical model and manual image conversion relation design, bright in the original visible image are well retained in the
the other is deep learning method. The situation of thermal fused image, such as the license plate number and the traf-
imaging is complicated, so it is difficult to manually sum- fic light. However, we notice that there are some missing
marize all the mapping relation between optical images and details in the fused image.
infrared images. Therefore, the results of physical model On the one hand, the dark details in the original visible
methods are often inaccurate and lacking in detail. In re- image are badly lost in fused image, e.g., the region 1 and
cent years, deep learning research has developed rapidly, as region 2 of “missing details” in Fig. 8. The enhanced im-
for image-to-image translation, it mainly focuses on gen- age demonstrates that these low-light areas contain a lot of
erative adversarial networks (GANs) [5]. Pix2pix GAN detail, but they are not contained in the fused image, the
was a general-purpose solution to image-to-image transla- textures of the leaves and stones are all lost in the fusion
tion problems, which made it possible to apply the same image.
generic approach to problems that traditionally would re- On the other hand, a lot of details in people are lost, e.g.,
quire very different loss formulations [8]. the region 3 of “bad details” in Fig. 8. The texture informa-
tion of people’s clothes is not shown in the fusion image,
5. Experiments which is not only because of the poor illumination of the
visible image, but also because the infrared image domi-
In this section, we describe in detail the experiments
nates the fusion image due to the high pixel intensity here.
of image fusion, pedestrian detection, and image-to-image
In general, when the pixel intensity of one image in the
translation on our LLVIP dataset, and evaluate the results.
source images is very low, or the pixel intensity of one im-
The experiments are conducted on NVIDIA Tesla T4 GPU,
age is very high, the fusion effect will be worse. In other
words, the ability of fusion algorithm to balance two source
5.1. Image Fusion images is poor. This demonstrates that the existing fusion
algorithms still have great room for improvement.
The fusion algorithms selected by us include gradient
transfer fusion (GTF) [11], FusionGAN [12], Densefuse
(addition fusion strategy and l1 fusion strategy) [10] and Objective evaluation. We also provide the average value
IFCNN [23]. We use the original models and parameters of six metrics of different fusion algorithms on our LLVIP
of these algorithms. Then, we evaluate these fusion results dataset in Table 2. In general, densefuse l1 and IFCNN per-
subjectively and objectively. Finally, we illustrate the sig- form best on the dataset, but they still have a lot of room for
nificance of our dataset for the study of image fusion al- improvement.
gorithm from the fusion experimental results. All hyper- EN FF QM I Qabf VIFF SSIM
parameters and settings are as given by the author in the GTF 6.36 10.81 1.65 0.23 0.20 0.63
papers. The GTF experiments are conducted on Intel Core densefuse add 7.02 11.11 1.61 0.47 0.45 0.68
i7-4720HQ CPU. densefuse l1 7.26 11.98 1.70 0.54 0.46 0.68
FusionGAN 6.44 10.82 1.63 0.23 0.20 0.60
Subjective evaluation. Fig. 7 shows some examples of IFCNN 7.22 11.39 1.62 0.65 0.57 0.67
fused images. From the first column on the left, we can
clearly see that when the light condition is poor, visible im- Table 2. Average value of EN, FF, QM I , Qabf , VIFF, SSIM.
ages can hardly distinguish human body and background.
In infrared images, objects such as human body can be eas-
5.2. Pedestrian Detection
ily distinguished with clear outline, but there is no inter-
nal texture information.Fusion algorithms combine the in- For contrast, we use visible image and infrared image
formation of the two kinds of images more or less, so that respectively for pedestrian detection experiments.
human bodies are highlighted and the images contain some Yolov5 [9] is tested on the dataset. The model was first
texture information. pre-trained on the COCO dataset, and then fine-tuned on
(a) visible (b) infrared (c) GTF (d) densefuse add (e) densefuse l1 (f) FusionGAN (g) IFCNN

Figure 7. Examples of fusion results of several fusion algorithms on the LLVIP dataset. From left to right: (a) visible images, (b) infrared
images, (c) GTF results, (d) densefuse add results, (e) densefuse l1 results, (f) FusionGAN results, (g) IFCNN results.

our dataset. Pretrained checkpoint yolov5l is selected. 70% Yolov5 Yolov3

mAP50 mAP75 mAP mAP50 mAP75 mAP
of the dataset for training and 30% for testing. The mod-
visible 0.908 0.519 0.500 0.859 0.379 0.433
els are trained with 200 epochs, batch-size 8, during which infrared 0.946 0.722 0.619 0.897 0.534 0.528
the learning rate decreased from 0.0032 to 0.000384. We
use SGD with a momentum of 0.843 and a weight decay of Table 3. Experiment results of pedestrian detection. mAP50 means
0.00036. Yolov3 [20] is also tested on the dataset, and the the mAP at IoU threshold of 0.5, mAP75 means the mAP at IoU
experimental Settings are consistent with the default. threshold of 0.75, and mAP means the average of mAP at IoU
threshold of 0.5 to 0.95, with an interval of 0.05.
After training and testing, experiment results on visible
images and infrared images are shown in Table 3. Examples
of the results of the experiments are shown in Fig. 9. There performance of pedestrian detection algorithm is not good
are many missed detection phenomena in visible images. enough under low-light conditions. There is at least some
The infrared image highlights pedestrians, and achieves a discrepancy between the results of visible and infrared im-
better effect in the detection task, which not only proves ages. This dataset can then be used to study and improve the
the necessity of infrared images but also indicates that the performance of pedestrian detection algorithms at night.
(a) visible (b) generated (c) GT

Figure 8. Comparison of the enhanced visible image and the fused

Figure 10. Examples of image-to-image translation results of
image in detail. Details that are bright in the original visible image
pix2pixGAN on the LLVIP dataset. From left to right: (a) the
are well preserved in the fused image(we daub the license plate
original visible images, (b) the generated infrared images, (c) the
numbers), but many other details are lost.
ground truth infrared images.

contours of pedestrian and the car is not clear and the details
are wrong, and there are many artifacts on the image.
Quantitatively, it shows extremely low SSIM and PSNR
as shown in Table 4. We compare the experimental re-
sults of pix2pixGAN presented by Qian et al. [15] on the
KAIST multi-spectral pedestrian dataset. Obviously, the
performance of the image-to-image translation algorithm on
LLVIP is much worse than on KAIST. The reasons for this
Figure 9. Examples of the results of detection experiments.
gap are probably: 1) The pix2pixGAN has poor general-
ization ability. The scenarios of KAIST dataset have little
5.3. Image-to-image Translation change, while the scenarios of LLVIP training set and test
set are different. 2) The performance of pix2pixGAN de-
For image-to-image translation, pix2pixGAN [8] is used creases significantly in low light conditions. The lighting
to experiment. The structure of generator is unet256, and conditions of dark night images in KAIST are still good,
the structure of discriminator is the basic PatchGAN as de- unlike the images in LLVIP. Therefore, there is still a lot
fault. We first resize images to 320×256, and then crop them of room for improvement in image-to-image translation al-
to 256×256 in the data preprocessing stage. The batch size gorithms under low light conditions, and a visible-infrared
is set to 8 with the same GPU mentioned before. We train paired dataset for low-light vision is desperately needed.
the model in 100 epochs with the initial learning rate 0.0002
and then in 100 epochs to linearly decay learning rate to
6. Conclusion
In this paper, we present LLVIP, a visible-infrared paired
dataset for low-light vision. The dataset is strictly aligned
KAIST 0.6918 28.9935
LLVIP 0.0999 5.1738
in time and space, containing a large number of pedestrians,
containing a large number of images with low-light condi-
Table 4. Experiment results of pix2pixGAN on KAIST dataset and tions, containing annotations for pedestrian detection. Ex-
our LLVIP dataset. periments on the dataset indicate that the performance of
visible and infrared image fusion, low-light pedestrian de-
The popular pix2pixGAN has shown very poor perfor- tection and image-to-image translation all need to be im-
mance on our LLVIP. Qualitatively, we show two examples proved.
of image-to-image translation results in Fig. 10. It can be We provide LLVIP dataset for use in, but not limited to,
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