Assignment - 4: Topic: Critically Analyze Marketing Mix of Pampers
Assignment - 4: Topic: Critically Analyze Marketing Mix of Pampers
Assignment - 4: Topic: Critically Analyze Marketing Mix of Pampers
Assignment – 4th
Submitted By:
Vikas Sharma (IT)-Mba
Section- K27b1
Regd.No: 3470070032
Roll No: 05
Topic: Critically analyze Marketing Mix of Pampers
Marketing Mix:
Marketing mix is the combination of elements that are used to market a product.
Four Ps of Marketing Mix:
Pampers were introduced in 1961 and is a brand of baby products marketed by Procter &
Gamble. Pampers was at one time only used as a name for a disposable diaper.
Parts of Product
The core parts or benefits of pampers is it provide baby care, form the very tender age of 2
months to 4 years, Pampers is the brand which introduced the world to the concept of the
disposable diaper .
Actual parts
Actual parts of Pampers are different sizes of packages which come under the age
Category of the child like it ranges from 2 months to 4 years. In Small, Medium,
Large sizes
Augmentation is basically value added to the product. It offers free expert advice through
alliances with organizations and Pamper is also the innovator of Pampers Baby care Mobile
Clinic, which is a door to door activity that educates Mothers about the key benefits of
Pampers and on Baby care tips.
The company has introduced many packs for different segments of the markets depending
upon the baby’s age group and weight.
Small Pack with 9 baby diapers age ranging from 2 months to 8 months.
Company uses two level of Distribution :
Company gives their product to the Distributor which further deliver it to the retailer and then
finally pass on the consumer.
Internal Factors
Company’s goals and objectives are to maintain the market share of Pampers and to survive
in the market. So company shifts its prices to increase sales and maintain its market position.
• Organizational Consideration
The decisions regarding the price of Pampers is undertaken by the mutual consent of P&G
(Brand Director), Pampers Marketing Managers, Pampers Brand managers and Companies
activation manager. The up and down in the price of the Pampers is due to there Competitors
price strategy.
External Factors
Pampers has a stiff competition now a days due to two competitors competing along with
Pampers ,In Winter season the demand for the baby diapers Increases so the company follows
the promotional price strategy .
Competitor’s price strategy also affects the price and promotional strategy of the Company,
but Pampers holds quite good share in the market so Competitors may have the effect on the
pricing strategy but t normal extent.
Topic: Critically analyze Marketing Mix of Pampers
Promotion Mix
P & G uses extensive promotional tools to promote it product “Pampers”. The Advertising
phenomenon which is used for pampers promotional campaign is Educational Promotion,
which means that the advertisements on the media is purposely educative which define the
mother child relation ship with the use of Pampers .Most of the adds used in the media
educate mothers of how to be better in baby care and to benefit the use of pampers for the
Objectives of Advertising:-
Pampers advertises on television all year round delivering the central message of a night's
sleep being essential for a child's growth and development, and the only way to ensure a good
night's sleep is to keep the baby dry. Pamper is also the innovator of Pampers Baby care
Mobile Clinic, which is a door to door activity that educates Mothers about the key benefits
of Pampers and on Baby care tips.
Public Relations:-
Pampers forms a healthy relationship environment between mothers pampers and child, by
building a complete figure of baby care phenomenon.
Sales Promotion:-
Pampers has always offered sales promotions for its customers by introducing the Value
Packs from time to time, also offers discounts on its Value packs to strengthen its Sales
Selection of Media:-
Pampers have used all types of media sources available in the country like Television, Radio,
Bill boards, poster adds.
The product mix for Pampers is broad and it contains a deep line. The special feature of
Pampers is the new diaper core design including a new dual acquisition system which helps
to improve the condition of baby's skin through a better dryness performance. The Pampers
core takes in urine from the diaper surface after loading. Fast acquisition minimizes baby's
contact time with the skin. A homogeneous blend of cellulose and a very absorbent material
result in efficient distribution of the GM. The storage technology locks the urine away so that
it cannot return to the baby's skin. Leg elastics, barrier leg cuffs and the waist shield are
added to provide greater leakage prevention. The fastening strips allow the diaper to be
Topic: Critically analyze Marketing Mix of Pampers
refastened over and over again. Balsam lotion on the top- sheet provides comfort and
moisturizing to baby’s skin, each time he moves.
The promotional mix of Pampers contains a variety of elements through non personal
selling. These elements include advertising, product placement, sales promotions, and
public relations. All these methods of promotion are consistent with Pampers message.
Sales promotions are done on a continuous basis with Pampers. These types of promotions
most normally include coupons, displays, rewards, and samples. Furthermore, they utilize
direct marketing to some extent by brochures, and pamphlets that educate parents about their
child’s development stage while promoting and informing consumers about their products.
Pampers uses public relations throughout its entire global market. They make donations to
many causes and are associated with many prominent organizations
Even though Pampers has a well built strategy in place, there is always room for
improvement. Two areas where improvements could be implemented are in extending their
product line and developing new promotional strategies. Their product line could be extended
to include bath products such as baby soap and shampoo for the baby. This would be good in
educating parents the importance of teaching cleanliness to their babies.
Some what high prices of Pampers could not extensively attract the low income people in
Pakistan, We recommend that Pampers could introduce the Value pack of 5 Diapers for 50
Rs, to attract the most part of population, The cost may be very large initially, but we think
that this change will work wonder in long run for the Pampers ever bright future in Pakistan,
People with low income use to buy open pamper pack , like one or two piece at a time, and
retailers benefit this opportunity by charging high prices it could be made publicly beneficial
by introducing small packs containing 2 -3 diapers.
Lastly, Pampers could promote their product a little more vigorously. For example, to gain
new customers and keep loyal customer they could place a coupon for diapers on their
package or inside the package of diapers. This could help increase sales since fewer
customers would want to switch to another brand that has a better price.
Topic: Critically analyze Marketing Mix of Pampers