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Drug Study Ranitidine

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Name and Frequency,

Classification of Route, Duration Indication Contraindication Adverse Effects Nursing Responsibility
of Action
Drug of
Brand Name: Dose: Potent anti- Short-term Hypersensitivity CNS: Headache, Potential toxicity results
Zantac 50mg ulcer treatment of to malaise, dizziness, from decreased clearance
drug that active duodenal ranitidine; acute somnolence, (elimination) and therefore
Generic Name: Frequency: competitively ulcer. porphyria; OTC insomnia, vertigo, prolonged action; greatest
Ranitidine q8 and Maintenance administration in mental confusion, in the older adult patients
reversibly therapy for children agitation, or those with hepatic or
Drug Class: Route: inhibits duodenal ulcer <12 y. depression, renal dysfunction.
Antisecretory IV histamine patient after hallucinations in
action healing of acute older adults.
at H2- ulcer; treatment CV:
receptor of Bradycardia (with
sites on gastroesophagea rapid IV push).
parietal l reflux disease; GI: Constipation,
cells, thus short-term nausea, abdominal
blocking treatment of pain, diarrhea.
gastric active, benign Skin: Rash.
acid gastric ulcer; Hematologic:
secretion. treatment of Reversible
Indirectly pathologic GI decrease in WBC
reduces hypersecretory count,
pepsin conditions (e.g., thrombocytopenia.
secretion Zollinger- Body as a Whole:
but appears Ellison Hypersensitivity
to syndrome, reactions,
have minimal systemic anaphylaxis (rare).
effect on mastocytosis,
fasting and
and postoperative
postprandial hypersecretion);
serum gastrin heartburn.
s or
secretion of
factor or

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