Frege's Begriffsschrift: Jeff Speaks January 9, 2005
Frege's Begriffsschrift: Jeff Speaks January 9, 2005
Frege's Begriffsschrift: Jeff Speaks January 9, 2005
Jeff Speaks
January 9, 2005
Frege’s first fundamental distinction is between, as people now put it, the content of a
sentence and an attitude that someone might take to that sentence. He discusses this
distinction as it applies to the case of a particular attitude: that of judgement. But the
point is a general one. We can distinguish between:
which are all different attitudes that one can have to the content of the sentence, ‘Grass is
green.’ We can signify that content, apart from any attitude towards it, as Frege suggests
by means of the phrase ‘the proposition that grass is green.’
How this distinction separates Frege from many traditional discussions of logic, which
are couched in terms of ‘assertions’ or ‘judgements’ rather than talk of propositions. The
philosophical importance of the distinction. (For an influential and important discussion of
the relevance of the distinction, see Geach’s “Assertion”, in Philosophical Review (1965).)
Frege further distinguishes between two different kinds of contents: those that can, and
those that cannot, be the content of a judgement.
In Frege’s symbolism, if we represent a proposition with a letter, like ‘p’, we would repre-
sent the judgement that p using the ‘judgement-stroke’ as follows:
If we just wanted to represent the fact that p is a ‘judgeable’ content, without talking
about any particular judgement that p is the case, we could use Frege’s ‘content-stroke’,
as in
Although Frege’s distinction between content and attitude has been enormously influ-
ential, his judgement- and content-strokes have not entered into the vocabulary of con-
temporary logic and philosophy of language. This is partly because, having absorbed
Frege’s lesson, we now simply talk about propositions by using variables to stand for
them, without having to use the content- and judgement-stroke to disambiguate between
talk about the content and talk about a judgement with that content. Now, whenever
one wants to talk about, e.g., the judgement that grass is green rather than simply about
the proposition that grass is green, it is expected that this is made explicit by using the
term ‘judgement’ (or ‘assertion, or ‘belief’, or whatever attitude towards propositions one
wants to discuss).
One reason why Frege’s distinction here is influential is that it separates questions about
the meanings (contents) of various expressions from questions about what it is to make
a judgement, assertion, etc. using those expressions. This is something to which we will
return later in the course.
We will be skipping this discussion for now. We will pause only to explain two aspects of
Frege’s symbolism in terms of the more familia notation of contemporary logic:
Informally: If p then q
Standard notation: p → q
Frege notation: q
Informally: Not p
Standard notation: ¬p
Frege notation: p
(We will postpone our discussion of this section until we discuss Frege’s later article, “On
Sense and Reference.”)
It is worth pausing at this point to ask about the relationship between (deductive) logic
and the philosophy of language.
One of the tasks of the philosophy of language is to explain the relations between linguistic
expressions and the world in virtue of which certain sentences are true or false. Now, it
seems plausible that any account of what makes certain sentences true or false will be
given in terms of the connections between various sub-sentential expressions and objects
and properties in the world. The fact that, e.g.,
Grass is green.
is true evidently has something to do with the fact that ‘grass’ is a word for certain
plants found frequently in front yards and that ‘green’ is a word for a particular color.
This indicates that any complete philosophy of language will have to provide some sort of
analysis of sentences into their parts which can explain how the conditions which would
make those sentences true are determined by those parts.
But what does this have to do with logic? Deductive logic is the study of the truth-
involving relations between sentences; logicians are especially interested in giving a general
answer to the question: When does the truth of one set of sentences guarantee the truth
of some other sentence? (I.e.: What does it take for one sentence to follow from another?)
It’s clear that giving a general answer to this question will also involve giving some kind
of analysis of sentences into their parts, since whether one sentence follows from another
is typically a matter of relations between parts of those sentences.
The important point to note is that the two kinds of analyses of sentences are likely to
coincide. The latter kind of analysis is meant to explain the truth-involving relations
between sentences. The most natural way to pursue this kind of analysis would be to
explain the structural features of sentences in virtue of which they have certain truth
conditions, and then to explain logical consequence in terms of these features. But, if this
is so, then the most natural way to give a theory of logical consequence for a language
will also give us the kind of structural explanation of language-world relations which we
are looking for in the philosophy of language.
The moral of all this, for our purposes, is that a theory of logical consequence typically
involves a theory of the structural features in virtue of which sentences have certain truth
conditions. So, if we are out to provide a theory of the latter type, we can look at logic
for some possibilities and tests of adequacy.
Accordingly, to see what kind of analysis of language prevailed throughout most of Western
philosophy, it makes sense to look at the logical system which prevailed throughout most
of Western philosophy: Aristotle’s theory of the syllogism. Aristotle’s Prior Analytics is
devoted to explaining the nature of demonstration; he introduces the topic by saying
“We must . . . define a premiss, a term, and a syllogism . . . and after that, the
inclusion or non-inclusion of one term in another as in a whole, and what we
mean by predicating one term of all, or none, of another.” (24a10-15)
He goes on to distinguish three different ways in which something may be said of something
else (modes of attribution): universal, particular, and indefinite (25a2-5). When he goes
on to discuss demonstration and to give an account of what we might call the types of
valid argument, he does so in terms of this catalogue of distinctions between types of
sentences. The following syllogism is an example:
Major premise. All mammals are animals.
Minor premise. All dogs are mammals.
Conclusion. All dogs are animals.
This is the ‘first figure’ of the syllogism, in which the subject of the major premise is the
predicate of the minor premise, the predicates of the major premise and the conclusion are
the same, and the subjects of the minor premise and the conclusion are the same. Each
of the premises and the conclusion of this instance of the first figure are both universal
predications (as opposed to particular or indefinite ones) and are affirmations (as opposed
to negations/denials). The first figure, with all sentences universal and affirmative, is
valid. (Some changes would make it invalid, as if the major premise were particular
rather than universal. Other changes would preserve its validity, as if the minor premise
and conclusion were both particular rather than universal.)
The central point to notice: the most general distinctions between classes of sentences
are distinctions between modes of predication. What this seems to presuppose about the
general (subject/predicate) forms of sentences. Consequences of this for logic, and the
philosophy of language.
Frege suggests that the Aristotelian subject/predicate analysis of sentences goes wrong by
following the superficial appearance of natural language too closely. He gives the following
argument for this claim:
Frege’s point here is that the subject/predicate analysis makes distinctions between sen-
tences which do not reflect anything about the logical properties of sentences, or the
conditions under which they are true.
It is one thing for a theory to make too many distinctions; it is a far worse problem if a
theory does not have the resources to explain the facts it is out to explain. The problem
of multiple generality is an argument that the subject/predicate analysis is incapable of
explaining the logical relations of a very large class of sentences.
Sentences of multiple generality are sentences which contain more than one expression of
generality, such as ‘someone’ or ‘everything’, like
The problem of multiple generality is the problem of accounting for the logical relations in
which sentences of multiple generality stand. And example of the kind of logical relation
which proved problematic for Aristotelian logic and its successors was the fact that
How might you try to explain this entailment in terms of Aristotelian logic?
In place of Aristotle’s analysis of sentences into subject and predicate, Frege proposed an
analysis of sentences into function and argument(s).
A familiar example of an expression which stands for a function is ‘+.’ This sign stands
for a function from pairs of numbers to numbers; i.e., the addition function takes pairs of
numbers as its arguments and yields a number as its value. To understand how expressions
of natural language might be akin to ‘+’, we should ask a number of questions: (i) Which
expressions stand for functions, and which for arguments to those functions? (ii) What
kinds of things do these functions have as their arguments and values?
The way Frege introduces the topic in §9, it seems that there is no general answer to (i).
He says:
there is no fact of the matter which of these expressions stand for functions, and which for
arguments to those functions. It depends, Frege indicates, which of these expressions we
are regarding as variable (replaceable by other expressions), and which we are regarding
as constant. Indeed, the number of argument-places in the sentence can also depend on
Frege says that there is one exception to this general rule that the function/argument
distinction is not a distinction in conceptual contents, but only in our way of looking at
“We attach no importance to the various ways that the same conceptual con-
tent may be regarded as a function of this or that argument, so long as function
and argument are completely determinate. But if the argument becomes in-
determinate, . . . then the distinction between function and argument becomes
significant as regards the content. Conversely, the argument may be determi-
nate and the function indeterminate. In both cases, in view of the contrast
determinate-indeterminate . . . the whole proposition splits up into function
and argument as regards its own content, not just as regards our way of look-
ing at it.”
There is a tension in Frege’s discussion here. First, he says that in standard cases there is
no intrinsic distinction between argument-expressions and function-expressions. Second,
he says that when either a function or argument is indeterminate, there is an intrinsic
distinction between function and argument. But this is puzzling. We have two different
cases of indeterminacy: one in which a function is indeterminate, and one in which an
argument is indeterminate. But what determines whether a given instance of indetermi-
nacy falls into the first or the second of these categories? It can’t, on Frege’s view, be
whether the place in the sentence where the indeterminacy occurs is an argument-place
or a function-place; for we have already seen that he thinks that there is no objective
distinction here. But surely there must be some systematic explanation.
This tension in Frege’s discussion in §9 can be resolved by treating the distinction between
functional expressions and argument-expressions as an objective one, which is independent
of the way we might happen to divide up the sentence, or think of parts of it as variable,
on a given occasion. And, indeed, this is the way that Frege seems to treat the distinction
in §10.
A possible explanation of the tension: the distinctions between argument and function,
and between variable and constant.
Other reasons why this is desirable; the role of the distinction between function and
argument in explaining logical consequence.
The function/argument analysis as solving our first two problems with the subject/predicate
analysis of sentences.
So far, however, we have not answered either of our questions (i) and (ii). (What are
the functional expressions? What do the relevant functions have as their arguments and
We can make some progress towards answering these questions, and to seeing how Frege’s
analysis might be able to solve the problem of multiple generality, by looking at Frege’s
treatment of sentences containing devices of generality.
5 Generality and quantification (§§11-12)
At the outset of §11, Frege suggests an addition to his notation: an concavity in the
content-stroke, in which is placed a Gothic letter. Frege explains its significance as follows:
“In the expression for a judgement, the complex symbol to the right of may
always be regarded as a function of one of the symbols that occur in it. Let
us replace this argument with a Gothic letter, and insert a concavity over the
content-stroke, and make the same Gothic letter stand over the concavity: e.g.:
a φ(a)
This signifies that the function is a fact whatever we take its argument to
be. . . . From such a judgement, therefore, we can always deduce any number
we like of judgements with less general content, by substituting something
different each time for the Gothic letter; when this is done, the concavity in
the content-stroke vanishes again.”
a φ(a)
Here Frege gives, in effect, a statement of the rule of universal instantiation, that from
any universally quantified formula
∀xF (x)
This marks the beginning of a fundamentally new treatment of generality. On the sub-
ject/predicate analysis of language, both the sentences
Everything is F .
a is F .
are, whatever the differences between them might be, of the same logical form. Frege is
suggesting that these sentences are of fundamentally different forms.
Using universal quantification and negation, Frege is also in a position to express existen-
tial quantification. What we would write as
∃xF x
x Fx
(Given that the notations are inter-translatable, we will from now on use the more familiar
and less cumbersome modern notation.)
Consider how this might help with the problem of multiple generality, specifically with
the problem of explaining the validity of the inference from
What are the logical forms of these sentences? We might formalize this inference as:
∃x∀y (y loves x)
∀x∃y (x loves y)
How the introduction of quantifiers breaks down the distinction between subject and
Unanswered questions (the same as (i) and (ii) from above): Which expressions are
function-expressions and which argument-expressions? What do the relevant functions
have as their arguments and values?