Continously Variable Drive (ICVD) : Innovation For Manufacturers of Self-Propelled Farm and Construction Machinery
Continously Variable Drive (ICVD) : Innovation For Manufacturers of Self-Propelled Farm and Construction Machinery
Continously Variable Drive (ICVD) : Innovation For Manufacturers of Self-Propelled Farm and Construction Machinery
on developing a continuously va- of generating high tractive force, but also of A new feature of the ICVD concept is the use
riable, hydrostatic drive for self- covering relatively long distances at the of a hydraulic motor based on large-angle
highest possible speed in certain applica- technology. It enables angular movement of
propelled agricultural and con- tions. the motor by up to 45°, instead of the custo-
struction machinery. The ICVD® Conventionally, both functions were real- mary maximum of 32°. This increases the
ized via hydrostatic drives with manual gear- hydrostatic conversion range and substanti-
(Integrated Continuously Variable boxes - with a first gear for high tractive po- ally improves the efficiency, making this
Drive) makes it possible to drive wer and speeds up to 20 km/h, and a second technology a real alternative to the previous
gear for higher speeds up to 40 km/h. The concepts.
through the entire speed range machine had to be at a standstill to switch The innovative concept of the ICVD offers
without interrupting the tractive between gears, making the procedure both numerous advantages:
inconvenient and time-consuming. The de- • Large, continuously variable conversion
force. Following exhaustive testing mands of today’s agricultural and construc- range
with partners in the construction tion industries in relation to the variability of • Automatic adaptation of the power require-
a drive and operating convenience have ment
and farm machinery industry, the
grown substantially in the meantime: conti- • Tractive force generation independently of
drive is now proving successful in nuous variability is called for, and different the rpm speed
the marketplace. The first CLAAS hydrostatic drive concepts have come in- • Simple reversal of direction and torque
creasingly close to providing it in recent • Flexible arrangement of the drive elements
telescopic loader with ICVD® was years. The solutions so far available in the With the ICVD, manufacturers of agricultu-
presented at Agritechnica 2005. marketplace for self-propelled agricultural ral and construction machinery or municipal
and construction machinery can be roughly vehicles can realise equipment with com-
divided into three categories: bined higher maximum speed and high trac-
1) Power-shift transmissions with variable tive force. At the same time, the optimised
hydraulic motors efficiency cuts fuel consumption - a factor of
2) Summation gearboxes with variable hy- increasing importance for manufacturers
draulic motors and users alike. In addition, the drive gene-
3) Gearboxes switchable at a standstill with
variable hydraulic motors
The ICVD is a symbiosis of these drive con-
cepts, combining their advantages, but with-
out having to accept the drawbacks of the
individual solutions. For instance, while a
power-shift transmission with variable hy-
draulic motor can certainly be switched
while in motion, the gear-change process is
clearly perceptible as a brief power interrup-
tion. On the other hand, the combination of
variable hydraulic motors with summation
gearboxes is an attempt to compensate for
Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Adamek is Manager Enginee- the conventional, small conversion range of
ring ICVD of the GKN Walterscheid GmbH, Haupt- the motor (α < 32°) by means of a gearbox
straße 150, 53797 Lohmar;. e-mail: wolfgang.ada-
with a large transmission range – a common
compromise, but one that has the disadvan-
tage of not being able to realise all the re-
Keywords quired parameters, e.g. as regards tractive
Continuous variable drive, farm machinery power and maximum speed. Fig. 1: Hydrostatic drive: compact assembly
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rates significantly less noise than previous
technologies. Users will find that the ICVD
is more economical and more environ-
mentally friendly to operate than a conven-
tional drive.
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