Devil's Workshop - d20 - Modern - Full Metal Zero Sourcebook - Hacking Reloaded
Devil's Workshop - d20 - Modern - Full Metal Zero Sourcebook - Hacking Reloaded
Devil's Workshop - d20 - Modern - Full Metal Zero Sourcebook - Hacking Reloaded
by the program by one die rank. For example, D6’s tion can be placed in to a docking station of a network
become D8’s. This option can only be applied only system to have it work as part of a network. Due to
once. the nature of this device, it is considered to have the
Base Program Type: Defensive, Invasion, Offensive computer modification, Wireless Modem. This modi-
or Security Countermeasure fication can not be used with the terminal modifica-
Reprogramming DC: 25 tion, Laptop System, Personal Digital Assistant System
Purchase DC Upgrade: +5 or Tablet Terminal.
Restriction: None Purchase DC: 30
Restriction: None
File Lock
This program option places a lock on an individual Tablet Terminal
file or program requiring a password to open and A Tablet Terminal is a slate-shaped mobile computer.
operate. In gaming terms, any files or programs with The form offers a more mobile and productive way to
this option would need the password to be opened and interact with a terminal. Tablet Terminal are often used
operate as normal. Due to the use of specific encryp- where normal notebook terminals are impractical or
tion type of this program option, the locked file or unwieldy, or do not provide the needed functionality.
program cannot be “forced open” or hacked and must This modification can not be used with the terminal
have the password to open or use the file or program. modification, Laptop System, Personal Digital
Base Program Type: Any Assistant System or Smartphone.
Reprogramming DC: 25 Purchase DC: 24
Purchase DC Upgrade: +10 Restriction: None
Restriction: None
This program option makes it possible to hide the
specific program in layers and layers of code. When Alias
searching for this type of Hidden file or program, the This program will can rename any file or program with
file or program adds a +15 to the DC to search for it another false name. This program only changes the
and the time to search for the program is doubled. name of the file or program, not the program type or
program slots. For example you might have a program serial numbers, etc. In the case that the use of Clone
Force Crash but you don’t want everyone who might fails, the terminal’s copy protection takes effect.
search your database or terminal to know that, so you
Actions: Action
could rename the file “Toys for Christmas” or even the
Program Slots: 8
name of a real program like Reflection.
Program Type: Invasion
Actions: Half-Action Effects: Database, Terminal or Network System
Program Slots: 1 Purchase DC: 25
Program Type: Operation & Utilites Restriction: Limited (+1)
Effects: Database, Network System or Terminal
Purchase DC: 13 Flu Shot
Restriction: None This program was created to negate the effects of the
program, Viral v1.0 and Viral v1.5.
Bushwhacked Actions: Half-Action
When an Icon has been discovered hacking through
Program Slots: 3
a firewall, then this programs will be activated. With
Program Type: Defensive
in D4 rounds the program will attack the Icon and
Effects: Terminal
terminal directly. If successful, the Bushwhacked
Purchase DC: 17
program will attack by causing 2D4+4 points of
Restriction: None
damage to the Icon and force the terminal to lose D6
random programs, that have been deleted from it.
Guard Dog
Actions: Full This program operates on the network system invis-
Program Slots: 4 ible to all, searching for any kind of breaches to the
Program Type: Defensive network system. Any Icon that penetrates a firewall,
Effects: Icon and Terminal and is on the network system while this program is
Purchase DC: 14 active must make a DC 30 roll. Icons that fail their
page: 3
Restriction: None roll are detected and the Guard Dog program will
inform the appropriated individual to the illegal entry,
Codebeaker unknown to the invading Icon. The Guard Dog will
This program is designed to scan through million also trace the hacker’s signal back to their home loca-
and million of potential password combinations in tion, at one rank lower then listed on the Locating a
seconds to use as a password to enter protected areas. Hackers Physical Location Section in Hack the Matrix
In gaming terms, all Firewalls you hack using this Sourcebook.
program, the Difficulty DC is lowered by 5 points.
Actions: Half Action
Actions: Free Action Program Slots: 3
Program Slots: 1 Program Type: Defensive
Program Type: Invasion Effects: Network System
Effects: Network System Purchase DC: 15
Purchase DC: 13 Restriction: None
Restriction: None
Junk Code
Clone This program will insert millions of lines of junk and
Clone is a rare and powerful copy utility designed to erroneous code into a terminals CPU making it hard
replicate files and programs that have been placed in a for it to operate. In gaming terms, when this program
Copy Protected Terminal. Its anti-program subroutines is activated it make terminal act like it had just started
disassemble the terminal’s program code at the deepest up a Beta-Edition or Shareware version of a program.
level, while the duplication utility subroutine copies See the Hack the Matrix sourcebook for effects.
the files or programs piece by piece. This program
Actions: Half Action
will reduce the DC on the Copy Protected Terminal
Program Slots: 3
by half and if successful, it effectively replicates the
Program Type: Offensive
target files and program, making a perfect copy. The
Effects: Terminal
“cloned” copy is still copy-protected as if it was still
Purchase DC: 14
in a Copy Protected Terminal and retains all original
Restriction: None
Purchase DC: 13
Quieted Alarm Restriction: None
Quieted Alarm is a program that removes the ability
for programs to alert others to their presence making
them unable to summon help or alert the system to Tagged
intrusions. This program does not affect the database, Tagged is a program designed to track down a specific
network system or terminal in any other way. For hacker’s Icon signal. The hacker need only be active
example, a system with the Guard Dog Program could on the network system to work. The program is able
track down the hacker’s home location, though it could to move around freely in the network system where
not alert its home system to the hacker’s presence. it will search for a specific hacker’s Icon. Once the
hacker’s Icon is found, the program will integrate a
Actions: Half Action code into it that will bar entry to that specific Icon.
Program Slots: 1 The Icon integrated with the Tagger program will be
Program Type: Defensive returned to cyberspace at the end for the current round.
Effects: Database, Network System or Terminal In addition, the embedded code in the Icon will make
Purchase DC: 16 if even tougher for this hacker to enter through this
Restriction: None network system’s firewall by increasing the Difficulty
and Sensitivity DC by 10 points. The program can
RX Shot only search and recognize one specific hacker’s Icon
This program was created to negate the effects of the at a time.
program, Worm v1.0.
Actions: Half-Action
Actions: Action Program Slots: 3
Program Slots: 5 Program Type: Security Countermeasure
Program Type: Defensive Effects: Icon
Hacking Reloaded
page: 5
rounds later loss of 8 additional random programs, and You reputation as a hacker is know to all in cyber-
so on. space.
Actions: Action Prerequisite: Computer Programming
Program Slots: 5
Benefit: You can add your Reputation bonus to
Program Type: Invasion
Computer Use check rolls.
Effects: Terminal
Purchase DC: 22
Restriction: Limited (+1) Multiple Firewall Hacking
You can hack more than one firewall at the same time.
X Solved Prerequisite: Computer Programming, Penetrating
This program was created to negate negates the effects
of the program, Solve for X.
Benefit: You are skilled enough to hack multiple
Actions: Action firewalls at the same time. You can hack as many
Program Slots: 3 firewalls equal to one plus your Intelligence modifier
Program Type: Defensive (minimum of 1) at the same time.
Effects: Terminal and Icon
Purchase DC: 16 Penetrating Hack
Restriction: None Your hacking skills are very potent and even the best
computer programmers can’t stop you.
NEW FEATS Prerequisite: Computer Programming
Benefit: Your hacking skills are so impressive you
Code Optimization add your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1) to any
You are skilled in making the most efficient and well- attempts to hack a firewall.
organized computer coding.
OSkyrPabckldood Rapid Search
You can quickly search through files to find what you
are looking for.
Prerequisite: Computer Programming
Benefit: You can search files with lightning speed.
When searching for files you can reduce the DC and
the time length in rounds by your Intelligence modifier
(minimum of 1).