Planning and Managing The Security of A Network (420-B75-ES) - Assignment3
Planning and Managing The Security of A Network (420-B75-ES) - Assignment3
Planning and Managing The Security of A Network (420-B75-ES) - Assignment3
To become a true security expert would certainly require understanding what the vulnerabilities are and
how to exploit them. In learning network security, students are invited to set up a virtual environment
where a vulnerability is exploited against the DVWA app: injecting SQL in a form field to retrieve all data.
Students will need to perform a clean install of MS Server 2019, and install Apache, MySQL, PHP and
phpMyAdmin before installing the DVWA app. A video is available of all the steps performed in Ubuntu
Server here:
The video mostly follows the instructions in the Medium article titled “Midterm - Ethical Hacking (Part
1)”, written by Michael Whittle available at:
Ethical Hacking (Part 1): OWASP Top 10 and DVWA | by Michael Whittle | Level Up Coding
For their MS Server 2019 WAMP (Windows Apache Mysql Php) installation, students need to manually
install the software, as can be found in this video:
Or this one:
Students need to perform all the steps and take screenshots, displaying their system’s time and
hostname in a command prompt.
Then students will install Ubuntu Desktop, and access the DVWA app hosted by the MS Server. Again,
follow the steps in the video, and perform the SQL injection in the form field has shown.
Put all screenshots, well organized, with proper description for each, in a Word file titled “[YOUR FIRST
NAME]_[YOUR LAST NAME]_ AS3_420-B75-ES.docx”.
In the same Word file, add a section where you compare the source code for the SQL injection between
low security and impossible levels. Research what prepared SQL statements are and explain how to
recognize SQL statements, so that you can make sure the web apps hosted on your servers use them.
In the same Word file, add a section that records all problems you encountered during the task, logging
the time when the problem occurred, the error message if any, one link that helped you solve the
problem if any and the solution.
The assignment is worth 10 points and students have 1 week to complete. 1 point is deducted for every
missing or incorrect step. 1 point is deducted for every screenshot that fail to display time and hostname
in command prompt as asked.