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Intercessions 30th Week 2021

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The Universal Prayer

Sunday 24th October 2021

World Mission Sunday
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Celebrant: Sisters and brothers,

today we mark World Mission Sunday
with the theme: ‘We cannot but speak about what we have
seen and heard’.

1. For the Church of God, journeying together with Jesus,

that its missionary spirit will be alive so that Jesus
may become known to those who have never heard his Name.
Lord, hear us.
Lord, hear our prayer.

2. For every parish, emerging from the pandemic,

that we will find new ways to reconnect with our parishioners,
and a new energy and enthusiasm to be missionary, reaching beyond
ourselves into our wider society.
Lord, hear us.
Lord, hear our prayer.

3. For our world on this United Nations Day, that it will always fulfil its
mission as described by St John Paul II as ‘the supreme forum of peace
and justice, the authentic seat of freedom.’
Lord, hear us.
Lord, hear our prayer.

4. For all involved in the work of the United Nations in the cause of human
rights, freedom of movement and of religion, in the care of refugees
and those affected by natural disasters, in developing sustainable food
production and in cultural preservation and enhancement.
Lord, hear us.
Lord, hear our prayer.
5. For all who are preparing for next week’s United Nations Climate
Conference in Glasgow, that the appeal by Pope Francis and 40 faith
leaders from around the world, “to safeguard, restore and heal our
wounded humanity and the home entrusted to our stewardship”, will be
heard and acted upon by all nations.
Lord, hear us.
Lord, hear our prayer.

6. For
Let us pray to the Lord.
Lord, hear our prayer.

7. For Archbishop Matthew Beovich, former Archbishop of Adelaide,

whose 40th anniversary of death is today, and for all the departed
missionary clergy and laity, that they will all be gathered from many
lands into the Father’s heavenly home.
Lord, hear us.
Lord, hear our prayer.

Celebrant: Heavenly Father,

you have entrusted to us the mission
to announce your Son, Jesus, to the nations.
Instill in us the fire of His Holy Spirit
that we may, with joy, tenderness and compassion
live out of baptismal responsibility.
Through Christ our Lord.

The Universal Prayer

Monday 25th October 2021
30th Week in Ordinary Time

Celebrant: Jesus’ healing of the woman with severe back problems

is a sign that he makes it possible for all of us to walk tall
and proud in our Christian faith.
1. May bishops, priests and deacons preach the liberating Gospel of Jesus,
and not lay upon people further and unnecessary burdens.
Lord, hear us.

2. May people not be critical of the good actions of others,

but see in them the Spirit of God at work in human lives.
Lord, hear us.

3. May people with chronic, severe, and debilitating back pain

be sustained with hope and courage, receive appropriate medical help and
pain relief, and understanding from those close to them.
Lord, hear us

4. May the nations of the world find the will to disarm their weapons
systems during the United Nations World Disarmament Week.
Lord, hear us.

5. May peace come to the troubled parts of our world

through the skillful diplomacy of people of integrity.
Lord, hear us.

Celebrant: Gracious God,

you guard the way of the just.
Give us the grace to behave as your children
in the spirit of Jesus Christ,
who is Lord, for ever and ever.

The Universal Prayer

Tuesday 26th October 2021
Thirtieth Week in Ordinary Time

Celebrant: God’s truth and life grows in us, like seed in the ground.
We pray that the fruits of good works may be seen
1. That we may receive the word of God with an open heart
and allow it to influence our thoughts, words and actions.
Lord, hear us.
2. That the Church may always be a safe place,
especially for the weak, frail and vulnerable,
just as the mustard tree is a safe shelter for the birds.
Lord, hear us.

3. That the Holy Spirit will overshadow all baptized into Christ,
so that his love permeates all aspects of life, just as the yeast
makes the bread to rise.
Lord, hear us.

4. That those who are enduring suffering may not despair,

but keep alive the hope that Christ’s glory awaits them.
Lord, hear us.

5. That priests carrying ultimate responsibility for occupational health,

welfare and safety in our parishes, along with child protection laws and
police checks, and privacy legislation, may receive genuine support and
help from the lay members in their communities.
Lord, hear us.

Celebrant: Heavenly God, in every age you do marvelous things for

your people. In this our time, bless the world with peace,
and clothe all people in the dignity of your Son, Jesus,
who is Lord, for ever and ever.

The Universal Prayer

Wednesday 27th October 2021
30th Week in Ordinary Time
Celebrant: Sisters and brothers, Pauls words to the people of Rome
are encouraging to us all, with the assurance that the
Spirit comes to us to help us in our weakness.

1. That the Church will be a community which accompanies each other

on life’s journey, so that no feels alone or abandoned.
Lord, hear us.

2. That the Church will always be a gathering of peoples from East and
West, North and South.
Lord, hear us.
3. That we will open our hearts to the presence of the Holy Spirit so that
we will know the Heavenly Father with affection and trust and become
true images of Jesus, the Son of God.
Lord, hear us.

4. That those who are without faith, and those burdened by sin
will come to know and accept the salvation offered by God.
Lord, hear us.

5. That countries with money and an abundance of the vaccine will,

in the cause of justice, make it available to nations struggling the
vaccinate their people.
Lord, hear us.

Celebrant: Heavenly God, clothe us in your Son, Jesus,

so that we are eager to spread his gospel of peace,
for he is Lord, for ever and ever.

The Universal Prayer

Thursday 28th October 2021
Saints Simon and Jude, apostles
Celebrant: Jesus chose the twelve, whom he called apostles,
to make known to the nations his message of peace,
and to build up the community of believers.
1. We pray for Francis our Pope, Patrick our Archbishop, that as successors
of the apostles, they may be men of prayer and pastoral love.
Lord, hear us.

2 We pray for all Christians, making up God’s household,

and built upon the foundation of the apostles,
that all will work together to strengthen inter-faith dialogue.
Lord, hear us.

3. We pray for those who feel that they are in a hopeless situation,
that through the prayers of St Jude, hope of the hopeless,
they may believe, trust and look confidently to the future.
Lord, hear us.

4. We pray for the nation of Iran, where tradition says Saints Simon and
Jude preached the gospel and were martyred, that freedom of religion will
be given to all, the desire for nuclear weapons cease, and human rights
will be enjoyed by everyone.
Lord, hear us.

5. We pray for the sick and those tormented in mind, that they may find in
Jesus one who cares for them and sustains them in their anxiety.
Lord, hear us.

6. We pray that on this Australian Blue Knot Day we will remember and
empower all who are recovering from complex trauma, so that pain is
eased and dignity is restored.
Lord, hear us.

Celebrant: Lord God, the message of your Son, shared with the apostles echoes
across the globe and we pray that it will bring peace everywhere
Through Christ our Lord.

The Universal Prayer

Friday 29th October 2021
30th Week in Ordinary Time
Celebrant: St Paul has spoken of his great desire to bring the message
of Jesus to his own people, putting their spiritual needs
before his own.

1. We pray for a better relationship across the Archdiocese between our

Catholic parishes, schools and organisations and other Christian Churches
and Communities, and people of other faiths.
Lord, hear us.

2. We pray for the people of our parish community,

that a genuine spirit of love may draw people together in respect.
Lord, hear us.

3 We pray for people whose hands have been incomplete from birth,
damaged in accidents, or are painful through arthritis and other illnesses,
that they may receive the right support and be people of courage.
Lord, hear us.

4 We pray for the wisdom to discern when people need our help,
the strength at act generously on their behalf and when not to intrude
into their privacy.
Lord, hear us.

5 We pray in this United Nations World Disarmament Week for an

end to the construction and stockpiling of nuclear weapons, and for
the total destruction of those still existing.
Lord, hear us.

Celebrant: Heavenly Lord, how great are your works:

your justice stands firm,
and your compassion and love sustain us all.
Protect us from harm.
Through Christ our Lord

The Universal Prayer

Saturday 30th October 2021
Thirtieth Week in Ordinary Time
Celebrant: Jesus teaches us once again the importance of humility.
His disciples are not to seek honours, but to place
themselves at the service of others.
1. That those who have an inflated opinion of themselves
may come to value the virtue of humility.
Lord, hear us.

2. That those who devalue themselves

may recognized God’s gifts in their lives.
Lord, hear us.

3. That in our families all may be at peace with one another.

Lord, hear us.

4. That peace will come to every war-torn country.

Lord, hear us.

5. That justice will come to every oppressed person.

Lord, hear us.

6. That courage will come to every Christian persecuted for their faith.
Lord, hear us.

Celebrant: Gracious God,

we thirst for you, the joy of our hearts.
Through this Eucharist satisfy our thirst and hunger.
Through Christ our Lord.

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