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Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects

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Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng.

Aspects 413 (2012) 224–230

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Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and

Engineering Aspects
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/colsurfa

Glucose biosensor based on glucose oxidase and gold nanoparticles of different

sizes covered by polypyrrole layer
Natalija German a , Arunas Ramanavicius b,c , Jaroslav Voronovic b , Almira Ramanaviciene a,b,∗
Division of Immunotechnology, State Research Institute Center for Innovative Medicine, Zygimantu 9, LT-01102 Vilnius, Lithuania
Center of Nanotechnology and Materials Science – NanoTechnas, Faculty of Chemistry, Vilnius University, Naugarduko 24, LT-03225 Vilnius, Lithuania
Department of Materials Science and Electronics, Institute of Semiconductor Physics, State Scientific Research Institute Centre for Physical Sciences and Technology, Vilnius, Lithuania

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Different glucose biosensors based on glucose oxidase (GOx) immobilised on bare carbon rod electrode
Received 31 October 2011 (CR) modified with gold nanoparticles (Au-NPs) of (i) 3.5 nm (GOx/3.5Au-NPs/CR), (ii) 6 nm (GOx/6Au-
Received in revised form 14 February 2012 NPs/CR) and (iii) 13 nm (GOx/13Au-NPs/CR) were investigated and compared with biosensors based on
Accepted 15 February 2012
GOx immobilised on bare CR (GOx/CR). Enzymatic polymerisation of pyrrole was applied to increase
Available online 3 March 2012
linear detection range of biosensors. The influence of the formed polypyrrole layer on sensitivity and
Michaelis–Menten kinetics of designed electrochemical biosensors was investigated. The linear glu-
cose detection interval for GOx/CR and GOx/Au-NPs/CR electrodes was dependent on the duration of
Carbon rod electrode
Electron transfer
Gold nanoparticles © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Glucose oxidase

1. Introduction Electrically conducting materials based on ␲–␲ conjugated

polymers are often used as electrocatalysts or immobilisation
Nanotechnology has recently become one of the most excit- matrix for biomolecules. Conjugated polymers provide effective
ing forefront fields offering technological advantages suitable for immobilisation patterning for biomolecules on different substrates
analytical chemistry [1–4]. In some cases a combination of nano- [17]. Moreover in some cases ␲–␲ conjugated polymers facili-
materials and nanotechnological approaches resolves challenging tate electron transfer from enzymes to electronically conductive
bioanalytical problems, including specificity, stability and sensitiv- electrodes [18,19]. Most promising electrically conducting poly-
ity [5,6]. Several reviews have recently appeared demonstrating the mers (e.g., polyaniline, polypyrrole (Ppy)) are chemically stabile
advantages of different nanomaterials and polymers in the design on different substrates [20]. Increased interest in synthesis of chi-
of electrochemical biosensors and immunosensors [2–4,7–10]. Au- ral conducting polymers has recently been observed due to their
NPs have been used as electron-transfer mediators and electric potential application such as electrochemical asymmetric synthe-
wires for enhancing the electron-transfer rate between the active sis. Electrochemical properties of polymers (e.g., Ppy) strongly
centre of enzymes and electrodes [11]. The practical advantage of depend on their red-ox states, and overoxidation level, which
Au-NPs is that their size and surface morphology can be controlled occurs at positive potentials and leads to de-doping of anionic
experimentally adjusting the preparation conditions [12]. It was molecules followed by lowering of polymer conductivity [18,19].
shown that Au-NPs increase the efficiency of enzyme immobilisa- Conducting polymers are easily synthesised by electrochemical
tion [13,14]. To exploit this unique property many electrochemical [3,21–24], chemical [25,26] and enzymatic [27] oxidative polymeri-
biosensors based on gold nanoparticles were designed and applied sation techniques [18,19]. Insoluble, stable in ambient conditions
for biochemical, clinical and environment needs, including can- Ppy films usually are prepared electrochemically by the oxidation
cer diagnostics, detection of infectious microorganisms, sensing of of commercially available pyrrole monomers [24,28]. On the other
vitamins, amino acids, sugars, and pesticides [2,3,5,6,15,16]. hand, electrochemical polymerisation methods have a limitation:
it is difficult to prepare a large amount of Ppy. In contrast, chemical
polymerisation is suitable for large-scale production of conjugated
polymers [29,30]. Chemical polymerisation occurs by oxidation of
∗ Corresponding author at: Division of Immunotechnology, State Research Insti-
pyrrole monomers and formed oligomers to the cation-radicals,
tute Center for Innovative Medicine, Zygimantu 9, LT-01102, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Tel.: +370 67203653, fax: +370 52330987. which recombine and form polymeric structure of polypyrrole
E-mail address: a.ramanaviciene@imcentras.lt (A. Ramanaviciene). [18,31]. During chemical polymerisation of pyrrole using HAuCl4

0927-7757/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
N. German et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 413 (2012) 224–230 225

as oxidizing agent the formation of a nanostructured Ppy/Au-NP preheating solutions were mixed, heated up to 98 ◦ C and kept at this
composite on the surface of the working electrode is observed [25]. temperature for 3 min to yield sols of gold nanoparticles. The reac-
The nanometer size of nanoparticles enables facilitating direct and tion duration was 10 min and the mixing speed was 1000 rpm. Then
fast electron transfer between the red-ox species and the trans- 5 mL of 25 mmol L−1 Na2 CO3 was added for the neutralisation of the
ducer [1,32]. On the other hand, entrapment of Au-NPs within solution containing 3.5 nm size Au-NPs. The size of Au-NPs (3.5, 6
the Ppy film might enhance electrical conductivity of the poly- and 13 nm) was measured by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The
mer. Shorter polymerisation duration (less than 30 min) resulted average size of gold nanoparticles distributed on the surface of 8 Å
in an unstable film, which could be easily desorbed from the sur- SiO2 substrate received from AIXTRON AG (Aachen, Germany), was
face of the electrode. However, very long polymerisation duration evaluated from the height-distribution histograms of AFM images.
(over 200 h) resulted in a formation of thicker polymer layer fol- The initial concentration of gold in all used solutions was the same
lowed by a significant decrease of the analytical signal [25]. Major – 0.058 mg ml−1 . Stable sols of gold nanoparticles were stored in
disadvantages of chemical methods are limitations to be used dark glass flasks at +4 ◦ C.
for the construction of miniaturised sensor arrays [18]. Usually
electrically conducting polymers serve as a matrix for the incorpo- 2.3. Pre-treatment of the working electrode
ration of metal particles and for the immobilisation of the enzyme,
and are excellent transducers for the design of modern elec- The working surface area of carbon rod electrodes was
trochemical (amperometic, impedimetric) biosensors [3,25,26,33], 0.071 cm2 . Carbon rods of spectroscopic carbon were cut and pol-
immunosensors [9,19], DNA sensors [34], biomedical applications ished on fine emery paper and then polished by slurry of alumina
in vitro [26] and in vivo [21,26,29,35]. Moreover polypyrrole is powder containing 0.3 micron grains of Al2 O3 . After this the elec-
biocompatible [36] and protects electrodes from fouling and inter- trode surface was rinsed with distilled water and dried at 20 ± 2 ◦ C.
fering with electrochemically active materials [19]. Then lateral surface of the electrode was sealed in a silicone tube
The main aim of this research was to investigate the influence to prevent contact with the solution.
of ␲–␲ conjugated polymer, polypyrrole, layer formed on GOx/CR
and GOx/Au-NPs/CR electrodes on sensitivity, stability and lin- 2.3.1. Electrode modification by gold nanoparticles and glucose
ear detection range of biosensors using Au-NPs of different sizes. oxidase
Some kinetic properties and analytical characteristics of GOx/CR Four different types of electrodes were prepared: (i) modi-
and GOx/Au-NPs/CR electrodes were evaluated and compared. fied with GOx (GOx/CR); (ii–iv) modified with Au-NPs of 3.5, 6
and 13 nm sizes and GOx (GOx/3.5Au-NPs/CR; GOx/6Au-NPs/CR;
2. Experimental GOx/13Au-NPs/CR, respectively).
During the preparation of the GOx/CR electrode, 3 ␮L of GOx
2.1. Chemicals solution of 40 mg mL−1 concentration were deposited on the elec-
trode surface and water was evaporated by intensive ventilation at
Glucose oxidase (EC, type VII, from Aspergillus niger, 20 ± 2 ◦ C. For the preparation of GOx/Au-NPs/CR electrodes 3 ␮L of
215.266 units mg−1 protein) and N-methylphenazonium methyl gold nanoparticle sol were deposited on the working electrode and
sulphate (PMS) were purchased from Fluka and Sigma–Aldrich after the evaporation of water 3 ␮L of GOx solution of 40 mg mL−1
(Buchs, Switzerland), respectively. d-(+)-Glucose, tetrachloroau- concentration were deposited additionally. After the evaporation
ric acid (HAuCl4 ·3H2 O) and tannic acid were obtained from Carl electrodes were kept in a closed vessel over a 25% solution of glu-
Roth GmbH&Co (Karlsruhe, Germany), sodium citrate – from Penta taraldehyde for 15 min at room temperature. The development and
(Praha, Czech Republic), hydrochloric acid 37% – from Acta Med- optimisation of this immobilisation procedure was described in
ica (Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic), sodium carbonate – from detail previously [37]. Prior to all electrochemical measurements,
Lachema (Neratovice, Czech Republic). Before investigations glu- working electrodes were thoroughly washed with distilled water
cose solutions were allowed to mutarotate overnight. All other to remove the non-cross-linked enzyme and/or gold nanoparticles.
chemicals used in the present study were either of analytical All working electrodes were stored in a closed vessel over buffer
grade or of highest quality. All solutions were prepared using solution at +4 ◦ C until needed in the experiment.
deionised water purified with water purification system Millipore
S.A. (Molsheim, France). The solution of sodium acetate buffer (SA, 2.3.2. Electrode modification by the polypyrrole layer
0.05 mol L−1 CH3 COONa·3H2 O) with 0.1 mol L−1 KCl was prepared Chemical polymerisation of pyrrole over GOx/CR and
by mixing sodium acetate trihydrate and potassium chloride, which GOx/13Au-NPs/CR electrodes was performed in 0.05 mol L−1
were obtained from Reanal (Budapest, Hungary) and Lachema (Ner- SA buffer, pH 6.0, containing 0.05 mol L−1 glucose and 0.5 mol L−1
atovice, Czech Republic). Pyrrole was obtained from Sigma–Aldrich pyrrole (polymerisation solution) for a defined period (1–12 h) at
(Steinheim, Germany). Carbon (3 mm diameter, 99.999%, low den- +4 ◦ C. Between measurements electrodes were stored in a closed
sity) was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, USA), alumina vessel hanging over the 0.05 mol L−1 SA, pH 6.0, at +4 ◦ C till the
powder (grain size 0.3 ␮m, Type N) – from Electron Microscopy Sci- next stage of polymerisation (duration of experiment 5 days).
ences (Hatfield, USA) and 25% glutaraldehyde solution – from Fluka For the evaluation of Au-NP size (3.5, 6 and 13 nm) effect on
Chemie GmbH (Buchs, Switzerland). the performance of the electrodes before and after the polypyrrole
layer formation, electrodes (GOx/3.5Au-NPs/CR; GOx/6Au-NPs/CR;
2.2. Synthesis of gold nanoparticles GOx/13Au-NPs/CR and GOx/CR) were immersed in the polymerisa-
tion solution for 13 h. Prior to electrochemical measurements the
Gold nanoparticles of different sizes (3.5, 6 and 13 nm) were syn- electrodes were thoroughly washed with distilled water.
thesised by the reduction of HAuCl4 ·3H2 O by sodium citrate in the
presence of tannic acid. Aqueous solution of tetrachloroauric acid 2.4. Electrochemical measurements
(81 mL of 0.01% [w/v] HAuCl4 ·3H2 O) was heated in an Erlenmeyer
flask using a magnetic stirrer. Solutions of sodium citrate (4 mL of All electrochemical measurements were performed using a
1% [w/v]) and tannic acid in deionised water (5.0, 0.5 or 0.025 mL computerised potentiostat PGSTAT 302 N/Autolab (EcoChemie,
of 1% [w/v] solution for 3.5, 6 or 13 nm Au-NPs respectively) were Netherlands) with GPES 4.9 software in chrono amperometry
added to the flask and heated up to 60 ◦ C stirring rapidly. After mode at +0.3 V vs. Ag/AgCl. A conventional three-electrode system
226 N. German et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 413 (2012) 224–230

comprising working electrode (modified as described above), 2 cm2

platinum as an auxiliary electrode and Ag/AgCl with 3 mol L−1 KCl
filling solution Metrohm (Herisau, Switzerland) as a reference was
employed for all electrochemical experiments. All experiments
were performed at room temperature in SA buffer, pH 6.0, with
0.1 mol L−1 KCl while stirring (120 rpm). Electrochemical detection
of the analytical signal was performed at different concentrations
of glucose (0.1–100 mmol L−1 ) in the presence of 2 mmol L−1 of
N-methylphenazonium methyl sulphate. The activity of GOx was
estimated by measuring the re-oxidation current of the reduced
PMS form (PMSH2 ) and/or H2 O2 produced by the enzymatic
reaction at +0.3 V potential vs. Ag/AgCl. The results of all electro-
chemical measurements are reported as the mean value of three
independent experiments.

2.5. Imaging by atomic force microscopy

Tapping mode of atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used for

the imaging of differently modified surfaces. BioScope II, Veeco
Instruments Ltd. (Santa Barbara, USA) and TESP cantilevers (Veeco)
were used for all AFM experiments. Experimental data were pro-
cessed by “diNanoScope 7.30” and “Gwyddion 2.10 NT-MDT Nova”

2.6. Calculations

Amperometric signals showed hyperbolic dependence on glu-

cose concentration, this was in agreement with Michaelis–Menten
kinetics. The kinetic parameters, i.e., the maximal current gener-
ated during enzymatic reaction (Imax ) and the apparent Michaelis
constant (KM(apparent) ) are represented by a and b parameters of
the hyperbolic function y = ax/(b + x) used for the approximation of
results. The kinetic parameters of the enzyme catalysed reaction
were calculated using SigmaPlot software.

3. Results and discussion

The Au-NPs were synthesised according to the protocol pre-

sented in experimental part and dry samples were investigated
by AFM using tapping mode. AFM images illustrate the size-
distribution of Au-NPs of different sizes (Fig. 1). Shape of height
histogram of Au-NPs shows that formed Au-NPs is nearly monodis-
persed since distribution in diameter of 13, 6 and 13 nm Au-NPs is
narrow, within the range of 12–16 nm, 5–7 nm and 2–5 nm, respec-
tively (Fig. 1).
Four types of amperometric biosensors based on carbon rod
electrodes were designed and compared during the chemical poly-
Fig. 1. Size distribution histograms of 13 (a), 6 (b) and 3.5 nm (c) Au-NPs.
merisation of pyrrole. One type of working electrode was a CR
electrode with immobilised GOx, other three types of electrodes
were CR electrodes modified with Au-NPs of different sizes (3.5, This results the increase of electrocatalytic current [2], therefore
6 or 13 nm) and GOx [38]. Amperometric measurements clearly the sensitivity of amperometric biosensors becomes higher [38].
demonstrated that the biological activity of GOx was retained dur- According to previous results [40] GOx/13Au-NP/CR electrode gives
ing the immobilisation procedure; it is in line with the results of 1.8 times higher amperometric signal when compared with GOx/CR
other investigations where the same immobilisation procedure was electrode [38].
used [38]. GOx immobilised on the electrode in the presence of glucose
During enzymatic reaction electrons are transferred towards the and dissolved oxygen generated hydrogen peroxide and glucono-
positively charged electrode and steady-state currents are regis- lactone, which was hydrolysed to gluconic acid [38]. During this
tered. The reactions and electron transfer routes, which take place reaction the pH locally decreased close to the GOx active site while
because of the catalytic action of GOx/Au-NPs/CR electrodes, are hydrogen peroxide concentration locally increased. Therefore low
presented in Fig. 2a. PMS serves as a redox mediator and re-oxidases pH value and high concentration of oxidator near the enzyme
the active site of GOx. In this case electron transfer via a reduced created optimal conditions for the polymerisation of polypyrrole.
form of mediator (PMSH2 ) may occur in two ways: directly to the During the enzymatic polymerisation GOx is covered by polymer
CR electrode (I way) or in combination of PMSH2 with Au-NPs (II (Fig. 2b), negatively charged GOx at pH 6.0 and positively charged
way) as shown in other studies [4,5,39]. The major advantage of polymer chains electrostatic interaction takes place [17]. Strong
GOx/Au-NPs/CR electrode is advanced electrochemical activity due interaction between Ppy chains enables aggregation of newly com-
to Au-NPs compared with that of a non-modified carbon electrode. posed chains with previously formed ones [41]. After the formation
N. German et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 413 (2012) 224–230 227

Fig. 2. Schematic representation of polypyrrole-coated gold nanoparticles and glucose oxidase in PMS mediated biosensor design.

of Ppy layer the influence of this layer on the sensitivity of modi- The duration of polymerisation process influences the linear
fied electrodes was investigated. In this case III-rd additional way detection range of Ppy modified electrodes, e.g., it was deter-
of electron transfer via ␲–␲ conjugated polymer becomes possible mined that Ppy/GOx/CR and Ppy/GOx/13Au-NPs/CR electrode
(Fig. 2b). linear ranges of detection increased along with extended poly-
The polymerisation duration had a significant influence on the merisation duration. The linear response range of Ppy/GOx/CR
sensitivity of electrodes. Hyperbolic dependences of amperomet- and Ppy/GOx/13Au-NPs/CR electrodes modified by 3 h Ppy for-
ric signals on the concentration of glucose in the range from mation can be extended to not less than 20 mmol L−1 of glucose,
0.1 to 100 mmol L−1 were observed at Ppy/GOx/CR (Fig. 3) and which is at least twice higher than that of unmodified elec-
Ppy/GOx/13Au-NPs/CR (Fig. 4) electrodes at different stages of Ppy trodes (10 mmol L−1 ). The extension of linear range towards higher
layer formation. concentrations of glucose usually is related to decrease of sen-
To form Ppy layer electrodes were kept in polymerisation solu- sitivity. Estimated Imax (Figs. 3b and 4b) and KM(apparent) values
tion for 1, 3, 7 and 12 h. The maximal current generated by the (Figs. 3c and 4c) illustrate that the increase of KM(apparent) up to
enzymatic reaction during different stages of polymer layer for- 50 mmol L−1 for Ppy/GOx/CR electrode was followed by decrease
mation and the apparent Michaelis constant are presented in of sensitivity for 7.8 times, while for Ppy/GOx/13Au-NPs/CR elec-
Figs. 3b, c and 4b, c for Ppy/GOx/CR and Ppy/GOx/13Au-NPs/CR trode the same increase of KM(apparent) was followed by decrease of
electrodes respectively. sensitivity for 6.2 times. Such significant increase of KM(apparent) for
During the chemical polymerisation both electrodes were cov- both Ppy/GOx/CR and Ppy/GOx/Au-NPs/CR electrodes is followed
ered by a layer of polypyrrole. After the 12-h polymerisation Imax by increase of linear analyte detection intervals and such modified
decreased by 18.5 and 8.9 times while KM(apparent) increased by electrodes might be applied for the detection of glucose concentra-
7.75 and 7.37 times for Ppy/GOx/CR and Ppy/GOx/Au-NPs/CR elec- tion in real samples where glucose concentration is in the range of
trodes, respectively. The increment of KM(apparent) by more than 7 1.5–20 mmol L−1 .
times after polymerisation might be considered as an evidence that The limit of detection of glucose was determined for both types
GOx immobilised on the carbon rod electrode surface was wrapped of electrodes and was equal to 0.07 mmol L−1 at a signal to noise
within the formed polypyrrole layer. However, these results illus- ratio of 3 standard deviations. Reproducibility of Ppy/GOx/CR and
trate that gold nanoparticles have only minor influence on the
Michaelis constant after polymer layer formation.
a 1 b 75
a b
Imax, μA
1 50
Imax, μA

2 25
40 2 25 40
ΔI, μA

30 c
ΔI, μA

0 3 75
KM, mmol L-1


20 3 75 20
KM, mmol L

50 4 25
4 25
0 0
0 0 0 25 50 75 100 0 4 8 12
0 25 50 75 100 0 4 8 12
C(Glu), mmol L-1 Time, hours
C(Glu), mmol L-1 Time, hours
Fig. 4. Calibration plots of GOx/13Au-NPs/CR electrode registered at different stages
Fig. 3. Calibration plots of Ppy/GOx/CR electrode registered at different stages of of polypyrrole layer formation (a); changes of maximal current (b) and the appar-
polypyrrole layer formation (a); changes of maximal current (b) and the apparent ent Michaelis constant (c) (1 curve – amperometric signals registered before the
Michaelis constant (c) (1 curve – amperometric signals registered before the start of initiation of polymerisation; 2–5 curves – after 1, 3, 7 and 12 h of polymerisation,
polymerisation; 2–5 curves – after 1, 3, 7 and 12 h of polymerisation, respectively, respectively, in 0.05 mol L−1 SA, pH 6.0, with 0.05 mol L−1 glucose and 0.5 mol L−1
in 0.05 mol L−1 SA, pH 6.0, with 0.05 mol L−1 glucose and 0.5 mol L−1 pyrrole). pyrrole).
228 N. German et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 413 (2012) 224–230

Fig. 5. AFM images (a and c) and height-distribution diagrams (b and d) of GOx/13Au-NPs/CR electrode unmodified (a and b) and modified (c and d) with Ppy after a 12 h
polymerisation in 0.05 mol L−1 SA, pH 6.0, with 0.05 mol L−1 glucose and 0.5 mol L−1 pyrrole.

Ppy/GOx/13Au-NPs/CR electrodes at larger values of glucose con- KM(apparent) and Imax . In systems based on 3.5, 6 and 13 nm Au-NPs
centration (20 mmol L−1 ) was 12.5 and 9.4% respectively. Better Imax was 2.14, 2.07 and 1.86 times higher in comparison with the
reproducibility (4.2%) using 2.6 nm Au-NPs and Ppy demonstrated GOx based system. The sublayer based on smaller Au-NPs has a
by other authors may be explained by proper orientation of GOx larger effective surface area, and the transfer of electrons between
molecules, which are more firmly adsorbed on the surface of Au- GOx and electrode becomes more efficient compared with that
NPs [42]. observed for electrodes based on larger Au-NPs or not modified
Variations in height of 16.5 ± 6 nm appear on GOx/13Au-NPs/CR by Au-NPs. Insignificant differences of KM(apparent) were observed
electrode surface and these features can be explained as clusters of with decreasing size of Au-NPs (from 13 to 3.5 nm).
Au-NPs and GOx. It was found that gold nanoparticles penetrated Nonetheless, it was investigated that the size of Au-NPs has
into the micro-gaps of carbon rod electrode. 13 nm Au-NPs cov- a significant influence on Michaelis–Menten kinetics after the
ered the surface of carbon forming continuous layer and for this same duration of Ppy layer formation (Table 1). After 13 h of
reason the electrode surface became smoother. Additional modifi- enzymatic polymerisation Imax decreased by 1.66, 2.07, 2.14 and
cation of the same surface with enzyme showed that the height of 1.53 times for the Ppy/GOx/3.5Au-NPs/CR, Ppy/GOx/6Au-NPs/CR,
most nano-features slightly increased to ∼16.5 nm (Fig. 5a and b). Ppy/GOx/13Au-NPs/CR and Ppy/GOx/CR electrodes, respectively, if
AFM investigations showed that after 12 h of chemical polymeri- compared with electrodes not covered by Ppy. The decrease of Imax
sation the surface of GOx/13Au-NPs/CR electrode was covered by depends on the size of Au-NPs: smaller Au-NPs (3.5 nm) have less
polypyrrole, which was unequally distributed over the electrode. effect if compared with larger Au-NPs (13 nm). This effect might
Ppy-based features of about 700 nm in height appeared after the be explained by increased electrochemically effective area of elec-
12 h polymerisation period (Fig. 5c and d). trode, which is modified with Au-NPs, and surface-area-dependent
In previous work [38] it was estimated that the sensitivity facilitation of electron transfer efficiency. Electrodes modified with
of established electrochemical systems depends on the size of smaller Au-NPs showed higher amperometric responses before and
Au-NPs immobilised on the surface of the carbon rod electrode: after the polymer layer formation if compared with electrodes
GOx/Au-NPs/CR electrode with 3.5 and 6 nm of Au-NPs showed modified with larger Au-NPs. Nevertheless, the analytical signal of
higher electrocatalytic activity in comparison with 13 nm Au-NPs. electrodes modified with Au-NPs of different sizes before and after
This effect was proved in present research by the calculation of Ppy formation is higher if compared with electrode Ppy/GOx/CR,
N. German et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 413 (2012) 224–230 229

Table 1
KM(apparent) and Imax calculated for GOx/Au-NPs/CR electrodes based on adsorbed 3.5, 6, 13 nm Au-NPs and for GOx/CR electrode (glucose concentration ranged from 0.1 to
100 mmol L−1 ; polymerisation solution – 0.05 mol L−1 SA, pH 6.0, with 0.05 mol L−1 glucose and 0.5 mol L−1 pyrrole).

Immobilisation and modification of CR electrode Duration of Ppy formation, h Imax , ␮A KM(apparent) , mmol L−1 R2

0 76.2 19.7 0.9877

GOx/3.5Au-NPs/CR electrode
13 46.0 43.7 0.9921
0 73.8 21.3 0.9882
GOx/6Au-NPs/CR electrode
13 35.7 48.1 0.9920
0 66.2 19.9 0.9862
GOx/13Au-NPs/CR electrode
13 30.9 46.9 0.9922
0 35.6 17.4 0.9751
GOx/CR electrode
13 23.3 30.3 0.9768

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