Black Sands: 5E Exploration Redux
Black Sands: 5E Exploration Redux
Black Sands: 5E Exploration Redux
5E exploration redux
by DM Bruce
Table of Contents
✵ Time 1 ✦ Land Surveying 14
✶ Bushcraft 4 ✦ Visibility 21
Minor Success Long Rest, but no Hit Dice regained. You can make do
Succeeds DC here, but it's a little exposed and uncomfortable. Small
Find Campsite chance of encounters (1 in 6 per watch).
beneficial: Nature or Survival
Minor Failure Short Rest. It's not safe enough to sleep, but you can lay
Spend a Watch while traveling at a slow pace. Make an Intelligence Fails DC by 5 or less down your burden for a short while. Significant chance of
(Nature) or Wisdom (Survival) check against the Navigation DC. encounters (2 in 6 per watch).
Taking a short rest after this action does not cost a Watch. Rests
Moderate Failure Short Rest, but exhaustion remains. You can catch your
can't be taken without this action, unless it is taken in a friendly
Fails DC by 10 or less: breath, but keep your eyes peeled. This spot is exposed
village or a location already secured against intruders (such as a and uncomfortable. (3 in 6 per watch).
stronghold, or a cleared dungeon).
Major Failure No benefits can be gained from rest. There's no comfort
Fails DC by 10+ to be found and you're bound to be caught. (Any attempt
to rest results in an encounter.)
20 A good catch. 2d8 x Wis modifier (min 1). Moderate Success You climb to one of the high points in the area, and find a great
Succeeds DC by 5+ view. You can see 3 miles further than normal.
25 Expert angling. 3d8 x Wis modifier (min 1).
Minor Success You climb to a significant height and get a clear view of the
30 Catch of lifetime! 4d8 x Wis modifier (min 1). You gain Succeeds DC surrounding area.
Minor Failure You were deceived by terrain, and couldn’t find a clear
*Multiply by 2 to determine pounds of food caught. Fails DC by 5 or less viewpoint.
Moderate Failure Not only could you not find a clear view, but the terrain was
Fails DC by 10 or less: more treacherous than you anticipated. Spend another Watch.
Major Failure You got turned around several times amidst the terrain, and
Fails DC by 10+ are now hopelessly lost.
Foraging Hunting
required: Nature or Survival required: Survival
Spend a Watch while traveling at a slow pace. A character proficient Spend 2 Watches. You can not travel during this activity. A
in Nature or Survival can forage for food and drinkable water. Make character proficient in Survival can hunt for game. Make a Wisdom
a check. (Survival) check.
DC Effect DC Effect
10 Slim pickings. You’ve found enough food and water for yourself. 10 Wild fowl. You’ve hunted enough food for yourself.
15 A decent haul. You’ve found enough for a number of medium 15 Small quarry. You’ve hunted enough food to feed a number of
creatures equal to 1d4 + Wisdom modifier. medium creatures equal to 1d6 + Wisdom modifier.
20 A bountiful harvest. 1d6 + Wisdom modifier. 20 A clean kill. You’ve bagged enough quarry to feed
5 x (1d6 + Wisdom modifier) medium creatures.
25 Expert foraging. 2d4 + Wisdom modifier.
25 Expert hunting. You’ve honed your skills to match that of any
30 Abundance! 2d6 +Wisdom modifier. You gain Inspiration. predator. There’s enough to fee 10 x (2d6 + Wisdom modifier)
medium creatures.
*A medium creature needs 2 lbs of food and 1 lb of water each day or make a Constitution saving
throw. See “Going without…” under Resting & Exhaustion. 30 Big game! You’re a big game hunter now, and gain Inspiration.
Food for 15 x (3d6 +Wisdom modifier) medium creatures.
10 Soft ground (fresh snow, sand, thick Coast, Village advantage Creature’s lair is found
dust, wet mud)
Major Success Gaining ground. You know which direction your quarry is Orienteering
heading, and have gained on them. You and your party
Succeeds DC by 10+ ● Each activity costs at least one Watch.
gain a +25% travel modifier for this watch.
● A character can only travel while performing this
Moderate Success On the trail. You know which direction your quarry is action if the activity specifically states this. They must
Succeeds DC by 5+ heading, and are keeping up with them.
fulfill all other requirements of the activity.
Minor Success Losing ground. You know which direction your quarry is ● Some of the following activities allow the character to
Succeeds DC heading, but you are losing ground. You and your party produce items, provided they have the requisite
gain a -25% travel modifier for this watch.
proficiency and tools.
Minor Failure Falling behind. The trail is difficult to follow, and you lose
Fails DC by 5 or less a lot of ground as your quarry gets far ahead of you. You Land Surveying
and your party have a -50% travel modifier for this
required: Nature
If you are proficient with Nature, spend a Watch while moving at a
Moderate Failure Lost the trail. You have lost the trail, and have no idea slow pace to discover potential dangers in your path, such as
Fail DC by 10 or less: how to find it again. Your quarry has escaped.
dangerous sinkholes, deadfalls, collapses, or rock slides. Make a
Nature check against the Navigation DC.
Major Failure Hopelessly lost. You’ve not only lost the trail, but got lost
Fails DC by 10+ yourself. See Navigation Outcomes.
Moderate Failure Your observations were overly hasty. All Navigation checks
Fails DC by 10 or less: made during this Watch by your party are made with
Major Failure Your carelessness may lead to disaster. You and your party are
Fails DC by 10+ surprised by the next encounter, regardless of Perception or
Initiative results.
Navigate DC Terrain
beneficial: Navigator's tools or Survival
20 Heavy Jungle, Mountainous Jungle
Spend a Watch while moving at a slow pace (or a normal pace with
disadvantage) to navigate the terrain and lead your party through 15 Light Jungle, Ruins
the wilderness. To determine how well a character navigates the 10 Volcanic, Volcano
terrain, a Navigation check is made using either Wisdom (Survival)
or Intelligence (Navigator’s tools) if you have the tools. If the 5 Village, Coast
character is not proficient with either of these skills, the check is +5 Strong Wind
made with disadvantage, and must be done at a slow pace.
+5 Heavy Precipitation
The check is made by the Dungeon Master. The outcome is +5 Fog
determined by the following criteria:
+5 Night (clear skies)
● The check is made with advantage if the character is +10 Night (overcast)
proficient with Survival and Navigator’s tools (and has the
tools with them). +2 New Moon
● The check is made with advantage if another player takes -2 Full Moon
this action to help the lead navigator plot a course, and is
proficient themselves in either Survival or Navigator’s tools +5 Lost
(and has the tools with them). +10 Hopelessly Lost
● The base DC is determined by the predominant terrain.
Exceptional Success On course. If the character was previously lost, he becomes aware of it and how many watches have passed since getting lost.
Succeeds DC by 15+ Further, the character discovers a shortcut gaining a +50% travel modifier for this watch.
Major Success On course. If the character was previously lost, he becomes aware of it, and how many watches have passed since getting lost.
Succeeds DC by 10+ Further, the character discovers a shortcut gaining a +25% travel modifier for this watch.
Moderate Success On course. If the character was previously lost, he becomes aware of it, and how many watches have passed since getting lost.
Succeeds DC by 5+
Minor Success On course. If the character was previously lost, he becomes aware of it. The character does not know how long he’s been lost.
Succeeds DC
Minor Failure On course. If the character was previously lost, he remains unaware of it.
Fails DC by 5 or less
Major Failure Hopelessly lost. The character has no idea where he is, or how to reach his destination. The character can only Explore until a
Fails DC by 10+ landmark is discovered. If there is a visible landmark, treat this as the next highest result. If the landmark is known to the character,
treat this as a Minor Success.
1500 ft 48 miles
2500 ft 60 miles
3000 ft 75 miles
Light Precipitation ⅔
Heavy Precipitation ½ disadvantage to navigation & perception,
vision is lightly obscured
*Effects stack. To determine the final movement modifier, multiply all applicable
modifiers and round to the nearest half or third to determine.
Run this with the ENNIE award winning sandbox:
The Dark of Hot Springs Island 24
Going Without...
Start Distance Start Distance Heroic though they might be, adventurers can’t spend every hour of
Terrain Chance Squares Feet the day in the thick of exploration, intrigue, and combat. They need
rest—time to sleep and eat, tend their wounds, refresh their minds
Light Jungle 3 in 6 1d8 x 3 15 - 120
and spirits for spellcasting, and brace themselves for further
Hvy Jungle 2 in 6 2d6 10 - 60 adventure.