3 Act Task Template: Lead4ward Texas Gateway
3 Act Task Template: Lead4ward Texas Gateway
3 Act Task Template: Lead4ward Texas Gateway
Standards & Objectives: TEKS & Vertical Alignment (*Use Lead4ward or Texas Gateway to help you.)
K.2 Number and operations. The student applies mathematical process standards to represent and compare whole
numbers, the relative position and magnitude of whole numbers, and relationships within the numeration system.
K.2(I) compose and decompose numbers up to 10 with objects and pictures
Students need prior knowledge of their numbers and how to count up to 10.
It could be extended to addition, multiplication, or division. The lesson would have to be tweaked but it could still
Students have been introduced to the TEK at the beginning of the week when the unit started. It could be
reintroduced at the end of the lesson with an “I can” statement.
Relevance to Students
I wanted to reference fruit to my students because I know that they have been introduced them either at home
or I know the school cafeteria has offered apples and bananas at lunch and breakfast. I also know that they have
been to a grocery store.
- Smart board to display engage and shopping cart.
- Shopping cart paper.
- 2 sided colored counters
- Red and yellow crayon
- Pencil
Questions for Student Thinking
- What do you wonder about the picture?
- What do you want to know about the picture?
- What do you notice? What do you see?
- How many red apples did you get?
- How many yellow bananas did you get?
- Together, How many pieces of fruit do you have?
- How did you find the number of all the fruit?
- How did you know how many apples/bananas there were?
ACT 1 (Engage & Perplex)
I will tell students that we are going to participate in a 3 act task. I will begin by showing a picture of the grocery
store. I will ask students what they wonder and notice about the grocery store picture. I will explain what are
wonders and notices. I will write down what they say on chart paper.
ACT 2 (Explore & Solve)
I will then tell the students that we are going grocery shopping. We need apple and bananas. I will introduce their
shopping cart (the cup of colored counters) I will demonstrate how to use our colored counters and what we are
going to put in our “baskets” I will then talk to them about the sentence stem they are going to use. “____ and
_____ is _____.” The students will then get their counters and their paper to record their findings. They will go to
their seats and begin shopping.
Anticipated Responses:
What did you get for the numbers of apples and bananas?
“4 red and 3 yellow is 7”
“4 and 4 is 8”
“6 and 2 is 4.”
“3 red apples and 3 yellow bananas is 6 pieces of fruit”
“5 and 0 is 5”