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Startup Challenge Deck

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Business Plan & Presentations

!  Ideation
!  Business Plan

!  Designing Presentations

!  Elevator Pitch
SECTORS Passionate About

!  Which Sector Are You Interested In?

!  Which Sector do you think show potential?

!  Start Listing Down…

SECTORS Passionate About

!  Which Sector Are You Interested In?

!  Which Sector do you think show potential?

!  Start Listing Down…

Food | Education | Healthcare| Finance| Tech| Fashion|

Music | Travel| Sports | Nutrition....

!  What are some problems you see around you?

!  Is there a personal problem you could address?

!  What are some problems you see around you?

!  Is there a personal problem you could address?

!  Start Listing Down...

Lack of protein in veg food| Lack of political awarness| Wearing

heels for 5+ hpurs| No efficiancy in waste management

!  Connect the SECTOR- PROBLEM vector and see if

you can come up with a solution
!  The whole idea doesn’t need to be unique- one part

of the process can be changed

Protein Based Rotis | Cultural Training For Kids| Detatchable Heels

| Loans For Farmers | Sustainable Fashion |
Business Model Canvas: A complete description of how an organization creates,
delivers and captures
Key Partnerships
Key Activities Value Channels Customer
Proposition Segments

The vendors, strategic The most important The bundle of products How a firm The different groups of
alliances, joint actions the and services that communicates with people or organizations
ventures and co- company takes to create value for a and sells to its an enterprise aims to
opetition involved in deliver its value specific customer customer segments reach and serve
executing the business proposition segment and how that
value is perceived
Key Customer
Resources Engagement

The assets required How a firm interacts

by the business to with and serves its
acquire and serve customer segments
its customer

Cost Structure Revenue Streams

The costs incurred in creating and delivering value, The cash a company receives from each customer
maintaining relationships and generating revenue segment for the value delivered
SWOT Analysis
Too Much Text is Not Good

When we make a PowerPoint presentation, we should

avoid writing the material in a paragraph and should
instead use key phrases as bullets. Use of sub-bullets
and indentation can also be effective. This will
provide more whitespace to the document, thereby
making it easier to read and comprehend.
Too Much Text is Not Good
!  Don’t write in a Paragraph
!  Use Bullets

!  Use sub-bullets
"  Use Indentation
!  Use key phrases
!  Whitespace needed

✔ Quicker to Read ✔ Easier to Understand


!  Same font for all headings & body copy

!  Different font for body copy vs. heading

!  Effective use of B & U

!  Limit the use of I as it could get difficult to read

!  Change color to highlight keywords

!  Maintain consistency
Effective Use of Symbols

$¥ ★
✔ #
Use of Shapes
!  Boxes
!  Headings

!  Tables

!  Results

!  Circles
!  Numbers

!  Flow Charts
!  Arrows
!  Diagramed Flows
I. Hospitality II. Beverages Iii. E-commerce

Opportunity to build a super- Mastering the channel early on

Develop the premium Boutique
premium wholesome drink will reduce dependence on the
segment through wellness
segment - fueled by increasing resource intensive traditional
awareness & discernment distribution

1.  Wellness resorts 1.  Ready to drink beverages 1.  Online retail store for tea

2.  Tea lounges 2.  Premium mineral water

3.  Ready to drink Tea

$  Servicing capabilities $  Product development $  Online and e-commerce


$  Resorts - setting up and $  Retail Distribution (modern world

hospitality management stores, online) $  Can leverage to build Tea
$  Marketing products & beverages
Use Boxes With Pictures

Need to retreat and move away from

Increased sense of rootlessness frenzied life

Shift towards healthier living Appreciation for finer things in life

Boxes: Effectively Display Data
Parameters Definers

•  Present size of category

1. Category size & growth •  Expected growth potential

•  Extent of consumer need-gaps

2. Consumer Potential •  Any major consumer shifts that may fuel future consumption
•  Ease of habit change

•  Presence of dominant & entrenched market leaders

3. Competitive Intensity •  Fragmentation

4. Premiumization •  Existing or opportunity to create a premium-priced segment or brand in the

Potential opportunity

5. Capital Intensity •  Extent of capital investment required

Structuring the Presentation Flow

!  Agenda Slide
!  Use a ticker to indicate where in the presentation

you are
!  Don’t jump sections

!  Ensure Flow
!  Page Break Slides
!  Conclusion & Thank You
Example: Agenda


CVP Analysis

Process Costing

Balanced Scorecard

Example: Use of Agenda Ticker

High Fixed Costs – Primarily due to mechanization and

labor welfare costs

High fixed costs lead to high break even and low margin of

High degree of operating leverage adds risk to profits of

the company in a competitive environment

Introduction | Cost- Volume Analysis | Process Costing | Balanced Scorecard | Conclusion

Use of Agenda Ticker
!  Divides the presentation into sub-categories
!  Helps the reader understand which section are we

currently in
!  Great for long presentations
Importance of Slide Titles
!  Title to communicate main point of the slide
!  To be in form of headline or takeaway

!  Make main point first % explain evidence to

!  Budget?
!  Fourth Quarter Budget?
!  Fourth Quarter Budget Cut by 25%

!  Use (Contd.) is title appears on next slide as well

Use of Templates

•  Pre designed templates to chose

•  Easier to format
•  Easier to work
Use of Slide Master
!  Useful when you create your own template
!  It creates the “master slide” which becomes the slide

!  Very useful if a logo/header/footer needs to

appear on all slides

!  Provides consistency
Descriptive Headings

1000 Songs in Your

Your Life in Your Pocket
Use of SmartArt
Use of Animation
!  Helps create a visual appeal to the presentation
!  Helps emphasize points/ objects

!  Effective while presenting

!  Too much animation (Fly Ins) & Sound can make the

pot too cute-sy

!  Loss of credibility
Example: Use of Animation

High Fixed Costs – Primarily due to mechanization and

labor welfare costs

High fixed costs lead to high break even and low margin of

High degree of operating leverage adds risk to profits of

the company in a competitive environment

Introduction | Cost- Volume Analysis | Process Costing | Balanced Scorecard | Conclusion

Use of appropriate pictures
!  High resolution image
!  No watermark
!  Pictures that tell a story
!  Helps reduce the words on a slide
!  Visually appealing
Low Resolution Images
Use of Charts – Linking to Excel

Series 1
Series 2
Series 3

Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4
Tell A Story

Inform Entertain
Connect with the Audience

Maintain eye contact

3 Interact with the Audience

Voice Modulation

Pitch Pace
Body Language

Plan your Body Language in advance –

Do not read from slide
Simplify Numbers
Have FUN!- Show Enthusiasm
!  Time Your ppt
!  Do NOT read from Notes

!  Know your audience !

!  Understand formal VS informal

!  Use of appropriate humor

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