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GR N Voc 5

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RULE: Preposition: is a word which joins a noun or pronoun to a sentence or another word to show
relationship. (Pre=before; position=place)

EXAMPLE: There is no water in the well. (relationship with ‘there is no water’ and ‘well’)
He will leave by tomorrow’s train. (relationship of ‘leave’ [verb] with ‘train’ [noun])
We are proud of you. (relationship of ‘proud’ [adjective] with ‘you’ [pronoun])

List of common prepositions with examples:

Preposition Relation Example

At time Meet me at 6 o’clock.
In Meet me in the morning.
On Meet me on Monday.
Before Meet me before the first of next month.
After He came here after sunset.
For I need this book for a day.
Since He has not been here since April.
Till I shall wait till dawn.
On place There is a book on the shelf.
At He is waiting at the door.
In The meeting is in the committee room.
Behind There is someone hiding behind that tree.
Under The cat is under the table.
Over motion He jumped over the wall.
Towards direction Let us walk towards the playground.
Round The earth moves round the sun.
Up The monkey ran up the tree.
Across He walked across the road.
By manner Some parcel came by courier.
With He worked with diligence.
Of reason Many people died of plague.
For The people of this country struggled for freedom.
Of possession Accra is the capital of Ghana.
With We saw a man with a broken leg.
Ahead of two-word The committee met many times ahead of the event.
Because of prep The flight was cancelled because of bad weather.
Instead of You can attend the function instead of your brother.
Out of The gymnast scored ten out of ten at the Olympics.
Subject to The bill will be passed subject to majority vote.
According to You must do the project according to instructions
Due to He could not come today due to ill-health.
Along with The procession walked along with his vehicle.
But for The poor man would have died but for the timely help.
Apart from Apart from this group, no one knows the secret.
Away from They decided to move away from the city soon.
EXERCISE: Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:

1. Berry was born _____in_____ 1924.

2. He grew up ____in____ Jamaica.
3. He went ______to___ America when he was older.
4. He wrote five collections ____of____ poetry.
5. He is the editor ______of___ two anthologies.
6. His poetry lays emphasis __on_____ unity.
7. Money is related ____to___ global economics.
8. The poor boy cannot manage without money __at_______ all.
9. Many students go ____for____ higher studies ____to__ other countries.
10. Like many youngsters he is not comfortable __with___ English.

EXERCISE: Correct the following sentences:

1. I like to listen music to music

2. You must ask to my father.ask my father
3. Everyone is going to home. Going homw
4. They live at this city. In this city
5. We go for school on bus. To school by bus
6. The teacher is angry upon him.with him
7. You can enter in the room. enter the room
8. Our exams begin in the first on next month. On the first of next
9. I plan to visit my parents at the vacation. During the vacation
10. Please help your father in the work. With the work

RULE: Some oft-confused Prepositions:

1. Beside, besides: ‘beside’ means ‘by the side of’ and ‘besides’ means ‘in addition to’;
EXAMPLE: Our school is beside the bank.
Besides doing his coursework he also spends time in writing poetry.
2. Since, for: ‘since’ is used to indicate an exact point of time in the past whereas ‘for’ is used
only when a period of time is mentioned:
EXAMPLE: I have been coming to this school since 2010.
I have been coming to school this for the last two years.
3. Between, among: ‘between’ is used when the quantity is limited to two persons or things
whereas ‘among’ is used to indicate more than two:
EXAMPLE: I have to choose between English and Mathematics.
There are five electives and we have to choose one among them.
4. In, into: ‘in’ is used to show a static position while ‘into’ is used with verbs indicating
EXAMPLE: There is some space in the room.
You can walk into the room.
5. By, with: ‘by’ refers to the person who is doing the action and ‘with’ refers to the
instrument used for the action:
EXAMPLE: He was killed by the mob.
He with killed with an axe.

EXERCISE: Choose the correct preposition to complete the following sentences:

1. This land is (beside/besides) the Sahara desert.

2. The soul of the dead people is believed to be (in/into) the Golden box.
3. Adinath was punished (by/with) the judge.
4. There was a war (between/among) the six tribes for this piece of land.
5. Gold mining has been dominated by these people (since/for) the 15th century.
6. Set the alarm (from/for) four o’clock tomorrow morning.
7. Words are very important (to/for) learning a language.
8. He fell (in/into) the river.
9. The interview will be held (from/between) 9 am (and/to) 5 pm.
10. He will be cured (from/of) his fever by this medicine.
11. The boss was upset (about/with) your behaviour.
12. The money has to be collected (from/in) the students.
13. The language (by/of) the speaker reflects her mood.
14. He spoke (about/by) many important books.
15. Spoken language has many more short forms (in/of) words than does written language.

EXERCISE: Correct the following:

1. Beside winning independence, the people also got a new identity. besides
2. This land is situated among the desert and the grassland.between
3. The treasure was kept into a hiding place.in
4. Arun cut his hand by a knife.with
5. The student did not come to class since many days.for
6. This is a comfortable house to live.to live in
7. The workers asked a holiday for a holiday
8. We pray God everyday.to god
9. My house is superior than yours. Superior to (that of)
10. This question is different to the earlier one.from
11. You can call him with his first name.by
12. The application should be filled with ink. in
13. The elders need to discuss about the matter. Discuss the matter
14. The guest was given a chair to sit. To sit on
15. We are searching a book in the library.for a book
RULE: Nouns with specific prepositions.
addiction to His addiction to reading makes him buy a book every week.
advantage of He has the advantage of speaking the local language.
anxiety about Her anxiety about her result in the examination worried her parents.
belief in His belief in his mother’s words was total.
credit for She took credit for improving the discipline at home.
dedication to His dedication to learning was encouraging.
delay in The delay in the train’s arrival caused problems.
devotion to His devotion to his elders is a model for others.
disadvantage of The disadvantage of living in the city is that you miss the rural beauty.
experience in She has a great deal of experience in selling new products.
fear of His fear of the dark made him the butt of laughter.
fondness for Her fondness for the child was evident.
Invitation to His friends refused to accept his invitation to attend the reception.
interest in Her career choice depends on her interest in Chemistry.
knowledge of Her knowledge of spelling English words helped her during the competition.
love of His love of swimming developed when he was a child.
Memory of The memories of this even will stay with them forever.
preference for I think his preference for his native language is natural.
process of The process of building this bridge was very complicated.
reaction to His reaction to getting a prize was amazing.
reason for The main reason for taking the course is to improve your language skills.
regret for The criminal's regret for committing the crime appeared false..
report on The magazine's report on etiquette and grooming was very good..
reputation for Her reputation for cheating ensured that he has no friends.

EXERCISE: Complete the following using suitable prepositions:

1. The guest expressed her preference ___________for______ vegetarian food.

2. Do you think his knowledge ________of______ the subject is adequate for this post?
3. My colleague sent me an invitation ____to______________ dinner tonight.
4. Your success depends on your devotion __to____________ hard work.
5. His fondness ___________for_______ practical jokes made him many enemies.
RULE: Adjective with specific prepositions
EXAMPLE: Are you familiar with the course content?

EXERCISE: Make sentences with the list of specific adjective+prepositions combinations listed

Accustomed to

Accused of

Angry with

Brilliant at

Busy with

Capable of

Content with

Different from

Disappointed with

Eligible for

Excited about

Famous for

Frightened of

Good at

Happy about

Inferior to

Jealous of

Proud of

Ready for

Satisfied with
RULE: Verb with specific prepositions
EXAMPLE: The entire team agreed with their leader.

EXERCISE: Make sentences with the list of specific verb+preposition combinations listed below:

Apply for

Approve of

Beg for

Begin with

Communicate with

Complain about

Depend on

Differ from

Emerge from

Forget about

Hear of/about

Insist on

Listen to

Participate in

Prepare for

Rely on

Recover from

Specialize in

Turn to

Wait for

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