ELSEVIER Journal of Financial Economics 43 (1997) 373 399
Mutual funds are typically grouped by their investment objectives or the 'style' of their
managers. We propose a new empirical to the determination of manager "style.' This
approach is simple to apply, yet it captures nonlinear patterns of returns that result from
virtually all active portfolio management styles. Our classifications are superior to
c o m m o n industry classifications in predicting cross-sectional future performance, as well
as past performance, and they also outperform classifications based on risk measures and
analogue portfolios. Interestingly, 'growth' funds typically break down into several
categories that differ in composition and strategy.
1. Introduction
Investment objectives and style classifications are widely used in the financial
industry to characterize differences between money managers. Mutual funds, for
*Corresponding author.
The authors thank Michael Barclay. Ken French, Mark Grinblan, Toshiyuku Otsuki, and Matthew
Spiegel for helpful comments. We also thank participants in the 1995 WFA session on investment
styles, the 1995 Conference on Finance and Accounting at the University of New South Wales, the
1995 Conference on Finance and Accounting, workshops at Berkeley, The City University of Hong
Kong, University of California at lrvine, International University of Japan, University of
Melbourne. Rutgers, Stanford. Princeton, Virginia Polytechnic, Washington University in St. Louis,
the University of Washington, and the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, for their suggestions
and comments. We also thank Morningstar, Inc. and lbbotson Associates for providing data
for analysis. All errors are the sole responsibility of the authors.
instance, are typically grouped according to the type of securities in which they
invest and the "style" of their managers. Equity funds range from 'aggressive
growth' funds holding low-dividend, high-growth stocks to 'income'
funds seeking high-yield equities. Such fund classifications are ubiquitous,
but do they actually tell us anything about the strategies of investment man-
agers'? Do they help explain differences in future returns among funds or even
provide useful benchmarks for evaluating relative past performance? These
fundamental questions about mutual fund classifications are the motivation for
this research.
The definition of standard equity mutual fund categories is generally broad
enough to allow a wide range of different investment policies. The Investment
Company Institute uses a very general description of the largest investment
Growth Funds invest in the common stock of well established com-
panies. Their primary aim is to produce an increase in the value of their
investments (capital gains) rather than a flow of dividends. (Investment
Company Institute, 1991, p. 12)
This definition makes it obvious that the typical growth fund manager has great
latitude in the types of stocks to hold, the timing of purchases and sales, the level
of fund diversification, the industry concentration of the portfolio, and a host of
other factors that go into determining the returns to client investments. Given
this broad latitude, it is not surprising to find widely divergent behavior among
funds pursuing the same objective. As a result, existing classifications do a poor
job of forecasting differences in future performance.
Moreover, the financial press has identified several cases of funds apparently
misclassifying themselves (e.g., Donnelley, 1992). The S.E.C. has a stated
mandate to insure that the composition of a fund does not contradict its
objective, if the objective is included as part of its name. Such governmental
concerns are not unfounded. Recent papers by Witkowski (1994) and Kim,
Shukla, and Tomas (1995) find that the movement of many mutual funds is
better explained by the performance of a style index other than their own. In this
paper, we find some evidence suggesting that such misclassification may be
intentional, in that it works to improve ex post relative performance measures,
on average.
Because management styles are so widely used as the basis for performance
measurement and compensation, there is a great need for style classifications
that are objectively and empirically determined, consistent across managers, and
related to the manager's strategy. Objectivity is important because of the moral
hazard inherent in allowing managers to self-report their styles without objec-
tive verification. Consistency is needed for purposes of performance comparison.
The desirability of such a classification scheme is clear to all participants in the
industry, and industry alternatives to the existing classification procedures have
S.J. Brown, W.N. Goetzmann/Journal of Financial Economics 43 (1997) 373 399 375
already begun to evolve (see, e.g., Tierney and Winston, 1991; Christopherson,
1995). Beyond the practical need for meaningful styles, there is a fundamental
question about whether any classification system (which, after all, is only
a multinomial statistic) is sufficient to characterize differences in fund manage-
To examine all of these issues, we develop a 'style classification' algorithm that
is consistent with asset pricing models. The consistency is useful, because
the multinomial statistic represents a 'coarsening' of a fully specified
stochastic model of portfolio returns and it is useful to clarify where and how
this coarsening takes place. Our algorithm groups funds based on the cross-
sectional time series of past returns as well as on the response to exogenously
specified and endogenously determined stochastic variables. Using mutual
fund data from 1976 through 1994, we find that equity funds broadly
fall into some familiar and not-so-familiar patterns of behavior. The familiar
patterns include 'small-cap', 'growth', 'growth and income', 'income', and 'inter-
national' funds. However, as many as half of all currently classified
"growth' funds fall into different categories, according to our procedure.
We also identify some unfamiliar categories that are n o t captured by the
traditional objectives, including 'value' managers, 'trend-chasers', and "glamour"
Our derived classifications specified ex ante do a better job of predicting
cross-sectional variation in fund returns than do traditional mutual fund classi-
fications. In addition, we find that simple classifications capture major differ-
ences in manager behavior as manifested in the temporal pattern of returns.
While these classifications provide less information about the magnitude of fund
loadings on major macroeconomic factors, they provide a useful means to
identify widespread, common patterns in manager behavior.
The implications of our results are broad. A return-based classification system
such as ours can reduce the incentive to 'game' the styles to improve relative ex
post rankings. More formal classification procedures for mutual funds can help
investors better understand the future behavior of their investments, and can
provide ex post or ex ante performance benchmarks. From the perspective of
researchers interested in understanding investment manager behavior, catego-
ries that incorporate 'value' and 'glamour' funds may better characterize how
managers behave. A by-product of the estimation procedure is the creation of
a parsimonious set of robust factors composed of positive weights on existing
mutual funds, These style factors typically outperform prespecified macroeco-
nomic factors in out-of-sample tests on fund returns, and thus may have further
implications for asset pricing.
The paper proceeds as follows. Section 2 provides background on some
statistical and strategic issues in the paper. Section 3 describes the data and
methodology. Section 4 reports the results of the empirical analysis and Sec-
tion 5 concludes.
376 S.J. Brown, If'iN. Goetzmann/Journa/ o/ Financial Economics 43 (1997) 373 399
fund managers actively vary their exposure both to the market and to industry
sectors. To the extent that groups of managers change these exposures together
(i.e., they 'herd' into the market, or in and out of sectors), our procedure will
group them together. Although it is a relatively simple technique, when we
compare the style categories formed in the space of past returns to alternate
categorization schemes formed in the space of fixed factor loadings, we find the
former to be superior in explaining the out-of-sample cross-section of mutual
fund returns. Our method, which relies on a low-dimensional multinomial
statistic with intuitive interpretation as a style, compares favorably to the use of
continuous multivariate measures such as factor loadings. We find some evid-
ence, in the form of time-varying factor loadings, that this is due to the presence
of dynamic management styles in the mutual fund universe.
Thus far we have been concerned with the ability of existing style classifica-
tions to pick up management behavior that is dynamic and not well captured by
static models of investment. Of great concern is the further issue of selecting
a procedure that prevents ex post changes in style in order to improve relative
historical performance. A self-reported fund objective, announced ex post, could
have been chosen to minimize poor relative performance. Anecdotal evidence
(cited above) from the financial press suggests that such misrepresentation
We find some empirical evidence to back up the casual observation that funds
can switch to improve their relative historical rankings. Using equity mutual
fund data over the period 1976 through 1992, described in further detail below,
we find 237 cases in which equity mutual funds switched their fund objective.
For each of these, we subtract the average objective return from the fund
return in the year before the switch, using first the old objective and then
the new objective. That is, the net gain for fund I is defined as
(ri. t -- rj,old) -- (ri. t - - r j . . . . ), whereji,ojd is the style from which the fund switched
in period t + 1 and .Ji.... is the style to which the fund switched. Thus, the
difference between these is the net gain or loss in ex post performance of the
previous year. The average net gain in benchmarked returns was 0.098, or 9.8%,
with a t-statistic of 5.47, assuming that all switches are independent.
While this simple test does not prove that fund managers were switching for
strategic purposes during this period, the results are certainly consistent with
such an interpretation. Were we to use self-reported styles for benchmarking,
without checking to see whether the fund recently reclassified itself, we might be
misled regarding the relative performance of the fund. This is also true if we were
to base the style classification of the fund on its current portfolio holdings.
'Window-dressing' is a common end-of-period ploy of fund managers to throw
out poor performers and/or change the apparent strategy of the fund. Since our
378 S.J. Brown, ~ N . Goetzmann,'Journal e~[Fmancial Economics" 43 (1997) 373 399
procedure uses past returns, not portfolio holdings, it is not fooled by window-
dressing. In most cases, even if we knew that the fund switched, mutual fund
data vendors do not provide a historical record of past fund classifications, so
the true benchmarked history is impossible to reconstruct.
Morningstar, Inc. provided monthly returns of equity mutual funds for the
period January 1976 though June 1995, together with a classification into fifteen
categories: equity income, growth and income, growth, small-company, Europe,
foreign, world, Pacific, financial sector, health sector, natural resources sector,
precious metals sector, high technology sector, utilities sector, and an unaligned
sector. These equity categories include funds that invest in bonds as well as
stocks. The distinction between equity funds and bond funds is generally one of
degree. Even all-equity funds typically hold some cash balances. Like most data
sources of mutual fund returns, the Morningstar data are not free of survivor-
ship bias, and the effect of fund attrition has an unknown effect on ex post
classification. In order to address the problem of changes in fund classification,
we merged the Morningstar data with the annual Weisenberger data used by
Brown and Goetzmann (1995). The Weisenberger data are updated through
1992, the last volume in which Weisenberger provides a comprehensive
Panorama section to their mutual fund annual, based on funds that were willing to
report their performance results over the previous year. While not entirely free of
bias, the data identify changes in fund objectives through time. In addition, we use
a third source of mutual fund data that provides rich material for cross-sectional
analysis: the Morningstar 'On-Disc' database. While only available since 1993, this
CD-ROM program provides information on the composition of each fund as well
as summary statistics about the securities in the fund. We cross-index this informa-
tion with the monthly returns and the Weisenberger data to allow an analysis of
our endogenously determined styles by a broad range of characteristics.
A restriction sufficientfor identification purposes is to assume that the portfolio strategy is constant
over a number of months greater than the number of factors. This might seem unduly restrictive.
However, for the purposes of characterizing the time-varying strategies of each style it suffices that
we assume a quarterly holding period with two factors given by the return on cash and on equity
investments. Other quarterly factors are captured in the ~s, terms. Monthly data will then suffice to
estimate Eq. (1). This approach can be contrasted with Sharpe's (1992) use of a rolling regression
technology. The monthly updated portfolio shares should be interpreted as the average style-based
portfolio shares for the previous 24 months.
380 S.J. Brown, W.N. Goelzmann/Journal o/Financial Economics 43 (1997) 373 399
opposed to K + 1) styles is
LR = Tm lnSSqk-ln
Tm Tm ]
where T is the number of time periods, m the number of funds, and SSqKand SSqK + 1
are the appropriate heteroskedasticity-adjusted sum of squared errors. This
statistic should be approximately distributed as ~2 with 2T degrees of freedom.
Applying this measure to successive levels of fund aggregation, we find evidence
for using at least eight separate categories. There is some ambiguity about the
appropriate degrees of freedom, as well as the appropriateness of the ;~2 distribu-
tion in this case (see Quandt, 1960). Nonetheless, the observed test statistics are
very large. F o r k = 8 through k = 3 styles, the test statistic values are 4,682.9,
4,092.1, 32,217.3, 6555.5, 7,106.2, and 10,197.7, respectively. In each case, the
p-values are arbitrarily close to zero, indicating that an increase in the number of
styles is useful in explaining returns. This result is similar to that reported for
Z2 tests for the number of factors, where typically too m a n y factors are identified
(e.g., Brown, 1989). An important caveat is that the Z2 test is sensitive to
departures from normality. 2 Using fewer than five groups, the distribution of the
group returns suggests that the )~2 test is well-specified. For these low numbers of
groups, the algorithm clearly forces disparate funds together, increasing the model
error. When the number of groups is increased beyond five, it is difficult to judge
the relative magnitude of incremental improvement, although the sign of the test
is positive for all values below nine, suggesting that more groups are needed.
3.3. C o m p a r i n g p r o c e d u r e s
ZThere are significant differences in skewness and kurtosis by style category (for a normal distribu-
tion, skewness is 0 and kurtosis is 3):
Group Skewness Kurtosis
1 0.0172 2.65
2 0.0541) 3.45
3 0.1033 3.95
4 0.1481 3.97
5 0.0670 5.37
6 0.2183 5.32
7 0.1697 5.52
8 0.1015 14.45
Entire sample 0.0782 4.11
The last four groups show significant departures from normality. Thus, the Z2 distribution may be
inappropriate for evaluating the unusualness of the test statistic. In other words, gains to increasing
the number of styes above five groups may be overstated.
382 S.J. Brown, I+iN. Goetzmann/Journal q/'Financial Economics 43 (1997) 373 399
Lehmann and Modest (1987), Grinblatt and Titman (1989), Elton, Gruber, Das,
and Hvakla (1993), and Hendricks, Patel, and Zeckhauser (1993) all prespecify
'control' portfolios according to factors such as size and dividend yield. There
are numerous other examples. For the purposes of this analysis, we use eight
indexes: gold, the EAFE minus U.S. global equity index, the EAFA European
equity index, the EAFA Pacific equity index, U.S. Treasury bills, commercial
paper, long-term government bonds, long-term corporate bonds, high-yield
bonds, the S&P 500, small stocks, and IPO's, all obtained from Ibbotson
Associates. This approach has several advantages. First, the profile of each
category has some intuitive interpretation - one group may be tilted towards
bonds, while another is tilted towards stocks, for instance. Second, it suffers less
from the difficulty of heteroskedasticity across funds that introduces systematic
error into the endogenously determined principal components. Third, the coeffi-
cients (when properly scaled) have a natural interpretation as portfolios. The
drawbacks are, of course, that the procedure does not allow for temporal
variation in the portfolio weights. Finally, we cluster in the space of 'Sharpe
coefficients' (see Sharpe, t992) estimated on the same capital market indexes as
above. These are estimated via a constrained optimization procedure under the
assumptions that the weights remain fixed over the estimation period, that they
are nonnegative, and that they sum to one. The weights can thus be interpreted
as portfolio weights for passive, investable indexes.
As a benchmark to the performance of these various classification alterna-
tives, we also report cross-sectional regression results for the factor loadings
themselves. In other words, we use as independent variables in the cross-section
regression four separate sets of explanatory variables. First, we use the coeffi-
cients estimated for each fund obtained by regressing the individual fund return
series on the set of SC styles. Second, we use the first k principal components
(where k corresponds to the number of extant industry objectives). Third, we use
the capital market indexes described above. Fourth, we use the Sharpe coeffi-
cients. These four alternate procedures allow us to quantify how much is lost by
reducing the continuous coefficients down to a simple classification scheme.
4. Empirical results
Table 1
Cross-tabulation of equity funds by Morningstar and GSC categories~ summary of results using
GSC algorithm, January 1976 to December 1994
The table reports the cross-tabulation of mutual fund GSC categories with Morningstar style
categories. The Morningstar categories are those attributed to the funds as of 1994 by the company
itself, and thus do not take into account style shifts through the sample period. The unaligned group
includes miscellaneous sector funds, such as REIT funds. The GSC procedure is a maximum
likelihood method described in the text. It allows portfolio weights to vary on a quarterly basis, with
eight factors pre-specified. A likelihood ratio test suggested by Quandt and Ramsey {1978) shows
that the cross-section of mutual fund returns are driven by at least eight separate factors, for which
loadings may vary.
t o a p p r o x i m a t e l y c o n t r o l for risk in m u t u a l f u n d s t u d i e s b y f o c u s i n g o n l y o n
g r o w t h f u n d s (see, for e x a m p l e , H e n d r i c k s , P a t e l , a n d Z e c k h a u s e r , 1993; B r o w n
a n d G o e t z m a n n , 1995; a n d I b b o t s o n a n d G o e t z m a n n , 1994), T a b l e 1 i n d i c a t e s
t h a t m a n y d i f f e r e n t p o r t f o l i o s t r a t e g i e s c a n fall u n d e r t h a t b r o a d r u b r i c . I n d e e d ,
the GSC algorithm groups a significant percentage of growth funds with
growth-and-income funds, suggesting that these labels do not provide parti-
c u l a r l y useful d i s t i n c t i o n s for i n v e s t o r s . A l s o n o t e t h a t t h e s m a l l - c a p c a t e g o r y
splits i n t o t w o d i s t i n c t g r o u p s . A p p a r e n t l y , t h e a v e r a g e c a p i t a l i z a t i o n of t h e
s t o c k s in t h e p o r t f o l i o is n o t a s u t t i c i e n t s t a t i s t i c for performance. F o r t h e s e c t o r
f u n d s , t h e M o r n i n g s t a r c l a s s i f i c a t i o n s a n d G S C c l a s s i f i c a t i o n s g e n e r a l l y agree.
T h e h e a l t h , m e t a l s , utilities, a n d u n a l i g n e d ( p o s s i b l y real e s t a t e ) c a t e g o r i e s a r e
unambiguous. The technology sector and natural resource sector (which
i n c l u d e s f o r e s t p r o d u c t s as well as oil a n d gas) a r e split. It is c l e a r f r o m
T a b l e 1 t h a t G S C g r o u p 8 is t h e p r e c i o u s m e t a l s f u n d c a t e g o r y : it i n c l u d e s n o
f u n d s o t h e r t h a n m e t a l s e c t o r funds. It a l s o a p p e a r s t h a t g r o u p 1 is c o m p o s e d
S.J. Brown, tKN. Goelzmann/Journal o f Financial Economics 43 gl997) 373 399 385
.= .,-.
i~ -
~. =-.
.~_ -Z
¢q ~ eq ¢q ,~- =G;
..e g
~. ~ ~., ~. ",2 ;2
S.J. Brown, W.N. Goetzmann Journal q/'Financial Economics 43 (1997) 373 399 387
Table 3
Mean standard deviation and trading correlations of 6-month (nonoverlapping) Sharpe implied
portfolio weights, December 1978 to December 1994
Group l
Mean 0.88868 0.07536 0.03596
Std. dev. 0.06872 0.06268 0.04653
Corr. - 0.36285 -- 0.11794 0.08072
Group 2
Mean 0.92767 0.02873 0.04361
Std. dev. 0.14101 0.07967 0.07964
Corr 0.00976 0.02262 0.04144
Group 3
Mean 0.65325 0.27648 0.07027
Std. dev. 0.12637 0.12772 0.07421
Corr 0.33967 - 0.05222 0.07570
Group 4
Mean 0.80581 0.09788 0.09632
Std. dev. 0.21447 0,16608 0.15136
Corr. 0,04370 - 0.08677 0.08074
Group 5
Mean 0.53262 0.13748 0.32990
Std. dev, 0.29663 0.18198 0.19950
Corr. 0.33378 0.05611 0.04871
Group 6
Mean 0.90455 0.02557 0.06988
Std. dev. 0.20093 0.09784 0.13963
Corr. 0.18407 0.04409 0.02801
G~vup 7
Mean 0.10346 0.14319 0.75335
Std. dev. 0.12823 0.15949 0.18585
Corr. (I.25193 0.10338 0.26766
Group 8
Mean 0.17685 0.41080 0.41235
Std. dev. 0.30928 0.41667 0.40264
Corr. 0.25022 - 0.00200 0.06077
This table reports the summary statistics for the time-series of Sharpe coefficients, i.e., implied
portfolio weights calculated using the procedure in Sharpe (1992) for each GSC style over the period
1976 through 1994.
Coefficients are constrained to be constant over rolling 6-month periods. EAFE-US is the EAF'E
index of global equity returns not including the U.S. market. Correlation is between change in
portfolio position and previous period index return. Change in portfolio position is measured as (- 1,
0, + 1~ relative to the previous semiannual portfolio bought and held into the current period.
b y t h e s e a u t h o r s , it is n o t s u r p r i s i n g t o f i n d t h a t t h e s e g l a m o u r m a n a g e r s a r e
a l s o ' t r e n d c h a s e r s ' a s is e v i d e n t f r o m t h e r e s u l t s o f t h e p r e v i o u s t a b l e , e n g a g i n g
in a l m o s t t w i c e t h e a m o u n t of trading of their 'value' counterparts in g r o u p 4.
388 S.J. Brown. ~'I'\N. Goetzmann Journal O/ Financial Economtcs 43 (1997) 373 399
i i~ ~ ~
, _:~--
~., ,~-= ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~, ~ ~
c-q . . . . .
>, ._
S.J, Brown. W.N. Goetzmann Journal q/'Financial Economics 43 (19971 373- 399 389
o @ ,.c ,_ E . _o
~ . ~ .~
d E ~
" N ~
- - ej ._
~-~ g~_=
~,.c -o~
- ~i ,z-; '~ r,~, r--
d --cK '..-'; ,,'g g & ~ ,",-; ~ ~ ~ d ',~ .,~
: ,'-i
_ ri = {
2~ ,'b
G; -=
PL ~ 2
~ z= Z ~
:~ o U E ~.:.< --
~" ©
390 S.J. Brown, W.N. Goetzmann/Journal ~/'kTnancial Economics 43 (1997) 373 399
How consistent are the style classifications'? Because of their statistical nature,
all classification schemes run the risk of misclassification. Funds at the margin
between two styles, for instance, may be difficult to confidently allocate to one
S.J. Brown, 14,iN. Goetzmann/Journal of Financial Economics 43 (1997) 373 399 391
style or the other. To address the problem of estimation error, we use a boot-
strapping procedure to determine the frequency with which funds 'switch'
classifications. Using a single 24-month window, we repeatedly apply the SC
algorithm to the same data and count the number of changes in the pairwise
associations between each fund in the sample. We find an average 'switching
rate' of 11%.3 We also bootstrap the switching rate under the null hypothesis of
no cross-sectional structure. This null is constructed by forming 24-month
samples via random draws without replacement from actual fund returns. The
typical rate of change under this null is 27.3%.
The bootstrapped null distribution is helpful in examining the question of
style stability through time. To do this, we apply the SC algorithm to rolling
24-month windows of mutual fund returns. As a measure of the style stability
over successive 24-month windows, each year we count the number of changes
in pairwise associations between each fund. The average annual percentage of
fund associations that change each year is 17.6%. This is higher than the 11%
we would expect due solely to statistical variation conditional on no classifica-
tion change, but considerably less than we would expect under the null, i.e., if the
classifications were spurious. In fact, we find that 12 of 16 of the sample years
have percentage changes below the 5% quantile of the bootstrapped null
distribution, allowing us to reject the null for that year. For further details of
bootstrapping association frequencies see Abraham, Goetzmann, and Wachter
(1994) and Goetzmann and Wachter (1995).
Our bootstrapping tests suggest that the GSC and SC algorithms manifest
statistical variation. Like most statistical measures, they are noisy. Despite this
noise, our tests reject the hypothesis that our management styles are spurious.
On the other hand, the bootstrapping tests are silent on the usefulness of the
resulting classification scheme. The true value of style classification rests in the
extent to which it successfully explains out-of-sample fund performance. The
next section addresses the usefulness of the SC and GSC classifications.
3 Note that this measure overrepresents the percentage of funds that change classification each year.
For example, take a sample of five funds, two of which remain in one category over two iterations,
and two of which remain in the other category over two iterations. However, the fifth fund changes
its association from the first group to the second group. This results is a change of association with
each of the four other funds in the sample out of the possible ten pairwise associations a 40%
switching rate, generated by only 20% of the funds changing classification. When the number of
funds in each of the two groups is equal, the misclassification percentage is half the swtching rate.
392 S.J. B~'own, W.N. G o e t z m a n n J o u r n a l ~?I F i n a n c i a l E ~ o n o m i c s 43 (1997) 373 399
~-z =_
-z .~
-¸~ oi ~
8 8
> ":5
S.J. Brown, W.N. Goetzmann,Journal o['Financial Economics 43 (1997) 373 399 393
N ° "-- ~ E
~ [..- "~. ~= _= ~E N -
~ ~'~,-- ~ ~
= _~
~ ~ ,.~
-~ ~,~&~
-:.-:. o ~ = ~ 5
Eo 7-4
394 S.J. Brown, W.N. Goet:mann Journal o/Financial Economics 43 (1997) 373 399
objective classifications. We omit sector funds from the analysis, since there is
relatively little ambiguity about their classification. Instead of using the entire
history of fund returns to form styles, we use the rolling period of 24 months for
estimation purposes. As shown in the preceding section, this results in less
'stable' styles, but it relaxes the assumption that funds belong to the same style
over the entire period and only uses ex ante industry information.
Columns 1, 2, and 3 in each panel show the adjusted R z that results from the
application of the iterative relocation algorithm to different spaces: the space of
returns, the space of 'Sharpe coefficients', and the space of principal component
loadings. Column 4 reports the results based on the industry objective classifica-
tion. Notice that, although adjusted RZs differ for various estimation intervals,
grouping in the space of returns and grouping in the space of factor loadings
typically explain significant amounts of performance. Grouping funds according
to the Sharpe coefficients performs about as well as using the industry codes.
This may be due to the fact that, for any fund, a significant number of coefficients
are zero, due to the nonnegativity constraint. For each estimation period, the
GSC algorithm applied to returns marginally outperforms the algorithm
applied to loadings on principal components. This may be due to the fact that
the model of classification in Eq. (1) is well-specified when loadings change
through time, but principal components rely upon stationary loadings. The
GSC categories explain about one-third of cross-sectional variation of returns,
ex ante. The Weisenberger categories explain, on average, 16% of the variation
in fund returns, while classifying funds according to Sharpe coefficients explains
only about 8%, on average.
The last four columns in each panel of Table 5 report the percentage of
cross-sectional variation explained by the estimated factor loadings themselves.
We would expect these to have greater explanatory power, since they are
continuous rather than dummy variables. This is particularly important for
outlying funds that have extreme exposures to some factor. While the GSC
algorithm will either group this outlier by itself or lump it in with distant
neighbors, the factor loadings themselves may capture the magnitude of its
deviation in cross-section. In addition to using the Sharpe coefficients and
principal component factor loadings as regressors, we also create indexes based
on the SC centers in the space of returns, and estimate unconstrained loadings
on passive indexes. This last column allows us to examine how much explana-
tory power the Sharpe procedure gives up in return for its positivity constraint.
The Sharpe positivity constraint is useful, because it allows the coefficients to be
interpreted as a vector of portfolio weights on investable indexes. Our style
categories do not have this property. Consequently, our GSC procedure is not
intended as a competing procedure to the Sharpe 'style analysis'. In this paper,
we show that the two tools can be used together to identify common strategies
among managers. The GSC procedure identifies aggregate behavior, and the
Sharpe procedure helps interpret it as strategy.
S.J. Brown, W.N. Goetzmann/Journal o/Financial Economics 43 (1997) 373 399 395
The second panel of Table 5 shows that the loadings themselves all perform
better than the classification indicators. Typically, they explain on average
about 6 percentage points more cross-sectional variation out-of-sample. This
suggests that, in absolute terms, factor loadings, however they are constructed,
are a superior method of risk adjustment. On the other hand, the GSC proced-
ure does not do badly on a relative scale. Grouping by manager style is not an
alternative method for risk-adjusting manager returns. However, given that
benchmarking by style is a common practice, our analysis indicates that there is
not a great deal of information lost by using simple style classifications that are
appropriately chosen.
It is interesting to note that the loadings on the GSC centers typically
outperform the constrained loadings on prespecified financial indexes and do
a little better than the loadings on principal factors. They do almost as well as
the unconstrained loadings on the prespecified factors. It is tempting to conjec-
ture that the 'glamour' vs. 'value' division in the styles is responsible for the
success of the simple multinomial statistic, since this division may capture one of
the fundamental factors found to be superior in out-of-sample tests on U.S.
equities (see Fama and French, 1992; Lakonishok, Shleifer, and Vishny, 1994).
4.4. Interpretation
5. Conclusion
^ i~l
tZlt - -
c o u n t ( / c I)"
Once this is done, we c o m p u t e
~-'it = R i t - - f l i t .
For all I, we then calculate var(~i.), and for all t we calculate var(~ ,). N u m e r -
ically, these numbers tend to be small, so we normalize them by the average
marginal variances.
We now do a G L S correction for the mean, computing.
fl *, = Z g,, ~i 1
i~i var ( e ; i . ) v a r (3i.)"
We use this updated G L S estimate of the mean to update variance measures. We
also use this formula to update centroid means whenever funds are switched
from one cluster to the next, although for c o m p u t a t i o n a l simplicity we do not
398 S.J. Brown. W.:vi G o e t z m a n n J o u r n a l o / F i n a n c i a l E c o n o m i c s 43 (1997) 3 7 3 - 3 9 9
update variance measures at each switch. Denote the clusters formed at the jth
switch as l(j). Then the criterion function at t h e j t h switch is proportional to
1" ( R i , __ f i , t ) 2
ssOj = ,~=1 y~ y
= lel~iel var (3*)var
• (~*)
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