State of The Industry Report Next-Gen MAterials
State of The Industry Report Next-Gen MAterials
State of The Industry Report Next-Gen MAterials
June 2021
Fitted Short Puffer Jacket
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The information provided in this report is for general information purposes only. All information in this report is provided in good faith,
however, we make no representation or warranty regarding the accuracy or completeness of this information. If you would like to contact
us about the contents of this report, please email
The Material Innovation Initiative (MII) is thrilled materials, and collaborating with next-gen material
to offer this first-of-its-kind State of the Industry startups to create new products. All this leads to
Report, and in fact, to announce the emergence acceleration of commercialisation and scale-up
of the next-gen material industry. production of next-gen materials to replace their
conventional counterparts.
In this report, you will find research, analysis, and
insights to guide your understanding of this nascent In each section of the 3 i’s, we present data and
industry. Whether you are an entrepreneur or statistics to give you an overview of the current
startup, investor or corporate, you can still join this state. We then dive into Insider Insights for more
space as a first mover. It’s that new. flavor of these industry players: What are the main
risks and opportunities? Who’s doing what? Who
We suggest that you do not skip Part A, which might be the winner?
includes the Introduction. That gives you the
important context for what comes next. You don’t Part C explores the driving forces accelerating
want to miss the founders’ story (and why we the growth of the next-gen material industry,
can predict the future). specifically: advancements in material science and
technology, changing consumer preferences, and
In Part B, we introduce the three categories regulatory trends.
of key stakeholders in this industry, or the
3 i’s: Innovators, Investors, and Industry Brands. Because this is the first ever state of the industry
Innovators are companies, including startups, that report, the Material Innovation Initiative worked
create innovative next-gen materials. Investors with our research partner SPEEDA Edge on
provide the necessary funding for Innovators’ R&D a bonus section to address the most asked
activities and business growth. Industry Brands are question: how big will this market be in the
the established companies that are the biggest years to come?
buyers and users of materials. Think Adidas, IKEA,
and Bentley. Industry Brands can play multiple The next-gen material industry is both rapidly
important roles in the ecosystem, including funding emerging and changing. If you find something
both internal and external innovation initiatives, that should be in our next report, please let us
switching to next-gen materials as their raw know via this form.
The Material Innovation Initiative (MII) is a nonprofit that accelerates the development
of high performance, animal-free, and more sustainable materials for the fashion,
automotive, and home goods industries. MII partners with startups, investors, brands,
and scientists to bring these next-gen materials to market. Visit
for more details.
95 41 MICROBE-
MATERIAL (2015 - MAY 14, 2021)
AS OF APR 30, 2021
$293 35
38 OUT
OF 40
6. Industry Brands 38
– Overview 38
– Insider Insights 43
Have you heard of the next-gen material industry? the animal material itself is the most profitable
Chances are you haven’t. product.2 Industrial animal farming is a leading
cause of many of the pressing problems of our
This report is truly the first of its kind. The Material time, including climate change, environmental
Innovation Initiative introduces and provides degradation, public health risks, and animal
early insights into the nascent industry of next- cruelty. Given that at least two thirds of a brand’s
gen materials, a term we coined based on our environmental footprint can be attributed to its
nomenclature assessment study, to describe
choice in raw materials,3 if we hope to move rapidly
high performance, more sustainable alternatives toward a more sustainable materials industry,
to animal-derived materials (see section 2 for we need alternatives to animal materials.
full definition.)
Adidas plant-based sneakers
Both Nicole and Stephanie came from the world Today, plant-based meat options sell out in major fast-
of alternative protein. Think plant-based meat like food chains like Burger King; you can find plant-based
Beyond Meat and real meat grown through tissue meat right alongside beef in the grocery store; major
engineering without the need to kill cows. When they international food companies like Nestlé and Tyson
started working in that industry, there were veggie are investing in alternative proteins. Governments all
burgers, but not what most people now call ‘plant- over the world are working to accelerate the alternative
based meat.’ In fact, the term ‘alternative protein’ didn’t protein industry. Today in Singapore, you can actually
exist when they started building that ecosystem. have a meal cooked with cultivated meat (real meat
grown through tissue engineering) at a restaurant or
The world woke up to the alternative protein industry even have it delivered to your home.
when Beyond Meat went public in 2019, and its stock
price soared 163% on the first day of trading and This massive growth of the alternative protein industry
around 800% within a few months. But that apparent happened in just a few years. That is the power of
overnight success was 10 years in the making. The creating a collaborative ecosystem, directing R&D
company was founded in 2009 with the clear vision of toward the most critical areas, and shaping the public
making meat not for vegetarians, but for mainstream message around sustainable technology.
consumers. This mindset change was the tipping
point that created a new industry. Everything “People who have missed the boat are now looking
changed when companies began thinking about for the next Beyond Meat,” said Nicole, “I say look no
meat-eaters, analyzing what they liked about meat, further than the next-gen material industry. Next-gen
and then working to replicate it. Everything shifted materials are now where alternative protein was about
when companies stopped asking consumers to 5 years ago.”
sacrifice, but rather used science and technology to
give consumers what they wanted: the taste they were
used to with the benefits of being better for the planet
and animals.
Within the categories of next-gen materials, all eyes Control and Prevention stated that the majority of
are on leather replacements. This is not surprising human pandemics start in animals and the next
as leather is particularly ubiquitous across the pandemic isn’t a matter of if, but when.7 A recent
fashion, automotive, and home goods industries, report by Boston Consulting Group predicted that
with a global value of 414 billion USD in 2017.4 peak meat consumption in North America and
Europe will occur by 2025.8 When the demand for
The Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the beef drops, so will the supply of leather, and leather
vulnerabilities in existing industries and ignited prices will rise. The same report also estimates
changes across the board. In this period of crisis, that if meat consumption declines as expected,
some emerging industries and companies have 1 gigaton of carbon dioxide equivalents will have
experienced unprecedented growth. While Amazon been avoided within the next 15 years,9 and
and Zoom were among the biggest winners of farmland equivalent to the area of the UK will have
2020, for obvious reasons,5 consumers’ heightened been freed from supporting livestock.10
awareness and concerns about industry practices 2020 highlighted that raising animals for their skin,
and sustainability issues have also helped industries fur, or feathers can be a risky business with low
like alternative protein to thrive in what was margins and high variability. Going forward, the
otherwise a dire business environment. greatest opportunities lie in developing technology
and materials that inherently meet market demand
When millions of mink in fur farms were culled to for sustainability, style, and performance.
stop the spread of a Covid-19 variant in 2020,6 the
world saw that relying on animals for materials Consumers indicate they are ready to support this
leaves the supply chain vulnerable in ways that positive change. In a study of consumers in the U.S.,
next-gen materials do not. The World Health 55% of the respondents said they would prefer a
Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease leather alternative (see section 8 for more details).
Fashion brands recognize the trend toward more an active role in promoting R&D for next-gen
sustainable and animal-free materials. materials. In 2020, exciting collaborations included
Lululemon, Kering, Adidas, and Stella McCartney
Just as the food industry initially struggled to partnering with Bolt Threads, and Ralph Lauren and
achieve the taste, price, and convenience that Allbirds investing in Natural Fiber Welding. These
customers desire, the current materials industry major brands have the infrastructure, capital, and
does not yet produce sustainable options at scale distribution networks that startups need to scale their
that meet brands’ performance, aesthetic, and price ideas and bring materials to market. We anticipate
requirements. But some brands are already taking more of these partnerships as the industry develops.
Materials science and engineering focuses on To simplify the broad landscape of formulation
the interplay of material composition, structure, and processing approaches for next-gen materials,
processing, and properties to achieve specific MII categorizes next-gen innovation by main input
performance for a target application. In next-gen (greater than 50%):
materials science, the same principles are
applied to develop materials that mimic animal- Plant-derived: applies to materials derived from
derived materials or their current generation, virgin or waste/byproduct plant matter. For
unsustainable replacements (e.g., polyurethane simplicity, fungi (fruiting body) and algae inputs
leather). The science of incumbent animal-derived are included in this category, even though they
materials serves as a materials design guide, with are not plants.
the incumbents’ performance as a benchmark. For M
ycelium: applies to materials that utilize the
example, next-gen leather materials should mimic root-like structure of some fungal species called
the interconnected collagen network of leather mycelium. This category is distinctive from the
in order to replicate its toughness and strength, plant-derived category due to the rich activity of
while next-gen silk should mimic the silk protein next-gen innovation involving mycelium.
and continuous fiber structure to achieve elasticity M
icrobe-derived: applies to materials that utilize
and luster. Designing next-gen materials employs cellular engineering approaches such as cell
biomimicry, i.e., replicating incumbent animal- culture or fermentation processes to produce
derived material function, and may also products such as proteins and biopolymers for
employ bio-utilization, i.e., using naturally next-gen material formulations.
occurring materials as feedstock.15 C
ultured animal cells: applies to materials that
utilize tissue engineering approaches to grow
animal cell constructs in the laboratory.
ecycled material: applies to materials that
utilize recycled plastic or textile feedstock as a
main input.
lend: applies to materials that use a blend of
components not well-captured by any of the
above categories.
Both the cultured animal cells approach and the Blends are those materials without a single
microbe-derived approach are forms of cellular component comprising more than 50% of the input
agriculture. The former produces cellular products, or those with no component over 50% that can be
where the output consists of the cells in the form attributed to one of the above categories.
of tissue constructs, while the latter produces
acellular products, i.e., the target molecules In all main input categories listed above,
absent the cells themselves. petrochemical derivatives may be present in the
form of binders, coatings, or fibers. While MII
In addition to the biologically derived materials practices “progress over perfection” as a means
listed above, recycled materials can also be to innovation, the next-gen ecosystem is tasked
employed as sustainable components in next-gen with an enormous white space opportunity to
materials. Plastic water bottles or textiles can be completely eliminate the use of petrochemicals in
collected and reprocessed into a variety of forms, their material formulations.
This section provides an overview of companies in These companies employ a variety of input and
the next-gen materials industry. technology to create materials that range from
mats to fibers to insulating fluff. Some technologies
The lists focus on material innovators and are not allow a company to achieve diverse biomimicry and
exhaustive. Not included are business-to-customer applications. In the cases where a company has
companies that do not develop and create their plans to develop more than one type of next-gen
own materials, but source instead from a material material, the company will only be listed if that
supplier; R&D happening within corporations that product is at least in R&D.
is not publicly disclosed; startups in stealth mode;
and any other material innovations that do not The next-gen materials industry and the innovative
fall within the definition of next-gen materials as companies within this ecosystem develop at a fast
defined in section 2 Definition and Scope. pace, as can be seen in Figure 4.3 showing the
year-on-year number of new companies formed. All
Of the 74 companies, the clear majority (49) focuses company references are purely illustrative. Please
on biomimicry of animal leather. Nine (9) focus on check our website (https://www.materialinnovation.
biomimicry of silk, seven (7) on wool, five (5) on fur, org/) for the latest company information.
six (6) on down, and one (1) on exotic skins.*
*Some companies work on more than one
replacement of animal-based materials.
AMSilk Biosteel® (fibers & DEU Thomas Scheibel 2008 Silk Microbe-derived
Ananas Anam Piñatex® GBR Dr. Carmen Hijosa 2011 Leather Plant-derived
Bolt Threads Mylo™, Microsilk™ USA Dan Widmaier, David 2009 Leather, Silk Mycelium,
Breslauer, Ethan Mirsky Microbe-derived
Bucha Bio Bucha Leather USA Zimri T. Hinshaw 2019 Leather Microbe-derived
Ecopel KOBA® Faux fur CHN Christopher Sarfati 2003 Fur Blend
Grado Zero Muskin, BioGreen ITA Giada Dammacco, 2001 Leather, Down Plant-derived
Padding Filippo Pagliai
Gunas New York Mulbtex™ USA Sugandh G. Agrawal 2009 Leather Plant-derived
KD New York Vegetable USA David Lee, Tricia Kaye 1980 Wool Plant-derived
Modern Meadow Zoa™ USA Andras Forgacs, Gabor 2011 Leather Microbe-derived
Forgacs, Karoly Jakab,
Francoise Marga
MYCL (Mycotech Mylea™ IDN Annisa Wibi, Adi Reza 2015 Leather Mycelium
Lab) Nugroho, Ronaldiaz
Hartantyo, Arekha
Bentangan, Robby
Zidna Ilman
Nuvi Nomad Teak Leaf Leather THA Nina Rössler 2014 Leather Plant-derived
Ono Cork Tencel Fabric CHE Bernadette Christina 2017 Leather Plant-derived
Collaborations Bodenmueller
Save The Duck Plumtech® ITA Nicolas Bargi 2012 Down Recycled
Seevix Material SVX™ Spidersilk ISR Shlomzion Shen, 2014 Silk Microbe-derived
Sciences Shmulik Ittah
Von Holzhausen Technik Leather, USA Vicki von Holzhausen 2015 Leather Plant-derived
Banbū Leather
3M Thinsulate TM
Insulation - Featherless USA Down Recycled material
Of the 74 companies innovating in next-gen In 2016 alone, 10 new companies were formed
materials, 42 were established since 2014. to create next-gen leather. Plants or plant-
Most (30) of these 42 new companies focus on derived materials have historically been the
leather biomimicry. In the same period, three (3) main input for leather alternatives, but recently
companies were formed that focus on biomimicry more new companies are using mycelium
of silk, four (4) on wool, two (2) on fur, two (2) down, and microbe-derived materials to create their
and one (1) on both leather and exotic skins. next-gen leather.
80 72
Number of companies formed
66 Total companies
60 55
2014 1 2 1 - 1
40 37 2015 5 1 1 - -
2016 10 - 1 - - 1*
2017 4 - - 1 -
7 6 2018 3 - 1 1 1
5 5 5 2019 5 - - - - -
1 2 2020 1 - - - - -
*VitroLabs creates both leather and exotic skins and is thus counted as “1” under leather and “1” under exotic skin,
but is NOT counted twice under “Number of companies formed” and “Total number of companies.”
In 2020, successful collaborations between grape (by Vegea), mango (by Fruitleather
next-gen material companies and industry Rotterdam), and apple (by Frumat), many different
brands (see section 1 Introduction) have made technologies and inputs are part of reimagining
headlines in fashion news. Although next-gen next-gen materials. The following aims to shed
materials are commonly associated with leather light on the spectrum of offerings across
made from plants, for example: pineapple different material categories by companies
(Piñatex® by Ananas Anam), cactus (by Desserto), around the world.
“Spiber is essentially growing protein
Spiber Inc. is a Japanese biotechnology company developing synthetic
(polymers), which can potentially
spider silk without the use of animals or petroleum resources. be used in a very wide variety
of applications. Using precision
fermentation, Spiber has the ability
to create bespoke proteins that may
enable suites of next-gen materials
to outperform current natural and
synthetic fibers. Spiber has told us that
while they are now focusing on silk and
cashmere-like materials, because of
the versatility of Brewed Protein™, they
are also exploring other applications
such as next-gen leather and fur
alternatives. Importantly, Spiber has
overcome the industry-wide challenge
Tech: Brewed Protein™ is the company’s sustainable material inspired by spider to process their raw protein into a
silk and produced via its proprietary fermentation process. First, the code for robust fiber that can then be spun
the desired protein is inserted into microorganisms. Using the necessary sugars into yarn (wool-like, cashmere-like)
or filament (silk-like) and woven or
and minerals, these microorganisms grow the desired protein in a bioreactor.
knitted into fabric, or processed into
After fermentation is complete, the protein is purified and dried into a pellet or other forms, such as non-woven,
powder. Brewed Protein can then be processed into a variety of materials, e.g. fur-like, hair-like materials.”
fibers with a silky sheen, spun into yarns with cashmere- or wool-like properties.
PANGAIA is a UK materials science and lifestyle products company. The “What I found most interesting is
company aims to solve environmental problems through the development of Pangaia’s business model. From the
outside, Pangaia looks like a direct-
sustainable materials, treatments, and dyes in partnerships with researchers
to-consumer company that has built
in Europe, Japan, Korea, and the United States. One of its material creations a successful brand in a short period
is FLWRDWN™, a plant-based and petroleum-free alternative to duck and of time. But Pangaia plays multiple
roles in the supply chain: in addition to
goose down.
selling its own design as a fashion and
apparel brand (D2C), it’s also a material
innovator that creates materials like
FLWRDWN™ and supplies them to
other brands (B2B). And Pangaia is
a buyer as well, sourcing from other
material innovators to create its design
(its grape leather sneakers are one
example.) The company told us that its
growth mainly happened during 2020,
and that it now has a 125-member
team. It’s even more exciting to learn
that Pangaia has plans to expand into
other verticals like food and skincare.
The multifaceted positioning of
Tech: Using PANGAIA’s proprietary technology, FLWRDWN™ is a biopolymer Pangaia may prove to be a
created from flowers and infused with a cellulose-based aerogel for increased competitive edge.”
durability, thermal insulation, and water resistance. It is the first time that
this kind of flower has been used in a loose-fill insulation. The material is fully
biodegradable, hypoallergenic, and animal-free. FLWRDWN™ has been in
development by the PANGAIA’s Italian scientists for over 10 years and the patent
covers the production method of the flower, biopolymer, and aerogel to create
Natural Fiber Welding, Inc. (NFW) is a material technology platform company “Their products seem significantly
bringing to market new manufacturing routes and material chemistry that alter customizable. We examined their
entire swatch book, which contains a
how plant-based materials perform in products. One of its material creations
variety of colors, thicknesses, finishes,
is MIRUM®, a plant-based leather that uses no petroleum-based plastics like and backings. In talking with NFW,
polyurethane or PVC. what stood out to me was that their
technology platforms can produce not
only flat leather-like materials, but also
cured rubber that can be formed and
shaped in multiple dimensions. This
means that NFW could produce all
of the components of a shoe from its
materials, which are all bio-based
with zero plastics. This is extremely
desirable from a life-cycle and end-
of-life perspective, enabling true
circularity and new ways to think
about recycling products.”
VitroLabs is a tissue-engineering platform company growing calf hides from “No matter how advanced biomimicry
animal cells, eliminating any need to raise or slaughter animals. techniques may become, some people
will continue to only want the ‘real
thing.’ This is the case for meat, and it
will be for leather. Therefore, at least
part of the solution to the dilemma
of balancing consumer demand
and harm to the environment and
animals ought to be to revolutionize
the production method. There is
nothing inherently wrong with the
end product, be it meat or leather. We
need to fix how they are produced.
Why are we raising a live animal as the
production unit of the end product,
creating all the negative impact to
environment and welfare, as well as
Tech: VitroLabs is producing real calf leather through tissue engineering, also
depleting natural resources, when
known as cultivated leather. The cultivation process starts with a one-time small the production unit can be a
sample of cells from an animal. The cells are then placed within a proprietary bioreactor instead?
This section provides an overview of the investment Silk Dress by Bolt Threads for Stella McCartney
SOSV 4 2 Bucha Bio, MycoWorks Accelerator, Micro VC, New Jersey, USA
Venture Capital
Allen & Company 1 1 Bolt Threads Family Investment New York, USA
Office, Investment
Bank, Venture Capital
Have we missed anything? Are you an investor interested in the next-gen material industry?
Please contact us via this form.
Investment in next-gen material innovation By mid-May 2021, 4 of the top 10 funded companies
reached new heights in 2020. The investment have successfully raised new rounds. Investment
amount in the year of 2020 alone is nearly the is expected to further increase as companies
same as the previous 4 years combined. Even mature, demonstrate proof of concept,
amid the Covid-19 pandemic, this trend continued. and scale.
600 8
Million USD Invested
Number of deals
300 4
0 0
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
(up to
May 14, 2021)
The following are the 10 most funded among the next-gen material companies listed in table 4.1
according to publicly disclosed data.
Table 5.3 Top 10 most funded next-gen material companies (in descending order by total amount raised)
Spiber Produces spider silk proteins via precision fermentation 292.9 / Dec 2020 598.8 / Series
to create next-gen silk primarily for the fashion industry. Unknown
Collaboration with the designer Yuima Nakazato, The
North Face Japan, Goldwin, Toyota.
Bolt Threads Grows mycelium to produce next-gen leather and uses 123 / Nov 2017 218.1 / Series D
precision fermentation to produce spider silk proteins for
next-gen silk. Both primarily target the fashion industry.
Collaboration with Adidas, Kering, Lululemon, Stella
Modern Meadow* Uses precision fermentation to grow collagen to create 130 / Apr 2021 183.5 / Series C
animal-free leather primarily for the fashion industry.
Newlight* Uses natural ocean microorganisms to make PHB from 45.1 / Sep 2020 106.6 / Series F
greenhouse gasses to produce next-gen leather primarily
for the fashion industry.
Ecovative Design Grows mycelium on agricultural waste to produce 60 / Mar 2021 90.1 / Series D
next-gen leather, primarily for the fashion and self-care
MycoWorks* Grows mycelium to produce next-gen leather primarily 45 / Oct 2020 62.0 / Series B
for the fashion industry. Collaboration with Hermès.
AMSilk* Makes spider silk proteins via precision fermentation to 36 / May 2021 42.3 / Series C
produce next-gen silk primarily for the fashion industry.
Spinnova Uses FSC-certified wood and waste streams to produce 12.3 / Oct 2019 20.7 / Venture Capital
next-gen wool primarily for the fashion industry.
Collaboration with Marimekko, H&M, Bergans of Norway,
Bestseller (Fashion FWD).
Natural Fiber Uses fabricated compressed and/or discarded fiber 13 / Aug 2020 15.0 / Venture Capital
Welding sources coated with plant-based oil resin to produce
next-gen leather primarily for the fashion industry.
Collaboration with Richemont, Steelcase.
Save The Duck Uses recycled PET bottles to produce next-gen 3.6 / Mar 2021 3.6 / Debt
down primarily for the fashion industry. Collaboration
with Dyne.
*Company with one or more rounds of undisclosed amount. Undisclosed amounts are not reflected in the total amount raised in this table.
Source: MII analysis on investment activities in companies in MII’s company database, based on data from SPEEDA Edge, primary and secondary research.
600 Spiber
USD million
Modern Meadow*
Bolt Threads
100 Ecovative Design
Natural Fiber Welding
0 Save The Duck
Prior 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
to (up to 18
2015 May 2021)
*Company with one or more rounds of funding with undisclosed amounts. Undisclosed amounts have not been reflected in this figure.
Source: MII analysis on investment activities in companies in MII’s company database, based on data from SPEEDA Edge, primary and secondary research.
Unlike others in the top 10 funded list, Bolt Threads did not raise most of its These are some of the
funds in the last few years. Its series D round was closed in 2017. reasons venture capitalists
are excited about the
Bolt Threads, originally named Refactored Materials, was founded in 2009 by prospects of Bolt Threads:
Dan Widmaier, David Breslauer, and Ethan Mirsky to use biotechnological
innovation to create materials. Dan Widmaier initially developed this idea “The company has now become more
of a tech platform with a portfolio
during his Ph.D. in Chemical Biology. The company has since grown
of products rather than just a
to a team of nearly 100 employees. single material.”
Industry brands are the established companies next-gen materials as their raw materials, and
that are the biggest buyers and users of materials. collaborating with next-gen material startups to
While consumer preference has driven industries to create new products. All this leads to acceleration
move towards more sustainable practices, material of commercialisation and scale-up production of
innovators seldom have a direct relationship with next-gen materials to replace their conventional
the end consumers. The success of transitioning counterparts.
from animal-based materials to next-gen materials
largely depends on the innovators’ ability to work This section reviews fifteen representative brands
with industry brands. in the fashion, automotive, and home goods
industries to assess opportunities available to
Industry Brands can play multiple important roles material innovators.
in the ecosystem, including funding both internal
and external innovation initiatives, switching to
Brand Revenues (FY2020) Industry Animal-based Actions done with respect to material
Materials used innovation
aunched a shoe made from synthetic silk biopolymer Biosteel in partnership with AMSilk.
(November 2016)
ollaborated with Stella McCartney to create a tennis dress from spider silk developed by Bolt
Threads. (July 2019)
artnership with Parley to produce 15 million pairs of shoes using plastic waste from oceans,
representing approximately 4% of all pairs produced in 2020.
artnership with Bolt Threads to use the mycelium-based leather Mylo in a sneaker model. (April 2021)
lans to launch a plant-based shoe from using materials based on algae, eucalyptus trees, and natural
rubber. (April 2021)
artnered with Allbirds to produce an ultra-green shoe with 70% Adidas’s recycled primegreen
polyester and 30% natural Tencel, a material produced from wood pulp. (May 2021)
aunched the “Space Hippie” footwear collection with sneakers created from 85–90% recycled
polyester yarn and foam. (June 2020)
aunched the “Cosmic Unity” collection with a basketball shoe produced from 25% recycled material
and apparel collection with over 95% recycled and/or organic content. (February 2021)
“Conscious Exclusive Collection” used Orange Fiber made from citrus juice by-products to create a
cellulose silk fabric, Piñatex pineapple leather, and BLOOM Foam, a flexible algae-based foam. (April
ollaboration with Vegea to use its leather made from grape wine waste to create handbags.
(February 2021)
artnered with sustainable footwear brand Good News to create footwear made from Bananatex, a
durable, waterproof material made with banana fibers. (April 2021)
artnered with Bolt Threads to use its precision-fermented spider silk protein thread in apparel. (July
artnered with Aquafil to use Econyl regenerated nylon, made from waste fabrics and fishing nets, for
apparel and handbags. (June 2017)
sed KOBA bio-based fur, made from recycled polyester and plant-based plastic, to replace animal-
based fur. (October 2019)
eleased prototype bag (2018) and apparel (2021) from Mylo mycelium leather in partnership with Bolt
sed Re.Verso, a recycled cashmere made from post-factory cashmere waste. (April 2017)
artnership with Evrnu and Adidas to use NuCycle, a material made from liquefied cotton waste. (July
AP’s activewear brand Athleta used sustainable fibers (including recycled polyester and nylon) in
60% of its materials as of 2019. The sportswear also included the material Econyl - a 100% regenerated
nylon fiber made from fishing nets - through partnership with Aquafil. (April 2019)
aunched the internally developed fabric H2Eco made from waste from landfills in swimwear
products under the brand Athleta. (April 2019)
artnered with First Mile to launch a sportswear collection using recycled plastic bottles. (March 2019)
pparel and shoe collections with recycled polyester and cotton from textile industry waste. (April
artnership with Bolt Threads to create jackets from spider silk. (May 2016)
artnered with TENCEL to use lyocell fiber as an alternative to viscose rayon. (October 2016)
artnership with Bureo to develop NetPlus material from discarded fishing nets for use in hat brims,
sunglasses, surfboard fins. (July 2020)
aunched a jacket with PrimaLoft’s recycled polyester insulation. (March 2021)
ier Tote bag from cactus leather in partnership with Desserto. (April 2021) Fossil plans to expand the
use of Desserto’s leather to its men’s collection to be released in fall 2021.
kagen brand watch straps from next-gen leather made from mulberry bark, cork, and apple; over
50% recycled materials in clock faces. (April 2021)
inority investment in Natural Fiber Welding, a company that makes plant- and natural fiber-based
materials. (August 2020)
artnered with Aquafil to use Econyl material - made from consumer waste including fishing nets,
industrial plastic waste, and fabric scraps - in selected styles (2020).
se of recycled polyester made from fiber derived from waste plastic bottles in more than 100 styles.
artnered with PrimaLoft to use its down alternative ThermoPlume, made from recycled plastic
bottles, as insulation for jackets. (October 2020)
artnered with Aquafil to use Econyl material, made from recycled fishing nets and other nylon
waste, in headliners and floor mats of selected vehicle models. (February 2016)
artnership with Vegea to use grape leather in car interiors. (July 2019)
artnered with Miko to use Dinamica microfiber, made from textiles and PET bottles, in the interior of
certain vehicle models. (January 2021)
artnered with Aquafil to use Econyl material, made from recycled fishing nets and other nylon
waste, in floor mats of vehicles. (October 2020)
”AppleSkin” Apple leather developed in partnership with Apple Nine Alliance. (April 2019)
artnered with H&M group and Stora Enso to develop a new textile fiber based on cellulose from
wood. (December 2018)
oined the NextWave plastics initiative as a founding member to develop the first global network of
ocean-bound plastic supply chain. (2018)
Introduced a collection made from ocean-waste plastic and biodegradable polyester. Available as a
material for their seating products. (2021)
Adidas Issued a sustainability bond of EUR 500 million Replace virgin polyester entirely with recycled
(USD 585 million) in Sep 2020 to be used for polyester by 2024.
investments into more sustainable materials and
1% of all polyester used for their apparel and
footwear was recycled polyester in 2020.
ore than 60% of all Adidas products will be
made from sustainable materials for the first time
in 2021.
Stella McCartney ince its founding, the company has never used
S No products contain animal-based leather,
animal-based materials such as leather, feathers, feathers, fur or exotic skin.
fur, and skin.
tarted using recycled polyester in 2012.
Patagonia Capilene Cool Tech t-shirt collection made from 35- Produce all apparel products from 100% recycled,
reclaimed or renewable resources by 2025.
100% recycled material; Baggies shorts collection
from 100% recycled nylon.
Fossil - Include sustainable design elements in over 50% of
products sold globally by 2025.
BMW In Feb 2021, BMW announced that its British car In Aug 2020, the company announced the switch to
brand MINI will stop offering leather interiors in all vegan leather in all new 5-series models.
new models by 2021.
Bentley - -
Mercedes Benz - -
Volkswagen - -
Herman Miller - -
A key takeaway from the Hanson-Wade/Material Innovation Initiative Bio-Based Alternative Textiles
Innovation Summit (March 31 & April 1, 2021) is the need for honesty and transparency from material
innovators with brands, consumers, and investors. With any new technology, time and patience are needed
for development. Material companies need industry brands to partner with them in developing and
improving the aesthetics and performance of next-gen materials to match and eventually to surpass their
animal-based counterparts.
With better expectation management, industry brands can work with material companies to overcome
the inevitable challenges. In this section, we consider solutions from the perspective of designer,
manufacturing partner, and industry brand.
There are many less-fun moments, however. These might occur when testing for brands to make a commitment
to material innovators. One of the
a material, only to find that it cracks and disintegrates when out in the real
things that fashion should do better
world. Or perhaps a promising material is only available in three colors. Or (and there are many!) is to do more
maybe it’s when the trusted manufacturing partner that has decades of partnering with material makers.
Erratic orders from brands make
working with real leather has no idea how to work with the new material
it difficult for material companies
and the prototypes look terrible. These are just a few examples of Jessica’s to employ people consistently and
struggles with innovative materials. safely. At this moment when we have
so many innovators on the cusp of
changing the material world, they
Jessica’s wish list for the perfect material:
could really use this commitment
from brands.”
1. The perfect material is circular. Brands and designers endure the initial
pain of working with an unfamiliar material to create more sustainable and
environmentally friendlier products. If this box cannot be checked and if
sustainability claims are limited (e.g. because the backing of a material is
primarily plastic), there is much less incentive to work with the material.
2. The perfect material has high marks in performance. This includes good
scores from the Martindale abrasion test, for example. The material can’t crack
or disintegrate with use, and the surface should be smooth and appealing: no
chunks that make the material surface uneven. Durability is also key.
homasine Dolan, Fashion
Design Specialist of MII
3. The perfect material is beautiful. Aesthetics matter to designers. But for a
material to really start to compete with the mainstream options, brands will
want to see choice. A range of colours, finishes (glossy, matte), textures (smooth,
pebbled) and emboss-ability (i.e. to ensure stamped logos will not rub off or
flatten out with time).
Other practical concerns include lead time, location of the material (to minimise
the carbon footprint), and price.
Most industry brands have manufacturing partners, including mills and factories,
that they rely on to execute a design. Significant initial investment of time
and resources is required to test and tweak new materials to make them work
with existing machinery, with the skills and experience of workers, and with
sourcing procedures.
Veshin Factory. Xiao Wei, Executive Director (left) and Hongliang Yu, Co-owner (right).
This can be a bottleneck to transitioning into next-gen materials. Joey Pringle, co-
founder of Veshin Factory, is on a journey to turn a decade-old factory specialising in
manufacturing premium leather goods for luxury brands into a vegan factory.
After a year of testing and working with many next-gen materials, including cactus
leather, and turning them into end products for 6 brand clients, Joey knows that
collaboration is key. It is important to have a manufacturing partner who is willing to
sit down with the material innovators and the brands to consider the best ways to
work with innovative materials.
A Sourcing Perspective
“Fashion brands recognize the trend toward more sustainable and animal-free materials.
We have met with forty fashion, automotive, and home goods brands, and all but two are
actively searching for next-gen materials to integrate into their supply chains.
The current materials industry does not yet produce sustainable options at scale that
meet brands’ performance, aesthetics, and price requirements. When we help brands
source these next-gen materials, we encounter very few existing options that meet a
brand’s specifications and hit their sustainability goals. We continue to reiterate that
perfection cannot be the enemy of good. In other words, although we are not quite there
on 100 percent cradle-to-cradle sustainability, moving to next-gen raw materials will have
significant positive environmental impacts.
- Jacqueline Kravette,
Additionally, although brands are excited to be pioneers and leaders in utilizing these
Chief Brand Officer of MII
materials, they are learning that it requires time, effort, and collaboration with innovators to
form a true partnership. Other options are brands that are conducting their Research and
Development in-house. However, as most are discovering, the time, people, and expense
needed for that option are better found out of house with innovators in all stages
of development.”
Source: Material District, “Help the Planet with lab grown leather? 2,”, Mar
31 2015.
Although consumers appreciate the quality of MII’s exploratory study examined U.S. consumer
animal-based materials, their impact on the purchasing preferences for leather and leather
environment and on animal welfare continue to alternatives. We collected survey responses
give rise to the desire for high quality alternatives from a sample of 519 individuals across the U.S.
more in line with consumers’ values. This through Amazon Mechanical Turk. We segmented
expectation of values orientation in fashion consumers by whether they preferred animal
choices is especially prominent among younger leather or leather alternatives. 45% of respondents
generations.23 preferred animal leather while 55% of respondents
preferred alternative leather. (Figure 8.1)
As the bulk of innovation in next-gen materials
is in leather alternatives, the Material Innovation Those who preferred animal leather (45%)
Initiative undertook a study of U.S. consumers to appreciate the high quality, durability, and
obtain preliminary data on consumer interest in authenticity of animal leather and enjoyed the soft
and reasons for purchasing leather alternatives, feel, smell, and breathability. Those who preferred
as well as consumer perceptions of product leather alternatives (55%) appreciate the altruistic
attributes, openness to different production benefit for animals and the environment and
technologies, pricing, and preferences for message enjoyed the affordability and low maintenance
framing.24 Currently, little data exists regarding aspects of alternative leathers. Being animal-free
consumer acceptance of any next-gen materials. and affordable were the top attributes of leather
Our exploratory study begins a research agenda alternatives for both consumer segments.
to better understand consumer attitudes and
behavior towards new materials that are high Even among U.S. consumers who prefer animal
performance, more sustainable, and animal-free. leather, at least 45% consider alternative leather
more fashionable and better for the environment.
As expected, consumers who prefer alternative
Figure 8.1 Material preference between
leather had higher overall rates of agreement in all
animal leather and alternative leather
categories: over 75% consider alternative leather
Animal good for the environment and fashionable, 87%
Leather see it as affordable, and 92% as good for animals.
(Figure 8.2)
Affordable 87%
Appealing 86%
Fashionable 76%
Good for the Environment
Durable and Long-lasting
High Quality
Good for Workers
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
We then examined how open each group was Among those who prefer alternative leather:
to purchasing materials made using different 96% were open to purchasing
technologies and ingredients. We tested consumer 67% were enthusiastic about purchasing
preferences for (1) acrylic or polyester materials; (2)
plant-based fibers; and (3) materials grown from
animal cells in a factory.
LEATHER MADE OUT OF ACRYLIC Among those who prefer animal leather:
OR POLYESTER MATERIALS 80% were open to purchasing
37% were enthusiastic about purchasing
Among those who prefer animal leather:
1% were open to purchasing Among those who prefer alternative leather:
1 7% were enthusiastic about purchasing 73% were open to purchasing
34% were enthusiastic about purchasing
Among those who prefer alternative leather:
2% were open to purchasing This research indicates a strong market for next-
0% were enthusiastic about purchasing gen leathers even among those who prefer animal
leather. Both consumer segments preferred leather
made from plant-based fibers and leather grown
LEATHER MADE OUT OF PLANT FIBERS from animal cells over polyester and acrylic-based
leather. One of the main reasons for preferring
Among those who prefer animal leather: animal leather over alternative leather was a
0% were open to purchasing concern about quality. As alternative leathers
5% were enthusiastic about purchasing continue to improve in performance, it is likely that
the market will continue to grow.
Among those who prefer alternative leather: Jo-Anne Vernay made with Piñatex® by Ananas Anam
9% would pay more
0% would pay at least 25% more These results provide a first look at U.S. consumers’
preferences for alternative leathers and show a
This survey suggests that consumers are willing to clear preference for next-gen leather over animal-
pay more for products that align with their values based leather. As consumers who preferred
but still meet their aesthetic and performance animal-based leathers did so because they were
needs. Surprisingly, 44% of consumers who prefer perceived to have higher quality and performance
animal leather are willing to pay more for next-gen attributes, we expect these consumers will be open
leather products and 20% of them are willing to pay to switching to next-gen leathers when they are at
at least 25% more than they are currently paying. price, quality, and performance parity.
More and more people are concerned about about sustainability, with many European regional
sustainability in their fashion purchases. and national authorities tying post-COVID recovery
Although some next-gen materials may include Belts made with Viridis®
This report represents the first time the emerging Of the total 74 companies innovating in next-gen
industry of next-gen materials—high performance materials, 42 were established since 2014. Thirty
and more sustainable alternatives to animal- of these 42 new companies focus on leather
derived materials—is analysed and presented in a biomimicry.
way that aims to inspire different stakeholders to
take action. Investment in next-gen material innovation
reached new heights in 2020. The investment
Conventional livestock-derived materials such amount in 2020 alone is nearly the same as in
as leather, fur, silk, wool, down, and exotic skins, the previous 4 years combined. Even amid the
are widely used in the fashion, home goods, and Covid-19 pandemic, this trend continued. By mid-
automobile industries. 2020 highlighted that raising May 2021, 4 of the top 10 funded companies have
animals for their skin, fur, or feathers can be a risky successfully raised new rounds. Investment is
business with low margins and high variability. expected to further increase as companies mature,
Going forward, the greatest opportunities lie demonstrate proof of concept, and scale.
in developing technology and materials that
inherently meet market demand for sustainability, Industry brands have taken actions with respect
style, and performance. to material innovation through internal R&D,
We estimate that the global wholesale market size enthusiasm for sustainable alternatives to
for next-gen materials will be approximately $2.2 transport.45 While we don’t anticipate next-gen
billion (USD) in 2026, representing a 3% share of an materials will grow as quickly, our research
addressable market of over $70 billion. suggests that the industry will grow at 80%
annually over the next 5 years as new materials
In forecasting growth for the next-gen industry begin to enter the market.
over the next 5 years, we look towards the success
of other industries such as electric cars, alternative We see the next-gen materials industry as
proteins, as well as plastic alternatives to derive a 5-10 years behind where the alternative protein
plausible growth rate as new innovative companies industry is currently. In 2019, McKinsey & Co.
begin to come to market. For example, data from estimated the market base for alternative protein
International Energy Agency (IEA) suggests that the at approximately $2.2 billion compared with
electric car industry experienced a CAGR of 125% a global meat market of approximately
between 2010 to 2015 as consumers demonstrated $1.7 trillion.46
Figure 11.1 Projection of growth of the next-gen materials global wholesale market (2021-2026)
2,000 2,205
Market size (USD million)
1,000 1,225
R 80%
65 117
CAGR (2020-2026)
Much larger market projections have been made, including this one: The synthetic leather market
size is estimated to be USD 63.3 billion in 2020 and is projected to reach USD 78.5 billion by 2025, at
a CAGR of 4.4% between 2020 and 2025.47
But do these projections compare apples to apples? We use wholesale prices in coming up with
our market size projection. The market size for end products (e.g., garments in fashion, bedding
in home goods, seats in automobiles) is likely at least several times larger. We chose wholesale
instead of retail prices, because this analysis is primarily for companies in material innovation and
for investors looking to invest in these companies. For example, for the leather sub-category, we
analysed the leather material market, not the leather goods market.
“Current-gen” replacements of animal-based materials that hold a significant share (just over 20%
as of 2020) of the addressable market are also not included.
It is worth noting that the total addressable market is a sizable $70 billion. The next-gen material
industry is nascent now, but we project it will grow quickly. We applied a compound annual growth
rate (CAGR) of 80% between 2020 and 2026.
1 K. Szejda and T. Urbanovich, New Materials 10 B. Witte et al., Food for Thought: The Protein
Nomenclature Assessment, Conducted by Transformation, Boston Consulting Group and Blue
North Mountain Consulting Group for Material Horizon (March 2021): 6.
Innovation Initiative (April 2021): 1-31. https://www. a0/28/4295860343c6a2a5b9f4e3436114/bcg-food-for- thought-the-protein-transformation-mar-2021.pdf
2 USDA, USDA By-product drop value (steer) for Central 11 Elizabeth Paton, “Fungus May Be Fall’s Hottest Fashion
U.S., USDA Market New Service, May 25, 2021. Trend,”, Oct 2, 2020. https://www.nytimes. com/2020/10/02/fashion/mylo-mushroom-leather-
txt#:~:text=The%20average%20value%20of%20 adidas-stella-mccartney.html
hide,down%200.58%20from%20last%20year 12 Ralph Lauren Corporation, “Ralph Lauren Corporation
3 M. Lehmann et al., Pulse of the Fashion Industry 2018, Announces Investment in Leading Sustainable Material
Global Fashion Agenda and The Boston Consulting Science Startup Natural Fiber Welding,” RLPress,
Group (May 2018): 18. Aug 13, 2020.
pulse-of-the-fashion-industry-2018-report-released/ demandware.static/-/Sites-RalphLauren_Corporate-
4 Grand View Research, Leather Goods Market Size & Library/default/dw469eb14a/assets/images/PRESS_
Share Global Industry Report 2019 - 2025 (Feb 2019): RELEASES/NaturalFiberWelding_PressRelease.pdf
1-260. 13 MycoWorks, “An Exclusive Collaboration by Hermès and
analysis/leather-goods-market MycoWorks,”, Mar 2021. https://www.
5 Rob Davies, “The UK’s year in business: the winners,
losers and bumper pay packets,” The, Dec 14 Emily Farra, “Stella McCartney Introduces Her First
31, 2020. Garments Made of Mylo, the “Leather” Alternative Grown
dec/31/covid-winners-losers-pay-uk-year-in-business From Mushrooms,”, Mar 17, 2021. https://
6, “Denmark to cull all farmed minks over
coronavirus mutation,”, Apr 11, 2020. https:// mushroom-leather-alternative-ready-to-wear 15 Biomimicry Institute, “What is Biomimicry?” Biomimicry.
over-coronavirus-mutation/a-55501832 org, 2021.
7 United Nations Environment Programme, Preventing 16 National Museum of American HIstory, “Recombinant
the next pandemic: Zoonotic diseases and how to break DNA and the Birth of Biotech: Recombinant Drugs,”
the chain of transmission (2020): 1-82. https://www.unep., no date. https://americanhistory.
outbreaks-protecting-environment-animals-and recombinant-drugs
8 B. Witte et al., Food for Thought: The Protein 17 Nancy Parenteau, “Skin: The First Tissue-Engineered
Transformation, Boston Consulting Group and Blue Products,” Scientific American 280, 4 (April 1999): 83-85.
Horizon (March 2021): 2.
a0/28/4295860343c6a2a5b9f4e3436114/bcg-food-for- 18 Kieran O’Brien, “The Translational “Valley of Death”
thought-the-protein-transformation-mar-2021.pdf for Engineered Tissues,”,
9 B. Witte et al., Food for Thought: The Protein Aug 29, 2019.
Transformation, Boston Consulting Group and Blue the-translational-valley-of-death-for-engineered-
Horizon (March 2021): 2. tissues/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CTissue%20engineering%
a0/28/4295860343c6a2a5b9f4e3436114/bcg-food-for- 20is%20a%20major,were%20published%20on%20
thought-the-protein-transformation-mar-2021.pdf the%20topic
Principal Author
Elaine Siu
MII Chief Innovation Officer
Anne Green
MII Project Manager
Sydney Gladman, Ph.D, MII Chief Scientific Officer
Fernanda Mota Onça, MII Innovation Assistant
Abhirath Kumar, Ahimsa VC
Nicole Rawling, MII Chief Executive Officer
Research Partner
Layout Designer
Adam Cohen
We’d also like to thank the leading next-gen material companies, industry stakeholders,
and investors for their generous input and support.
The Material Innovation Initiative is a nonprofit that accelerates the development of “next-gen” (high
performance, animal-free, and more sustainable) materials for the fashion, automotive, and home
goods industries. Technological innovation and untapped natural materials have the potential to
transform the materials industry and solve the enormous environmental challenges it faces.
We work for materials that can do more, while requiring less of the planet, animals, and people involved
at every stage. We imagine a circular future where the default choice for your sweater, sneaker, or seat is
humane and sustainable; a future where animals are allowed to live free and thrive, where the planet is
saved from pollution and degradation, and where workers are treated fairly and with respect.
Nicole Rawling Stephanie Downs Sydney Gladman Elaine Siu Jacqueline Lisa Lupinski Cortney Busch Jonathan Frappier
Co-Founder & Chief Co-Founder & Chief Scientific Chief Innovation Kravette Chief Marketing Chief Operating Chief Development
Executive Officer Board Chair Officer Officer Chief Brand Officer Officer Officer Officer
Thomasine Dolan Victoria Ramm Anne Green Toube Benedetto Anastacia Orth Joshua Hanosh Fernanda Mota Onça
Fashion Design Philanthropy Project Manager Volunteer Volunteer Web Designer Innovation Assistant,
Specialist Officer Development Development South America
Team Coordinator Research
Powered by philanthropy,
MII is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, Tax ID 84-3847333.