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Capriccio Pov Libretto

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Libretto by Clemens Krauss and Richard Strauss

Music by Richard Strauss
First Performance October 28, 1942, National Theatre, Munich

Synopsis and English Libretto

for Pacific Opera Victoria’s
Production of Capriccio
February 25, March 2, 4, 6, 2010, 8 pm
February 27, 3 pm
Royal Theatre, Victoria, BC
English Libretto based on Surtitle Text created for POV by Teresa Turgeon

Pacific Opera Victoria, 500 – 1815 Blanshard Street, Victoria, BC V8T 5A4
Phone: 250.382.1641 Box Office: 250.385.0222 www.pov.bc.ca
by Clemens Krauss and Richard Strauss
Music by Richard Strauss
Strauss originally set Capriccio in a luxurious chateau near Paris at the time when Gluck began his reform of opera,
about 1775. Marie Antoinette had just become Queen of France; the French Revolution was yet to come.
Pacific Opera Victoria’s production is set in the elegant 18th century family home of the Count and Countess, but in the
late 1930s – the time in which the opera was written.

Scene 1 and of Rameau – superb, but spoiled for her by the bad
The Count and his sister, the Countess Madeleine, are manners of the man (meanwhile the orchestra quotes
hosting a house party at which a group of artists will snippets from these composers). The Count tells her she
rehearse the entertainment for the Countess’s approaching needs to distinguish the man from his music and suggests
birthday. As the opera opens, the Countess is listening that her response to Flamand’s composition is coloured by
raptly to a charming string sextet by the composer her attraction to him. She counters that his praise for
Flamand, while the theatre director La Roche sleeps. Olivier’s play has a lot to do with his interest in the actress
Flamand and the poet Olivier watch the Countess intently Clairon.
and adoringly – and quickly realize that they are both in
The Count then points out that Madeleine has two admirers
love with her. They agree they are friendly rivals in both
and asks which she will choose. Perhaps neither, she
love and art – words against music.
responds, for choosing either means I must lose one.
La Roche wakes up, observing contentedly that he sleeps
best to gentle music. Flamand and Olivier are irritated that Scene 3
their destiny lies in such hands as his, but La Roche The others return, and La Roche reviews the programme
counters that without his staging, their works are nothing for the birthday celebrations: Flamand’s piece, followed by
but paper. The discussion turns to the operas of Gluck, Olivier’s play, in which the Count and Clairon will act the
whom Flamand and Olivier admire, but La Roche holds parts of the lovers, and finally, a spectacular production by
forth on the merits of the Italian composer Piccinni. La Roche’s company, featuring fantastic tableaux, a
magnificent ballet, and singers with astonishing voices and
(The score here quotes the overture from Gluck’s Iphigénie high trills, performing real Italian opera. But La Roche
en Aulide, whose 1774 premiere sparked often violent refuses to reveal any more details.
conflict between “Gluckists” and “Piccinnists”. Gluck
wanted to restore the balance of music and words in opera, Scene 4
making the drama of the work more important than the The famous actress Clairon arrives, and everyone is
virtuoso singers who dominated Italian opera with their aflutter with admiration. Clairon and the Count read a love
extravagant ornamentation and brilliant embellishments.) scene from Olivier's play. Unaccompanied by the
orchestra, their dialogue is entirely words – pure poetry,
La Roche complains that Gluck’s orchestra drowns out the
with no music. It culminates in a love sonnet (Kein Andres,
singers – he hankers for the good old days of Italian opera.
das mir so im Herzen loht). Clairon compliments the Count
While Flamand and Olivier scorn the idea of catering to
on his reading of the lines, and off they go to the small
the masses, La Roche calls for human characters that will
theatre in the next room to work with La Roche on staging
appeal to the man in the street – a musical comedy,
the play. La Roche forbids Olivier to attend the rehearsal,
beautiful arias, lots of spectacle, pretty girls. Talk turns to
telling him to trust in the director’s genius.
the charming actress Clairon, an old flame of Olivier’s.
Olivier tells the Countess that the Count’s reading of the
Noticing that the Countess is still under the spell of
love sonnet was addressed to the wrong person. He then
Flamand’s music, La Roche adds that it’s a pity he slept
recites the verses directly and passionately to her. As he is
through it himself. All three speak admiringly of her
speaking, Flamand begins to improvise a little melody on
beauty and charm. And a widow adds La Roche
the harpsichord and then, inspired, rushes off to set the
meaningfully, before whisking them off to get ready to
words to music.
rehearse Olivier’s new play.
Scene 5
Scene 2
When the horrified Olivier tries to stop Flamand from
The Count and Countess enter. Unlike her brother,
meddling with his precious verse, the Countess tells him to
Madeleine has been carried away by Flamand’s music. She
wait and see. She then teases him, asking if he has no prose
comments on the music of Couperin – pretty but shallow –

Pacific Opera Victoria Capriccio: Synopsis and Libretto 1

to deliver now that the two of them are alone. He expresses eloquence in silence that is stronger than words and more
his ardent devotion, but she has half an eye on Flamand persuasive.
who is happily spinning poetry into song. Olivier entreats
Madeleine asks why Flamand, a musician, is resorting to
her to choose between music and poetry and crown the
words. He retorts that his music does not yet seem to have
victor, just as Flamand rushes in, flourishing the completed
touched her heart. She finally agrees to give him her
answer the next morning at eleven, in the library where he
Scene 6 first found love; overcome with excitement, he rushes off.
Flamand sings the sonnet to his own harpsichord The Countess contemplates her dilemma. As the rehearsal
accompaniment. in the next room winds up, she calls the major-domo to
serve chocolate.
Nothing else flames so in my heart,
no, Lady, nothing is there on earth’s whole face, Scene 8
nothing else that I could sigh for as for you, The Count enters, exuberantly reporting on Clairon’s
in vain would Venus herself come down to grant my will. charm and revelling in her praise for his acting. Madeleine
What joy, what pain your gentle eye bestows; warns him that he has been captivated by the actress’s
and if a glance should heighten all that pain… flattery. She then tells her brother that both the poet and
the next restore my fondest hope and bliss entire; the musician have declared their love for her. The Count
two glances signify then life … or death. tells her that in a choice between words and music, he’d
stay with the words.
And, though I lived five hundred thousand years,
save you, miraculous fair, there could not be Scene 9
another creature hold sway over me. The others enter, and Clairon graciously praises the
Through fresh veins I must needs let flow my blood; Count’s spirit and compliments him on his
my own with you are filled to overflowing imperturbability: Our prompter had fallen asleep… and
and new love then could find not room nor pause. the Count went on reading with bravura, not even once
forgetting a line.
The Countess is deeply moved; she feels that the music
and the words seem always to have been waiting for one As they all savour their chocolate, La Roche brings in a
another; the two together transcend either alone. pair of dancers to perform three short dances – a
Passepied, a Gigue, and a Gavotte – in the style of
Meanwhile Olivier mutters furiously that Flamand has Couperin and Rameau.
stolen his poem: The rhymes destroyed, the sentences
dismembered…Who can hear the slightest sense in the During the Passepied, La Roche chats with the Count,
text? … This lucky man climbs my words like a ladder to expounding on the beauty and grace of the young ballerina,
victory! … Is it now his poem, or still my own? his newest discovery, whom he is grooming for a great
future, both on stage and off.
The Countess declares that the sonnet now belongs to her,
and Flamand agrees enthusiastically. The Countess tells As the Gigue begins, Olivier approaches Clairon, but she is
the sulking poet, No matter how you may resent it, dear interested in neither his flattery nor his attempts to make
friend, you are both inseparably united in this sonnet of peace; it is clear they had a love affair that ended badly. As
mine! Clairon walks away from the poet, the observant La Roche
notes that Olivier is unlikely to play an impressive role in
Things are not about to get any better for the poet, for now her memoirs (the real-life Hyppolyte Clairon, a leading
La Roche comes to discuss some brilliant cuts he intends actress-courtesan of the Comédie Française did indeed
to make to Olivier’s play. Joking about the proposed publish her memoirs in 1799).
amputation, the two depart, leaving Flamand alone with
the Countess. Only for the Gavotte do the dancers have the attention of
the entire company. They finish amid general applause and
Scene 7 fulsome compliments from the Count: Your performance
Now it is Flamand’s turn to declare his fervent love to charmed and delighted me. Just as our thoughts free the
Madeleine and ask her to make a choice. She vacillates: mind from the body and lift us into a higher world, so does
Everything is such a tangle – Words are singing, music dance overcome the force of gravity. The body seems to
speaks! hover, accompanied by moving music.
Flamand tenderly recalls how he first came to love The Count then points out to Flamand that here his music
Madeleine one afternoon in her library when she, unaware is merely a delicious accompaniment. Flamand defends his
of his presence, read for a while as he watched, enchanted. art vigourously: If it were not for Music, no one on earth
As dusk fell, she left, and he picked up the volume she had would ever dream of moving a muscle. Olivier chimes in,
left open and in the twilight read the lines by Pascal: In saying that music and dance are constrained by rhythm and
Love, silence is better than speech. There is something of that only poetry offers true freedom and clarity of thought.

Pacific Opera Victoria Capriccio: Synopsis and Libretto 2

Flamand insists that music is replete with meaning – In a Carried away with amusement, his listeners join in an octet
single chord you experience a world! (The Laughing Ensemble) and mock the notion of trying to
La Roche weighs in on behalf of theatre as the supreme art. depict this preposterous story on stage. Clairon calls it a
bizarre depiction of the joys of fatherhood. The Count,
The Countess agrees: The theatre unveils for us the secrets
convinced that theatre people are nuts, cracks up at the
of reality. In its magic mirror we discover ourselves.
image of Athena riding in full armour out of Zeus’ head to
The debate continues. celebrate his sister’s birthday. The Italian soprano
Olivier: Poetry is the mother of all arts. rhapsodizes about the cake, while the tenor worries they
won’t be paid for the gig and then berates the soprano for
Flamand: Music is the root from which everything springs drinking too much.
… The cry of pain preceded language.
Flamand imitates the orchestration for the moment when
Olivier: The real depth of the Tragic can only be expressed the goddess, with shield and spear, slips out from the head
when a poet puts it into words. of her father: Drums and Cymbals! Tschin! Tschin! Boom!
The Countess reminds them that it is possible to create a Boom! Olivier anticipates the wonders of La Roche’s
musical tragedy, at which the Count suddenly cries, Stop! directorial abilities as Hephaestos swings his hammer to
One more step and we stand before the abyss! We’re break open Zeus’ head so the baby goddess can be born.
already face to face with an opera! His skull throbs! He’s relieved!
Olivier complains that composers and poets obstruct one The Countess is enchanted by La Roche’s intensity and his
another dreadfully and waste untold effort in bringing an wild imagination, and a little touched by his seriousness
opera into the world. The Count adds, An opera is an and naïveté. La Roche castigates the younger generation
absurd thing. Orders are sung; affairs of state are for their irreverence and ignorance in making fun of
discussed in duets; people dance on graves and suicide mythology. Nothing is sacred! … No understanding of my
takes place melodically. inspiration! … Present-day youth has no respect!
Clairon chimes in that she wouldn’t mind people dying Seeing that La Roche is offended, the Countess soothes
with an aria on their lips, except that she finds the words so him, explaining that although they are impressed by his
much worse than the music. The Countess brings forward brilliant idea, they can’t imagine how on earth it could be
Gluck as an example of someone who makes the words staged – We’re just amateurs. But she’s sure he’ll pull it
and the music equal. At this, the Count launches into a off with his great skill as a director.
complaint about the unspeakable boredom of recitatives. And what is the subject of the second part of your
La Roche pontificates on the deafening noise of the spectacle? she asks. The Fall of Carthage, responds La
orchestra, which drowns out the singers, forcing them to Roche grandly, and this breathtaking production will pull
shriek. He waxes nostalgic on the subject of song and the out all the stops – the town in flames, a sea of fire … four
beauty of the human voice, mourning the great tradition of thousand candles … a galley of my own construction,
Italian song: Bel Canto is slowly dying! pitching and tossing! Lightning and thunderbolts in the
To illustrate the magnificence of Bel Canto, La Roche middle of the stage…the sails in flames – a burning wreck!
brings in two singers to perform an ornamental little duet Tidal wave in the harbour! The palace falls in ruins…
from an Italian opera with a text by Metastasio. The words Flamand and Olivier scoff at what is sure to come next –
are a sorrowful lovers’ farewell, Farewell, my life, At the end, a gorgeous ballet in the ruins! Tempers start to
farewell, do not weep for my fate … Farewell, light of my flare as a second octet, The Quarrelling Ensemble, begins,
eyes. and everyone again weighs in with an opinion.
The Countess observes that the text doesn’t seem to suit Flamand and Olivier are appalled: The scenery is playing
the music. Flamand and Olivier agree that it takes a certain the leading role! … Words or Music? Ha! The question is
art to use a cheerful tune to express great sorrow. Flight Machines versus Trap-Doors! … Why even have an
The Count and Clairon have a flirtatious interchange, with orchestra when the thunder machine will do so much
Clairon agreeing to let the Count escort her back to Paris to better? … On top of all this they will sing Italian! Trills!
read lines with her. Runs! Cadenzas! They declare they will have nothing to do
with the production.
The Countess persuades La Roche to reveal to the group a
few details of the grandiose production he is preparing for As Flamand and Olivier are ganging up on La Roche, the
her birthday celebration. There are two parts, he tells them. Countess expresses her dismay at their brutality and her
First, a depiction of the birth of Athena from the head of distress for La Roche. The Count watches with avid glee:
Zeus. La Roche explains the story to his befuddled Ha! The noble arts are at loggerheads...their apostles are
audience: after Zeus and Metis conceived the child, Zeus squabbling among themselves. They show their teeth and
swallowed the mother, and the daughter grew inside him start to brawl! … La Roche in a fix! An exquisite sight!
until she emerged, fully armed, from his head. Ha! … How will he get out of it?

Pacific Opera Victoria Capriccio: Synopsis and Libretto 3

Clairon, however, is confident that La Roche can take care staging the heroine’s transformation into a tree would pose
of himself and that he will shortly strike back. a problem (as it had in Strauss’s 1938 opera Daphne, until
The tenor gives up all hope of collecting his fee, then joins Clemens Krauss came up with the solution.)
in as the tipsy soprano sings a reprise of their duet, this Ironically, the Count, who doesn’t want an opera at all,
time bidding a tender, heartbroken farewell to their money. comes up with the topic: an opera exactly as La Roche
La Roche then launches into a monumental tirade, scolding wants, depicting the conflicts and events of the very day
both poet and composer for arrogantly judging him while they have been living. La Roche is a little hesitant (Will it
they themselves have done nothing for the theatre. He tells be too indiscreet? It would be a challenge to stage).
them their little poems and chamber pieces, while nice However, everyone is intrigued, and Flamand and Olivier
enough in their way, have neither the dramatic structure are eager to begin. As the guests prepare to leave, the
nor the human passion essential for great theatre. He Countess bids them adieu and exits.
agrees that public taste has become vulgar and brainless, Scene 10
but tells them, You despise these goings on and yet you The Count and Clairon depart for Paris, and La Roche
tolerate them. You share the guilt because of your silence. ushers out the singers, assuring them their money will be
La Roche goes on to glorify his role in preserving culture, ready the next day. As Flamand and Olivier prepare to
and tradition: I serve the eternal laws of the theatre. I depart, still jousting over whether the words or the music
preserve … the art of our fathers … I reverently preserve will have pride of place, La Roche admonishes them not to
the old, hoping patiently for the fruitful new, expecting the forget his big scene – the high point of the piece – in which
works of genius of our time! Where are the masterpieces he will direct everyone in a rehearsal. And, above all, they
that touch the heart of the people, that reflect their souls? must take care to give him a really great exit.
Where are they? I cannot find them, hard though I search. La Roche then leaves with Flamand and Olivier.
He challenges Flamand and Olivier to either come up with
Scene 11
a theatrical masterpiece of their own or stop criticizing
Eight servants enter. As they tidy up, they comment on the
him. I want to people my stage with human beings! People
goings on – the soprano’s appetite for cake, the shouting
who resemble us and speak in our language! Let their
about theatre (it’s all Greek to one; another explains that
sorrows move us deeply and let their joys fill our hearts
the director wants to make some theatre reforms before
with gladness!
he’s dead; a third suggests they may soon let servants have
He finishes in top form: On my tombstone you will read roles in opera). All agree that the Count is looking for a
the inscription: Here lies La Roche, the unforgettable, the tender adventure and the Countess is in love but doesn’t
immortal Theatre Director. The Friend of Comedy, the know with whom – and to make up her mind she lets them
patron of Tragic Art. A father of the stage, guardian angel write her an opera.
of artists. The gods loved him, and mankind admired him!
Their opinions on opera are much like the Count’s: They
have it sung so you don’t understand the words. And that is
This bombastic, but deeply felt manifesto is greeted with very necessary, or else you would rack your brains about
stormy applause and Clairon’s witty La Roche, you are the muddled content.
monumental! The soprano bursts into tipsy sobs and is led
They mention their favourite entertainments – tightrope
away by the irritated tenor.
dancers, marionettes, that ghastly play about Coriolanus,
The Countess picks up on La Roche’s challenge and who stabs his own daughter! As the servants wonder about
commands Flamand and Olivier to work together in putting on an amusing show for the Countess’s birthday,
harmony to create a glorious new work. They latch eagerly the major-domo gives them the good news that as soon as
onto the idea as the Count moans that now he’ll be the they serve supper they’ll be free for the evening. They go
victim of an opera. off happily.
Talk now turns to practical matters. La Roche starts giving Scene 12
advice. To Flamand: Give the aria its due! Always The prompter, Monsieur Taupe (his name is French for
consider the singers – keep the orchestra quiet! To Olivier: mole), emerges unexpectedly from the small theatre where
Don’t put the Primadonna’s scene at the beginning. Make he had been left asleep and forgotten.
the verses comprehensible and repeat them often so there’s
a chance they’ll be understood. He tells the major-domo about the life of a prompter: I am
the invisible ruler of a magical world ... Only when I sit in
Then comes the question of a subject for the opera. Olivier my prompt box does the great wheel of the theatre begin to
suggests Ariadne auf Naxos, but Flamand dismisses it as turn. The deep thoughts of our poets – I whisper them to
having been done too often before (to an orchestral myself in a quiet voice, and everything comes to life.
quotation from Strauss’s own opera by the same name). Reality is mirrored in front of me ... My own whispering
Flamand then proposes Daphne, but Olivier objects that

Pacific Opera Victoria Capriccio: Synopsis and Libretto 4

lulls me to sleep. If I sleep I become an event. The actors She sings the sonnet, interrupting herself partway through:
stop speaking, the audience wakes up! It’s fruitless to try to separate them. Words and music are
The major-domo, politely amused, offers M. Taupe fused into one … One art redeemed by the other!
something to eat and promises to arrange a ride back to Regarding herself in a mirror, she asks herself what to do.
Paris for him. In choosing the one, you will lose the other. Doesn’t one
always lose when one wins?
Scene 13
It is evening and the moon has risen. The Countess enters. Again she asks the Madeleine in the mirror, Do you want
The major-domo tells her that Olivier will meet her to to be consumed between two fires? You mirrored image of
discuss the ending of the opera – the next morning at Madeleine in love – can you advise me, can you help me
eleven, in the library. She is alarmed, realizing that find the ending, the ending for their opera? Is there one
Flamand will be disappointed to find Olivier in the library that is not trivial?
instead of her. The major-domo announces that supper is served;
And as for me, she wonders, I’m supposed to determine the Madeleine smiles at the mirror and walks into the dining
opera’s ending … Is it the words that move my heart or the room, humming the sonnet.
music that speaks more strongly?
Maureen Woodall

Cast and Creative Team Cast in order of vocal appearance

Flamand, a composer Kurt Lehmann
Olivier, a poet Joshua Hopkins
La Roche, the theatre director Brian Bannatyne-Scott
The Countess Madeleine Erin Wall
The Count, her brother James Westman
Clairon, an actress Norine Burgess
Italian Tenor Michael Colvin
Italian Soprano Virginia Hatfield
Servants Christopher Hinz, Andrew Snyder, Andrew Buckley, Delwynne Windell
Sam Marcaccini, Steven De Vries, Paul Winkelmans, Andy Erasmus
The Major-Domo Doug MacNaughton
Monsieur Taupe Patrick Raftery
Dancers Andrea Bayne, Paul Destrooper
Maids Ashley Green, Tamara Rusque
Musician/Gamesman Frank Morin
The French Poodle Intrigues Predominant Legend, aka Marshall
Conductor Timothy Vernon
Director Robert McQueen
Set and Costume Designer Christina Poddubiuk
Lighting Designer Alan Brodie
Choreographer Paul Destrooper
Resident Stage Manager Jackie Adamthwaite
Assistant Stage Managers Steve Barker, Kate Wallace
Principal Coach Robert Holliston
Associate Conductor Giuseppe Pietraroia
With the Victoria Symphony

Pacific Opera Victoria Capriccio: Synopsis and Libretto 5

The Sonnet
In 1939, as Richard Strauss and Clemens Krauss were working on Capriccio, they cast about for an authentic French love
sonnet to represent the cause of words in the words-vs-music debate within the opera. Hans Swarowsky, who was working for
Krauss as a dramaturge, was charged with finding an appropriate 18th century poem. When his research revealed that love
sonnets had gone out of fashion at that time, Swarowsky suggested a sonnet from the Continuation des Amours of the 16th
century poet Pierre de Ronsard.
Swarowsky translated Ronsard’s poem into elegant and lyrical German, and the delighted Strauss immediately set it to music,
first as a Lied for voice and piano, then, with some changes, as the pivotal sonnet whose iterations form the core of the opera.
Below are the original sonnet by Pierre de Ronsard, in Middle French (note that many of the spellings differ from modern
French), followed by Swarowsky’s German translation for Capriccio, and a translation of the sonnet into English.

Continuation des Amours (1555) Sonnet from Capriccio

Sonetz en vers de dix à onze syllables Translated into German by Hans Swarowsky
By Pierre de Ronsard

Je ne saurois aimer autre que vous, Kein andres, das mir so im Herzen loht,
Non, Dame, non, je ne saurois le faire: Nein, Schöne, nichts auf dieser ganzen Erde,
Autre que vous ne me sauroit complaire, Kein andres, das ich so wie dich begehrte,
Et fust Venus descendue entre nous. Und käm' von Venus mir ein Angebot.
Vos yeus me sont si gracieus et dous, Dein Auge beut mir himmlisch-süsse Not,
Que d'un seul clin ils me peuvent defaire, Und wenn ein Aufschlag alle Qual vermehrte,
D'un autre clin tout soudain me refaire, Ein andrer Wonne mir und Lust gewährte
Me faisant vivre ou mourir en deux cous. Zwei Schläge sind dann Leben oder Tod.
Quand je serois cinq cens mille ans en vie, Und trüg' ich's fünfmalhunderttausend Jahre,
Autre que vous, ma mignonne m'amie, Erhielte ausser dir, du Wunderbare,
Ne me feroit amoureus devenir. Kein andres Wesen über mich Gewalt.
Il me faudroit refaire d'autres venes, Durch neue Adern müsst' mein Blut ich giessen,
Les miennes sont de vostre amour si plenes, In meinen, voll von dir zum Überfliessen,
Qu'un autre amour n'y sauroit plus tenir. Fänd' neue Liebe weder Raum noch Halt.

English Translation
Nothing else flames so in my heart,
no, Lady, nothing is there on earth’s whole face,
nothing else that I could sigh for as for you,
in vain would Venus herself come down to grant my will.
What joy, what pain your gentle eye bestows;
and if a glance should heighten all that pain…
the next restore my fondest hope and bliss entire;
two glances signify then life… or death.
And, though I lived five hundred thousand years,
save you, miraculous fair, there could not be
another creature hold sway over me.
Through fresh veins I must needs let flow my blood;
my own with you are filled to overflowing
and new love then could find not room nor pause.

Pacific Opera Victoria Capriccio: Synopsis and Libretto 6

This English version of the Capriccio libretto is based on the draft text for the surtitles for POV’s production.
The German libretto may be accessed on the internet at http://www.opera-guide.ch/libretto.php?id=363&uilang=de&lang=de

The garden salon of a rococo chateau near Paris. First the words ... then the music!
Early afternoon. As the curtain rises and during the
beginning of the first scene, the Andante of a string sextet FLAMAND vehemently
is heard coming from the salon at left. It is a composition First the music … then the words!
by Flamand which is being performed for the Countess.
The door to the salon is open. Olivier and Flamand stand OLIVIER
near it. They listen attentively and watch the Countess. Tune and words…
Near the centre of the stage, La Roche sits in an armchair.
He is asleep. FLAMAND
… are brother and sister.
Enchanting, today as always! OLIVIER
Bold comparison!
You, too? The Sextet comes to an end. The theatre director wakes up.

Keeping her eyes closed, how profoundly she listens. The best sleep of all is sleeping to music.

OLIVIER pointing to the sleeping director OLIVIER pointing to the director

He, too? And such a creature controls our destiny.

Be quiet, scoffer! Why argue? Without me your finest words are dead paper!

But they’re radiantly open when she hears my verses and I With you, composers and poets are slaves held in bondage!
must say I prefer that.
FLAMAND My beautiful scenery?
You too?
OLIVIER Boring backdrops.
I do not deny it.
FLAMAND My painter works for the Royal Opera!
That means that we are…
OLIVIER In that case, Chevalier Gluck has my pity.
loving enemies.
FLAMAND He drowns our classic “Iphigenie” with his academic
friendly rivals… music.

words or music? The prophetic successor to the mighty Corneille!

Hers is the decision! Not a single tune to remember, the words are lost in the
OLIVIER always softly, but emphatically orchestra’s uproar!

Pacific Opera Victoria Capriccio: Synopsis and Libretto 7

FLAMAND “Your operas are awful,” he said to me,
His great harmonies move us – “just to watch them would be divine,
but to listen is infernal!
OLIVIER In vain one expects arias
Each breath is pure drama – and they all sound like recitatives!”

Endless rehearsals for many months. Who cares for the judgement of Venetians?
And then it is a failure, our wonderful play.
FLAMAND He writes for the people.
The public is split into enemy factions…
FLAMAND ironically
OLIVIER “Gondola! Gondola!”
Artistic excitement…
DIRECTOR mockingly His stage is peopled with grocers and fish-mongers.
Discussions and problems! Leave me in peace!
FLAMAND And what about us? The days of the Druids, the legends of
The theatre is overflowing… old, inspire our poets; to Turkey and Persia and the
biblical prophets they go for their themes. But what of the
OLIVIER public? People are left cold and they just stay away. The
and sold out, week after week… public is clamouring for real human beings of flesh and
blood – not mere phantoms!
Foibles of fashion! The cream of society, they sit in their FLAMAND disdainfully
boxes, bored, they gossip and yawn. They notice only the You play for the masses.
magnificent scenery and wait impatiently for their beloved
tenor with his famous High C. It is just like the old days OLIVIER
when we were playing Lully and Rameau. Your company prefers meaningless farces.
Nothing surpasses the great Italian Opera!
OLIVIER derisively We play only good things! An Opera buffa that bubbles
With its silly text? with gaiety or a bright witty Vaudeville. Always a wealth
of feminine beauty…
With its wonderful music! Deeply moved by the magic OLIVIER
arias, the audience admires the gifted singers. …to beguile the old rakes in the audience!
The Opera buffa – in particular – Maestro Piccinni knows
his craft – both rich and poor can understand it, it DIRECTOR
entertains and delights the man in the street. Yet a certain leading lady had a place in your heart!

Mere entertainment is not our goal! Beautiful Clairon! He knows how charming!

What miserable judgement! That is past – all past…

An expert like you! Your tender relations have suffered somewhat?

Last night I met old man Goldoni. Just the same I admire her genius on stage.
He sat alone and was in an ugly mood.

Pacific Opera Victoria Capriccio: Synopsis and Libretto 8

Soon our dear Count will admire her in person. You love music. What do you think of Flamand?
I have asked her to come today for rehearsal.
COUNTESS ignoring the questiom
FLAMAND The music of Couperin pleases me but there is too little
He’ll act with her, will he? depth to his gay little tunes.
Rameau is superb – I often sing to myself:
DIRECTOR “Fra le pupille di vaghe belle…”.
He wants to attempt it, But he was a person with terrible manners.
ironically, to Olivier And that is the reason I rather dislike him.
supported by the great power of your verses. My enjoyment is spoiled.
But, look! The Countess is rising –
to Flamand COUNT
your music has moved her, as you can see. You must distinguish the man from his music.
Was it really so great? Pity! I slept all the way through it.
FLAMAND raptly watching the Countess I want to…
Her dreamy eyes...
OLIVIER equally intent But you cannot; as I have noticed.
An enchanting smile plays on her lips...
DIRECTOR softly All the while I listened, I kept my eyes closed.
A remarkable woman.
OLIVIER From under your lashes – no glance for the writer?
Such wit and charm…
FLAMAND Oh yes … I was pleased with what I saw. I find it
Young … radiantly beautiful! pleasant…

and widowed… When harmony reigns between nature and art.
They are coming! Now quick to the theatre; we must set
the stage and get everything ready. Now my work begins. I COUNTESS
know my stage – that is where I am at home. Through my Let me enjoy it, the wondrous experience.
directing I solve every problem. Dramatic expression, What I never thought of came forth in music.
meaningful gesture… basic principle! Sombre feelings soared away, let them stay silent
though the heart identifies them.
All three exit into the theatre room
SCENE 2 What the music cannot say will be told by the poet:
The Count and Countess enter Olivier’s play is a marvel!

The stream of music carried me far out over a magic Such outrageous praise, my skeptical brother?
horizon! The guest you are waiting for, the famous actress; she
interests you, do not deny it!
The sound of a violin bewitches the ear, my mind stays COUNT
cold. You, too, must admit, Clairon is splendid.
Her greatness remains unsurpassed.
COUNTESS To act beside her scares me a little,
Will your critical attitude not once remain silent? for this time our two roles are reversed.
This time it is the patron who is aiming to please.

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Where the actor falls, let the “Count” be successful, joy of the moment … moment of happiness…
and the poet’s words take you straight to your goal. joy of life! wisdom of life!

Don’t mock, sister! You have a pair of admirers! SCENE 3
Words against music – which conquers your heart? La Roche, Flamand and Olivier enter.

Must I decide? I prefer just to listen. The stage is all ready, we can start the rehearsal.
We have prepared a special programme for her Ladyship’s
COUNT birthday celebration. We shall be pitting our talents against
Your Ladyship, Your Ladyship, where does this road lead? each other: there is the magnificent Sinfonia by our
youthful Flamand...
The road that you take leads to more adventure! COUNT pointing to the poet
Then his drama, in which I will be acting the part of the
COUNT lover.
Now benevolent glances for this one – later a promising
smile for the other. COUNTESS
As dreamer or hero I would like to know!
My heart hears an echo of passionate music. DIRECTOR
And lastly … an opus from my own studio.
The poet’s more ardent! FLAMAND
Probably one of your dramatized proverbs again with
COUNTESS interpolated ariettas full of jokes!
Look after yourself.
COUNT No! Not at all!
I live only for the moment. A grandiose “azione teatrale” to be given by my entire
company. A pageant of homage!
COUNTESS I am not divulging either contents or title…
Who knows the future?
OLIVIER ironically
COUNT A terrible secret!
What will your choice be?
COUNTESS Most exalted tableaux; a lovely ballet! And singers of true
I can’t help wondering. Perhaps I’ll choose neither, for Italian opera will be performing this time. Voices,
choosing either means I must lose one. Madame, you will be astonished! Their pearly runs … their
high trills! The Tenor’s high tone is radiantly clear!
Cheerfully lost, cheerfully won, FLAMAND
life’s greatest treasure – highest reward! Music merely a pretext!

Carefully win, lovingly clasp So speaks the voice of envy. The success decides!
life’s highest treasure – fairest prize!
COUNT Inane verses!...
Blithely decide … Gladly acknowledge…
lightly possess … inwardly yield… DIRECTOR
Who listens to words when the music speaks?

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At this moment the touring car carrying the celebrated OLIVIER with a glance at the Countess
actress Clairon pulls up in the driveway. It is entirely a matter of being inspired, most gracious
Clairon. This very morning a beautiful sonnet came to me.
COUNT looking out through the glass doors
She’s coming! I hasten to welcome her! COUNT
His work is finished, here is the manuscript.
So she really has come. You have finally won! Let us hear what the latest masterpiece of our young poet
is like, my dear Count and let us at the same time have a
COUNTESS looking out proof of your theatrical talent.
The illustrious tragedienne in travelling clothes.
DIRECTOR to Olivier I am so eager for the author to be heard that I will not leave
As I told you, no one ever dares to refuse me. you any longer in doubt regarding the limits of my talent!

FLAMAND Clairon and the Count recite from the play by the poet.
If she could also sing, then no one at all could resist her. They read their parts. Clairon begins.


How can I ever thank you? You leave.
So quickly can the sweet red rose of your affection wither?
The Count enters with Clairon and introduces her to the Is it so easy to retreat along the path
Countess. that brought you hither?
This eye, that once beheld in me
COUNT its font of deepest satisfaction,
Melpomene’s priestess, the divine Clairon! now greets with sparkling zest and glee,
the promise of a new distraction.
COUNTESS courteously
How often I have been charmed by your wonderful talent! COUNT
I leave.
DIRECTOR heroically But since I must depart to break the enemy’s resistance,
Andromache, Phaedra, Medea, Roxane! Let every fibre of my heart span
the abyss of time and distance
CLAIRON to La Roche then may this body travel far –
You spoil my entrance, my dear La Roche. this arm may rise in fierce endeavour:
To the Countess my soul will tarry where you are –
I fear now, Madame, that after that lavish preamble you at peace, and adorable for ever!
will find my conversation disappointing.
COUNTESS very politely The world, so rich in interest will jade for you this quiet
Do not underestimate the charm we find in you while you life…
are conversing without the restrictions of metric form.
Your spontaneous delivery surely will make you COUNT
successful in the drawing room. O goddess, only at your breast is true repose from stress
and strife.
On stage, within our world of make-believe, if reality CLAIRON
comes too close, there is a danger that the wings of art will Your eagerness for what is new
be set on fire. (I cannot fail to see it clearly)
To Olivier will quickly strip the brilliant hue from treasures
And is your drama at last completed, Olivier? At the very you now cherish clearly.
spot where it becomes thrilling my part breaks off.
Is it only a matter of gallantry or is it shyness that you keep COUNT
the love-scene such a terrible secret? All wishes, all ambitions dwindle; no flicker of desire can
flare beside the roaring blaze you kindle in me.

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And let me see how you’ll swear to that! The hero of your newest masterpiece expresses his feelings
for his fair one in truly exhausting terms.
Nothing else flames so in my heart, OLIVIER
no, Lady, nothing is there on earth’s whole face, The Count’s reading was an improvisation addressed to
nothing else that I could sigh for as for you, the wrong person. Allow me to correct the misuse!
in vain would Venus herself come down to grant my will. He turns to the Countess and recites the sonnet.
Nothing else flames so in my heart,
What joy, what pain your gentle eye bestows; no, Lady, nothing is there on earth’s whole face,
and if a glance should heighten all that pain… nothing else that I could sigh for as for you,
the next restore my fondest hope and bliss entire; in vain would Venus herself come down to grant my will.
two glances signify then life… or death.
And, though I lived five hundred thousand years, A deplorable practice, deliberately interchanging
save you, miraculous fair, there could not be the person you are addressing!
another creature hold sway over me.
OLIVER continues without a break in his expression
CLAIRON interrupting the Count, who has become quite What joy, what pain your gentle eye bestows;
passionate and if a glance should heighten all that pain…
Bravo! Bravo! You are really not a novice. the next restore my fondest hope and bliss entire;
I’ve made up my mind to it; your great talent shall two glances signify then life … or death.
establish close theatrical relations between us.
Were yet my span prolonged beyond all measure
She lakes the manuscript and hands it ceremoniously to La no other being’s favour would I treasure,
Roche. no other passion could my heart embrace.
Here, take the drama – it is yours for the staging!
Determine our entrance, judge our gestures! Flamand goes to the harpsichord and begins to improvise
Begin the rehearsal and act as our mentor! a melody to the following words.

DIRECTOR expansively, responding to her tone And, though I lived five hundred thousand years,
The theatre is brightly lit. Follow me, my friends! save you, miraculous fair, there could not be
To the poet, who wants to follow. another creature hold sway over me.
You stay! My native tact forbids me to let the author be
present when a child of his fantasy is receiving my Through fresh veins I must needs let flow my blood;
finishing touch. Wait and trust! my own with you are filled to overflowing
and new love then could find not room nor pause.
The muses have kissed him! COUNTESS
A beautiful poem! Like a heavenly cloud afloat on the air.
DIRECTOR But how unkindly treated by you!
Unrestrained and free from shackles You give it out to all the world, then you say that I only
let my genius flourish in its realm! am the one to hear it.
Ah! One should not declare one’s passion so freely and
CLAIRON openly! Do you not agree, Flamand?
My dearest La Roche, you are a genius!
La Roche exits into the theatre; Clairon follows on the arm He has written lines that are bright with enchantment.
of the Count. I can already hear them as music in my inner ear.
He rushes off to the salon.
COUNTESS looking after the Count
There goes my dear brother into the arms of adventure. OLIVIER calling after Flamand
What on earth are you up to?
He read his lines fairly naturally
and with conviction.

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Let him do as he pleases. You torture me, Madeleine!
You can see that music, too, Your radiant eyes make me slave to one single desire:
is a matter of inspiration. that all my devotion and all my poems
may win your heart forever!
OLIVIER wants to run after the composer
My sonnet, my beautiful sonnet! COUNTESS
He, too, wants to conquer; look at him composing –
COUNTESS his pen has wings!
Don’t disturb him now!
Can he do so much harm? OLIVIER
Does music’s language speak to your heart?
Heavens, I fear that he will set me to music! COUNTESS
It awakens mysterious dreams – ineffable …
COUNTESS a sea of awareness – entrancing beauty!
Is that so bad? Let us wait and hear.
OLIVIER The inner clarity of an acute mind…
Wanton destruction! do you really think so little of that?
He will disfigure my verses!
COUNTESS The words of the poet speak to my heart but do not tell me
Perhaps he will give them nobler existence. all that is deep and secret.

My beautiful poem will drown in his music! A vague reply.
Why not confess it: a slender physique…
COUNTESS a smooth face, waken the senses;
So deeply concerned for your verse? admit you prefer them to intellect and wit!
In this moment when we are alone?
Is there no prose you wish to deliver? COUNTESS
What a trite bit of wisdom! But you forget that here
OLIVIER handsome appearance is combined with talent.
My muse is silent. You know I’m on fire!
COUNTESS A correct observation. Won’t you take pity?
That means I am in danger! Don’t come too near!
A little patience would be heartily welcome now. COUNTESS
On you? On him?
OLIVIER Or both at once?
Always patience … never fulfillment!
COUNTESS Then crown the victor!
Hope is divine, fulfillment but earthly.
OLIVIER who has heard the last words, rushes in with a sheet of
Dare I hope, then? Need I not fear? music in his hand.
Here I am!
COUNTESS sits at the harpsichord
Every fire needs constant fanning, lest it should die.
Love is a fire. COUNTESS
Where no hope is, where no fear is, We’re listening…
true love must perish.

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SCENE 6 COUNTESS to the poet
How lovely the words are, how new is their meaning!
FLAMAND sings and plays the sonnet he has just How heartfelt their expression and impetuous their urge!
composed Well, Olivier, you are silent… so thoughtful?
Are you displeased by the judgment I offer?
Nothing else flames so in my heart, OLIVIER
no, Lady, nothing is there on earth’s whole face, I am wondering if the sonnet is now by him, or by me?
nothing else that I could sigh for as for you, Is it now his poem, or still my own?
in vain would Venus herself come down to grant my will.
What joy, what pain your gentle eye bestows; If you permit me, it shall now be mine!
and if a glance should heighten all that pain… A charming souvenir of this day.
the next restore my fondest hope and bliss entire;
two glances signify then life … or death. FLAMAND
In all eternity yours, only yours!
And, though I lived five hundred thousand years, And it seems your poetry shines far more brightly!
save you, miraculous fair, there could not be
another creature hold sway over me. OLIVIER
You steal my words to flatter the ear.
Through fresh veins I must needs let flow my blood;
my own with you are filled to overflowing COUNTESS
and new love then could find not room nor pause. Fine thoughts in noble melody,
I cannot think of a better alliance!
TRIO To the poet
No matter how you may resent it, dear friend:
Flamand stays at the harpsichord, going over his To both
composition; repeating words of the sonnet throughout. you are inseparably united in this sonnet of mine!


The poet’s words, how brilliantly clear! Forgive me, Madame, I have to abduct him.
Yet, what was hidden from one, the other perfected. We must have the author immediately
Where lies the source? at rehearsal … we need permission to cut his verses.
Was it through the words that he found his melody? To the poet
Has music been expectantly waiting, An inspired cut by my expert hand
to lovingly embrace the words. will give your play a stupendous effect!
Is language the womb of song?
Or does music gather its lifeblood from words? OLIVIER
One lives in the other and seeks the other. The surgeon La Roche … now I am in danger!
In music, emotions are yearning for language…
In words lies a craving for sound and music. DIRECTOR exiting
The child of your muse has a fine physique, only one arm
OLIVIER simultaneously is too long.
I knew it, he wrecks my verse.
The precious balance is wholly lost. OLIVIER exits laughing
The rhymes are destroyed, I know your suggestion: you cut off a bit and the hand is
the sentences dismembered, arbitrarily dissected gone!
into short and long-held musical noises!
They call them “phrases”, the honored musicians!
Who can hear the slightest sense in the text?
The flattering music is bound to triumph.
Lucky man! – My words are like a ladder – the more easily
to reach his victory.

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SCENE 7 I was alone. Since that hour I am another man.
I draw no breath but in love for you!
FLAMAND alone with the Countess
I have revealed my emotions! COUNTESS after a short pause
Blinded by your beauty, And you do not take the book’s advice to heart.
I stand here at your side Why do you shelter behind words?
and await my fate. You borrow from your friend, exchange your callings.

You both confuse me, I doubt, I waver… You heard my declaration of love
but the melodies have still not persuaded your heart.
Decide, decide now: music … or poetry? COUNTESS
Flamand, Olivier … who wins the prize? You expressed with eloquence all your emotions.

Already the spell of your noble music Then, was I right to dare a confession?
had triumphed over the earth-bound words,
when your musical art lifted the words to new glory… COUNTESS
your arts are so closely entwined! “The joy of love that we dare not declare has thorns,
but also has its sweetness”*
FLAMAND *[Pascal]
You are the cause of this terrible tangle!
COUNTESS You are quoting the book to hold me off.
All is confusion; An answer I beg,
words are singing, music speaks… devastating me or forever bringing me rapture!
Grant me a sign, just one word…
to say I love you! COUNTESS
Sweetest feeling, born suddenly that afternoon, Not now Flamand, not here!
as you entered your library – you did not see me…
you took a slender volume in your lovely hands. FLAMAND
I sat concealed in an alcove, silent, When!? Where!?
did not dare to breathe nor move.
Side by side, you went on reading COUNTESS
and I sat gazing … Up there, in the room where love came to find you…
twilight began to fall...
Enchanted … I drank in your image and closed my eyelids. FLAMAND
Music rustled within me, unreleased; In the library, this evening!
an ecstasy of emotion.
When I opened my eyes sometime later COUNTESS
you had vanished. No, no, tomorrow morning…

Only the book you had been reading was still there, FLAMAND
in its place…lying open, as you had left it. Early morning?
I picked it up and read in the twilight:
“In love silence is better than speech. COUNTESS
There is something of eloquence in silence Midday at eleven.
that is stronger than words
and has more persuasiveness.” * FLAMAND
*[Pascal] Madeleine!
He presses a rapturous kiss on her hand and rushes off.
Long I lingered,
and still felt the ghosts of your contemplation …
then came the darkness...

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The Countess remains alone. She is visibly moved. She COUNTESS
looks after Flamand and sits thoughtfully in an armchair. The homage of the poet.
The rehearsal continues in the theatre next door. Clairon
is heard reciting, the Count answers. Interruptions by the COUNT
director. The Prompter is called upon. He has fallen The sonnet from the play?
asleep. Merriment. Everything is more or less indistinct.
The laughter in the theatre rouses the Countess from her COUNTESS
thoughtful mood. She rises and rings for the major-domo. He recited it for me…

We shall have chocolate served in here. It moved your heart?

The major-domo exits. COUNTESS

Not much.
COUNT entering in high spirits So it left you cold?
It’s wonderful to meet her! She is charming, enchanting!
COUNTESS mockingly No longer, hear me out, since he…
“I live for the moment!”
She praised my diction and said that my acting showed Who? Flamand?
great promise.
COUNTESS since he set it to music.
Her frank admiration has made you her captive.
Very sweet to the ear are the words of a flatterer. COUNT
Inclining toward love, we soon believe we love those who What? Has he set the sonnet to music?
admire us, and whom we admire, too.
COUNT To the horror of the poet.
A clear mind perceives
and considers the value of all things. COUNT
And what says Olivier?
Don’t purchase too dearly, my clever brother! COUNTESS
He seemed disgruntled, then he began pondering.
COUNT He was visibly moved, amazed anyway.
You really think I would lose my head in a game of hearts?
COUNT in a gallant, courtly tone
COUNTESS And the two, together…
When one is in love, the heart plays the judge!
COUNTESS adopting the same tone
COUNT …are storming my heart!
It would be madness to resist
where Soul and Beauty so divinely rule? COUNT
What will be the outcome?
Bow down, then, to beauty, you are sure of its worth. COUNTESS
My situation is more serious! Perhaps … it might become … an opera!
Imagine: both have already declared their violent passion
for me. COUNT
An opera? Charming! My sister as Muse!
It is getting lively! What made them start it?

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Don’t you start to mock me! May we hope that you will remain
I would like to see you, dear brother, make a choice. and spend the evening with us?

Words or music? I stay with the words. Unfortunately, I must go back to Paris.
Tomorrow there is a soirée in the Palais Luxembourg.
COUNTESS We are playing “Tancred” by Monsieur Voltaire.
Good luck with Clairon! I still have a great many lines to study.
As you have seen, prompters can sometimes fall asleep.
COUNT with a gallant bow
Venus and Minerva in one person! COUNTESS to Clairon
Before you go, a little refreshment.
Clairon, La Roche and Olivier enter cheerfully from the We were nearly in a bewildering ocean of verse.
theatre in high spirits; soon after, Flamand enters. But I think a cup of chocolate will soon revive us.
And now, permit me, Your Ladyship,
DIRECTOR while we enjoy your hospitality and sip this chocolate,
We return to the world of the salons… I offer a little change for eye and ear.

OLIVIER At a signal from La Roche, two dancers enter from the

The rehearsal is over. theatre. A dancer… and two Italian singers!

we return to this century… I am sure we shall enjoy ourselves.

CLAIRON The dancers begins a graceful dance. Throughout the

…we are changing back from a group of mythological dance, the servants unobtrusively serve refreshments.
figures into humans who play their roles
according to the laws of the salons. DANCE 1: PASSEPIED

COUNT to Clairon DIRECTOR enthusiastically to the Count who is watching

Roles we do not always find grateful! the ballerina with great interest
What do you say? The personification of grace!
CLAIRON My newest discovery! A little dancer from Picardie.
Does that not depend very much on cues? I found her with a Vicomte…
He whispers the name discreetly into the Count’s ear.
COUNTESS who kept her rather well hidden.
Were you satisfied with your partner’s acting? The Count watches the dancer with new interest through
his lorgnette.
CLAIRON At the right moment,
He showed much spirit and a flair for the stage. I artfully managed to abduct her.
Think of it! our prompter had fallen asleep… She will now be perfecting her technique
at my ballet school.
DIRECTOR Oh! She is unusually talented!
A sorry comment on your drama! I predict for her a brilliant future
very close to the King!
OLIVIER She will dance tomorrow for the Prince de Conti
Your prompter always sleeps! in his famous palace.
Notice what splendid control of the body!
CLAIRON And such youth! A dream!
…and the Count went on reading with bravura,
not even once forgetting a line.
What a rare case of imperturbability.

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DANCE 2: GIGUE COUNT to the ballerina
Your performance charmed and delighted me.
The following conversation is carried on so that the others Just as thoughts may free the mind from the body
cannot hear it. Everyone attentively watches the dance and lift us into a higher world,
performance. so dance overcomes the force of gravity.
The body seems to hover, accompanied by moving music.
OLIVIER sitting by Clairon The dancer curtsies and exits, accompanied by La Roche,
How am I to thank you for having come? who comes back immediately.
You speak my poems so movingly! And now, my dear Flamand, you must admit that
here your art is not sovereign, but only, after all,
CLAIRON an exquisite accompaniment.
I am quite determined to give you no more cause for
admiration. Keep your compliments to yourself! FLAMAND
An enchanting error! If it were not for the Music,
OLIVIER no one on earth would ever dream of moving a muscle.
Are you determined that you and I be enemies all our
lifetime? OLIVIER
Dance and music are under the spell of rhythm,
CLAIRON its slaves since the beginning of time.
A profitable talk with you seems to be impossible.
OLIVIER Your verse’s metre is a stronger constraint.
On the other hand, it appears that very soon the Count and
you will converse with gusto. OLIVIER
The poet’s thought has free play in it!
CLAIRON Who draws the line between content and form?
A Miracle Bird! a Philosopher!
He spouts worldly wisdom to mask his youth. FLAMAND
I have always mistrusted masked men. In earthly form an inexpressible-exalted “Music!”
It ascends in spheres which you cannot penetrate with the
Your magic personality will captivate him too.
CLAIRON Not in incomprehensible sounds,
Since you can predict the future with so much skill, you but in the clearest language can I form my thoughts.
must also realize that everything is over between us. This is what your music can never achieve.

What a very wonderful time it was! My thought is melody,
declaring deeper things, the inexpressible!
CLAIRON energetically In one chord you experience a world!
Which has ended in one mighty crash.
The curtain has fallen! DIRECTOR
They are fighting, each one claims more importance for his
She leaves him and sits by the Count. art. Wasted effort!
In my realm of the stage they are all servants.
DIRECTOR who has noticed the disagreement, turns to
the poet. Well, I don’t believe when she’s published her COUNT
memoirs she’ll give you a great hero’s role to play. Again we arrive at the argument, always a topic for wide


Music is a sublime art!
Only reluctantly does she serve the trickery of the theatre.

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Not trickery! The theatre unveils for us the secrets of The composer and poet, each dreadfully hampered by the
reality. In its magic mirror we discover ourselves. other, waste unspeakable labour in giving birth to opera.
Theatre moves us because it is the affecting symbol of life.
DIRECTOR An opera is an absurd thing.
It is ruled by the Goddess: Imagination. All the arts serve Orders are sung, all affairs of state are discussed in duets.
her: poetry, painting, sculpture and music. What would They dance on graves and suicide takes place melodically.
become of your language, and what of your music without
declamation and song? Without representation through the CLAIRON
actor, his magic personality, without his costume? Eh! I could get used to the idea that in an opera
without his makeup? one dies while singing an aria.
But why are the words they sing
CLAIRON always worse than the music?
Indeed! Quite right! They owe their power of expression wholly to music.

You overvalue your labours! It is different with Gluck.
He guides the poets, he knows the sorrows of human
OLIVIER feeling and awakens our hearts’ mysterious powers.
The poetic spirit is the mirror of the world.
Poetry is the mother of all arts! OLIVIER
Yet he too, treats the words as a stepchild of music.
Music is the root from which everything springs. FLAMAND
The sounds of nature sing all other arts to sleep in their Only with him music is freed from her servitude!
cradles! Words and music, equally important, they sing together.

Human speech is the only soil from which they sprout. I wish the recitatives were abolished!
Who can bear the unspeakable boredom they produce?
The cry of pain preceded language! OLIVIER
On they drag, for ever and ever.
But in language only can sorrow be defined. COUNT
The real depth of the Tragic can only be expressed when a They have neither the sweetness of melody nor the
poet puts it into words. Music has not the power to ever stimulus of powerful speech.
reveal it!
COUNTESS You are finding fault with the old-style operas of former
That is what you say now, in the moment when a genius days. The “accompagnato” of our masters has the power of
proves that it is possible to write a musical tragedy? a classical monologue. The richness of orchestration makes
it the great climax in all of his tragedies.
Stop! One more step and we stand before the abyss! CLAIRON
We are already face to face with an “opera”. And the aria? Is it to vanish?

A beautiful sight I venture to say. The fundamental defect in every opera is the deafening
noise of the orchestra. Its roaring and raging swallows the
CLAIRON voices. The singers are simply forced into yelling.
Something peculiar, this hybrid of music and language!
COUNT interjecting If the libretto is good or bad, it’s unimportant.
And recitatives! Not one word can be understood.

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What happened to song, the gift of the Gods? All the same, it is still an art to use so cheerful a tune to
The human voice, the primeval instrument, is subjugated to express a terrible sorrow.
slavery! Farewell to the great tradition set by the Italian art
of singing! Bel canto is slowly dying! OLIVIER
Such an art has one advantage: though the subject may be
CLAIRON gruesome, we feel agreeably consoled.
A theatrical death!
OLIVIER When you are faithful to me, what more should I desire?
His prophetic oration seems to me somewhat excessive.
COUNTESS ironically When my beloved is lost, what can I hope for?
Before its life is extinguished, dear La Roche, let us hear
your singers! At least when we hear them sing we will TENOR
have some idea of Italian bel canto’s vitality. A tender contentment such as I feel…

At a sign from La Roche, the Italian soprano and the SOPRANO

Italian tenor enter. A barbaric agony such as I feel…

FLAMAND ironically BOTH

Give us an example of your “subservient” art! Gods, who has ever felt this before?
DIRECTOR Farewell, my life! Farewell!
You will hear a duet out of an Italian opera which has a
text by Metastasio. Friendly applause from all sides. The Countess invites the
singers to have some refreshments. The Count and Clairon
COUNTESS remain seated.
It will put a soothing finish to our discussion.
The singers begin their duet. The Count gallantly brings May I take you back to Paris, Clairon, and spend a little
Clairon another cup of chocolate and sits by her. more time in your company?


I must work on my role for tomorrow. Would you read
TENOR cues for me?
Farewell, my life, farewell, do not weep at my fate;
I am not wretched; you are faithful and I know it. COUNT
I will be your servant in all things!
If I die without you at my side, idol of my heart CLAIRON
If Fate takes you from me, idol of my heart You should not say that.
with your fine, beloved name on my lips, I shall die.
Farewell, light of my eyes! Why should I not say it?
You are faithful and I know it.
COUNTESS Because I am certain that you seldom say just what you are
A very cheerful “Addio”! thinking.
Don’t you think so too, Flamand?
The words do not seem to suit the music very well. COUNT
So you guess my thoughts?
Bravo! Bravo! In a lovely cantilena, CLAIRON
no one cares if the words make any sense or not. Do you believe that is difficult?

Pacific Opera Victoria Capriccio: Synopsis and Libretto 20

Your cues are not always easily answered. He devoured her like a pike, his delicate sweetheart…

If you think no harm will come to your philosophy, For love?
certainly you may escort me.
COUNT How tender!
You make me happy!
CLAIRON For love?
You have a cultured mind. I have no doubt that you can
phrase many such platitudes politely. COUNT
For hunger!
COUNTESS to La Roche
Will your Neapolitans also take part FLAMAND
in my birthday celebrations? From fear of Juno!


Indeed, indeed, however they are only one small detail in In him grows the daughter.
my great and elaborate plan.
OLIVIER His lover hidden from the jealous wife!
We have waited in vain for days for the unveiling of your
magnificent programme. CLAIRON
A very funny way to hide an indiscretion.
We are thirsty for information of its splendid features. DIRECTOR
the child of his spirit steps suddenly from the head of the
Won’t you finally reveal to us your great programme!
The Homage-Play, the stupendous “azione teatrale”
played by my whole ensemble, has two parts. DIRECTOR
The first is an allegory, an exalted living tableau: In shining armor, welcomed by the chorus!
“The Birth of Pallas Athena.”
From the head of Zeus she issues forth! OLIVIER
He feels well with such a delivery?
How’s that? DIRECTOR
The earth starts to quake…
So it is told in the legend: FLAMAND
after he and Metis conceive the child, A torturing headache seems unavoidable!
he devours the mother…
COUNT …the sun stands still!
What? He swallowed her?
FLAMAND and OLIVIER And the mother? What happens to her?
COUNTESS and CLAIRON Drums and cymbals…

Pacific Opera Victoria Capriccio: Synopsis and Libretto 21

She disappears without a trace. Don’t shout at me! … Sicilian oranges with no pits!
A real pleasure!
…depict the agitation of the universe. ITALIAN TENOR bellowing at her
Don’t drink so much Spanish wine!
She lies in his stomach. FLAMAND
Before our eyes, from his mighty head she slips! Ha! Ha!
COUNT In full armour with shield and spear!!
An amusing idea! With drums and cymbals ! Tschin! Tschin! Boom Boom!
“The sun stands still”!
I can see the miracle of his directing:
COUNTESS Hephaistos appears, the mighty smith!
They laugh at him and he means it so seriously. He swings his hammer with shattering impact!
His dignity is charming! He is really touching, He splits the skull of Zeus so this child of the God, fully
the old man in his youthful enthusiasm. armed, can get out.
His imagination blossoms in strangest fashion. Light of the world! The fruit of his passion!
His naiveté is completely enchanting! His skull throbs… he’s relieved!
Choruses cheer the divine delivery.
He is always a daring innovator! DIRECTOR
He puts Zeus in a disagreeable predicament. I believe those two are laughing at me!
A singular manifestation of paternal joy! Superficial snobs, they treat my mythology as a joke
Bizarre thought! A poetic idea! Present-day youth has no respect…
Nothing is sacred! No understanding of my inspiration!
COUNT Pack of atheists! They are heading for a hopeless future!
These theatre people are complete idiots! Laughing in their ignorance!
They live in the moonshine of their ideas! Present-day youth has no respect!
She comes out of his head in full armour!
Queer idea for my sister’s birthday surprise! COUNTESS
I feel he has been offended by our laughter.
ITALIAN TENOR He seems resentful, I must appease him.
He will lose his temper. turns to La Roche
We are astonished by your imagination.
ITALIAN SOPRANO We doubt whether your daring plan can be realized on the
This cake is wonderful! Have some, Gaetano! stage. Do not take our pessimism too seriously.
Be gentle with us – we are merely amateurs.
ITALIAN TENOR Your great skill on the stage will teach us better!
We’ll not get our money today. And what is the subject of the second part of your
I told you to demand it before we came here! DIRECTOR
It is heroic and highly dramatic: “The Fall of Carthage.”
ITALIAN TENOR The backdrops and scenery are splendidly done;
He was never alone; how could I? machinery and people in vivid commotion.
The town in flames – a sea of fire – breathtaking!
ITALIAN SOPRANO Transparent scenery …
This delectable cake melts in your mouth! Take some! cut-glass columns of Bohemian glass,
lit from behind in flaming red!
ITALIAN TENOR Mirrors of fire – glass prisms!
She eats and drinks … and drinks and eats! Four thousand candles – a hundred flambeaus!
Pitch-rings, torches of all sizes!
A galley of my own construction, pitching and tossing!

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Lightning and thunderbolts in the middle of the stage… What ridiculous importance they put on trifles!
the sails in flames - a burning wreck! They tear him in tatters
Tidal wave in the harbour! The palace falls in ruins… because he wanted to entertain us
with a spectacular ballet!
FLAMAND La Roche in a fix! An exquisite sight!
Enough! Enough! We know what is coming! He is aghast and cannot speak a word!
Now where is his much-vaunted repartee?
OLIVIER How will he get out of it?
At the end, a gorgeous ballet in the ruins!
OCTET PART 2 A spectacle where scenery plays the principal parts!
QUARRELLING ENSEMBLE Your entertainment is like a ghost from another age!
There was not a word said about music!
But listen! It will end quite differently! OLIVIER
A play without actors!
FLAMAND He saves the cost of a poet … what need of lines?
Old-fashioned rubbish!
OLIVIER Words or music? What a question!
Machine-made conjuring! “Flying Machines or trap-doors” it should be called!
FLAMAND Empty, insipid theatre of an antiquated epoch!
Triumphal marches! Senselessly harmful and ridiculous!

Water-music! Transparent scenery?

Senseless processionals! Why have an orchestra?
The thunder-machine gives better service!
Boring pomp! OLIVIER
Where does singing come in?
Apotheosis! Floods! Supers and torches! FLAMAND
On top of all this they will sing Italian!
OLIVIER Trills… runs! Cadenzas! Cadenzas!
Old rubbish!
COUNTESS “Veto!” “Veto!”
My attempted rescue is an utter failure. We will have nothing more to do with your arts!
An unenviable situation! Who will it be? Your days are over! Passé! Passé!
Their arguments are overwhelming! How unfair!
These two are really going too far! They are getting cruel! CLAIRON
Now the quarrel is serious… Don’t worry! A fight between men always ends with one
He seems lost! But why are they so violently antagonistic? victor! When they’ve talked themselves to a standstill,
I am afraid the quarrel will have an unpleasant end. he will be ready with his answer.
Calm yourself, he is not shy. I know him!
COUNT His power of resistance is not easily broken!
Now it becomes serious! His power of persuasion has laid many low.
A lively dispute! An exquisite sight! He does not need your protection.
They pound on him as if they had him in a mortar…. He can look after himself. Do not deceive yourself!
The noble arts get in each other’s hair… He will take terrible revenge! He summons his strength,
their apostles squabble among themselves… then he will strike home.
they show their teeth and start to brawl. Look, now he is ready! His plan is complete!

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DIRECTOR You despise these lewd doings and yet you suffer them.
Give me a chance to speak! You are mistaken! You share the guilt because of your silence.
You judge too soon! I have not yet finished!
Why these reproaches? You’re mistaken: Don’t march your phalanx against me!
Why this abuse? Ridiculous choler! I serve the eternal laws of the theatre.
Let me explain to you! Let me finish before you judge! I preserve the good, that belongs to us,
I beg you… but… the art of our fathers I hold aloft.
I reverently preserve the old, hoping patiently for the
ITALIAN TENOR fruitful new, expecting the works of genius of our time!
There goes our advance for today!!
Where are the masterpieces that touch the heart of the
ITALIAN SOPRANO tipsily starts to sing the melody of people, that reflect their souls? Where are they?
the duet I cannot find them, hard though I search.
Farewell beloved payment…
do not bemoan our fate! Only cold-blooded scholars stare at me:
they ridicule tradition yet bring nothing new!
ITALIAN TENOR Joining in the parody In their dramas cardboard heroes strut,
I am ready to die! disgraced as I am! drawing their swords and brandishing tirades
that are too familiar for years.
If we lose our advance In opera the same:
what have we to hope for? grizzled priests and Greek kings from gray antiquity,
When we are without money, Druids, prophets stalk like phantoms from the wings.
what can I possibly do? I want to people my stage with human beings!
A sad grief People who resemble us and speak in our language!
Gods, who has ever suffered that before? Let their sorrows move us deeply
Farewell my beloved payment, and let their joys fill our hearts with gladness!
in vain have we hoped!
Up! Arise and create the works for which I am searching!
DIRECTOR I will produce them marvellously,
Hola! You ignorant fools! they will have a brilliant success!
You mock and abuse my splendid theatre? Sharpen your wits, give to the theatre new laws –
What gives you the right to speak with such arrogance and modern new topics!
insult me, the real expert? If not, then cease pestering me with your criticism!
You, who have never yet done a thing for the theatre?!
To Olivier. Your verse is lovely – when Clairon recites it! Today, at the very peak of my brilliant career,
But the sparse action of your dramas – their dramatic I dare to speak of myself –
construction? of myself, the discoverer of great talents –
Weak indeed unless I am there to produce them! who has trained, developed and inspired them!
To Flamand. Your little ensembles for stringed
instruments: graceful chamber music! Without men of my kind, what would become of our
They delight the salon. theatre? Without my audacious daring, and finally –
I slept, unfortunately, through today’s. without my helping hand?
These trifling little romances you do quite nicely, but Money at the right moment can dispel the deepest
music that speaks of human passion, which the stage depression and can bring flagging vigor back to the artist.
demands, you have so far not achieved!
One of many examples: the famous Lekain, once a
No, no, your veto does not make me tremble! dispirited extra, now a star at the Palais-Royal, is my
What do you youngsters know of my troubles? creation and has made his way through me!
Look at the tawdry farces, in which our capital takes such
pleasure. The grimace is their symbol – the parody their Admit your defeat, you fanciers, you dreamers!
element, their content profligate insolence! Respect the dignity of my stage!
Obscene, clumsy and boorish are their jokes! My endeavour is honest;
The masks are discarded my merits uncontested!
but you see gargoyles instead of human faces! I fight for the beauty and the noble dignity of the theatre.

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With these words in my heart I live my life for the theatre, To all three. The happy alliance unites all arts.
and I will live on within the pages of its great history! They yield lovingly to each other,
“Sic itur ad astra!” joyously preparing the festive play!

On my tombstone you will read the inscription: OLIVIER

“Here lies LA ROCHE, the unforgettable, What emerges godlike from the ether?
the immortal theatre director.
The friend of comedy, the patron of tragic art. OLIVIER
A father of the stage, a guardian-angel of artists. What purest melodies enchant our ears?
The Gods loved him, mankind admired him!”
Stormy applause The goddess Harmony is among us!
Let us welcome her with homage; loudly greet her.
CLAIRON goes up to the director and gives him an
enthusiastic kiss on the cheek CLAIRON
La Roche, you are great! La Roche, you are monumental! What unexpected fortune guides her footsteps here?
The supreme Goddess deigns to settle your dispute.
ITALIAN SOPRANO begins to sob tipsily
ITALIAN TENOR irritated Who can escape from her power?
What’s the matter? He is not dead yet!
Don’t make a scene here! FLAMAND and OLIVIER
He leads the loudly weeping soprano out. Enough of this fruitless strife!

You heard our friend’s warning voice! She shall precede us all and light our way.
Do not fail to heed him.
Set to the task he demands, apply his skill to both your CLAIRON
arts. Create together a work for our festivity! Upon your road may she guide you,
and never leave your close circle of friends.
COUNT to Clairon
I shudder at the thought, she is commissioning an opera! OLIVIER, FLAMAND, and LA ROCHE
We want to forget what divided us
COUNTESS and, reconciled, return to our ordained work
In angry dispute, you have attacked each other,
tried to disprove each other. COUNT
Forsake the aberrations of thought! That is more than a reconciliation…that is a conspiracy!
Feel with me that all arts have but one homeland: And I am the victim – my fears are justified!
our heart craves Beauty!
A tender seed has sprouted today – COUNTESS
I see it growing to a mighty tree, We will have a new opera, you cannot stop it.
showering its rain of blossoms over us! Bear your fate philosophically!

CLAIRON leading the poet and musician solemnly to the COUNT

Countess. With theatrical emotion. What else can I do but endure it!
The Goddess Harmony is come among us. The unavoidable takes its course,
Unite, ye Arts, to honour and receive her! an opera is about to descend on me!


To Flamand. To the sweet impulse Apollo has endowed Your laments fall on deaf ears.
upon you, may the poet give his noble thoughts!
To Olivier. What the genius of poetry has so splendidly COUNTESS to Clairon
begun, be glorified through the power of music! My brother is not very musical.
Pointing to La Roche. May it take shape on his stage, He is partial to Triumphal Marches and
to move hearts with its dignity and grace. in opera, regards composers as “word-murderers”.

Pacific Opera Victoria Capriccio: Synopsis and Libretto 25

Perhaps he is right. We have enough Egyptians and Jews, Persians and
Romans in our operas. Choose a subject that describes
DIRECTOR conflicts which concern us too.
Now straight to work, there is no time to be lost.
To Flamand. The aria shall reign! Always consider the COUNT
singers – keep the orchestra quiet! When you write the I know a particularly captivating theme!
great ballet, then let yourself go. Write an opera just as he would like it.
Describe conflicts that concern us.
OLIVIER ironically Portray yourselves! The events of today, as we have lived
Out come the relics of his rich experience. them – write – and compose them,
compose them as an opera!
To Olivier. The Primadonna’s scene not in the beginning OLIVIER
of the piece. Comprehensible verses, and oft-repeated, An astonishing idea!
then there is a chance that they will be understood.
FLAMAND I cannot deny it.
Forget your time-honoured rules.
We want to seek new paths! COUNT
That would be a theme to interest us too!
Do not exaggerate your own importance! COUNTESS
In the end your success lies in my hands. A delightful suggestion!
Anyway – we will divide the labour fairly.
You have to begin, decide on the subject! CLAIRON
We are falling from one surprising situation into another!
OLIVIER to the Countess
How would you like “Ariadne auf Naxos”? DIRECTOR
A real problem, to stage something like that.
Already set too often. OLIVIER thoughtfully
Little action…
The famous opportunity for many, very long mourning- COUNT
arias Show us that you can create something unusual.

I would be far more interested in “Daphne”. The music is there.

A fascinating tale, but what a problem in the staging: We are the characters of your opera.
Daphne’s transformation into Apollo’s eternal tree… We shall all take part in your piece.

The miracle of music can realize it! Will this be an amusing opera?


A beautiful subject, it is a particular favorite of mine. I already see myself as a Bass-buffo…

DIRECTOR COUNT answering the Countess

Nymphs and shepherds all over again. Gods and Greeks! In any case an opera without “heroes”!
You yourselves were against mythology.
COUNT Who is the lover?
Commonplace things … Only the Trojan War is missing!

Pacific Opera Victoria Capriccio: Synopsis and Libretto 26

I believe there are only a few people who are not. We too must leave.
To Olivier and Flamand. Will you come with me?
OLIVIER to Flamand
And which of us do you take for the tenor? COUNTESS to Clairon
We have detained you here all too long.
Don’t divulge all of your professional secrets. CLAIRON
In your salon the hours pass, yet time never grows old.
Neatly parried! I congratulate you, dear Count.
You have set that trio a difficult problem. COUNTESS
Write me a good part, Olivier!
Your suggestion is a bit malicious. The Countess exits. Flamand and Olivier follow her to the
The idea is delightful, what d’you say, La Roche? SCENE 10
You might say that a blind hen…
DIRECTOR to the Italian singers
DIRECTOR Wrap yourselves up well so you do not catch cold on the
…has laid an egg! journey!
The tenor is about to speak.
OLIVIER Yes, yes, your advance – you will have it tomorrow.
COUNTESS to a servant
DIRECTOR Are the horses harnessed?
Why not?
COUNTESS At your service. Four horses.
You seem quite shocked!
CLAIRON taking the arm of the Count
DIRECTOR I should have expected at least six.
This is the last suggestion I should have expected! They exit animatedly.


Do you find it bad? First the words, then the music.
The words take precedence.
No, no, but when you think of it, my Lady, I am afraid – OLIVIER
the whole thing will be one great indiscretion! No, the music … but borne out of the words.


It will depend upon your taste to present it gracefully on (First the music… )
the stage. To Olivier, referring to the Countess. She has decided!

CLAIRON He leaves. La Roche returns.

Only indiscreet plays are successful!
OLIVIER Come, come, do not keep me waiting!
I find the idea quite excellent
and I’ll immediately draft the scenario. OLIVIER
(Yes… for the word! First the words.)
It is already late, I have to go to Paris

Pacific Opera Victoria Capriccio: Synopsis and Libretto 27

It is time to take leave of this day. How can you learn from an opera?
We can still discuss several things
for our opera on the journey. 5th SERVANT
To Olivier. Don’t forget my big scene Muddled stuff!
when writing your scenario:
how I direct the rehearsal in the theatre. 1st SERVANT
A Field Marshal of the stage! They have it sung so you don’t understand the words.
It can become the climax of your piece!
And above all things: see that I have good exits in my part! 4th SERVANT
You know, the effective exits – a decisive moment for the And that is very necessary, or else you would rack your
success – the last impression of a character. brains about the muddled content.

All three exit. 5th SERVANT

Stop your presumptuous prattle!
Eight servants enter and begin to tidy up. I admire the tight-rope dancers and their acts. Their troupe
has the King’s warrant. I’ve seen them in Versailles.
That was a fine noise… and all confused! 4th SERVANT
I too! Splendid, I tell you! And afterwards that gruesome
1st SERVANT piece: Coriolan, who stabs his own daughter.
The Italian woman has a healthy appetite, there’s nothing
left of the cake. 2nd SERVANT
I like the marionettes better.
What did the Director want with his long speech? 3rd SERVANT
Arlecchino is still funnier!
He even spoke Greek! 1st SERVANT
Shouldn’t we too act something amusing on our
4th SERVANT Countess’s birthday?
I did not understand a word. A tale with masks? I know the Brighella of the Italian
troupe, he’ll certainly help us.
It is about reforms in the theatre 5th SERVANT
that he wants to introduce before he dies. Quiet, the Master’s coming.


I suppose now they will even want domestics to appear in Finish here quickly, then lay supper!
their operas. After that you are free!

The whole world is mad, everyone plays theatre. What a pleasure, an evening without guests!
They never will fool us, we see behind the scenery. Now to the kitchen, to see what there is. Supper will soon
There things look quite different. be served and after that free!
The Count is after tender adventure, They exit
the Countess is in love…and does not know with whom.
It is getting dark. The major-domo busies himself lighting
1st SERVANT the chandelier. As he is about to leave, a noise is heard
Perhaps with both. from the theatre and an anxious voice calling "Director,
And to make up her mind she lets them write her an opera.

Pacific Opera Victoria Capriccio: Synopsis and Libretto 28

The deep thoughts of our poets,
MONSIEUR TAUPE I whisper them to myself in a quiet voice
Director… and everything comes to life.
Reality is mirrored in front of me
MAJOR-DOMO like uncanny phantoms.
Where do you come from? Who are you? My own whispering lulls me to sleep.
If I sleep, I become an event!
MONSIEUR TAUPE The actors cease to speak – and the audience wakes up!
Don’t be frightened! Where should you know me from?
I rarely move on the earth’s surface. MAJOR-DOMO
Well said! Well said!
What do you mean by that? MONSIEUR TAUPE
Only my sleep saves me from oblivion.
I spend my life under the Earth. Invisible… MAJOR-DOMO
But this time you have been forgotten.
But for me you are very visible. MONSIEUR TAUPE
How badly they treat me!
I am the invisible ruler of a magical world. MAJOR-DOMO
That is a fate you share with all rulers!
Why do you come out of the dark hall? MONSIEUR TAUPE
They left me in the lurch and they have all gone.
MONSIEUR TAUPE How shall I now get back to Paris?
I had fallen asleep. They have forgotten me in there.
MAJOR-DOMO It is too far to walk.
Won’t you finally tell me who you are? Come with me into the pantry, fortify yourself a bit.
In the meantime, I will have a coach made ready.
I am the prompter … they all call me Monsieur Taupe. MONSIEUR TAUPE
You are very kind!
I am delighted to meet you, Monsieur Taupe, and to MAJOR-DOMO
welcome you to our real world. Follow me! Exits


Only a visit, Sir, and only a short one. Don’t make a fuss Is all this a dream? … or am I already awake?
about it.
He shakes his head, yawns, and follows the major-domo.
You are a strange man, and it seems to me, of some

Yes, yes, you are right. Only when I sit in my box
does the great wheel of the theatre begin to turn!

You are the one, so to speak, who puts it in motion?

Pacific Opera Victoria Capriccio: Synopsis and Libretto 29

FINAL SCENE What joy, what pain your gentle eye bestows;
The stage remains empty for a time. The room is dark. and if a glance should heighten all that pain…
Moonlight on the terrace. The Countess enters in evening the next restore my fondest hope and bliss entire;
dress. Orchestral interlude. After a while, the Major- two glances signify then life … or death.
Domo enters to light the candles.
She interrupts herself
COUNTESS Fruitless effort to separate the two. Words and Music are
Where is my brother? fused into one … bound in a new synthesis. Secret of the
hour… one art redeemed by the other!
His Lordship has accompanied Mademoiselle Clairon to And, though I lived five hundred thousand years,
Paris. He apologizes that he will not be here this evening. save you, miraculous fair, there could not be
another creature hold sway over me.
Then I shall dine alone. Through fresh veins I must needs let flow my blood,
An enviable disposition! The fleeting attracts him. my own with you are filled to overflowing,
What was it he said today? “Blithely decide – carefree and new love then could find not room nor pause.
possess! Joy of the moment – wisdom of life!”
How simple! Their love enfolds me, tenderly woven out of verses and
To the Major-Domo Anything else? sounds. Shall I destroy this fabric?
Am I myself not already woven into it?
MAJOR-DOMO Decide for one?
Monsieur Olivier will pay his respects after breakfast For Flamand, the great spirit with the beautiful eyes –
tomorrow, to learn from Her Ladyship how the opera shall for Olivier, the powerful mind, the passionate man?
She looks into the mirror.
COUNTESS Now, dear Madeleine, what says your heart?
How the opera shall end? When is he coming? You are loved, but whom do you love now?
You found it sweet not to know…
MAJOR-DOMO you sought to make a pact with love,
He will wait in the library. and now you yourself are in flames
and cannot save yourself!
COUNTESS In choosing the one you will lose the other!
In the library? When? Does one not always lose, when one wins?
You look back at me ironically?
MAJOR-DOMO I want an answer and not your questioning look!
Tomorrow morning at eleven. You do not answer?
Bows and exits
Do you want to be consumed between two fires?
COUNTESS You mirrored image of Madeleine in love,
Tomorrow morning at eleven! It is a disaster. can you advise me, can you help me to find the ending…
Since that sonnet they are inseparable. the ending for their opera?
Flammand will be a little disappointed Is there one that is not trivial?
to find my Monsieur Olivier in the library instead of me.
Major-Domo enters.
And I? The ending of the opera…
I must determine it, I must choose… decide? MAJOR-DOMO
Is it the words that move my heart, Your Ladyship, supper is served.
or is it the music that speaks more strongly?
The Countess looks smiling into the mirror and then makes
She takes the copy of the sonnet, sits at the harp and her farewell with a deep, graceful curtsy. Cheerfully
accompanies herself as she sings the sonnet. humming the melody of the sonnet, she walks slowly past
Nothing else flames so in my heart the major-domo into the dining room.
no, Lady, nothing is there on earth’s whole face,
nothing else that I could sigh for as for you,
in vain would Venus herself come down to grant my will. Surtitle text prepared by Teresa Turgeon
Edited by Maureen Woodall

Pacific Opera Victoria Capriccio: Synopsis and Libretto 30

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