Sappress Sap Certified Application Associate
Sappress Sap Certified Application Associate
Sappress Sap Certified Application Associate
Bonn � Boston
Acknowledgments .................................................................................. 17
The new certification would not be successful if it didn’t provide global value to
all markets. Certification benefits at this level include:
00 Maximize software implementation return on investment.
00 Reduce total cost of ownership.
00 Improve risk management.
00 Provide project safeguarding.
00 Improve recruiting and retention.
00 Optimize process and staffing variables.
00 Enhance skill development and validation.
The new certification also provides benefits for three distinct stakeholder
• 3 to 7 years of experience
Professional level:
• Professional experience with SAP software: advanced solution,
Advanced knowledge of
process knowledge, and industry expertise
specific SAP software
• Works independently within teams to realize solution and
and business processes
technology implementation
• Capable of mentoring others
Associate level:
• 1 to 3 years of experience
Foundational knowledge
• Hands-on skills to successfully implement or optimize SAP
of SAP software from training;
skills to contribute to a
• Foundational knowledge of business processes and technology
successful implementation
• Works in a mentored position in an SAP software environment
project or system optimization
within an experienced team
00 Development certification
This certification is available for individuals who are developing applications
for SAP solutions. After you complete the necessary solution academy or
standard curriculum, you can take the technology exam to become a certified
What this means is that you can have an SAP certified application associate, an
SAP certified technology associate, and an SAP certified development associate.
In addition to the tiered certification exam, SAP Education made other changes
to the certification process. Among these changes are:
00 A partnership with Pearson VUE testing centers.
This partnership makes the certification exam more readily available. In ad-
dition to the SAP Education Sites, Pearson VUE adds 4,000 testing locations
around the world.
00 An improved process for developing the certification exams.
Prior certification exams were primarily based on SAP training materials. The
new process includes the participation of SAP Education, SAP consulting, and
SAP partners and adds real-world experience to the certification exam.
Competency Level
Each level of the certification exam is comprised of two or more of the following
competency levels:
00 Level A
Articulate, explain, describe, and outline solutions and processes.
00 Level B
Build, implement, configure, model, and troubleshoot solutions and process-
00 Level C
Conceptualize, blueprint, modify, and optimize integrated solutions and pro-
Each question on the exam will belong to one of these competency levels. The
percentages representing the number of questions for each competency level
covered by the exam will vary by competency level.
The breakdown for the associate- and professional-level exams is shown in Table
1.1 and illustrates how the percentages for each competency level will vary by
exam level.
Conceptualize, blueprint, C 0 40
modify, and optimize integrated
solutions and processes
Table 1.1 Competency Levels for Associate- and Professional-Level Exams (cont.)
Each competency level has topics assigned to it. Each topic has an approximate
percentage assigned to it that represents the number of questions for that topic.
SAP BEx Web (SAP BEx Web Application SAP BEx analyzer +
Designer, SAP BEx Map, Web printing,
SAP BEx Web analyzer) ++
Data modeling +
The number of plus signs (+) next to the topic represents the approximate per-
centage of questions assigned to the topic. The key is as follows:
+ = <8%
++ = 8–12%
+++ = >12%
The assigned percentage will help you focus your study time.
programming +
Analytical engine/OLAP +
The number of plus signs (+) next to the topic represents the approximate per-
centage of questions assigned to the topic. The key is as follows:
+ = <8%
++ = 8–12%
+++ = >12%
BI administration/ Portal/Knowledge
monitoring + Management integration
Report-to-report interface
(RRI) +
The number of plus signs (+) next to the topic represents the approximate per-
centage of questions assigned to the topic. The key is as follows:
+ = <8%
++ = 8–12%
+++ = >12%
The assigned percentage will help you focus your study time.
Not all questions on the test will follow this format, and on the associate exam
there will be plenty of questions that will not contain a question stimulus.
In this chapter we’ve discussed the objectives of the new certification initiative
and the benefits derived by SAP customers, partners, and professionals.
Next we discussed the new certification process, the new tiered concept, and
what the associate, professional, and master levelsare.
Lastly, we looked at the structure of the exam itself, defining the concept of com-
petency levels and topics. We then discussed the exam structure for the associate
and two professional exams.
A BW305
BI Enterprise Reporting, 36
ABAP, 134 BW370
ABAP routine, 306 BI Integrated Planning, 37
ABC classification, 303, 304, 306 BW380
Accessing the OLAP processor, 165 BI — Analysis Processes & Data Mining,
Accessing the query designer, 54 37
Accessing the Report Designer, 138
Accessing the SAP BEx Web Application De-
signer, 145 C
Accessing the Web Analyzer, 95
Additional development technologies, 50 Calculated key figures, 62
Administration, 156 Calling the SAP BEx Broadcaster, 110
Aggregates, 160, 163, 168 Certification process, 23
Aggregation, 176 Characteristic constants, 189
Aggregation level, 242 Characteristic InfoObject creation, 195
Aggregation type, 263 Characteristic InfoObjects, 171
AMO Amount, 175 Characteristic Maintenance screen, 195
Analysis Process Designer, 304, 309 Characteristic restriction, 58
Analysis Process Designer data sources, 305 Characteristics, 67
Application certification, 24 Characteristic value variables, 71
Application processes, 276 Chart, 98
Architected data marts, 219 Chart Wizard, 148
Associate Certification, 39 Classifying InfoObjects, 170, 195
Associate competency levels, 27 Clustering, 303
Associate level, 23 Components of the Web Application Desi-
Association analysis, 303 gner, 145
Automatisms, 278 Compounding, 189
Axis properties, 150 Compression, 160
Conceptual layers of Data Warehousing,
218, 231
B Conditions, 98
Constant, 262
BI content, 156, 234, 246 Content page, 122
BI platform, 49 Conversion routine, 181
BI service API, 274 Copy sheet, 82
BI Suite Correct and format, 148
Business Explorer, 50 Create new query, 82
Broadcast according to exceptions, 113 Creating a multidimensional source system,
Broadcast email (bursting), 113 224, 254
Broadcast (multi channel), 113 Creating an input-ready query, 297
Broadcast to the printer, 113 Creating a remodeling rule, 237
Business planning and analytical services, 48 Creating a source system, 248
Keep filter value, 89
Header area, 121 Key figure InfoObject creation, 195
Hierarchy level, 163 Key figure InfoObjects, 170
Hierarchy properties, 188 Key Figure Maintenance screen, 174
HTML, 115 Key figures, 62
Knowledge Management, 135
Knowledge Management Content, 126
IBM DB2, 252 L
Implemented processes, 277
Indices, 160 Layout of the Query Designer, 54
InfoCube, 132, 165 Layout of the Report Designer, 139
InfoObject, 132, 135, 169, 241 Level A competency topics, 37
InfoObjects as InfoProviders, 198 Level B competency topics, 38
InfoObject types, 170 Load process and postprocessing, 277
InfoProvider, 58, 197, 241
InfoProviders for SAP BEx reporting, 55
Information, 96 M
Information Broadcasting, 109
Information integration, 46 Master Certification, 40
InfoSet, 132, 198 Master Certification (under development),
InfoSources, 241, 266, 268 23
Input-ready queries, 294, 299 Master data, 132
Insert a Data Provider, 140 Master data-bearing characteristic, 172
Insert Analysis Grid, 84 Masthead, 121
Insert button, 85 Max DB, 252
Insert checkbox group, 85 Message, 58
Insert dropdown box, 85 Metadata, 132, 233
Insert list of conditions, 85 Metadata display, 235
Insert list of filters, 84 Metadata repository, 156, 234, 246
Insert messages, 85 MHTML (Multipart HTML), 115