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Contemporary Issues in Managing Human Resources

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Contemporary Issues in Managing Human Resources Seribd Upload a Document Search Documents Explore Documents Books - Fiction Books - Non-fietion Health & Medicine Brochures/Catalogs Government Docs * How-To Guides/Manuals © Magazines/Newspapers # Recipes/Menus * School Work + all categories « Featured Recs People Authors * Students + Researchers + Publishers * Gor + Businesses + Musicians «Artists & Designers « Teachers + all categories + Most Followed * Popular * Sign Up ol * LogIn Las Seer s Miccsof comiCloud Dever 7 rent for Free ment & Nonprofit Start thinking in Windows Azure. De en http://www scribd. com/doc/43585180/Contemporary-Issues-in-Managin., a cg por 3/2011 12:19 PM Contemporary Issues in Managing Human Resources http://www scribd. com/doc/43585180/Contemporary-Issues-in-Managin., 7 rent for Free Contemporary issues in Managing Human Resources ‘well include this chapter by looking at some contemporary HR issues that todays managers face: managing downsizing, managing workforce dversity, managing sexual harassment, ‘managing work-life balance, and controling HR costs. © Managing Downsizing Managing Workforce Diversity 4 Recruitment # Selection + Orientation and Training Managing sexual harassment ® Sexual Harassment ® Workplace Romances Managing worklife balance + Family trendy benefits © Controling HR Costs: 4 Employee Health Care cost © Employee Pension Plan Cost ° ° ° Managing Downsizing Downsizing isthe planned elimination of jobs in an organization, Wen an organization has too many employees*which can happen when an organzation is faced with declining market share, has grown too aggressively, or has been poorly managedone option for improving profits is to eliminate some of those excess workers. Many well-known companies have downsized or eased out employees because of poor performance, including Jet Aways, Kingfisher, GoAir, HLL, Infosys, IBM, ICICI, and Accenture. How can managers best manage a downsized workplace? Disruptions in the workplace and in employees personal lives should be expected, Stress, frustration, anxiety, and anger are typical reactions of both individuals being laid off and job survivors. The following exhibit lists some ways that managers can reduce the trauma Tips for Managing Downsizing: & eommmuricate openly and honestly: Inform those being let go ae e000 ce possible Tell surviving employees the nen goals and expectations $ Golein inact of layotte tollow ny laws regulating severance pay ° benefits rove suppart/counseling for surviving employees evssign roles according ?9 indivi! tolents ard backgrounds ecus on boosting morale: + Offer indvidualized reassurance + continue to communicate, especialy one-on-one remain involved ond available Hove « plan far the empty office spacee/cubicles soit in ¢ 20 depressing for surviving employees. 3/2011 12:19 PM Contemporary Issues in Managing Human Resources 7 rent for Free Managing Workforce Diversity ‘Weflve discussed the changing makeup of the workforce in several places throughout the book land provided insights in °Managing Workforce Diversity” boxes in several chapters. In this section, we discuss how workforce diversity is directly affected by HRM activities. Recruitment Selection | Orientation and Training Recruitment To improve workforce diversity, managers need to widen their recruiting net. For example, the popular practice of relying on employee referrals as a source of job applicants tends to produce candidates who are similar to present employees. The Tata Group has used this to its advantage in recruiting diverse employees. The company‘[s postive experience with a hearing- impaired employee led to hiring other hearing-impaired employees through employee referrals But not every organization has this option So managers may have to look for diverse job applicants in places they might not have looked before: womens job networks, over-60 clubs, turban job banks, training centers for disabled individuals, ethnic newspapers, and gay rights organizations, for example. Such nontraditional recruiting should enable an organization to broaden its pool of diverse applicants. Selection: When a diverse set of apolicants exists, managers must ensure that the selection process does: not discriminate. Moreover, applicants need to be made comfortable with the organizations culture and be made aware of managements desire to accommodate their needs. For instance, Microsoft strves to hire @ high percentage of female applicants, especially for technical jobs, ‘and to make sure those women have a successful experience once theyfre on the job. (Orientation and Training “The outsider-insider transition is oten move challenging for wornen and minorities than for white males. Many organizations provide special workshops to raise diversity awareness issues. For example, at a Kraft manufacturing facility, managers developed an ambitious diversity program that reflected the increased value the organization had placed on incorporating diverse perspectives. Among other things, thay trained more than half of the plantf[s employees in diversity issues, Managing Sexual harassment In India, thas been 11 years since sexual harassment was for the first time recognized by the ‘Supreme Court as human right violation and gender based systemic discrimination that affects womens right to life and livelihood. The Court has given mandatory guidelines, known as Vishaka Guidelines, for resolution and prevention of sexual harassment. The sexual Harassments of wornen at Work Place (Prevention, Prohibition And Redressal) Bil was passed http://www scribd. com/doc/43585180/Contemporary-Issues-in-Managin., 3/2011 12:19 PM Contemporary Issues in Managing Human Resources 40f13 7 u rent for Free in 2008, Ninety two percent women said sexual harassment had a detrimental effect on their work (Sanhita studiy), and studies by the International Labor Organization also document the: high cost of sexual harassment as poor organizational image, low work productivity, poor ‘employee morale, high legal costs, mounting medical bills, and high employee tumover. In study of working women in Maharashtra, the incidence of sexual harassment of wornen at work place was reported to be 17 percent in cxganized sector and 20 percent in unorganized sector. ‘Sexual harassment is nota local problem. Itfs a global issue, For instance, data collected by the European Commission found that between 30 and 50 percent female employees in European Union countries had experienced some form of sexual harassment And sexual harassment charges have been filed against employers in other countries, such as Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and Mexico, Even though discussions of sexual harassment cases often focus on the large awards granted by courts, there are other concems for employers. Sexual harassment creates an unpleasant \work environment and undermines workersf ability to perform their job, ‘Sexual harassment is defined as any unwanted action or activity of a sexual nature that cexplictly or implicitly affects an individuals employment, performance or work environment, It ‘can occur between members ofthe opposite sex or of the same sex Many problems associated with sexual harassment involve determining exactly what consttutes this illegal behavior. The Bill defines °Sexual Harassments’ as such unwelcome sexually determined behavior such as physical contact, advance, sexually colored remarks, showing pornography, or making sexual demands, whether verbal, textual, graphic or electronic, or by any other actions, which may contain: (a) implied or overt promise of preferential treatment; (b) an implied or overt threat of detrimental effects the present or future employment status of that employee and includes the creation of a hostile wotking environment, and (c) the conduct interferes with an employees work or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment or humiliating and may constitute a health and safety problems, For many organizations, itfs the offensive or hostile environment issue that Is problematic. Managers must be aware of what constitutes such an environment. Another thing thet managers must understand is that the victim doesnt necessarily have to be the person harassed but could be anyone affected by the offensive conduct. The key is being attuned to what makes other ‘employees uncomfortable%and if we dont know, we should ask! ‘What can an organization do to protect itself against sexual harassment claims? The courts want to know two things: First, did the organization know about, or should it have known about, the alleged behavior? And second, what did managers do to stop it? Is vital that all employees should be educated on sexual harassment matters. In addition, organization need to ensure that no retaliatory actions’such as cutting back houts of assigning back-to-back work shifts without a rest break’are taken against a person who has fled harassment charges. One final area of Interest we want to discuss in terrrs of sexual harassment is workplace romances, ‘http: /wwow. scribd. comy/doc/43585180/Contemporary-Issues-in-Managin 4/23/2011 12:19 PM Contemporary Issues in Managing Human Resources ‘http: /wwow. scribd. comy/doc/43585180/Contemporary-Issues-in-Managin 7 u rent for Free 5 of 13 4/23/2011 12:19 PM Contemporary Issues in Managing Human Resources ‘http: /wwow. scribd. comy/doc/43585180/Contemporary-Issues-in-Managin 7 u rent for Free 6 of 13 4/23/2011 12:19 PM Contemporary Issues in Managing Human Resources http://www scribd. com/doc/43585180/Contemporary-Issues-in-Managin., Leeman! Start thinking in Windows Azure. Se pda aka eee seri Microsc comioud Deveener peso1 7 rent for Free 1of 13 9011 12-19 PA Contemporary Issues in Managing Human Resources ‘http: /wwow. scribd. comy/doc/43585180/Contemporary-Issues-in-Managin 7 u rent for Free 8 of 13 4/23/2011 12:19 PM Contemporary Issues in Managing Human Resources fiwwiw scribd. com/doc/43585180/Contemporary-Issues-in-Managin Contemporary Issues in Managing Human Resources Download this Document for FreePrint MobileCollectionsReport Document ‘This is a private document, Info and Rating Dipesh Gautam Follow Share & Embed Related Documents PreviousNext rent for Free 9 of 13 4/23/2011 12:19 PM Contemporary Issues in Managing Human Resources http://www scribd. com/doc/43585180/Contemporary-Issues-in-Managin., uo. rent for Free 10 of 13 4 3/2011 12:19 PM Contemporary Issues in Managing Human Resources ‘http: /wwow. scribd. comy/doc/43585180/Contemporary-Issues-in-Managin P. 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