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Lesson 1: Getting Ready For Literature

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Lesson 1: Getting Ready for Literature 

Objectives: At the end of this lesson, you should be able to: 
1. Define literature; 
2. Review the major literary genres, forms and types; 
3. Cite the importance of literature to man. 

What is Literature? 
Based in its etymology, literature is derived from the Latin word litteratura which
means  writing, and from literatus, learning. It generally covers oral and written works which
manifest its  universal characteristics: imaginative quality, uniqueness, timelessness, and
universality. It is  also described as having expression of permanence which means it lives
through time and its  universal ideas provide aesthetic value that man can appreciate.
Moreover, literature as  relevant to the inner self of man also takes significant human
experiences as its main subject.  Therefore, it discusses various dimensions of life, may it be
miseries or glories.  
Meanwhile, as urban cultures and societies developed, there was a proliferation in the 
definitions and forms of literature. Developments in print technology allowed for literature to
be  distributed and experienced on an unprecedented scale, which has culminated in the
twenty first century in electronic literature. 
Literature, in its literal sense, is any written works of man. It serves as memorabilia of 
man’s inner thoughts, feelings, desires, and significant experiences. Aesthetically, literature 
reflects beautiful experiences of man put into text. Hence, it flourishes and keeps on evolving 
over time as man embraces new perspectives in life out from the issues and influences
brought  by history. 

Major Genres of Literature 

According to Barritugo et al (2002) there are four genres of literature: poetry, prose 
fiction, drama, and non-fiction.  

a.) Poetry – Its beauty is ignited by metaphors and careful use of words, figurative
expressions,  imagery, rhythm, and sound. 
b.) Prose Fiction – This is characterized as any literary work that is imaginative recreation
and  reconstruction of life. It also emphasizes the flow and development of actions involving
number  of characters and react to certain conflict on human issues.  
c.) Drama- This involves significant human encounters which are intended to be performed
on  stage. 
d.) Non-Fiction- This genre attempts to present, interpret, and describe facts. This could be
in  the form of essays, articles, editorials, and etc.  

Major Forms of Literature 

Prose- a form of literature which does not have measurement scheme. It is structured by free
flow of sentences. It uses irregularity or dynamic language because it is patterned to man’s 
everyday speech.
Types of Prose 
Fiction – a product of the writer’s imagination. 
a.) Short Story- a brief prose narrative that can usually be read in one sitting; contains few 
characters and a single plot 
b.) Novel- long story written in prose; has more characters and subplots 
c.) Drama- narrative prose intended to be played on stage; usually called
play d.) Fable- a brief story usually with animal characters 
e.) Parable- a short narrative that is part of allegory and which illustrates spiritual
lesson f.) Legend- a story reflects the people’s identity or cultural values 
g) Myth- a fictional tale, originally with religious significance that explains the action of gods or 
heroes and the cause of natural phenomena 
h.) Fairytale- story about fairies, goblins, elves, trolls, giants, talking animals, and others 

Non- Fiction –prose that presents and explains ideas or tells about real people, places,
objects,  or events. 
a.) Autobiography- is a biography written by the author about himself 
b.) Biography- written accounts of individuals 
c.) Essay- a short work that treats a topic from an author’s personal point of view d.) Diary/
Journal- a book for writing discrete entries arranged by date reporting on what has  happened
over the course of the day or other periods 

Poetry- a form of literature characterized by highly formed structure of language. It applies 

regulating devices such as sound and rhythm to aesthetically convey a message which calls
for  a specific emotional response 

Types of Poetry 
Narrative Poetry- narrative poetry tells a story in verse 
a.) Epic  
c.)The Metrical Tale  
d.) Metrical Romance  

Lyric Poetry- a poem that expresses the emotions, feelings, and observations of the
writer.  a.) Song- a lyric poem set to music and is intended to be sung. 
b.)Sonnet- a fourteen-line lyric poem focused on a single theme. 
c.)Elegy- a solemn and formal lyric poem about death. 
d.)Ode- a long, formal lyric poem with a serious theme.  
e.) Simple lyric- includes all lyric poems that do not fall under the four other types.  

Haiku- another kind of poetry that originated in Japan. A three-line poem consisting of 
seventeen syllables (5,7,5). 

Work on it!  
(Prepare your answers for the interactive discussion on Wednesday.) 

1. What image of symbol do you think best represents literature? Provide three
sentences to describe it. 
 I believe, literature is an interpretation and criticism of life through writing, that is
why the symbol of which I think that best represents literature is an image of a
gateway to an alternate reality. Literature is magical, were readers temporarily
able to dive deep into multiple perspective to a character or a situation where we
are able to relate, learn, understand and be compelled by their experience and
struggle as if it was our own. It is a means which emulates different actions and an
outline that offers us a simulation though a different course of realities were it
reflects our selves the people around us and to realize its mistakes, to make
amends and to teach values on our lives that was depicted in the story.

2. Have you experienced reading poems or stories? What was your feeling upon
reading the material?  

 Yes I definitely have, whenever I find myself engross to a certain poem or stories,
I notice this strange phenomenon of how literature represent various basis of
assumptions, ideals, perspective and arguments that is radically different to our
own and to everyone and, even yet, it may be hugely alien to us, but still, it is
able to continue to speak to us—and, not only that, but through reading literature,
it can tell us something about who we are, something that we would not have
seen otherwise, or would have seen differently. Ultimately, this made me think of
how literature became a vessel into multiple realities and that literature enables
us to comprehend and understand situations from many perspectives.
3. Describe yourself as a reader. 

 Personally, I choose to read a variety of genre and thus enjoys a wide range of
books. As reader, I’m not someone who constantly thinks on the length of the
book but of how long its effects can be felt and how as an individual or how can I
be benefited from it, whether it is from a fictional on non-fictional script. I have
always viewed literature as a journey that is inscribed in pages and powered by
the imagination. Through reading and being given the keys to the world of
literature it enables myself to unlock and gain the ability to comprehend the
complexity or simplicity of multiple experiences, context, ideals, knowledge and
perspective the world and the people had to offer. And that is something that find
beautiful and consequently made me who I am, as a reader.

4. Briefly explain this line, “Literature mirrors man’s significant experiences in life.” 

 Literature is the foundation of life. It places an emphasis on many topics and

perspective of human life and has provided us a gateway to teach the reader
about life experiences from even the saddest stories to the most joyful ones that
may touch people’s hearts and with the ability to see the world with a pair
of fresh eyes, it triggers the reader to reflect upon their own lives. Literature
mirrors man’s significant experiences in life by allowing us to envision their
perspective their memories, their pain, and their emotions without actually being
that person. I believe, literature is the closest thing the world has to being able to
understand another person whole-heartedly.

⮚ Literature is defined as a piece of printed work related to the ideas and feelings of the 
people that may be true or just a product of the writer’s imagination. 
⮚ Literature is divided into two forms: prose and poetry. 
⮚ According to Barritugo (2002) there are four genres of literature to wit: poetry, prose 
fiction, drama, and non-fiction.  
⮚ Significant Human Experience (SHE) is the subject of literature.


Baronda, Andrew John. (2016) 21 Century Literature from the Philippines and the

World.  JFS Publishing House., Pasay City, Philippines 

DiYanni, R. (2002). Literature: Reading Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. The Mcgraw-
Hill  Companies, Inc.  
Reyes, D. S. (2011).World Literature: Literary Gems of the East and West. Rex
Book  Store.Manila, Philippines  
Tindero, Edwin. Et al (2010).The World Masterpieces in Literature. Mutya Publishing
Inc.  Malabon City 
Saymo, Apolinario, Judy Imelda Igoy, & Remedios Esperon (2004). Philippine Literature;
Trinitas Publishing, Inc., Bulacan, Philippines.

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