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Political Caricatures Political Caricatures

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Political Caricatures

Basic Accounting (Notre Dame University)

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Downloaded by Miguel Aeron C. Cid (miggycid3@gmail.com)

Name: __Ivan Isaac Romero___ Date: _4/21/2021___

Course & Year: _BSBA BE 1____

Interpretation of the Caricature: Kindly fill out the needed information in the table.

Caricature Meaning of each symbol Political or social issue

Objects/People that you see Important clues
Title (objects/people) presented

1.) El Turno de los  People wearing formal clothes  The clothes they are  Uncle Sam was serving  It is evident in the
Partidos  A man with a pointed nose wearing signifies that his patronage porridge to caricature that even at
wearing a top hat. these people are likely to the people at the left (the those times, gaining the
 A food placed in the table, a be rich or of high class. federalist) which means side of highly influenced
soup or porridge for the  The man was a that this party has people (represented by
awaiting people. representation of the US already earned positions Uncle Sam) especially
government, by which in and are known political during election will put
the caricature he was personalities of that time. you at a huge
deemed as “Uncle Sam.” Meanwhile, the advantage.
 The porridge served as Nacionalista party, those
patronage of Uncle Sam at the right, are waiting
to these important for their turn to be served
people who are by Uncle Sam his
separated by two porridge as token of
factions, the Federalist support of the upcoming
and Nacionalista parties. election.
2.) Mamumuong  An American worker at the left,  The American worker  The facial expression  The issue present in the
Amerikanhon│ with cigar in his mouth, and represents how and bodily gestures caricature is the evident
carrying a load effortlessly convenient their jobs are present in the caricature inequality in the
using an equipment. using tools and speaks volumes on how Philippines in terms of
 A Filipino worker at the right, equipment that they both countries hugely handling employees and
struggling in carrying a load in even barely sweat at differ in terms of labor. labourers by which when

Downloaded by Miguel Aeron C. Cid (miggycid3@gmail.com)


his back, in the middle of the work. Most American workers compared to America,
scorching heat of the pacific  The Filipino worker relies on the use of labourers are supported
sun. shows how Filipinos mechanical devices to greatly and receives
 Price tags are attached in struggle while working support their tasks while decent pay for their
each of the workers, five without any equipment to Filipino workers have to work.
dollars daily rate for the use and the undeniable do things with their own
American worker, 1 peso for heat of the tropical hands and strength.
the Filipino worker country.
respectively.  The price tags
symbolizes the daily
salary rate and its huge
difference between
American and Filipino
3.) El doctor esta  A fat man in the middle  The fat man, based on  The facial reaction of the  The context of the
ocupado wearing a fedora hat which the short dialogue doctor shows that he is caricature is center on
hands are seemingly provided in the angry by the fact that he the norm in the country
detaching the rope that caricature was a doctor was disturbed in the before where doctors
leashed the cock’s feet. who is interested in middle of his favourite used their medical
 A man in the right with a towel cockfighting. past time. degrees to gain higher
tied in his forehead, a cigarette  The man with towel is  The man with his hats off position in the society,
in his mouth, holding the cock the facilitator of the shows his respect to the and not to serve the
with his both hands. cockfight. doctor by simply people.
 A man in the left with his hat  The man in the left who removing his hat before
removed. has his hats down is a initiating a conversation.
 A crowd of gentlemen making commoner making a
random conversation in the request to the doctor to
background. cure her ill wife.
 The crowd symbolizes
how famous and known
is cockfighting before as
men’s favourite form of

Downloaded by Miguel Aeron C. Cid (miggycid3@gmail.com)



Downloaded by Miguel Aeron C. Cid (miggycid3@gmail.com)

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