Annual Distribution Grade 5
Annual Distribution Grade 5
Annual Distribution Grade 5
Content Reading skills Writing Listenin Speaking Study Thinking Cultural
Unit Lesson Comprehensio skills g Skills Skills skills skills Awareness
n Vocab.
1: Grade *Read aloud Determin *Write a Listen *Ask and Use *use prior Going to
Five Fun for fluency e the paragraph for answer graph knowledge school in
*Answer meaning interpretin details questions the United
direct and of key g bar about one’s States
indirect words graph favorite
questions according using activities
*Use to compound
contraction contextu sentences
*Join al clues.
Unit One : Spotlights on the City
Lesson 2: *Read aloud Fill in the *Write a *Describe Use *Look for *Difference
Looking for fluency blank letter one’s picture supporting s in daily
around *Answer with describing neighborhoo clues evidence life
Alexandria, direct and correct their own d between
Verginia indirect vocab town or students’
questions words village culture and
*Use target
preposition of language
place culture
*Use there is \
Lesson 3: *Read for Match *Write Listen Ask polite Express *Make *Borrowed
At the information each and design for questions opinion association concepts
supermark *Share ideas word T.V ad for details *read a s s
et and opinions with the a new, shopping list
*Answer wh- suitable healthy
questions meaning soft drink
*identify story that is
elements economica
*Identify the l
subject and
Lesson 1: *Read aloud Determin *Write a Listen for *talk Use *make Student’s
Produce for fluency e the paragraph details about map referenc own heritage
from our *Ask or and meaning describing a produce symb es
Unit two : Country Scenes
Lesson 1: At *Read aloud Determin *Write a Listen for *discuss Make *Use Student’s
the National for fluency e the paragraph specific artifacts predi context own heritage
Museum *Answer direct meaning about the information ction clues
and indirect of key Lebanese s
questions words National
*Use sentences according Museum
with simple to
and compound contextua
subject l clues.
and add
photos or
drawing to
make your
Lesson 4: *Read aloud Fill in the *Design a Follow Use Make Symbolism of
The Story of for fluency blank with flag for your spoke dictiona predictio flags
Our Flag *Answer direct correct school, and n ry n
and indirect vocab write about instru
questions words its symbols. ctions
*Use the
modals can,
could, have to,
must, should
Unit four: Window on the Arts
Lesson 1: *Read aloud Fill in the *Make an *Listen for *talk * use a *Local artist
Biography of for fluency blank with interview general and about time line
an Artist *Answer direct correct with specific some
and indirect vocab somebody details one’s
questions words and write life
*Ask questions the most
about past important
events events in
*Recognize the
between person’s life
biography and
Content Reading skills Writing Listening Speaking Study Thinkin Cultural
Unit Lesson Comprehensio skills Skills Skills skills g Awareness
n Vocab. skills
Lesson 2: *Read for Fill in the * Asking *Listen for Talk Use *access * Dances
Like to information blank with questions specific about picture prior around the
Dance? *Answer wh- correct and writing informatio career clue to knowle world;
Unit four: Window on the Arts
Lesson 4: *Read for Use Write a short Talk Recogn Draw To become
The Color of fluency contextua dialogue about ize conclus aware of
Kings *Answer comp l clues to between two play conflict ion different
questions determin friends viewpoints
*identify the e the about
dialogue and particular studying
its meaning
characteristic of words.
different kinds
of pronouns
* March
Content Reading skills Writing Listening Speaking Stud Thinking Cultural
Unit Lesson Comprehensio skills Skills Skills y skills Awareness
n Vocab. skills
Lesson 1: *Read aloud Determin *Write a *Listen for *talk *make Global
Acid Rain for fluency e the paragraph instruction about a predictio Warming
*Answer direct meaning describing process ns
and indirect of key the water
questions words cycle using
*Using according the
Unit five: Taking Care of Our Land
sequence to sequence
words contextua words.
l clues.
Lesson 2: *Read aloud Determin *Write a *Ask for Maki *drawing Global and
Let’s Clean It for fluency e the story about and give ng conclusio Local
Up! *Answer direct meaning one advice infer n warming
and indirect of key character in orally ence
questions words the story s
*Use adverb according including
correctly to the
contextua problem
l clues. and suggest
a solution
Content Reading skills Writing Listening Speaking Stud Thinking Cultural
Unit Lesson Comprehensio skills Skills Skills y skills Awareness
n Vocab. skills
Unit five: Taking Care of Our Land
Lesson 3: *Read aloud Fill in the Write a Listen for *talk * Use a
The Science for fluency blank with paragraph the main about a flaw Global and
Project *Answer direct correct about the idea problem chart Local
and indirect vocab children’s warming
questions words problem
*Use present and suggest
tense a solution
*Identify cause using cause-
– effect effect
relationship sentences.
Lesson 1: *Read aloud Determin *Asking and *Listen for * Ask and * read
Unit Six: Nature’s Challenge
Lesson 3: *Read aloud Determin *Write a *Listen for *ask * skim * To Currencies;
Reading the for fluency e the paragraph specific question and problem sports;
Paper *Answer direct meaning about informatio s scan solve weather
and indirect of key Benjamin n around the
questions words Franklin world
*Use adverbs according
of frequency to
l clues.