The Biology of Acinetobacter Taxonomy, Clinical Importance, Molecular Biology, Physiology, Industrial Relevance by K. J. Towner, E. Bergogne-Bérézin, C. A. Fewson (Auth.), K. J. Towner, E. Bergogne-B
The Biology of Acinetobacter Taxonomy, Clinical Importance, Molecular Biology, Physiology, Industrial Relevance by K. J. Towner, E. Bergogne-Bérézin, C. A. Fewson (Auth.), K. J. Towner, E. Bergogne-B
The Biology of Acinetobacter Taxonomy, Clinical Importance, Molecular Biology, Physiology, Industrial Relevance by K. J. Towner, E. Bergogne-Bérézin, C. A. Fewson (Auth.), K. J. Towner, E. Bergogne-B
A cineto bacter
Taxonomy, Clinical Importance,
Molecular Biology, Physiology,
Industrial Relevance
Recent FEMS Symposium volumes published by Plenum Press
Edited by Gerhart Drews and Edwin A. Dawes
(FEMS Symposium No. 53)
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The Biology of
Taxonomy, Clinical Importance,
Molecular Biology, Physiology,
Industrial Relevance
Edited by
K.}. Towner
Department of Microbiology and PHLS Laboratory
University Hospital
Nottingham, United Kingdom
E. Bergogne-Berezin
Departement de Microbiologie, CHU Bichat
Paris , France
C. A. Fewson
Department of Biochemistry
University of Glasgow
Glasgow, United Kingdom
Taxonomy of Acinetobacter 25
P.A.D.Grimont and P.J.M.Bouvet
Typing of Acinetobacter 37
Plasmid and Transposon Behaviour in Acinetobacter
K.J.Towner 149
Metabolism of Trimethylammonium Compounds
by Acinetobacter 403
Index 443
bLaboratoire de Microbiologie
CHU Bichat
75877 Paris Cedex 18, France
'Department of Biochemistry
University of Glasgow
Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK
Classification and Nomenclature
1982). Although they can be isolated from heavily polluted water, they are
found more frequently near the surface of freshwater and where freshwater
flows into the sea (Droop and Jannasch, 1977). Acinetobacters are also
found in a variety of foodstuffs, including milk products, fresh meat,
eviscerated chicken carcasses and other poultry meats (Koburger, 1964;
Barnes and Thornley, 1966; Eribo and Jay, 1985). Members of the genus are
responsible for spoilage of a number of foods, including chickens, eggs,
bacon and fish, even when stored under refrigerated conditions (Shewan et
al., 1960; Thornley et a!., 1960; Gardner, 1971; Jay, 1982) or following
irradiation (Firstenherg-Eden et al., 1980). Acinetobacters are normal
inhabitants of human skin and have consequently been implicated as
presumed causal or contributory agents in a variety of infectious disease
processes (see below). They also have some veterinary significance (e.g.
Dickie, 1978; Gibson and Eaves, 1981). Acinetohacters have also heen
isolated from a bizarre range of other sources, including laboratory dental
pumice (Williams et aI., 1983), eye shadows (Dawson and Reinhardt, 1981)
and stored buffalo semen (Ramachandra et a!., 1981).
johnsonii or A. lwoffii seem to be isolated primarily from environmental
sources and only occasionally from clinical samples.
The pathogenic role of Acinetobacter is limited to nosocomial
infections, but a dramatic increase in the incidence of this organism has been
noted in many reports during the last few years, particularly when compared
with other common organisms causing nosocomial infection. Joly-Guillou et
aI. (1990b) reported that Acinetobacter strains comprised 1-9% of all
bacterial species ,isolated from clinical specimens between 1984 and 1988.
The major sites of infection do not differ from those of other nosocomial
Gram-negative pathogens, with the lower respiratory tract and the urinary
tract accounting for 15-28% of total Aci n e to b ac te r infections (Retailliau et
al.,1979; Joly-Guillou et al., 1990b). Nosocomial pneumonia caused by
Acinetobacter spp. is a particular problem in intensive care units (Cunha et
aI., 1980; Vieu et aI., 1980; Muller-Serieys et aI., 1989), and often involves
patients with severe underlying disease requiring assisted mechanical
ventilation with equipment that is capable of aerosolising the organism.
Some isolates of Acinetobacter may reflect colonisation rather than
infection (French et aI., 1980), but the presence of pneumonia with a lobar
distribution, purulent secretions, and isolation of the organism as the sole or
predominant pathogen from bronchial brushings confirms the pathogenic
role of Acinetobacter. Nosocomial urinary tract infections caused by
Acinetobacter spp. occur at rates varying from 2-61%, depending on local
outbreaks (Hoffmann et aI., 1982; Mayer and Zinner, 1985). Other
nosocomial infections occasionally reported in the medical literature include
meningitis, skin and wound infections, burn wound superinfections and
bacteraemia (Bergogne-Berezin et aI., 1987).
Pathogenicity and Virulence Factors
transposons conferring antibiotic resistance can be transferred to
Acinetobacter (Towner, this volume), where they may form an important
hospital reservoir of antibiotic resistance genes. Although much is known
about the biochemical mechanisms of antibiotic resistance in
Acinetobacter (Bergogne-Bert!zin and Joly-Guillou, this volume), little is
known about the structure and regulation of these genes in Acinetobacter
at the molecular level. The complex nature of the problem and the efforts
needed to unravel it are well-illustrated by Elisha and Stern (this volume).
Plasmids also seem to be involved in determining a range of other phenotypic
properties in Acinetobacter (Towner, this volume). Again, there is a
relative lack of information, but it seems clear that while some plasmids can
transfer readily between Acinetobacter and other genera, there is also a
pool of plasmid-mediated genetic information which is confined largely to
Acinetobacter and not readily mobilis able to other organisms. This seems
to result,however, from a barrier to transfer rather than expression (Towner,
this volume). Further information on plasmid stability and expression of
plasmid-encoded genes in Ac ine to b a c te r is provided by Winstanley et aI.
(this volume), with particular reference to the release of genetically
engineered microorganisms (GEMs) into the natural environment.
Haspel et al.; Omston and Neidle; White et aI., this volume). Studies by
L.N.Ornston and colleagues have demonstrated that considerable gene
rearrangements must have occurred as the B-ketoadipate pathway diverged in
Acinetobacter and Pseudomonas, and their results have generated the
exciting hypothesis that sequence exchange between DNA slippage
structures causes mutations leading to genetic divergence, while repair
events involving sequence exchange between slipped DNA strands may
contribute to conservation of the evolved sequences. The experiments and
discoveries leading to these stimulating concepts are described in detail by
Omston and Neidle (this volume).
1981; Hardy and Dawes, 1985; Asperger and Kleber, this volume). In
general, under conditions of high aeration a cytochrome o-containing
oxidase and a cytochrome b554 are the predominant species, whereas under
oxygen-limited conditions a cytochrome d-containing oxidase is predominant
(Ensley and Finnerty, 1980; Hardy and Dawes, 1985; Geerlof et al., 1989).
In recent work with A. calcoaceticus strain LMD 79.41, cytochrome 0
oxidase, cytochrome d oxidase and cytochrome b S54 have all been partially
purified and characterised (Geerlof et al., 1989). Cytochrome b S62 is
involved in linking glucose dehydrogenase to the main electron transfer
chain (Beardmore-Gray and Anthony, 1986; Dokter et al., 1988; Geerlof et
al., 1989; Duine, this volume). There is no evidence that Acinetobacter
spp. contain a cytochrome c, and this accords with their status as oxidase-
negative organisms. Several strains contain cytochrome P450 and this is
reviewed by Asperger and Kleber (this volume). An NADH dehydrogenase
connected with the respiratory chain has been solubilised, purified and
partially characterised (Borneleit and Kleber, 1983). Ubiquinones, but not
menaquinone, have been found in acinetobacters, including the neotype
strain ATCC 23055. The number of isoprene units attached to the
benzoquinone nucleus is typically nine, but small amounts of the next higher
and lower isoprenologues are usually found (Whittaker, 1971; Collins and
Jones, 1981; Nishimura et al., 1986, 1988a; L.M. Fixter, unpublished
results); however, some Acinetobacter strains appear to contain either
approximately equal amounts of CoOs and Co0 9 , or just CoOs (Denis et al.,
negative eubacteria, but that it has distinctive metabolic features which are
well-adapted to its lifestyle and support its nutritional versatility.
Amongst the more special features of the genus is the ability of at least
one strain to grow on malonate, apparently by converting it into malonyl-
CoA followed by decarboxylation to acetyl-CoA (Kim and Kim 1985; Bahk
and Kim, 1987; Lim and Kim, 1987). The acetate kinase of this strain
appears to be quite different from the equivalent enzyme in E. coli (Kim and
Park, 1988). Strain JCl is a carboxydobacterium, and its inducible carbon
monoxide dehydrogenase has been isolated and partially characterised (Kim
and Kim, 1989; Kim et ai., 1989). There has also been a report that some
acinetobacters, isolated from the surfaces of soybean nodules (where there
may be appreciable conccntrations of hydrogen because of the action of
nitrogenase), can oxidise hydrogen (Wong et ai., 1986).
Pollution Control
underlies some of the possible commercial biotransformation processes
(articles by Asperger and Kleber; Fewson; Trudgill, this volume), including
the production of L-carnitine (Kleber, this volume). Production of gluconic
acid depends on the possession of glucose dehydrogenase, a fascinating
enzyme in its own right (Duine, this volume) and one which may have
applications in the construction of glucose sensors (D'Costa et aI., 1986) and
in the determination of POO (B.W. Groen and J.A. Duine, unpublished
Biomass Production
G lu taminase -Asparaginase
interest in the genus resulted in the meeting which formed the basis for this
book, and it is hoped that this brief introductory article will encourage the
casual reader to delve more deeply into the wealth of scientific material
which follows. Members of the genus Acinetobacter have a plethora of
interesting facets to their lifestyles, some of which are unique, while others
provide us with exciting insights into prokaryotic behaviour in general. We
firmly believe that scientists, of whatever microbiological speciality, cannot
fail to be stimulated by a closer acquaintance with this fascinating group of
Beardmore-Gray, M., and Anthony, c., 1986, The oxidation of glucose by
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Epidemiology of nosocomial infections due to Acinetobacter
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Bhattacharyya, G., and Mandel, A., 1987, Volatization of mercury by a soil
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distinct from the genera M oraxella and Neisseria. The current definition
of the genus Acinetobacter is as follows (adapted from Juni, 19R4): strictly
aerobic, non-motile, oxidase-negative coccobacilli; Gram-negative, but
sometimes difficult to destain; grows well on complex media between 20 and
30°C without growth factor requirements; nitrates arc rarely reduced;
cxtracted DNA is able to transform strain BD413trpE27; the G + C content
of the DNA is between 39 and 47 mol %.
common to both studies. Three additional genomic species (numbered 13 to
15) were described in the T&U study. Genomic species 13 (T&U) was
represented by a single strain in the B&G study. Group 14 (T&U) contained
a reference strain of "Achromobacter conjunctivae" (Stenzel and
Mannheim, 1963) which was ungrouped in the B&G study. Genomic species
14 (T&U) corresponded to group 13 of Bouvet and Jeanjean (1989).
Genomic species 15 (T&U) was not represented in the studies of Bouvet and
Grimont (1986) and Bouvet and Jeanjean (1989). Thus, the data obtained in
two different laboratories were fully compatible.
Enzyme Electrophoresis
Serological Cross-Reactions
rRNA Gene Restriction Patterns
The ability to produce acid from glucose has long been used to
differentiate A. calcoaceticus sensu lato from A. Iwoffii sensu lato.
Acid production with D-glucose results from the oxidation of glucose to
gluconic acid (Aubert et aI., 1952). The glucose dehydrogenase involved is
actually a non-specific aldose dehydrogenase that can also oxidise a number
of different aldoses (Hauge, 1960). The phenons delineated by Baumann et
al. (1968) often contained both glucose-oxidisers and non-oxidisers. Duine
et al. (1979) demonstrated that glucose dehydrogenase was a quinoprotein.
Glucose dehydrogenase is an inactive apoenzyme and pyrroloquinoline
quinone is a co-factor required for enzymic activity. Strains producing the
apoenzyme, but not the co-factor, will not oxidise glucose unless the co-
factor is added to the medium (Duine, this volume). Bouvet and Bouvet
(1989) found that the following percentages of strains (in parentheses)
produced acid from glucose without added pyrroloquinoline quinone: A.
calcoaceticus (100), A. baumannii (99), sp. 3 (100), A. haemolyticus
(63), sp. 6 (50), A. Iwoffii (5), sp. 10 (100), and sp. 12 (40). No strains of A.
junii, A. johnsonii or sp. 11 produced acid from glucose under these
conditions. When pyrroloquinoline quinone was added, all genomic species
contained strains producing acid from glucose (percentages of strains in
parentheses): A. baumannii (100), A. haemolyticus (69), A. junii (72),
Table 2. Current identification scheme for AcinetobBcter genomic species
anumbering according to Bouvet and Grimont (1986); Bouvet and Jeanjean (1989). Named species are:
1, A. cal coacet icus ; 2, A. baumannii; 4, A. haemolyticus ; 5, A. junii; 7, A. johnsonii; 8/9, A. lwoffii;
12. A. radioresistens.
+ ~ all strains positive; all strains negative. Numbers are percentages of strains positive for a
particular character.
sp. 6 (SO), A. johnsonii (97), A. lwoffii (90), sp. 11 (100), and sp. 12 (l00)
(Bouvet and Bouvet, 1989). Since glucose does not enter Acinetobacter
cells, only the rare strains which can both utilise gluconate and oxidise
glucose can utilise glucose in a minimal medium (Baumann et aI., 1968;
Bouvet and Grimont, 1986). The taxonomic significance of acid production
from carbohydrates in Acinetobacter taxonomy is thus of less importance
than was once thought.
Progress in taxonomy does not always meet with warm acceptance from
those who use identification schemes or simply refer to bacteria by scientific
names in their routine work. It is thus important for the taxonomist to
indicate how a new taxonomic scheme can generate new concepts in the
users' fields. It seems that different Ac i ne t 0 b act e r species may have
different habitats, and these are outlined below. More complete accounts of
the occurrence of the different Acinetobacter species in clinical situations
have been given elsewhere (Bergogne-Berezin and Joly-Guillou, this
volume) and the interested reader should refer to this review for full details.
(84%) (Bouvet and Grimont, 1987). No habitat, other than man, is known
for this species. Thus, its presence on inanimate objects in the hospital
environment (Bouvet and Grimont, 1987) can be interpreted as
contamination from an infected patient. Since A. calcoaceticus and A.
baumannii are similar in many metabolic properties, biotechnological
applications should use A. calcoaceticus rather than A. baumannii
wherever possible.
A. junii has been isolated both from clinical samples and the
Alexander, M., Ismail, F., Jackman, P.J.H., and Nobel, W.c., 1984,
Fingerprinting Acinetobacter strains from clinical sources by
numerical analysis of electrophoretic protein patterns,
1. M ed. Microbiol., 18:55.
Alexander, M., Rahman, M., Taylor, M., and Noble, W.c., 1988, A study of
the value of electrophoretic and other techniques for typing
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, 1. Hosp. Infect., 12:273.
Aubert, J.P., Milhaud, G., and Gavard, R., 1952, Etude preliminaire d'un
systeme enzymatique bacterien oxydant Ie glucose en acide
gluconique, Compt. Rend. Seances H eb. Acad. Sci., 235:1165.
Baumann, P., Doudoroff, M., and Stanier, R.Y., 1968, A study of the
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Acinetobacter), 1. Bacteriol., 95:1520.
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Bouvet, P.J.M., and Bouvet, O.M.M., 1989, Glucose dehydrogenase activity
in Acinetobacter species, Res. M icrobiol., 140:531.
Bouvet, P.J.M., and Grimont, P.A.D., 1986, Taxonomy of the genus
Acinetobacter with the recognition of Acinetobacter
baumannii sp. nov., Acinetobacter haemolyticus sp. nov.,
Acinetobacter johnsonii sp. nov., and Acinetobacter junii sp.
nov., and emended descriptions of Acinetobacter
calcoaceticus and Acinetobacter lwoffii, Int. 1. Syst.
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clinical isolates of Acinetobacter, Ann. Inst. Past.
Microbiol., 138:569.
Bouvet, P.J.M., and Jeanjean, S., 1989, Delineation of new proteolytic
genomic species in the genus Acinetobacter, Res. Microbiol.,
Bouvet, P.J.M., Jeanjean, S., Vieu, J.F., and Dijkshoorn, L., 1990, Species,
biotype, and bacteriophage type determinations compared with
cell envelope protein profiles for typing Acinetobacter strains,
1. Clin. Microbiol., 28:170.
Brisou, J., and Prevot, A.R., 1954, Etudes de systematique bacterienne. X.
Revision des especes reunies dans Ie 'genre Achromobacter,
Ann. Inst. Past., 86:722.
Dijkshoorn, L., Michel; M.F., and Degener, J.E., 1987a, Cell envelope
protein profiles of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus strains
isolated in hospitals, 1. M ed. Microbial., 23:313.
Dijkshoorn, L., van Vianen, W., Degener, J.E., and Michel, M.F., 1987b,
Typing of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus strains isolated from
hospital patients by cell envelope protein profiles,
Epidemiol. Infect., 99:659.
Duine, J.A., Frank, J., and van Zeeland, K., 1979, Glucose dehydrogenase
from Acinetobacter calcoaceticus: a "quinoprotein", FEBS
Lett., 108:443.
Duncan, A., Vasiliadis, G.E., Bayly, R.e., and May, J.W., 1988, Genospecies
of Acinetobacter isolated from activated sludge showing
enhanced removal of phosphate during pilot-scale treatment of
sewage, Biotech. Lett., 10:831.
Freney, J., Bouvet, P.J.M., and Tixier, c., 1989, Identification et
determination de la sensibilite aux antibiotiques de 31 souches
cliniques d'Acinetobacter autres que A. baumannii,
Ann. Bioi. Clin., 47:41.
Grimont, P.A.D., 1988, Use of DNA reassociation in bacterial classification,
Can. 1. Microbial., 34:541.
Grimont, F., and Grimont, P.A.D., 1986, Ribosomal ribonucleic acid gene
restriction patterns as potential taxonomic tools, Ann. Inst. Past.
Microbial., 137B:165.
Hauge, J.G., 1960, Kinetics and specificity of glucose dehydrogenase from
Bacterium anitratum, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 45:263.
Henriksen, S.D., 1973, Moraxella, Acinetobacter and the Mimae,
Bacterial. Rev., 37:522.
Henriksen, S.D., 1976, Moraxella, Neisseria, Branhamella and
Acinetobacter, Ann. Rev. Microbial., 30:63.
Ino, T., and Nishimura, Y., 1989, Taxonomic studies of Acinetobacter
species based on outer membrane protein patterns, 1. Gen. Appl.
Microbial., 35:213.
Johnson, J.L., Anderson, R.S., and Ordal, E.J., 1970, Nucleic acid
homolpgies among oxidase-negative M 0 raxe II a species, 1.
Bacterial., 101:568.
Juni, E., 1972, Interspecies transformation of Acinetobacter: genetic
evidence for a ubiquitous genus, 1. Bacteriol., 112:917.
Juni, E., 1984, Genus III. Acinetobacter Brisou et Prevot 1954, in
"Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, vol. 1," p.303, N.R.
Grieg and J.G. Holt, eds. Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore.
Nishimura, Y., Kano, M., Ino, T., Iizuka, H., Kosako, Y., and Kaneko,T.,
1987, Deoxyribonucleic acid relationship among the radiation-
resistant Acinetobacter and other Acinetobacter, 1. Gen.
Appl. Microbio!., 33:371.
Nishimura, Y., Ino, T., and Iizuka, H., 1988a, Acinetobacter
radioresistens sp. nov. isolated from cotton and soil, Int. 1.
Syst. Bacterio!., 38:209.
Nishimura, Y., Kanzaki, H., and Iizuka, H., 1988b, Taxonomic studies of
Acinetobacter species based on the electrophoretic analysis of
enzymes, 1. Basic Microbiol., 6:363.
Picard, B., Goullet, P., Bouvet, P.l.M., Decoux, G., and Denis, 1.B., 1989,
Characterization of bacterial genospecies by computer-assisted
statistical analysis of enzyme electrophoretic data,
Electrophoresis, 10:680.
Skerman, V.B.D., McGowan, V., and Sneath, P.H.A., eds., 1980, Approved
lists of bacterial names, Int. 1. Syst. Bacteriol., 30:225.
Stenzel, W., and Mannheim, W., 1963, On the classification and
nomenclature of some nonmotile and coccoid diplobacteria,
exhibiting the properties of Achromobacteriaceae, Int. Bull.
Bacteriol. Nomen. Taxon., 13:195.
Tjernberg, I., and Ursing, 1., 1989, Clinical strains of Acinetobacter
classified by DNA-DNA hybridization, AP MIS 97:595.
Traub, W.H., 1989, Acinetobacter baumannii serotyping for delineation
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Van Landschoot, A., Rossau, R., and De Ley, 1., 1986, Intra- and intergeneric
similarities of the ribosomal ribonucleic acid cistrons of
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Wayne, L.G., Brenner, D.l., Colwell, R.R., Grimont, P.A.D., Kandler, 0.,
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Woese, C.R., Weisburg, W.G., Hahn, C.M., Paster, B.l., Zablen, L.B., Lewis,
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M i crob io!., 6:25.
P.J.M. Bouvet
isolates was not disclosed, this statistic may strongly influence the proportion
of isolates obtained. A previous study (Gerner-Smidt et aI., 1985) showed
that most Acinetobacter isolates (153 of 185) obtained in general practice
were "A. calcoaceticus biovar lwoffii" (possibly A. lwoffii, A. junii, A.
johnson ii, or Acinetobacter spp. 11, 12 ... etc.), whereas 93 of 143 strains
(65%) isolated in hospitals were of "biovar calcoaceticus" (most probably
A. baumannii). Thus, there is an acute need for a typing system allowing
differentiation of A. baumannii strains.
Table 1. Scheme for identifying biotypes of Acinetobacter baumannii
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Utilisation of:
1 evu1inate + + + + - - - + + + +
citraconate - + + + + + - +
L-pheny1alanine + + + - + + + + + + + + - +
and pheny1acetate
4-hydroxybenzoate + + + + - + + + + + + - + +
L-tartrate + - + - - + - + + + +
A phage typing system developed ten years ago at the Institut Pasteur
(Vieu et al., 1979; Santos-Ferreira~~l., 1984) has been found to be useful
for the study of hospital outbreaks (Vieu et al., 1980). Unfortunately, this
phage typing system was developed in the absence of a well-defined
taxonomic structure and has only been used in a single laboratory in the
world. Briefly, the bacteriophage typing system is based on the use of two
complementary sets of bacteriophages isolated from sewage (Santos-
Ferreira et at, 1984). The first set included 21 bacteriophages and
distinguished 116 phage types (Vieu et aI., 1979). A further nine new phage
types have been added subsequently. The proportion of untypable strains,
due to their insensitivity to this set of bacteriophages, was 30% (Santos-
Ferreira et aI., 1984). A second set of 14 phages was introduced to sub-
divide the untypable strains. A total of 21 phage types (called sub-types) was
recognised by this second set of phages, and the overall proportion of
untypable strains was reduced to about 20% (Santos-Ferreira et at, 1984).
Typing of strains isolated from countries other than France has sometimes
proved to be difficult. In the study of Giammanco et aI. (1989), performed in
Palermo, Italy, only 19 of 54 A. baumannii strains examined (35%) were
correctly typed, while six strains had a new phage type and 25 strains were
resistant to all phages tested.
Evidence from some studies has cast doubt upon the reproducibility of
this method. In the study of Buisson et aI. (1990), of 24 A. baumannii
biotype 6 strains studied, 23 belonged to phage type 17 and one strain to
phage type 16. Phage type 17 (susceptibility to phages 1, 12 and 13) differed
from phage type 16 (susceptibility to phages 1, 12 and 13) by susceptibility to
Table 2. Susceptibility to the 21 phages of the first phage typing system of 331 typable A.baumannii strains
36 66 276 3 3 6 8 23 23 o 22 o o o o o o 14 o o
2 88 105 00330 o 67 44 56 o o 62 o o o o o o 2 o 2
6 136 136 134 6 9 39 o 2 33 o 5 132 4 3 o o o o o
9 54 54 40 4 7 2 o 6 2 12 13 o 16 38 o 2 o o o o o
8 I, 4 00000 o o o 2 o 2 o o o o o o
10 o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
11 6 6 452 3 2 o o 4 o o o o o o o o o o
14 2 4 o o o o o 2 2 o o o o o o o o o o
17 2 2 o 2 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
18 o 0 o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
19 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
One strain was typable by both phage typing systems.
30 66 0 30 30 29 4 ) 0 0 0 0 13
2 17 105 0 17 17 17 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
14 2 4 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
a single phage. In the same study, ten biotype 1 strains belonged to phage
type 86 (susceptibility to phage 9), phage type 88 (susceptibility to phages 9,
10 and 12) and phage type 89 (susceptibility to phages 10 and 12). It
therefore seems that the phage typing system is of limited value in its present
form and should be extended with other phages in order to increase the
percentage of typable strains. Further studies should be done with strains
that are well-defined epidemiologically in order to evaluate the
reproducibility and reliability of this phage typing method.
Table 4. Correlation between identification, biotyping and cell envelope protein patternsa(data ,from Bouvet et a1.,1990)
Species A Bl B2 B3 B4 C Dl D2 D3 E F G H K L M N 0 P Unique
A. baumannii
biotype 1 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
biotype 2 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
biotype 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
biotype 6 0 7 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
biotype 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
biotype 9 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
biotype 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
biotype 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
biotype 19 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Acin~toba~t~r sp. 3
biotype 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
biotype 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
biotype 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
biotype 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
biotype 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
biotype 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
A. ha~mol~ticus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
A. johnsonii 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
A.junii 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
A.lwoffii 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10
A. ~al~Qa~ticus 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
Acin~tot!a~tgr liP.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Acinetobacter sp.ll 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Ungrouped strains 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3
a total of 118 different strains were studied.
isolates from the same patient were indistinguishable by either typing
method. Strains with profiles G or L (Dijkshoorn et al., 1987b; Bouvet et
al., 1990) which were demonstrated to be responsible for cross-infection
could be easily detected by using identification and biotyping and, to a lesser
extent, phage typing. However, when strains from other origins were
examined, this correlation could not be reproduced; indeed a study by
Giammanco et al. (1989) led to an opposite conclusion. Analysis by
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the cell envelope protein failed to
show any diversity, not only within, but also between some of the biotypes of
A. baumannii. Alexander et al. (1988), in a study comparing the value of
electrophoretic and other techniques (plasmid analysis, antibiograms and
biochemical tests) for typing Acinetobacter, also pointed out the
reproductibility problems associated with this method.
DNA. Plasmid profiles have been used to either verify the identity of
bacterial isolates or show that they are different. It should, however, be
noted that while in some cases plasmid profile analysis seems to be the most
discriminating typing method, in other cases plasmid profiles have been of no
value. Restriction endonuclease digestion of plasmid DNA may be of
additional value when only a single plasmid can be identified or when similar
plasmid profiles occur in strains which cannot be differentiated by othe'r
recognition sequences, provided that they have not been modified in any way.
A DNA polymorphism involves a change in the size of a restriction fragment.
If a change occurs in a genomic DNA sequence, this can delete or create a
new recognition site and result in the generation of a restriction fragment
length polymorphism (RFLP). The DNA fragments generated by restriction
enzyme digestion are separated according to size by electrophoresis in
agarose gels to give a pattern of bands. The usefulness of such patterns as
diagnostic tools is limited by their complexity; indeed they may comprise
> 50 bands of various sizes, depending on the cutting frequency of the
restriction endonuclease used and the size of the organism's genome. Large
DNA molecules can now be separated by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis,
making it possible to carry out DNA analysis with low-frequency-cleavage
restriction endonucleases. These produce fewer fragments, usually < 40,
and electrophoretic patterns can be compared more precisely and easily.
This technique was used by Allardet-Servent et al. (1989) to investigate an
outbreak of A. calcoaceticus infection (although the species was not
precisely determined by these authors) in a urologic department. Two series
of strains were studied. The first (eight strains) consisted of isolates
obtained during three weeks from blood or urine cultures of patients
admitted to the urologic department. The second group (five strains)
comprised occasional isolates from different departments of the same
hospital. The eight strains of the first group were of the same phage type
and all but three had different antibiotypes. Following digestion with SmaI
and separation of the resulting DNA fragments with pulsed-field
electrophoresis (over a 48 h period), all these isolates presented the same
pattern of about 30 distinct bands. The patterns of the strains belonging to
the second group were all different and distinct from that of the former
group. The authors concluded that low-frequency-cleavage restriction
endonuclease analysis of genomic DNA is a versatile and precise method for
epidemiological investigation.
Allardet-Servent, A., Bouziges, N., Carles-Nurit, M.J., Bourg, G., Gouby, A.,
and Ramuz, M., 1989, Use of low-frequency-cleavage restriction
endonucleases for DNA analysis in epidemiological investigations
of nosocomial bacterial infections, 1. Clin. Microbiol., 27:2057.
Allen, K.D., and Green, H.T., 1987, Hospital outbreak of multi-resistant
Acinetobacter anitratus: an airborne mode of spread,
1. Hosp. Infect., 9:110.
Bergogne-Berezin, E., J oly-Guillou, M.L.. and Vieu, J.F., 1987,
Epidemiology of nosocomial infections due to Acinetobacter,
1. Hosp. Infect., 10:105.
Bouvet, P.J.M., and Bouvet, O.M.M., 1989. Glucose dehydrogenase activity
inAcinetobacterspecies, Res. Microbiol., 140:531.
Bouvet, P.J.M., and Grimont, P.A.D., 1986, Taxonomy of the genus
Acinetobacter with the recognition of Acinetobacter
baumannii sp. nov., Acinetobacter haemolyticus sp. nov.,
Acinetobacter johnsonii sp. nov., and Acinetobacter junii sp.
nov., and emended descriptions of Acinetobacter calco-
aceticus and Acinetobacter twoffii, Int. 1. Syst. Bacteriol.,
Bouvet, P.J.M., and Grimont, P.A.D., 1987, Identification and biotyping of
clinical isolates of Acinetobacter, Ann. Inst. Past.
Bouvet, P.J.M., and Jeanjean, S., 1989, Delineation of new proteolytic
genomic species in the genus Acinetobacter, Res. Microbiol.,
Bouvet, P.J.M., Jeanjean, S., Vieu, J.F., and Dijkshoorn, L., 1990, Species,
biotype, and bacteriophage type determinations compared with
cell envelope protein profiles for typing Acinetobacter strains,
1. Clin. Microbiol., 28:170.
Buisson, Y., Tran Van Nhieu, G., Ginot, L., Bouvet, P.J.M., Schill, H., Driot,
L., and Meyran, M., 1990, Nosocomial outbreaks due to amikacin-
resistant tobramycin-sensitive Acinetobacter species:
correlation with amikacin usage, 1. H osp. Infect., 15:83.
Castle, M., Tenney, J.R., Weinstein, M.P., and Eickhoff, T.e., 1978,
Outbreak of a multiply-resistant Acinetobacter in a surgical
intensive-care unit: epidemiology and control, Heart Lung,
Crombach, W.R.J., Dijkshoorn, L., van Noort-Klaassen, M., Niessen, J., and
van Knippenberg-Gordebeke, G., 1989, Control of an epidemic
spread of a multi-resistant strain of Acinetobacter
calcoaceticus in a hospital, Intens. Care M ed., 15:166.
Das, B.e., and Ayliffe, G.A.J., 1984, Serotyping of Acinetob acter
calcoaceticus, J. Clin. Pathol., 37:1388.
Devaud, M., Kayser, F.H., and Bachi, B., 1982, Transposon-mediated
multiple antibiotic resistance in Acinetobacter strains,
Antimicrob. Agents. Chemother., 22:323.
Dijkshoorn, L., Michel, M.F., and Degener, J.E., 1987a, Cell envelope
protein profiles of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus strains
isolated in hospitals, J. M ed. Microbiol., 23:313.
Dijkshoorn, L., Van Vianen, W., Degener, l.E .. and Michel, lvI.F., 19~7b,
Typing of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus strains isolated from
hospital patients by cell envelope protein profiles,
Epidemiol. Infect., 99:659.
Dijkshoorn, L., Wubbels, l.L., Beunders, A.J., Degener, J.E., Boks, A.L., and
Michel, M.F., 1989, Use of protein profiles to identify
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus in a respiratory care unit,
.I. Clin. Pathol., 42:853.
French, G.L., Casewell, M.W., Roncoroni, A.l., Knight, S., and Phillips, I.,
1980, A hospital outbreak of antibiotic-resistant Acinetobacter
anitratus: epidemiology and control,.1. H osp. Infect., 1:125.
Freney, J., Bouvet, P.l.M., and Tixier, c., 1989, Identification et
determination de la sensibilite aux antibiotiques de 31 souches
cliniques d'Acinetobacter autres que A. baumannii,
Ann. Bioi. Clin .., 47:41.
Gerner-Smidt, P., 1989, Frequency of plasmids in strains of Acinetobacter
caLcoaceticus,.I. Hosp. Infect., 14:23.
Gerner-Smidt, P., Hansen, L., Knudsen, A., Siboni, K., and Sogaard, 1., 1985,
Epidemic spread of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus in a
neurosurgical department analyzed by electronic data processing,
.1. Hosp. Infect., 6:166.
Giammanco, A., Vieu, J.F., Bouvet, P.J.M., Sarzana, A., and Sinatra, A.,
1989, A comparative assay of epidemiological markers for
Acinetobacter strains isolated in a hospital, Zbl. Bakt. 272:231.
Gilardi, G.L., 1978, Identification of miscellaneous glucose non-fermenting
Gram-negative bacteria, in "Glucose Nonfermenting Gram-
negative Bacteria in Clinical Microbiology," p.45, G.L. Gilardi,
ed., CRC Press, West Palm Beach.
Goullet, P., and Picard, B., 191\6, Comparative esterase electrophoretic
polymorphism of Escherichia coli isolates obtained from animal
and human sources,.1. Gen. lVlicrobiol., 132:1843.
Henriksen, S.D., 1973, Moraxella, Acinetobacter and the i\llimae,
Bacteriol. Rev., 37:522.
Hercouet, H., Bousser, J., Donnio, P.Y., and Avril, J.L., 1989, Activite in
vitro des antibiotiques sur les souches hospitalieres de
Acinetobacter baumannii, Pathol. BioI., 37:612.
Holton, J., 1982, A report of a further hospital outbreak caused by a multi-
resistantAcinetobacter anitratus,.I. Hosp. Infect., 3:305.
Lambert, T., Gerbaud, G., and Courvalin, P., 1988, Transferable amikacin
resistance in Acinetobacter spp. due to a new type of 3'-
aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, Antimicrob. Agents
Chemother., 32: 15.
Martin, P., Jullien, E., and Courvalin, P., 1988, Nucleotide sequence of
AC'inetobacter baumanni aphA-6 gene: evolutionary and
functional implications of sequence homologies with nucleotide-
binding proteins, kinases, and other aminoglycoside-modifying
enzymes, Mol. Microbio!., 2:615.
Mayer, L.W., 1988, Use of plasmid profiles in epidemiological surveillance
of disease outbreaks and in tracing the transmission of antibiotic
resistance, Clin. Microbiol. Rev., 1:228.
Nishimura, Y., Ino, T., and Iizuka, H., 1988, Acinetobacter radioresistens
sp. nov. isolated from cotton and soil, Int. 1. Syst. Bacteriol.,
Picard, B., and Goullet, P., 1987, Epidemiological complexity of hospital
aero monas infections revealed by electrophoretic typing of
esterases, Epidemiol. Infect., 98:5.
Picard, B., Goullet, P., Bouvet, P.J.M., Decoux, G., and Denis, J.B., 1989,
Characterisation of bacterial genospecies by computer-assisted
statistical analysis of enzyme electrophoretic data,
Electrophoresis, 10:680.
Santos-Ferreira, M.O., Vieu, J.F., and Klein, B., 1984, Phage-types and
susceptibility to 26 antibiotics of nosocomial strains of
Acinetobacter isolated in Portugal, 1. Internat. Med.Res.,
Selander, R.K., Caugant, D.A., Ochman, H., Musser, J.M., Gilmour, M.N.,
and Whittman, T.S., 1986, Methods of multilocus enzyme
electrophoresis for bacterial popUlation genetics and systematics,
Appl. Environ. Microbio!., 51:873.
Selander, R.K., Musser, J.M., Caugant, D.A., Gilmour, M.N., and Whittam,
T.S., 1987, Population genetics of pathogenic bacteria,
Microb. Pathogen., 3:1.
Tjernberg, I., and Ursing, J., 1989, Clinical strains of Acinetobacter
classified by DNA-DNA hybridization, AP MIS, 97:595.
Towner, K.J., and Chopade, B.A., 1987, Biotyping of Acinetobacter
calcoaceticus using the API 20NE system, 1. Hosp. Infect.,
Traub, W.H., 1989, Acinetobacter baumannii serotyping for
delineation of outbreaks of nosocomial cross-infection, 1. C lin.
Microbiol., 27:2713.
Vieu, J.F., Minck, R., and Bergogne-Berezin, E., 1979, Bacteriophages et
lysotypie de Acinetobacter, Ann. Microbiol. (Inst. Past.),
Vieu, J.F., Bergogne-Ben:;zin, E., Joly, M.L., Berthelot, G., and Fichelle, A.,
1980, Epidemiologie d'Acinetobacter calcaaceticus,
Press. M ed., 9:3351.
Vila, J., Almela, M., and Jimenez de Anta, M.T., 1989, Laboratory
investigation of hospital outbreak caused by two different
multiresistant Acinetabacter calcaaceticus subsp. anitratus
strains, 1. Clin. Microbial., 27:1086.
W.e. Nohle
concensus on identity with data from several sources (Alexander et aI., 1988).
In this way simultaneous outbreaks of infection by two strains of
A. calcoaceticus var.anitratus have been detected (Vila et aI., 1989).
Various aspects of Acinetobacter infection have been previously reviewed
by Vivian et ai. (1981), Bergogne-Berezin and Joly-Guillou (1985) and
Bergogne-Ben!zin et ai. (1987).
Table 1. Age distribution of endemic infection due to ACinetobacter,
Pseudomonas and other organisms
Percentage Distribution
Age Acinetobacter Pseudomonas Other
(Years) Male Female Male Female Male Female
Contaminated Apparatus
Most reports of epidemic spread seem to have been associated with the
use of contaminated apparatus. Thus, over a period of six months,
contaminated resuscitators were associated with infection due to a single
Acinetobacter type in nine of ten babies in a special care baby unit (Stone
and Das, 1985). Similarly, contaminated Wright respirometers resulted in
eight patients developing pneumonia and a further nine being colonised in
the upper respiratory tract over a period of about 30 days (Cunha et al.,
1980). A single serotype and antibiogram again accounted for all
infections/ colonisations and no other source was found. Cold water room
humidifiers were reported by Smith and Massonari (1977) as the source of
infection for 24 patients, 21 of whom had positive blood cultures and fever.
Large numbers of Acinetobacter were easily demonstrated up to 2 m from
the humidifiers and it seems probable that skin contamination by the
airborne route subsequently resulted in infection via the indwelling venous
catheters possessed by 22 of the 24 patients. In a similar incident (Snydman
et al., 1977), contamination of the water reservoir in mist tents resulted in
false-positive blood cultures in 11 children. Since the nose and skin of the
children was heavily contaminated with Acinetobacter, it seems probable
that contamination of the needle occurred during vene-puncture, resulting in
a contaminated sample. Indeed, over a period of several years in a single
hospital, Hoppe et al. (1983) were able to distinguish both genuine blood
stream infection and contamination which they attributed to skin as a source.
aI.,1989). The outbreak was associated with the re-use of needles, which no
doubt resulted in contamination of the drug during reconstitution. An
unusual outbreak of infection due to A. calcoaceticus var.lwoffii has also
been associated with contaminated parenteral nutrition fluid. Although this
source was not proven, nine of 28 babies in an intensive care unit were
receiving parenteral nutrition and seven became infected with
Acinetobacter, with signs of severe clinical infection and septic shock (Ng
et aI., 1989).
Skin Carriage
Airborne Spread
Table 2. Percentage distribution of infections due to
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus
all Acinetobacter
isolates only
Respiratory tract 29 22 42 15
Urinary tract 27 36 10 43
Peritoneum 1 1 17 0
Other 11 8 5 0
Total patients
with Acinetobacter 1372 612 85 33
Data taken from (1) Retaill iau et a1. , 1979 ; (2) Larson, 1984;
(3) Muller-Serieys et al., 1989.
Acinetobacter infection occurred in 3.11 per 10,000 patients discharged,
whilst Larson (1984) gave Acinetobacter as representing 1.4% of 6115
hospital infections, with no increase over a ten year period. According to
Hoffman et aI. (1982), Acinetobacter cultivars formed 4% of community-
acquired urinary tract infection, of which only 13% were A. calcoaceticus
var.anitratus. In contrast, community-acquired Acinetobacter
pneumonia is a rare event with only about 30 reported cases (Gottlieb and
Barnes, 1989). Table 2 shows the distribution of sites of infection in three
published series. In a briefly reported outbreak (LeMaistre et aI., 1985) in a
surgical intensive care unit, 37 patients were recorded as colonised, of whom
16 had overt clinical infection with a highly-resistant A. cal co acetic us
var.anitratus strain. The distribution of sites colonised/infected in this
one outbreak closely followed the general trend in consisting of 22
respiratory tract, 13 urinary tract, seven blood stream, six surgical wounds
and three other infections. A generally similar distribution was also found
during an outbreak in a neurosurgical ward (Allen and Green, 1987),
although the most common infections with clinical significance were those of
the respiratory tract.
Abrutyn, E., Goodhart, G.L., Roo's, K., Anderson R., and Buxton A., 1978,
Acinetobacter cal co acetic us outbreak associated with
peritoneal dialysis, Amer . .I. Epidemiol., 107:328.
Alexander, M., Rahman, M., Taylor, M., and Noble W.e., 1988, A study of
the value of electrophoretic and other techniques for typing
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus,.I. H osp. Infect., 12:273.
AI-Khoja, M.S., and Darrell, J.H., 1979, The skin as a source of
Acinetobacter and Moraxella species occurring in blood cultures,
.I. Clin. Pathol., 32:497.
Allen, K.D., and Green, H.T., 1987, Hospital outbreak of multiresistant
Acinetobacter anitratus, an airborne mode of spread'?,
.I. Hosp. Infect., 9:110.
Ayliffe, G.A.J., and Lowbury, E.J.L., 1982, Airborne infection in hospital,
.I. Hosp. Infect., 3:217.
Bergogne-Berezin, E., and Joly-Guillou, M.L., 1985, An underestimated
nosocomial pathogen Acinetobacter calcoaceticus,
I. Antimicrob. Chemother., 16:535.
Bergogne-Berezin, E., Joly-Guillou, M.L., and Vieu, J.F. 1987, Epidemiology
of nosocomial infections due to Acinetobacter calcoaceticus,
I. Hasp. Infect., 10:105.
Buisson, Y., Tran van Nhien, G., Ginot, L., Bouvet B., Schill, H., Driot, L.,
and Meyran, M., 1990, Nosocomial outbreaks due to amikacin-
resistant tobramycin-sensitive Acinetobacter species: correlation
with amikacin usage, I. Hasp. Infect., 15:88.
Buxton, A.E., Anderson, R.L., Werdegar, D., and Atlas, E., 1978,
Nosocomial respiratory tract infection and colonization with
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus. Epidemiologic characteristics,
Amer. I. Med., 65:507.
Carl quist, J.F., Conti, M., and Burke J.P., 1982, Progressive resistance in a
single strain of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus recovered during
a nosocomial outbreak, Amer. I. Infect. Control, 10:43.
Cordes, L.G., Brink, E.W., Checko, P.J., Lentnek, A., Lyons, R.W., Hayes,
P.S., Wu, T.e., Tharr D.G., and Fraser, D.W., 1981, A cluster of
Acinetobacter pneumonia in foundry workers, Ann. Int. M ed.,
Cunha, B.A., Klimek, J.J., Gracewski, J., McLaughlin, J.e., and Quintiliani,
R., 1980, A common source outbreak of Acinetobacter pulmonary
infection traced to Wright respirometers, Postgrad. M ed. I.,
Dijkshoorn, L., Wubbels, J.L., Beunders, A.J., Degener, J.E., Boks, A.L., and
Michel, M.F., 1989, Use of protein profiles to identify
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus in a respiratory unit,
I. Clin. Pathol., 42:853.
French, G.L., Casewell, M.W., Roncoroni, A.J., Knight, S., and Phillips, I.,
1980, A hospital outbreak of antibiotic-resistant Acinetobacter
anitratus: epidemiology and control, I. Hasp. Infect., 1:125.
Galvao, e., Swartz, R., Rocher, L., Reynolds, J., Starmann, B., and Wilson,
D., 1989, Acinetobacter peritonitis during chronic peritoneal
dialysis, Amer . .I. Kidney Dis., 14:101.
Garcia, I., Fainstein, V., Le Blanc, B., and Bodey G.P., 1983, In vivo activities
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Antimicrob. Agents Chemother., 24:297.
Gaughan, M., White, P.M., and Noble, W.e., 1979, Skin as a source of
Acinetobacter/Moraxella species,.I. Clin. Pathol., 32:1193.
Gerner-Smidt, P., Hansen, L., Knudsen, A., Siboni, K., and Sogaard, I., 1985,
Epidemic spread of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus in a
neurological department analysed by electronic data processing,
1. Hosp. Infect., 6:166.
Glew, R.H., Moellering, R.C., and Kunz, L.J., 1977, Infection with
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus (Herellea vaginicola): clinical
and laboratory studies, Medicine, 56:79.
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pneumonia, Aust. NZ . .I. Med., 19:259.
Hoffman, S., Mabeck, C.E., and Vejlsgaard, R., 1982, Bactiuria caused by
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus biovars in a normal population
and in general practice, l. Clin. Microbiol., 16:443.
Holton, J., 1982, A report of a further hospital outbreak caused by a multi
resistantAcinetobacter anitratus, l. Hosp. Infect., 3:305.
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A. calcoaceticus isolations from blood cultures and vein
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S.H., 1989, Epidemic iatrogenic Acinetobacter spp. meningitis
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LeMaistre, A., Mortensen, J., La Rocco, M., and Robinson, A., 1985, An
outbreak of multiply resistant Acinetobacter anitratus in an
intensive care unit, Clin. Microbiol. Newslett., 7:102.
Muller-Serieys, c., Lesquoy, J .B., Perez, E., Fichelle, A., Boujeois, B., Joly-
Guillou, M.L., and Bergogne-Berezin, E., 1989, Nosocomial
Acinetobacter infections. Epidemiology and therapeutic
problems, Press. M ed., 18: 107.
Musa, E.K., Desai, N., and Casewell, M.W., 1990, The survival of
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formica, l. Hosp. Infect., 15:219.
Ng, P.c., Herrington, R.A., Beane, C.A., Ghonheim, A.T.M., and Dear,
P.R.F., 1989, An outbreak of acinetobacter septicaemia in a
neonatal intensive care unit, l. H osp. Infect., 14:363.
Obana, Y., Nishino, T., and Tanino T., 1985, I n vitro and in vivo activities
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Retailliau, H.F., Hightower, A.W., Dixon, R.E., and Allen, J.R., 1979,
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus: a nosocomial pathogen with an
unusual seasonal pattern, l. Infect. Dis., 139:371.
Sakata, H., Fujita, K., Maruyama, S., Kakehashi, H., Mori, Y., and Yoshioka,
H., 1989, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus biovar anitratus
septicaemia in a neonatal intensive care unit: epidemiology and
control,l. Hosp. Infect., 14:15.
Sheretz, R.J., and Sullivan, M.L., 1985, An outbreak of infection in burn
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Smego, R.A., 1985, Endemic nosocomial Acinetobacter calcoaceticus
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Arch. Int. Med., 145:2174.
Smith, P.W., and Massonari, R.M., 1977, Room humidifiers as the source of
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Snydman, D.R., Maloy, M.F., Brock, S.M., Lyons, R.W., and Rubin, S.J.,
1977, Pseudobacteraemia: false-positive blood cultures from mist
tent contamination, Amer. 1. Epidemiol., 106:154.
Somerville, D.A., and Noble, W.c., 1970, A note on the Gram-negative
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Stone, l.W., and Das, B.C., 1985, Investigation of an outbreak of infection
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.I. Hosp. Infect., 6:42.
Taplin, D., Rebell, G., and Zaias, N., 1963, The human skin as a source of
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Vila, J., Almela, M., and Jiminez de Anta, M.I., 1989, Laboratory
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strains,.I. Clin. Microbio!., 27:1086.
Vivian, A., Hinchcliffe, E., and Fewson, C.A., 1981,
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.I. Hosp. Infect., 2:199.
Environmental Sources and Human Carriage
Acinetobacter Infections
negative bacilli (15 and 31 % respectively) from protected pulmonary brushes
(Fagon et a!., 1989).
Antibiogram Typing
These sets of markers were, generally, also associated with multi-resistant
phenotypes. The combination of these typing systems has demonstrated that
patients can be colonised with several different strains, but that only a few
strains are endemic and regularly isolated from infections.
Plasmid analysis. This method has, to date, not been widely used in
French hospitals. A study in progress (M.L. Joly-Guillou, unpublished
results) has demonstrated the presence of six different plasmid profiles
among 15 Acinetabacter isolates, with plasmids between 15 and 80 Md in
size, but further evaluation of this technique will be required.
d'Acinetobacter calcoaceticus responsables d'infections
hospitalieres par antibiotypie a l'aide du traitement informatique,
Med. Mal. Infect., 1:46.
Baumann, P., 1968, Isolation of Acinetobacter from soil and water, 1.
Bacteriol., 96:39.
Bouvet, P.J.M., and Grimont, P.A.D., 1986, Taxonomy of the genus
Acinetobacter with the recognition of Acinetobacter
baumannii sp. nov., Acinetobacter haemolyticus sp. nov.,
Acinetobacter johnsonii sp. nov., and Acinetobacter junii sp.
nov., and emended descriptions of Acinetobacter
calcoaceticus and Acinetobacter lwoffii, Int . .1. Syst.
Bouvet, P.J.M., and Grimont, P.A.D., 1987, Identification and biotyping of
clinical isolates of Acinetobacter, Ann. Inst. Past. Microbiol.,
Buxton, A.E., Anderson, R.L., Werdegar, D. and Atlas, E., 1973, Nosocomial
respiratory tract infection and colonization with Acinetobacter
calcoaceticus. Epidemiologic characteristics, Amer . .1. M ed.,
Castle, M., Tenney, J.H., Weinstein, M.P., and Eickhoff, T.C., 1978,
Outbreak of a multiply-resistant Acinetobacter in a surgical
intensive-care unit: Epidemiology and control, Heart Lung,
Cunha, B.A., Klimeck, J.J., Gracewski, J., McLaughlin, J.c., and Quintiliani,
R., 1980, A common source outbreak of Acinetobacter
pulmonary infections traced to Wright respirometers, Postgrad.
M ed. 1.,56: 169.
Fagon, J.Y., Chastre, 1., Domart, Y., Trouillet, J.L., Pierre, 1., Dame, c.,
and Gibert, c., 1989, Nosocomial pneumonia in patients receiving
continuous mechanical ventilation, Amer. Rev. Resp. Dis.,
French, G.L., Casewell, M.W., Roncoroni, A.J., Knight, S. and Phillips, I.,
1980, A hospital outbreak of antibiotic resistant Acinetobacter
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Joly-Guillou, M.L., Vallee, E., Bergogne-Ben!zin, E., and Philippon, A.,
1988, Distribution of betalactamases and phenotype analysis in
clinical strains of Acinetobacter, 1. Antimicrob. Chemother.,
J oly-Guillou, M.L., Bergogne-Berezin, E., and Vieu, J.F., 1990a,
Epidemiologie et resistance des Acinetobacter en milieu
hospitalier. Bilan de 5 annees, Press.M ed., 8:358.
Joly-Guillou, M.L., Bergogne-Berezin, E., and Vieu, J.F. 1990b, A study of
relationships between antibiotic resistance phenotypes, phage-
typing and biotyping of 117 clinical isolates of Acinetobacter
spp., 1. Hosp. Inject., in press.
Murray, B.E., and Moellering, R.C., 1979, Aminoglycoside-modifying
enzymes among clinical isolates of Acinetobacter
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Antimicrob. Agents Chemother., 15:190.
Rosenthal, S., 1974, Sources of Pseudomonas and Acinetobacter
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Rosenthal, S., and Tager, I.B., 1975, Prevalence of Gram-negative rods in the
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Santos-Ferreira, M.O., Vieu, J.F., and Klein, B., 1984, Phage-types and
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1980, Epidemiologie d'Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, N ouv.
Press. M ed., 46:3551.
Vila, J., Almela, M., and Jimenez de Anta, T., 1989, Laboratory
investigation of hospital outbreak caused by two different
multiresistant Acinetobacter calcoaceticus subsp. anitratus
strains,l. Clin. Microbiol., 27:1086.
'Departmento de Microbiologia
Hospital Clinic de Barcelona
Universidad de Barcelona
Barcelona, Spain
bDepartmento de Microbiologia
Universidad de Zaragoza
Zaragoza, Spain
Morphology CC CC
Growth at:
44°C + +
41°C + +
37°C + +
Glucose fermentation
Glucose oxidation + +
Nitrate reduction
Arginine dihydrolase
Urea, Christensen
Esculin hydrolysis
Gelatin hydrolysis
Assimilation of:
Arabinose + +
Caprate + +
Adipate +
Malate + +
Citrate + +
Phenylacetate +
Catalase + +
were able to grow at 41° and 44°C, demonstrating that both groups were A.
baumannii. Thus two biotypes (Groups One and Two) could be defined on
the basis of these biochemical studies.
5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Table 2. Antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of the two A. baumannii
MICs (mg/l)
Antimicrobial agent
Group One Group Two
netilmicin and trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole; moderate susceptibility to
mezlocillin, piperacillin and gentamicin, and susceptibility to the other
antibiotics tested.
Alexander, M., Ismail, F., lackman, P.l.H., and Noble, W.e. 1984,
Fingerprinting Acinetobacter strains from clinical sources by
numerical analysis of electrophoretic protein patterns, 1. M ed.
Microbiol., 18:55.
Alexander, M., Rahman, M., Taylor, M., and Noble, W.e., 1988, A study of
the value of electrophoretic and other techniques for typing
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, 1. Hosp. Infect., 12:273.
Allardet-Servent, A., Bouziges, N., Carles-Nurit, M.l., Bourg, G., Gouby, A.,
and Ramuz, M., 1989, Use of low frequency cleavage restriction
endonucleases for DNA analysis in epidemiological investigations
of nosocomial bacterial infections, 1. Clin. Microbiol., 27:2057.
Bergogne-BeH:zin, E., loly-Guillou, M.L., and Vieu, 1.F., 1987,
Epidemiology of nosocomial infections due to Acinetobacter
calcoaceticus, 1. Hosp. Infect., 10:105.
Birnboim, H.e., and Doly, 1., 1979, A rapid alkaline extraction procedure for
screening recombinant plasmid DNA, Nucl. Acid Res., 7:1513.
Bouvet, P.l.M., and Grimont, P.A.D., 1986, Taxonomy of the genus
Acinetobacter with the recognition of Acinetobacter
baumannii sp. nov., Acinetobacter haemolyticus sp. nov.,
Acinetobacter johnsonii sp. nov., and Acinetobacter junii
sp. nov. ~nd emended description of Acinetobacter
calcoaceticus and Acinetobacter lwoffii, Int. 1. Syst.
Bact., 36:228.
Bouvet, P.l.M., and Grimont, P.A.D., 1987, Identification and biotyping of
clinical isolates of Acinetobacter, Ann. Inst. Past.
Microbiol., 138:569.
Castle, M., Tenney, 1.M., Weinstein, M.P., and Eickhoff, T.C., 1978,
Outbreak of a multiply resistant A.cinetobacter in a surgical
intensive care unit. Epidemiology and control, Heart Lung,
Dijkshoorn, L., Michel, M.F., and Degener, 1.E., 1987, Cell envelope protein
profiles of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus isolated in hospitals,
1. M ed. Microbiol., 23:313.
Holton, J., 1982, A report of a further hospital outbreak caused by a multi-
resistant Acinetobacter anitratus, J. Hasp. Infect., 3:305.
Laemmli, V.K., 1970, Cleavage of structural proteins during the assembly of
the head of bacteriophage T4, Nature, 227:680.
Mayer, K.H., and Zinner, J.H., 1985, Bacterial pathogens of increasing
significance in hospital-acquired infections, Rev. I nf ect. Dis.,
7 (SuppJ.3) :5371.
National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards, 1984, "Performance
Standards for Antimicrobial Disk Susceptibility Test, 3rd edn.,"
National Committ~e for Clinical Laboratory Standards, Villanova,
Roussel, A.F., and Chabbert, Y.A., 1978, Taxonomy and epidemiology of
Gram-negative bacterial plasmids studied by DNA-DNA filter
hybridisation in formamide, J. Gen. Microbiol., 104:269.
Traub, W.H., 1989, Acinetobacter baumannii serotyping for delineation
of outbreaks of nosocomial cross-infection, J. Clin. Microbiol.,
Vila, J., Almela, M., and Jimenez de Anta, M.T., 1989, Laboratory
investigation of hospital outbreak caused by two different
multiresistant Acinetabacter calcaaceticus subsp. anitratus
strains, J. Clin. Microbial., 27:1086.
Laboratoire de Bacteriologie-Virologie
Faculte de Medecine
Universite de Rennes
Avenue du ProLL.Bernard
35043 Rennes Cedex
This article considers the possible factors which may contribute to the
virulence of Acinetobacter.
Polysaccharide Capsule
Enzymic Activities
therefore unlikely to be involved in the virulence of Acinetobacter. In
contrast, significant levels of butyrate esterase (C-4), caprylate esterase (C-
8) and leucine arylamidase were detected in all isolates tested. These
enzymes hydrolyse short chain fatty acids and may therefore be involved in
causing damage to tissue lipids. No trypsin, chymotrypsin, alkaline-
phosphatase or glucosidase activities were present.
Iron Uptake
Obana (1986) also studied the mortality of mice resulting from mixed
infection. Mortality was higher in the case of mixed infection with P.
aeruginosa and a slime-producing strain of Acinetobacter than in the case
of single infection with a variety of inoculum sizes. Even in a mixture with a
non-slime-producing strain, the virulence of P. aeruginosa was greater
than in single infection. Similar results were observed for mixed infections
with either E. coli or S. marcescens.
Brade, H., and Galanos, e., 1983, Biological actIvItIes of the iipopoly-
saccharide and lipid A from Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, 1. M ed.
Microbial., 16:211.
Greenwald, G.I., and Ganz, T., 1987, Defensins mediate the microbiocidal
activity of human neutrophil granule extract against Acinetobacter
calcoaceticus, Infect. Immun., 55:1365.
Henricksen, J., and Blom, J., 1975, Correlation between twitching motility
and possession of polar fimbriae in Acinetobacter calcoaceticus,
Acta Path. Microbial. Scand., B83:103.
Juni, E., 1984, Genus III. Acinetobacter Brisou et Prevot 1954, in
"Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, vol. 1," p.303, N.R. Grieg
and J.G. Holt, eds., Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore.
Loeffelholz, M.J., and Modrzakowski, M.e., 1987, Outer membrane
permeability of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus mediates
susceptibility to rat polymorphonuclear leukocyte granule contents,
Infect. Immun., 55:2296.
Loeffelholz, M.J., and Modrzakowski, M.C., 1988, Antimicrobial
mechanisms against Acinetobacter calcoaceticus of rat
polymorphonuclear leukocyte granule extract, I nf ec t. I mmun.,
Martinez, J.L., Cercenado, E., Baquero, F., Perez-Diaz, J.e., and Delgado-
Tribarren, A., 1987, Incidence of aerobactin production in Gram-
negative hospital isolates, FEMS Microbial. Lett., 43:351.
Obana, Y., 1986, Pathogenic significance of Acinetobacter
calcoaceticus: analysis of experimental infection in mice,
Microbial. Immunol., 30:645.
Obana, Y., Nishino, T., and Tanino, T., 1985, In vitro and in vivo activities of
antimicrobial agents against Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, J.
Antimicrob. Chemother., 15:441.
Poh, e.L., and Loh, G.K., 1985, Enzymatic profile of clinical isolates of
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, Med. Microbial. Immunol.,
Rosenberg, M., and Rosenberg, E., 1981, Role of adherence in growth of
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus RAG-Ion hexadecane, 1.
Bacterial., 148:51.
Rosenberg, M., Perry, A., Bayer, E.A., Gutnick, D.L., Rosenberg, E., and
Ofek, T., 1981, Adherence of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus RAG-1
to human epithelial cells and to hexadecane, I nf ect. I mmun., 33:29.
Rosenberg, M., Bayer, E.A., Delarea, J., and Rosenberg, E., 1982, Role of
thin fimbriae in adherence and growth of Acinetobacter
calcoaceticus RAG-Ion hexadecane, Appl. Environ. Microbial.,
Rosenberg, E., Gottlieb, A., and Rosenberg, M., 1983a, Inhibition of
bacterial adherence to hydrocarbons and epithelial cells by emulsan,
Infect. Immun., 39:1024.
Rosenberg, E., Kaplan, N., Pines, 0., Rosenberg, M., and Gutnick, D., 1983b,
Capsular polysaccharides interfere with adherence of Acinetobacter
calcoaceticus to hydrocarbon, FEMS Microbial. Lett., 17:157.
Laboratoire de Microbiologie
CHU Bichat
46 rue Huchard
75877 Paris Cedex 18
(Bergogne-Berezin et al., 1971; Pinter and Kantor, 1971; Devaud et a1.,
1982; Holton, 1982; Sanders, 1983; 10ly-Guillou and Bergogne-Berezin,
1985b; Shannon et aI., 1986; 10ly-Guillou et aI., 1987; Godineau-Gauthey
et aI., 1988; Freney et aI., 1989). Nosocomial isolates of Acinetobacter
currently exhibit antibiotic resistance profiles which result in infections that
are extremely difficult to treat. An increasing number of reports in the
medical literature document the high rates of resistance in Acinetobacter,
although there are few studies of the precise mechanisms of resistance to B-
lactams, aminoglycosides, f1uoroquinolones and the other major antibiotic
classes. Several studies of the genetic determinants of resistance in
Acinetobacter have been published, but current knowledge of transferable
resistance plasmids in this genus is still at an early stage. This article deals
with antibiotic resistance in,Acinetobacter spp.. A review of past and
current resistance profiles is followed by a description of known mechanisms
of resistance and current information on the genetic determinants of
resistance in Acinetobacter.
(Bergogne-Bc€dzin and Joly-Guillou, 1985, 1989; Joly-Guillou and
Bergogne-Berezin, 1985b; Godineau-Gauthey et al., 1988; Freney et al.,
1989). A change in the isolation frequency of var. anitratus (A.
baumannii according to the new Acinetobacter species definition)
(Freney et al., 1989) has been noted, rising from 77.5% of the strains isolated
in 1971-1980 to 94.5% in 1984-85 (Joly-Guillou and Bergogne-Berezin,
1985b). Among various factors associated with increasing resistance of
Acinetobacter to antibiotics, the increased incidence of the more resistant
var. anitratus may also have changed the reported overall antibiotic
resistance of clinical isolates of Acinetobacter. All other named or
unnamed Acinetobacter spp. (A. lwoffii, A. johnsonii, A.
haemolyticus, A. junii) (Freney et al., 1989), which may be isolated from
the hospital environment, but are seldom involved in nosocomial infections,
are much more susceptible to most antibacterial agents (Joly-Guillou and
Bergogne-Berezin, 1985b; Bergogne-Berezin et al., 1987; Freney et al.,
1989). Thus most studies focus on the susceptibility or resistance of A.
calcoaceticusvar. anitratus (A. baumannii) strains that are responsible
for the majority of outbreaks of nosocomial infections associated with this
Table 1. Susceptibility of A.calcoaceticus var. anitratus
to antimicrobial agents (MICs in mg/1)
Table 1.(continued)
Mezlocillin 51 3.12->100 2~ 100 1983 (ll
100 1.0->128 >128 >128 1988 (2)
Multiresistance in Acinetobacter spp
strains. At a later stage, when Acinetobacter became resistant to early B-
lactams, the third generation cephalosporins were initially active,
particularly cefotaxime (Phillips et aI., 1981) and ceftazidime (Philipps et aI.,
1981; Bergogne-Berezin and Joly-Guillou, 1986). However, within a few
years, a rapid increase in resistance to carboxypenicillins and, to a lesser
degree, ureidopenicillins and third generation cephalosporins, led several
authors to investigate the possible production of inactivating enzymes by
Acinetobacter strains.
Inhibited by
None detected 18
Penicillinase 41
TEM type (pI 5.4) + + (34)
CARE type (pI 6.3) + + (7)
Cephalosporinase + + 9
(pI >8)
Penicillinase +
cephalosporinase 32
TEM type + Ca + + + (30)
CARE type + Ca + + + (2)
Table 3. Substrate and inhibition profiles of the novel fl-lactamase
from A. calcoaceticus strains A85-l35 (Paul et al., 1989)
Substrate profile a
Ampicillin 86 80
Carbenicillin 76 61
Azlocillin 57 61
Methicillin 1 16
Oxacillin 1 3
Cloxacillin 1 2
Cephalothin 10 4
Cephaloridine 19 8
Cefotaxime <1 <0.5
Cefsulodin <1 <0.5
Imipenem <1 <0.5
Inhibition profi1e b
Cl - (100 roM) o o
CLAV (1 ttM) 58 94.5
SUL (1 ttM) 9l. 3
Cloxacillin (1 roM) >90
pCMB (0.5 roM) >90
anti-CARB-3 >80
anti-TEM-1 50
anti-OXA-2 <30
anti-OXA-4 <30
anti-OXA-6 <30
available in 1977, an initial study (Morohoshi and Saito, 1977) had
demonstrated production of an inducible class I type 13-Iactamase
(cephalosporinase) in Acinetobacter. The enzymedosely resembled the
enzymes produced by Proteus, Citrobacter and Pseudomonas spp. in
terms of molecular mass (30,000), sensitivity to inhibitors and inducibility.
Further studies of resistance mechanisms in Acinetob acter spp. (Devaud et
al., 1982; Goldstein et al., 1983) cited the presence of a cephalosporinase,
but this was not clearly demonstrated since the reported experiments focused
on plasmid-mediated enzymes. In describing the two major groups of
cephalosporinases outlined by Sawai et al., (1982), Medeiros (1984)
described the enzyme produced by Acinetobacter strains as belonging to
the "typical cephalosporinase group", which includes inducible enzymes such
as those produced by Enterobacter aerogenes, Ent. cloacae, Serratia
marcescens and Ps. aeruginosa. One of the main characteristics of
"typical cephalosporinases" is their narrow spectrum of substrate specificity;
they have little or no activity against benzylpenicillin, ampicillin and
carbenicillin, but render bacteria resistant to various cephalosporins. The
contribution of such cephalosporinases to 13-Iactam resistance can be based
on at least two major mechanisms (Piddock and Wise, 1985): (i) hydrolysis of
older cephalosporins, which requires high enzyme affinity (KJ for the
antibiotic (Medeiros, 1984) - this is the case with the Acinetobacter
cephalosporinase; indeed the initial resistance of Acinetobacter to most
first and second generation cephalosporins, as described above, was
associated with enzymic hydrolysis of antibiotics (Joly-Guillou and
Bergogne-Ben!zin, 1985b); (ii) although third generation cephalosporins
are normally resistant to hydrolysis by 13-Iactamases, the amount of 13-
lactamase (cephalosporinase) prod uced in the periplasmic space of the cell
increases with exposure to .B-Iactams such as cefoxitin or ceftazidime
(induction), and it has been postulated (Sanders, 1983) that the 13-Iactamase
protects the bacterial cell by binding the antibiotic molecules rather than
splitting them - thus the enzyme acts as a peri plasmic "sponge" ("sponge
effect" or "trapping") which keeps the antibiotic from reaching its target site
on the cytoplasmic membrane. Such a mechanism may occur in
Enterobacter spp., S. marcescens and Ps. aeruginosa, and has also been
suggested for A. anitratus (Sanders, 1983; Medeiros, 1984). However,
since the report in 1977 of an inducible cephalosporinase in Acinetobacter
spp., no clear demonstration of such an enzyme can be found in the
literature; the hypotheses of cephalosporinase activities mentioned above
were based mostly upon clinical experience and indirect evidence of
cephalosporinase production rather than in-vitro experiments (Sanders,
1983). J oly-Guillou et al. (1988) also looked for cephalosporinase
production in 100 Acinetobacter clinical strains by using the inhibitory
activity of cloxacillin and isoelectric focusing of crude enzyme extracts
(Matthew and Harris, 1976; Joly-Guillou et al., 1988). The presence of
cephalosporinase activity correlated with variable bands of 13-Iactamase
activity located at pI > 8. The results of this study showed that 32% of the
strains possessed a cephalosporinase plus a penicillinase, while only 9%
exhibited cephalosporinase activity alone. Among the strains with evidence
of cephalosporinase activity, a group of nine strains showed low-level
resistance to third generation cephalosporins (geometric mean MICs were
14.7 mg cefotaxime /1 and 4.3 mg ceftazidime /1); a second group of nine
strains exhibited high-level resistance to all cephalosporins, with geometric
mean MICs of 54.g mg cefotaxime /1 and 17.2 mg ceftazidime /1. Analysis of
the results suggested that ceftazidime might be less susceptible to the
cephalosporinase of Acinetobacter than was cefotaxime. Otherwise, B-
lactamase inducibility was not clearly demonstrated in these strains of
Acinetobacter, although there was evidence that the second group of
strains, showing a high level of resistance to third generation cephalosporins,
were producing an increased amount of cephalosporinase constitutively
(Bauernfeind, 1986), resulting in a certain amount of cefotaxime hydrolysis
and a lesser, but detectable, degree of ceftazidime hydrolysis. As described
elsewhere (Piddock and Wise, 1995), these compounds are hydrolysed, but at
a slower rate than in conventional enzymic hydrolysis of first generation
cephalosporins. More recently, a further investigation (Hood and Amyes,
1999) of chromosomally mediated B-lactamases from the genus
Acinetobacter used a novel isoelectric focusing method to identify, in eight
strains, four different B-Iactamases with pIs ranging from 7.3 to g.g.
Additional minor bands at pI 9.8 and 10.1 were also revealed for one enzyme
by this modification of conventional isoelectric focusing techniques.
Further details of these enzymes are given elsewhere (Hood and Amyes, this
of crude extracts by the gel iodometric method in the presence of substrate
inhibitors (Labia and Barthelemy, 1979; Joly-Guillou and Bergogne-
Ben~zin, 1988), showed that: (i) the strain was a 13-lactamase producer; (ii)
13-lactamase activity was inhibited by clavulanic acid, which specifically
inhibits penicillinase activity; (iii) 13-lactamase activity was not inhibited by
cloxacillin, which specifically inhibits cephalosporinase activity. Analytical
isoelectric focusing failed to show the presence of either a TEM-type or a
CARB-5 enzyme, and no cephalosporinase activity was detected,although
some enzymic activity was observed with a pI of 7.7. It can be postulated that
this particular Acinetobacter isolate may produce one of the novel broad
spectrum 13-lactamases described recently by Sirot et al. (1988) and
designated "cefotaximases" (e.g. CTX-l of pI 6.3) or "ceftazidimases" (CAZ-1
to CAZ-5), the latter including enzymes of pI 7.7 which otherwise belong to
the SHV 13-lactamase family. A possible role for A. calcoaceticus as a
reservoir or vehicle of transmissible antibiotic resistance in the hospital
environment has been suggested by Chopade et al. (1985); indeed, many
clinical isolates contain a variety of different plasmids (as described in a
subsequent section). Trimethoprim R plasmids have been shown to be
transmissible from E. coli to A. calcoaceticus (Chopade et aI., 1985),
which suggests the potential for interchange of resistance markers with E.
coli and other Enterobacteriaceae in close contact with Acinetobacter
spp. in the clinical environment. If the presence of plasmid-mediated broad-
spectrum B-lactamases is confirmed in Acinetobacter strains, it will be the
first description of this new class of enzyme in aerobic Gram-negative bacilli
and will further confirm the epidemiological role of Acinetobacter strains
in the spread of resistance in hospitals.
B-Lactamase Inhibitors
Table 4. Susceptibility of 46 clinical strains a of A.calcoaceticus to
ticarcillin in the absence and presence of S-lactamase inhibitors
were therefore determined for these drugs alone and in combination with £-
lactamase inhibitors at a fixed concentration ratio 1: 1. Synergy was defined
as a significant decrease in the geometric mean MICs of the
antibiotic/inhibitor compared with those for antibiotic alone.
Simultaneously, in order to determine the inhibition profiles of £-
lactamases, clavulanic acid, cloxacillin, sulbactam and tazobactam were
added in gel, made from the classical iodine-iodide starch system, at a fixed
concentration of 0.5 mg/I, to crude extracts of bacterial cells in order to
specifically inhibit penicillinase and/or cephalosporinase activities.
Clavulanic acid caused a significant decrease in the MICs for the ticarcillin-
resistant strains, (MIC so =112 mg/l), but not a true reversion to
susceptibility, (Table 4). The MICs of ticarcillin, either singly or combined
with tazobactam, were identical for ticarcillin-susceptible strains, but were
notably diminished for ticarcillin-resistant strains, which returned to
susceptible levels (geometric mean MIC of 33.02 mg/l). Similarly,
sulbactam in combination with ticarcillin significantly reduced the MICs of
ticarcillin (geometric mean MIC of 15.50 mg/l). The geometric mean MICs
of cefotaxime and ceftazidime are shown in Table 5 in relation to the
enzymic profiles of the tested strains. Combinations of cefotaxime and
inhibitors produced a significant reduction in the geometric mean MICs,
when compared with those of cefotaxime alone, for strains that only
produced cephalosporinase (geometric mean MIC of cefotaxime was 41.8
mg/l, compared with 2.2 and 7.2 mg/I when combined with sulbactam or
tazobactam, respectively). This observation was not made for ceftazidime,
with which the geometric mean MICs were identical or only slightly
diminished when tested in combination with inhibitors. Using crude
bacterial extracts, it was found that tazobactam and sulbactam inhibited both
cephalosporinase and penicill inase activities. These data require further
investigation before any clinical application can be proposed.
Table 5. In-vitro activity of sulbactam and tazobactam in combination with cefotaxime and ceftazidime
against A.calcoaceticus
Cephalosporinase 8.0 1.7 2.3 2.2 41.8 7.2 8.9 S.2 8.0
Penicillinase 6.5 6.8 18.3 11.9 20.9 5.S 6.8 3.6 6.S
+ cephalosporinase
This has been analysed primarily in Ps. aeruginosa (Quinn et al., 1988), in
which impaired penetration of imipenem through the outer membrane is
related to the lack of an outer membrane protein that is present in
susceptible parent strains (Quinn et al., 1988). It has also been established
that alteration of the lipopolysaccharide in the outer membrane may
contribute substantially to diminished permeability and thus to B-Iactam
resistance (Piddock and Wise, 1985; Nayler, 1987). So far as
Acinetobacter spp. are concerned, it has been shown that a selective
alteration in outer membrane permeability affects the susceptibility of the
organism to the oxygen-independent antimicrobial activity of rat
polymorphonuclear leucocyte granule contents (Leoffelholz and
Modrzakowski, 1987). This alteration in outer membrane permeability,
related to lipopolysaccharide structure, was shown to be associated with the
presence of plasmid RPI (Loeffelholz and Modrzakowski, 1986). RP1,
which confers resistance to ampicillin, carbenicillin, kanamycin, neomycin
and tetracycline, physically alters the outer membrane structure of the
bacteria. Whether these RP1-mediated outer membrane alterations could
playa role in resistance to imipenem and other antibiotics in A.
calcoaceticus remains to be elucidated. Similarly, the question as to
whether the impaired penetration of imipenem through the outer membrane
observed in Ps. aeruginosa can be extrapolated to Acinetobacter
remains to be determined. Further investigations of possible enzymic
inactivation of imipenem in resistant Acinetobacter strains also remain to
be carried out.
Table 6. Substrate profiles of amino glycoside modifying enzymes (based on
Bauernfeind et al., 1986)
Phosphorylating enzymes
APH(2") + + + Staphylococcus,
APH(3") + Enterobacter-
Adeny1ating enzymes
AAD(2") + + + + Enterobacter-
AAD(4') + + + Staphylococcus
AAD(3") + Enterobacter-
AAD(6) + Staphylococcus
Table 6. (Continued)
Acet:x:lating enz:x:mes
AAC(6') _/+a + + + + Enterobacter-
AAC(3)I + ± Enterobacter-
AAC(2') + + + Prov.stuartii
AAC(3) II + + + ± Enterobacter-
susceptibility of 15 Acinetobacter strains to gentamicin and tobramycin
found MICs ranging from 0.12 to 0.9 mg/I. In our study, a sudden rise in
resistance to gentamicin, kanamycin, sisomycin and tobramycin occurred in
1975, correlating with the appearance of aminoglycoside-modifying enzymes.
An acetylating enzyme of the AAC(3)I type and a phosphorylating enzyme of
the APH(3 / )I type were found to be present in cell-free extracts (Bergogne-
BeH!zin et aI., 1980). More recently, a new phenotype has appeared in
France, with resistance to gentamicin (GEN'), sisomycin (SIS') and amikacin
(AMK'), but not to tobramycin (TOB'). Twelve Acinetobacter strains with
this phenotype (GEN' SIS' AMK' TOB') were analysed in late 1986; the
results indicated the presence of AAC(3)I and APH(3')I enzymes that
inactivate lividomycin, but not amikacin. A possible new
phosphotransferase was also found in four of the 12 Acinetobacter strains.
Enzymic phosphorylation of amikacin, which has been reported previously in
E. coli and Ps. aeruginosa (Joly-Guillou et aI., 1987), was found in A.
calcoaceticus var. anitratus. This new enzyme also inactivated
kanamycin A,B and C, neomycin, neamine, paromomycin, seldomycin,
butirosin, lividomycin, sisomycin and tobramycin. Thus the presence of an
AAC(3)I and the new phosphorylating enzyme, provisionally designated
APH(3 / )III, modifying butirosin, lividomycin and amikacin, may account for
the new Acinetobacter phenotype described above and provides a new
mechanism of amikacin resistance. These observations have been supported
by a further study (Lambert et aI., 1988) which demonstrated that resistance
to amikacin was related to the synthesis of a new type of transferable
APH(3 / ) in a clinical strain of Acinetobacter. The authors of this study
showed that the gene conferring resistance to kanamycin/amikacin was
carried by a 63 kb plasmid, pIP1841, self-transferable to A. baumannii, A.
haemolyticus and A. lwoffii, but not to E. coli. Of the APH(3') types
detected in clinical isolates, only this new type of enzyme, subsequently
designated APH(3' )VI (Lambert et aI., 1990), modifies amikacin in the
manner described above (Joly-Guillou et aI., 1987; Lambert et aI., 1988).
Alternative mechanisms of resistance to aminoglycosides, such as diminished
permeability or alteration of the ribosomal target sites, have not yet been
investigated in Acinetobacter.
generated by these early in-vitro studies (Bergogne-Berezin and 101y-
Guillou, 1985; 101y-Guillou and Bergogne-Berezin, 1985a; King and
Phillips, 1986) showed enhanced activity against A. baumannii of new
quinolones such as pefloxacin, ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin and ofloxacin,
compared with the parent compound, nalidixic acid. In 1985-86, a study with
a limited number of strains (King and Phillips, 1986) and our own studies of
130 clinical Acinetobacter strains (Bergogne-Berezin and 10Iy-Guillou,
1985; 10ly-Guillou and Bergogne-Berezin, 1985a), compared susceptibility
to the new fluorinated quinolones with susceptibilities to other antibiotics.
Very promising results were obtained, indicating that ciprofloxacin,
ofloxacin, and pefloxacin were substantially more active in vitro than either
nalidixic acid, third generation cephalosporins or aminoglycosides. The
greatest activity was exhibited by ofloxacin, with an MIC so of 0.6 mg/1. The
MICsoof ciprofloxacin was 0.7 mg/I, with mean MICs of 0.98, 1.03 and 1.64
mg/I for ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin and pefloxacin respectively. Similarly,
King and Phillips (1986) reported that the MICs of ciprofloxacin for 35
strains of Acinetobacter ranged from 0.004 to 1 mg/I, with geometric mean
MICs of 0.053, 0.067 and 0.158 mg/I for ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin and
pefloxacin respectively. Since 1985, the new quinolones, especially those
compounds which can be administered parenterally, have been used
increasingly in the treatment of severe nosocomial infections caused by
multiply-resistant bacteria.
Table 7. MICs of fluoroquinolones (mg/l) for strains of A. baumannii
isolated during 1985 (130 strains) and 1989 (100 strains)
1985 0.25-16 1. 05 6.71 1. 6/~
1989 0.125-128 14.15 74.66 10.26
1985 0.016-32 0.72 4.64 0.98
1989 <0.03-128 7.3 60.44 5.76
1985 0.064-16 0.69 3.73 1. 03
1989 <0.03-32 3.37 14.6 2.03
1989 0.06-256 10.18 85.33 7.29
1989 <0.03-64 2.8 41.14 2.83
1989 <0.03-128 7.73 88 5.32
situation might have resulted from the early and large usage of pefloxacin in
France; indeed these data can be compared with other studies (e.g. Chow et
aI., 1988) showing a more limited MIC range for ciprofloxacin of 0.5-4 mg/l
and MICsoand MIC 90 values of 2 and 4 mg/l respectively for a low inoculum of
104 cfu. It should, however, be noted that the latter values were notably
increased by a larger inoculum (10 6 cfu), reaching 8 and 16 mg/I, which
suggests, as in our study, a large proportion of resistant strains (MICs > 4
A further in-vitro study with our susceptible strains was carried out in
a micro dilution system which permitted us to evaluate the minimal
bactericidal concentrations (MBCs) for each strain (Table 8). The results of
this study indicated a very close relationship between the MICs and MBCs
(inoculum: 10s cfu) for all new quinolones tested. The ratios of geometric
mean MBCs/MICs ranged from 1.11 to 1.21, which confirmed the excellent
bactericidal activity of this class of antibiotics against susceptible
Acinetobacter strains. Very few studies of antibiotic combinations have
been carried out, although the available in-vitro data (Chow et aI., 1988)
0,03 0,06 0,125 0,25 D,S 2 ~ 8 16 32 64 128
0,03 0,06 0,125 0,25 D,S 2 I 16 32 6~ 121
0,03 0.06 0.125 0,25 D,S 4 16 32 128 256
Table 8. HICs and MBCs (mg/l) of fluoroquinolones for susceptible strains of A. baumanni j
antibiotic therapy. Cross-resistance may develop by mutations that result in
an altered DNA gyrase, reduced permeability, or both. Precise mechanisms
of resistance in Acinetobacter spp. remain to be analysed, although DNA
gyrase has been shown to exist in all bacterial species examined to date
(Piddock and Wise, 1989). Mutations occur in Ps. aeruginosa, H.
injluenzae and C. jreundii which give rise to a DNA gyrase A sub-unit
that is less susceptible to inhibition by quinolones. The gyr A mutations
result in decreased susceptibility to all quinolones, but not cross-resistance
to chemically unrelated antibiotics. There have also been several reports of
decreased uptake of quinolones causing reduced susceptibility, and
permeability mutants have been described that show cross-resistance to 13-
lactams, e.g. norB mutations in E. coli and Ps. aeruginosa with presumed
nalB mutations (Piddock and Wise, 1989). It is possible to select for cross-
resistance to all fluoroquinolones by in-vitro serial passage of organisms in
the presence of increasing concentrations of the drugs (Neu, 1988).
Repeated transfers may lead to increases in MICs from 0.12 to 16 mg/l for
Ps. aeruginosa and several Enterobacteriaceae, with concomitant
increases in the MICs of 13-Iactams. This suggests that resistance is due to
alteration of the bacterial outer membrane and to permeability factors. In
our experience with Acinetobacter, combined resistance to all 13-Iactams
(83%), all aminoglycosides (42%) and quinolones (30%) is occurring with an
increasing incidence (35% in 1989) (Muller-Serieys et ai., 1989). Although
not yet proven, it is a reasonable assumption that diminished permeability in
Acinetobacter, as described for imipenem resistance, might also be an
acceptable explanation for certain types of multiple resistance, including
resistance to fluoroquinolones, in some Acinetobacter strains. Moreover,
among these strains were isolates with high levels of resistance to penicillins
and cephalosporins, but without any evidence for 13-lactamase activity, which
again suggests the involvement of diminished outer membrane permeability
(Joly-Guillou et aI., 1988). Simultaneous resistance to 13-lactams and
quinolones in these strains also suggests the possible involvement of a gyr B
mutation (Piddock and Wise, 1989). This hypothesis remains to be
Table 9. Plasmids conferring resistance in Acinetobacter spp.
Plasmid content
of Acinetobacter Molecular size Resistance pattern Ref.
References: (1) Gomez-Lus et al., 1980; (2) Murray and Moellering, 1980;
(3) Devaud et al., 1982; (4) Goldstein et al., 1983; (5) Lambert et al.,
transferred to any recipient by various mating procedures, but mobilisation
of resistance to various drugs could be achieved after the conjugative
plasmid RP4 was transferred into the epidemic strain. These authors also
showed that mobilisation resulted from transposition of a 16 Md DNA
sequence from the Acinetobacter chromosome on to plasmid RP4. It was
suggested that a plasmid conferring resistance to multiple antibiotics
(gentamicin, sisomlclll, kanamycin, neomycin, streptomycin,
chloramphenicol, tetracycline, ampicillin and cephalothin) had originally
been transferred from the hospital flora into Acinetobacter spp., and that
the DNA sequence conferring multiple resistance had transposed and stably
integrated into the Acinetobacter chromosome. More recently, in a study
investigating the mechanism of amikacin resistance in Acinetobacter spp.
(Lambert et aI., 1988), the gene conferring resistance to kanamycin and
amikacin in a clinical strain isolated from a urine sample was found to be
encoded by a 63 kb plasmid, p1P1841. This plasmid was self-transferable to
other Acinetobacter strains (A. baumannii, A. haemolyticus and A.
lwoffii), but not to E. coli. The authors suggested that the transfer barrier
resulted from a defect in conjugation, plasmid replication, or both, in the
recipient bacteria (E. coli). The same authors (Lambert et aI., 1990)
showed subsequently that resistance to gentamicin, netilmicin, streptomycin,
sulphonamide, ticarci1lin and tobramycin could also be transferred to strains
of A. haemolyticus and A. lwoffii. Hybridisation experiments using an
aphA-6 probe (the structural gene for the APH(3')VI enzyme - Martin et aI.,
1988) and 14 selected Acinetobacter isolates demonstrated that various
size fragments hybridised with the probe, suggesting that the resistance
determinants were located in different genomic environments. Thus the
authors demonstrated that the aphA-6 gene was involved in the
dissemination of amikacin resistance in Acinetobacter spp. responsible for
nosocomial infections, and that spread of this resistance was due to different
plasmids carrying this epidemic gene. Various other plasmids conferring
resistance or other phenotypic properties have also been studied in
Acinetobacter (Towner and Vivian, 1976; Towner, 1983; Chopade et aI.,
1985); their transfer properties and behaviour in A. calcoaceticus are
described elsewhere (Towner, this volume). Data on naturally-occurring
plasmids conferring resistance in Acinetobacter spp. are gathered together
in Table 9.
resistance in Acinetobacter spp. It is clear that epidemic spread of genes
conferring antimicrobial resistance in hospitals will require careful analysis
of plasmid and transposon behaviour in Acinetobacter spp. in order to
determine the possible role of this organism as a reservoir or vehicle of
transmissible drug resistance in the hospital environment.
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The inducibility of these cephalosporinases by specific 13-lactam
inducers has been far from clear. They have been described as being
inducible by Morohoshi and Saito (1977) and quoted as inducible by Sykes
and Matthew (1976), Medeiros (1984), Neu (1986) and Hikida et al. (1989).
Bauernfeind (1986) classified them as inducible or constitutive, whereas
J oly-Guillou et al. (1988) s tate d that 13 -lactamase induci bili ty in
Acinetobacter had not yet been clearly demonstrated. On the basis of the
work by Morohoshi and Saito (1977), Bush (1989) classified the
Acinetobacter chromosomal 13-lactamase in Group One, i.e. a
cephalosporinase not inhibited by clavulanic acid (CEP-N). Subsequent
substrate profile and inhibition studies by Hikida et al. (1989) suggested that
this classification was correct.
Matthew and Harris (1976) listed pIs of around 8.6 for two 13-
lactamases produced by strains of Acinetobacter: A. inotti 1786E and
Acinetobacter sp. 1787E. These same two strains appear in Sykes and
Matthew (1976) as A. inotti (1786E) pI 8.6 and A. mallei (1787E) pI 8.7.
The latter strain (A. mallei) 1787E was not an Acinetobacter at all, but a
Pseudomonas mallei. This organism had somewhat controversially been
placed in the genus Acinetobacter by Cowan and Steel (1965) - it became
P. mallei in subsequent editions (Cowan and Steel, 1974). Therefore, this
enzyme can no longer be considered as one produced by the genus
Medeiros et al. (1985) were the first to mention that not all of the
chromosomal 13-lactamases of Acinetobacter focused on conventional
polyacrylamide isoelectric focusing (IEF) systems. Of 14 strains of A.
calcoaceticus, the pI was stated to be 8.8 for one enzyme, 9.0 for one, 9.7
for one, 10.0 for four, > 10 for three and a 'blur' for four. Joly-Guillou et al.
(1987) described 30 strains of Acinetobacter with a chromosomal
cephalosporinase of pI > 8. This again suggests poor focusing of these
enzymes on conventional polyacrylamide IEF systems. More recently, Hikida
et al. (1989) described a pI of 9.9 for a purified cephalosporinase from A.
calcoaceticus (ML 4961). However, these authors employed broad range
ampholines of pH 3.5-10.0 in their IEF gel. This suggests that the enzyme had
migrated to, or almost to, the cathode. Unfortunately, there was no
photograph of the IEF gel.
A 10'6
8·3 I
,, •
r---,------,-------,-------,- sample
I loaded
5886 66230 H17 H26 H68
pI 7·
,I-----rl- - - - . ,-------,. ...... sample
H126 H141 H162 SHVI loaded
Mb c
Strain No. sub species new species Specimen type Az~IC ACE type
5B86 var. lwoffii A. lwoffii blood 16 >1,000,000 4
6B230 var. anitratus A. junii blood 32 >1,000,000 1
H17 var. anitratus A. baumannii urine 64 640,000 1
H26 var. anitratus A. baumannii sinus swab 32 >1,000,000 1
H68 var. anitratus A. baumannii urine 64 >1,000,000 1
H126 var. lwoffii A. junii wound swab >256 32,500 3
H141 var. anitratus A. baumannii wound swab 64 >1,000,000 1
H162 var. anitratus A. baumannii wound swab 64 60,500 2
The FPLC method has been described fully elsewhere (Payne et aI.,
1990). Peaks of 13-lactamase activity obtained on the columns were detected
by the nitrocephin spot test (Table 2) and demonstrated the clear differences
between ACE-I, ACE-3 and ACE-4, while suggesting that ACE-2 is similar
to ACE-l. In addition, the results suggest that there may be two subgroups
within the ACE-l group: one with a retention volume of 15-18 ml, the other
with a retention volume of 12-14 mI. However, further work is required to
verify these sub-groupings.
The purified enzymes obtained from the FPLC/ion exchange were also
applied to a gel system on the PhastSystem(R) (Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden).
This gel system was devised to resolve basic proteins on a polyacrylamide
(PAGE) minigel. The exact sample preparation and running conditions were
those described by Olsson and Tooke (1988). A Phastgel Homogeneous 20
(i.e. sodium dodecyl sulphate-free) was run with the reversed polarity
electrodes. After electrophoresis, the enzymes were visualised by
nitrocephin solution (500 mg/l). ACE-l (e.g. H141) and ACE-2 (e.g. H162)
preparations migrated similar distances from the cathode, whereas ACE-3
(H126) migrated slightly less far. Insufficient ACE-4 (5B86) was available to
test on this system. Control preparations of the plasmid-mediated 13-
lactamases SHV-l/TEM-l and OXA-2/TEM-2 migrated to appropriate
positions in this gel system, i.e. TEM-l and TEM-2 stayed at the cathode,
while SHY -1 and OXA-2 migrated to a point just behind the ACE enzymes.
Further experimentation employing this technique is required. If it proves
to be reproducible with crude 13-lactamase preparations, it would be an
i i
68230 H26 5866 H126 H162
pI 8'3
H17 H26 H68 H141
Fig. 2. Agarose, urea and sorbitol (AUS) IEF gels. Focused bands of
Acinetobacter chromosomal B-lactamase activity identified with
Table 2. FPLC(R} of crude enzyme preparations on high performance ion exchange
extremely useful rapid technique for the study of B-Iactamases obtained from
clinical isolates of Acinetobacter.
The specific activities of the eight ACE enzymes were measured for a
selection of cephalosporins, penicillins and a monobactam (Table 3). The
enzyme preparations were partially purified by gel filtration (Hood and
Amyes, 1989). The spectrophotometric assay employed was that of
O'Callaghan et al.(1969) and was carried out on a Pye-Unicam SP1800
UV /VIS spectrophotometer. Cephalosporins and the monobactam were
used at concentrations of either 100 tLM or 1000 tLM (Table 3) and the
penicillins at a concentration of 1000 tLM. The specific activities of the eight
ACE enzymes (Table 3) show clearly that these enzymes are
cephalosporinases, although most of them also have some activity against the
penicillins tested. The apparent detection of weak activity against
cefuroxime in half the strains and weak activity against ampicillin and
carbenicillin in one strain may be dismissed since the spectrophotometer was
working at the limit of its sensitivity and, therefore, activity against these
substrates may also be possible in the other strains. The only clear difference
was the specific. activity of ACE-4 obtained from strain 5B86, which was
considerably lower than the others. Interestingly, ACE-l from strain 6B230
and ACE-3 from H126 seemed similar - they are the only A.junii strains in
the study.
Table 3. Specific aGtivities a of ACE enzymes against a selection of cephalosporins and
a monobactam (100 ~M or 1000 ~M) and penicillins (100 ~M)
no. type
5B86 4 25
6B230 1 0.014 330 56 2.8
H17 1 93 69 4.7
H26 1 93 33 6.7
H68 1 0.13 31 19 6.0 0.7 0.46
H126 3 230 46 84
H141 1 0.16 49 17 4.7
H162 2 0.12 93 17 5.8
AZ, aztreonam; CAZ, ceftazidime: CTX, cefotaxime: CXM, cefuroxime; CER, cephaloridine:
CED, cephradine: PENG, penicillin: AMP, ampicillin: CARB, carbenicillin.
5B86 4 16 2 4 8 8 16 16 8 16
6B230 1 32 8 4 16 64 128 >32 128 64
H17 1 64 4 32 64 64 256 >32 32 32
H26 1 32 8 32 64 256 >256 >32 64 32
H68 1 64 8 16 32 64 256 >32 32 32
H126 3 >256 64 64 64 128 256 >32 128 128
H141 1 64 8 16 64 64 256 >32 64 32
H162 2 64 8 32 64 64 256 >32 32 32
Abbreviations as in Table 3.
Table 4 shows the MIC values of the substrates used in Table 3 for
these strains. The results showed that all the Acinetobacter strains
studied had a high degree of resistance to penicillins and first, second and
third generation cephalosporins. There was some correlation between the
resistance levels and the enzyme produced. All the strains encoding the
ACE-1 enzyme had very similar MICs of all the drugs tested. H 162, which
encoded ACE-2, could not be distinguished from the ACE-1 strains on its
resistance profile. However, strain H126, which encoded ACE-3, was
generally more resistant to the drugs tested than the ACE-1 or ACE-2
producers. Specifically, H126 was more resistant to the third generation
cephalosporins and the monobactam, aztreonam. On the other hand, strain
5B86, which encoded ACE-4, was generally less resistant than the other ACE
producers. It was particularly less resistant to the penicillins and the first
generation cephalosporins tested.
Table 5 shows the kinetics of hydrolysis for each of the enzymes, i.e. Km
values with nitrocephin and cephaloridine as substrates. This value was
obtained by measuring the rate of hydrolysis at limiting substrate
concentrations and Lineweaver-Burk plots. The Km values obtained with both
nitrocephin and cephaloridine were broadly similar to each other (Table 5).
The Km values to cephaloridine ranged from 150 ,uM to 710 J.lM and were
similar to the values found by Morohoshi and Saito (1977) and Hikida et al.
(1989) of 250 ,uMand511 ,uMrespectively.
These results show that all four ACE enzymes have moderate affinity
for cephaloridine and nitrocephin. All the Km values were within the same
order of magnitude and could not convincingly be distinguished from one
Table 6. 1D50a of ACE enzymes with nitrocephin as substrate (~M)
Table 7 shows the effect of EDTA, HgCl2 and pCMB. All the enzymes
were inhibited to the same extent by a fixed concentration of HgCI 2, but were
Table 7. Effect of inhibitors and metal ions on ACE enzymes with
nitrocephin as substrate
Percentage inhibition
Strain no. ACE type EDTAa HgCl 2b pCMB c
5B86 4 <20 89 0
6B230 I <20 98 0
Hl7 I <20 96 0
H26 1 <20 97 0
H68 I <20 95 0
Hl26 3 <20 95 0
Hl41 1 <20 98 0
Hl62 2 <20 98 0
We have carried out induction experiments with all eight strains,
employing cefoxitin as the inducer at one quarter the MIC value for the
culture. The method employed was that described by Minami et al. (1980).
No discernible £-lactamase induction was found with any of the strains
studied. In discussions with D. Livermore and c.c. Sanders (personal
communications) it was stated that evidence of induction had not yet been
found in any strain of Acinetobacter tested. This includes the use of
cefoxitin, imipenem and penicillin as inducers. Much more convincing
evidence would therefore be required before it can be claimed that these
enzymes are inducible, since current evidence suggests they are not.
Although it seems likely that these enzymes are largely responsible for
the observed resistance to £-lactam drugs, it is also probable that other
factors, e.g. altered permeability or alterations in the penicillin binding
proteins,may be equally important in some strains. The ultimate test must
involve the cloning of the £-lactamase gene from each of these strains into a
suitable recipient, thereby allowing further study of the resistance
mechanism. This would also enable their place on the bacterial chromosome,
rather than on a plasmid, to be confirmed.
Morohoshi and Saito (1977) and Hikida et al. (1989), are all
cephalosporinases, not inhibited by clavulanic a~id, and can be placed in
Bush Group One (CEP-N).
We would like to thank E.R. Squibb and Sons Ltd. for financial
support for some of this work; Mr R. Paton for technical assistance; Miss
A.M. Harris of Glaxo Research Ltd. for kindly providing us with the strain of
A. inotti; Miss Michaela Torrance of Pharmacia for the use of the FPLC
system and the editor of the Journal of Applied Bacteriology for allowing us
to reproduce some of our previous data.
Minami, S., Yotsuji, A., Inoue, M., and Mitsuhashi, S., 1980, Induction of B-
lactamase by various B-Iactam antibiotics in Enterobacter
cloacae, Antimicrob. Agents Chemother., 18:382.
Morohoshi, T., and Saito, T., 1977, B-Lactamase and B-Iactam antibiotics
resistance in Acinetobacter anitratum, J. Antib iot., 30:969.
Neu, H.C., 1986, Antibiotic inactivating enzymes and bacterial resistance, in
"Antibiotics in Laboratory Medicine," p.757, V. Lorian, ed.,
Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore.
O'Caliaghan, C.H., Muggleton, P.W., and Ross, G.W., 1969, Effects of B-
lactamase from Gram negative organisms on cephalosporins and
penicillins, Antimicrob. Agents Chemother., 1968:57.
Olsson, I., and Tooke, N.E., 1988, PAGE of basic proteins, in
"PhastSystemRApplication File No. 300," Pharmacia, Uppsala.
Payne, D.l., Hood, 1., Marriott, M.S., and Amyes. S.G.B., 1990, Separation of
plasmid mediated broad spectrum B-lactamases by Fast Protein
Liquid Chromatography (FPLCR), FEMS Microbiol. Lett.,
Sykes, R.B., and Matthew, M., 1976. The B-lactamases of Gram negative
bacteria and their role in resistance to B-lactam antibiotics, J.
Antimicrob. Chemother., 2:115.
(unpublished observations). The construction and use of these probes to
locate the corresponding resistance genes in a multi-resistant clinical isolate
of Acinetobacter (strain SAK) is described. Subsequent cloning
experiments not only confirmed the presence of these genes, but also
revealed another aminoglycoside resistance gene with activity against
gentamicin and tobramycin in strain SAK; this was further analysed using
DNA sequencing techniques. Thus the studies described in this article not
only illustrate the application of molecular techniques to the study of
antibiotic resistance in Acinetobacter, but also serve to demonstrate the
complex nature of the problems which may be encountered in multi-resistant
clinical isolates of this genus.
CAT Probe
E~B sl~ IS f IE
I I I pGSH104
I II pGSH105
lkb I
1=1 pGSH106
AAD(2/t) Probe
The CAT probe was used to detect the CAT structural gene, and to
determine its genetic location in the multi-resistant strain SAK. The probe
gave no hybridisation signal with a sensitive strain of Aeinetobaeter
(YON), but generated a signal with pA10cat2, the source of the probe
fragment. The probe hybridised to both chromosomal and plasmid DNA
preparations from SAK (Fig. 2).
U '"
A 0
> a.
B <d:
0.5ng 1.0ug 0.5ng
o.Sug 0.25ng
0.5ug 0.25ng
Fig.2. Chromosomal and plasmid DNA dot blots hybridised with the CAT
gene probe. (A) Chromosomal DNA, (B) Plasmid DNA. Autoradiography
was for 72 h.
The probe for the AAD(2") structural gene hybridised to JR66, the
source of the AAD(2") gene. There was no hybridisation with DNA from a
sensitive strain; however, a signal was obtained from the chromosomal DNA
preparations (Fig. 3), but not from the plasmid preparations of strain SAK.
On the basis of the above results it was concluded that strain SAK
contained the resistance genes encoding CAT and AAD(2"). Further support
for this hypothesis was sought from cloning experiments.
Fig.3. Chromosomal DNA dot-blot hybridised with the AAD(2") gene probe.
Autoradiography was for 18 h.
Cloning of the CAT Gene
A similar procedure was used to isolate the CAT gene from plasmid
DNA. All of the recombinant plasmids contained a 5.0 kb H indill insert and
encoded resistance to chloramphenicol. Hybridisation experiments
demonstrated that this 5.0 kb fragment was present in a 50-60 kb plasmid
harboured by strain SAK (Fig. 4). None of the chloramphenicol-resistant
recombinant plasmids derived from strain SAK encoded amino glycoside
Fig.4. Plasmid DNA hybridised to the CAT gene probe. (A) Plasmid profile
of strain SAK following electrophoresis on a 0.8% agarose gel for 16 hat 20
V (1 V/cm). (B) Lane 1: gel-purified 5.0 kb HindIII fragment which
contains the CAT gene cloned from plasmid DNA; lane 2: HindIII digest of
plasmid DNA. A 0.8% agarose gel was electrophoresed·for 2 h at 70 V (7
V/cm). (C) Autoradiograph of DNA shown in (B) hybridised with CAT gene
Fig.S. Assay of CAT activity. Lane 1: extract from strain SAK; lane 2:extract
from E.coli (pGSH20l). (A) l-acetate chloramphenicol; (B) 3-acetate
chloramphenicol; (C) 1,3-diacetate chloramphenicol.
The partial library prepared above was also screened for the presence
of gentamicin resistance genes. Recombinant plasmids encoding gentamicin
resistance were obtained from all the digests. Five recombinants were
screened with the AAD(2") probe: four gave strong hybridisation signals, but
one, which contained a 5.S kb H indIII insert, did not hybridise with the
Fig.6. Plasmid DNA from strain SAK hybridised to the AAC(3) gene probe.
(A) Plasmid DNA dot blot. (B) Lane 1: gel-purified 5.8 kb HindIII fragment
containing the AAC(3) gene cloned from plasmid DNA; lane 2: HindIII
digest of plasmid DNA. A 0.8% agarose gel was electrophoresed for 2 h at 7
V/cm; (C) Autoradiograph of DNA shown in (B) hybridised with the
AAC(3) gene probe.
There are seven sub-classes of AAC(3): I, la, II, III, IV, V and VII
(Vliegenthart et aI., 1989). The sequences of AAC(3)1 (Tenover et aI.,
Table 1. Assay of Aminoglycoside-Modifying Enzymes.
Results are Expressed in Terms of cpm Bound to Phosphocellulose
Bacterial strain None Sisomicin Ratio
-80 -52 CAP -10 SD-1
39 ~!!' 78
MET Hi. Thr A:rg Lya Ala lIe Tbr Glu Ala lIe Arg Ly. 'Leu Gly Val GIn Thr Gly Asp Leu Leu Met Val His Ala
117 156
Ser Leu Lya Ala lIe ely Pro Val Giu Gly Gly Ala Glu Thr Val Val Ala Ala Leu Arg Ser Ala Val ely Pro Thr
195 234
Gly Thr Val Met Cly Tyr Ala Ser Trp Asp Arg Ser Pro Tyr Glu Glu Thr Leu Aao ely Ala Arg Leu Asp Asp Lys
273 312
Ala Ar& Arg Thr Trp Pro Pro Phe Asp Pro Ala Thr Ala Gly Thr Tyr Arg Gly Phe ely Leu Leu Asn GIn Phe Leu
351 390
Val GIn Ala Pro Gly Ala Arg Arg Ser Ala Hie Pro Asp Ala Ser Met Val Ala Val Gly Pro Leu Ala Glu Thr Leu
G 429 468
Thr Glu Pro His Glu Leu Gly Ria Ala Leu ely iys Gly Ser Pro Val Glu Arg Phe Val Arg Leu Gly Gly Lys Ala
507 546
Leu Leu Leu ely Ala Pro Leu A80 Ser Val Thr Ala Leu His Tyr Ala Glu Ala Val Ala Asp Ile Pro Asn Lys Arg
585 624
Trp Val Thr Tyr Glu Met Pro Met Leu ely Arg Asn Gly Glu Val Ala Trp Ly8 Thr Ala Ser Glu tyr Asp Ser Asn
663 702
Gly lIe Leu Allp Cy8 Phe Ala lIe Glu Gly LY8 Pro Asp Ala Val Glu Thr lIe Ala Asn Ala Tyr Val Lys Leu Gly
741 780
Arg Hi. Arg Glu Gly val Val Gly Phe Ala Gin Cys Tyr Leu phe Asp Ala Gin Asp lIe Val Thr Phe Gly Val Thr
819 858
Tyr Leu Glu Lys His Phe Gly Ala Thr Pro lIe Val Pro Ala His Glu Ala Ala Gin Arg Sel" Cys Glu Pro Ser ely
Fig. 7. Nucleotide sequence and derived amino acid sequence of the AAC(3) gene. The -10 region, ribosome binding
site (SD) and putative CAP binding site are underlined. The stop codon is indicated by ***. The G to A transition
at position 425 is shown. The Sphl site and the Sall site confining the gene fragment used as the probe are
.,. indicated.
method (Sanger et al., 1977), using 35S-ATP and Sequenase (US
Biochemicals). Internal oligonucleotide primers were used when necessary.
The DNA sequence shown in Fig. 7 was confirmed by sequencing both
strands of DNA. This sequence was compared with the published AAC(3)
sequences; it showed 99% similarity with the DNA sequence of AAC(3 )11,
also designated AAC(3 )111. The only difference in the structural gene
sequence is a transition at position 425 of a G to an A, which results in the
incorporation of lysine rather than glutamic acid (Fig. 7). The sequence
similarity extends into the regulatory region, including the -10 region.
However, unlike the published sequences, the strain SAK AAC(3) sequence
has no sequence corresponding to the E. coli -35 consensus sequence,
TTGACAT (Fig. 8). McClure (1985) suggested that promoters with a poor
homology to the consensus sequence in the -35 region are frequently
controlled by activator proteins. One such protein is CAP, which binds to
cAMP to form an active complex. De Crombrugghe et al. (1984) have
shown that 13 out of 17 regulatory sequences which bind the cAMP ICAP
complex contain a conserved sequence, TGTGA, at variable distances from
the -10 region. A similar sequence, AGTGA, is present in the AAC(3)
sequence at -32 (Fig. 8).
Total cellular RNA was extracted from strain SAK with hot phenol as
described by Aiba et al. (1981). RNA from cells grown in the presence and
absence of gentamicin (5 mg/l) was analysed. In addition, RNA from cells
treated with rifampicin (200 mg/l) to block further initiation of transcription
was included. RNA (10 was electrophoresed in gels comprising 1 %
agarose and 35% formaldehyde with MOPS buffer (40 mM MOPS, 10 mM
sodium acetate, 1.0 mM EDTA, pH 8.0) and transferred to Hybond-N in 20 x
SSPE (1 x SSPE: 1.8 M NaCl, 10 mM Na 2 HP0 4, 1.0 mM EDTA, pH 7.0). Pre-
hybridisations and hybridisations were carried out as described by Johnson et
-175 -140
.. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . . .
-36 -1
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
-------------- : : : --------------
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
Fig. 8. Regulatory region of AAC(3) from SAK, AAC(3)II and AAC(3)III. The proposed -35 region of AAC(3)II and
AAC(3)III are underlined, as are the almost perfect direct repeats spanning the -10 region in AAC(3) from SAK and
Fig.9. Northern blots hybridised with the AAC(3) and AAD(2") gene probes.
(A) RNA hybridised with the AAC(3) probe; RIF indicates the addition of
rifampicin to the cells; (B) RNA hybridised with the AAD(2") probe; lane
l:RNA from strain SAK; lane 2: RNA from strain SAK grown in the presence
of gentamicin (5 mg/l); lane 3: RNA from E.coli (pGSH108) which contains
the cloned AAD(2") gene from strain SAK.
The CAT gene was also shown to be carried on a 50-60 kb plasmid
present in strain SAK. A chromosomal and plasmid locus for the CAT gene
suggests the possibilty of a transposon. A transposon encoding
chloramphenicol, gentamicin, streptomycin and sulphonomide resistance has
been identified in Acinetobacter by Devaud et ai. (1982), and the presence
of inverted repeat sequences flanking a kanamycin resistance gene in the
Acinetobacter plasmid pAV5 (Divers et aI., 1985) indicates that this gene
may also be part of a transposon. The probe specifies a Type I CAT enzyme
that is also encoded by Tn9 and preliminary sequencing data show that the
CAT gene derived from strain SAK is on a transposon which has sequence
and structural similarity to Tn2670 (Womble and Rownd, 1988).
the RNA transcript experiments indicated that only the AAC(3) gene is
transcribed, and is therefore responsible for the resistance phenotype. It
follows that it is insufficient to simply identify a resistance gene with a DNA
probe; the gene must be shown to be expressed in the host strain before a
role in the resistance phenotype can be assigned.
Why the AAD(2") is not expressed in strain SAK is not known, but it is
possible that transcription of the AAD(2") is repressed by a protein which is
absent in E. coli. The AAD(2") gene is currently being sequenced to see if
there are any DNA sequences that could be involved in the control of
transcription of this gene. One other possibility is that the AAC(3) gene is
favoured because it has a stronger promoter.
This work was supported by grants from the University of Cape Town
and the Medical Research Council to L.M. Steyn and A.A. Forder. The
computer programmes used in the analysis of the DNA sequences were
obtained from the Molecular Biology Computer Research Resource,
Harvard School of Public Health, Dana-Faber-Cancer Institute - D1154,
Boston, MA, 02115.
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K.J. Towner
capable of stable replication in the original parent strain. The purpose of
this review is to describe the range of plasmids and transposons which can
exist in Acinetobacter, either naturally or in the laboratory, and the
behaviour and properties associated with them.
Table 1. Transfer frequencies of representative enterobacterial plasmids
from E.coli K12 to Acinetobacter EBF65/65 (pAV2-) (data modified from
Chopade et al., 1985)
pUN65 B Tp 5 x 10- 7
R57b C Cm 1 x 10- 3
R124 F IV Tc 1 x 10- 5
R478 H2/S Tc 4 x 10- 4
R64 lex Tc 9 x 10- 6
R82la 10 Ap 3 x 10- 5
RP4 PI Tc 6 x 10- 4
R388 W Tp 3 x 10- 7
R6K X Ap 1 x 10- 4
regarded as conclusive. A later section of this review will consider the wider
significance of these findings in relation to the possible role of
Acinetobacter as a reservoir of plasmid-mediated antibiotic resistance
genes in hospitals.
uses of transposons introduced into Acinetobacter from E. coli are
considered in the next section.
An alternative transposon delivery system, based on pRK2013, has
been described by Ely (1985). Since pRK2013 has a broad host range
transfer system linked to a Co1E1 replicon, it can be transferred to, but not
replicated in, a variety of non-enteric Gram-negative bacteria. Delivery
vectors carrying either Tn7 (pBEE7) or Tnl0 (pBEE10 or pBEEI04)
generated transposon insertions at a frequency of 10-6 _10- 8 in Acinetobacter
strain BD413. The specificity of these insertions was not investigated, but in
view of the results outlined above it would not be surprising if the insertional
specificity of these elements differed in Acinetobacter from that previously
observed with E. coli K12. Published data on the transposition frequencies
of transposons introduced into Acinetobacter in the laboratory are
summarised in Table 2.
Table 2. Insertion frequencies of transposons introduced into
Acinetobacter from E.coli K12 (data from Towner. 1983; Singer and
Finnerty. 1984; Ely, 1985)
Acinetobacter and E.coli K12 have already been outlined in this review,
but it is pertinant to emphasise at this point that 17 of 31 self-transmissible
trimethoprim R plasmids transferred from E. coli K12 to Acinetobacter
EBF65/65 subsequently required the presence of an additional broad host
range transmissible plasmid for re-transfer to occur (Chopade et al., 1985).
Other studies have confirmed that although Acinetobacter can fairly
readily acquire plasmids from E. coli K12, the opposite transfer seems to be
a relatively rare event (Gomez-Lus et al., 1980; Goldstein et al., 1983). In
addition, the observation that 70% of indigenous Acinetobacter plasmids
are less than 23 kb in size (Gerner-Smidt, 1989) means that antibiotic
resistance genes carried on such indigenous plasmids would, in any event,
probably not be associated with the genetic information necessary for
transfer. It may therefore be necessary to rigorously assess the potential for
mobilisation of resistance genes from clinical isolates of Acinetobacter in
order to clarify the role of plasmids in the increasing spread of such
strain JC17, originally isolated from a hospital in Pretoria, South Africa.
This strain carried a 128 kb conjugative plasmid which specified resistance to
sulphonamides, designated pA V1, and a 23 kb non·conjugative plasmid
which specified resistance to kanamycin/neomycin and tetracycline,
designated pA V5 (Hinchliffe et ai., 1980; Divers et ai., 1985). pA V1 is an
unusual example of a P1 incompatibility group plasmid with a restricted host
range (Hinchliffe and Vivian, 1980a); however, although it is unable to
transfer to E. coli K12, it is freely transmissible between several different
strains of Acinetobacter and also serves to mobilise both pAV5 and the
Acinetobacter chromosome (Hinchliffe and Vivian, 1980b; Divers et aI.,
PORTION ••• pAVS1 (11.8 kb)
,DELETED :r:c.~
- - - · · .... PORTION'··..··...._ - - pAV52 (17.6kb)
A second well-characterised example of transferable plasmid-
mediated antibiotic resistance in a multi-resistant isolate of Acinetobacter
was provided by strain BM2500 isolated from a hospital in Paris, France.
Goldstein et al. (1983) showed that resistance to ampicillin,
chloramphenicol, kanamycin, streptomycin, sulphonamides and
trimethoprim was encoded in this strain by a single 167 kb plasmid,
designated pIP1031, belonging to incompatibility group C. Plasmids
belonging to this group are known to possess a wide host range and have been
shown to be transferable from E. coli to Acinetobacter (Chopade et aI.,
1985). pIPI031 was found to be transferable at an extremely low frequency
(5 x 10- 1°) from the original Acinetobacter isolate BM2500 to E. coli K12;
however this transfer could only be obtained with the initial isolate.
Detailed molecular studies indicated that loss of transferability was not
associated with any major rearrangements to the plasmid genome, nor to
integration of the resistance determinants into the host cell chromosome.
This situation was in sharp contrast to the situation in E. coli K12, where
pIPI031 was stable and could be easily transferred in further rounds of
conjugation. It therefore seemed that pIP1031 was not well-adapted to
carriage by strain BM2500, leading Goldstein et aI. (1983) to suggest that
pIPI031 had only been acquired extremely recently from an exogenous
source and that it was probably not a true indigenous Acinetobacter
plasmid. An additional interesting finding from the associated molecular
studies was that pIP1031 carried an unusual transposable module, designated
IS 15, which can exist in two, apparently not alternative, structural
configurations. IS15 can promote a range of genetic rearrangements and is
found on R plasm ids isolated from a large variety of Gram-negative bacteria,
perhaps thereby indicating its important biological role in plasmid evolution
(Labigne-Roussel and Courvalin, 1983).
second strain transferred gentamicin and B-lactam resistance to E. coli KI2,
but not P. aeruginosa. Unfortunately no further details of any of these
plasmids are currently available.
strain of Acinetobacter isolated in Japan. In a similar study, Devaud et al.
(1982) mobilised a 24 kb DNA sequence encoding resistance to
chloramphenicol, gentamicin, streptomycin, sulphonamides and possibly
tetracycline from a strain of Acinetobacter found in an intensive care unit
in Switzerland. The occurrence of multi-resistant nosocomial isolates of
Acinetobacter seems to be becoming more common, perhaps in response to
the increasing usage of antibiotics in hospitals, and we have recently shown
that a similar transposable DNA sequence encoding resistance to B-Iactams,
aminoglycosides, tetracycline, chloramphenical and sulphonamides can be
found in endemic hospital strains of Acinetobacter isolated in the United
Kingdom (M. Nikolic and K.J. Towner, unpublished results). Experience
suggests that Acinetobacter is a difficult organism to eradicate from the
hospital environment, raising the worrying possibility that strains of
Acinetobacter could act as reservoirs of antibiotic resistance genes for
more important pathogens if such chromosomally-located transposons
become widely distributed in clinical isolates.
resistance, it therefore seems that the failure to mobilise heavy metal
resistance to E. coli probably results from a transfer or replication barrier
rather than an expression barrier.
Further evidence that small broad host range plasmids of the pKLl
type may be distributed in strains of Acinetobacter on a world-wide basis
has also been provided by the study of Rochelle et aI. (1988), which
demonstrated that a 7.8 kb broad host range plasmid, designated pOM17,
was responsible for encoding mercury resistance in epilithic strains of
Acinetobacter isolated from the organically polluted River Taff in Wales.
Other mercury-resistant Acinetobacter isolates from this river contained
plasmids varying in size from 2.1 to 220 kb (Rochelle et aI., 1988), but it
seems that small non-conjugative plasm ids of the pKLl/pOM17 type may
play an important role in the maintenance and subsequent spread of mercury
resistance genes in natural bacterial populations.
associated with the generation of small 2.4 kb pKFl deletions. Attempts to
transfer or transform pKFl to other strains of Acinetobacter which could
not utilise PCBs were unsuccessful, but an apparently identical plasmid was
also observed in a strain of Arthrobacter present in the same original
cell surface properties of other Acinetobacter strains which do not
normally utilise hydrocarbons as the sole course of carbon and energy.
deletion of a segment of RK2 DNA that may be required for stable plasmid
maintenance (Ditta et aI., 1980; Lanka and Barth, 1981).
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Much controversy has been raised over the possible intentional release
of genetically engineered microorganisms (GEMs) into the natural
environment. The potential for microbial detoxification of pollutants, crop
protection and improved plant productivity make the proposition an
attractive one. However, before any such release can be permitted, there is
a need to understand the mechanisms of survival, expression, transfer and
rearrangement of recombinant DNA in microbial communities.
Panopoulos,1988; Stewart-Tull, 1988), it is possible to carry out some initial
risk assessments using contained model environments in the laboratory.
Among the questions which need to be asked are: (i) whether the organism or
its recombinant DNA will survive; (ii) whether the organism can multiply
and displace members of the natural population; (iii) whether the organism
will become dispersed away from the intended release site. The potential
consequences of transfer of recombinant DNA into the natural population
must also be considered. Much work has concentrated on the possibility of
gene transfer in the environment, but an equally important consideration is
whether the recombinant DNA would be stable, expressed or regulated in
potential recipients. The possible hazards posed by changes in the activity
or control of genes introduced into natural systems need to be assessed.
pLV1010 Q Sm Ap PL-xylE
pLV1017 P Ap Km Tc PL-xylE
In an attempt to overcome these problems we have developed a
versatile marker system designed to operate in a range of common
freshwater and soil microorganisms (Winstanley et aI., 1989). The system
involves detection of the xylE gene which encodes catechol 2,3 dioxygenase
(C230). Colonies expressing xylE can be detected on plates by spraying
them with 1 % catechol solution. A yellow coloration occurs due to the
formation of 2-hydroxymuconic semialdehyde. The marker gene is
expressed from the strong bacteriophage lambda promoters PL or PR which
can be controlled by the presence of the temperature-sensitive lambda
repressor elm. This enables the potentially deleterious metabolic burden
imposed on the cell by high expression of xyLE to be countered. In parallel
with the marker system we have also developed direct detection methods
which preclude the necessity to culture the target organism (Morgan et aI.,
1989). The marker DNA has been introduced into broad host range
plasmids to enable an assessment of xylE expression and regulation in a
range of common freshwater or soil bacteria. This has revealed significant
differences in stability, expression and regulation of the plasmid marker
systems in Acinetobacter compared with Pseudomonas, Klebsiella,
Aeromonas, Serratia and Escherichia coli strains. These differences,
and to a lesser extent differences observed in Pseudomonas, question
whether it is possible to predict the behaviour of recombinant DNA in the
event of gene transfer from one species to another in the natural
Fig. 1. IncQ marker plasmids. Abbreviations indicating cleavage sites for
restriction enzymes are: Ba, BamHI, E, EcoRI, H, HindIII, P, PstI, Sm,
SmaI, Xb, XbaI, Xh, XhoI. Ap, Km and Sm indicate resistance to
ampicillin, kanamycin and streptomycin respectively.
Table 2. Host Bacteria used in this Study
ADPl All plasmids
Escherichia coli
ED8654 pLV1010, pLV10ll, pLV1013.
AB1l57 pLV1016, pLV1017.
AB2463 pLV1016, pLV1017.
Pseudomonas putida
PRS2000 All plasmids
PaW140 pLV1010, pLV10ll, pLV1013.
PaW8 pLV1016, pLV1017.
FBAll All plasmids.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
PAOl All plasmids
NCIB8295 pLV1010, pLV10ll, pLV1013.
Pseudomonas fluorescens
FHl All plasmids
Aeromonas hydrophila
NCTC8049 All plasmids.
Klebsiella pneumoniae
NC18418 All plasmids.
K2819 All plasmids.
deleted pLV1010 derivatives. In each case the deletion included the loss of
one BamHI, one XbaI, one PstI and one EeaRI restriction site. Since one
of the two EeaRI sites on pLVIOIO is located in the still functional Sm R
gene, it would appear that a deletion from an area including the EeaRI site
upstream of xylE to the X b aI site downstream of xylE has occurred.
Table 3. Stability of IncQ Plasmid Constructs a
Strain Plasmid
ADP1 11% 30% 4%
ED8654 100% 99% 95%
PRS2000 98% 22% 90%
PaW8 100% 26% 98%
PAOl 90% 18% 51%
NCTC8049 100% 98% 94%
NCIB418 100% 99% 55%
Table 4. Stability of C230+ and S~ Phenotypes in ADPl
Growth Medium c
N broth N broth+Sm
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
A simple assay for C230 activity (Sala-Trepat and Evans, 1971) has
allowed xylE expression and regulation to be assessed in a range of host
strains containing the different marker plasmids. C230 specific activity is
expressed in Units/mg protein.
Unregulated C230 activity from pLV1010 was high in all hosts tested, with
levels of 62 U/mg and 52 U/mg recorded in P.putida PaW140 and PRS2000
respectively. Levels in P. aeruginosa hosts varied from 22 U/mg (PAOl) to
32 U/mg (NCIB8295), whilst good activity was also recorded in E. coli,
Klebsiella and Aeromonas (14-24 U/mg). Levels of 9.5 U/mg were
recorded in S. rubidiae, but the lowest activities were recorded in P.putida
FBAll, P.fluorescens FHl and A. calcoaceticus ADPI (5.5-5.8 U/mg).
It is no coincidence that these are the same strains in which pLVIOI0 is
highly unstable, even in the presence of antibiotics. Where plasmids were
known to be unstable in the host being investigated, antibiotics were
included in the growth medium from which samples were taken for assay.
However, the deletion of xylE from pLV1010 in strains FBAll, FHl and
ADPI inevitably leads to misleading levels of C230 activity being recorded in
these strains.
The generally higher levels of C230 activity which can be achieved with
IncO plasmid systems can be accounted for by a higher copy number
compared with the IncP plasmids. Higher uninduced C230 activity from
pLV1013 in some species may be due to the presence of Pseudomonas
promoters upstream of xylE.
There are a number of examples demonstrating the potential of soil
and aquatic bacteria to receive recombinant DNA in genetic exchanges
(Stotzky and Babich, 1986; Bale et al., 1987; Krasovsky and Stotzky, 1987;
Saye et al., 1987; Genthner et al., 1988; Zeph et al., 1988). There have also
been cases of non-conjugative plasmids being mobilised by indigenous waste-
water bacteria (McPherson and Gealt, 1986; Mancini et al., 1987). In the
event of gene transfer, effects such as differences in gene regulation and
expression or changes in gene stability, depending on the host, suggest that
the behaviour of recombinant DNA following release into the natural
environment would be difficult to predict. These kind of effects would also
make detection of the released DNA more difficult. It may therefore be
considered important to include an assessment of gene expression,
regulation and stability in potential natural recipients in the consideration of
the risk posed by the release of a GEM into the environment.
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Devanas, M.A., and Stotzky, G., 1986, Fate in soil of a recombinant plasmid
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in: "The Release of Genetically Engineered Microorganisms,"
p.245, M.Sussman, C.H. Collins, F.A. Skinner and D.E. Stewart-
Tull, eds., Academic press, London.
Stotzky, G., and Babich, H., 1986, Survival of, and genetic transfer by,
genetically engineered bacteria in natural environments, Adv.
Appl. Microbiol., 31:93.
Winstanley, c., Taylor, S.c., and Williams, P.A., 1987, pWW174: a large
plasmid from Acinetobacter calcoaceticus encoding benzene
catabolism by the .B-ketoadipate pathway, Mol. Microbiol.,
Winstanley, c., Morgan, J.A.W., Pickup, R.W., Jones, J.G., and Saunders,
l.R., 1989, Differential regulation of lambda PL and PR promoters
by a cI repressor in a broad-host-range thermoregulated plasmid
marker system. Appl. Environ. Microbial., 55:771.
Zeph, L.R., Onaga, M.A., and Stotzky, G., 1988, Transduction of
Escherichia coli by bacteriophage PI in soil, Appl. Environ.
Microbial., 54:1731.
be accomplished by the insertion of a non-replicative plasmid into the gene
of interest (Niaudet et aI., 1982). For the latter method, pBR322 derivatives
are normally used since they are not replicated in B.subtilis. Randomly
generated chromosomal DNA fragments are cloned into these vectors and
the recombinant molecules transformed into competent cells of B.subtilis.
Plasmids containing inserts homologous to regions of the chromosome
integrate efficiently into the chromosome of a wild-type recipient cell
(Niaudet et aI., 1982).
pSUP::Tn5-B20 to strain AACI stained equally blue on Luria-Bertani (LB)
plates containing 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-B-D-galactoside (X-gal) and
kanamycin (15 mg/l). In addition to this, all colonies were resistant to
gentamicin (10 mg/l). This resistance is encoded by the vector part of
plasmid pSUP::Tn5-B20. These results indicated that all the
transconjugants still contained the entire plasmid and that very few, if any,
transposition events had taken place. Sub-culturing of several of these
colonies in LB broth (without kanamycin), followed by plating on to agar
containing X-gal and kanamycin, resulted in strains that did show
differences in colour. This suggests that transposition takes place at a low
frequency upon further sub-culturing. However, the latter phenotype was
not accompanied by loss of gentamicin resistance. This shows that these
cells still contained at least part of the vector moiety of pSUP::Tn5-B20.
These observations indicated that straightforward transposon mutagenesis in
A. calcoaceticuswas not possible with the plasmids described above.
rearrangements. Lane 2, which contains wild-type DNA, did not show any
hybridising fragment. The restriction enzyme Bell does not have a
recognition site in the fragment encoding kanamycin resistance. Be II
digestion of the mutant DNA should therefore provide information about the
chromosomal sequences flanking the marker. Fig. 1 shows that the insertion
in the two lipase mutants was not identical (compare lanes 7 and 8). This
indicated that the marker in both mutants was situated at different positions
and that the mutants resulted from independent insertions. Whether the
same gene is involved remains to be elucidated. Similar results were
obtained for strain AAC211 (lane 9). Although Fig. 1 shows that this mutant
contained a Bell fragment of approximately the same size as mutant
AAC302, the two strains exhibited different phenotypes.
We thank Drs. E. Juni, R. Simon and J. Frey for providing us with the
strains and plasmids used in this study.
Breuil, c., and Kushner, D.J., 1975, Lipase and esterase formation by
psychrophilic and mesophilic Acinetobacter species, Can. 1.
Microbiol., 21:423.
Campbell, A., 1962, Episomes, Adv. Genet., 11:10l.
Fellay, R., Krissch, H.M., Prentki, P., and Frey, J., 1989, Omegon-Km: a
transposable element designed for in vivo insertional mutagenesis
and cloning of genes in Gram-negative bacteria, Gene, 76:215.
Juni, E., 1972, lnterspecies transformation of Acinetobacter: genetic
evidence for a Ubiquitous genus, 1. Bacteriol., 112:917.
Juni, E., 1974, Simple genetic transformation assay for rapid diagnosis of
M oraxella osloensis, Appl. Microbiol., 27:16.
Kleckner, N., Roth, J., and Botstein, D., 1977, Genetic Engineering in vitro
using translocatable drug-resistance elements, 1. Mol. Bi 01.,
Maniatis, T., Fritsch, E.F. and Sambrook, J., 1982, "Molecular Cloning. A
Laboratory Manual," Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring
Harbor, NY.
Niaudet, B., Gose, A., and Ehrlich, S.D., 1982, Insertional mutagenesis in
Bacillus subtilis: mechanism and use in gene cloning, Gene,
Simon, R., Priefer, U., and Puhler, A., 1983, A broad host range mobilization
system for in vivo genetic engineering: transposon mutagenesis in
Gram-negative bacteria, Biotechnology, 1:784.
Simon R., Quandt, J., and Klipp, W., 1989, New derivatives of transposon
Tn5 suitable for mobilization of replicons, generation of operon
fusions and induction of genes in Gram-negative bacteria, Gene,
Singer, J.T., van Tuijl, J.J., and Finnerty, W.R., 1986, Transformation and
mobilization of cloning vectors in Acinetobacter spp., 1.
Bacteriol., 165:301.
Vieira, J., and Messing, J., 1982, The pUC plasmids, an M13mp7-derived
system for insertion mutagenesis and sequencing with synthetic
universal primers, Gene, 19:259.
Youngman, P.J., Perkins, J.B., and Losick, R., 1983, Genetic transposition
and insertional mutagenesis in Bacillus subtilis with the
Streptococcus jaecalis transposon Tn917, Proc. N atl. Acad.
Sci. USA,80:2305.
A. Vivian
devoid of genes. Hopwood (1967a) postulated that the curious features of
this bacterium's genetic map might reflect repeated genome duplication
during evolution, while the so-called blank regions (devoid of both
auxotrophic and temperature-sensitive markers) could be artifacts of the
conjugation process or recombinational hotspots (Hopwood, 1967b).
It was against this background that the first efforts were made (Towner
and Vivian, 1976a) to establish a system of conjugal gene transfer which, it
was hoped, would lay the foundations for a complete genetic analysis of
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus and its many-faceted lifestyle. These
efforts have subsequently been largely overtaken by the, possibly mistaken,
belief that gene-mapping in bacteria is obsolete. Cloning and sequencing
have revealed much about the fine detail of particular genes. The debt that
most 'cloners' owe to the pioneers of E. coli genetics, who provided the
basic map on which the detail could be assembled, is often forgotten. In
many other bacteria, induding Acinetobacter, there will be an increasing
need to study the relationships that exist between groups of genes and their
overall genetic organisation; perhaps, as with so many other aspects of
scientific research, chromosome mapping will again become fashionable.
sequences of these groups have now been determined and potential
regulatory elements identified (Haspel et a!., this volume).
The broad host range conjugative plasmid RP4 (Datta et a!., 1971) was
originally isolated from P. aeruginosa. This plasmid, in contrast to its
behaviour in both E. coli and P. aeruginosa, was found to mediate
chromosome transfer between auxotrophically-marked strains of EBF65/65
(Towner and Vivian, 1976a). The origin of transfer, as determined by a
gradient of frequencies of marker inheritance in filter matings, was fixed for
a given strain inheriting RP4 from E. coli. Subsequent transfer of RP4 from
the initial donor strain (designated DO) to other derivatives of EBF65/65
conferred on the recipients the same donor characteristics. By screening
initial RP4 transconjugants (from a cross with E. coli) for those with
enhanced ability to mediate the transfer of an ile-l marker (normally
transferred as a distal marker by the DO donor), a novel donor (designated
D5) was also obtained. This enabled the circularity of the genetic map of
EBF65/65 to be confirmed (Towner and Vivian 1976b; Fig.I).
mid_1 mdl-1
ile-1 arg-8
pgc-1 arg-10
trp-4 ala-1 phe-1 trp-1
Hinchliffe and Vivian (1980a) also used the plasmid pA V1, originally
isolated from a hospital in Pretoria, to mobilise the chromosome. This
plasmid transferred at frequencies up to 10% (about 1000-fold higher than
RP4) between strains of EBF65/65. Transfer of chromosomal genes was
also up to 100 times more efficient, although it was not possible to discern
any clear orientation of transfer (Hinchliffe and Vivian, 1980b).
Nevertheless, the co-inheritance of markers transferred by pAVl has been
successfully used to map a number of catabolic genes on the chromosome of
EBF65/65 (Vakeria et a1., 1984; Fig. 1).
Table 1. Marker designations (see Fig. 1)
a1a-1 alanine
arg-3, -8, -10 arginine
cys-3 cysteine
his-1, -2,-6 histidine
i1e-1 isoleucine
1ys-1 lysine
met-1, -4 methionine
phe-1 phenylalanine
thi-1, -2 thiamine
trp-1, -2,-4 tryptophan
mdc-1 constitutive for mandelate
Rl regulon
mdd-1, -3 unable to grow on D(-)-mandelate as sole
carbon source
md1-1,-2 unable to grow on L(+)-mandelate as sole
carbon source
pgc-l unable to grow on phenylglyoxylate as sole
carbon source
rif-1, -5 rifampicin
str-2 streptomycin
personal communication from R. Twarog, cited in Hermann and Juni (1974),
discounts this observation. The latter authors described a generalised
transducing phage (P78) for A. calcoaceticus strain 78. Frequencies of
transduction were low and no evidence for cotransduction of markers was
near-uv irradiation, Ahlquist et al. (1975) concluded that EMS and NTG
were the most effective methods for the generation of auxotrophs. These
authors used an enrichment procedure involving vancomycin and penicillin V
with strain NCIB 8250.
Ackermann, H-W., Brochu, G., and Cherchel, G., 1973, Structure de trois
nouveaux phages de Bacterium anitratum (groupe B5W),
I. Microscopie, 16:215.
Ahlquist, E.F., Fewson, e.A., and Ritchie, D.A., 1975, The induction of
mutants of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus NCIB 8250 and their
selection by vancomycin, I. Gen. Microbiol., 91 :338.
Ahlquist, E.F., Fewson, e.A., Ritchie, D.A., Pod more, J., and Rowell, V.,
1980, Competence for genetic transformation in Acinetobacter
calcoaceticus NCIB 8250, FEM S Microbiol. Lett., 7:107.
Cruze, J.A., Singer, J.T., and Finnerty, W.R., 1979, Conditions for
quantitative transformation in Acinetobacter calcoaceticus,
Curro Microbiol., 3:129.
Datta, N., Hedges, R.W., Shaw, E.J., Sykes, R.B., and Richmond, M.H., 1971,
Properties of an R factor from Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
.T. Bacteriol., 108:1244.
Doten, R.e., Ngai, K-L., Mitchell, D.J., and amston, L.N., 1987, Cloning and
genetic organization of the pea gene cluster from Acinetobacter
calcoaceticus, I. Bacteriol., 169:3168.
Goosen, N., Vermaas, D.A.M., and Van de Putte, P., 1987, Cloning of the
genes involved in synthesis of coenzyme pyrrolo-quinoline-
quinolone from Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, I.Bacteriol.,
Haas, D., and Holloway, B.W., 1976, R factor variants with enhanced sex
factor activity in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, }Vl 01. Gen. Genet.,
144: 243.
Hartman, P.E., Loper, J.e., and Serman, D., 1960, Fine structure mapping by
complete transduction between histidine-requiring S a I m 0 nell a
mutants,.T. Gen. Microbial., 22:323.
Hayes, W., 1968, "The Genetics of Bacteria and their Viruses," Blackwell
Scientific Publications, Oxford.
Herman, N.J., and Juni, E., 1974, Isolation and characterization of a
generalized transducing bacteriophage for A c i net 0 b act e r,
I. Virol., 13:46.
Hinchliffe, E., and Vivian, A., 1980a, Naturally occurring plasmids in
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus: a P class R factor of restricted
host range, I. Gen. Microbiol., 116:75.
Hinchliffe, E., and Vivian, A., 1980b, Gene transfer in Acinetobacter
calcoaceticus: fertility variants of the sex factor pAV1,
I. Gen. Microbiol., 119:117.
Holloway, B.W., 1969 Genetics of Pseudomonas, Bacteriol. Rev., 33:419.
Hopwood, D.A., 1967a, In discussion to F.W. Stahl's paper: Circular genetic
maps, I. Cell. Physiol., 70(suppl.l):1.
Hopwood, D.A., 1967b, Genetic analysis and genome structure in
Streptomyces coeficolor, Bacterial. Rev., 31:373.
Hopwood, D.A., Chater, K.F., Dowding, J.E., and Vivian, A., 1973, Advances
in Streptomyces coelicalar genetics, Bacteriol. Rev., 37:371.
Jacob, A.E., Cresswell, J.M., and Hedges, R.W., 1977, Molecular
characterization of the P group plasmid R68 and variants with
enhanced chromosome mobilizing ability, F EM S
Microbiol. Lett., 1:7l.
Juni, E., and Janik, A., 1969, Transformation of Acinetobacter
calco-aceticus (Bacterium anitratum), I.Bacteriol.,
Neidle, E.L., and Ornston, L.N., 1986, Cloning and expression of
Acinetobacter cal co acetic us catechol 1,2-dioxygenase
structural gene catA in Escherichia coli, I.Bacteriol.,
Pines, 0., and Gutnick, D.L., 1981, Relationship between phage resistance
and emulsan production, interaction of phages with the cell-
surface of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus RAG-I,
Arch. Microbio!., 130:129.
Riley, M., and Anilionis, A., 1978, Evolution of the bacterial genome,
Ann. Rev. Microbiol., 32:519.
Sanderson, K.E., 1967, Linkage map of Salmonella typhimurium,
Bacteriol. Rev., 31:341.
Sawula, R.V., and Crawford, J.P., 1972, Mapping of the tryptophan genes of
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus by transformation, I. Bacterio!.,
Singer J.T., and Finnerty, W.R., 1984, Insertional specificity of transposon
Tn5 in Acinetobacter sp., I.Bacteriol., 157:607.
Stanisich, V.A., and Holloway, B.W., 1969, Conjugation in Pseudomonas
aeruginosa, Genetics, 61:327.
Taylor, A.L., and Trotter, C.D., 1967, Revised linkage map of Escherichia
coli, Bacteriol. Rev., 31:332.
Towner, K.J., 1978, Chromosome mapping in Acinetobacter
calcoaceticus, I. Gen. M icrob io!., 104: 175.
Towner, K.J., 1980, Behaviour of bacteriophage Mu in Acinetobacter
calcoaceticu.s EBF65/65, I. Gen. Microbio!., 121:425.
Towner, K.J., 1983, Transposon-directed mutagenesis and chromosome
mobilization in Acinetobacter calcoaceticus EBF65/65,
Genet. Res., 41:97.
Towner, K.J., and Vivian, A., 1976a, RP4-mediated conjugation in
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, I. Gen. Microbiol., 93:355.
Towner, K.J., and Vivian, A., 1976b, RP4 fertility variants in
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, Genet. Res., 28:30l.
Towner, K.J., and Vivian, A., 1977, Plasmids capable of transfer and
chromosome mobilization in Acinetobacter calcoaceticus,
I. Gen. Microbiol., 101:167.
Twarog, R., and Blouse, L.E., 1968, Isolation and characterization of
transducing bacteriophage BPI for Bacterium anitratum
(Achromobacter sp.), I. Virol., 2:716.
Vakeria, D., Vivian, A., and Fewson, C.A., 1984, Isolation, characterization
and mapping of mandelate pathway mutants of Acinetobacter
calcoaceticus, 1. Gen. Microbiol., 130:2893.
Vakeria, D., Fewson, C.A., and Vivian, A., 1985, Gene transfer in
Acinetabacter calcaaceticus NCIB 8250, FEMS
Microbial. Lett., 26:141.
Vieu, J.F., Minck, R., and Bergogne-Berezin, E., 1979, Bacteriophages et
lysotypie de Acinetobacter, Ann. Microbial., 130A:405.
Vivian, A., 1987, Acinetabacter calcaaceticus strain EBF65/65, in:
"Genetic Maps 1987, vol. 4," p.240, S.J. O'Brien, ed., Cold Spring
Harbor Laboratory, New York.
Zipkas, D., and Riley, M., 1975, Proposal concerning mechanism of evolution
of the genome of Escherichia cali, Prac. Nat!. Acad. Sci.
V SA., 72: 1354.
*corresponding author
Fig. 1. Designations for structural genes associated with the B-
ketoadipate pathway in Aeinetobaeter. The protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase
gene, formerly peaA, now is indicated by peaG and peaH which respectively
encode its nonidentical a and B subunits. Designations eatl and eatJ or
peal and pcaJrepresent the a and B subunits respectively of B-ketoadipate
succinyl GoA transferase. Structural genes for this enzyme were formerly
designated eatE and peaE. Gene designations correspond to enzymes as
follows: pobA, p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase (EG 1:14:13:2); peaG and
peaH, protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase (EG; peaB. B-carboxy-
eis,eis-muconate cycloisomerase (EG; peaC, T-
~ OR ~ OR
P -hydroxybenzoate 1,2-dihydro-l,2-dihydroxybenzoate
I I benD
~ OR "'" I
protocatechuate catechol
peaHG 02l 2
B-carboxy-eis, cis -muconate cis, cis -rnuconate
pcaB carS
LS o
:::----.. =0
Y-carboxymuconolactone muconolactone
/ calC
B-ketoadipate enol-lactone
II ealD
Fig. 1.
gene rearrangements took place as the Il-ketoadipate pathway diverged in
Acinetobacter and Pseudomonas. In some cases, gene rearrangements
resulted in divergent transcriptional controls. In other instances, the amount
of gene rearrangement exceeds the level required for divergent
transcriptional regulation. Third, genes for physiologically interdependent
steps in the B-ketoadipate pathway tend to be linked in supraoperonic
clusters within the chromosomes of Acinetobacter and Pseudomonas.
Selective pressures favouring this clustering have not been defined, hut the
genetic properties of Acinetobacter open this problem to analysis. Fourth,
genes carried in the Acinetobacter chromosome possess the potential
ability to interact. Some of the interactions are physiological and involve the
intermediacy of either regulatory proteins or inducer-metabolites. Other
interactions are genetic, as exemplified by sequence exchange between
nearly identical regions of DNA encoding isofunctional enzymes associated
with the Il-ketoadipate pathway. Fifth, entirely different patterns of DNA
sequence repetition were acq uired as homologous structural genes diverged
in Acinetobacter and Pseudomonas. The patterns suggest that sequence
exchange between slipped DNA strands caused mutations leading to genetic
divergence; repair events involving sequence exchange between slipped DNA
strands may contribute to conservation of the evolved sequences.
Table 1. Properties of homologous genes from Acinetobacter and Pseudomonas
Acinetobacter Pseudomonas
TTA codons for Leu b 6.0 29.6 37.5 2.4 0.0 0.0
AGA codons for Argb 40.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
athe catH and catR regulatory gene products recognise muconate as an inducer
and share an amino acid sequence identity of 40%. The genes differ in that
catH encodes a repressor whereas catR encodes an activator of transcription.
bExpressed as a percentage of all the codons
In general, CatM and CatR resemble each other more closely than
they resemble a consensus sequence for other members of the LysR family
(Henikoff et al., 1988). As illustrated in Fig. 2, the sequence similarities are
widely distributed through the primary structures of CatM and CatR, and it
thus seems probable that the muconate-binding regulatory proteins shared
their evolutionary history after divergence from other transcriptional
regulators. The inferred common evolutionary history for the muconate-
binding proteins is remarkable because they acquired opposite mechanisms
m ~ ~
Pseudomonas CatR ArgAl aAl aGl uLeuLeuHi sI 1eAl aGl nProProLeuSerArgGl nI 1eSerGl nLeuGl u
* * ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Aci netobacter CatM LysAl aAl aGl uLysLeuCysI 1eAl aGl nProProLeuSerArgGI n1 I eGl nLysLeuGl u
** * ** **** **
Consensus Al aAl aAl aArgAl aLeuHi sLeuSerGl nProAl all eSerArgGl nIl eAl aArgLeuGl u
130 140
Pseudomonas CatR Gl nVal Gl uAI aLeuLysSerGl yArgI I eAspI leAl aPheGl yArgIl eArgIl eGI uAsp
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Aci netobacter CatH Gl n1 1eAsnAI aLeuLysGI nGl yLys1 1eAspLeuGl yPheGI yArgLeuLysIl eThrAsp
* * * * *
Consensus ProGI uGl uAI aLeuArgAl aGl yGl uLeuAspLeuAl all eSerXXXAspProLeuHi sSer
230 240
Pseudomonas CatR GI uLeuGI nThrAI all eGl yLeuVal Al aVal Gl yVal Gl yVal ThrLeuVal ProAl aSer
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Aci netobacter CatH GI uIl eGl nLeuAI aLeuGl yLeuVal Al aAl aGI yGI uGl yVal CysIl eVal ProAl aSer
* * * * *
Consensus Gl ySerVal XXXMetVal Val HetLeuAI aAl aGI yVal Gl yII eAl aAl aLeuProLeuVal
predominance of ATT codons for isoleucine in the relatively AT -rich genes
from Acinetob acter.
noteworthy that a mutation in the cognate tRNA for AGA selectively lowers
expression of AGA-rich genes in Escherichia coli (Chen et al., 1990).
<--- ----------------------------->
Ad netobacter leatM leatB eatC eatI eatJ eatF caW I
<--- ---------->
Acinetobacter Ipear peaJ peaF peaD peaB peaC peaH peaG I
Ad netobacter leatB eatC cat! eatJ eatF eatD I
IIII11111 t i l l
Fig. 4. Organisation of eat and pea genes. Genes within operons are
enclosed in boxes, and arrows indicate the direction of transcription.
(A) In Aeinetobaeter, the eatBC sequence forms an operon with the
downstream eatlJFD region. A direct counterpart of the catIJFD region is
not present in fluorescent Pseudomonas strains such as P. putida. In
these organisms, the physiological function of the region is fulfilled by
the peal, peaJ, peaF and pc aD genes. (B) All of the structural genes
specifically required for metabolism of protocateehuate (Fig. 1) are
linked within the pea operon of Aeinetobaeter. Organisation of pea genes
in P. putida is relatively fragmentary. In the longest P. putida pea
operon, the transcriptional order of the linked peaB and peaD genes is
the reverse of that found in Aeinetobaeter. (C) In Aeinetobaeter, the
eatlJFD region appears at the end of the eat operon whereas the
homologous region lies at the beginning of the pea operon. Vertical
lines indicate near identity of the eatlJF and the pealJF genes in DNA
sequence. The eatD and peaD genes have diverged substantially in
Aeinetobaeter (Yeh et al., 1980a).
of benzoate. The most fully characterised supraoperonic cluster, associated
with benzoate metabolism in Acinetobacter (Neidle et al., 1987) is
depicted in Fig. SA. The complete DNA sequence of this 16 kb cluster has
been determined. It contains three open reading frames (ORF1, ORF2 and
ORF3; Fig. SA). The functions of these open reading frames are yet to be
clearly established.
Distance (Kbp) 5 10 15
1 I I I ,----, rl- - - - - - - - - - - - - , 1
benB benC benD ORF1 H catA ORF2 ORF3 H catM HcatB catC cat! catJ catF catD I
1 I 1 ~IL._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ---'1
-------------------------> --------------> <----- ----------------------------->
Distance (Kbp) 5 10 15
I ,----,
lpea! pcaJ pcaF peaD pcaB peaC peaH pcaG I-----------i~
Fig. 5. Supraoperonic clustering. The distances are in kb from the
translational origin of the first operon in the cluster. Arrows indicate
the direction of transcription. (A) The ben and cat genes are clustered
within 16 kb of DNA and are transcribed as four separate transcriptional
units. The catM gene encodes a repressor of both catA and the catBCIJFD
operon. Functions are yet to be assigned to the open reading frames
designated ORF1, ORF2 and ORF3. (B) The direction of transcription of
pobA is yet to be determined; this gene lies about 5 kb downstream from
the end of the pcaIJFDBCHG operon.
As described below, transcriptional control of the ben-cat genes is
complex, and it is evident that additional regulatory genes lie outside the 16
kb segment. The most persuasive evidence in support of this conclusion is
the observation that the cloned catA gene, carried on a broad host-range
plasmid in an Acinetabacter strain from which the 16 kb ben-cat segment
has been deleted, remains subject to induction in response to either
benzoate or muconate (Neidle et aI., 1989).
Thus far we have discussed chromosomal genes, and genes for the B-
ketoadipate pathway generally are associated with the chromosome.
Exceptions exist (Hewetson et aI., 1978). Of particular interest is the full set
of cat genes carried on an Acinetabacter plasmid associated with benzene
metabolism (Winstanley et aI., 1987). The distance between catA and catB
is greater in the plasmid than in the chromosome, and it is possible that there
are other differences in gene organisation. It is not known if the plasmid
carries a counterpart of the regulatory gene catM.
groups (Orns ton et a!., 1990a, b). Physiological and genetic interactions
between chromosomal Acinetobacter genes for the B-ketoadipate pathway
are discussed below.
Physiological Interactions
Induced by
----------------------> PROTOCATECIlUATE
Induced by
PROTOCATECHUATE ==+== Blocked by Mutation
! in ~ or I2£2!i
Induced by
region, but retain inducible control over catA and eatB (Canovas and
Johnson, 1968; Patel et aI., 1975). An interpretation of this finding is that
these mutant strains have acquired a promoter within or near eatB. This
proposal has not been explored genetically.
existence of such a thiolase has been confirmed by demonstration that
growth with adipate is unimpeded in Acinetobacter strains from which the
pcaF and catF genes have been deleted (L. Gregg, unpublished
cotranscribed benD gene. Similar observations have been reported with
genes associated with benzoate oxidation in Pseudomonas (Harayama et
aI., 1984).
Table 2. Expression in E.coli of catA carried in Acinetobacter DNA
fragments inserted downstream from a pUC19 lac promoter
athe specific activity of the catA gene product was measured as units of
catechol 1,2-dioxygenase activity I mg protein and is presented as the
ratio of observed activity to the activity found in extracts of benzoate-
grown Acinetobacter cultures. All of the recombinant plasmids carried
DNA inserts containing catA in the multiple cloning site of pUC19 and
orientated so that its direction of transcription lies downstream from
the lac promoter. The Acinetobacter DNA inserts in pIB1345, pIB1343 and
pIB1341 begin at the same site upstream from catA. The inserts in
pIB1341 and pIB1362 end at the same site downstream from ORF3 (Neidle and
Ornston, 1986; Neidle et al., 1989).
and 1 kb or more of Acinetobacter DNA upstream from this gene expressed
its product at relatively high levels corresponding to about 50% of the
specific activity in fully induced cells. This level of gene expression,
independent of the orientation of the insert with respect to the lac
promoter, was elevated six-fold when either benzoate or muconate was
included in the growth medium. Thus the 1 kb of DNA upstream from catA,
a region that does not contain a complete open reading frame, appears to
contain a promoter that recognises one or more regulatory molecules that
respond to either benzoate or muconate as an inducer (Neidle and Ornston,
1987). The regulatory molecules must be encoded by DNA lying outside the
16 kb of DNA which, containing known ben and cat genes, is lacking in the
Acinetobacter deletion mutant that acted as host for the recombinant
plasmids (Neidle et al., 1989).
represents about 10% of the E. coli soluble protein. The oxygenase purified
from E. coli contains only 20% of the specific activity of the same gene
product purified from Acinetobacter. It is possible that E. coli lacks
factors that are required for effective assembly of the oxygenase when it is
expressed at extremely high levels. Perhaps overproduction of the oxygenase
demands that iron be supplied at a rate that exceeds the limit which can be
supplied physiologically.
The pea genes encode all of the enzymes required for metabolism of
protocatechuate to citric acid cycle intermediates, and E. coli cultures in
which the enzymes are expressed might be expected to grow at the expense of
protocatechuate (Doten et a!., 1987a). Growth of such cultures is not
observed. Rather, the cultures rapidly and quantitatively convert
protocatechuate to B-ketoadipate. Evidently B-ketoadipate succinyl CoA
transferase, expressed at high levels in the E. coli cultures, is physiologically
ineffective in these cells. A possible reason for inactivity of the expressed
enzyme is the relatively low level of succinyl CoA, the required thioester
donor for B-ketoadipate metabolism, in E. coli (Jackowski and Rock, 1986).
Genetic Interaction
into close physical proximity so that the sequence exchange may take place.
Table 3. GC content and codon usage frequency in A. calcoaceticus genes
GC content 44+2 57 55 54
All values are given as percentages. The reference values are the
average observed with the structural genes pcaC, pcaG, pcaH, benA, benB,
benC, benD, catA, catB, catC and catD. These values do not differ
significantly from those found with biosynthetic structural genes from A.
calcoaceticus (Kaplan et a1., 1984).
The proposal that sequence exchange between cat /.T F and pc a I.T F
contributes to their conservation can be explored by examination of the
corresponding regions from divergent Acinetobacter strains. A major
contribution of sequence exchange to conservation would be reflected in
concerted divergence so that the two genetic regions retained their sequence
similarity as they diverged in different organisms. The natural
transformation system of Acinetobacter should allow replacement of either
catI.TF or pcaI.TF with a divergent region from another strain; genetic
interplay between the regions could be monitored in the recombinant
The NH 2 -terminal amino acid sequences of the enol-lactone
hydrolases show patterns of internal repetition (McCorkle et aI., 1980) and
also give evidence of sequence exchange between their structural genes and
catC during their evolutionary divergence (Yeh et al., 1978; Yeh and
Ornston, 1980). This evidence fostered the hypothesis that gene conversion,
the substitution of a DNA sequence from one chromosomal region into
another, may have produced extensive genetic variation during evolutionary
divergence (Ornston and Yeh, 1979, 1982). DNA sequences for some of the
relevant genes are now available, and they support the conclusion that such
sequence exchange played a significant role in the acquisition of DNA
sequences that distinguish homologous genes for the B-ketoadipate pathway
(Neidle et al., 1988; Hartnett et aI., 1990). The evolved genes seem to
possess the potential ability to form sets of slippage structures created by
hybridisation between misaligned DNA strands. An inference from this
finding is that the slippage structures, formed during evolutionary
divergence, may make a contribution to maintenance of the evolved DNA
sequence through mismatch repair between slipped DNA strands. In such
events, complementary components of repeated DNA sequences arc
envisaged as hybrid ising in slippage structures and exchanging sequence
information so that the wild type repetitions are maintained (Ornston et al.,
1- -a
Q- -£
110 C·-G 140 150 160 170 180
11111111 111I11 11111111 I
11111111 111111 11111111
10 11111111 20
30 111111 40
11111 I 50 60
::: II: I
:: : ::::: II: I:
11111111 III 11111111
:::::::: 100 II
210 220 I!!!!:!!!II !
230 240 250 260 I
111111111111 I
1320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 I
1990a,b). According to this view, mutations causing nucleotide substitutions
within one component of a repetition could be eliminated by mismatch
repair. Thus, as suggested for catIJF and pea/IF, events taking place at
the level of DNA metabolism could account for the maintenance of sequence
A. )
Acinetobacter Isomerase
40 50 60
*** * *** *** *' * * * *** *'
~ ~ ~
Pseudomonas Isomerase
B. )
Acinetobacter catC
lW 120 130 140 150 160 170 180
110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180
Pseudomonas catC
C. )
Acinetobacter catC
lW 120 ---li0 140 150 160
r·---> <---., <_ .. _, r·-·> <._-,
1 l' l' 2 2
3 3 4 4
L•• _._> < ___ ._J L._ •• > <_. __ J
110 'i'2O 13-0-- 140 """"i'5o' ---;60 170 180
Pseudomonas ~
Substrate m: His !!i!
Protocatechuate ProGlyProlEProTrpArgAsnArglleAsnGlu---------------------------------TrpArgProAlaHislleJ!i!PheSerLeulleAlaAspGly
* * * * * * * * * * *
Catechol ProAlaGlylEGlyCysProProGluGlyProThrGlnGlnLeuLeuAsnGlnLeuGlyArgHisGlyASnArgProAla!!i!lle!!i!TyrPheValSerAlaAspGly
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Chlorocatechol ProValPr0!l-rGlnlleProTyrGlyGlyProThrGlyArgLeuLeuGlyHisLeuGlySerHisThrTrpArgProAlaHisValHisPheLysValArgLysAspGly
Fig.9. Conserved amino acid residues in the iron-binding region of intradiol dioxygenases. Highlighted are two
histidyl residues that bind ferric ion within the enzymes. The amino acid sequence of the Bsubunit of Acineto-
bact:er protocatechuate oxygenase is aligned with the corresponding sequences of Acinetobacter catechol oxygenase
and Pseudomonas chlorocatechol oxygenase. Asterisks mark identical residues shared by the catechol oxygenase
sequence and either of the other sequences.
680 690
620 630 640 650 660 670 CACTATTTTGTTTCTGCCGATG
7~ 710 --700
< _____ 380
accompanied by gain or loss of the c> subunit that specifically binds the
protocatechuate carboxylate, a functional group that is absent in the
demanding its complementation of the catD mutation during growth with
benzoate. Thus it is possible to select and maintain mutants lacking
protocatechuate oxygenase in a genetic background containing a mutant
pcaD gene. This gene can be replaced with the wild-type gene when genetic
analysis necessitates separation of the protocatechuate oxygenase mutations
from other pca mutations. This procedure should facilitate investigation of
unstable protocatechuate oxygenase mutations and may give an insight into
the processes underlying repair of such mutations.
create Acinetobacter strains carrying deletions in pcaD (G. Hartnett,
unpublished observations). Successful selection procedures can simplify
genetics, and it should be noted that the pcaD mutants provide a genetic
background in which constitutively expressed DNA inserts within pcaG or
pcaH can be selected.
Research from our laboratory has been supported by grants from the
Army Research Office, the National Science Foundation and the National
Institutes of Health. Support from the Celgene Corporation has been
particularly valuable because it has allowed development of Acinetobacter
genetics. Kind permission to report unpublished research from our
laboratory was given by B. Averhoff, A.Benson, D. Elsemore, L. Gregg, G.
Hartnett, A. Harrison, J. Houghton, J. Hughes, D. Mitchell, E. Neidle, R.
Parales and M. Shanley. DNA sequences from the benABCD region,
determined by E. Neidle and C. Hartnett, were analysed in collaboration
with A. Bairoch, M. Rekik and S. Harayama from the University of Geneva,
Switzerland. This manuscript was organised and prepared under the expert
guidance of Susan Voigt.
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*corresponding author
E. coli
E (G) D c (F) B A
S. marcescens
E G D c (F) B A
A. ca/coaceticus II II
P. aeruginosa H..........J'
B. iactofermentum
E "G D c (F) B A
B. subtilis L.........J!
S. aureus
R. meli/oti
E (G) D c F B A
Table l. Codon usage in A.calcoaceticus trp genes
Codon AA trpE trpG trpD trpe trpF trpB
GGG G1y 4 0
GGA G1y 2 0 3
GGT G1y 16 10 25
GGG G1y 10 0 10
GAG G1u B 2 5 4
GAA Glu 27 20 19 4 19
GAT Asp 25 16 16 14 15
GAe Asp 6 1 4 0 11
GTG Val 14 9 6 10
GTA Val 2 5 6
GTT Val 11 3
GTG Val 14 6
GGG Ala 11 7 9
GGA Ala 14 15 12 17
GCT Ala 5 B 5 6
GGG Ala 7 5
AGG Arg 0
AGA Arg 0
AGe Ser
AAG Lys 6 6
AAA Lys 17 17 11 11
AAT Asn 10 11 10
AAG Asn 7 7
ATG Met 11 15 4 2 15
ATA Ile 2 0 0 1 1 0
ATT Ue 22 11 24 12 10 20
ATC Ue S 6 2 2 7
AGG Thr 5
ACA Thr 10
ACT Thr 5
ACC Thr 10
TM End 1
TAT Tyr 17 14
TAG Tyr 1
TTG Leu 13 9
TTA Leu 9 12 5
TTT Phe 17 6
TTC Phe 1 4
TCA Set 5
TCT Ser 4
CGG Arg 0
CGA Arg 1
GGT Arg 17 16
CGG Arg 5
CAG Gln 11 7 5 11
GM Gln 12 4 14 13 14 6
eAT His 9 8 6 5 12
GAG His 2
eTG Leu 10
CTA Leu 2
eTT Leu 10
CTC Leu 3
CCA Pro 12 3
GGT Pro 10 6
ceG Pro 1 0
operons. In E. coli the GD and CF functions are encoded in single
polypeptides, while in Serratia marcescens and B. lactofermentum only
the CF functions are encoded in a single polypeptide. In R. meliloti the
EG functions are located on a single polypeptide. The other examples
shown in Fig. 1 encode a separate polypeptide for every function. Thus, the
organisation of trp genes in A. calcoaceticus shows most similarity to
those in P. aeruginosa and P. putida. This result is also supported by the
amino acid homologies (see below).
The trpGDC (Kaplan et aL, 1984), trpE (Haspel et aL, 1990) and
t rp F B (Ross et aI., 1990; Kishan and Hillen, in preparation) determinants
have been isolated and sequenced. The results constitute a data hase for the
analysis of codon usage in A. calcoaceticus in general, and in the trp genes
in particular. The codon usage frequencies are presented in Table 1. The
codons with maximal AT content are generally preferred over the ones with
GC nucleotides in their wohhle positions. This preference is particularly
pronounced for the His, Pro, Phe, Tyr, Cys, lie, Asn, Lys, Asp and Glu codons
in all t rp genes presented in Table 1. Among the lie codons A TA seems to
be avoided and, as a result, the AT preference in this case is almost
exclusively achieved hy use of the ATT codon. No clear preference for AT
rich codons is found for Gly, Val, Ser, Thr, Leu and GIn. Interestingly the
codon preference of trpE differs for some amino acids from that of the other
trp genes. In particular, in the cases of Leu and Val, a preference for GC-
rich codons is found. Since trpE is unlinked to any other trp gene, this could
reflect a different evolutionary source of trpE (see below). The amino acid
Arg can be encoded by six codons. Among these, AGG is not used at all, and
AGA only at two positions. CGG is used only four times while CGC is used
23 times. CGA and CGT are used 11 and 53 times, respectively. This shows
a clear tendency to avoid certain codons. The reason for this is not clear;
however, they are under-represented in many other prokaryotic genes as well
(Grantham et aL, 1980).
10 30 50
70 90 110
130 150 170
V L F 0 LOG T L V 0 T A S 0 M Y RAM
190 210 230
250 270 290
310 330 350
370 390 410
430 450 470
490 510 530
550 570 590
K PDP L P L L H S v Q v M K TTl E N
610 630 650
-35 670 -10 710
730 750 770
E V V 0 R L 0 Q L I *
790 810 830
850 870 890
Fig. 2. Nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence of 850 bp upstream of
the A. calcoaceticus trpE gene. The amino acid sequence is given in the
one letter abbreviation. The -10 and -35 regions of the trpE promoter
are indicated by the lines above the sequence. The trpE gene starts at
position 858.
.... .. ........ .. . 80
...... .. .
ranges between 30% and 40% (Haspel et aI., 1990). Only the trpE gene
encoded by Clostridium thermocellum shows a similar homology (49%
identical amino acids). However, it does not contain an upstream reading
frame (Sato et al., 1989).
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*corresponding author
Table 1. Acinetobacter structural genes used in codon analysis
Table 2. Codon usage in Acinetobacter structural genes
Table 3. Percentage base composition of Acinetobacter structural genes
Codon position
C 20.7 22 .1 17.0
to calculate the overall base composition at each of the three codon positions
in the Acinetobacter genes analysed (Table 3).
Only one of the gene sequences listed in Table 1 showed any gross
differences in codon usage when compared with the calculated mean codon
usage. This was the gltA gene (citrate synthase) from A. anitratum NCTC
7844, which showed differences, especially in the preferences for codons for
phenylalanine, leucine, histidine, asparagine, aspartate and tyrosine. This
difference in codon usage may be a reflection of the level of expression of
this gene, or of its evolution, or it may reflect some other feature of the
genome of this particular strain.
Sektion Biowissenschaften
Bereich Biochemie
Karl-Marx-Universitat Leipzig
Talstrasse 33
7010 Leipzig
characterised by some special permeability properties. These are, as we will
show, most probably related to unusual features of its lipopolysaccharide
(LPS) constituent.
Table 1. Minimal inhibitory concentrations (mg/l) of antibacterial agents
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus
CCM 2355 b 1.2 nd nd
Acinetobacter lwoffii
CCM 5572 b 7.5 nd nd
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus
69-Vd 10.0 50.0 0.25
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus
CCM 5595 b 50.0 nd nd
CCM 5593 b 150.0 100.0 1.5
A. calcoaceticus CCM 5593
S. typhimurium LT 2
A. calcoaceticus 69V
4 6 8 10
Time (min)
much more susceptible to the lytic action of the strong ionic detergent
sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) than Enterobacteriaceae. While E. coli has
been reported to tolerate as much as 50 gil in the growth medium
(Lugtenberg and van Alphen, 1983), we could observe visible growth of
Acinetobacter spp. only up to concentrations of about 0.05 g SDS/I.
Table 2. Hydrolytic enzymes in Acinetobacter spp.
Enzyme Reference
surrounding medium without cell lysis or membrane blebbing. The latter
statement is in contrast to our observations concerning the export of B-
lactamase by A. calcoaceticus CCM 5593. In this strain the appearance of
an extracellular B-Iactamase is clearly accompanied by a release of the outer
membrane constituent LPS (Fig. 2). However, as postulated by Pugsley and
Schwartz (1985), cells may easily have developed different strategies to
overcome the outer membrane permeability barrier.
•• •
• o•
• •
Fischer et ai., 1984; Acinetobacter sp. ATCC 23055 and Its radiation-
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1985). A distinguishing feature in the protein composition of the outer
membrane of the Neisseriaceae might be the absence of a small (M, 10,(00)
lipoprotein which is present in the Enterobacteriaceae in large amounts
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Department of Biochemistry
University of Glasgow
Glasgow, G12 8QQ
accumulate· intracellularly and meet these criteria are generally regarded as
true energy reserves. Such materials have an ancillary characteristic,
insolubility in water. This is an advantage as they do not disturb the osmotic
balance of the bacterium in which they occur and, because of this, they are
found as inclusions within bacteria (reviewed by Shively, 1974). Glycogen,
glycogen-like polymers, poly-fl-hydroxybutyrate and other poly-B-
hydroxyalkanoates meet these criteria in many bacteria (reviewed by Dawes
and Senior, 1973; Dawes, 1986; Preiss, 1989). A general role for
polyphosphate as an energy reserve is more problematical (reviewed by
Harold, 1966; Kulaev and Vagabov, 1983) and it serves simply as a phosphate
store in many bacterial species.
wax content of nitrogen-limited stationary phase cultures, compared with
similar carbon-limited cultures, is typical of energy reserve compounds and,
solely on this basis, it was proposed that wax esters in this strain may be
energy reserves. In taxonomic investigations, Bryn and co-workers extended
the number of acinetobacters known to contain wax esters (Jantzen et aI.,
1975; Bryn et aI., 1977). The quantitative data presented in the latter paper
showed that only four of nine strains analysed contained wax esters. In these
strains the wax esters had chain lengths of between 32 and 36 carbon atoms
and were largely mono-unsaturated species. The total wax esters of strains
grown on complex solid media ranged from 1-5 mg/g dry wt. This value for
wax content is very similar to that found in other studies for either
exponentially growing or carbon-limited cultures (Fixter and McCormack,
1976; Fixter et ai. 1986). These more extensive studies showed that waxes
with similar general composition occurred in a further 17 different strains of
Acinetobacter (Fixter et aI., 1986). However, there was one significant
difference in that this work showed that strain NCTC 10306, which is
identical to strain ATCC 17907 included in the study of Bryn et ai. (1977),
contained significant amounts of wax in carbon-limited conditions (2.3 mg/ g
dry wt), while the previous authors found that this and a related strain
contained no waxes. The taxonomic potential of waxes or their alkan-l-ols is
still being investigated (Moss et aI., 1988), but it appears that clinical
isolates of Acinetobacter lack hexadecan-l-01 and octadecan-l-ol, and this
apparently indicates an absence of wax ester. This observation should be
treated with caution as it is based on the analysis of cultures grown on a
complex solid medium. Bacterial colonies isolated from this medium would
be expected to be a mixture of growing bacteria and bacteria in carbon-
limited stationary phase. The very low levels of wax esters found in such
bacteria may not yield detectable amounts of alkan-l-ols.
Table 1. The composition of wax esters isolated from Acinetobacter NCIB
8250 and Acinetobacter NCIB 10487 grown into stationary phase in
nitrogen-limited batch culture. Wax ester analysis was done using capillary
column gas liquid chromatography and the identity of the waxes was
confirmed by mass spectrometry. Tc, Trace «1% of the total). Data from
Fixter et al., (1986); by permission of the Editors of the Journal of General
Strain Strain
NCIB 8250 NCIB 10487
Fixter and McCormack (1976) and Fixter et ai. (1986) showed that 16
of the 17 strains which they studied had increased (5-20 fold) wax ester
contents in nitrogen-limited, compared with carbon-limited, stationary phase
cultures. This indicated the possibility that simple wax esters may be widely
used as energy reserves within this genus. Interestingly, the two strains
examined in detail by Baumann et ai. (1968) for poly-B-hydroxybutyrate,
strains ATCC 17902 and NCIB 8250, are among these wax-accumulating
strains, and this is possibly the reason for the failure to detect poly-.B-
hydroxybutyrate. The earliest report showing an energy reserve, possibly a
carbohydrate, in an acinetobacter (Clifton, 1937) was on the neotype strain
ATCC 23055, which is also a wax ester-accumulating strain (Fixter et al.,
1986). In strain NCIB 8250, more detailed studies (Fixter et al., 1986) showed
that bacterial wax content increased dramatically as growth ceased in
nitrogen-limited batch culture, and then increased more slowly in stationary
phase (Fig. 1). In continuous nitrogen-limited cultures, wax content
increased as specific growth rate decreased, while in carbon-limited cultures,
wax levels were lower and increased with specific growth rate. Limitation by
oxygen in continuous culture did not greatly change the wax content of this
strain (Dawes, 1986), which means that this strain is unable to use this highly
reduced reserve as a sink for reducing equivalents. Wax esters in these 16
strains meet the first criterion of energy reserves. Further, as wax esters are
degraded to carbon dioxide and water-soluble products during carbon and
energy source starvation in strain NCIB 8250 (Fixter et al. 1986), there is
evidence that wax esters meet the second criterion, since their catabolism
yields energy by the same final pathway as alkane catabolism (Asperger and
Kleber, this volume). Based on the measured rates of wax ester degradation
and the assumption that the major water-soluble product is acetate, the rapid
.1 ~
o -t-.........or-,-rT""r-r""'..,...,.....,-.-T""!"....--r--r..,..,;-r-or-,....--f-. 01
o 5 10 15 20 25
Time (h)
Fig. 1. The accumulation of simple wax esters in a nitrogen-limited cuI ture of
Acinetobacter strain NCIB 8250 . • , Wax content; 0, growth. Reproduced
from Fixter et al., (1986) by permission of the Editors of the Journal of
General Microbiology.
initial phase of wax breakdown would give about 40% of the maintenance
energy of this strain, calculated on the basis of the maintenance oxygen
requirement (Hardy and Dawes, 1985). The final slower phase of wax ester
degradation, when the rate is only 10% of the initial rate, makes an
insignificant contribution to maintenance energy needs.
Fig.2. Inclusions in Acinetobacter strain NCIB 8250. The strain was grown
into stationary phase in nitrogen-limited batch culture where it had a wax
ester content of 56.8 mg /g dry wt. Samples were prepared for transmission
electron micrography and freeze fracture electron micrography.
Transmission electron micrography (Fig. 2a) showed numerous inclusions as
discs (D) or rectilinear inclusions (R). Freeze fracture micrography (Fig.
2b) showed the plate-like nature of the inclusions and that they were layered
structures. Bar mark ~ 1 ~m.
Wax ester ,'"
, '
Alkan·l-ol ~
, '
t ;
Alkanal Alkanal '
R·CO-SCoA__ - R.COOH--- R-CH3
Fatty acyl eoA Fatty acid Hydrocarbon
\ I
Acetyl CoA
intracellular forms in several strains (Sherwani and Fixter, 1989). There is
evidence that the regulation of wax ester content is by changes in the rate of
wax degradation (Nagi and Fixter, 1981) rather than by changes in the rate of
synthesis, and this would be compatible with the proposal that mutants of
strain HOI-N which accumulate larger amounts of wax esters are unable to
degrade wax esters (Geigert et aI., 1984).
shows a typical feature of energy reserves in that the presence of a carbon
and energy source, whether added as acetate or already present as high
biological oxygen demand nutrients in the sewage, can improve the uptake of
phosphate and production of polyphosphate granules (Fuhs and Chen, 1975;
Brodisch, 1985; Ye et aI., 1988).
polyphosphate. Suresh et al. (1986) showed that the small pool of
polyphosphate was utilised for cadmium ion transport into strain JWll, but
that the large cytoplasmic pool was not used for ion transport.
strains of Acinetobacter, such as NCIB 8250, contain a polyphosphatc
kinase and a polyphosphatase which are responsible for their polyphosphate
metabolism (Van Groenstijn et al. 1989a), and in these strains
polyphosphate is simply a phosphate reserve. The most recent work
(Vasiliadis et al., 1990) has shown a high activity of 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate
polyphosphate phosphotransferase in certain acinetobacters, and indeed the
activities reported (55-92 nmoles/min/mg protein are approximately 100-
fold higher than those found in other species of bacteria (Wood and Clark,
1988). It would seem, therefore, that these types of Acinetobacter contain
a very unusual polyphosphate-metabolising system. Polyphosphate kinase
appears to be the major enzyme responsible for the synthesis of
polyphosphate in these strains because its activity is much higher than the
polyphosphate:AMP phosphotransferase activity present. Vasiliadis et al.
(1990) propose that the 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate polyphosphate
phosphotransferase, acting in the direction 3-phosphoglycerate to 1,3-
b isphosphoglycerate, plays a role in the utilisation of polyphosphate. This
proposal is based upon the fact that the strains were grown on acetate and
would be carrying out gluconeogenesis which requires the conversion of 3-
phosphoglycerate to 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate. In view of the difficulties
which other workers have experienced in assaying 1,3-b isphosphoglycerate
polyphosphate phosphotransferase (Wood and Clark, 1988), the purification
and characterisation of this enzyme would be essential to confirm the ideas
put forward by Vasiliadis et al. (1990). The factors which regulate
polyphosphate metabolism in acinetobacters have not been identified.
rt ~"':O,'""'_~
L (-) ~-Hydro,ybutyryl-CoA
• ,,
Butyryl eoA
used to investigate the effects of acetyl CoA, NADH and oxaloacetate on the
oxidation of B-hydroxybutyrate, and these compounds did indeed inhibit the
activity, but at high concentrations (Lotter and Dubery, 1989). The fact that
this enzyme activity has similar properties to the D( -)B-hydroxybutyrate
dehydrogenase from other PolY-B-hydroxybutyrate-storing bacteria may
indicate that this enzyme is involved in poly-B-hydroxybutyrate breakdown,
but this is not certain.
It would appear that there is good evidence that simple wax esters,
poly-B-hydroxybutyrate and polyphosphate occur in acinetobacters, or
bacterial strains at least partially characterised as acinetobacters. Wax
esters meet the three criteria which are used to define energy reserves: they
accumulate in conditions of carbon and energy source excess when growth is
limited by another nutrient; they are degraded during carbon and energy
source starvation; and their metabolism by the pathways known to exist in
acinetobacters would yield energy. On the basis of the known role of poly-B-
hydroxybutyrate as an energy reserve in other bacteria, this polymer can be
presumed to fulfil a similar role in acinetobacters. There are, however, few
studies on the physiology and biochemistry of this compound in well-
characterised acinetobacter strains. Polyphosphate can act as an energy
reserve in certain strains, as either the enzymes required for ATP synthesis
from polyphosphate are present, or there is evidence that polyphosphate is
utilised for ion transport in these acinetobacters. Other acinetobacters
would appear to use it simply as a phosphate store because they lack any
means of energy generation from polyphosphate. The fact that there are two
polyphosphate pools in some organisms, one of which can serve as an energy
reserve and the other as a simple phosphate store, means that
generalisations about the functions of this compound are difficult without
detailed investigations of the strains in question.
would provide no extra advantage to acinetobacters from sewage plants
which cycle bacteria between aerobic and anaerobic compartments. Perhaps
poly-B-hydroxybutyrate synthesis in these strains can serve as a transient sink
for reducing equivalents during the aerobic to anaerobic transition, and this
has led to the selection o'f POlY-B-hydroxybutyrate-containing acinetobacters
in this particular niche. It would certainly be of interest to learn more about
the physiological factors regulating PolY-B-hydroxybutyrate synthesis in this
group of acinetobacters. More subtle selection pressures may also be playing
a role. The density of poly-B-hydroxybutyrate is greater than that of water,
and the density of bacteria increases significantly as their poly-B-
hydroxybutyrate content increases (Pedros-Alio et al., 1985). In contrast,
wax esters have densities of about 0.8 g/ cm3 , much less than that of water
(Sargent, 1978), and thus an increase in the wax content of organisms would
give them a greater buoyancy. The acinetobacters from sewage sludge exist
in a bacterial community associated with particulate material. It is possible
that the greater buoyancy of wax-containing strains could make it more
difficult for them to become or remain attached to this material.
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l.A. Duine
Historical Overview
into those of the soluble form by detergent treatment (Hauge and Haliberg,
1964; Hauge, 1966a). On the basis of what is currently known, namely that
two quite different glucose dehydrogenases occur in this strain (soluble and
membrane-bound glucose dehydrogenases, represented by "s-GDH" and "m-
GDH" respectively), this observation is difficult to understand. The
"transformation" could be explained by assuming that both s-GDH and m-
GDH were present in the pellet and that m-GDH activity was selectively
destroyed by the treatment; membrane preparations do indeed show activity
with disaccharides and artificial electron acceptors (see e.g. Matsushita et
aI., 1988), and this points to the presence of s-GDH. In studies carried out
with several Acinetobacter strains, it was concluded that different forms of
glucose dehydrogenase exist (Duine et aI., 1982). However, the data on the
induction of these forms in the original strain (at that time deposited as
LMD 79.39) may have been biased by the fact that, as was later discovered,
the culture slant was contaminated with a Pseudomonas putida strain,
leading to the erroneous conclusion that A. calcoaceticus contains a
quinoprotein alcohol dehydrogenase (Duine and Frank, 1981; Beardmore-
Gray and Anthony, 1983; B.W. Groen, R.A. van der Meer and J.A. Duine,
unpublished results). On the other hand, it is clear that the glucose
dehydrogenases from the Acinetobacter strains are dissimilar. Different
glucose dehydrogenases have also been reported to occur simultaneously in
certain Pseudomonas species (Hauge, 1966a; Hayaishi, 1966; Vicente and
Canovas, 1973). It remains to be investigated whether these phenomena can
be explained by the presence of both an m-GDH and an s-GDH, or by a
single glucose dehydrogenase manifesting itself in different forms because it
is present in different environments. The curious result that the substrate
specificity for aldose sugar oxidation by whole cells is quite different from
that observed in cell-free extracts (Dokter et aI., 1987) can now be explained
from the fact that s-GDH shows no activity in vivo, as discussed below.
this genus cannot be fully trusted. Similarly, since most of the work has been
carried out with A. calcoaceticus strain LMD 79.41, the conclusions drawn
in this review apply only to this strain, unless explicitly indicated otherwise,
and care should be taken in making generalisations. In this connection, it
should be mentioned that this strain does not grow on glucose or gluconic
acid. Furthermore, compared with the sub-group which does have these
characteristics (Baumann et aI., 1968), it shows a somewhat atypical
behaviour as it does not grow on pentoses and does not produce lactobionic
acid from lactose. A recent identification by the criteria of Bouvet and
Grimont (1986) in two separate laboratories has now revealed that strain
LMD 79.41 belongs to either Acinetobacter genospecies 2 or 3 (Dijkshoorn
et aI., 1990).
General Properties
s-GDH has been purified (Dokter et aI., 1986; Geiger and Gorisch,
1986) and most of its properties are shown in Table 1. It is a dimeric,
strongly basic protein with a broad substrate specificity. Thus, not only
pentose and hexose sugars, but also disaccharides are oxidised; in this
respect, aldose dehydrogenase would be a better name. There is a
preference for the fl-anomer of glucose and the product formed is the 1,5-
gluconolactone (Hauge, 1960b). A substantial isotopic effect on the
reaction rate was observed with glucose labelled at the C 1 position with 2H
(Hauge et aI., 1968). Several artificial electron acceptors exist for the
enzyme (Hauge, 1966b). All are cationic or neutral species, as deduced
from the fact that 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol (DCPIP) is active only
below pH 6.5, but the pH optimum observed with Wurster's Blue is 9.0
(Dokter et aI., 1986). In a search for the natural electron acceptor, only a
cytochrome appeared to be active, not ubiquinones. Purification revealed
that it is a periplasmic, small, basic haemoprotein, called cytochrome b S62 '
and similar to a cytochrome from Escherichia coli with an unknown
function (Dokter et aI., 1988). A. calcoaceticus does not contain
cytochromes c. A start has been made on unravelling the cytochrome b
complexes (Geerlof et aI., 1989; Dokter et aI., 1990).
Table 1. Comparison of the properties of s-GDH and m-GDH
just as has been observed for methanol dehydrogenase (Frank et aI., 1989).
Ca2+ ions are required for the reconstitution of the apo-form of s-GDH to
active holo-enzyme (Geiger and Gorisch, 1989; B.W. Groen and I.A. Duine,
unpublished results). Absorption spectra of the redox forms of the enzyme
are depicted in Fig.I. The semiquinone form, which should theoretically
occur in the oxidative half reaction in which reduced glucose dehydrogenase
reacts with one-electron acceptors of the respiratory chain, has not been
studied to date.
Structural Aspects
<1l 0.08
300 400 500 600
The gene of s-GDH has been combined with a strong promoter and
expressed in E. coli so that substantial amounts of apo-enzyme could be
obtained; there was no holo-enzyme since E. coli does not produce free
POO (Cleton-Jansen et aI., 1989; van der Meer et aI., 1990). Since the holo-
enzyme has an extremely high turnover number of around 400,000 /min
(Hauge, 1966b; Dokter et aI., 1986), a sensitive assay for POQ could be
developed with these preparations (van der Meer et aI., 1990). Production
of the enzyme may also be important for other applications as the natural
holo-enzyme has been applied in an amperometric biosensor; the high
catalytic activity and oxygen-insensitivity of s-GDH are attractive aspects
compared with glucose oxidase (D'Costa et aI., 1986). Studies on the
binding and catalysis of POO analogues have been carried out with glucose
dehydrogenase from E. coli (Shinagawa et aI., 1986) and are in progress with
apo-s-GDH from A. calcoaceticus.
A Physiological Role?
General Properties
From the primary structure deduced from the DNA sequence (Cleton-
Jansen et aI., 1988a), it appears that the N-terminal part of the enzyme (140
amino acids) is very hydrophobic. Five hydrophobic regions, separated from
each other by hydrophilic amino acids, are putative membrane spanning
segments. There is no signal sequence and it has been suggested that the N-
terminal part anchors the enzyme to the cytoplasmic membrane (Cleton-
Jansen et aI., 1988b). Attachment should occur in such a way that the active
site is still available for sugars coming from the outside because no transport
mechanisms have been found. A domain motif has been found which also
occurs in mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase, coding for interaction with
ubiquinone (Friedrich et aI., 1990). Although the gene has been cloned and
expressed in an E. coli strain, production of adequate amounts of the
enzyme is still problematic since the cells were killed in attempts to achieve
high expression (A-M. Cleton-Jansen and B.W. Groen, unpublished results).
present (especially for gluconokinase) which become derepressed upon
mutation. The ability to grow on glucose can also be acquired by genetic
transformation (Juni, 1972). In principle, acquisition of m-GDH could
enable growth on those sugars which can be converted to assimilatable
lactones; indeed, all strains which can grow on pentoses contain glucose
dehydrogenase (Baumann et aI., 1968). However, in this connection it
should be mentioned that a lactonase, observed in several Pseudomonas
strains, has so far not been reported for this bacterium, and spontaneous
hydrolysis, especially of an aldonolactone from a pentose, scarcely occurs at
pH 7 (van Schie et aI., 1989). This could imply that, although an assimilation
route for a certain aldonic acid is available, in practice the rapid
acidification during the lag phase may prohibit growth if buffering of the
medium is not adequate.
Growth Experiments
glucose, added in a gradient form, gave a high yield of biomass (Muller and
Babel, 1986). The presence of an unknown pathway for glucose or gluconic
acid assimilation in this strain can be excluded since only low amounts of
label were incorporated by the cells in the presence of labelled glucose;
some intracellular labelled gluconate and 6-phosphogluconate was detected
(Kleber et aI., 1984), and no glucose uptake, as previously reported by Cook
and Fewson (1973). Very high growth yields were obtained for strain LMD
79.41 (De Bont et aI., 1984; van Schie et aI., 1987c). These increases were
found at pH 8.3, not at pH 7 or 5. Yield improvement was correlated with
lactone hydrolysis, as was especially clear for the experiments with xylose at
pH 7 where no hydrolysis and no yield increase was observed; however, it is a
puzzling phenomenon that energisation of the transport system via m-GDH
occurred under this condition (van Schie et aI., 1985). Checks with labelled
sugars also revealed that assimilation cannot account for the high yields;
with glucose, incorporation of 2.9% label in biomass and 9.2% in CO 2 ; with
xylose, 0.2% and 2.6%, respectively. Since the increase could not even be
explained from coupling of the dehydrogenase at the level of NADH, it was
assumed that the glucose oxidation step was able to improve the sub-optimal
metabolism of acetate. Unfortunately, the literature reports on the
efficiency of acetate metabolism and ratios are not unanimous. Thus,
acetate conversion has been reported to occur with variable yields (Du Preez
et aI., 1981; Fewson, 1985; Mi.iller and Babel, 1986; Gommers et aI., 1988);
these may be related to strain differences andlor dilution rates, and P 10
ratios of one (Fewson, 1985) and three (Meyer and Jones, 1973) have been
mentioned. Nevertheless, the conclusions with respect to strain LMD 79.41
may be premature because the experiments have subsequently been repeated
with a slightly different experimental arrangement and the very high yield
improvements could not be confirmed. This discrepancy could be related to
the easy flotation of this organism under certain conditions; cells are in the
gas liquid boundary layer and removed with increased efficiency in the
effluent (H. Noorman, personal communication). From recent experiments,
a more realistic increase was observed, as reflected by the number of moles
of ATP generated per mole of 02' which is twice as large on acetate plus
glucose than on acetate (H. Noorman, personal communication).
Summarising, it is clear that the pathway via m-GDH can lead to increases in
yield under appropriate conditions of growth, but that the quantitative
aspects still need attention.
Transport Studies
(Asperger et aI., 1981), it was concluded that the dehydrogenase step is not
rate-limiting and the bottleneck should occur somewhere else in the
respiratory chain. However, the conclusion does not apply to strain LMD
79.41, where differences in the affinity constant as well as in the maximal
rate were observed with different sugars (Dokter et aI., 1987). Thus, the
rate-limiting step may vary according to the organism and the growth
condition. Kinetically distinct pathways have been suggested for NADH and
PQQH 2 0xidation (Beardmore-Gray and Anthony, 1986). The dissimilarity
may be related to the location of m-GDH at the periplasmic site and of
NADH dehydrogenase at the cytosolic site of the cytoplasmic membrane.
Induction Experiments
ancient past, for which natural selection had no tools to remove the genetic
information, or that it has a still unknown function. The same difficulty is
met when one tries to explain the widespread occurrence of m-GDH apo-
enzyme in bacteria which do not synthesise free PQQ and which will most
probably never see PQQ in their natural environment (Neijssel, 1987).
Studies on glucose dehydrogenase remain relevant in order to answer these
questionable at this pH. Moreover, the oxidation rates rapidly drop at lower
oxygen tensions. Taking these restrictions together, one may wonder
whether A. calcoaceticus in its natural environment will benefit from this
enzyme for energetic purposes. The objections apply even more strongly in
the case of A. lwoffii, because it not only requires the high concentrations
of sugars, but also PQQ to functionalise its enzyme. Although one could be
optimistic about the chance that these conditions are met, is m-GDH really
designed for energy provision? For instance, the production of
gluconolactone or gluconic acid per se may be beneficial as it creates an
attractive micro-environment for A. calcoaceticus, but not for other
organisms. Support for this idea can be derived from the situation which
exists for those yeasts and fungi that contain glucose oxidase; this enzyme
catalyses the same reaction (although additional HzOzformation occurs, this
becomes rapidly decomposed by the catalase), but without yielding useful
energy. Perhaps the constitutive synthesis of the enzyme serves that
purpose, while the gene(s) to make a complete route for glucose catabolism
(gluconate kinase) remain silent until conditions are favourable for
derepression by mutation. The final conclusion is that, although it is clear
that m-GDH is able to function in an energy conserving process in A.
calcoaceticus, its ecological role and real function are still far from
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van Schie, B.J., van Dijken, J.P., and Kuenen, J.G., 1988, Effects of growth
rate and oxygen tension on glucose dehydrogenase activity in
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, Ant. v. Leeuw., 55:53.
van Schie, B.J., Rouwenhorst, R.J., van Dijken, J.P., and Kuenen, J.G., 1989,
Selection of glucose assimilating variants of Acinetobacter
calcoaceticus LMD 79.41 in chemostat culture, Ant. v. Leeuw.,
Vicente, M., and Canovas, J.L., 1973, Glucolysis in Pseudomonas putida:
physiological role of alternative routes from the analysis of
defective mutants,.T. Bacterio!., 116:908.
P.D.l. Weitzman
m. ,?K"", d""\
r isocitrate
rum\te )
SUCci~. 71utarate
Pi g. 1, The citric acid cycl e
The reader will already have jumped to the correct conclusion, though
for us, blinkered by our expectations, it took some time to realise and
convince ourselves that the large-scale growth of E. coli had, in reality,
resulted in the production of another bacterium which had dramatically
outgrown the E. coli inoculum. One organism dominated the large-scale
cultures and this was shown to be Acinetobacter calcoaceticus. Crude
extracts of this bacterium showed the same citrate synthase properties as did
the purified enzyme. It was the difference between these properties and
those of E. coli citrate synthase that suggested it would be worthwhile to
examine citrate synthases from a wide range of bacterial species to ascertain
both the generality of NADH inhibition and any other regulatory diversity.
Our survey (Weitzman and Jones, 1968) revealed a striking pattern of
enzyme behaviour with two clear-cut divisions. First, citrate synthases from
Gram-negative bacteria are all inhibited by NADH, whereas those from
Gram-positive bacteria are unaffected. Second, within the Gram-negative
group, it is only in the case of the citrate synthases from strictly aerobic
organisms that AMP reactivation of NADH inhibition occurs; in the
facultative anaerobes (such as E. coli) AMP exerts no such effect. The
subsequent examination of yet more bacterial citrate synthases, both by
ourselves and by other investigators, has essentially confirmed these
regulatory patterns.
desensitisation and, moreover, its hexameric molecule shows no ready
tendency to disaggregate into smaller units. These features enabled us to
examine the enzyme by electron microscopy and to look for gross
conformational changes accompanying interactions with the regulatory
effectors (Rowe and Weitzman, 1969). Measurement of individual enzyme
molecules in the electron micrographs clearly demonstrated that the enzyme
molecule undergoes an asymmetrical "swelling" on interaction with NADH
(i.e. on transition to the inactive state), and that this is completely reversed
in the additional presence of AMP (return to the active state). This
"visualisation" of an allosteric transition was a gratifying confirmation of
other, indirect, probes of conformational alterations.
We found a surprisingly high Krn value for AOP (about 1 mM) with
Acinetobacter succinate thiokinase compared with the value of the E. coli
enzyme (about 0.01 mM). This prompted us to test the Acinetobacter
enzyme with GDP. The Krn value for this nucleotide was around 0.02 mM, but
the same V rna< was displayed with GDP as with ADP. The apparent
"preference" of Acinetobacter succinate thiokinase for GDP over ADP
prompted a survey of a range of bacteria for the nucleotide utilisation of
their succinate thiokinase (Weitzman and Jaskowska-Hodges, 1982). The
bacteria could be classified into four groups. One group contained
Acinetobacter and a few other species, all of which had a succinate
thiokinase with a very high Krn value for ADP and a low Km for GDP. The
enzyme of a second group had a low Km value for both ADP and GDP, while
that of a third group showed a low Km value for ADP and a higher Km value for
GDP. The fourth group of bacteria had a succinate thiokinase which
appeared to function only with ADP. It is noteworthy that the grouping
together of bacteria on the basis of this nucleotide utilisation of their
succinate thiokinases shows some taxonomic rationale.
I hope that the brief description given here of the novel features of
some citric acid cycle enzymes from Acinetobacter has justified the choice
of title for this contribution. The study of the Acinetobacter enzymes has
revealed some very unusual and interesting properties, served as a stimulus
to the examination of other organisms, and led to the discovery of extensive
enzyme diversity.
Donald. L.J., and Duckworth, H.W., 1987, Expression and base sequence of
the citrate synthase gene of Acinetobacter anitratum,
Biochem. Cell. Bio!., 65:930.
J askowska-Hodges, H., 1975, The control of citric acid cycle enzymes in
Acinetobacter, PhD thesis, Univ. Leicester.
Jenkins, T.M., and Weitzman, P.D.l., 1986, Distinct physiological roles of
animal succinate thiokinases: association of guanine nucleotide-
linked succinate thiokinase with ketone body utilization, F EBS
Lett., 205:215.
Jenkins, T.M., and Weitzman, P.D.J., 1988, Physiological roles of animal
succinate thiokinases: specific association of the guanine
nucleotide-linked enzyme with haem biosynthesis, F EBS Lett.,
Jenkins, T.M., Eisenthal, R., and Weitzman, P.D.J., 1988, Two distinct
succinate thiokinases in both bloodstream and procyclic forms of
Trypanosoma brucei, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm.,
Kleber, H.-P., and Aurich, H., 1976, Control of NADP-specific isocitrate
dehydrogenase from Acinetobacter by nucleotides, FEBS Lett.,
Lloyd, A.l., and Weitzman, P.D.J., 1987, Modification of the
regulatory properties of Acinetobacter citrate synthase by cross-
linking, Biochem. Soc. Trans., 15:840.
Mitchell, e.G., and Weitzman, P.D.J., 1983, Reversible effects of
cross-linking on the regulatory cooperativity of Acinetobacter
citrate synthase, FEBS Lett., 151:260.
Morse, D., and Duckworth, H. W., 1980, A comparison of the citrate
synthases of Escherichia coli and Acinetobacter anitratum,
Can. J. Biochem., 58:696.
O'Neil. S., and Weitzman, P.D.J., 1988, Acinetobacter catcoaceticus
isocitrate dehydrogenase - fractionation, AMP stimulation and
hysteretic behaviour, Biochem. Soc. Trans., 16: 870.
Parker, M.G., and Weitzman, P.D.l., 1970, Regulation of NADP-linked
isocitrate dehydrogenase activity in Acinetobacter, FEBS Lett.,
Parker, M.G., and Weitzman, P.D.l., 1973, The purification and regulatory
properties of a-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase from Acinetobacter
twoffi, Biochem. J., 135:215.
Reeves, H.C., O'Neil, S., and Weitzman, P.D.l., 1983, Modulation of
isocitrate dehydrogenase activity in Acinetobacter
calcoaceticus by acetate, FEBS Lett, 163:265.
Reeves, H.C., O'Neil, S., and Weitzman, P.D.l., 1986, Changes in NADP-
isocitrate dehydrogenase isoenzyme levels in Acinetobacter
calcoaceticus in response to acetate, FEMS Micobiol. Lett.,
Rowe, A.J., and Weitzman, P.D.J., 1969, Allosteric changes in citrate
synthase observed by electron microscopy, J. Mol. BioI., 43:345.
Self, C.H., and Weitzman, P.D.l., 1970, Separation of isoenzymes by zonal
centrifugation, Nature, 225:644.
Self, C.H., and Weitzman, P.D.J., 1972, The isocitrate dehydrogenases of
Acinetobacter twofIi: separation and properties of two
nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate-linked isoenzymes,
Biochem. J., 130:211.
Self, e.H., Parker, M.G., and Weitzman, P.D.l., 1973, The isocitrate
dehydrogenases of Acinetobacter Iwoffi: studies on the
regulation of a nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate-
linked isoenzyme, Biochem. J., 132:215.
Weitzman, P.D.l., 1966, Regulation of citrate synthase actIvity In
Escherichia coli, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 128:213.
Weitzman, P .0.1., 1972, Regulation of a-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
activity in Acinetobacter, FEBS Lett., 22:323.
Weitzman, P.D.l., 1981, Unity and diversity in some bacterial citric acid
cycle enzymes, Adv. M icrob. Physiol., 22: 185.
Weitzman, P.D.l., and Dunmore, P., 1969, Citrate synthases: allosteric
regulation and molecular size, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 171:198.
Weitzman, P.DJ., and laskowska-Hodges, H., 1982, Patterns of nucleotide
utilisation in bacterial succinate thiokinases, FEBS Lett.,
Weitzman, P.DJ., and lones, D., 1968, Regulation of citrate synthase and
microbial taxonomy, Nature, 219:270.
Weitzman, P.D.l., Jenkins, 1'., Else, A.l., and Holt, R.A., 1986, Occurrence
of two distinct succinate thiokinases in animal tissues, F EBS
Lett., 199:57.
Sektion Biowissenschaften
Bereich Biochemie
Karl-Marx-UniversWit Leipzig
Talstrasse 33
7010 Leipzig
Ever since the description of wax ester formation (Stewart and Kallio,
1959) by a Gram-negative, hexadecane-oxidising coccus (Stewart et aI.,
1959), originally called Micrococcus cerificans HOI-N (Finnerty et aI.,
1962), research with strains of Acinetobacter has contributed substantially
to most reviews of microbial n-alkane metabolism (e.g. McKenna and Kallio,
1965; van der Linden and Thijsse, 1965; Davis, 1967; Klug and Markovetz,
1971; Gutnick and Rosenberg, 1977; Ratledge, 1978: Aurich, 1979;
Einsele, 1983; Buhler and Schindler, 1984; Singer and Finnerty, 1984a,b).
There are some review articles devoted mainly to aspects of n-alkane
metabolism by Acinetobacter (Finnerty, 1977; Kleber et aI., 1983, 1985;
Finnerty and Singer, 1985; Rosenberg and Kaplan, 1987), but most consider
only special topics or are restricted to individual strains. It is now more than
ten years since this subject was covered in a general review on
Acinetobacter (Juni, 1978). It is therefore the aim of this article, by
summarising most of the available results related to n-alkane metabolism of
Acinetobacter, to outline the importance of Acinetobacter research for
the understanding of microbial hydrocarbon oxidation, and contribute to a
comprehensive view of the biochemistry and physiology of this genus.
not been detected in strains that have been well-studied with respect to n-
alkane assimilation (Acinetobacter sp. HOI-N, Singer & Finnerty, 1984b;
A.calcoaceticus 69-V, O. Asperger, unpublished results.) Data on the
genes encoding alkane assimilation by Acinetobacter are so far only
preliminary. Attempts by Singer and Finnerty (1984c) to obtain mutants by
means of transpositional methods failed, but, as a result of chemically
induced point mutations, 120 alkane-negative mutants (C 12 -C16 ) that were
palmitate-positive and also grew well with alcohols and aldehydes (C 12 -C 16 )
have been isolated from strains H01-N and BD413 (Singer and Finnerty,
1984b). The mutants clustered into ten groups on the basis of reciprocal
transformation crosses. From intergroup crosses, it was concluded that at
least two distinct unlinked loci (alk x and alk y) were necessary for alkane
oxidation by Acinetobacter.
Table 1. Utilisation of n-alkanes as sole carbon source by Acinetobacter
strains as a function of the chain-length
References: (1) Finnerty et al., 1962; (2) Kleber et al., 1973; (3)
Kleber et al., 1983; (4) Fewson, 1967; (5) Grant, 1973; (6) Breuil et
al., 1978.
to 75
E 50
"" 25
10 15 20
Chain length
~'" 75
~ 50
.. 25
5 15
Chain length
Table 2. Substrates of n-alkane monooxygenases of Acinetobacter as detected
by growth experiments or by respiration studies with n-alkane-induced cells
Ketones Heptadecan-9-
Hexadecan-3-one Hexadecan-3-
Tridecan-7-one Tridecan-2-one
1so- Methylpentadecanes
alkanes (2-; 3-; 4-; 5-;
6 -; 7 - and 8-
Thioether Dioctylsulphide
Table 3. Lipid accumulation by Acinetobacter sp. HOl-N in (A) cells and
(B) culture broth during late exponential phase growth on n-hexadecane or n-
hexadecanol. Cell accumulation is expressed in terms of ~mol/mg dry
weight, and broth accumulation in terms of ~mol/l
Table 4. Components of wax esters produced by Acinetobacter sp. HOl-N
after growth on different n-alkanes and alkane derivatives
References: (1) Stewart and Kallio, 1959; (2) Stewart et al., 1959; (3)
Stevenson et al., 1962; (4) Stewart et al., 1960; (5) Kollatukudy and
Hankin, 1968.
Table 5. Percentage fatty acid composition of Acinetobacter sp. H01-N after
growth on different n-a1kanes (data from Maku1a and Finnerty, 1968)
Table 6. Formation of surface-active compounds by Acinetobacter
References: (1) Rosenberg et al., 1979; (2) Zuckerberg et al., 1979; (3)
Kaplan and Rosenberg, 1982; (4) Rosenberg and Kaplan, 1987; (5) Neufeld
and Zajic, 1984; (6) Kappeli and Finnerty, 1979; (7) Kappeli and Finnerty,
1980; (8) Claus et al., 1984.
One of the exciting discoveries arising from studies of n-alkane
assimilation by Aci net 0 b a c te r has been the detection of intracellular
membrane-surrounded alkane inclusions and intracytoplasmic membranes in
alkane-grown Acinetobacter sp. H01-N (Kennedy et aI., 1975; Kennedy
and Finnerty, 1975; Scott and Finnerty, 1976a,b) and A. calcoaceticus 69-
V (Muller et aI., 1983). Inclusion membranes of strain H01-N have been
described as monolayers (Scott and Finnerty, 1976b), whereas bilayers have
been claimed for strain 69-V (Miiller et aI., 1983). These intracellular
membranes have been discussed as possible sites for the location of the
initial enzymes of alkane oxidation, but firm evidence in support of this view
has still to be provided.
Table 7. Cytochrome composition of various strains of Acinetobacter
grovm on n-hexadecane
abc d 0 P-450
69-V + + (1)
CCM2355 + + (2)
CCM5591+ + + (2 )
CCM5595 + + (2)
CCM5572 + + (2)
CCM2376 + + (2)
EB1l4 + + (2)
EB102 + + + (2)
EB103 + + + (2)
EB104 + + + (2)
EB10C + + + (2)
EB10D + + + (2)
EB1l3 + + + (2)
A6E + (3)
ATCC33305 (3)
AH60 (3)
DON2 (3)
H01-N + + + (4)
alcohols and fatty acids were identified as the main products of alkane
oxidation, indicating the functioning of alkane monooxygenases, alcohol
dehydrogenases and aldehyde dehydrogenases in cell-free extracts. Alkane
oxidation by cell-free extracts of strain 69-V and EB104 was oxygen- and
NADH-dependent, providing evidence for a monooxygenase as the initial
enzyme of alkane oxidation.
proteins that were potential components of monooxygenases. Cytochrome
P-450 - the alkane monooxygenase of yeasts - is absent from most of the
strains of Acinetobacter that have been traditionally investigated, but
occurs in certain strains (Table 7; Asperger et aI., 1978b, 1981b). It is
induced in strain EB104 by a broad variety of aliphatic and aromatic
hydrocarbons (Asperger et aI., 1984, 1985b) and induction can be enhanced
by oxygen limitation (Asperger et al., 1986).
and an iron content of 1 mol/mol (Aurich et aI., 1976). Since the rubredoxin
was induced by growth on n-alkanes, as determined by means of a
radioimmunoassay (Claus et aI., 1980a,b), it can be supposed that the alkane
monooxygenase of A. calcoaceticus 69-V is a rubredoxin-dependent
enzyme comparable to that of P.oleovorans (Fig.2; Coon et aI., 1973).
NADH, Alkane
Rubredoxin Terminal Alkanol
Reductase Oxidase
Ferredoxin Cytochrome
Reductase Alkanol
NAD" P-450
fraction (Asperger et aI., 1983). It may therefore be proposed that the
enhancement of activity by particulate cell fractions occurs because alkanes
can be accommodated by the help of membranous phospholipid-rich
structures. Reconstitution experiments with cell-free components of the
alkane monooxygenase system should help to test the validity of this
hypothesis. With the cytochrome P-450 system from Acinetobacter, a cell-
free alkane monooxygenase from long-chain n-alkane-assimilating bacteria
is available for the first time. Because of its soluble nature, it should be a
suitable model system for exploring the mechanisms that achieve high
intracellular conversion rates of such extremely hydrophobic substrates as n-
Fatty acids produced by the initial steps of alkane oxidation are either
directly incorporated into cellular lipids or waxes, or they are rapidly further
degraded by B-oxidation. Nothing is known about the specificity or
regulation of the enzymes involved in these processes. There has been
intensive study of the tricarboxylic acid cycle enzymes and the anaplerotic
sequences involved in alkane assimilation by A. calcoaceticus 69-V (Kleber
and Aurich, 1973, 1974; Kleber, 1978). lsocitrate lyase and malate
References: (1) Tauchert et al., 1976; (2) Tauchert et al., 1975; (3)
Jirausch et al., 19S6; (4) Singer and Finnerty, 19S5b.
Table 9. Aldehyde dehydrogenases of alkane-cultivated strains of Acinetobacter
References: (1) Aurich and Eitner, 1977; (2) Aurich et a1., 1983; (3)
Klossek et a1., 198.5; (4) Singer and Finnerty, 198.5a.
dehydrogenase, key enzymes for the metabolism of excess C2 -substrates, are
repressed in the presence of carbohydrates, phosphoenolpyruvate, or during
growth on C4-dicarboxylic acids. However, they are induced by n-alkanes,
fatty acids, and acetate, whereas malic enzyme' is repressed under these
conditions (Kleber, 1973, 1978), avoiding the loss of C4 -units of the citric
acid cycle. In addition, fatty acids and acetyl-CoA inhibit the latter enzyme
(Kleber, 1975). Thus, this Acinetobacter is well-equipped for the
metabolism of n-alkanes via oxidation to fatty acids followed by B-oxidation.
Induced levels of isocitrate lyase and malate dehydrogenase, as well as the
repression of malic enzyme in n-alkane-grown cells, contribute to such a
catabolic pathway.
It remains an open question whether or not formation of lipase by
Acinetobacter plays a functional role in n-alkane metabolism. Production
of lipase during growth on n-alkanes has been reported for strain A.lwoffii
016 (Breuil et aI., 1978) and for strain A. calcoaceticus 69-V (Haferburg
and Kleber, 1982, 1983). Little or no activity is observed during growth on
defined media with non-hydrocarbons as carbon sources. Lipase production
occurs in complex media and is largely enhanced by fatty acid esters and
certain detergents (Breuil et aI., 1978; Haferburg and Kleber, 1982). Thus,
lipase production may be more a consequence of, than a prerequisite for,
alkane metabolism. There are no other extracellular enzymes known so far
whose production is linked to alkane utilisation.
Enzymes of fatty acid biosynthesis have not yet been studied in detail,
although Sampson and Finnerty (1974) found evidence for their repression in
Acinetobacter sp. H01-N growing at the expense of n-hexadecane.
monooxygenases in cellular membranes is not very probable. Nevertheless,
the necessity of superstructural assemblies for n-alkane oxidation becomes
evident when rates of n-alkane conversion by intact cells (up to 100
nmol/min/mg protein), as calculated from the growth rates, are compared
with maximum activities of cell-free extracts or reconstituted alkane
monooxygenase systems (about 1 nmol/min/mg protein). It is to be hoped
that the isolated cytochrome P-450 system from A. calcoaceticus EBI04
will provide an appropriate instrument for studying these questions and for
gaining more insights into the cellular organisation of bacterial systems that
can oxidise strongly hydrophobic compounds.
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C.A. Fewson
;Department of Biochemistry
University of Glasgow
iGlasgow G12 800
degrade a great range of aromatic compounds (Fewson, 1967a) and was used
in some of the earliest studies on the elucidation of the metabolic pathways
by which dihydric phenols are subjected to intra-dial ring-cleavage and then
converted into B-ketoadipate (Evans and Happold, 1939; Evans, 1947; Kilby
1948, 1951; reviewed by Stanier and Oms ton, 1973).
So far as the initial stages are concerned, Acine to b ac ter is not motile
and has to make do with substrates that are present in its immediate
environment. The possibility of it using emulsifying agents to solubilise
potential substrates in natural environments is only hinted at, despite the
~~{T"'" ?"'>~y
peripheral pathways
\ 1
\ /
p-ketoadipate and mela pathways
protocateclllJ Ic
\2 b d
C 01
cC a
.oo~ fH 2 COOH
~I ::-.,.1
::-.,. OH
gentisic homogentisic
aCid acid OH
9r if
3-(2. 3-dlhydroxyphenyl-) homoprotocatechu I c
propionic acid aCid
02 02
HOOC 02 O2
... I H2~H HOOC O
::-.,. ~I ~ c&<ir3
OH 1H2
(J: OH
great deal of work that has been done on the emulsifiers which it produces
(Gutnick et aI., this volume). Entry into the cell is often assumed to be by
free diffusion, but there is evidence that A. calcaaceticus possesses
specific transport mechanisms for even such simple aromatic compounds as
benzoate and mandelate (Cook and Fewson, 1972; Fewson, 1988),
The great majority of work that has been done on the utilisation of
aromatic compounds by Acinetabacter and other microorganisms has been
concerned with elucidating the metabolic pathways which are involved in the
breakdown of these compounds and how these pathways are regulated. All
the dozens, probably hundreds, of aromatic compounds that can be degraded
by microorganisms are converted by converging, peripheral metabolic
pathways into a small handful of dihydric phenols. These key intermediates
are then subjected to intra-diol (artha) or extra-diol (meta) ring-cleavage
(e.g. Dagley, 1978; Fewson, 1981). In Acinetabacter spp., just seven such
compounds have been identified (Fig. 2). Of these, catechol and
protocatechuate serve as the points of convergence of a particularly wide
range of peripheral degradative pathways (Figs. 3 and 4). In the great
ethyl methyl
m,"~ 7''''''
D-ma~ /ndelate 2-hYdrOXYfandelate
L-lormylkynurenine phenylglyoxylate 2-hydroxyphenylglyoxylate 2-hydroxybenzyl alcohol
benzyl _____ (saligenin)
alcohol '-..... ~ I ____
~ benzaldehyde 2-hydroxybenzaldehyde
~\ . 1 I
. . \ 2-h ydroxy benzoate ________
------.. aniline benzoate phenol (salicylate)
anthranilate ~
glycerol ether
--... gUaiaCOI~ benzene
Fig. 3.
Conversion of aromatic compounds into catechol by various strains of
Acinetobacter. Based on Kennedy and Fewson (1968), Grant (1971), Stanier and
Ornston (1973), Grant et al. (1975), Wyndham (1986), Winstanley et al. (1987),
Vasudevan and Mahadevan (1989).
4·hydroxymandelate +I 3·methoxy·4·hydroxybenzyl
~ 3.methOXY.4.hYdrOXYPhenYlgIYOXYlate/
4·hydroxyphenylglyoxylate ~ 3,4·dihyroxymandelate
.hYdrOXYbenZYI 3·methoxy-4·hydroxybenzaldehyde /
3'PhenrroPionate alCr OI Ivatllin) 3,4·dihydroxyphenylglyoxylate
. j
cinnamate .. .. / /qUinate
4-hydroxybenzaldehyde 3-methoxy-4-hydroxybenzoate
(vanillate) 5-dehydroquinate
4·hydroxybenzoale / 5·dehydroshikimale ~
~protocatechuale ~
phosphorylation; e.g. mandelate supports a slightly higher molar growth
yield of A. calcoaceticus NCIB8250 than does phenylglyoxylate,
presumably because the flavin-linked mandelate dehydrogenase leads to
additional production of ATP (Fewson, 1985).
One of the problems that dogs much of the research in this area is the
lack of commercial availability and/or instability of many of the potential
metabolic intermediates. In many cases they have to be synthesised
enzymically as required and acinetobacters can be used for this purpose (e.g.
Darrah and Cain, 1969).
1987a,b). Many of the relevant genes have been cloned and sequenced
(Neidle and Ornston, 1986; Shanley et al., 1986, 1989; Doten et al., 1987a;
Neidle et al., 1987, 1988; Hughes et al., 1988; Ornston and Neidle, this
volume). The combined results from this sustained attack have led to some
of the most original and intriguing speculations concerning the evolution of
any metabolic pathway (e.g. Canovas et al., 1967; Stanier and Ornston, 1973;
Ornston and Parke, 1977; Ornston and Yeh, 1981). Current thinking is
summarised by Ornston and N eidle (this volume).
It is not known how mandelate and benzyl alcohol enter the cell. In
very preliminary experiments it appeared that there was a barrier against the
entry of mandelate into A. calcoaceticus NCIB8250 unless the bacteria
had been grown under conditions where the mandelate-utilising enzymes
were induced (Cook and Fewson, 1972). The implication was that there is a
specific and inducible uptake system for mandelate. If so, it may be required
only at low extracellular concentrations of mandelate when the lipid-
solubility of the substrate will not be sufficient to maintain adequate
intracellular concentrations. Transport systems are usually stereospecific,
phenylglvoxvliC acid
6 00
benzyl alcohol
benza I dehyde
e H20""j
2H~~ ~""""2H
H20 f
benzoic acid
The pathway for the conversion of mandelate and benzyl alcohol into
benzoate by A. calcoaceticus (Fig. 5) is the same as that found in some
pseudomonads, and was elucidated by: (a) experiments on simultaneous
adaption; (b) measurement of the relevant enzyme activities; and (c) the
detection and utilisation of intermediates (Kennedy and Fewson, 1968a,b;.
benzoic acid
h benzene
3, 5-cyclohexadi ene- O2
OH 1,2-diol-l-carboxylic acid f 2H
b ~C02 H OH
t- 2H
OH ~v-
OH ~{ benzene cis -glycol
1 2H
CO 2 h
e H20
cis,cis -mucon I c ac I d
Fig. 6. Oxygenati ve formation and metabolism of catechol by various strains
of Acinetobacter. Based on Kennedy and Fewson (1968a,b), Reiner
(1971), Winstanley et a1. (1987), Fewson (1988).
dehydrogenases (Fig. 5a,b). Strain NCIB8250 can grow on only the L-
enantiomer and has an L-mandelate dehydrogenase (Fig. 5b), but no D-
mandelate dehydrogenase, whereas strain EBF65/65 can grow on only the D-
enantiomer and has just the D-mandelate dehydrogenase (Fig. 5a). Both of
these strains give rise to mutants that can grow on the second enantiomer.
In every case this is because of the appearance of an extra dehydrogenase,
specific for the other enantiomer (Hills and Fewson, 1983a). All of the
enzymes that convert mandelate and benzyl alcohol into benzoate have now
been purified from A. calcoaceticus NCIB8250, EBF65/65 or their
Phenylglyoxylate decarboxylase (Fig. 5c) is a tetrameric, TPP-
dependent enzyme with a sub-unit M, of 58,000 (Barrowman and Fewson,
1985) which is at least superficially similar to the familiar yeast pyruvate
decarboxylase (Barrowman et al., 1986).
The two enzymes that convert benzoate into catechol (Fig. 6a,b) have
not been purified from A. calcoaceticus, but they have been well-
characterised in other organisms (Reiner, 1971; references in Fewson,
The mandelate enzymes of A. caLcoaceticus are subject to some sort
of catabolite repression (e.g. by succinate) and to feedback repression (e.g.
by benzoate), but the mechanisms of this are unknown (Cook et aI., 1975;
Fewson, 1988). In addition, mandelate metabolism dominates benzyl
alcohol metabolism even though benzyl alcohol supports a faster growth rate
and gives a higher molar growth yield than does mandelate (Beggs et aI.,
1976; Beggs and Fewson, 1977; Fewson, 1985). Batch cultures of A.
calcoaceticus growing on mandelate or phenylglyoxylate show an unusual
non-exponential pattern of growth. There are transient accumulations of
benzyl alcohol and benzaldehyde in the medium which are caused by the
limitation of mandelate oxidation by low activities of benzaldehyde
dehydrogenase and by the diversion of reducing power to the formation of
benzyl alcohol (Cook et aI., 1975). The basis for the apparent inability to
induce the two enzymes specific for benzyl alcohol oxidation whenever
phenylglyoxylate decarboxylase is being induced is not clear (Beggs et aI.,
1976; Beggs and Fewson, 1977).
0-4-hvdroxyrnandeIIC acid l-4-hvdroxymandellc acid D-4-hydrOxY-3- L-4-hydroxy-3-
metnoxymancJellc acid methoxvmandellc acid
4-hydroxyohenyig\voxvllc acid 4-hvdroxy-3-methoxvphenylg 1yoxyll c ae Id
cH c'~~
¢ OH
V O CH 3
Lj-hydroxybenZa 1dehyde Lj -hyd roxy- 3-methoxybenZa Ide hyde
dH d'~ ,:
¢ OH
4-hydroxvbenzolc acid 4-hydroxy-3-methoxvbenzoIC acid
" J
3-0-methylgaIiIC acid protocatechuic acid
protocatechu Ie ae I d
,, ik
, , t
2-hvd rOXV-4 -C3rt)O)(V- 3-carhOxv-cis.cis-muconlc acid 3-carboxy- cis,cis -muconlc acid
muconlc semi ildf'hVd~
formate suec I nate succinate
acetyl-eoA acetYl-eM
alcohol) by the additional involvement of an inducible O-demethylase (Fig.
7j). 2-Hydroxymandelate and 2-hydroxybenzyl alcohol (saligenin) support
growth by oxidation to salicylate, and then conversion to catechol, by means
of salicylate hydroxylase (Figs. 3,6e). The much more restricted availability
and substrate specificities of the ring-cleavage enzymes means that
compounds can be completely oxidised only if they can be converted into an
appropriate substrate for one of the ring-cleavage enzymes. The
consequence is that many of the substrates of the mandelate enzymes can be
only partially oxidised. For example, 3-hydroxymandelate and 3-
hydroxybenzyl alcohol are converted into 3-hydroxybenzoate, and this
accumulates because there are no hydroxylases which might convert it into
protocatechuate or gentisate (2,5-dihydroxybenzoate). Monofluoro-
mandelates are oxidised beyond the level of the fluorobenzoates because the
small fluorine substitutions can he tolerated to some extent by the later
enzymes of the pathway (Clarke et ai., 1975).
This section summarises some of the work that has been done on the
degradation of a great range of aromatic compounds by acinetobacters.
Three provisos must be borne in mind: (i) a few of the organisms identified
as Acinetobacter may in fact have belonged to other genera; however,
whenever possible papers have been cited only if the evidence for
identification appeared to be adequate; (ii) the literature almost certainly
contains descriptions of aromatic degradations carried out by
acinetobacters, but where the organisms were not identified or were wrongly
assigned to other genera; (iii) there is an unfortunate tendency to postulate
catabolic pathways on the basis of inadequate evidence. Whatever the
shortcomings of some of the work, the accelerating rate of appearance of
publications dealing with aromatic degradation by acinetobacters means that
this selection can represent only a very small part of the total repertoire of
this versatile organism.
Benzene: a Plasmid-Encoded Pathway in Some Strains
noxious substances (Carbidenc and Zakharchenko, 1969; Jones and
Carrington, 1972; Suzuki and Fujii, 1980, 1985; Borighem and Vereecken,
1981; Anselmo and Novais, 1984; Bourque et aI., 1987; Liang et aI., 1987;
D'Aquino et aI., 1988; Korol et aI., 1989; Tibbles and Baecker, 1989).
~ 0'2H H:O
[=0 f H,NH 2
OIlenylpvruv\c acid OH
4-hvdroxyphenV!PyrUvlC acid
phenylacetic acid OH
2-nydroxypnenvlacetlc acid OH
02 2H x4_hYdrOXYDhenylacetiC acid 0,
j 2H02 ~H
2 ~
homogentisIc aCid
nomoprotocatechulc acId
3-phenylproplonlc acid
fH 2 HC
CH 2
~ OH
3-( cis -2.3-dlhvdro-2.3- /IanS-clnnamlc acid
dlhydroxvphenvl-) propionic aCid
fH2 H!
3-(2. 3-dlhydroxvphenvl-)
propionic acid
6 OH
4-hydroxyclnnamlc acid
~H2 I
fH2 I
r(v~OOH ~
protocatechuic acid
L3-heptadlene-L 7-
carboxylic acid
Experiments with 'Vibrio 0]' (A. calcoaceticus NCIB8250; Dagley
et aI., 1953), A. calcoaceticus EBF65/61 (Barrowman and Fewson, 1985),
various strains of A. catcoaceticus isolated from soil (Keil et aI., 1983) and
Achromobacter eurydice (Asakawa et aI., 1968; - Brisou and Prevot, 1954,
have suggested that this organism is probably an acinetobacter) all indicated
that L-phenylalanine is degraded via phenylacetate and homogentisate (Fig.
8a-e). Phenylpyruvate decarboxylase (Fig. 8b) has been purified and is a
TPP-dependent tetramer with a subunit M, value of 56,800 (Asakawa et aI.,
1968; Barrowman and Fewson, 1985).
6 CH 2- O - - O - O H
6 OH
~ ~N
.. ~'yOH
~ I ~N
4-hydroxYQulnazol ine 2, 4-d i hydroxyqu i nazo line
I ..
c O:-N'C~O
~ COOH ::--.
~ meta-cleavage
(Golovleva et aI., 1984). However, it is likely that the synergistic action of
microbial communities is important in the degradation of many pesticides
and other residues in Nature. Acinetobacters may well be important
constituents of such communities. Thus, co-cultures of A. calcoaceticus
4CB1 and P6 were thought to have potential applications for de halogenation
and mineralisation of specific polychlorobiphenyl cogeners because of their
complementary metabolic activities (Adriaens et aI., 1989). Biodegradative
Cl Cl Cl
Cl Cl Cl
2,4,4' -trlchl oro- l-chloro-2,3- 2,4,4' -tr I chloro-
biphenyl d ihydroxy-4- 2' 3' -dl hydroxyblpheny 1
(2,4-dichlorophenyl )-
hexa-4, 6-d I ene
2,4-dlchlorobenzoic acid
(2,4-dichlorophenyl )-
hexa-2,4-dienic acid
quinic acid
5-dehYdrojuinic acid ~ 5-dehydroshikimic acid ~ shikimic acid
t b
ile f t9
protocatechuic acid
arabino heptulosonic acid
~ i
chorismic acid
EvolutionaryAspects of the Biosynthesis of Tyrosine, Phenylalanine
and Tryptophan
Adriaens, P., Kohler, H.P.E., Kohler-Staub, D., and Focht, D.D., 1989,
Bacterial dehalogenation of chlorobenzoates and coculture
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P.W. Trudgill
Department of Biochemistry
University College of Wales
Dyfed SY23 3DD
More recently, two groups of workers (Stirling et aI., 1977; Magor et
aI., 1986) have clearly established growth of Nocardia, Pseudomonas and
Xanthobacter spp. on cyclohexane as sole source of carbon. Hydroxylation
of the compound to form cyclohexanol is the initial step in oxidation
(Anderson et aI., 1980; Trower et aI., 1985). In addition, Kamata et al.
(1986) have recently isolated a strain, which they named Acinetobacter
cyclohexanophilus, that grows rapidly with cyclohexane as sole source of
carbon, although no pathway studies have been reported.
The Baeyer- Villiger Reaction
- 02- o
formation of thef-caprolactone from cyclohexanone showed it to be a simple
flavoprotein (M,59,OOO; 1 FAD) that constituted about 3% of the soluble
protein of the induced cell, required NADPH as an electron donor, and
molecular oxygen. It had a reaction stoichiometry that was consistent with it
being a monooxygenase (Donoghue et al., 1976). The correct systematic
name for the enzyme is cyclohexanone NADPH:oxygen oxidoreductase (1,2-
lactonising) (EC 1.14.13.-), hereafter called cyclohexanone 1,2-
o .
E_ f E. NADPH. • [EH2.NADP~~.0
O2 ] _ _ _ ] _ E. NADP+ _ E
t EH2 .NADP; O2 E. S~O.NADP. Hp
t ~
O2 ?
o o
s6:~ H/ CO
Fig. 4. Proposed mechanism for the biological Baeyer-Villier oxygenation of
by the 1,2 -monooxygenase from Acinetobacter sp. NCIMB
9871. The reactive oxygen donor is 4a-hydroperoxy FAD (after Ryerson et
al., 1982).
o +.O .... H-4· S
I _
.. V
2 3 4
inference, the amino acid sequence has been determined. The potential now
exists for an interplay of approaches, including X-ray crystallographic
methods, that will provide a complete understanding of biological Baeyer-
Villiger oxygenation.
two steps are catalysed by enzymes that are common to cyclohexanol
degradation, the induced lactone hydrolase is redundant (Donoghue and
Trudgill, 1973). In contrast, Acinetobacter sp. strain 6.3, which was
isolated by elective culture on trans-cyc1ohexan-1,2-diol, is incapable of
growth with cyc1ohexanol, cyclohexanone or c-caprolactone, although the
induced secondary alcohol dehydrogenase and Baeyer- Villiger oxygenase are
of broad specificity and active towards trans-cyclohexan-1,2-
diol! cyc1ohexanol and 2-hydroxycyc1ohexanonel cyc1ohexanone respectively.
One possible explanation of this very restricted growth spectrum is that the
organism does not synthesise a lactone hydrolase. Certainly no hydrolase
activity towards E-caprolactone can be detected in extracts of trans-
cyclohexan-1,2-diol-grown cells (Davey and Trudgill, 1977).
Experimental evidence for this simple direct catabolic route was first
obtained by Rho and Evans (1975) who, using a strain of Acinetobacter
anitratum isolated by enrichment culture on cyclohexane carboxylic acid,
demonstrated that pimelate was a metabolite and that ATP, CoA, Mg2+ and
FAD were required for its formation by cell extracts. Blakley (1978),
working with a strain of Alcaligenes, has confirmed the aerobic B-oxidation
of cyclohexane carboxylic acid to pimelate and demonstrated inducible
enzymes, including a cyclohexane carboxyl-CoA synthetase, in extracts of
induced cells.
Baeyer- Villiger oxygenation is well documented. In particular,
Acinetobacter sp. NCIMB 9871 was chosen for detailed study because of its
rapid growth with cyclohexanol and production of large amounts of a stable
oxygenase that is easy to purify.
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H.-P. Kleber
Sektion Biowissenschaften
Bereich Biochemie
Karl-Marx-Universitat Leipzig
Talstrasse 33
7010 Leipzig
Table 1. Utilisation of carnitine and structurally-related trimethyl-
ammonium compounds [N+(CH3)3-Rj as sole carbon source by A. calcoaceticus
/ 1.5
/ ..c" ······0
A /.:'
~ // LO
1 ·f J
:§ 30
I! 1
/ j
; ....
15 /0:
.. ~.~.~"., .....
4 8 12
Fig. 1. Degradation of L(-)-carnitine (1 gil) during growth (.--.) of A.
calcoaceticus 69-V. Disappearance of L(-)-carnitine (~, thin-
layer chromatography; ~,optical activity) and formation of
trimethylamine (TMA, 0 ..... --0) in the culture medium.
Table 2. Specifity of the cleavage of the C-N bond of quaternary
ammonium compounds by the membrane fraction prepared from A.
calcoaceticus cells grown on different carbon sources (10 gjl). The
protein concentrations in membrane fractions of D,L-carnitine-, acetate-
and succinate-grown bacteria were 11.8, 13.6 and 11.2 mgjml
respectively; incubation time 2 h.
D,L-Carnitine +++ + +
L(-)-Carnitine +++ + +
D(+)-Carnitine +++ + +
Acetyl-L(-)-carnitine ++
ls'-Butyrobetaine +++
Glycine betaine
other betaines undergoing a similar degradation with formation of
trimethylamine, are inconsistent with a mechanism involving a simple
Hofmann-type of elimination reaction (Englard et aI., 1983).
mentioned that the enzymes for the stereoselective hydrolysis of O-acyl-D,L-
carnitines and the degradation of D( + )-carnitine have not yet been
In contrast to our results (Jung and lung, 1988; Seim and Kleber,
1988), various strains of bacteria and yeasts, among them A. calcoaceticus
IFO 13006 (Kawamura et al., 1986a) and A. lwoffii ATCC 9036 (Yokozeki
and Kubota, 1984), have been described as producing L( -)-carnitine from
crotonobetaine under aerobic growth conditions. Culture media used for
growth of these microorganisms contained the usual carbon and nitrogen
sources and inorganic ions plus crotonobetaine. In addition, A.
calcoaceticus IFO 13006 also forms L(-)-carnitine from crotonobetaine
under anaerobic conditions (Kawamura et al., 1986b). In our experiments,
however, a variety of Acinetobacter strains (A. calcoaceticus 69-V, A.
lwoffii CCM 2376, A. lwoffii ATCC 9036) were unable to synthesise L(-)-
carnitine from crotonobetaine under both aerobic and anaerobic growth
conditions (lung and lung, 1988). We have always found that aerobic growth
conditions, as well as the addition of nitrate to anaerobically growing
cultures, diminished or inhibited completely the formation of L( -)-carnitine
(Seim and Kleber, 1988). The ability to synthesise L( -)-carnitine from
crotonobetaine, as well as the activity of carnitine dehydratase, which
catalyses the reversible dehydration of L( -)-carnitine:
L( -)-carnitine crotonobetaine
was detected only in cells of E. coli which had been grown under anaerobic
conditions in complex media supplemented with L( - )-carnitine or
crotonobetaine as inducers (lung and lung, 1988; lung et al., 1989). Only if
the carnitine dehydratase and the transport system had been induced
previously could aerobic carnitine synthesis be achieved (Seim and Kleber,
On the basis of the facts known so far, and even taking into account the
different cultivation conditions that have been used, it appears that different
acinetobacters have different pathways for the degradation/metabolism of
carnitine and its derivatives.
Seim, H., Ezold, R., Kleber, H.-P., and Strack, E., 19HO, Stoffwechsel des L-
Carnitins bei Enterobakterien, Zeits. Allg. M ikrobiol., 20:591.
Seim, H., U:ister, H., Claus, R., Kleber, H.-P., and Strack, E., 1982a,
Formation of 'l( -butyrobetaine and trimethylamine from
quaternary ammonium compounds structure-related to L-carnitine
and choline by Proteus vulgaris, FEMS Microbiol. Lett.,
Seim, H., Ulster, H., Claus, R., Kleber, H.-P., and Strack, E., 1982b, Splitting
of the C-N bond in carnitine by an enzyme (trimethylamine
forming) from membranes of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus,
FEMS Microbiol. Lett., 15:165.
Seim, H., Loster, H., Claus, R., Kleber, H.-P., and Strack, E., 1982c,
Stimulation of the anaerobic growth of Salmonella
typhimurium by reduction of L-carnitine, carnitine derivatives
and structure-related trimethylammonium compounds, Arch.
M icrobiol., 132:91.
Seim, H., Loster, H., and Kleber, H.-P., 1982d, Reduktiver Stoffwechsel des
L-Carnitins und strukturverwandter Trimethylammonium-
verbindungen in Escherichia coli, Acta Bioi. M ed. German.,
41: 1009.
Sih, c.J., 1985, L-Carnitine, WD, 85/04,900.
Sih, c.J., 1988, L-Carnitine and its preparation from D,L-carnitine with D-
carnitine-metabolizing microorganisms, US, 475,1182.
Yokozeki, K., and Kubota, K., 1984, Method for producing L-carnitine, EP,
Department Df MicrDbiDIDgy
GeDrge S. Wise Faculty Df Life Sciences
Tel Aviv University
Ramat Aviv, 69978
hexadecane and produced extracellular bioemulsifier activity (Sar and
Rosenberg, 1983; Gutnick et aI., US Patent No. 4,883,757; see below).
Some of the work from our own laboratory has been partially reviewed
elsewhere (Gutnick and Rosenberg, 1977; Gutnick, 1987; Gutnick and
Minas, 19117; Gutnick and Shabtai, 1987; Gutnick et aI., 1(87).
The possibility of exploiting the in-situ biodegradation of oil
pollutants by microbes led to the isolation and characterisation of A.
calcoaceticus RAG-1 (ATCC 31012) from a polluted beach in Tel Aviv
(Reisfeld et aI., 1972). Four basic observations characterised the
degradation of crude oil by RAG-I: (i) microscopic - the organism initially
adhered to and appeared to grow at the oil/water interface; (ii) nutritional -
. there was an absolute requirement for nitrogen and phosphorus; (iii)
physiological - only the alkane components of the oil were degraded
(Horowitz et aI., 1975); (iv) physical- the residual oil was emulsified. These
factors were incorporated into a large-scale field experiment aboard an oil
tanker (Gutnick and Rosenberg, 1977). The experiment had three basic
objectives: (a) the in-situ growth of RAG-Ion crude oil residues in an oil
storage tank; (b) the dispersion of these polluting residues as a stable
oil/water emulsion capable of discharge without the concomitant oil slick
formation; (c) the cleaning of the dirty oil storage tank as a result of the
efficient emulsification of the oil waste pollutants. All these objectives were
achieved (Gutnick and Rosenberg, 1977; US Patent No. 3,941,692) and some
of the potential advantages and disadvantages of this approach have been
discussed previously (Gutnick, 1987; Gutnick and Minas, 1987). One of the
major consequences of this type of large-scale experiment (Gutnick and
Shabtai, 1987) was the development of a programme to isolate, characterise
and examine the potential applications of the major factor(s) from
Acinetobacter and other oil-degrading isolates responsible for the
formation of stable emulsions. In the case of RAG-I, emulsification was
found to be due to the action of an extracellular non-dialysable polymer
which was termed emulsan.
Under conditions of low energy input, emulsan requires a mixture of
both aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons for optimum emulsification
(Rosenberg et aI., 1979b). However, we have recently found that this
specificity can be modified, either by the addition of small amounts (JLg) of
aliphatic alcohols, or by the addition of RAG-l proteins normally associated
with crude emulsan which are inactive by themselves, but which enhance the
activity of apoemulsan towards pure aliphatics (Zosim et aI., 1986, 1987,
The stability of the emulsanosols arises from the ability of the polymer
to form a stable film around the surface of the oil droplet (Zosim et aI.,
1983), which is probably stabilised by hundreds of points of contact between
the large amphipathic polymer and the oil droplet. One prediction of this
model for the rigid interaction of the biopolymer with the interface is that
cleavage of the polymer to lower M, subunits should severely impair the
stabilising ability of emulsan. An emulsan depolymerase, isolated from the
organism YUV-l (Shoham and Rosenberg, 1983; Shoham et aI., 1983), has
been shown to degrade emulsan via a trans elimination reaction and to
produce oligosaccharides with an average M, of about 3,000 after exhaustive
digestion. Depolymerisation of the emulsan polymer required the presence
of ester linkages. Breakage of only 5% of the glycosidic linkages (as assayed
by release of reducing groups) was sufficient to reduce the emulsifying
activity of emulsan by over 75%, thereby indicating a strong dependence for
activity on polymer size. Furthermore, in addition to its ability to degrade
emulsan in solution, the enzyme was able to degrade the biopolymer at the
oil/water interface (Shoham and Rosenberg, 1983) or on the surface of the
producing cell (Pines et aI., 1988; see below).
Physiology of emulsan production. The successful applications
and technologies for emulsan utilisation depend to a great extent on the
availability of the bioemulsifier and the economics of its manufacture
(Gutnick, 1984). A cell-associated form of emulsan constitutes a
minicapsular layer on the surface of RAG-1 cells growing exponentially on
minimal medium, and is released into the medium as the cells approach
stationary phase (Goldman et aI., 1982; Pines et aI., 1983). This capsule is
orientated on the cell surface such that (a) emulsan is a receptor for a
specific bacteriophage, and (b) the cells are partially protected from the
effects of toxic cationic surfactants such as cetyltrimethylammonium
bromide (Shabtai and Gutnick, 1985b). Evidence for a natural role for the
emulsan capsule comes from the finding that mutants of strain RAG-!
defective in emulsan do not grow on crude oil (Pines and Gutnick, 1986).
This deficiency was not corrected by either the addition of emulsan to the
culture or by growth in mixed culture with the wild-type RAG-! which itself
produces extracellular emulsan. The results indicate that the form of
emulsan required for growth on crude oil is the cell-bound biopolymer (Pines
and Gutnick, 1986). Emulsan-producing revertants of the emulsan-defective
mutants could be isolated on the basis of their ability to grow on crude oil.
source only the esterase was released. Subsequent addition of a carbon
source in the presence of chloramphenicol did not bring about release,
presumably because the esterase had already been released from the cell
surface and could not be made when protein synthesis was inhibited.
Mutants defective in esterase were also found to be defective in emulsan
production (Shabtai, 1982). In addition to weakening the association of the
emulsan minicapsule with the cell surface during fermentation, the esterase
allows the cells to utilise simple triglycerides as carbon sources.
pRA176 pRA172
(( , i" 1
C v
Fig. 1. Physical map of pRA17. The open box indicates the insert of
RAG-l DNA. The arrow at the bottom shows the direction and extent of
the open reading frame of the est gene. pRA176 (esterase-negative) and
pRA172 (esterase-positive) carry TnS insertions at the positions
indicated by the long downward pointing arrows. TnphoA insertions into
est are identified by the dark arrow heads. Restriction enzyme sites
are as follows: C,ClaI; E,EcoRI; V,EcoRV; H,HindIII; P,PvuII; S,SalI;
Sp,SphI; X,SbaI.
Several clones were isolated when the RAG-l genomic library was
transformed into E. cali and plated on minimal plates containing ethanol as
a sole source of carbon and energy. These strains all possessed a plasmid,
pRETl, which carried a 5.3 kb insert (Fig. 3). When tested for alcohol
dehydrogenase activity (ADH), crude extracts of pRETl-containing cells
00 activity
H' Be Se Be H
+ + pRET-l
H lie
H Be 8e Be H
h •
~ pRP4
H P.
7 Se H
+ +
II) ~6 Ji
~tth------~----- pRP6a
H SciSm
+ NO pRP7a
• ) I w/07Ai.
• 8 .. H P.
Be C LL...kJu
Fig. 3. Subclones of the alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) complex from RAG-I. Plasmid pRETI was digested with various
restriction endonucleases and cloned into suitably digested pUCIB to generate plasmids pRP3a, 4, 6a and 7a respectively.
Cells carrying each of the plasmids were analysed in crude extracts (as shown on the left) or by zymogram analysis for
either NAD- or NADP-dependent ADH activities (ND: no detectable ADH activity). The site of TnS insertion in pRETI leading
to the elimination of either growth on or oxidation of ethanol is shown by the dark arrow head. Restriction enzyme sites
are as follows: C, ClaI; H, HindlII; Ps, Pstl ; S, SalI ; Sc, SacI ; Sm, Smal.
showed both NAD-dependent as well as NADP-dependent activities. In
addition, using in-situ specific staining for zymogram analysis on native gels,
three distinct NADP-dependent ADH-positive bands were detected, one of
which was also NAD-dependent. Expression of the insert in mini-cells
showed three unique polypeptides of apparent Mr 60, 49, and 48 kDa
respectively. Insertion of Tn5 into one end of the insert in pRET1
eliminated growth on ethanol, all ADH activities, and appearance of the
three peptides in a minicell expression system. The results suggested that
the genes encoding these activities might be organised or associated within
an "ethanol regulon". When pRETl was subcloned into pUC18, two
plasmids, pRP6 and pRP7 were obtained. Clones containing pRP6 exhibited
both NAD- and NADP-dependent activities, while the ADH from pRP7 was
dependent on NADP alone. Experiments are currently in progress in our
laboratory to identify which of the cloned ADH genes are involved in capsule
production and to study their regulation.
approximation of the cell surface hydrophobicity of the bacterial cells.
Adherent organisms could be removed from the oil droplets with alcohols or
with emulsan (Pines and Gu tnick, 1986). Using this approach it was possible
to describe a number of common features related to the cell surface
hydrophobicity of RAG-1 and other acinetobacters: (i) The adherence to the
hydrocarbon (whether liquid or solid) was not dependent on the ability of the
organism to degrade it. (ii) Cells grown under conditions which were optimal
for emulsan production were actually less hydrophobic than when grown on
rich medium in which emulsan is not produced. (iii) Mutants defective in
emulsan production were more hydrophobic than the wild-type (Pines and
Gutnick, 1984b). Similar results were obtained when emulsan was removed
from the RAG-1 cell surface with emulsan depolymerase, or from the cell
surface of A. calcoaceticus BD4 with a similar enzyme active against the
BD4 capsule (Rosenberg et ai., 19~Bc; Pines et ai., 1988). (iv) RAG-l
mutants lacking thin fimbrae on the cell surface were found to be defective in
adherence to hydrocarbons (Rosenberg et al., 1982). (v) Mutants defective in
adherence to hydrocarbon could still produce emulsan (Pines and Gutnick,
1984b). Selection for emulsan-defective derivatives of these non-adherent
mutants restored the hydrophobicity even though the revertant cells still
lacked the thin fimbrae. The results suggest that alternative sites on the
surface of the RAG-1 cell can mediate adhesion to hydrocarbons (Pines and
Gutnick, 1984b). (vi) Under conditions of poor mixing and with a small
inoculum, mutants defective in adherence lost the ability to grow on
hydrocarbons, suggesting a role for adherence in the early stages of growth
on these substrates (Rosenberg and Rosenberg, 1985). Growth was restored
by the addition of emulsan to the medium to disperse the growth substrate.
It thus appears that, in the case of RAG-I, early growth on hydrocarbons
occurs primarily via direct contact at the oil/water interface. During
subsequent growth, emulsan which accumulates in the culture broth: (a)
brings about a detachment of the cells from the hydrocarbon droplets, and
(b) enhances emulsion formation which further increases the interfacial
Other Acinetobacter Biopolymers
identified as a member of the genus Acinetobacter on the basis of its ability
to transform BD413. However, since the organism was unable to grow on
glucose (Rosenberg et al., 1988a), it may be more appropriate to assign it to
the species A. lwoffii. The biodispersan polymer accumulated in the
culture broth of an ethanol-grown culture during late exponential and
stationary growth (Rosenberg et al., 1988a). The material was precipitated
from the culture broth with ammonium sulphate and subsequently purified
by hot phenol treatment to produce a polysaccharide of M,51,400; yields of
about 30% by weight and 84% by activity were obtained. Biodispersan
appeared to consist of four different amino sugars, including glucosamine,
rhamnosamine or fucosamine, galactosamine uronic acid and an unidentified
amino sugar. Potentiometric titration and 13C NMR analyses suggested that
at least 90% of the amino groups were acetylated. The polymer showed no
emulsifying activity, but was effective in dispersing the inorganic limestone
powders (Rosenberg et al., 1988b). In addition to its dispersing activity,
Biodispersan was shown to dramatically reduce the time necessary to grind
calcium carbonate to fine particles, apparently as a result of binding of the
polymer (Rosenberg et al., 1989).
Both BD4 and BD413 are naturally competent for transformation with
genomic DNA from all known Acinetobacter strains (Juni, 1972),
suggesting a high degree of homology in both sequence and function.
Moreover, it has been found (W.Minas and D.Gutnick, in preparation) that
while plasmids derived from ColE 1 are not stably maintained in BD413, they
do integrate into the chromosome provided a fragment of homologous
Acinetobacter DNA is present in the plasmid. It was postulated that if
RAG-1 DNA contains homologous sequences to emulsifier-related genes in
BD4 or BD413, it might be possible to detect such sequences by virtue of
their ability to integrate into the BD4 chromosome, thereby giving rise to
emulsifier-defective mutants (Levy, 1990; W.Minas and D.Gutnick, in
preparation). Genomic libraries of RAG-1 DNA cloned into a derivative of
pBR322 were used to transform either BD413 or BD4 to kanamycin
resistance. Among the BD4 transformants, six mutants defective in capsular
polysaccharide production were isolated, initially on the basis of translucent
(tlu) colony morphology. Further evidence that these mutants were
defective in exopolysaccharide (EPS) production included: (i) India ink
staining; (ii) resistance to exopolysaccharide-specific phages; (iii) lack of
extracellular emulsifying activity; (iv) enhanced adherence to hydrocarbon.
Chromosomal DNA isolated from the kanamycin-resistant transformants
could be used to transform BD4 to tlu. Southern blot analysis demonstrated
~I ::t
I I 1 K8
pHLl7/lU II I I
pHLZZ7 ~~)~(=~I~'(=~Ih-_____-rI~r-l8.7
Bk;}IEV I~ ~ ~ ~
5 B
I I 8.7
ski II
5 P
I I 13.011
I I I )1 I
I i
that the entire plasmid was integrated into the chromosome. The flanking
sequences adjacent to the integrated vectors were rescued from the
chromosomal DNA of the six different mutants by cleavage with S acJ (which
does not cut the vector), and transformed following self-ligation into E. coli.
As evidenced by restriction analysis (Fig. 4), five unique sequences were
isolated from six mutants. These were used as probes in subsequent Southern
blot analysis of DNA from either RAG-lor BD4.
original plasmid vector used for transformation. Further analysis of the
extrachromosomal DNA revealed that BD413 itself (even before
transformation) contains three cryptic plasmids of 2.3, 2.6 and 7.4 kb
respectively. The three plasmids were observed only in preparations of total
genomic DNA. Two plasmids were detected with a similar extraction
procedure in BD4. Southern blot analysis revealed homology between all
three plasmids of BD413 and the two plasmids of BD4. Two of the BD413
plasmids were sub-cloned into pUCI9, and restriction maps established (Fig.
5). Identical restriction sites were found in a 2.1 kb fragment. The
recombinant plasmids were stably maintained as independent replicons in E.
coli MM294 and A. calcoaceticus BD413 or BD4. No apparent
modification of the plasmids was detected, even after several reciprocal
transfers between E. coli and A. calcoaceticus. When sub-clones
carrying partial deletions of the cloned 2.3 kb Acinetobacter plasmid were
examined for transformation efficiency (Fig. 6), it was found that a minimum
size fragment of about 190 bp (Figs. 6 and 7) was sufficient to support
km·R !!!!
BI sc c ~
.............I' ~{:1 IlcHe £51 I
81 All SC EO
SA SA BII SC C P5 xc SM H PS 8.5
pWM5 ~c=~1==~====~==~='~rr--------.XP-5~;~I~!~I~'____~'~"~
81 PVEvr--.----------------E-v§~V 81 All SC_ SC~ EO
SM_ SM~A HII- Hlle
EV SA SA 811 SC C BN EI 8.5
pWMB ~=j'E<:tIi:::E:i'E:,:,:'1rr"'.Z':':::E'/:Ei:E:"E",-,,:;td:z,,',Z"':':E):]:k:E: :~~==~I~Ir./.v-------~l~A~,f""'~-L-1E~
sHe He
Transformants per
)Jg of DNA in
.. ~
'" .. plasmid BD413 MM294
0 0
0 r:t r:t
0 ~~
:: ~ ~~
~ 0
0 flI fII_ ~ 0
r:t ~ Jf 9~ J: ,Jf r:t
I I 5 5
I I I pWM4 6x10 1xlO
4 5
6500 9x10 2xlO
~~ 3 5
61700 3x10 2x10
62200 4xlO 3x10 6
10 20 30 40 50 60
* * * *
* * * *
* * * *
Fig. 7. Sequence of the 190 bp fragment which still permits independent
replication of pUC19 in A. calcoaceticus BD413.
replication in the Acinetobacter strains. However, the efficiency of
transformation with the various sub-clones was reduced by up to four orders
of magnitude, depending on the size of the deletion (Fig. 6). No effects
resulting from the deletions were observed with respect to replication in E.
coli. Although we were not able to introduce DNA into RAG-l via
conventional methods of transduction, transformation or conjugation, the
shuttle vector could be transferred into the emulsan-producing strain using
electroporation. Although the copy number of the vector in RAG-l was too
low for it to be observed using normal extraction procedures, it could be
readily isolated as an unmodified shuttle vector following extraction of total
DNA from the electroporants and transformation into either E. coli or
BD413. Both restriction and Southern blot analysis demonstrated that the
plasmid was not integrated into the RAG-l chromosome. Finally, the
shuttle vector was used to clone alcohol dehydrogenase genes from RAG-I,
which were shown subsequently to positively complement mutants unable to
grow on ethanol (selected on the basis of their resistance to allyl alcohol).
In further experiments the 1.2 kb gene for the extracellular esterase from
RAG-l has been inserted. Expression of this gene in E. coli allows growth
on simple triglycerides such as triacetin. Subsequent insertion of foreign
sequences within the esterase gene abolishes growth on these substrates (R.
Alon, R.Petter and D.Gutnick, unpublished results).
Kaplan and Silverman (1989) have begun a study of the genetic and
regulatory aspects of exopolysaccharide biosynthesis (EPS) in BD4. A
recombinant cosmid genomic library bank of BD4 constructed in E. coli was
used to complement spontaneous EPS- mutants. All of the EPS- mutants
mapped to one of two separate loci, epsA or epsB. Most of the EPS-
mutants carried deletions in epsA, and transposon mutagenesis
demonstrated that a region of about 10 kb in epsA was essential for EPS
production. A strange result was obtained when an EPS- mutant, termed
4011, carrying a deletion of over 30 kb, of which 20 kb were missing from
epsA and 10 kb were missing from epsB, was transformed with purified epsB
DNA. The transformants were found to contain both "missing" fragments,
the 20 kb of epsA and the 10 kb of epsB. Moreover, chromosomal DNA
from mutant 4011 could transform other epsA mutants to wild-type despite
the fact that the deletion in 4011 was larger than the deletion in the recipient
epsA mutants. Southern blot analysis indicated that the transformants
contained a wild-type epsA locus. Kaplan and Silverman (1989) suggested
that the eps DNA in deletion 4011 is maintained in some sort of "archived" or
"invisible" form which escapes detection by classical means of gene
expression or hybridisation. In addition to elucidating the mechanisms
associated with DNA "archiving", it will be of interest to determine whether
the phenomenon is general, or specific to the EPS system in Acinetobacter,
and whether the process plays some role in the regulation of capsule
scale field experiments with biosurfactants. Such experiments require that:
(i) the fermentation and production technology be developed to the point
where sufficient product can be produced for testing; (ii) sufficient
information is available so that the biosurfactant product can be suitably
formulated for the particular application to be tested; (iii) enough is known
about the particular application so that it can be tested on a large scale using
suitable equipment, storage conditions, means of monitoring results etc.;
(iv) prior governmental approval for certain tests is obtained.
Developmental programmes of this magnitude are usually sponsored within
the industry itself and, as such, the results are not always available.
The results of the test can be summarised as follows: (i) ignitability and
stability of the biopolymer-stabilised emulsion were comparable to the
unemulsified no.6 oil; (ii) minimum excess air levels of less than 2% were
obtained without any visible smoke or CO in the flue gas; (iii) flame
appearance was the same as that of the no.6 fuel oil itself; (iv) carbon
burnout and light-off were also similar to the parent oil; (v) axial flame
temperatures were lower by 100-150°C along the length of the combustion
chamber; (vi) nitrogen oxide gases (Nox emissions) were significantly
reduced during combustion of the emulsions. The direct combustion test of
emulsan-stabilised emulsion fuels suggested several advantages including:
(a) ease of transportation; (b) uniform flow behaviour for various fuels - the
hydrocarbon fuel itself does not significantly influence the emulsion
viscosity; (c) ease of handling cumbersome heavy fuels such as high-
asphaltene vacuum residuals; (d) upgrading of low cost fuels - cutter stock
need not be added in order to burn the lower quality fuel. This technology
has been tested on a large scale and shown to be feasible. Its commercial
viability will depend on the relative cost of crude oil compared to the savings
associated with upgrading a heavy fuel by emusifying it in water.
containing only water. However, fluoride treatment did bring about a 90%
reduction in dental caries compared with 61 % for the emulsan treatment.
The authors described emulsan-containing formulations for either mouth-
wash or toothpaste which combine the anti-caries activity of fluoride and the
activity of emulsan in reducing plaque formation. The results with emulsan
were somewhat surprising in view of the finding that emulsan interactions
with microbes are generally hydrophobic in nature (Rosenberg et aI., 1981;
Rosenberg and Kjelleberg, 1986), while the adhesion of S. mutans is
thought to be primarily via lectin-like interactions (Gibbons, 1980; Gibbons
and Etherden, 1983). The patent authors explain the strong effect of
emulsan in the reduction of dental caries and plaque formation as an
interaction of the galactosamine residues in the apoemulsan polysaccharide
backbone with lectins on the surface of the S. mutans cells, thereby
preventing their adherence. If this is true, than de-esterified emulsan, which
is no longer amphipathic, should also be effective.
Drag Reduction
Hao .and Chang, 1987). Under aerobic conditions the Acinetobacter
strains store the accumulated phosphate as Pn, which is subsequently broken
down and released as Pi in response to the anaerobic treatment. Suresh et
al. (1985) studied a strain of A. twoffii isolated from a sewage treatment
plant, using 31P_NMR spectroscopy, and demonstrated that both the
phosphate released during the anaerobic phase and that originally present in
the feed were accumulated when the cells were subsequently exposed to
aerobic conditions, confirming the previous observations (Fuhs and Chen,
1975; Buchan, 1983; Hao and Chang, 1987). However, NMR analysis
(Suresh et al., 1985) monitors only the surface (periplasmic) water-soluble
Pn granules which are dispersed by membrane impermeable chelators such
as EDTA (Halvorson et al., 1987) and cannot detect the large cytoplasmic
volutin granules. It was hypothesised (Suresh et al., 1985), and subsequently
confirmed (Halvorson et al., 1987), that the Pn is maintained in two distinct
pools, and that only the periplasmic polyphosphate is mobilised and released
during the aerobic-anaerobic transition. The cytoplasmic volutin granules
remained relatively inactive metabolically during this period. Surface Pn
breakdown occurs under metabolic stress, e.g. ATP limitation, which would
be expected to occur under anaerobic conditions (Acinetobacter strains
are strictly aerobic). According to Fuhs and Chen (1975), during the aerobic
period a natural enrichment for Acinetobacter occurs because of their
ability to grow on fermentation products such as ethanol, organic acids and
alcohols, which accumulate as a result of glucose metabolism during the
anaerobic cycle. Recently, van Groenestijn et al. (1989) determined the
optimum conditions for Pn accumulation in various Acinetobacter spp.
isolated from sewage treatment plants. Pn accumulation was stimulated by
streptomycin and inhibited by energy poisons. Maximum accumulation
occurred when the energy source was in excess and the cells were limited for
sulphur at low growth rates, or when nitrogen or sulphur was depleted during
the stationary phase. Moreover, Pn accumulation appeared to be relatively
insensitive to changes in pH over a range of 6.5-9.
The authors are indebted to Rina Avigad for excellent technical and
administrative assistance for a large portion of the work carried out in the
laboratory of DLG. The work done in Tel Aviv was supported in part by a
grant from Petroleum Fermentations, Inc.
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Acinetobacter (continued) Anticancer agent,
NCIMB 9871, 392-9 see Glutaminase-
NCTC 10305, 265 asparaginase
NCTC 10306, 277 Aromatic amino acids, 375-7
0-16,262,326,340 Aromatic compounds,
P6,374 efficiency of utilisation, 352
RA57, 325, 417 metabolism of, 351-90
RAG-I, 78, 260, 332, 340, pathways for catabolism, 353
412-24,427 Aromatic hydrocarbons, 335
RJE 74,366 A TP production, 8, 304, 357
SAK,134-48 Auxotrophic enrichment, 196-7
TMS 262/266, 80
W45,159-60 Bacteriocin typing, 66
YON,135 Bacteriophages, 39, 65, 153, 195-6,
Acylcarnitines, 404 415,422-3
Adherence, 78, 331-2 Bacteriophage typing,
assay for, 419-20 see Phage typing
Airborne spread, 57 Baeyer-V illiger reaction, 392-9
Alcohol dehydrogenase, 281, 333-8, Base composition, 251
417-9,427 Batch cultnre, 8, 274-7, 283, 330
Aldehyde dehydrogenase, 333-8 Ben genes, 203, 210-1, 214-8
Aldose sugars, Benzaldehyde dehydrogenase, 362
acid formation from, 302 Benzene utilisation, 161,366
Alicyclic compounds, cloning of genes involved in, 163
metabolism of, 391-402 Benzoate dehydrogenase, 202
Aliphatic hydrocarbons, 324-5, 335 Benzoate metabolism, 203, 210-1,
Alkanaldehydrogenase,281 214-5,218,230,360-2,373
Alkane monooxygenase, 333-41 Benzoate oxygenase, 214
n-Alkanes, Benzyl alcohol dehydrogenase, 362
chain length specificity, 325-6 Benzyl alcohol pathway, 358-65
genes for assimilation, 324-5 Betaines, metabolism of, 403-10
metabolism of, 323-50 Betaketoadipate, see B-Ketoadipate
oxidation of, 276, 324-5, 333 Betalactam, see B-Lactam
uptake and assimilation of, Betalactamase, see B-Lactamase
331-42 Biochemical characterisation, 30
Alkanols, 276, 328 Biodeterioration, 366, 373-7
Alkenes, 328 Biodispersan, 421-2, 431
n-Alkyl hydroperoxide, 333 Bioemulsifying agents, 12,329-31,
Aminoglycoside modifying enzymes, 342,353,375,412-21
see Resistance (see also Emulsan)
Aminoglycoside resistance, 100-3, Biomass production, 14, 304
138-46 Biopolymers,411-31
Aminopeptidase, 263 Bioremediation, 366, 373, 377, 413
Amylase, 263 Biosurfactants, 428-31
Aniline, 367 Biosynthetic applications, 342
Anthranilate metabolism, 215, 376 Biotransformations, 12, 342
Antibiogram typing, 46, 65 Biotyping, 38, 65, 69
Antibiotic resistance, Butyrate, 286
see Resistance
Cadmium ion transport, 284 Colonisation, see Occurrence
Caprolactone, 392-4, 397-8 Competence, development of, 185
Capsular polysaccharide, 6, 78, Composition of outer membrane,
259,415,421-4 264-6
CARB enzymes, 89, 91 Conjugative transfer,
Carbon monoxide dehydrogenase, 11 of chromosomal DNA, 152, 193-6
L-Carnitine, 13 of plasmids, 150, 193
metabolism of, 13,403-10 Continuous culture, 8, 274, 283, 303
synthesis of, 407-8 Control of transcription, 145
CAT, see Chloramphenicol resistance Crotonobetaine, 403
Cat genes, 203-30 Crude oil degradation,
Catechol 1,2-dioxygenase, 202, see Oil degradation
224-8,356,366 CTX enzymes, 95
Catechol metabolism, 203, 225, Cycloalkanes, 391
334-7, 360-2, 366-7, Cyclohexane metabolism, 391-402
371-2 Cyclohexanecarboxylic acid, 398
CAZ enzymes, 95 Cyclohexanol, 391-3, 398
Cell envelope protein profiles, Cyclohexanone, 391-5, 398
29,43 Cyclohexanone 1,2-monooxygenase,
Cephalosporinase, see B-Lactamase 394-6
Chemotaxis, 353 gene coding for, 396
Chloramphenicol resistance, 137-48 Cycloisomerase, 202
4-Chlorobiphenyl, 161,373 Cyclopentanone, 397
Chlorocatechol, 225 Cytochromes, 9, 298, 325-6, 335-7,
Chlorocatechol oxygenase, 225-6 341-2
l-Chlorohexadecane, 330 b 562' 298
Chromosome mobilisation, 152, 193 P-450, 325-6, 334-7
Chromosome organisation, 7, 194 Cytoplasmic membranes, 340-1
Cinnamate, 370
Citrate synthase, 313 Decarboxylase, 202
Citric acid cycle, 313-31 Dental plaque, treatment of, 430-1
biosynthetic branch points, 319 Detergents, sensitivity to, 262
energy control of, 317 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetate, 373
multipoint control of, 320 DNA probes,
Classification, see Taxonomy for AAD(2"), 135
Clinical importance, 4-5, 54-9 for CATl, 134
Cloning, (see also Genes) DNA sequence exchange, 204, 219-28
of antibiotic resistance genes, DNA slippage structures, 204, 222-8
136-8 n-Dodecane, 324
of benzene utilisation genes, 163 Drag reduction, 431
of est genes, 416-9
of glucose dehydrogenase genes, Electron transport, 8, 334, 341
300-2 Emulsan, 331, 340, 412-20,429-30
of pea genes, 162 genes for production of, 416-9
Cloning vectors, see Vector plasmids Emulsification,
Co-factor, see PQQ see Bioemulsifying agents
Codon usage, 206-8, 217 -20, 241, Endemic infection, 54
251-8 Endotoxin, 80
Collagenase, 263 Energy conservation, 8, 303
Energy generation, 295 Genetic organisation, 191
Energy reserves, 10, 273, 330 of linkage map, 7, 152, 194
Enrichment culture, 4 of trp genes, 239
Enrichment for auxotrophs, 196-7 Genetic techniques for mutant
Entner-Doudoroff pathway, 302 analysis, 229-31
Environmental pollution, Genetically engineered
see Pollution control microorganisms, see GEMs
Environmental sources, see Sources Genomic species, see Taxonomy
Enzymes, electrophoretic analysis Genospecies, see Taxonomy
of,29-47 Gentisate, 367
Enzymology, 9-11 Glucanase, 263
Epidemic spread, 56 Gluconic acid, 295
Epidemiology, 4, 6, 53-76 Gluconolactone, 295
Est gene, 416-9 Glucose dehydrogenase, 13, 30,
Esterase,29,262,281,340,416 295-312,424
Ethers, 328-9 applications of, 300
Evolution, cloning of gene for, 300-2
of antibiotic resistance, 84 different forms of, 296
of B-ketoadipate genes, 201-37 electron acceptors for, 298, 302
of trp genes, 239 induction of, 305
Evolutionary divergence, genetic m-GDH,301
mechanism of, 221-8 physiological role of, 301-2
Exopolysaccharide biosynthesis, 427-8 properties of, 299
Fatty acids, Glutamate dehydrogenase, 11,29
accumulation of, 329 Glutaminase-asparaginase, 15
composition of, 331 Glycerides, 329, 340
production of, 282, 330, 337, 341 Glycogen, 274
respiration of, 336 Glycolipids, 340
Ferredoxin, 335-6 Glyoxylate bypass, 10
Ferredoxin reductase, 335-6 Glyoxylate effect, 316
Fimbriae, 78, 332, 412, 420 Growth energetics, 8
Fluoroquinolone resistance, 103 Growth yields, 8, 352
Food spoilage, 4 improvement of, 303
FPLC of B-Iactamases, 121
Habitats, see Occurrence
Gap repair, 231 Haem biosynthesis, 319
Gasworks liquor, 351, 366 Haemolysin, 262
GC content, 2, 205, 219-20 Haloalkanes, 328
GEMs, 7,169 Halogenated compounds,
Gene regulation, 7, 239 degradation of, 373-4
(see also Regulation) Heavy metal resistance, 159
Gene transfer, n-Heptadecane, 330
see Conjugative Herbicide degradation, 373
transfer, Hexadecan-1-ol,277
Transformation, n-Hexadecane, 324-30, 335,412
Transduction n-Hexadecanol,328-30
Genetic determinants of resistance, 1-Hexadecene, 330
108,133 n-Hexane, 335
Hospital epidemiology, Krebs TCA cycle, 10,313-22
see Epidemiology
Hydrocarbons, as growth B-Lactam resis tance, 88-100
substrates, 260 B-Lactamase, 5, 89-100,117-32,
Hydrophobic pathway, 260 263-4
Hydrophobicity, 78 induction of, 129-30
p-Hydroxybenzoate, 203, 229-30, inhibitors of, 95-7,128-9
367 kinetics of hydrolysis, 127-8
p-Hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase, 202 Lactate dehydrogenase, 361
Hydroxyphenylacetate,367-70 Lactone hydrolase, 222, 397-8
4-Hydroxyquinazoline,372 Lactones, 303, 397
B-Hydroxyvalerate,285 hydrolysis of, 304, 397
Hypersensitivity to hydrophobic Lignin compounds,
agents, 260 degradation of, 370-1
Hysteresis phenomenon, 317 Linkage map, 7, 152
Lipase, 263, 341
Identification, see Taxonomy selection of mutants, 186
Imipenem resistance, 97 Lipid A, 80
Inclusions, 280, 333, 422 Lipids,
Industrial applications, 323, 411-41 accumulation of, 329
Infections, 58 (see also Occurrence) metabolism of, 333, 340-1
Inhibitors of B-Iactamase, 95-7, Lipopolysaccharide, 6, 80, 100,260,
128-9 264-6, 331, 422
Insertional mutagenesis, 183-9,423-4
Introdiol dioxygenases, 223-5 Malate dehydrogenase, 29, 337
Invasiveness, 78 Malonate, 10
Iron uptake, 9, 79 Mandelate dehydrogenase, 357, 361
ISIS, 157 Mandelate pathway, 358-65
IS50, 184 regulation of, 362-3
Iso-alkanes, 328 Map of chromosome, 194
Iso-citrate lyase, 337 Marker plasmids, 170
Isoelectric focusing of B-Iactamases, stability of, 171
89,118-21 Marker rescue, 7
Isolation, 3-4 Mechanisms of resistance, 83-132
to aminoglycosides, 100-3, 139
KDO,265-6 to chloramphenicol, 137
B-Ketoadipate enol-lactone, to fluoroquinolones, 103-8
202-3,229 genetic determinants of, 108-10,
B-Ketoadipate pathway, 201-37, 255, 133
352,356-7 to heavy metals, 159
mutations in, 212-5 to imipenem, 97-100
selection of mutants in, 229-30 to B-lactams, 88-100, 117-32
structural genes of, 202-3 Membrane vesicles, 266
B-Ketoadipate succinyl CoA Mercury resistance, see Heavy metal
transferase, 202, 212-3, 218 resistance
B-Ketoadipyl CoA, 203 Metabolic plasmids, 160
B-Ketoadipyl CoA thiolase, 202, 212-3 Metabolism, 9
Ketone body utilisation, 319 Methylation, 375
Ketones, 328 MICs, 73, 86, 96-9,103-8,126,261
Modification, see Restriction- Oxygenative reactions, 352
modification system
Monooxygenases, 356, 394 (see also P78 bacteriophage, 196
Alkane monooxygenase) Particulate surfactant, 422
Morphology, 2 Patent literature, 12,329,412-3,
Motility, 2 430-1
Mu bacteriophage, 153, 196 Pathogenicity, 77
Muconate, 205, 214-5 Pathogenic role, 5
Muconolactone isomerase, 202-3 Pea genes, 153, 162, 197,203,
Multipoint control of citric acid 208-14,217-21,229-31
cycle, 320 PCBs, see Polychlorinated biphenyls
Multiresistance to antibiotics, 88 Penicillinase, see B-Lactamase
Mutagenesis, Peptidase, 263
chemical, 196 Peripheral pathways, 353-4, 357-8,
insertional, 183-9, 197,423-4 362
UV,196 Periplasmic enzymes, 262
Mutarotase, 255 Permeability of outer membrane,
Nomenclature, see Taxonomy Pesticide degradation, 373-4
Nonane, 327 Petroleum degradation,
Nosocomial infection, see Oil degradation
see Epidemiology Phage typing, 39,65
Nucleic acid metabolism, 11 Phagocytosis, 81
Nutrient limitation, 274 Phenols,
Nutritional studies, 25, 37 degradation of, 352, 366-7, 373-4
methylation of, 375
Occurrence, Phenylacetate, 367-70
in clinical samples, 4, 32-3, Phenylalanine, 367-70, 377
37,57 Phenylalkanes, 327-8, 367-70
in foodstuffs, 4, 33 Phenyldodecane, 370
in sewage, 3, 33, 282, 288 Phenylglyoxylate decarboxylase, 362
on skin, 4, 33, 54, 57, 64 Pheny lpropionate, 370
in soil, 3, 32-3 Phosphate overplus phenomenon,
in water, 3 275,432
Octadecan-1-ol,277 Phosphate removal, 432-3
n-Octadecane, 330 Phospholipase, 262, 340
1-0ctadecene,30 Phospholipids, 280, 329-31, 337, 340
Oil degradation and stabilisation, Physiological characterisation, 30
161,324-5,342,375, Plasmid profile analysis, 45, 66, 72,
416, 419-20, 429-30 154
Outer membrane, 81, 99,152,259, Plasmids
332,340 behaviour and stability of, 6, 149,
Outer membrane proteins, 151, 169, 184, 193
electrophoresis of, 29, 99 ColE 1, 183-4,423
OXA enzymes, 91 conferring antibiotic resistance,
Overflow metabolites, 273, 278, 305 108, 154
Oxidative phosphorylation, 8 conferring heavy metal resistance,
Oxoglutarate dehydrogenase, 317 159
Oxygenases, see Monooxygenases cryptic, 424-5
Plasmids (continued) Plasmids (continued)
involved in oil degradation, 325 R1822, 150
as markers, 170 RP 1, 100, 150-2
metabolic, 160,357,366-7,373 RP4, 110, 150-2, 158, 193-6
pA10cat2,134 RSF1010, 184
pAV1, 156, 194 P / 0 ratio, 8, 304, 352
pA V2, 150, 195 Pob genes, 203, 210-1, 229-30
pAV5/51/52, 156 Pollution control, 12, 160,282,323,
pAVI0/11,196 366,373-5,432-3
pBEE7/10/104,154 Polychlorinated biphenyls,
pBR322, 162, 185, 423, 427 degradation of, 160,373-4
pGSHI01,135 PolY-B-hydroxyalkanoates, 274
pGSH106,140 POlY-B-hydroxybutyrate, 10,273-5,
pGSH108/110, 138-42 278-9, 285-8
pGSH201, 137 metabolism of, 286
pHLl7/124/125/227/234/434,423 Polyphosphate, 10,273,282-8,411,
pIB1341/1343/1345/1362,215-6 432-3
pIP1031, 109, 157 accumulation of, 283, 432-3
p1P1841, 103, 109-10, 158 cellular distribution of, 283
pJB4JI,153 enzymes involved in metabolism
pKFl,160 of,284
pKK223-3, 396 Polysaccharide capsule, 6, 78, 259
pKLl, 159-60 PQQ, 11,30,296-307,424
pKT230, 162, 171, 178,217 assay for, 300
pKT231/248,162 Promoters,
pLV21,163 for Cat genes, 216-7
pLVI010/1011/1013/1016-7,170-8 regulation of, 142, 145
pQM17,160 for Trp genes, 244
pRA17,416-7 Pristane, 329
pRETl,417-9 Protein electrophoresis patterns,
pRK290, 162 27,43,71,99
pRK415,216 Protein export, 262
pRK2013, 154, 184 Protocatechuate, 211-8, 225, 229,
pRP3a/6a/7a, 418 354-7.363,367,371
pSRI-4,161 Protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase,
pSR4,325 202,212,217-8,224-30,356
pSS50, 161 Pyrroloquinoline quinone, see PQQ
pSUP2021,184 Pyruvate dehydrogenase, 318
pUC4K,185 Quinate, 211, 229
pUC19,425 Quinoline, 372
pUN65,151 Quinolone resistance, 103-8
pUN308, 153, 196 Quinoprotein, 296 (see also PQQ)
pWM4/5/6,425 Rates of infection, 58
pWW174, 161,366 Recombinant DNA, see GEMs
R6K/R57b/R64, 151 Recovery of DNA by gap repair, 231
R68.45,193 Regulation,
R124/R388/R478/R821a, 151 of Ben genes, 214-5
Regulation (continued) Structural genes (continued)
of Cat genes, 205-10, 215-7 evolution of, 201-37
of promoter activity, 142, 145 Structure of outer membrane, 264-6
of T rp genes, 245 Substrate inhibition, 8
of wax ester content, 282 Substrate range, 352
Repair of mutations, Succinate thiokinase, 318
by DNA sequence exchange, 219 Suicide vector, 153
Resistance to antibiotics, 5, 46, Supraoperonic clusters, 204, 208-12,
73, 83-132, 158-9 228
(see also Mechanisms Surface-active compounds,
of resistance) see Bioemulsifying agents
Respiratory chain, 341 Surface polymers,
Respiratory efficiencies, 8 applications of, 428-31
Respiratory tract infection, 55-6, 64 Surfactants, see Biosurfactants
Restriction endonuclease analysis, Susceptibility to antibiotics, 86
46, 72 (see also MICs)
Restriction-modification system, 15
Ring cleavage, 353-4, 357-8 Taxonomy, 2-4, 25-36, 288
rRNA gene restriction patterns, 30 TEM enzymes, 89-91, 95, 99, 109
Rubredoxin, 335-6 Temperature for growth, 4, 30-1
Rubredoxin reductase, 335-6 n- Tetradecane, 330
Thioether, 328
Salicylate, 366 Toxigenicity, 79
Selection of mutants, Toxins, 80
see Auxotrophic Transcriptional control and
enrichment regulation, 145, 204-6, 210-1
Sequence exchange, see DNA Transcriptional repressor, 255
sequence exchange Transcriptional terminator, 216
Serological cross-reactions, 29 Transduction, 195
Serotyping, 43, 74 Transfer,
Sewage sludge ecology, 282, 432-3 of chromosomal DNA, 152
Sewage treatment, 282, 432-3 of plasmids, 150
Shikimate pathway, 211-3, 229, 375 Transformation, 185, 192,229-31,
Shuttle vectors, 162,239,424-8 274,421-2
(see also Vector selection of deficient mutants, 186
plasmids) Transport mechanisms, 8, 284, 304,
SHV enzymes, 95 354,358
Single cell protein, 342 Transposons,
S-layers, 259 behaviour of, 6, 149, 153
Slippage structures, conferring antibiotic resistance,
see DNA slippage 145, 158
structures indigenous, 158
Sources, see Occurrence mutagenesis with, 153, 184
Spoilage of foodstuffs, 4 Tn1, 152
Stability of plasmids, 151, 169 Tn5, 153-5,162,184-5,197
(see also Plasmids) Tn7, 153-5
Strain improvement, 419 Tnl0,154-5
Structural genes, Tn3171, 153-5, 196
codon usage in, 251-4 n-Tridecane, 324
Trimethylammonium compounds, Vibrio strain 01, 351 (see also
metabolism of, 403-1 ° Acinetobacter NClB 8250)
Trp genes, Virulence, 6, 77-82
genetic organisation of, 192, 239 Volutin granules, 282
nucleotide sequence of, 242
promoters of, 244 Waste disposal, 323, 375
regulation of, 245 (see also Pollution control)
Tryptophan, Wax esters, 10, 13,273,276-82,
biosynthesis of, 377 287-8,323,329-30,
metabolism of, 376 333,342
Typing, 6,37-51, 65, 69 accumulation of, 330
Tyrosine biosynthesis, 377 composition of, 276
degradation of, 279
Ubiquinone, 302-4 metabolism of, 281
Urinary tract infection, 58 regulation of content, 282