Signs and symptoms of hypertension.
Signs and symptoms of hypotension.
Factors affecting blood pressure.
Client for allergy to latex cuff.
Assemble equipment:
Stethoscope or DUS
Blood pressure cuff of the appropriate size
PROCEDURE 1 2 3 4 5
1. Identify yourself and verify the client’s identity.
Explain to the client what you are going to do, why it
is necessary, and how the client can cooperate.
2. Perform hand hygiene and observe other appropriate
infection control procedures.
3. Provide for client privacy.
4. Position the client appropriately.
The adult client should be sitting unless otherwise
specified. Both feet should be flat on the floor.
The elbow should be slightly flexed, with the palm of
the hand facing up and the forearm supported at
heart level.
Expose the upper arm.
5. Wrap the deflated cuff evenly around the upper arm.
Locate the brachial artery. Apply the center of the
bladder directly over the artery.
For an adult, place the lower border of the cuff
approximately 2.5 cm (1 inch) above the antecubital
6. If this is the client’s initial examination, perform a
preliminary palpatory determination of systolic
7. Palpate the brachial artery with the fingertips.
Clinical Instructor
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