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MGT 301 Course Outline - MGT301!72!01&02 Syllabus

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King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

College of Industrial Management,

Department of Management and Marketing

Academic Year 2008-2009 (Term 072)

Course Syllabus - Principles of Management (MGT 301), Sections 01 & 02

Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Jameel Qazi

Class Timings: Saturdays and Mondays
S01: 01:10 PM to 02:25 PM 24/Room 156
S02: 03:20 PM to 04:35 PM 24/Room 244
Office Hours: Sat & Mon 10:00 AM – 11:30AM (Or by appointment)
Office: 22/ 124-9 Tel.: 860-7555
E-mail: jamilqaz@kfupm.edu.sa

Please use electronic communication, whenever possible, for the efficiency and agility
of our contact. You are welcome to stop by my office, during the Office Hours, or
make an appointment.

Course Description:
This is an introductory course in management theory and practices.  Current trends in
management theory and practice are examined, as well as the traditional functions of
planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.  Following are the specific objectives of the
 to understand the roles and functions of managers at various (entry, middle and the
top) levels.     
 to explain the relationships between organizational mission, goals, and objectives
 to comprehend the significance and necessity of managing stakeholders
 to conceptualize how internal and external environment shape organizations and their
 to demonstrate understanding of various organizational processes and behaviors and
the theories associated with them
 to demonstrate critical thinking skills in identifying ethical, global, and diversity issues
in planning, organizing, controlling and leading functions of management
 to understand organizational design and structural issues
Variety of instructional tools would be utilized. Lectures will be delivered using PowerPoint
presentations and would be supplemented by case studies, videos and articles when necessary.
You must keep a track of all the activities on the course WebCT. There would be a separate
blog or Wiki for the course for further discussions on topics of mutual interests.

Required Text:
Hellriegel, D., Jackson, S.E. and Slocum, J.W. Jr. "Management: A Competency Based
Approach" 10th Edition, South Western. Ohio, 2005


Performance Evaluation:
You will be evaluated on class preparation and participation, assigned activities, quizzes and
exams. Quizzes and exams will cover material in your text books and cases discussed in the
class. The breakdown of overall grade points would be:

Class participation, attendance, conduct = 10%

Quizzes = 10%
1 Midterm Exam = 15%
2nd Midterm Exam = 15%
Homework/Assignments etc = 10%
Term Project = 10%
Final Exam = 30%
TOTAL =100%

Grading Scale

Percentage Grade Grade Code GPA (Out of 4.00)

95-100 Exceptional A+ 4.00
90-less than 95 Excellent A 3.75
85-less than 90 Superior B+ 3.50
80-less than 85 Very Good B 3.00
75-less than 80 Above Average C+ 2.50
70-less than 75 Good C 2.00
65-less than 70 High Pass D+ 1.50
60-less than 65 Pass D 1.00
Less than 60 Fail F 0.00
Student Responsibilities:

 You are expected to attend all lectures and on time sharp.

 Do not leave before the end of class.
 A grade of "DN" will be given to students with more than six (6) unexcused absences.
Only prompt official or medical excuses will be accepted within a week from the
 Read and prepare the assigned chapter(s) and related materials before coming to class
 Apply the learned principles and gained knowledge.
 Do and hand-in all assignments on time.  Late assignments will not be accepted.
 Be accountable for the contributions you are to make in any team/group activities.
 Please turn off mobile phones during all class activities.

Assignments and Term project:

You would be working on individual as well as group assignments relevant to the topics
discussed in the class. Details of the assignments would be circulated in the class in the due
course. You are urged to regularly consult the course WebCT for updates and new

Academic Integrity Policy:

It is my obligation as an instructor to be certain that each student’s work is his own.

Dishonesty, cheating and using work done by other people in such academic practices as
assignments, examination, or other academic work cannot be condoned.

Adhere to the "Standards of Academic Conduct" as outlined in article 38 of KFUPM study

and examinations regulations: "Cheating or attempting to cheat or violating instructions and
examination regulations shall render the offender subject to punishment in accordance with its
implementation rules".

Thank you for reviewing the syllabus. You are welcome to my class. The success of
each one of my students is very important to me.
Schedule of Class Activities

Session Date Topic

1 Feb 16 Orientation – Syllabus, Class Policies etc.

2 Feb 18 Managing in a Dynamic Environment

3 Feb 23 The Evolution of Management

4 Feb 25 Environmental Forces QUIZ #1

5 Mar 01 Managing Globally

6 Mar 03 Individual Assignment Discussion QUIZ#2

7 Mar 08 1st Mid Term Exam

8 Mar 10 Entrepreneurship

9 Mar 15 Ethics and Stakeholder Social Responsibility

10 Mar 22 Planning and Strategy QUIZ#3

11 Mar 24 Fundamentals of Decision Making

12 Mar 29 Team Assignment/ Discussion

13 Mar 31 Planning and Decision Aids

14 Apr 05 Controlling in Organizations QUIZ#4

15 Apr 07 2nd Mid Term Exam

Apr 12, Apr 14 Mid Term Break

16 Apr 19 Organizational Design

17 Apr 21 Organizational Change and Learning QUIZ#5

18 Apr 26 Managing Human Resources

19 Apr 28 Team Activity (Case Study)

Schedule of Class Activities

Session Date Topic

20 May 03 Leading - Work Motivation QUIZ#6

21 May 05 Dynamics of Leadership

22 May 10 Individual Activity (Leadership and Motivation)

23 May 12 Organizational Communication QUIZ#7

24 May 17 Managing Work Teams

25 May 19 Organizational Cultures and Cultural Diversity

26 May 24 Video Case and Discussion QUIZ#8

27 May 26 Term Project Presentations

29 May 31 Term Project Presentations

30 Jun 02 Review

Date to be announced Final Exam



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