Safety Data Sheet: 1. Product and Company Identification
Safety Data Sheet: 1. Product and Company Identification
Safety Data Sheet: 1. Product and Company Identification
Version: 2.7 (US) Date of print: 04/22/2021 Date of last alteration: 11/16/2019
2. Hazards identification
2.1 Classification of the substance or mixture
Classification (GHS):
Not a hazardous substance or mixture.
2.2 Label elements
Labelling (GHS):
No labeling according to GHS required.
2.3 Other hazards
No data available.
3. Composition/information on ingredients
3.1 Chemical characterization (preparation)
Chemical characteristics
Polydimethylsiloxane and auxiliary
3.2 Information on ingredients:
Type CAS No. Substance Content [wt. %] Note
Lower Upper
INHA 64742-47-8 Destillates, petroleum, hydrotreated light <3.0
Type: HYD - by-product upon hydrolysis, INHA - ingredient, NEBE - by-product, MONO - residual monomer, VERU - impurity,
VUL - by-product upon vulcanization. *** Note: C1 - IARC carcinogen, C2 - NTP carcinogen, C3 - OSHA carcinogen, NH - non-
hazardous, R - reproductive toxin.
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Safety Data Sheet
Material: 60007122 PULPSIL® 160 C
Version: 2.7 (US) Date of print: 04/22/2021 Date of last alteration: 11/16/2019
Substances listed in the Subsections "HAPS" and "California Proposition 65 Carcinogens / Reproductive Toxins" that are not
listed in this section are only present at quantities below 0.1% for California Proposition 65 listed toxins or below 1% for non-
carcinogenic HAPS or they are inextricably bound in the product. Specific chemical identities and/or exact percentage
(concentration) of the composition may have been withheld as a trade secret.
This product does not contain substances of very high concern (Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH), Article 57) in amounts
above ≥ 0.1%.
4. First-aid measures
4.1 General information:
Get medical attention if irritation occurs or if breathing becomes difficult. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes.
4.2 After inhalation
No special treatment required.
4.3 After contact with the skin
For skin contact, immediately wipe away excess material. Use a waterless hand cleaner to remove as much of the remaining
material as possible. Wash with soap and water.
4.4 After contact with the eyes
If contact with eyes, immediately hold eyelids apart and flush with plenty of water for at least 15 min.
4.5 After swallowing
For ingestion, if conscious, give several glasses of water but do not induce vomiting. If vomiting does occur, give additional fluids.
4.6 Advice for the physician
Treat symptomatically.
5. Fire-fighting measures
5.1 Flammable properties:
Property: Value: Method:
Flash point............................................................... : > 110 °C (> 230 °F) (The substance does not have a (ISO 3679)
flash point in the range (-20 °C to 110 °C) measured by
the ISO 3679 method. )
Sustained combustibility ..........................................: > 110 °C (> 230 °F) (ISO 9038)
Boiling point / boiling range .....................................: not applicable
Lower explosion limit (LEL) .....................................: not applicable
Upper explosion limit (UEL).....................................: not applicable
Ignition temperature ................................................: > 350 °C (> 662 °F) (DIN 51794)
5.2 Fire and explosion hazards:
This material does not present any unusual fire or explosion hazards. This material will burn with a lazy smoldering flame.
5.3 Recommended extinguishing media:
water-spray , carbon dioxide , sand , dry chemical or foam-type extinguishing media .
5.4 Unsuitable extinguishing media:
none known
5.5 Special exposure hazards arising from the substance or preparation itself, combustion products, resulting gases
Hazardous decomposition products: carbon dioxide , carbon monoxide , formaldehyde , silicon dioxide and incompletely burnt
hydrocarbons .
5.6 Fire fighting procedures:
Use water spray (not stream) to fight fires. Fire fighters should wear full protective clothing including a self-contained breathing
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Safety Data Sheet
Material: 60007122 PULPSIL® 160 C
Version: 2.7 (US) Date of print: 04/22/2021 Date of last alteration: 11/16/2019
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Safety Data Sheet
Material: 60007122 PULPSIL® 160 C
Version: 2.7 (US) Date of print: 04/22/2021 Date of last alteration: 11/16/2019
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Safety Data Sheet
Material: 60007122 PULPSIL® 160 C
Version: 2.7 (US) Date of print: 04/22/2021 Date of last alteration: 11/16/2019
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Safety Data Sheet
Material: 60007122 PULPSIL® 160 C
Version: 2.7 (US) Date of print: 04/22/2021 Date of last alteration: 11/16/2019
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Safety Data Sheet
Material: 60007122 PULPSIL® 160 C
Version: 2.7 (US) Date of print: 04/22/2021 Date of last alteration: 11/16/2019
United States of America (USA) .................. : TSCA (Toxic Substance Control Act Chemical Substance Inventory):
All components of this product are listed as active or are in compliance with the
substance inventory. Y
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Safety Data Sheet
Material: 60007122 PULPSIL® 160 C
Version: 2.7 (US) Date of print: 04/22/2021 Date of last alteration: 11/16/2019
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