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Rtia The Face of Philippine Justice

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We, on the negative side, believes that Raffy Tulfo In Action or commonly known as RTIA is not
the face of Philippine Justice. Before we present our points, what does the motion wants to convey? It
wants to see that RTIA is the rightful outlet for people to get justice. In the Philippine setting, justice
means rectitude, doing the morally right act, being upright, or doing what is appropriate.

We are going to present four arguments to prove that RTIA is not the face of Philippine Justice.
On the concept of due process of law, on the concept of innocent until proven guilty, RTIA is not a court
of the Philippines, and lastly RTIA causes division and create public shaming for the defendants of their

Our first argument sees that RTIA does not follow due process of law. The 1987 Constitution
states that no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, nor shall
any person be denied the equal protection of the laws. What is happening in RTIA is that they see that
what RTIA decide will be the final verdict for the case at hand already when in fact defendants of their
cases doesn’t have the opportunity to provide evidence for their selves since the program caters for the
complainant which even starting the show, the complainant already sends their alleged evidence to RTIA
and will be used against the defendant and will be trialed already in public. Mostly what happens is that
in all the duration of the program, RTIA will always go for the complainant side even though saying they
will hear both sides. This does not give even both parties to have enough evidence to show to defend
their selves especially the defendants. For example, the Tekla vs his Girlfriend case, that the partner of
the comedian claims that she is not properly financially supported which took many episodes to see that
the Girlfriend was not even saying the truth that in fact Tekla was already providing all their needs
before her girlfriend complains to RTIA.

This will support our second argument that a person is innocent until proven guilty. Article 3,
Section 14 of the Constitution states that “in all criminal prosecutions, the accused is presumed innocent
until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt. But in RTIA, the program already presumes that the
defendant is guilty already without being fully defending his or herself because of what RTIA does which
is cornering the defendant asking and incriminating them already because just the fact that their
complainant have submitted evidence against the defendant. With all due respect, making the
defendants already guilty without even having due process is not justice at all since the fact that the
show is one sided to make the defendant guilty already is not even the essence of justice. There are
many cases in RTIA that the show already tells or decide that the person is already guilty wherein there
should be a proper decorum or process to be followed since some people even do not know how to
properly answer and their answers may be used against them even which RTIA always does.

Third argument is that RTIA is not a court of the Philippines. What RTIA does is trial by publicity
but is not legal court which makes their decisions not binding at all since all what RTIA say is just their
opinions and give answers which they always confer with lawyers that are related to them. This
concludes that RTIA does not follow the rules of court thus not even to be called true justice. Since they
do a trial by publicity, delicate cases that should be confidential and private becomes open to the public
and will become a problem on the secrecy, safety, and identity of both parties which when in done in
true courts then these aspects will observe which will preserve true justice among parties involved. You
might say that because of RTIA, actions are expedited which will make you see that they are already the
face of Philippine Justice but is not at all. We often see that RTIA still refers their cases to courts or to
people with authority because RTIA is not even a court to begin with thus using their connections for
their cases which validates our point that their decisions are not binding at all then it is not even to be
called justice.

Last argument, RTIA causes division and create public shaming for the defendants of their
programs. RTIA create division among viewers since the show present with not concrete pieces of
evidence to start a case wherein they just have random questions to corner the defendant even not
knowing the full story of each side. We see that RTIA always says that the speakers should make what
they say in short and simple because of times constraints because they want to cater many people to
say they are for the justice of the people but in fact it is for popularity wise. When we see it, everyone
can do what RTIA does which uses media as an outlet to discuss problems of people and let the public
decide but since RTIA is very popular then it is a go-to for people to complain rather than going to you
because RTIA uses their connections. Since many people becomes viewer of the program it creates bias
now since they are gathering supporters for RTIA. It also creates public shaming especially on the part of
the defendant since they are already judged by the people even though they do not have a full grasp of
the real situation. People now then bash them and categorized them as guilty which is not the essence
of true justice. It may even endanger the life of the defendant since people will see him or her as a bad

To crystallize our points, we firmly believe that RTIA is not the face of Philippine justice because
RTIA does not follow the system of due process of law, they already decide a person to be guilty even
not fully proven at all, RTIA is not even considered a court, and last RTIA creates division among people
and creates public shaming thus not even to be called true justice at all. Justice should be given equally
to both parties involved because o the equal protection clause that our constitution adheres but is not
given by RTIA. This affirms our side, and we end our case saying never mistake law for justice, justice is
an ideal, and law is a tool. To properly get justice, legal process should be administered.

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