Unit 3: Basic Concepts in Social Studies: 3.0 Intended Learning Outcomes A) B) C) D) E)
Unit 3: Basic Concepts in Social Studies: 3.0 Intended Learning Outcomes A) B) C) D) E)
Unit 3: Basic Concepts in Social Studies: 3.0 Intended Learning Outcomes A) B) C) D) E)
3.1. Introduction
In the previous unit, you have learned about some key concepts commonly associated with various
Social Science fields relevant to our discussion. In this unit, we will talking about some key concepts – its
nature and characteristics – and knowing how these concepts can create generalizations in Social Studies.
This is designed to provide you with a conceptual fluency that will allow you to effectively develop and
teach any Social Studies curriculum, and wherever possible, you will be required to accurately apply these
As Social Studies teacher in training, this unit can help you be in a better position to understand
meanings of both concepts and generalizations, explore their relationship and ultimately, use them in your
classes in a fruitful manner. More than just trying to study facts in Social Studies, our goal is to use these
facts so we can create our own abstract knowledge (i. e. concepts, generalizations and principles).
Activities and assessment exercises are also provided to measure how much you have learned in this
unit. With that, let us begin.
3.2. Topics
Basic Concepts in Social Studies
Concepts and Generalization in Social Studies
Warm- Up
1. In a yellow paper, write down two (2) related concepts about the following:
1. Growth d) Peace
2. Development e) Conflict resolution
3. Self- reliance f) Social problem
2. Now, examine the two related concepts you have written down for every item. This time, come
up with a generalization about each item using the two related concepts.
Knowledge Builder
The Nature and Definition of Concepts and Generalizations
The term concept has been defined in many ways, but the basic content of all definitions is
strikingly similar. Culbert (1967) defined concept as an abstraction, a general idea expressed by a word
which represents a class or group of things or actions having characteristics in common. It is a
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"relatively complete and meaningful idea in the mind of a person" associated with "the symbol for a
class of things, events, or ideas".
The concept, dog, for example, includes dogs of all colors, sizes, and breeds but excludes horses,
cats, foxes, humans, and other living beings. At a more abstract level is the concept revolution, which
includes a variety of situations in which drastic changes have taken place rapidly (the Philippine
Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, etc.), but excludes changes that have occurred gradually over a
long period of time. Practically everything in man's experience is classified symbolically in words,
signs, or gestures.A concept, then, is the abstract body of meaning which an individual associates with
a symbol for a class of things, events or ideas.
The concept is abstract because it consists of meaning not associated with any particular example of
class but with all possible members of a class. The concept is simply the mind's way of generalizing
many specific members of the class (aspins, great Danes, poodles, mongrels) into one non-existent
model, dog.
Another meaningful approach to a study of concepts is the following working definition taken from
the Syracuse University Social Studies Curriculum Center. They conclude that a concept is:
1. An individual's own way of making meaning of things he/ she has experienced.
2. A mental image which assists individuals in classifying their experiences, and which
continually changes as their experiences accumulate.
3. An abstraction or general idea in the mind of a person, which represents a class or group of
things or actions having certain qualities or characteristics in common.
4. A synthesis of a number of things an individual has experienced and conclusions he/ she
has drawn about those experiences.
5. Represented by a verbal symbol which indicates the real content of the insights and
meanings the word evokes in the mind of an individual.
Student acquisition of a concept can be evaluated, not merely through observing the student's
ability to define the concept, but rather by evaluating a multitude of observable behaviors. For
example, the student who has grasped the concepts of production and consumption can classify correctly
a series of pictures of people engaged in production or consumption activities. As the student develops
a grasp of important social studies concepts, he/ she is ready to use them to build generalizations.
According to Culbert (1967), generalization is an understanding of a relationship between or
among concepts. It is a linkage of concepts and usually takes the form of a hypothesis, inference, or
other generalized statements. A generalization is a higher level abstraction than a concept and by its
very nature it has a meaning that is greater than the total of its constituent parts.
Generalizations are based in inferences rather than direct observation and are derived from
reasoning. Thus, a student can develop the generalization that "COVID- 19 can be a lethal viral disease"
even without being infected by it and just by listening to the news.
A generalization can also be tested for validity. In the generalization above about COVID-19, the
student can observe that there are infected people who are asymptomatic and have recovered from it
while there are also groups of people who are highly susceptible to it and passed away because of it.
As in the case of concepts, it is not enough to just learn how to generalize. It matters most that a
student who knows HOW to generalize must also know WHAT TO DO with his/ her generalization
based on his/ her internal comprehension.
For example, he should be able to recognize situations that illustrate the generalization and explain
how it applies. At a more mature level, he will be able to use the generalization as a tool in his study.
Thus, if the learner values the generalization, "Poverty is one of the most persistent problems of the
Philippines", he will not be satisfied with a single-factor explanation such as, "Corruption among the
majority of the government officials today" but will search for the various factors that might have been
If you can notice, whereas concepts are usually represented by a single word, expression, or term,
generalizations are expressed in declarative statements. These can be statements of general principles,
including models, systems, and theories, which describe trends, tendencies and relationships that are
important to the subject/ topic under study (Lawal, 2003).
Generalizations can also be statements indicating the relationship between two or more concepts
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and can take many forms. It can appear as descriptions, interpretations, rules, hypotheses, and
predictions. The fact that any Social Studies teacher has to develop and impart knowledge, implies that
he/she needs to be an erudite when it comes to the course matter/ content. Add to this, he/she must be
ready to develop these generalizations outside the learners’s experiences and make sure that the
concepts constituting such generalizations are well understood in terms of the relationship being
expressed. It is only when this has been properly grasped that the Social Studies teacher can begin to
think of using such content to map out learning activities that will encourage the acquisition and
development of relevant positive values and attitudes among their learners (Lawal and Oyeleye, 2003).
“Where growth is referred to as quantitative expansion in the scale of physical dimensions of the
economic system, development is referred to as the qualitative change of a physically non- growing
economic system in a dynamic equilibrium with the environment”, Daly (1989) said as cited by Lawal
(2003). Growth therefore, is a stage of development.
It is somewhat easier to say which countries are richer or which are poorer. However, indicators of
wealth reflecting quantity of resources available to a society, provide no information about the
allocation of these resources. For example, less information is available about income distribution
among social groups, what percentage or shares of resources are used to provide free health and
education services, as well as the effects of production and consumption on people’s environment. It is
no wonder then that there are countries that may have similar average incomes (or GNP) can differ
substantially when it comes to its citizens’ quality of life, access to social services (Education, health
care), employment opportunities, and the crime rate among others.
With that in mind, how do we determine which countries are more developed and which are yet
developing? This is possible when we try to establish the relationship between the concept of growth
and development.
Shanker (1996) cited by Lawal (2003) went further to observe that those first promoters of the
concept of development actually reduced it to economic growth, say the increase in the income per
person in economically underdeveloped countries. Later on, this became growth plus the change
leading to the improved quality of life including but not limited to the economic and social components
of human life.
This new definition presents the concept of development as one, which promotes sustainability for
a common future. Hence, development cannot be seen as a race to catch up to a more fortunate nation,
rather it is a continuing effort by developing societies of opportunities to realize their potential, both in
the national and international levels (Lawal, 2003). It is a continuation of growth, distribution, and
rising consumption; a fulfillment of basic needs or the level of individual functioning and capabilities.
We can become self- reliant through obtaining sufficient knowledge, education and literacy; by
managing money and resources wisely, being spiritually strong, preparing for emergencies and
eventualities; and by having physical, social, and emotional well- being (Lawal, 2003).
Katherine Hurst (2019) outlined some ways we can become self- reliant in her article and these
1. Accepting responsibilities,
2. Making your own decisions,
3. Learning more practical skills,
4. Looking after your body;
5. Recognizing and accepting your feelings,
6. Finding healthy ways to express your negative emotions, and
7. Not comparing yourself with others.
Some theorists have distinguished between conflict and disputes. First, a dispute is about
negotiable interests that can be settled by compromise, while conflict is about human needs and
involves addressing underlying causes for effective resolution. For a situation to be seen as a conflict,
four (4) conditions must exist (Lawal, 2003):
1. There must be two or more parties with distinct interests,
2. There must be a struggle by each party to control the existing object or space of the struggle,
3. The objective of each party is to neutralize, to injure, or to eliminate the other party, and
4. It is important to recognize that conflict is a form of interaction and a way of achieving some
kind of unity even if it involves annihilation of the conflicting parties.
Conflict Resolution
Conflict resolution can simply be defined as the process of analyzing a problem and strategizing a
solution to sort out the differences between two parties in discord. It can also be referred to as the
method used to solve problems between two parties, individuals, communities or nations. The process
of resolution brings an agreement between the parties involved in the conflict (Lawal, 2003).
The youth are a very important factor in peace and conflict resolution as they stand the chance of
being used as elements of violence and conflict- making. We have seen such cases in countries where
terrorism is the order of the day. Also, the elites and power- monger politicians make the youth in their
communities cause problems so that they can achieve their own selfish interests in the government. The
youth are vulnerable to these proposals especially if they were deprived of their right to quality
education (Lawal, 2003).
There are two (2) approaches to conflict resolution discussed in this unit. First is the melioristic
approach, which believes that the world tends to improve and that humanity can aid its betterment
(Merriam- Webster, n. d.). This is based on the assumption that organization conflict is amendable to
resolution through rational processes such as problem solving and persuasion. In this view, a well-
ordered system with an enlightened set of managers or board plus dedicated and reasonable staff can
resolve their differences in a free and open discussion for the mutual benefit of all. Supporters of the
melioristic approach to conflict resolution believe that sanctions and strike by workers/ staff are
unjustified, except possibly in extreme cases where administrators and board members are
pathologically unreasonable and intractable (Lawal, 2003).
The second is the adversary approach. This approach to conflict resolution assumes that conflict
exists, and will continue to exist in the organization where groups have different self- interests. It
argues that it is only sensible to institutionalize the means for reconciling differences. Supporters of the
adversary view/ approach believe that conflict is both necessary and desirable for the maintenance of a
viable organization (Lawal, 2003).
Let us cite an example. The Philippines has experienced armed internal conflicts for the past four
decades including violence related to two main causes: a communist-inspired insurgency and a
separatist struggle in the southern Bangsamoro region (www.peaceinsight.org). Many peace talks have
been done between the government and the Communist party of the Philippines until a peace deal was
signed on March 2014 although not all armed group has signed on this one.
Let us cite another example but this time, let us make it as closer and relatable as possible for us. At
the barangay level, conflicts are settled between two opposing parties by an authorized barangay
official or authorized groups with the aim of reaching a compromise between the concerned parties.
Failure to reach a settlement or at least a compromise means that the issue/ conflict/ dispute can and
should be taken to a higher level of settlement proceedings.
All these have contributed in one way or another to the low level of growth and development of
our country. Each of them represents an existing condition, which threatens the well- being of people in
our country and in some cases, the whole world. Another thing is that they are all objective conditions
that really exist but not all of them draw relatively high public concerns.
For any situation to become a social problem, it must meet some conditions. Some of these
conditions have influenced the categorization of the above listed problems as social (Lawal, 2003).
These are the conditions:
a) The objective condition must be perceived to be a social problem publicly. There must be
some public outcry. People must become actively involved in discussing the problem. Public
attention becomes directed towards that social condition.
b) The condition must involve a gap between social ideals and social reality. That is, the
condition must run counter to the values of the larger society. For example, alcohol abuse
was perceived to be a very serious social problem, responsible for family breakdown,
abandonment of children, accidents and death, and violence in society.
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d) Lack of good education. Education is a powerful tool for liberation. In communities where
levels of education is low or the quality of education being delivered is poor, there is that
possibility for its recipients to become half- baked, the effect of which could be disastrous.
They are not likely to be trained to develop positive values that can promote less stressful
social interactions.
e) Uneven development. This is a major source of social problems. Let us look at the armed
conflict existing in some areas of the Philippines today. These people are fighting for what
they think and feel are serious neglect from the Philippine government for a relatively long
time. They have demonstrated their dissatisfaction through aggressive actions, which have
created serious social problems for the nation and even in the international level.
f) Poverty. Poverty itself is a prevalent social problem. This does not however mean that it is a
crime to be poor. Murder is a crime but it is not a crime if you are the victim much less,
desire to be one. A poor man, then can be looked upon as a victim for which others, as well
as himself, are responsible. However, poverty also is one of causes why social problems
arise. One uses the excuse of being poor as to why crimes such as armed robbery leading to
homicide are committed.
g) Other causes of social problems include abuse of power, moral laxity, and so on.
Direction: In a yellow sheet of paper, answer and discuss the following questions.
1) Of what importance are the concepts and generalizations to Social Studies teaching and
learning in the classroom?
2) Compare and contrast growth and development. Using your answers in this item, establish the
relationship of these concepts. Cite instances of how relationship between these two concepts
can be applicable to the Philippines as a developing country.
3) Come up with your own ways through which self- reliance can be promoted. Make a list with
a minimum of five (5). Justify.
4) Identify one prevalent social conflict in your locality (barangay, municipality level). Using the
two approaches to conflict resolution discussed in this unit, come up with your own steps or
suggestions for resolving that conflict.
5) Identify one prevalent social problem in your locality (barangay, municipality level) and
justify why you think it is a social problem. Identify what is/ are the possible causes of its
occurrence/ prevalence. Then, come up with some practical solutions applicable in the lowest
possible level for that social problem.
Content 10 points
Factual Information 10 points
Cleanliness 2 points
3.3. References
Admin, A. (2014, September 23). Difference between Growth and Development.
Culbert, J. (1967, November 30). Social Studies Concepts and Generalizations: A Framework for Curriculum
Development. https://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED051008.
Lawal, M. B. & Oyeleye, A. S. (2003). Foundations and Principles of Social Studies Education. Lagos: A
Triads Associate.
Ogundare, S. F. (2000). Foundations of Social Studies: A Handbook of Concepts and Principles of Social
Studies. Adesan Graphic Press.
3.4. Acknowledgment
The images, tables, figures and information contained in this module were
taken from the references cited above.