Recording of Financial Transactions For Cooperative
Recording of Financial Transactions For Cooperative
Recording of Financial Transactions For Cooperative
Courses : MSMEs
Praise be to the presence of God Almighty who has given His grace and guidance so
that we can complete this paper entitled "RECORDING OF FINANCIAL
The purpose of writing this paper is to fulfill the tasks that have been mandated by Dr.
Eliada Herwiyanti, SE, M.Si, Ak., CA in the field of UMKM studies. In addition, this
paper also aims to add insight into the accounting aspects of MSMEs both for readers
and for writers.
We would like to thank Dr. Eliada Herwiyanti, SE, M.Si, Ak., CA as the UMKM
lecturer who has given this assignment so that he can add knowledge and insight
according to the field of study we are working on.
We also thank all those who have shared their knowledge so that this paper can be
We are aware that the writing we write is far from perfect. Therefore, we will wait for
constructive criticism and suggestions for the perfection of this paper.
Group 4
TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................II
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.........................................................1
B. Problem Formulation..............................................................................2
C. Purpose of Writing..................................................................................2
D.Benefits of Writing.................................................................................2
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION...............................................................3
B. Suggestion..............................................................................................9
A. Background
The definition of a cooperative in general, namely, a cooperative is a
business entity that is a legal entity and is based on the principles of kinship
and also the principles of economic democracy and consists of several
members in it. Cooperatives are one of the activities of economic organizations
that work in the field of potential resource movement with the aim of making
members prosperous. Cooperative is an arrangement in the economy as a form
of joint venture based on the principle of kinship. The cooperative is not a
capital association but an association of people who will become members of
the cooperative. Cooperatives are a people's economic movement and based on
activities based on the principle of kinship, which means that every member of
the cooperative has the awareness to do his best in every cooperative activity
and do things that are considered useful for all members of the cooperative.
accountability, they apply cooperative accounting with SAK ETAP which
regulates all the rules for cooperative business entities as well as basic concepts
and forms of financial statement presentation.
4. Differences between cooperative financial transaction report and non-
cooperative financial transaction report.
A. Function of recording financial transaction in cooperative
From the transaction that always occur in cooperative operations, it can be
seen that a cooperative financial transaction report is needed. Here the
importance of cooperative financial transaction report:
1. Financial report contain detail and complete transaction record
2. With the complete recorded data, it will be easier for the management to
present accurate financial reports.
3. SHU calculations can be done precisely.
4. Make it easier for cooperative administrators to manage savings and loans
for their members.
B. Process of financial transaction report preparation in cooperative
The cooperative accounting process is the same as the non-cooperative
accounting process, which is a step or stage that must be taken in preparing a
cooperative financial report. This stage starts with proof of the transaction in
the form of notes, receipts, sales invoices, purchase invoices and so on, which
are then entered in the journal.
The way to fill in the journal is to enter transactions and their transaction value
from the transaction evidence by debiting or crediting certain estimates. The
normal conditions that apply to debiting or crediting an estimate are:
+ - Normal Balance
Asset Debit Credit Debit
Acc Payable Credit Debit Credit
Wealth Credit Debit Credit
Income Credit Credit
Expense Debit Debit
2. The condition and business of the cooperative and the results of the
business that can be achieved.
The balance sheet, the calculation of business results and the explanation
are the main financial statements of the cooperative. The process of preparing
a cooperative financial report starts from the accounting process in the form
1. Recording.
2. Classification.
3. Summarization.
4. Reporting.
5. Analysis of financial data.
4) Purchase Invoice
5) General Evidence
3.Sales Diary
4.General Diary
1.Cashier Book
3.Card Supplies
6.Payable Cards
7.Inventory Card
8.Fee Card
Is a financial report that describes the position of assets, debts, and
capital of the cooperative in a certain accounting period, generally one
year. There are three important components in a cooperative balance
sheet, among others, as follows:
a. Assets, are items containing the allocation of funds controlled
by the cooperative.
b. Accounts payable is an amount of funds controlled by the
cooperative originating from outside parties and must be
returned according to a predetermined schedule.
c. Equity / Net Asset, which is an amount of money or its
equivalent that actually belongs to the cooperative.
3. Cash flow statement
Is a report that presents cash flow information, namely changes in
cash which include the initial cash balance, sources of cash receipts,
cash disbursements, and cash ending balances for a certain period.
According to PSAK no. 2, companies including cooperatives must
present a cash flow statement as an integral part of their financial
statements. Cash flow statements must report cash flows during a
certain period and are classified according to cooperative, investing
and financing activities.
4. Member Economic Promotion Report
Is a report that shows the economic benefits obtained by
cooperative members during a certain year. SHU consists of remaining
member participation and cooperative profit. If the net participation of
the members is greater than the operating expenses and operating
expenses, then there is a residual member participation that is positive.
The remaining positive is distributed to members according to each
member's business services. However, if the residual participation of
the members is negative, it means that the number of participation of
the members is too small and insufficient to cover operating expenses
and operating expenses. The remaining minus participation is covered
by the reserve fund and or joint responsibility of the members. In this
case, it means that there is no economic benefit from the sharing of
5. Notes to Financial Statements
The notes to the financial statements provide disclosures which
a. Accounting treatment regarding the recognition of income and
expenses in connection with cooperative transactions with
members and non-members, accounting policies regarding
fixed assets, valuation of inventories, accounts receivable, etc.,
the basis for pricing services to members and non-members.
b. Disclosure of other information such as the main activities or
services of cooperatives to members, both those listed in the
articles of association and by-laws and in practice, or that have
been achieved by cooperatives, cooperative ties in resource
development and promoting member economic enterprises,
cooperative education and training. etc.
D. Differences between cooperative financial transaction report and non-
cooperative financial transaction report.
In its business practice, cooperatives are not only looking for maximum
profit, but prioritizing service to members or prioritizing the welfare of their
members. Cooperative capital, among others, consists of principal savings,
mandatory savings, voluntary savings, and reserves. Thus it can be said that
the cooperative is financed and managed by the members themselves.
The financial statements of cooperative business entities according to PSAK
N0.27, consist of:
a) Balance sheet
b) Business Calculation Report
c) Member Economic Promotion Report
d) Cash Flow Statement, and
e) Notes to Financial Statements.
What distinguishes the financial statements of a cooperative business
entity the most from other business entities is, among others, it can be seen
from the existence of a member economic promotion report in a cooperative
while in other businesses, the financial report does not exist. In cooperatives,
recording transactions originating from members and recording transactions
originating from non-members must be separated. Thus the practice of
accounting and presentation of financial statements organized by a cooperative
business entity will be different from the accounting practices of other
business entities.
The way to fill in the journal is to enter transactions and their transaction
value from the transaction evidence by debiting or crediting certain estimates.
Calculation consisting of a balance sheet, calculation of business results and
explanation of the document.Condition and business of the cooperative and the
results of the business that can be achieved.The balance sheet, the calculation
of business results and the explanation are the main financial statements of the
cooperative of financial data.
by a cooperative business entity will be different from the accounting practices
of other business entities.
2. Suggestion
The author realizes that this paper has many shortcomings. In the future,
the author will explain the paper in more focus and detail with more and more
reliable sources. The writers really need constructive criticism and suggestions
from readers.
Herwiyanti, E. (2020). Implementasi Standar Akuntansi Keuangan di UMKM.