Total Thyroxine (tT4) : Product Code: 225-300
Total Thyroxine (tT4) : Product Code: 225-300
Total Thyroxine (tT4) : Product Code: 225-300
ka 8. Plastic wrap or microplate cover for incubation steps.
EnzAg + Ag + Ab AgAbC.W. + EnzAgAbC.W. Before proceeding with the assay, bring all reagents, serum
C.W. 9. Vacuum aspirator (optional) for wash steps.
10. Timer. references and controls to room temperature (20 - 27°C).
11. Quality control materials. 1. Format the microplate’s wells for each serum reference,
AbC.W = Monospecific Immobilized Antibody (Constant Quantity) control and patient specimen to be assayed in duplicate.
Ag = Native Antigen (Variable Quantity) Replace any unused microwell strips back into the
EnzAg = Enzyme-antigen Conjugate (Constant Quantity) PRECAUTIONS aluminum bag, seal and store at 2-8°C.
AgAbC.W. = Antigen-Antibody Complex For In Vitro Diagnostic Use 2. Pipette 0.025 ml (25µl) of the appropriate serum reference,
EnzAg Ab Not for Internal or External Use in Humans or Animals control or specimen into the assigned well.
= Enzyme-antigen Conjugate -Antibody Complex
ka = Rate Constant of Association All products that contain human serum have been found to be 3. Add 0.100 ml (100µl) of Working Reagent A, T4 Enzyme
non-reactive for Hepatitis B Surface Antigen, HIV 1&2 and HCV Reagent to all wells (see Reagent Preparation Section).
k-a = Rate Constant of Disassociation
Antibodies by FDA required tests. Since no known test can 4. Swirl the microplate gently for 20-30 seconds to mix and
K = ka / k-a = Equilibrium Constant cover.
offer complete assurance that infectious agents are absent, all
After equilibrium is attained, the antibody-bound fraction is human serum products should be handled as potentially 5. Incubate 60 minutes at room temperature.
separated from unbound antigen by decantation or aspiration. hazardous and capable of transmitting disease. Good 6. Discard the contents of the microplate by decantation or
The enzyme activity in the antibody-bound fraction is inversely laboratory procedures for handling blood products can be found aspiration. If decanting, blot the plate dry with absorbent
proportional to the native antigen concentration. By utilizing in the Center for Disease Control / National Institute of Health, paper.
several different serum references of known antigen con- "Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories," 2nd 7. Add 300µl of wash buffer (see Reagent Preparation
centration, a dose response curve can be generated from which Edition, 1988, HHS Publication No. (CDC) 88-8395. Section), decant (tap and blot) or aspirate. Repeat two (2)
the antigen concentration of an unknown can be ascertained. additional times for a total of three (3) washes. An
automatic or manual plate washer can be used. Follow
Total Thyroxine (tT4) SPECIMEN COLLECTION AND PREPARATION the manufacturer’s instruction for proper usage. If a
REAGENTS MATERIALS PROVIDED: squeeze bottle is employed, fill each well by depressing
Product Code: 225-300 The specimens shall be blood; serum or plasma in type and the
the container (avoiding air bubbles) to dispense the
A. Human Serum References -- 1ml/vial - Icons A-F usual precautions in the collection of venipuncture samples
Six (6) vials of serum reference for thyroxine at should be observed. For accurate comparison to established wash. Decant the wash and repeat two (2) additional
Intended Use: The Quantitative Determination of Total times.
Thyroxine Concentration in Human Serum or Plasma by a concentrations of 0 (A), 2.0 (B), 5.0 (C), 10.0 (D), 15.0 normal values, a fasting morning serum sample should be
obtained. The blood should be collected in a plain redtop 8. Add 0.100 ml (100µl) of working substrate solution to all
Microplate Enzyme Immunoassay (E) and 25.0 (F) µg/dl. Store at 2-8°C. A preservative
venipuncture tube without additives or anti-coagulants (for wells (see Reagent Preparation Section). Always add
has been added.
For SI units: µg/dl x 12.9 = nmol/L serum) or evacuated tube(s) containing EDTA or heparin.. Allow reagents in the same order to minimize reaction time
the blood to clot for serum samples. Centrifuge the specimen to differences between wells.
B. T4-Enzyme Reagent – 1.5ml/vial - Icon separate the serum or plasma from the cells. DO NOT SHAKE THE PLATE AFTER SUBSTRATE ADDITION
Measurement of serum thyroxine concentration is generally re- One (1) vial of thyroxine-horseradish peroxidase (HRP) o 9. Incubate at room temperature for fifteen (15) minutes.
garded as an important in-vitro diagnostic test for assessing Samples may be refrigerated at 2-8 C for a maximum period of
conjugate in a bovine albumin-stabilizing matrix. A five (5) days. If the specimen(s) cannot be assayed within this 10. Add 0.050ml (50µl) of stop solution to each well and gently
thyroid function. This importance has provided the impetus for preservative has been added. Store at 2-8°C. mix for 15-20 seconds. Always add reagents in the same
the significant improvement in assay methodology that has time, the sample(s) may be stored at temperatures of -20oC for
order to minimize reaction time differences between
occurred in the last three decades. This procedural evolution C. T3/T4 Conjugate Buffer-- 13 ml - Icon B up to 30 days. Avoid repetitive freezing and thawing. When
can be traced from the empirical protein bound iodine (PBI) test assayed in duplicate, 0.050ml of the specimen is required.
One (1) bottle reagent containing buffer, red dye, 11. Read the absorbance in each well at 450nm (using a
(1) to the theoretically sophisticated radioimmunoassay (2). preservative, and binding protein inhibitors. Store at reference wavelength of 620-630nm to minimize well
This microplate enzyme immunoassay methodology provides 2-8°C. REAGENT PREPARATION imperfections) in a microplate reader. The results should
the technician with optimum sensitivity while requiring few be read within thirty (30) minutes of adding the stop
D. T4 Antibody Coated Plate -- 96 wells - Icon 1. Working Reagent A = T4-Enzyme Conjugate Solution
technical manipulations. In this method, serum reference, solution.
One 96-well microplate coated with sheep anti-thyroxine
patient specimen, or control is first added to a microplate well. Dilute the T4-enzyme conjugate 1:11 with Total T3/T4 Note: For reassaying specimens with concentrations greater
serum and packaged in an aluminum bag with a drying
Enzyme-T4 conjugate is added, and then the reactants are conjugate buffer in a suitable container. For example, dilute than 25 µg/dl, pipet 12.5µl of the specimen and 12.5µl of the
mixed. A competition reaction results between the enzyme agent. Store at 2-8°C. 160µl of conjugate with 1.6ml of buffer for 16 wells (A slight 0 serum reference into the sample well (this maintains a
conjugate and the native thyroxine for a limited number of excess of solution is made). This reagent should be used uniform protein concentration). Multiply the readout value by
E. Wash Solution -- 20ml - Icon
antibody combining sites immobilized on the well. within twenty-four hours for maximum performance of the 2 to obtain the thyroxine concentration.
One (1) vial containing a surfactant in buffered saline. A
After the completion of the required incubation period, the assay. Store at 2-8°C.
preservative has been added. Store at 2-30°C.
antibody bound enzyme-thyroxine conjugate is separated from General Formula: QUALITY CONTROL
the unbound enzyme-thyroxine conjugate by aspiration or F. Substrate A --7ml/vial - Icon SA
One (1) bottle containing tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) in Amount of Buffer required = Number of wells ∗ 0.1
decantation. The activity of the enzyme present on the surface Each laboratory should assay controls at levels in the
of the well is quantitated by reaction with a suitable substrate to buffer. Store at 2-8°C. Quantity of T4 Enzyme necessary = # of wells ∗ 0.01 hypothyroid, euthyroid and hyperthyroid range for monitoring
produce color. B
G. Substrate B -- 7ml/vial - Icon S i.e. = 16 x 0.1 = 1.6ml for Total T3/T4 conjugate buffer assay performance. These controls should be treated as
The employment of several serum references of known One (1) bottle containing hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in 16 x 0.01 = 0.16ml (160µl) for T4 enzyme conjugate unknowns and values determined in every test procedure
thyroxine concentration permits construction of a graph of buffer. Store at 2-8°C. 2. Wash Buffer performed. Quality control charts should be maintained to follow
activity and concentration. From comparison to the dose the performance of the supplied reagents. Pertinent statistical
Dilute contents of wash solution to 1000ml with distilled or methods should be employed to ascertain trends. The individual
response curve, an unknown specimen's activity can be H. Stop Solution -- 8ml/vial - Icon
deionized water in a suitable storage container. Store at laboratory should set acceptable assay performance limits. In
correlated with thyroxine concentration. One (1) bottle containing a strong acid (1N HCl). Store
room temperature 20-27°C for up to 60 days. addition, maximum absorbance should be consistent with past
at 2-30°C.
3. Working Substrate Solution experience. Significant deviation from established performance
PRINCIPLE I. Product Instructions. can indicate unnoticed change in experimental conditions or
Pour the contents of the amber vial labeled Solution ‘A’ into degradation of kit reagents. Fresh reagents should be used to
Competitive Enzyme Immunoassay (TYPE 5) Note 1: Do not use reagents beyond the kit expiration date. the clear vial labeled Solution ‘B’. Place the yellow cap on determine the reason for the variations.
The essential reagents required for a solid phase enzyme Note 2: Opened reagents are stable for sixty (60) days when the clear vial for easy identification. Mix and label
immunoassay include immobilized antibody, enzyme-antigen stored at 2-8°C. accordingly. Store at 2 - 8°C.
conjugate and native antigen. Note 3: See end of this product insert for various configurations Note: Do not use the working substrate if it looks blue.
Upon mixing immobilized antibody, enzyme-antigen conjugate of reagents by kit size.
and a serum containing the native antigen, a competition
reaction results between the native antigen and the enzyme- Materials Required But Not Provided:
antigen conjugate for a limited number of insolubulized binding
1. Pipette capable of delivering 25µl & 50µl volumes with a
precision of better than 1.5%.
The interaction is illustrated by the equation in the following
2. Dispenser(s) for repetitive deliveries of 0.100ml and
0.300ml volumes with a precision of better than 1.5%.
3. Adjustable volume (20-200µl) and (200-1000µl) dispenser(s)
for conjugate and substrate dilutions.
4. Microplate washer or a squeeze bottle (optional).
5. Microplate Reader with 450nm and 620nm wavelength
absorbance capability.
6. Test tubes for dilution of enzyme conjugate.
CALCULATION OF RESULTS Q.C. PARAMETERS depend upon the range of expected values established by the 2. Chopra I.J., Solomon D.H., Ho R.S., "A Radioimmunoassay
Manufacturer only until an in-house range can be determined by of Thyroxine", J. Clinical EndocrinoL 33, 865 (1971).
A dose response curve is used to ascertain the In order for the assay results to be considered valid the the analysts using the method with a population indigenous to 3. Young D.S., Pestaner L.C., and Gilberman U., "Effects of
concentration of thyroxine in unknown specimens. following criteria should be met: the area in which the laboratory is located. Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests", Clinical Chemistry 21,
1. Record the absorbance obtained from the printout of the 1. The absorbance (OD) of calibrator 0 µg/dl should be > 1.3. 3660 (1975).
microplate reader as outlined in Example 1. 4. Sterling L., “Diagnosis and Treatment of Thyroid Disease”.
2. Four out of six quality control pools should be within the PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Cleveland CRC Press 19-51 (1975).
2. Plot the absorbance for each duplicate serum reference established ranges.
A. Precision 5. Rae P, Farrar J, Beckett G, Toft A, “Assessment of thyroid
versus the corresponding T4 concentration in µg/dl on
status in elderly people”. British Med. Jour. 307,177-
linear graph paper (do not average the duplicates of the The within and between assay precisions of the tT4 AccuBind™
serum references before plotting). ELISA test system were determined by analyses on three 6. Charkes ND, “The many causes of subclinical
3. Connect the points with a best-fit curve. A. Assay Performance different levels of pool control sera. The number (N), mean hyperthyroidism”. Thyroid 6, 391-396. (1996)
1. It is important that the time of reaction in each well is held values (X), standard deviation (σ) and coefficient of variation 7. Chou FF, Wang PW, Huang SC, “Results of Subtotal
4. To determine the concentration of T4 for an unknown, (C.V.) for each of these control sera are presented in Table 2
locate the average absorbance of the duplicates for each constant for reproducible results. Thyroidectomy for Graves disease”. Thyroid 9, 253-256.
2. Pipetting of samples should not extend beyond ten (10) and Table 3. 8. Muzzaffari EL, Gharib H, “Thyroxine suppressive therapy in
unknown on the vertical axis of the graph, find the
intersecting point on the curve, and read the concentration minutes to avoid assay drift. TABLE 2 patients with nodular thyroid disease”. Ann Intern Med 128,
(in µg/dl) from the horizontal axis of the graph (the 3. If more than one (1) plate is used, it is recommended to Within Assay Precision (Values in µg/dl ) 386-394 (1998).
duplicates of the unknown may be averaged as indicated). repeat the dose response curve. Sample N X σ C.V. 9. Attwood EC, Seddon RM, Probert DE: “The T4/TBG ratio
In the following example, the average absorbance (1.022) 4. Addition of the substrate solution initiates a kinetic reaction, Low 16 3.1 0.21 6.7% and the investigation of thyroid function”. Clin Biochem. 11,
intersects the standard curve at (8 µg/dl) T4 concentration which is terminated by the addition of the stop solution. Normal 16 8.9 0.27 3.0% 218 (1978).
(See Figure 1). Therefore, the addition of the substrate and the stopping High 16 16.5 0.73 4.4% 10. Jain R, Isaac RM, Gottschalk ME et al: “Transient central
EXAMPLE 1 solution should be added in the same sequence to eliminate hypothyroidism as a cause of failure to thrive in newborns
any time-deviation during reaction. TABLE 3 and infants”. J. Endocrinology Invest. 17, 631-637 (1994).
5. Plate readers measure vertically. Do not touch the bottom of Between Assay Precision (Values in µg/dl )
the wells. Sample N X σ C.V. Revision: B Date: 102406
6. Failure to remove adhering solution adequately in the Low 10 3.0 0.25 8.3%
Abs (A)
Abs (B)
Cat #: 225-300
Reagent (fill)
C1 2.090 coated tube radioimmunoassay method. Biological specimens 2 10
Cal B 2.060 2 for the calibrators fall within 10% of the assigned D) 1 plate 5 plates
D1 2.031 from hypothyroid, euthyroid and hyperthyroid populations were plates plates
used (The values ranged from 0.8µg/dl – 25µg/dl). The total 1
2. Total serum thyroxine concentration is dependent upon a E) 1 (20ml) 1 (60ml) 2 (60ml)
E1 1.344 number of such specimens was 131. The least square (20ml)
Cal C 1.355 5 multiplicity of factors: thyroid gland function and its
regression equation and the correlation coefficient were F) 1 (7ml) 2 (7ml) 1 (30ml) 2 (30ml)
F1 1.366 regulation, thyroxine binding globulin (TBG) concentration,
computed for the tT4 AccuBind™ ELISA method in comparison
and the binding of thyroxine to TBG (3, 4). Thus, total
G1 0.897 with the reference method. The data obtained is displayed in G) 1 (7ml) 2 (7ml) 1 (30ml) 2 (30ml)
Cal D 0.918 10 thyroxine concentration alone is not sufficient to assess
Table 4.
H1 0.939 clinical status.
H) 1 (8ml) 2 (8ml) 1 (30ml) 2 (30ml)
3. Total serum thyroxine values may be elevated under TABLE 4
A2 0.676 conditions such as pregnancy or administration of oral
Cal E 0.668 15 Least Square
B2 0.659 contraceptives. A T3 uptake test may be performed to Regression Correlation
estimate the relative TBG concentration in order to Method Mean (x) Analysis Coefficient
C2 0.408 determine if the elevated T4 is caused by TBG variation.
Cal F 0.406 25 This Method 8.07 y = 0.39+0.952(x) 0.934
D2 0.404 4. A decrease in total thyroxine values is found with Reference 8.06
protein-wasting diseases, certain liver diseases and
E2 1.425 administration of testosterone, diphenylhydantoin or Only slight amounts of bias between this method and the
Ctrl 1 1.435 4.6 reference method are indicated by the closeness of the mean
salicylates. A table of interfering drugs and conditions,
F2 1.383 values. The least square regression equation and correlation
which affect total thyroxine values, has been compiled by
G2 0.611 the Journal of the American Association of Clinical coefficient indicates excellent method agreement.
Ctrl 2 0.613 16.3 Chemists.
H2 0.608 C. Sensitivity
"NOT INTENDED FOR NEWBORN SCREENING" The tT4 AccuBind™ ELISA test system has a sensitivity of 100
A3 0.984 pg. This is equivalent to a sample containing a concentration of
Patient 1.022 8.0
B3 1.060 0.4 µg/dl. The sensitivity was ascertained by determining the
variability of the 0 µg/dl serum calibrator and using the 2σ (95%
The data presented in Example 1 and Figure 1 are for A study of euthyroid adult population was undertaken to certainty) statistic to calculate the minimum dose.
illustration only and should not be used in lieu of a standard determine expected values for the tT4 AccuBind™ ELISA Test D. Specificity
curve prepared with each assay. System. The mean (X) values, standard deviations (σ) and The cross-reactivity of the thyroxine antibody to selected
expected ranges (±2 σ) are presented in Table 1. substances was evaluated by adding the interfering substance
Figure 1 to a serum matrix at various concentrations. The cross-reactivity
Expected Values for the T4 ELISA Test System was calculated by deriving a ratio between dose of interfering
3.000 (in µg/dl) substance to dose of thyroxine needed to displace the same
amount of tracer.
Male Female * Substance Cross Reactivity Concentration